by James O’Neill*
It is no secret that the United States government has been bitterly opposed to the Nord Stream 2 project that will provide reliable, cheap, and necessary oil supplies from Russia to Germany. It is tempting to view this opposition as based on economic self-interest. The substitute for Russian energy to Europe is American liquid natural gas, with its higher price tag (by about 40%) providing substantial windfall profits for United States producers hit by a declining domestic market.
The United States opposition, however, is based on much broader considerations, animated by a hatred of Russia and an overwhelming desire to maintain its geopolitical hegemony, not only over Germany but the whole of north, west, east, and southern Europe. One obvious manifestation of this control mechanism has been the steady expansion of NATO, the membership of which now extends right to Russia’s borders.
The Russians would have learned a bitter lesson from their allowing the reunification of Germany and Gorbachev’s acceptance of American assurances that NATO would not be expanded to the east. Only the terminally naive would believe that Russia did not learn a bitter lesson from that experience. Part of the lesson would be a profound distrust of any western assurances that they did not have a relentless intention to undermine and eventually destroy, both politically and economically, Russia as a major power.
In the 21st-century, following the disastrous experience of the Yeltsin years which caused enormous economic and social hardship to Russia, the country began a major rebuilding and restructuring under the presidency of Vladimir Putin. Apart from a brief interregnum as Prime Minister, he has been Russia’s president ever since. One measure of his success is that he consistently enjoys approval ratings above 70%, a feat not matched by any western political leader.
Putin initially sought a cooperative relationship with the west but by 2008, as disclosed in a major speech he gave at the time, had decided that Russia’s survival could not rely on a friendly relationship with the west.
The reform programs he promoted took different forms. One of those development programs was to promote a level of military technology that today is without parallel anywhere in the world. Although Russia has less than half the population of the United States it produces more engineers than the latter country. The quality of education is extremely high. Part of that technical superiority is reflected in the quality of the military and specifically the range of missiles at its disposal that can destroy any enemy anywhere on the planet.
That Russian military superiority has deferred any direct military attack by the United States, but it has not protected Russia from sustained political and economic warfare. This has taken many forms with the false flag attacks on the Skripal father and daughter in Salisbury and the more recent incident involving minor Russian politician Alexi Navalny being but two examples of such warfare.
The latter incident has been seized upon by German opponents of the Nord Stream 2 project together with their United States allies, to apply enormous pressure on Angela Merkel to cancel the project, now only weeks from completion. That the cancellation of the project will be hugely disadvantageous to the ordinary German public is not a relevant consideration for the anti-Russian forces in Germany and their United States enablers.
The other factor that has assumed progressively greater importance in Russian strategic thinking has been steadily increasing its relationship with China to the point where they are all but allies in everything but name. China’s President Xi is facing very similar pressures from the United States where the economic and political relationship has deteriorated significantly during the Trump presidency. Trump’s recent diatribe to the United Nations General Assembly was but one manifestation of the rapidly deteriorating relationship between the two nations.
The hostility of the Americans to China also manifests itself in the expulsion of Chinese students from United States universities; allegations of unfair economic competition; and the attempted forced selling of successful Chinese businesses such as Tik Tok to their United States competitors.
US hostility to China (and to Russia) is also evident in the literally hundreds of military bases that target China from islands and friendly countries such as Australia. This is accompanied by an unrelenting propaganda attack part of which is to level accusations against China in respect of the South China Sea.
There are legitimate issues between China and its territorial neighbours in the South China Sea. The western propaganda barrage against China in respect of the South China Sea fails to mention a number of relevant points. The first of these is that the nations involved are currently engaged in negotiations with China aimed at achieving a peaceful resolution of their various claims.
The second point is that Beijing’s claims in the South China Sea have a long history, predating the coming to power of the present government. They were in fact commenced by their Nationalist predecessors, the present rulers of Taiwan who made identical territorial claims in the South China Sea to the Beijing government, a fact never reported in the western media.
Thirdly, approximately 80% of China’s seaborne economic trade passes through the South China Sea. It, therefore, has a legitimate economic interest in ensuring that the control of those waters is not in unfriendly military hands. The regular so-called (and totally misnamed) freedom of navigation exercises by United States warships in the South China Sea (often with its Australian ally) are perceived in China as hostile and provocative acts. The western powers are unable to point to a single instance of China interfering with the peaceful passage of civilian ships through the South China Sea.
