by Fredrick Töben, PhD (Philosophy)
Editor’s Note: Gumshoe invited Dr Töben to tell his story — meaning his “adventures” both in the courtroom and in prison, owing to historical revisionism of World War II. Instead we received this treatise from ever-the-philosopher Fredrick.
The Methods of Ritual Defamation
- In a ritual defamation the victim must have violated a particular taboo in some way, usually by expressing or identifying with a forbidden attitude, opinion or belief. It is not necessary that he “do” anything about it or undertake any course of action, only that he engages in some form of communication or expression.
- The method of attack in a ritual defamation is to assail the character of the victim, and never to offer more than a perfunctory challenge to the particular attitudes, opinions or beliefs expressed or implied. Character assassination is its primary tool.
- An important rule is to avoid engaging in honest debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it. To debate opens the issue up for examination and discussion on its merit, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying to avoid. The primary goal is Censorship and Repression.
- The victim is very often someone in the public eye, although perhaps only in a modest way. It could be a school teacher, a writer, a businessman, a minor official, or merely an outspoken citizen. Visibility enhances vulnerability to ritual defamation.
- An attempt, often successful, is made to involve others in the defamation. In the case of a public official, other public officials will be urged to denounce the offender. In the case of a student, other students will be called upon, and so on.
- In order for a ritual defamation to be effective, the victim must be dehumanized to the extent that he becomes identical with the offending attitude, opinion or belief, and in a manner which distorts it to the point where it appears at its most extreme. For example, a victim who is defamed as a “subversive” will be identified with the worst images of subversion, such as espionage or treason. A victim defamed as a “pervert” will be identified with the worst images of perversion, including child molestation. A victim defamed as a “racist” or “Antisemitic” will be identified with the worst images of racism or antisemitism, such as lynching’s or homicidal gas chambers, and so on.
- Also to be successful, a ritual defamation must bring pressure and humiliation from every quarter, including family and friends, who may begin to shun him. If the victim has school children, they may be taunted and ridiculed as a consequence of adverse publicity. If he is employed, he may be fired from his job.
- Anyone who defends a victim runs the risk of being associated with him and similarly defamed. Even if their own reputation is beyond question, their judgment or involvement with the victim may become an issue. Often, the victim of a ritual defamation becomes isolated and abandoned.
- Any explanation the victim may offer, including the claim of being misunderstood, is considered irrelevant. To claim truth as a defence is interpreted as unrepentance and only compounds the problem. Ritual defamation is not necessarily an offence of being wrong or incorrect, but rather “insensitivity” and failing to observe social taboos.
- Many victims succumb early on and go through a “confessional” stage complete with apologies and remorse. They may even denounce friends associated with the forbidden values, opinions and beliefs, or claim that they were “duped”, as was the case with many suspected “subversives” during the McCarthy era. If the charges against them involved “morals”, they may claim stress or mental illness as a defense.
- The viciousness of ritual defamation is inspired not merely by revenge, although that is an important factor, but also to create an example so others will know of the savaging they can expect for stepping out of line. Ritual defamation is an important means of social control.
- An interesting aspect of ritual defamation is its universality. It is not specific to any particular value, opinion or belief or to any group or subculture. It may be used either for or against any political, ethnic or religious minority and also by any political, ethnic or religious minority.
- Ritual defamation often appears in paradoxical forms, as in the case of organizations claiming to oppose defamation itself, even using the term “anti-defamation” in their name. Psychologically, this may represent a projective mechanism, in which the organization attempts to camouflage its own propensities in the form of an official myth, a kind of agreed-upon fiction that perfumes its actual activities, which are often transparently evident from its publications.
- The power of ritual defamation lies entirely in its capacity to intimidate. It embraces some elements of primitive superstitious belief, as in a “curse” or “hex”. It also plays on the subconscious fear most people have of being rejected by the “tribe” and being cut off from social and psychological support systems. Only the truly courageous and independent person can withstand the full force of a ritual defamation, and occasionally they may even survive such an attempt relatively unscathed.
- The weak points of ritual defamation lie in its tendency towards overkill and in its rather transparent maliciousness. Occasionally, a ritual defamation will fail because of inadequate planning and failure to correctly estimate the vulnerability of the victim. Ritual defamers often exhibit extensive projective mechanisms and delusions of persecution themselves. Although it may appear to be an offensive manoeuvre, it’s actually quite defensive in nature. As Eric Hoffer said: ‘You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you’.
