by G5
Russian Ambassador [to the US] Anatoly Antonov was recalled to Moscow, two days ago.
For those unaware of the significance: Russia is now on a war footing with America.
Expect the bullshit factories to run in overtime in America. Industrial level brown-nosing by America and its current owners China is in full articulation.
Don’t expect DC to be missile incinerated. Rather: America’s arse marched out of: The Middle East, Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and the Asia Pacific; without a whimper, allied to a media blackout. National Security of course.
With The Pelosi Clown Show blocking domestic energy self-sufficiency and pushing fuel to $100 a gallon; backed by monstrous economy-busting tax. And regulation hikes on the least able to defend themselves, and being willing recipients of the criminal, welfare, and diseased classes of all south of The Rio; America is making itself addicted to imported energy. And with Russia moving to control the Middle East to block China; nothing good can now visit America.
America dare not recall John Sullivan; particularly since the idiot expulsion games by Soetoro. Which of course Soetoro lost, dramatically. I have sighted footage of SVR and Spetznaz raids of American diplomatic facilities in Russia. America performs Hollywood Style door smash dance raids. Russia demolishes the building and combs the rubble. A different methodology. Amazing what Russia found, and what America did not. Reverse the Hollywood invented Cold War stereotypes.
A lot of rhetoric has been flooding below the curve. Don’t expect to be informed by American Media Interests. Deep State has unilaterally signed up The People to an extension of their non-education by propaganda and reality filtration.
It is insignificant that left-wing lunatic political actors incessantly blow it out their arse. Issues have been occurring due to the pretend American president having uncontrolled posturings affected by his handlers through American Deep State. Which has now also infected some 15% of the US Military.
Firstly: The Intel Wars continue, and there have been many engagements. America has been isolated from The International Intelligence Community.
Secondly: the postured bombings of Iraq and Syria by order of Biden; did not occur. Biden is not CiC of the US Military. The Pentagon is now controlled by Cheyenne Mountain. The inauguration, Pentagon, and Arlington visits, were theatric frauds. Biden is at best, treated as a foreign dignitary. A total clown show.
Biden is denied access to The WH and use of AF1, M1, and The Beasts. He flies in a lookalike painted airliner, uses security contractors, and is driven in a lookalike vehicle.
Trump has use of all The Presidential Security and transports. I will write further on these matters. He attended international conferences in Geneva on 4 March 2021, and Berne the following day. He was flown to, about, and from Europe on AF1, flown about Switzerland on M1, and escorted by US Secret Service with a Beast and allied motorcade.
Biden has annoyed Russia by perpetuating the Russian Lies invented by his owners and political cohorts. He has variously appeared on interviews over the past two days, with scripts and his standard earpiece crutch, attempting to play down his recent imbecile comments concerning Russia and Putin.
After two months of hiding and pretense; from the WH internal sets at The Culver City Castle Rock Studios leased by Amazon, (in passing: his 2020 rallies were fake, and with canned applause) and the external WH facade sets are at a lot in Georgia; he has been announced to appear at his first press conference next Wednesday. The press is on select compliant invitation only, with scripted questions, to be matched by scripted answers, aided through the same earpieces that made him; and HRC in 2016; famous.
As Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy of The Duma, just wrote; ‘The only language America understands, unfortunately, is the language of force.’
In the current Pelosi Clown Era, following on from The Soetoro SitCom WH Occupation Era; there are problems concerning the international perceptions of hoaxes, political lies, and false flags. Orange not being correctly viewed by the herds is actually still in his first term. There are no issues concerning legitimate world leaders. As confirmed by Trump attending international conferences as Head of The American Administration.
The four scenarios are:
Trump steps back in.
The Pelosi Show is allowed to self-destruct.
A new supervised election is called.
Biden and The Moll have their tickets canceled.
The latter is of hidden interest to Pelosi, by allowing her under a convenient misinterpretation of The Constitution; to momentarily step into that officially denied to HRC.
