Home News Reminiscing About a Deep State Dem Paradise

Reminiscing About a Deep State Dem Paradise

(NBC screengrab)

[Editor’s note: An extract from an email sent to me from G5]

by G5

On the 8 November, 2016, the American People acted to recover their nation state, their lives and that of future generations. A concerted and determined effort was put in train to prevent that occurring.

The power was to be returned to the American People and away from the elite elements, variously camouflaged. A very small aspect of what that nation state had become was exposed to them. There was a glimmer of the countless False Flags, Hoaxes and Fakeries that had been perpetrated against them by their own — the more memorable being  9/11 and the GFC. The obscene Foreign Policy left virtually no corner of the World unmarked by its thinly veiled aggressions and plundering.

Q is a consortium of Intel Ops. If ‘revealed’ the plausible denial of one individual will be floated.

Deep Throat was not Felt, but Kissinger and Katharine Graham. Woodward and Bernstein were, and continue as blowhard intellectualized dupes.

JFK Jnr did not die.

McCartney died in the car accident and was replaced by Shepherd. Apart from the dramatic commercial implications — how could that reality be explained to those audiences.

Tippit was initially buried instead of JFK. The switch was made one night with the repositioning. RFK was present.

Bin Laden was already dead when HRC and the troupe were photographed on the set of their pathetic performance for a herd political grab.

The American People are now, and have been, paying the price for what their government, which they foolishly believed, albeit they were warned by Eisenhower concerning just one element: the Military Industrial Complex.

One of the first activities of its falsely positioned Civilian Intelligence Complex was to conduct a Coup d’état. The public murder of its democratically elected, Head of State, Head of Government, and Commander-in-Chief of its military forces — JFK. The overt seizure of the Nation State of America, by elites within the state apparatus.

The response from the ‘Stability’ promised by the formation of the Federal Reserve System, was the orchestrated 1929 Collapse and a decade of Economic Depression.

The nation’s assets were later stripped by the false illegality of gold, followed by its looting, and the floating of a worthless fiat currency through a fraudulent fractional retail banking system, allied to manipulated and false financial markets.

It was pushed into wars of variously manufactured convenience. Every act of aggression impacting negatively on the People of America — and only benefiting the entrenched elite elements, their owners and handlers.

The Mid-terms

The journey to recovery, and affecting the entire Americanized World, is very far from over — as is played out daily through its variously manipulated media platforms.

A further step in that journey is the Mid-Terms of 6 November 2018. Any faltering will revert control back to the Elite Enemy Within and its Usual Suspect Owners. A further recovery from which is not possible — with the Americanized World set firmly on its path to socio-economic devastation. And an era of history that will negatively impact on that to come.

Trump sending 5,000 plus troops to the Mexican Border, and a pen poised to end Birthright ‘Anchor Baby’ Citizenship (The Chain Migration Instigator), has the Jelly Bean Screech Brigades aghast.

The believing dupes with babes in arms or heavily pregnant will of course be presented in the front line for the MSM and its addicted moron consumption.

Why did these caravans suddenly gather at this time. And why were they paid and organized, as they were. And of course all those Dem bomb hoaxes at the same time. The Dems must have an office of co-ordination, just for such events.

Expect Greenham Common Syndrome Feminese (love the locked arms or waving to old folkey singy-songs), intellectualized and moralized, with loud-hailers waffling inanities (Go Girl) in the background. March-On Lemmings. Must wear: long florals and sandals, and have unkempt hair, twenty-seven cats at home, and bring the apprentice Feminese to show them empowerment in action. With enough noise and MSM concoted footage, the whole world comes to believe anything the brain-dead, habitual, unaccountable, empowered liars tell them. Really.

They can even stand, with total immunity, in a Congressional Judicial Committee Hearing of a pending Supreme Court Appointee, and lie that they were raped — to block a confirmation. They can even stand before a Human Rights Caucus, and lie that they are nurses in a hospital in Kuwait and witnessed Iraqi military atrocities — to allow an Act of War and War Crimes.

Don’t forget that the Dems are your: Deep State, Shadow Government, Collusion, Obstruction, Legal ‘Interpretation’, Constitution Abrogation and Rejection, and Free Speech only under their terms and conditions.

Massive Vote Frauds are already in train. Trump was not able to as yet return America to a legitimate Democratic Republic due to Obstructions by The Judiciary and The Legislature. Trump plays to Majority Voters — not Minority noise shops pretending they hold the cards.

Trump can end that particular deception of ‘Jus Soli’, by EO, despite wafflers interpreting the 13th and 14th Amendments, Dred Scott v Sandford, Wong Kim Ark v US, etc. There are currently some 4.7 million alien children born in the US and of at least one undocumented parent hiding under the deception and causing a massive cost to America.

On the eve of the Mid-Terms, for Trump to come out on this issue at this time, confirms how correct he believes he is — together with the 60% who support him on it and the 37% who oppose it.

It needs to be noted that the sudden flurry of activity at this time — capturing The MSM News Cycles, is suspicious. Hoax bombs to irrelevant Dems and pretenders, allegedly by the patsy character I detailed. Dem handler paid Caravans from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, heading to enter prior open border Dem protected America. A horrific synagogue mass shooting in Pittsburgh, by yet another suspicious character.

The instigators are desperate and raising the stakes. With days to go to the polls, what America DOES NOT NEED is a Deep State Dem Paradise.

After The Mid-Terms, the desperates are gone. Unless the Dems steal control of Congress. Then they will be safe and Trump will be stalled. It took two years just to make America aware of Deep State and Fake Media.

If Trump loses the forthcoming polls and Congress begins on an agenda of Dem lunacy, the caravans are a good focal point, Trump will attempt to stop them. If there is Dem Legislative and Judicial obstruction, albeit SCOTUS is now under control, Trump will Call Out The Military, Invoke Martial Law, Suspend Congress, and institute Courts Martial, to flush the American Toilet clean. The stench is becoming overwhelming. Parasites have now infected the Public Services throughout the Americanized World and must also be dealt with.

The American People need to attend the polls, and complete their aspect if the most difficult task that was begun and exposed over the past two years.

The Socio-Economic Stench, can no longer be tolerated.



  1. G5 might have mentioned the CIA and financial institutions who are undermining both the governments and economy of countries like Mexico, Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brazil. Bolivia, and Honduras… in fact every country in Central/South America.and the Caribbean. That is the primary source of economic refugees and those fleeing US-inspired violence.

      • I take your point, Mary, but if the US stopped propping up dictators and fascists in Mexico, there would be less pressure to cross the border.

        Another perspective is that of La Raza, who point out quite reasonably that the south-west of USA was part of Mexico, until annexed.

        A third perspective, to which you allude, is that many Americans like cheap labour being available… a hangover from the wetback days. The claim that they do work that Americans do not want (made also in Australia by our farmers) reflects the incredibly low wages paid in those industries. We need laws imposing award wage levels. That, too, would end the border crossing.

  2. Thanks G5,
    I guess that clears up just about everything I’d been wondering about, but what about Roswell and the UFO thing?


    Are we alone ? No

    Roswell ? Highest classification

    Any comment?

  3. Great article G5, let’s hope we see the red tsunami and blue puddle – but I can’t shake the feeling the deep state have a few more dirty tricks up their sleeve. Let’s hope trump and the Q guys (if trump isn’t Q which given his tweeting wouldn’t surprise me) have everything accounted for as they have to date. Also- Q is back today but I’m sure you know that… 👌👌👌WWG1WGA

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