The final factor which also fails to rate a mention in the western media is that the seabed of the South China Sea contains a vast amount of gold. Again, several countries have legitimate claims to that resource, but they do not include either the United States or Australia.
Although China’s nuclear capabilities are a fraction of either the American or the Russians, they are nonetheless significant and sufficient (together with their non-nuclear capabilities) of destroying any country or planes and warships, should they be foolish enough to attack China.
It is the military reality posed by both Russia and China that accounts for the absence of a direct military attack on either nation, but the existence of unbridled and increasing economic and propaganda warfare.
It is this reality that has seen the ever-increasing level of cooperation in all areas between Russia and China. Both countries are acutely aware of the old maxim: united we stand, divided we fall.
The economic, political, and quasi-military warfare being constantly waged against Russia and China, both directly and through economic and political warfare against the countries on their borders are what currently poses the greatest threat to the peace and stability of our planet. It would be unrealistic to expect any cessation of this warfare, irrespective of who emerges the winner from the charade of the November 2020 United States presidential race.
*geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at
We now know this is all nonsense:
Putin paid off Russia’s debt and kicked the Rothschild’s out of Russia, mainland China’s Central Bank is government owned, then we have North Korea, Cuba, Syria, and Iran which are free from the Rothschild’s clutches.
So the Israeli controlled US’s main enemies are?
All bipedal creatures?
Bu dong?
Scrotus, in relation to your comments below, you should PUT UP or shut up, in relation to your ‘Jew-obsessed’ comment.
Now, if it’s not the Zionists (who have countless trillions of accumulated wealth, not to mention ownership of the most valuable asset in human history – the U.S Federal Reserve, that can digitally create trillions more with a key stroke), then WHO has even one-hundredth the financial wherewithal of the former to be able to pull off the Covid deception ?
We know you’ll now slink off into the night once again – seeing as that’s what you always do when asked a question from the ‘too-hard-basket’.
Netanyahu’s lockdown policy is all theatre – designed to convey the image of worldwide Covid response uniformity.
If a few ordinary Jews should die from misdiagnosed illnesses or suicide as a result of the lockdowns, then so be it, say that small sliver of Zio-miscreants who are calling the shots.
This small cadre of Zionist elites have never shied away from sacrificing ordinary Jews in the past as a means to achieving a certain end and they’ll surely do so again.
As usual with Mr O Neill, he seems to put recent actions by Russian and China eg the Russian Covid vaccine and the entire matter of whether the virus
1. exists
2. is Chinese in some way or a US bioweapon, and if so how and why, into the “too hard” basket by way of leaving it all out.
Along with the relationship between the current head of the WHO and China.
But given the WEF Great Reset, these are vital matters in geopolitics.
it is also strange that given the number of Jew-obsessed at Gumshoe, nobody comments on Netanyahus lockdown policy in israel and the protests against it.
Is that because you cannot locate Covid in the Talmud or Torah?
We showed a video of Israelis protesting the lockdown 2 weeks ago. Here is another one:
100% theatre – just like Trump (x2) getting The Vitus ™
Firstly, the ‘lockdown’ in Israel was announced several days in advance – obviously The Vitus ™ works to a schedule.
Israel to enter full-blown lockdown, shut schools & close most non-essential businesses from September 18 – report
Secondly, compare the lockdown ‘protests’ in Israel
to what is happening in Victoria, Australia by Israeli-trained militia.
What these Israelis need to be doing is join the rest of humanity in protesting against the perpetrators of 911 and reject beneficiaries of the Holohoax perpetrated on their behalf.
Ger your act together, Amalek grandson of Esau, name a Holocaust death figure on the denialist scale ranging from zero to six million. Hint: upper limit maybe 2 million, granted.
And spare me the usual tosh from you people whining that Rudolf Hoess was tortured into his evidence,admittedly notwithstanding the fact that Solzhenitsyns ‘200 Years Together” has never been officially translated into English. You have to hand it to the Zios, they run a good publishing industry spoiling game
You see Amalek, as Israel has ample numbers of people whose rellies all got stiffed as part of your supposed hoax, I don’t see them joining the “rest of humanity” (you mean Sutherland Shire?) any time soon
Jews call Christians Amelek
From holocaust deprogramming-
“For the scientific historian a witness statement does not represent real history. It is an object of history. A witness statement counts for little, many witnesses’ statements count for no more, if there is no solid document to support them. One could say without much exaggeration, the principle of scientific historiography is, No paper(s), no proven facts.”