The days of New York being deemed as the capital of the world are coming to an end. The US has created too many enemies.
Not America, but Israel has created to many enemies. I remember the time when America was jews free with no single enemy in the ME. Now, they have the only one friend, Israel and entire ME as enemy.
But Australia is nothing better
One of the great tragedies accompanying the decline of US power and influence in Asia and elsewhere is that the Australian government remains in lock step with the Americans. It is sad to see this country committing economic suicide on behalf of their US masters.
And the US master dance on Israels tune
ifamericansknew ◀ check this link
RT reports
Russia’s ambassador to the US, Anatoly Antonov, has been recalled to Moscow for in-person discussions on the country’s ongoing relations with Washington and Joe Biden’s administration, the Foreign Ministry has said. In a statement announcing the envoy’s recall on Wednesday night, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the ambassador was needed in Moscow for “consultations to analyze what to do and where to head in the context of the relations with the US.”
It cracks me up, nobody knows how to publicly deal with this madhouse. A few days ago they said North Korea had gone totally incommunicado and wouldn’t return calls. I don’t see the ALP kissing Biden’s rear end as you would expect but I haven’t been paying much attention. Scotty f.m. still has his Trump medal so he is on board. Of the 4 scenarios above, I see they are working through things at a state, grass-roots level, the idea being that once all the swamp creatures are identified, judicial, political, mafia, etc etc, they all have to go through the courts, election results annulled, elections in key states done again, electoral college switches votes, Trump and Pence slip back in for another term of unknown duration, “there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration”, and, Daniel Andrews cops something worse than being pushed very hard down some stairs by Chinese Agents, disappointed that he did not deliver on his one-belt-road commitments (something like being given credit for a large bag of cocaine then failing to come up with the cash).
The whole show is so slow moving and “proper” that it mostly produces yawns for now.
What’s more interesting is what’s happening with the money, people are still living on virus dole and losing the will to ever work again, Rockerfellas seem to be on this mad “destroy America from within” revenge thing for having Standard Oil broken up about a century ago, they are a very focussed unit, and have weaseled their way right through BigPharma, to everyone’s detriment in the entire world. It illustrates the shapelessness of “the elites” or ruling classes, that they are not all in each other’s corner, they are polite competitors who civilly agree to wipe out swathes of commoners who are of little more value than bugs. Just search “queen elizabeth homoeopathy” and you will find lots of entries showing that our very odd royals are in quite a different place to Rockerfellas et al BigPharma, though they pretend to take their shots, as they pretend everything else, setting the gold standard in pretending.
I might add that Bushs have a couple of grudges too, 1. the abolition of slavery and 2. the banning of their shipping and banking concerns with the Nazis
“the pretend American president having uncontrolled posturings affected by his handlers through American Deep State. Which has now also infected some 15% of the US Military.”
I’ve often wondered about this — how can the US mll not be una voce?
Promotions come faster during wartime
Thank you for the article, G5. Any sightings of Gina Haspel?
I bring you a nursery rhyme from Eugene Field, 1889:
Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,
And Nod is a little head,
And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies
Is a wee one’s trundle-bed.
So shut your eyes while mother sings
Of wonderful sights that be,
And you shall see the beautiful things
As you rock in the misty sea,
Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three:
And Nod.
Man, this is funny —
You think thats funny….
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all”. (Luke 17:26-27)
TRANSCRIPT: ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos [S] interviews President Joe Biden [B]
Elsewhere someone paraphrased the section about Putin …
S: What price must he [Putin] pay?
B: He will pay a price.
S: You said you know he doesn’t have a soul.
B: I did say that to him.
S: You think he’s a killer?
B: Uh-huh. I do.
S: So what price must he pay?
B: The price he’s gonna pay we’ll– you’ll see shortly
B: “I’m not gonna– there’s– by the way, we oughta be able that ol’ — that trite expression “walk and chew gum at the same time,””
B: “He’s been — they’ve done some mischievous things, to say the least. And so we’re gonna have — I’m not gonna announce what I’m doing, but he’s gonna understand that –”
[B]lather – [B]lather – [B]lather
No wonder Russia withdrew their ambassador.
