The satirical take on “Week-end at Bernies”
Introduction by DM
We are living in the most fascinating time. I’d say nearing a ‘tipping point’.
I wrote about our “global asylum being run by the patients” about six weeks ago, and that all came to fruition at the presidential debate. It was supposedly a “shock” to the Left and the normies that Biden was so cognitively challenged. It seems, too, that much of the population is also completely mentally LOCKED into this false reality. I have argued with various people, and even with photographs or proof of facts I am unable to alter their thinking. It seems a neuro-switch has gone off.
So in some way I wonder if people really understand was lies ahead, and despite the global “awakening”, I suspect the plan for global order, control of money, resources, food, medicine, and our limiting our liberty is well under way – including Stakeholder Capitalism.
I’d say Trump is a bump in the road for them in their plan to finalize this “matrix of control.” The tea leaves suggest that Trump will win office and the swamp draining will continue. That may well happen — but not so fast. A cornered and wounded beast is the most dangerous.
If I guessed or dreamed about what might happen over the next five and a half months, I’d say assassinations and false flags would have to be on THEIR agenda. This is just business as usual. And the “alien false flag” has been on the back burner for decades. I’ve come to consider that even if 20% or more of people spots that an “event” might be fake, the systems roll on as if it’s real (e.g., Covid).
The tipping point for humanity will be when the next false flag is immediately called out by the vast majority. Are we close to this happening?
Remote Viewing
So what can we expect as November closes in. If Trump gets in the war machine will be de-escalated and so the poor state of Biden might lead to desperate measures. A false flag allegedly by MAGA supporters? (Of course that would make absolutely no sense.) An energy or frequency (new technology) attack? Escalation of the Ukraine problem into a nuclear attack?
And that’s why I am fascinated by the REMOTE VIEWERS. (See video below)
They have been right about past events (e.g. 9-11) and they are “seeing” an event unfold in the next short while. I am reminded by the ECONOMIST 2024 COVER with the expected predictions: bombs, Zelensky, Putin, elections, conflict, climate change, economic decline?, and wiring up to our brains.
But to the remote viewers. They are viewing some interesting scenarios.

It revs up after about 9 minutes.
It would be interesting to get the range of what people think might happen in the next 5 months.
Of movies, for actors they have the Academy Awards competition
For these liars they have elections, the most consummate liar wins the big $$$
The next 5 months, probably should include a few riots somewhere
Not clear; who do you claim are the liars?
The Bidens et.al.? Government/s? Regarding that mob, Ii agree.
If it is the claimed that the remote viewer in the video is a liar, how do you know he is a liar?
He is the only claimed remote viewer in the interview.
If he is a liar, what are the particulars that you are aware of, that are his lies?
C High is referred to, is it claimed that he is a liar.
I am confused as to the person or persons you claim are liars.
Top video yellow forum via Lara Logan twitter Swab and the politicians
And here’s another one
I wonder what Lord Muck paid for x.com, maybe 10 bitcoins
Yep, a genuine mother WEFER
“The tipping point for humanity will be when the next false flag is immediately called out by the vast majority.”
Dee, even those who knew 9/11 was a false flag say “Yeah, that’s how it is.” Snore….
Years ago at Gumshoe someone linked us to a list if 52 false flags that were proven and accepted. I can’t find the list. If any reader has it, please provide. Thanks.
Here is one that Nd provided years ago. but I am looking for a longer list with no essay;
Mary a point to consider – when the event of 9/11 happened, the lying media were part of the deception.
That is no longer the case. The lying media may still be part of the Globalist deception, but they no longer have control over the narrative which has gone over to all the alternative media sites.
In case you have missed another simple marker – when it comes to calling out the Deep States false flags – anything they choose to do now is countered completely within days, sometimes hours.
Their jig is up, as more and more leave behind the talking heads for real citizen produced factual news.
Have fun singing to the choir.
Well Mary, that was not a waste of time, words and effort💁🤪
If anyone is to bother going ‘cultist’ and visit rumormillnews.com .
Btw what is ‘firking’? I think I worked out ‘skeeters’.
Someone please bring me my smelling salts. I think Ned has just endorsed me.
firking hell!
Terrence I agree.
I think most false flags conned 95% of people. Some to years to awaken.
You’re right about the MSM… they no longer can hold the narrative. Maybe Covid will be the last big FF. Imagine if there is a Alien invasion FF, and it’s exposed on social media in an hour. And it goes viral. People will realise they watching a ‘show’ and go about their business.
Michele Rowland MP will have none of that.
It is the government’s labor party caucus dictate backed by the globalist corporate media.