Guess that is why all evidence shredded and history is written by the victors, the deceivers.
Elie Wiesel admits his true stories never happened –
“……..In his autobiography, Wiesel recounts a time when, visiting Israel, he went to see the “young” Rebbe of Wizhnitz, whose father he remembered with reverence from his childhood. At the end of the visit, which took two pages (273-75) to tell, the Rebbe questioned the young writer without being satisfied with his answers. Then:
The conversation became more relaxed. He asked me about my work. He wanted to know if the stories I told in my books were true, had they really happened. I answered not too convincingly: “In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.
Someone must still be peeved about the Katyn Forest revelation. Truth exists – it may be hidden, but it is immovable and unchangeable. [See footnote which just came to mind.] Just the other day I heard a headline about a ?30-year-old cold case murder being solved. Just because the (alleged) perpetrator got away with it for so long does not change what is true.
• World Almanac 1933 – Jewish population 15,315,000
• World Almanac 1948 – Jewish population 15,753,000
Discuss …
In the meantime, given that this thread is about manufacturing conflict.
“We shall force the Goyim into a war by exploiting their pride, arrogance and stupidity. They will tear each other into pieces. They will force each other out of their countries, which we shall then be able to give to our people.”
Rabbi Reichhorn from the periodical ‘Le Contemporain’ in 1880:
A slightly different wording/earlier source cited at Protocol #7 here
Rabbi Reichorn’s 1869 Protocols – Blueprint for World Domination
“The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand. As time passes, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it’s blown away and what’s below is revealed.“
“You can hide memories, but you can’t erase history.“
Lines from “Colourless Tsukuru Tazake” by Haruki Murakami
Regarding Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years Together”, the section “Derzhavin And The Belarus Famine” is particularly revealing.
Duns – [“Hint: upper limit maybe 2 million, granted”] you cannot wriggle around with that Six Million ™ figure like a handful of jelly. It would be sacrilegious for one thing. It’s like saying “Oh we really didn’t mean the pivotal Soap and Lampshades bullshit stories – but what difference at this point in time do they make anyway”.
No Duns, the Six Million ™ is absolute and unchangeable – albeit completely untrue. It is the ENTIRE basis of the Holohoax fraud. Your defence of it has to be all or nothing.
The six million number is taken directly from Talmudic ‘prophecy’. The number Six Million had been used regularly by the Zionists, particularly during the late 1800’s, during WW1 and of course up to and during WW2. There are many online press clippings that emphatically demonstrate this (see sample video below).
The Six Million number was most certainly not made up for, or as a result of WW2; indeed it could be argued that WW2 was made up for the ‘prophecy of Six Million to be fulfilled’.
In “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil”) Gerard Menuhin has stated exactly what Diane posted earlier about the ‘holocaust industry’. And it IS “the Devil” (however you want to personify ‘it/him’) that is being shamed here.
Christopher Jon Bjerknes has also unequivocally describes the Talmudic prophetic origin of the ‘missing’ Six Million but here I will just provide three links for general perusal.
This link includes 256 publication references to the Six Million dating back to 1900.
In fairness, some of these are the same article appearing in multiple publications – but then it does not take us back to 1850 as we see here:
List of Pre-Nuremberg References to “Six Million Jews,” Starting in 1850
I draw particular reference to a couple of items
1912 – Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, New York Tribune, 11 September 1912, page 9: “Russia is now asphyxiating the Jews. It does not dare to offend the nations by blood spilling, so it is slowly, but surely grinding out the lives of 6,000,000 Jews.”
1913 – Fort Wayne Journal Gazette (Ind.), 18 October 1913, page 4: “There are six million Jews in Russia and the government is anxious to annihilate them by methods that provoke protests from the civilized world.”
You see they were already trying it on with the Russians leading up to and including WWI and went on to overthrow Russia with the Bolshevik ‘revolution’ in 1917. The ‘holocaust’ narrative just happened to stick after 1945 with Germany and Germans (and all of humanity) the victims. They were able to get away with it because they now had control of Russia [AND the US and UK press].
And by the way, the so-called ‘extermination camps’ ONLY existed under the Bolshevik (occupying Russia) sphere of influence – how convenient.
