Introduction by Dee McLachlan
I’ve been very patient. I started watching this ‘space’ over 25 years ago when I was living in California in the 90s.
Watch This ‘Space’
I have read so many countless reports of off-planet interactions, and abductions. I also reflect on just one conversation I had with my friend (George) who told me about how he and his brother interacted with a ‘grey-like being’ in their bedroom when they were teens. I know George as a very grounded and sane person and he described what happened that day in detail. The two brothers more or less kept their encounter secret for decades fearing they would be ridiculed.
This morning, I dug up my extensive notes on Australian alien interactions — research notes I had collated in 2010, two years before starting Gumshoe News. One account has always fascinated me. Extract from my notes:
Australian mysteries researcher the late Rex Gilroy recorded an intriguing tale allegedly from 1933 that involved an aboriginal woman at the isolated locality of Discovery Well, on the northern edge of the Great Sandy Desert, in Western Australia. The story echoes the tribal legends and traditions of men and women being abducted by “sky gods” in the Dreamtime. In the account, the aboriginal woman claimed her tribe had been frightened off when a “large shiny egg” suddenly came down out of the sky. They described how a strange, grey-skinned man-like being exited the “egg”.
The account recalls how she described being carried aboard the “egg.” The interior was glowing, and she was strapped to a shining table and “experimented with”. The woman told stockmen of her experience, but perhaps not surprisingly they laughed at her. It was 1933 almost 30 years before abduction tales would become known.
It is also obvious that a small group of companies operating around the globe have technology 40 to 50 years more advanced than what is known to the public. Where did they source this knowledge?
A side question: is this so-called mRNA vaccine part of this “advanced” technology? Even the smartest researchers and doctors can’t work out exactly what is going on and what is in the jabs. And if it is part of this secret technology then we better catch up quick-smart.
We have also heard from a number of high-profile politicians that have come forward to disclose human interaction with other intelligence: Former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed claimed earthlings have been in contact with the “galactic federation,” Kirsan Ilyumzhinov — former president of the Russian Republic of Kalmykia, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, and former Canadian defense ministers, Harjit Sajjan, and Paul Hellyer.
I have been waiting patiently for the disclosures to become public.
And now whistleblowers are coming out.
David Grusch https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2023/06/13/who-is-david-grusch-as-whistleblowers-interview-with-ross-coulthart-airs/
Why now? Why not now? The pressure cooker has been bubbling for 60 years, and the secrets of black operations have started to seep into the mainstream.
To save me from going on and on, I’ll let Clayton Morris explain what has unfolded recently with disclosure briefings and whistleblowers exposing the many “black sites”, reverse engineering of craft, and how the Deep State has kept this secret — to advantage a few over the rest of the humanity.
I really believe that if we do not understand what is going on, it is like fighting a war with blindfolds on.
And it matters not whether you agree or disagree, but this needs to be debated.
Bombshell Video.
Extract: “Clayton, why are you spreading this garbage … it’s not garbage. This is perhaps one of the biggest stories of all time… and it’s a crime. … the list is endless. There are many layers to this and we need to unpack this… these people are real, their projects are real, we need to move on from that…”
The discussion is of black sites, secret projects, and whistle-blowers. It’s the Deep State operations that we need to understand.
Clayton’s Video with Dr Michael Salla
Clayton Morris is being a “cynical old bastard” VIDEO
Ok, I will start off and add to previous comments in other articles about relevant reports.
I have mentioned Corso’s book, ‘the day after Roswell’. Defence minister Hellyer and a Deputy Commissioner in the NSW police confirming to me about a decade ago a previous account from about 1977, as to what he observed as a young officer for about three night hours whilst on a police training and camping exercise.
Now for some real fun.
Look up the events reported at Fatima in about 1917 in Portugal and theories involving a ‘flying saucer’ (for want of a better description by me) with lights etc., disguised in the clouds with reports by those present that the ‘sun’ was spinning and after a rain storm all were then dry.
Note the prophesies for the world reported. Work that out as well.
OK, go for it, I did over a decade ago and can only think; at that time saucers not known or understood, but religious fervour and hope may have prevailed in the interpretations.
I have never to my knowledge, seen or experienced an alien, a lizard person, a strange aircraft or a ghost…. So I know nothing!
I do accept that some people can predict personal future circumstances.
Have fun in the comments hereafter. Come on MM, avago?
Ned – I believe that the third prophecy at Fatima, and kept largely secret until recently, predicted that Russia would lead the world back to God.
And so it appears to be coming true.
From recollection, the end of WW1 was one of the ‘predictions’.
I have a vague recollection that had something to do with Satan infiltrating the church. Fancy that!
According to this guy the 1917 Fatima phenomena was engendered by serpent cults and goddess worship:
Given the respective cultural milieu that makes a good deal more sense to me than any other sort of explanation u
I will add, I never to my knowledge, have known or suspected a human clone or avatar, but did note a report on and see a photograph of a sheep reportedly, named Dolly.
Another thought I have from way back, if the faithful and critics want to go far out.
Years ago we Catholics had to wear much vilification for accepting a ‘virgin birth’ and from Lourdes, the report of the ‘immaculate conception’.
Now we know that, that is all scientifically possible, for a few decades at least.
Dee – I truly feel sorry for those who have never let their mind venture outside of the box that their ‘education’ has kept them in for most of their lives.
So much information is about to come their come their way, just like the proverbial fire hose.
I had an experience in a float tank some years ago. I was doing a Yoga technique (Pranayama breathing) and I slipt into another dimension and found myself lying on a table looking up at 3 bug eyed greys. In a flash I came back to my surroundings and promptly sat up and exited the tank with only 5 minutes remaining of my time. When I asked my guru what could have happened and the reply/warning “don’t do those practises in the float tank as there are many dimensions out there and you could get stuck” I suspect alien invovement with what is currently going on with the MRNA agenda.