- Paradoxically, a ritual defamation often brings about the very values, opinions and beliefs that it condemns, as in a self-fulfilling prophecy. It enhances paranoia and hatred and generally serves to divide and alienate. It hardens positions and polarizes a situation as nothing else can. A person accused of supporting a particular belief may find themselves propelled into that position. Politically, for example, it’s quite effective in creating rebels and dissidents. It has been used in various forms by dictatorships and totalitarian systems all through history. In democratic societies it has become a favourite tool of special interest groups to vilify and neutralize their critics and opponents. It is important to recognize and identify the pattern of a ritual defamation and call attention to it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Ritual defamation is accomplished entirely through the manipulation of language and symbols, and when one understands that then it becomes recognized for the hypocritical, slanderous assault on human dignity that it really is.
The Presence of Truth Defenders in Society

Here is a reflection on some great men that I [Frederick Töben] penned in 2002:
Throughout my wanderings I met a number of individuals who have impressed me by their candid, fearless and refreshingly honest approach to life. They had constructed for themselves a worldview within which I could breathe easy. There was no envy, no excessive pursuit of any material possessions, but a determined will to see that justice and mercy prevailed. They were no angels either, but they had not lost their humanity, something I find so lacking in those individuals who now attempt to silence me because I seem to pose a threat to their held world-view.
Interestingly, the following Australians all topped that proverbial three score and ten years by another decade at least, and remained mentally alert until they passed on.
Sir Walter Crocker, public servant, diplomat and Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia: *25 March 1902-+14 November 2002.
Sir James Darling was an educator who practised what he preached: *18 June 1899-+1 November 1995.
Sir Edward Hamilton Esler Barber was a practising legal eagle whose sense of justice and compassion benefited many individuals: *1905-+1991. It was Sir Edward who managed to get a small settlement for the then widow of former University of Tasmania philosophy lecturer, S S Orr;
Sir Douglas Wright was a scientist but whose moral and intellectual integrity remained in-tact: *7 August 1907-+28 February 1990.
When in September 1990, The University of Melbourne Gazette, celebrated its own Sir Douglas, I wrote the following:
“In 1961 Sir Douglas Wright wrote a Prologue to the disturbing W H C Eddy book, Orr. This Prologue has provided many victims of conspiracies with much-needed moral support because it offers a succinct analysis of this subtle elimination process. Sir Douglas identified its elements thus:
- Defame the victim’s professional competence, mental balance, truthfulness, etc.
- Reward collaborators from the victim’s group.
- Weld together the pack of prosecutors.
- Proclaim authority of the corporation.
- Spread defamation through the victim’s personal links and loyalties.
- Isolate the victim by giving him the silent treatment.
- Usually this leads to the victim’s resignation which is taken as proof of guilt. Dismissal occurs if the victim refuses to resign.
- A strong victim highlights the moral standards of society.
- People in authority perpetuate their own types because no one wishes to be shamed by his successor.
- Employees are as courageous as their security of livelihood and reputation permits.
- A governing body of an institution devoted to truth and justice is corrupt if it obstructs enquiry into its stewardship. Sir Douglas concluded his analysis with a timeless warning: ‘Such state of affairs is the antithesis of democratic processes and places the society in imminent danger.’”
It is in this sense that I personally ask: Where are our present-day Wrights?
Ten years ago, on the ABC’s Law Report, Damien Carrick interviewed Adrienne Stone at length about Justice Lander’s decision to send Toben to prison in South Australia. She said:
“Holocaust denial is a slightly complex form of racial vilification because it seeks to cloak what is really racial vilification underneath the mask of being just an intellectual debate about facts, and you constantly see this whenever Fredrick Toben speaks in the media and on his website: ‘I’m just raising questions’, and ‘I’m just being provocative’. Now anyone who reads that material I think with a fair mind, would come to another conclusion and certainly four judges of the Federal Court did. They understood that this was not a genuine historical inquiry, it was racial vilification, and recognised the statements for what they were, which was not the same as what they said they were.”