What needs to be given much more attention is that the present ruling class of the world is completely oblivious to being “worked”like so:
“This is the second talk in our series on The Enemies We Face. In our previous talk we looked at the nature and the structure of Satan’s kingdom and we saw that his kingdom operates on two levels. The upper level is in the heavenlies, somewhere in the heavenly region that is not the heaven of God and that is not the visible heaven. And his upper level consists of rebellious angels who are in opposition to God. And then the lower level consists of men who are not surrendered to God and to the righteous government of Jesus the Messiah, the Savior. And I pointed out that the key word that describes all those in Satan’s kingdom is the word rebel. They are all in rebellion against God, whether they are angels or whether they are men. “
“The ‘church’ is full of witchcraft”
Hence it’s complete failure to rein in the PTB
original gone
web archived 53 admitted false flag attacks
Bloody hell what a mess, and if in need of a #54 there’s J6
Even the fuzzy wuzzy angels copped it
Many others not listed such as Port Arthur, while the cattle go on chewing
Dee – how did you get around the problem that was restricting you from posting?
Still working thru… I am now on a different browser (and not logged in)
I found the Clif High audio that refers to what the RV folks are sensing.
Ta Terry, we can only hope that the naysayers listen to it and put in the remote viewing context.
Biden Supporters Genuinely Surprised by His Debate Performance
A remarkable example of dwelling in a low information world.
…of being MSM-zombies
Anyone heard about the probable Julian Assange assassination and new look-a-like ?
Allegedly , Julian stood outside on his balcony daily , and stopped suddenly after the “incident”.
White hats are even claiming a double was killed and the real Assange is in custody .
Old news but new to me .
The way I see it JA solicited a lot of information, the DeepState got him on a shooting video and Swedish technical rape and grabbed all his unpublished information, when they got into it they were shocked at all the whistleblower secrets. The wife appears real and the lady lawyer appears to be doing normal law but what the DeepState thinks or does we are left to guess.
JA had too much power and not enough loyalty, got way above his pay grade, potentially treasonous material ( dirt on royalty etc ) As far as the conditions of his Get-out-of-jail contract, I haven’t noticed it published yet.
But as we have seen Rockerfellas buying the encyclopedias and WEF-YGL Jimmy Wales controlling Wikipedia for the heavyweights BigPharma et al, imagine their desire to control https://wikileaks.org/
new pm in uk (got 410 seats)
Its the 4 seats of REFORM that is the big story. They came second in well over a hundred seats. Some predict Farage the next PM
They’re both “nowhere men”.
As I said 2 pages back, so long as Farage continues to entertain the idea of nominal Islam his proposed reforms are bound to remain a pipe-dream.
‘Allah has given us this country and every knee will bow at the name of Allah’.
and that was 7 years ago !
This is how Islamists need to be dealt with:
And this is why:
At 23 minutes, quote, “It didn’t have to happen”
Yes it did
Like or not the entire world is in the process of being, quote, “cleaved down the middle”
And the fate of all the little piggies who choose to hang around there is bound to fall accordingly
Sorry, “It didn’t have to happen”at 9:30 minutes.
Yes the house is divided, brother against sister and so on, as He says it will be.
Archbishop Vigano, like John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness calling it as is. Good judgement in not attending the excommunication trial, knowing his life would be in danger if there.
Marians with Franciscans are the true faithful. Unfortunately, Pope Francis is a Jesuit from the masonic disorder, deceivers on all bases loaded everywhere.
The current geopolitical theatre makes for fascinating viewing but what mother nature has in store will blindside the majority.
-The October 24 gas giant alignment.
-The ongoing effects of the 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption.
-The magnetic pole excursion/shift.
-Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum
-Concerning-since 2017 the AMOC is slowing.
Yes we were told of this slowing ages ago… good reminder
And on it goes…..
U.S. Government Awards Moderna $176 Million Bird Flu Vaccine Contract
MIKE KING …….. Q NEWS THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING at beforeitsnewsnews.com – people powered news
It is more than seven minutes but is the most worthwhile analysis of what has being conducted … with brilliance.
It is an analysis and understanding of what I felt was the likelihood. I feel most satisfied with my suspicions🍿🥂🥂🥂
It is not for the idiots who do not understand game play, tactics, misinformation, double and triple cross and just plain common sense when with the big boys.
T.O, it is an oral discussion and you will feel vindicated … to the end.
Poor Elspeth will have a nightmare💁🤪🙀
I listened whilst attending a hobby… so no time wasted.
I am about to listen to Mary, even Mary probably would be amazed.
cant you just copy and paste the links?
mind you.. i dont have a hobby that i can sit and listen to 2 hours of “Q” anyway ….
Then you miss out!
