Home Trump Rudy Guiliani on Joe Biden’s 30 Year Crime Spree

Rudy Guiliani on Joe Biden’s 30 Year Crime Spree


Guiliani presenting the case against Biden as he did with the mafia. Posted by Brae Antcliffe. 



    • as we’ve come to expect, a google search on ‘Biden corruption’ offers a plethora of msm defending them…
      Nothing to see here, move along…

    • Yes very interesting the media treatment of Senator Heffernan, always treated him as a bit of a fringe character, a sort of mad uncle. he couldn’t crack it with the media!!!
      Well everyone in politics seems to need to have the dirt on everyone else so they start young. Now, why did the wife leave Keating? It seemed a bit abrupt. I am still wondering about Keating era 25 years on.

  1. For those who have never served as a juror in a criminal trial, then this is how a prosecutor opens to the jury with a summary of the evidence to be presented.
    Fancy, it appears to be a conspiracy by a number of players to screw the United States.
    Ok I am a conspiracy theorist but I will wait for the conclusion of all the evidence, then I will decide if a alleged conspiracy has been proven beyond reasonable doubt.
    Yep, that is how a conspiracy trial is run……..with evidence!

  2. What’s a mere $30 million, where the real players are multi billionaires.
    It’s business as usual for the oligarchs and corruption is absolutely everywhere.

  3. In the Zionist Supreme Court of Amerika, decisions have made pornography a protected category of speech and thoughtful academic speech is forbidden.

  4. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano pens open letter to Trump: Resist ‘the Great Reset’.

    President is ‘the final garrison against the world dictatorship’.

    “The imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”

    “Your adversary is also our adversary: It is the enemy of the human race.”

    “The enemy has satan on its side, he who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the most Most Holy Virgin who will crush the head of the ancient serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).”

    • Rudy Giuliani –
      “one country, two systems”
      (do any crime, MSM will protect you)
      “why do you think his son lost all his teeth at 40 years old”
      (steal anything, MSM will protect you)
      Ho ho ho

      • So regardless of election outcome, looks like Sleepy Joe will be fast-tracked into court, this should be fun, I wonder who he will drag down with him ?

    • Rachel,
      Thank you. The ‘predator class’ is a most concise description of the psychophats enforcing
      this agenda that will not be. All survivors, know who the serpent forces are. Trials and tribulations have brought us here. Even with global events aside, we have meet the perpetrators of dark krafts, experienced numerous times through our lives. We know them by the flavour of their poisoned fruit. Blind faith in gadgets, has delivered the mass stupid and strong to our adversary. Lambs led to slaughter by thirsty drinkers of innocent blood. Judgement waits for everyone born. Every moment is a blessing from the Almighty, we are here with His Love and Truth to resist all evol, sharing a world with believers and deceivers.

      • revision

        Every moment is a blessing from the Almighty, sharing a world with believers and deceivers, we are here with His Love and Truth to resist all evol.

        • Yes we are and sometimes we forget that. We are strangers in a Pilgrim land
          Christians today live in a world “under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). But they are spiritually citizens of the Kingdom of God, and they are pilgrims on a journey toward that Kingdom.

          Strangers in the Land and Pilgrims on the Earth
          Jesus said we are not of this world–John 17:6, 14-15.

          Just Passing Through
          “Here we are but straying pilgrims…”

          Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible (Eph 5:11-13)

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