(I “read it with a fair mind.” Couldda sworn it was genueine historical inquiry. Sure looked to me like Toben was “raising questions.” — MM)
May 19, 2009 Full transcript of ABC radio talk:
What interests me is that the term “racial vilification” was coined half a century after the very concept of race had been repudiated by mainstream scientists:
Kinda pinpoints why the corresponding Victorian legislation wasn’t called the Cultural Vilification Act: I mean the Ruling Elite could thereby have been prosecuted for dissing bikies & conspiracists, and calling scientifically-based scepticism “climate-change denial”
It’s american, check for bias…
Conflict theory leads to revolution. https://youtu.be/kGkNUt5GOPI
That is hot, Rachel. I never thought of Leftism as a cult but….
Mary, what is the difference between collective idealism based in emotion – leftism/socialism for instance, and organized religion? Is there a difference? What does such an ‘indoctrination’ process cause to the believer?
point taken
Thanks Rachel: Ring the Bells that Still can Ring.
The word “cult” is,of course, merely an abbreviation of “culture”; “The Religion of the Age” would probably be a more accurate description
Or maybe the Occult that which is Hidden Secret.
The Satanic Cult That Rules the World
Pedogate: The Tavistock/Satanic/Occult Connection
Diane, I pulled this qote from your Pdogate link (steemit.com). Looks like a reliable website:
“In America, it took until the 1960’s and the advent of the Beatles for the plan to take shape… they infiltrated via the music scene and Hollywood. To see the effects currently, one need only watch a movie and ask yourself when is the last time you saw one that supported Christian values? Most of what Hollywood pushes is sex, violence and occultism… Eyes Wide Shut, for example.
“They’re too numerous to name. What does this have to do with Pedogate? Everything- it’s an orchestrated effort to promote deviate sexual behavior… no matter how perverse. Look at Marina Abramovic’s spirit cooking dinners… all attended by the elites of Hollywood and Washington.”
I’m pretty sure the word “cult” is derived from cultus which means “habitation, tilling, refinement, worship”
Whereas the root of the word “occult” is occulere “to hide from view, cover up”
No argument on my part that all un-Godly belief systems(religions) pivot on some form of concealment or other but that’s a sub-issue
Berry, you make a good sub-issue. The following passage comes to mind from
• “The Jew, The Gypsy and El Islam” by Richard Francis Burton
“But veneration is inherent in the human breast. Presently mankind, emerging from intellectual infancy, began to detect absurdity in creation without a Creator, in effects without causes. As yet, however, they did not dare to throw upon a Single Being the whole onus of the world of matter, creation, preservation, and destruction. Man, instinctively impressed by a sense of his own unworthiness, would hopelessly have attempted to conceive the idea of a purely Spiritual Being, omnipotent and omnipresent.
Awestruck by the admirable phenomena and the stupendous powers of Nature, filled with a sentiment of individual weakness, he abandoned himself to a flood of superstitious fears, and prostrated himself before natural objects, inanimate as well as animate. Thus comforted by the sun and fire, benefited by wind and rain, improved by hero and sage, destroyed by wild beasts, dispersed by convulsions of Nature, he fell into a rude, degrading, and cowardly Fetissism, the faith of fear, and [wait for it … emphasis added] THE TRANSITION STATE FROM UTTER SAVAGERY TO BARBARISM.”
And then President V. V. Putin comes along and drops this little profundity …
“Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity.”
• President Vladimir Putin at the 10th anniversary meeting of Valdai International Discussion Club in the Novgorod Region, September 19, 2013.
• https://www.rt.com/politics/official-word/putin-valdai-national-idea-142/
A snippet from the Telegraph’s obituary of Sir Walter Crocker, centurian and Governor of SA:
After being discharged [from war] in 1946, Crocker tried for a game wardenship in Africa, then returned home to farm in South Australia before joining the Africa section of the United Nations. But, on arriving in New York, he was unimpressed. The choice of the city for the UN’s headquarters seemed to him wrong, and Trygve Lie, the first secretary-general, a disaster.
He considered that the UN had added to the world’s perils by providing for the creation of Israel in the way it did, and he judged neither the United States nor the Soviet Union fit for the power they exercised. [Good heavens! In 1946!]
In 1949 Crocker returned home to become the first professor of international relations at ANU…. From there he was recruited to the diplomatic service, becoming High Commissioner to Canada, India (twice) and to Kenya and Uganda. He was Ambassador to Ethiopia, Nepal, Indonesia, Italy, Holland and Belgium.