And let’s throw in this one as well …
1915 – The Sun (N.Y.), 6 June 1915, section 5, page 1: “Six million Jews, one-half of the Jewish people throughout the world, are being persecuted, hounded, humiliated, tortured, starved. … six million Jews in Russia… are being tortured so mercilessly.”
Videos like the following are good but barely scratch the surface, yet provide authenticity to some of the actual instances.
References to “Six Million Jews” in Newspapers. Part 1
One has to ask – WHY did the owners of these (mainly newspaper and magazine) publications prevent or put a stop to this atrocity diarrhoea?
Well said Fish.
The Israeli Covid restrictions are ‘Lockdown-Lite’ at best.
Wonder how they will write up the Covid hoax- the military take over of Melbourne. The depopulation agenda–
“The Holocaust story has served to create a highly profitable business for large numbers of Jews, something which the honest Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein described as the “Holocaust Industry” in his book of the same name (The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering, Verso Books, 2003). The “Holocaust” served (and still serves) well in justifying the Zionist seizure of Palestine. Any criticism of the overt human rights violations and atrocities committed by the state of Israel against the Palestinians is dismissed as “anti- Semitism.”
Hopefully the “philistines” the enslaved, the survivors story, is believed and the “educated” will listen and join them in the struggle.
If the “bio weapon” (Covid-19) was produced in China or elsewhere, it was a tremendous flop. It was the propaganda that was a success, thanks to the criminal MSM around the globe. This is what happens when competition is down-trodden and cartels are formed. If it hadn’t been for the internet sleuths, the world everywhere would still be in lockdown and the financial economies crashed.
Thank goodness that some honest lawyers have come to the fore and the truth may be wrapped around the necks, of those evil beings that created the situation, to hang them by. Look out the Gates Family, Fauci , all those parasites involved in the Event 201 fiasco and the CEO of the criminal outfit named WHO.
If Covid is theater — theater requires actors. Theater also requires a participating audience. I guess we are close to Interval Time, but it seems most of the audience have been taken in by the show. Lots of hand-clapping. The end of the first act (of a five act structure) was the global shutdown. We have been living through the second act — the intrigue and rising tension of the lock-downs. I think by now we are into the third act, with the second turning point — the “infection” of the President and those within his castle. Like any play we are nearing the midpoint; the moment that some revelation will change the course of the story.
Well Dee, i love interval and enjoying it far from the maddening crowd.
The country looks beautiful, rels say ‘once every 40 years’. As I drove, brought tears, but they will find a way to sabotage Australia, as usual. I suspect, that is the plan😠
They are bribed and blackmailed just like many pollies in the USA.
If you sell your soul to the devil he will supply anything you want………………
In this life!
Dee, whether it be recruitment of crowds at Colour Revolutions or BLM rallies or heads of government / Chief Medical Officers, one can get all the ‘actors’ one needs to conduct this theatre if one has LIMITLESS FINANCIAL RESOURCES.
Let’s face it, actors throughout history have had no qualms about prostituting themselves to dance to whatever tune the piper plays.
The Zio-cabal is paying the piper and he’ll never change his tune because there is NO chance anyone’s going to outbid this lot.
“All the world’s a stage ………..”
The zwo and their ccp gaystapo jackboots.
Now this is interesting.
When I travel to NSW country i turn into a antique and collectables tragedy,
So visiting one haunt looking for a item, I communictated with staff and asked how trade is going.
We are busier than ever was the reply.
The demands for crockery and ‘old wine glasses is incredible’
In the lockdown, people are smasing (accident?) So much at home, they are ‘ re-colloectng’ [my interpretation]
Go Austalia, piss off the control freaks and support Australia.
Even if it was a Moocroft!
Not me, music boxes for grandchildren😊
Ned, when the electricity goes out, I just light up some of my old style kerosene lanterns. No biggie, plenty of light and I use citronella oil kerosene to sweeten the smell and keep the mozzies away.
I also have a supply of good quality candles (stick them in an old wine bottle), you know, the ones mixed with lot of beeswax to burn all night. A single candle will provide enough light to navigate around the house until morning.
By the way, I have an old German music box with about 40 different discs of music. Crank it up and listen to ‘Silent Night’ the way it used to be be known.
I should wait for an EMP, I could be the center of attention in the village.
I lived as a little fellow with hurricane lamps and a car battery for radio communication.
The best was the msm press cut in squares on A four inch nail on the inside of the dunny door.