As a student, that was a common complaint, answered; with the brothers direction, THEN MAKE TIME💁
brothers parents mustve been siblings… wake me up when everythings changed then
Thanks Ned. I alerted anyone interesting in understanding how Q works, about that show, in the previous article.
‘Q’ – for dummies.
Fifty Seven minutes, before I forget💁🙀🙀 who did not know anyway … only the suckers
Elspeth should be well acquainted with Pyke.
Oh. That is all a reference to Mary today at her SU report.( FD it is also at before its news.com and you can manage I trust, I do not give links, students should do their own research)
It is all great stuff, except I keep out of the financial reset stuff and Mr Thore/Thaw.
Anyway MM, just get yourself a good supply of smelling whatever’s and for once try and prepare yourself.
One item I loved was at about 6 minutes on cloning. I must get into that before I shell my present body… cost might be a problem.
Another item appears to indicate that the msm, channel 7 at least, put up what happened to the poor injected Ms Phelps.
So the Phelps are coming out!?
Best of all in the second half is a hint of a commercial demand for heaps of millstones💁🤪💀
Have a fun July.
PS: Got cash, sardines SAOs and baked beans?
Mary has been giving out quite an education lately. So much to learn for some, while the time for learning is rapidly diminishing.
Love it. Watching SBS program on Frank Sinatra the mafia, the mob, et al they came together to get Jack elected.
Does anyone think that the military running Trump has not studied the history.
Funny, when elected, the mafia was disappointed!🙀💁🤪 bobby Kennedy then as AG took on the mob
So go and listen to Jack King linked by FD above.
Nothing has changed in history. …. Getting there is the aim?!!!!!!! Then with power, do what one wished to complete the agenda.
Ha, ever heard of Judith Campbell?
Right, now we know who did it💁💁💁💁💁🤪🤪🤪🤪 it was Oswald… and another ( not mentioned) /The Warren Commission.
Congress …. In 1975 Church Commission …..
Then we are onto the CIA.
BUT the mafia assassins were dealt with.
Sinatra is shooting (film) near a cemetery, goes for a smoke and leans on a grave stone … a person called John Kennedyresting under then learns that day that his ex mate was shot.. gets on the piss, then Franks daughter is kidnapped by the mob …
now you know💁🍿🍿🍿🍿
What was the point of the last year or so, there was no point, the SCOTUS could have ruled on Brunson vs Pence et al, the TV could have showed “2000 mules” on high rotation, the doctors could have all come out about Ivermectin, fact is NOTHING HAPPENED except Zion state started to exterminate its own citizens. Whether Q is one guy in a small room or an imaginary confederation of real people working against the DeepState doesn’t matter in light of the time wasted. The minority of stoopids who are still getting boostered won’t change without a bucket of ice water being thrown on them by their favourite TV host. Look at them in Victoria and the UK, all voted for the communists, they are too stoopid for words. They don’t need more time to “wake up”. They don’t even need to be woken up, except for rubbish perverted democracy’s sake. They are morons. Will Q be revealed just as the next scamdemic gets traction, and turn into a fizzer like some of the famous utterances, such as “watch the water on a 3 year delta”, nothing is happening, it’s just politics as usual with a triple helping of bullshit.
Just read the MM piece
Can’t believe MM and I are in lockstep
Firking hell, that makes two.
JB says“Zion state started to exterminate its own citizens “
In other words, notwithstanding the obvious gaffs, this report is a complete fraud:
A complete fraud compiled by ?
The M$M is in lockstep about the “Hamas Attack”, we all know about “cameras were off” eg. in prison just when someone hangs themself with a shoelace, we all know about false flags, we all know about the very intense and hi-tech security systems along the wall of the Gaza concentration camp, we all know all this but we are well trained into utter superficiality and all this prior knowledge goes under the carpet of the official narrative, which is as usual a lie.
And the purpose of said purported heist?
What’s significant to me is that there’s been virtually no coverage ANYWHERE of the most obvious issue, namely the relationship between citizen disarmament and the attack
Purpose of the heist, you must have had your nose down the whole time, it’s a major multi-national redevelopment
“Zion state started to exterminate its own citizens “
A theory based on an ill-informed assumption that Western-style governance is the ultimate form of violence/oppression; that no greater threat lies ahead
A theory that showcases just how dangerously removed from the real world peacenik culture is.
“Zion state started to exterminate its own citizens “
No argument on my part re the symbiotic relationship between Western-style wokery & Islam’s empirical goal but the notion that they’re in “lock-step” re some grand mutual plan is absurd nonsense
No argument on my part that Aus/Yank/Brit media is the mouthpiece of the respective governments, but what you seem to be missing is that the entire thrust thereof is to create a delusion of strength and security without which it would be impossible to maintain control.