It’s all right. I’d forgive Dee for anything.
Thanks MM
Be patient people I have an article in the pipeline that could add to your consternation.
Look forward to it
Thanks Dee. The time is right for disclosure. I watched this long video from the National Press Club (US) a couple of nights ago. Steven Greer presenting. Amazing!
I’ve been following Greer for years. If I was younger, I would jump on his legal team to get this issue out in the open. – Unfortunately, I spent too many years just trying to get the fundamental principles of English Law recognized in Oz.
Juat watched Dr Steven Greers Youtube press conference video. “Very good”
I have just been alerted by a regular reader posting a comment. She got this…
“Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.”
Is anyone else getting this…
Please email me (my email at the bottom of the gumshoe page)
Sometimes you might have to go into your settings and loosen off the security, other times you have to click on advanced options and endure more warnings
Dec 21st and Q & A with Uluki Brendan Murray
This man knows what he is talking about—
Latest from Clif High
Speaking of random UFOs reminds me of a guy from Central NSW I knew years ago who had seen “long nose greys” apparently fairly common between there and the NullArbor Plains, and thought of as sinister. Some lady was in the M$M way back then about the 80s got abducted from the highway maybe somewhere like west of Kimba as I recollect.
Some people are OK with astronomers’ estimates of 200 billion stars in the galaxy and millions of years evolution but then they imagine we are the most advanced species of the whole lot, when we are barely out of the trees, these two positions are hardly reconcilable
Looking at some recent court documents, it seems we have not emerged from from the forest.
I believe we evolved from minkeys.
Some have not advanced much, they are most of our politicians.
They dance to the music of the blind.
Frederick Valentich in 1978 disappeared with his plane over Bass Straight.
At the time I recall all the alien/UFO theories that followed from his last radio report during flight.
Have fun.
Awaiting moderation, did someone say: Valentich’. ‘Alien’ ‘UFO’ ‘Bass Straight’ ‘1978’.?
Elspeth , agree 100 %. I have been on both sides.
God is the only answer.
Book by former RAAF serviceman Marius Boirayan, Solomon Islands Mysteries, dealing with UFOs and Giants, is bizarre even by my low standards. Unfortunately, Marius wasn’t able to back up his claims with a single shred of evidence. However, if you wanted a UFO base away from prying eyes and satellites what better place (except Antarctica)? One interesting matter he raised, which didn’t get much publicity, as far as I know, was that John Howard, at the behest of Bush The Dumber, introduced the RAMSI aid package of $300 million pa for 10 years (extended) from 2003 to “stabilise” the country (one of the most peaceful places in the world) after a relatively minor armed skirmish between the people from Malaita and Guadalcanal, resulting in a multinational peace keeping force, including OZ AFP. On a per capita basis that is considerably more than OZs annual aid grant to PNG. Hmmmm…….
Hallmarks of a disinformation campaign.
Sorry but I still struggle on the science around organic mass of anything heavier than a light particle being in a craft and having sufficient energy on board to reach earth from other solar systems. The nearest planets that could have organic matter are over 700 centuries away at our current space ship technology too. This assumes our own solar system is what we can measure ourselves with Hubble. And “aliens” close to the mass of a light particle are not threateming.
Regarding, “alien abductions” – I read a while ago one of “Svali”s” journal notes of drugged individuals being taken by car into a makeshift laboratory, woken up groggy, being prodded by children dressed in alien grey outfits, then drugged again and dumped in a field. When they woke up a second time – they were convinced that they were abducted by alien greys and told the world.
When I was teenage my friend took some drugs and thought he could fly and jumped out the window
In the winter of 1980 I had a terrifying encounter with 3 demons who’d managed to intersect the physical realm per my dabbling in occult practices as exposited in “The Fatima deception” above, so personally I find it hard to get my head around the fact that most otherwise intelligent/sentient adults are either oblivious to said phenomena or are prepared to swallow some sort of manifestly unscientific explanation
Have you got your passport authorising travel on alien spacecraft?
Didn’t take long: WHO Global Vaccine Passports go live in Europe
Ben Bartee
Activist Post
2023-06-08 00:01:00
As borders in Europe are now controlled by the World Health Organization, anti-vaxxers and other naysayers will be banned from movement between countries. This will spread rapidly around the world. Expect other add-ons to the passport that may or may not relate to health, such as certain co-morbidities or carbon footprint. The universal ID will also dovetail to Internet access and use of Central Bank Digital Currencies. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood
As the World Health Organization pandemic treaties bear fruit, the mark of the beast has arrived in Europe. Everything the Public Health™ experts have done since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to this moment of triumph for the global technocracy.
“WHO & EU_Commission launch landmark digital health initiative to help protect people across the world from on-going & future health threats,” WHO tweeted out on June 5. “This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better #HealthForAll.”
Comment: See also:
WHO and EU announce global system of vaccine passports for 'future pandemics'
G20 backs global vaccine passport and 'digital health' identity scheme
EU sets out commitment to lockdowns, vaccine passports, mask mandates and 'legally binding' global pandemic treaty
WHO renews push for global pandemic treaty, as World Bank creates $1B fund for vaccine passports
WHO concludes 76th Assembly as debate over 'Pandemic Treaty' rages on
WHO denies pandemic treaty will reduce sovereignty of states - But it's pure propaganda
A New Pandemic Treaty: The most dangerous International treaty ever proposed
'One Health', ESG & 'Sustainable Development': Inside the WHO's 'Pandemic Treaty'
Mysteries of Antarctica,CIA’s Stargate and Mind Control with Eric Hecker(Raytheon contractor-seen on recent Dr Steven Greer disclosure project National Press Club Event)