Pity that the msm is not as functional or useful these days.
Whether it’s Trump derangement syndrome, Zio derangement syndrome, Virus derangement syndrome, what is clear is that mass hysteria is on the increase, and people are throwing their cognitive abilities if they ever had any, out with the bathwater.
When you have thousands of pigs trying to get their snouts in the trough, it doesn’t make much sense to try to oversimplify one element against another. Pigs are just pigs, they do what they do because they are pigs, they react to the reality they find in front of them, in a pig-like way, regardless of breed or origin.
I think it would be good if Philippines got their islands back with all the gold and oil, and I don’t think Russia will become expansive (where, outside of USSR?) so maybe only the Turks have to worry about them, Mr Erdogan is probably going to be toast anyway.
Nobody can take on Russia or the USA and they would be foolish to do so.
I heard a one line report on the foreign news today I think, saying the restaurants in China were ordered to do meals in half-sized serves. Maybe true or maybe lies.
The British empire didn’t appreciate the upstart Germany 110 years ago and now China has foolishly set themselves up as #2 leaving the much smarter Putin as #3, so Chinese communists have painted a target on themselves. They are victims of their own big talking propaganda.
Well I don’t think anyone can predict anything should we have President Kamala after Christmas but I won’t bother thinking too deeply about it. Trump is doing a great job running the MSM and BigPharma into the ground, he is bashing them like no-one else on the planet before him.
The alternative to Trump is too revolting to bother thinking about. The MSM is on full throttle, presstitutes being horse-whipped into telling more and more lies, so desperate they are, to take down Trump for their secretive masters. The presstitutes would not even know or care, if they were working for the devil himself.
Military madness has delivered us to Apocalypse.
With these serpents there will be no Russians Chinese Americans or any nations. Mocking the Creator they want to prove their ‘big bang theory’.
How everything turns to nothing.
There are no words to describe devolution.
God’s Love is the miracle, that creates nothing into everything, in all living things. The smallest seed grows to be the tallest tree without science.
Here be an interesting article about unemployment in Japan. From Bloomberg Business Week:
With male unemployment here at 60%, are we any different to Japan. At least they can blame automation of industry. Here it’s worse, we don’t manufacture anything.
Port Botany and Newcastle, busier now than ever, unloading containers for the occupation.
Interesting article Mary about the middle-aged Japanese who still live with their parents because they can’t get a job to sustain an independent existence.
Seeing as the cartel of bankers behind the Covid Deception intend creating economic carnage throughout the world (and thus increase welfare dependence on their wise government overlords for a critical threshold of the populace), the Japanese experience may well be the template for Australia in the coming years.
The Public Is So Misinformed About Covid That I Am Reposting: “The Covid Deception”
Ask yourself these questions: What powerful or influential interest groups benefit from overstating the Covid threat? What powerful or influential interest groups benefit from understating the Covid threat?
Went to Chatswoo yesterday, the number of 200k plus SUV’s with p plates, more ubiquitous than people in the streetscape. It’s interesting that the children of the CCP do not have the problems Japanese and Australians have.
“Socialism with Xi Jinping Characteristics…”
All told until 2012 when Xi took charge of the CCP in Beijing, China seemed to be willing to be a globalist “team player,” though with “Chinese characteristics.” However, in 2015 after little more than two years in office, Xi Jinping endorsed a comprehensive national industrial strategy, Made in China: 2025. China 2025 replaced an earlier Western globalist document that had been formulated with the World Bank and the USA, the China 2030 report under Robert Zoellick. That shift to a China strategy for global tech domination might well have triggered a decision by the globalist PTB that China could no longer be relied on to play by the rules of the globalists, but rather that the CCP under Xi were determined to make China the global leader in advanced industrial, AI and bio-technologies. A resurgent China nationalist global hegemony was not the idea of the New World Order gang……………..”
Selection and election: How China chooses its leaders
China has developed a unique system of choosing its leaders, eschewing Western models for a process based on merit and broad support. Scholar Zhang Weiwei argues that while the system of “selection and election” is not perfect, it is a match for alternative models and has delivered for the Chinese people.
The number of Christians in Communist China is growing so steadily that it by 2030 it could have more churchgoers than America
“……………It is a wonderful thing to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It gives us great confidence,” beamed Jin Hongxin, a 40-year-old visitor who was admiring the golden cross above Liushi’s altar in the lead up to Holy Week.