On retiring to his sheep farm again – after suffering hundreds of cocktail parties for his country – he was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia in 1973, at the instance of Don Dunstan, the Labour Premier. Crocker strongly disapproved of Australia’s obsequiousness to the Americans and of its involvement in the Vietnam War.
What a brilliant article, Dr Töben– thank you
#13 really stood out regarding the question of “projectionism”, where the perpetrator throws a metaphorical gladiator net of accusation over its victim in order to conceal its own qualities or crimes … racist, bigot, fascist, supremacist …
I appreciate Rachel’s link below – ‘Amazing Polly’ is certainly worth listening to and following.
There are so many headlines on a daily basis that illustrate your points. It is hard to recommend an article that does your treatise justice so I would just like to offer another worthwhile channel with some interesting interviews (with a disclaimer that I never know who the ‘gatekeepers’ are), but nevertheless, and with apologies …
Introducing Hanne Nabintu Herland (The Herland Report).
She interviews people like Dr Philip Giraldi (see the most recent video), Dr Ron Paul, Joaquin Flores (of Fort Russ, Center for Syncretic Studies and the Katehon think tank), Paul Craig Roberts etc …
By the way, the latest article by Phillip Giraldi is right on topic
• ’Holocaust Education’: An Excuse to Bludgeon Everyone Into Accepting Jewish Moral Supremacy
I also recommend an extended interview with Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) broken into a series of seven parts/sub-topics …
• Neo-Con Authoritarianism (1/7)
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl1FCZBr9e8
• Totalitarianism in the West (2/7)-
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbI3Hh50bjE
• The Washington Tyranny (3/7)
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihCVPVw2cm0
• Hatred of the White Hetero Male (4/7)
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKpMO5Jdx-s
• Financial Crisis Looming (5/7)
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7GgYAzrLKM
• Shocking truth about Trump and the Media (6/7)
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8ll-Mw8Vis
• New Enslavement of the Working Class (7/7)-
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IK7D3RWU2o
Everything Dr Toben speaks of in this article seems to be being played out every other day now in so many aspects of life. The “dox” gone mainstream.
Its almost like there was a working plan, or (((protocol))) concerning this method of fighting.
Thank you Dr Töben
Pending moderation of my other post (too many links?) …
The latest article by Dr Philip Giraldi is right on topic
• ’Holocaust Education’: An Excuse to Bludgeon Everyone Into Accepting Jewish Moral Supremacy
Here is Dr Giraldi being interviewed by Hanne Nabintu Herland (The Herland Report).
Yes thank you for the link. I also just watched this one —
Atrocities in Norway Child Protection – Einar Salvesen, Herland Report TV
All part of “our” narrative the never ending story
Diane, send me a list of anyone who is bothering you and I will whoop their sorry arse.
And thank you for highlighting that one … So much to learn – so much to share – so many differences but so much in common. Thank you.
“An important rule is to avoid engaging in honest debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it.”
Aka Jon Faine, Ned?
And every other msm fake phoney and false shock joke coward deliberately vilifying consideration of impartial and scientific evidence to lie to the people.
Traitors! They shoul be barred from ever serving on a criminal trial jury, they have serious intellecrual and moral deficiencies.
Exhibit ONE;
and he is still employed at taxpayer’s expense!!!
The above video goes back to 2010.
The ABC and Jonathon Faine have had nearly NINE YEARs to stand up and justify its/his vilification of Kevin Bracken
Have we heard a word in defence from a shameless Faine and lying ABC on the scientific evidence merely wished to be canvassed by Mr Bracken?
NO. NOT a word,!
THE ABC is a immoral billion dollar fraud of phony any false hypocrites
SELL the ABC……….the one BILLION ABC is more fraudulent than all the bankers that the banker Royal Commission could muster at Glen Rowan.
And who now is the commonwealth’s Treasurer?
Exhibit TWO
The Australian Parliament.
and we are still paying for one incumbent.
Glory be to God. Senior Citizen Ned has learned how to make a link.! Before you know it, Senior Citizen Mary will be learning how to send text messages.
(No, not really.)