Hence the absurd “two-state-solution-ceasefire-poor-helpless-palestinians” rap in the face of an unabashed Islamist world-domination objective
The delusion of strength and security needed to maintain control brilliantly showcased here:
Probably a repeat.
Joseph, you lost me at; “what was the point…”
If ‘the point ‘ has not landed upon your experience and intellect, it would be burdensome for me to try and explain.
Do not concern yourself, relax, watch and Just sit and wait.
That’s what they want everyone to do
Joe, you lost me after stating; “what was the point..”
dear oh dear!
A most disappointing question ….. most informed who have been following for years know…. NORMIES 💁
Best of the last ten mins of the day.
wallabies 25 the wails 16.
Dee I was watching this
then I checked out Gumshoe– noticed an article flash on –Trending your 2016 article– see below
comments very interesting
specially Don’s -RIP– now he knew a thing or two-
Spot on Ned
“In about 1920 the Cecil ‘rogues’ approached university professors and sought to have them rewrite history according to the Rhode’s agenda. In those times university professors were true academics and refused their request. So Cecil’s crew set about creating professors to be advanced and created on condition that the agenda was followed. Thus the Rhodes scholarship was used accordingly. Also of course for political advancement to promote the one world government.
Now we can see from Dr. DAY’S address in March 1969 the outcome of half a century of manipulation (to 1969) of the agenda and their fascist intentions.
In short, beware the Rhodes Rogues; academic, commercial and political and their placement as traitors amongst our society…….. they are following the agenda …… in secret and with 30 pieces of silver in their pockets.”
Also note Don’s comment re Turnbull
I was born into it–I “died” in a hospital after the Tavi “top docs” operated on me at a private hospital in Melbourne-I was welcomed home and felt such exquisite joy -I agreed to come back–to do 2 tasks and I was told I would have help when I needed it.
We are in the laboratory of The Elohim Worship Cult here in Australia. We are the Experiment with our Bio labs and out Mental health hospitals system and our DUMBS –terramar– Scientology-
The Salk polio vaccine
From Cliff today—
“I died of colon cancer that was induced by the Salk polio vaccine. It was known, at the time that they were produced, that at least 11 million doses were contaminated. They used them anyway. The result was the largest wave of cancers to ever hit any generation. Of course the media are ‘tards & said nothing. Many of them in the Boomer generation died of the cancers induced by the vaccines that they supported.
There was a very large percentage of the cohort of male boomers who died of colon cancers. These were new in the sense that they were long growing, and undiagnosed until the very end when they proved to be fatal. That was my story. I returned due to a debt owed to karma, but it was a typical death from a 30 year old colon tumor in most other respects. One of many.
What is of note now is that it has taken our corrupt Elohim worship cult controlled ‘medical system’ a total of 5 generations to go from the long acting cancers induced into the Boomers, to the new ‘turbo cancers’ created by the covid19 attack.
They have always wanted to kill vast numbers of us, but they did not have the technology.”
so who has the technology—where does it come from–
the trending today was
one of the tasks
strength and love to all
“This is only one example of the disgraceful and despicable state of affairs in this country. Unfortunately, the more I learn, the more wrongdoing I witness. Many children are in grave danger when under the care of the state or directed by the family courts to return to live with their abusers. The children are silenced, and these actions are all done under a banner of secrecy and a pretence of justice. Everyone goes along with it. I am left speechless and despaired for the victims of grand–scale misfeasance and deep-seated corruption.”
must read all comments
The Spirit Realm: Fallen Angels Washington DC and the Return of Osiris
America has a secret destiny that dates back long before the American Revolution to the time of Ancient Greece and Beyond. Washington D.C. is not what it seems!
Perfect counter argument to the mainstream(s)
Washington Monument, the biggest Cleopatra’s Needle in the world
Was the tallest structure in the world until Eiffel Tower ( which was itself mysteriously expected to be taken down after the Paris Expo )
Bob Dylan “Isis” talking about pyramids in ice not sure what he’s on about but he can’t sing anyway
great posts Sandra
the rest of Clifs
Haven’t watched but I know it will be a big dot connecter for some
“We have published a new blog in our website. Luke McKee June 2024
Luke HAPPY BIRTHDAY by the way
Luke is an international political refugee much like Julian Assange, simply for trying to expose the satanic cult ORDO TEMPLE ORIENTIS and its. Crowleyan practises of child sacrifice ….
During this interivew my internet connection went down twice and then my office was mysteriously OFFLINE for …
You may view the latest post at https://angelascaches.org/luke-mckee-june-2024/
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