“If everyone in China believed in Jesus then we would have no more need for police stations. There would be no more bad people and therefore no more crime,” she added.
Meanwhile back in the Real World “Chinese militia regularly invade Christian churches, tearing down crosses from atop church buildings”:
Unless they dutifully keep quiet about certain things:
And toe the CCP line in every other respect:
Meanwhile back in the Real World “Chinese militia regularly invade Christian churches, tearing down crosses from atop church buildings”:
Unless they dutifully keep quiet about certain things:
And toe the CCP line in every other respect:
None so blind as those who won’t see:
China is the largest publisher of Christian Bibles in the world.
China on course to become ‘world’s most Christian nation’ within 15 years
The number of Christians in Communist China is growing so steadily that it by 2030 it could have more churchgoers than America
By Tom Phillips, Liushi, Zhejiang province
2:00PM BST 19 Apr 2014
It is said to be China’s biggest church and on Easter Sunday thousands of worshippers will flock to this Asian mega-temple to pledge their allegiance – not to the Communist Party, but to the Cross.
The 5,000-capacity Liushi church, which boasts more than twice as many seats as Westminster Abbey and a 206ft crucifix that can be seen for miles around, opened last year with one theologian declaring it a “miracle that such a small town was able to build such a grand church”.
The £8 million building is also one of the most visible symbols of Communist China’s breakneck conversion as it evolves into one of the largest Christian congregations on earth.
“It is a wonderful thing to be a follower of Jesus Christ. It gives us great confidence,” beamed Jin Hongxin, a 40-year-old visitor who was admiring the golden cross above Liushi’s altar in the lead up to Holy Week.
“If everyone in China believed in Jesus then we would have no more need for police stations. There would be no more bad people and therefore no more crime,” she added.
As it was with Germany the Jews are now getting too much economic competition from China, and they only know one way to resolve the problem – psyche up the ignorant masses with their monopoly media to go to war and fight China on their behalf.
Australia: Willing Pawn in US Struggle with China
August 8, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci – NEO) – Upon reading Australia’s new defense strategy, one might think its authors believe they are surrounded by nations invaded and destroyed by China with Australia next in line.
News headlines declare, “Australia’s new defence strategy unveils a significant strategic shift in foreign policy to meet new threats from China,” “China the unspoken threat at centre of new defence strategy,” and “Australia to buy ship-killing missiles and shift focus to Indo-Pacific” to “to protect overseas forces, allies and the mainland against rising threats including China.”
The “threat” of China – the articles and the new defense strategy argue – requires Australia to spend billions on weapons bought from the United States and to depend more heavily on the US for Australia’s protection.
Yet in the same breath, Australia’s media openly admits that up until now, Australia’s military has spent much of its time contributing to America’s many and still-ongoing wars of aggression around the globe from Libya and Syria to Iraq and Afghanistan. Most recently, Washington has recruited Australia to help bolster its presence in the Strait of Hormuz in an effort to menace Iran as well.
In one of the above mentioned articles it’s admitted that:
For decades Australia has been quick to send troops, naval vessels and planes to help the United States wage wars on distant shores.
Despite all but admitting the US – not China – is engaged in a global campaign of armed aggression and that Australia is a willing accomplice – Australia’s new defense strategy points the finger at China as the ultimate global threat.
Read on –
Meanwhile, not entirely off topic (seeing as it is the Trump administration that is responsible for upping the ante in its demonisation of Russia and China – much more so than Obama ever did).
This just in – ‘How Trump got Covid’ :
Yes readers, I have been a bit tough on Trump in recent times so I thought it’s only fair I post the video above which is more flattering to the Orange Man.
Remember at the beginning of his Presidency Trump had a private 3 hour conversation with Putin?
They have been “feeding the chooks since”
Apologies to Sir Joh!
John, you and I don’t know what transpired during that 3 hour conversation.
Judging by how nothing [good] of substance has occurred during the Trump Presidency, it is evident that Trump has folded and caved in to the demands of his cabal masters.
(That is assuming of course, that Trump ever was offering any resistance to begin with).
Whatever they said to each other politely and diplomatically, I am sure Putin had Trump sussed out …
2:45: “Presidents come and go, but the politics remain the same.”
Indeed Fish, well and truly sussed out.