“The eight stages of the SJW attack sequence are as follows: Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative. Point and Shriek. Isolate and Swarm. Reject and Transform. Press for Surrender. Appeal to Amenable Authority. Show Trial. Victory Parade…
The reason SJWs demand apologies is in order to establish that the act they have deemed an offense is publicly recognized as an offense by the offender. The demand for an apology has nothing whatsoever to do with the offender. It is focused on the SJW’s need to prove that the violation of the Narrative involved is publicly accepted as a real and legitimate offense for which punishment is merited…
“In addition to being able to read minds and divine deeply hidden prejudices, SJWs are also walking, talking odioscopes capable of detecting otherwise undetectable hate at microscopic levels of only 15 parts per billion. This refined ability to detect offense is very important for the SJW because it provides him with a ready excuse to go on the attack against almost anyone while wrapping himself in the virtuous cloak of either a) the noble champion of the downtrodden and oppressed or b) the holy and sanctified victim. While the chosen target may not have violated any social norms perceptible to any sane individual, the SJW’s infallible hate-detector will always be able to manufacture something that will justify his launching a campaign of socially just retribution against the offender.”
― Vox Day, SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police
SJWs (Social Justice Warriors) are NOT warriors. The word ‘Warrior’ would imply some honour. SJWs have NO honour.
They should be called ‘Social Justice Mercenaries‘ as they do not care about the people they purport to represent.
They only use victims of society to promote their agenda. They do this so you cannot speak against it, by saying ‘you have no heart attacking this poor victim like that’, using other people’s emotions against you.
They have done this with women, gays, migrants, the environment, religion (just not Christianity because that is a white persons’ domain (generalization!)), transgenders (and any new movements they can think of to divide (and conquer) us).
Are we ever going to come to a resolution on these matters? No, because they are like ‘The War On Terror’ they will never end because they can’t stop exploiting these movements for their Agenda™
Communism (Socialism is just one step away) is like a beehive colony. all the worker bees are drones, servicing the queen. May as well be a cult. China is analogous to this.
Why doesn’t communism work? Ask Rush here…
The first time I heard the term ‘Social Justice Warrior’ I thought it was a joke. Like someone was mocking some fruit-loop – that’s what I thought.
I understand the term ‘social’ as being part of society and working and interacting with the society.
I also understood the term ‘justice’ as I was a barrister for 21 years and spent plenty of time fighting for justice in an unfair system.
I also understood the term ‘warrior’ as I had survived two tours (actually just one tour of 12 months, as I got hit 5 months into my first tour and broke my back 7 months into the second) of Vietnam.
These jerk-offs weren’t ‘social’, nor did they understand ‘justice’ and they sure as Hell weren’t ‘warriors’. What a joke!
Yes Thank you Dr Töben, of particularly relevance for me right now. Much needed moral support found in your words and Sir Douglas Wright’s Prologue and the 1-11 points of the “subtle elimination process”.
I have been eliminated, terminated, silenced, targeted, vilified, threatened, harassed, exiled, and I guess it has made me who I am and I am still here.
A great article at this moment in time.
Great article! Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky anyone? How does one begin to destroy the Marxist influence that has dominated the West for decades? Fight back using their own rules against them!
Well done NYT, 50 years after moonlanding and this is the garbage you print?
Oz is an experiment on human enslavement through the enforcement of artificial gadgets techno brainwashing consumptionism . We’re all chooks in the barn here . Free trade and globalism has destroyed the geniiusness of the population that was once the self sufficient envy of the world .
Now we go to the supermarket to buy everything imported and for the majority our wallets are empty . The once great middle class here is extinct . Money is king , doesn’t matter by what means , greed is god and if we don’t subscribe we are banished or worse . Our demise was intentional and all our so called leaders are traitors complicit in the treachery that is the one world disorder .
Let us not be discouraged for we the overwhelming majority are normal . It is they the hidden hands , from all nations , that are the freaks and their paranoia is driving the beast system to hell .
56, did you watch the giraldi spot above? It’s down your alley.
Mary , thank you . Dr. Phil explains it way clearer than my blue collar experience ever could .
Yes 56 I agree “Oz is an experiment on human enslavement through the enforcement of artificial gadgets techno brainwashing consumptionism” .
Anne Hamilton Byrne was quoted as saying her work was a scientific experiment and I believe Australia was/is the laboratory.
Anyone heard of MAPs and noMAPs?
It stands for “Minor Attracted Person” with noMAP designation applying to those who do not have contact with minors.
All told everyone on the face of the earth is either a fake victim, a real victim, or someone who transcends both conditions. This woman was definitely in the 3rd category:
I’ve no doubt whatsoever that reaching such a point is the only full-proof way of immunising oneself against political manipulation