With so much focus on China I realised just how little I know – other than an occasional visit to my local ‘Tang Song’ restaurant. (The Tang and Song were major dynasties from 618 to 907 and 960 to 1279 respectively with an equally interesting rich 50-year period of flux in between.)
So I have just been watching this lecture series on the history of China by Professor Kenneth Hammond. There are 36 half hour lectures and I am up to #24.
From Yao to Mao: 5000 Years of Chinese History
I just mention that Episode 11 has been duplicated at #7. Episode 7 follows Episode 8 at #9 and Episode 9 (Introduction of Buddhism into China) is missing.
It is a brilliant series by an extremely erudite and objective scholar. The main take away that I get is that throughout its 5000 years of meticulously documented history, China has been the subject of invasions and counter reprisals. It has been alternately united and fragmented, typically in a cycle of every two to three hundred years under its various dynasties. Some of those dynasties have been occupying forces, particularly the Turkic people and the Mongols, each in turn controlling China for up to five or ten generations – which puts Australian ‘history’ since Captains Cook and Phillip in perspective.
As an aside and by way of introduction, here is a shorter clip which is very close to the theme of James’ article:
Zheng He’s Floating City: When China Dominated the Oceans
Chinese History and the Bible by Steven Liu (10 September …
Pike’s Amazing Predictions Of Three World Wars
“…………The Third World War ………………We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil………..”
Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Modern Zionism and the Arabic World. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.
OT –
Aged pensioners will be placed on the Indue cashless welfare card
Your grandma is next! Fight Morrison’s creeping cashless economy agenda
From the Australian Citizens Party
The Senate will soon vote on the Morrison government’s bill to extend the trials of the Indue cashless welfare card. These trials are part of the government’s and banks’ creeping cashless agenda, to force Australians into electronic payments and effectively trap them in banks. The government’s bill to ban cash transactions over $10,000 is part of the same agenda. While Australians angrily reacted in huge numbers to the $10,000 cash ban, which sparked an insurrection against the bill in the government’s own ranks, too many have failed to recognise the cashless welfare card is a foot in the door for the same agenda. If you oppose the push to a cashless economy, call cross-bench Senators Jacqui Lambie, Stirling Griff and Rex Patrick before Wednesday to demand they oppose the bill……………
Jacqui Lambie
I let them know that by law a so called deposit is effectively a LOAN to the Bank.
Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.
No doubt the Indue card will be conditional of the vaccine, just an extension of the “no jab, no pay”. No wonder the following: 9 Oct. 20
For those who don’t know: “since a landmark 2011 split decision (Bruesewitz v. Wyeth),when the US Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe,” vaccine manufacturers are 100% exempt from lawsuits, even if there is evidence that they could have made a safer vaccine!” (TTAV)
An email from Ty & Charlene Bollinger (7 Oct) is a timely reminder of just why we absolutely MUST have a voice and choice about vaccination:
Our most important freedom is the right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity; “forced medical interventions” are a direct violation of the Nuremberg code.
But Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has already set the stage for a “mandatory coronavirus vaccine.”
And just last week, the New England Journal of Medicine advised that all human beings should be forced to take a COVID vaccine. They insisted that those who refuse should face “severe punishment.”
It’s time to become EDUCATED about vaccines and it’s time to FIGHT for health freedom.
That’s why we are re-broadcasting our entire 10-episode docu-series, The Truth About Vaccines 2020” beginning October 13th
Dim the lights …
Trump Will Undergo Televised Medical Evaluation on Friday Night, Fox News Announces
SARS-CoV-2 was not made in a lab (TWiV 664 excerpt) – Dr Vincent Racaniello
Now that the title has your attention …
Technically, from a virology point of view I have no expertise but I found these four speakers to be very genuine. Their body language, tone (humble yet erudite) and politeness in seeking turns to speak I found trust-earning. Not to mention their CVs.
They are not discounting a ‘virus’ called SARS-CoV-2 and its natural origins, but I still utterly dismiss any notion that there is a pandemic.
They are debunking a ‘pseudo-science’ paper and get on to the likely political agenda involving connections to the “Rule of Law Society” – chaired by Steve Bannon.
A most interesting perspective by Professor Emeritus Richard (‘Rich’) C Condit on the role of the political virus being used by the “Rule of Law Society” against the Chinese government from around 21:20.
Thanks Julius, that was highly interesting and informative. An antidote to the relentless BS that permeates the media here and elsewhere.