S: Director of National Intelligence came out with a report today saying that Vladimir Putin authorized operations during the election to under — denigrate you, support President Trump, undermine our elections, divide our society. What price must he pay?
I like the leading question.
“Oi.. We Don’t Do That Here!” – Scotty Bravely Orders AFP To Lower Their Guns During Protests
Prime Minister Scotty From Marketing has continued digging further into the hole that has found his Parliament swamped by thousands of protestors today.
In his opening remarks in Question Time, Mr Morrison said it was “right and good” that people were able to congregate in peaceful protests as tens of thousands gathered to demand action against gendered violence in Australia. “Not far from here, such marches, even now, are being met with bullets, but not here in this country, Mr Speaker,” he said.
His comments have basically been percieved as him telling the hundreds of thousands of women protesting around the country that they should feel lucky that the state hasn’t ordered soldiers and cops to fire live rounds at them.
But Morrison has today proved he isn’t all talk.
Read on –
This update fits in………….. as usual,
Maybe highlight a best-of-the-week episode be a good suggestion?
A good idea but will be too long for people to grapple with and appreciate the developments since October 2017, indeed not since November 1963.
I do not spoon feed those who do not bother to take the time to appreciate the greatest ‘sting operation’ ever carried out.
These days are like a really bad movie, that no one can stand to watch, stuck on replay.
For 108 years, since the banksters took control, it has been Armageddon on earth. Now they want all non reptilians dead from jabs manufactured in bio weapons labs. When’s the penny gonna drop? Global dystopian capitals are Tel Aviv and Beijing with the crown making up the Triumverate of bloodsuckers enforcing hell.
A link omitted by G5. ( I may have logged this a few days back……..so in case people think there is nothing untoward.)
Not long, but is the White House actually occupied? MAYBE THEY CANNOT AFFORD THE ELECTRICITY after about 11pm.
Bear with it to the alleged Rose Garden event……………….FAKE TV location
Really people. the whole Biden alleged Presidency has warts all over it.
Do not tell any of your msm mates about all the warts. I love to watch them digging their holes so DEEP they will not be able to climb out…….. then we just shovel it to the top and place a plastic tombstone over it with the inscription “Here ‘LAYS FAKE’”. May it rest in hell”.
Sad that many journalists start off with good intentions then eventually become trapped between mortgage and paycheck and are compelled to deliver “the official version”. Even now independent Michael West, for the sake of his perceived lefty readership, unofficially follows the official narrative which is pro-US Democrats. Some of these journo-hostages are determined enough that they manage to get a few things past the censors and they are to be credited for that. As for the official version, look no further than Myanmar which x22 likes to call Burma. (Perhaps Myanmar is more inclusive as there are major non-Burmese groups within Myanmar). x22 says Suu Kyi is part of a Soros (+ CCP I presume) operation (I have come across this view somewhere else I think), but the controlled MSM swings in right behind Suu Kyi every time, they totally forgot she was stitched up with the Rohinga ethnic cleansing, and now they are fully back on board, methinks perhaps they protest too much. Certainly the army is hard on the protesters, they are probably different ethnic groups, different castes at least, they would be expected to remain subjugated.
On biden reviving russia hacked the election ‘conspiracy theories’ reminds me of this cartoon:
The fence on the footpath in front of Macquarie st house of disorder, one year on, temporary looking very permanent. One lady and her baby had the balls, and the bs’s been enforced ever since. Security big business these days, wish I weighed 120 kilo’s of muscle. Then again, flat rate probably $20 cash, been that way for nearly half a century. Deflation of income and inflation of everything else, a communist practise, everywhere they took control. The vaxxx is opening another dimension, unseen before, avoid it like the plague.
Flag waving theatricks is what it is, 56 bsl4 factories maybe more, in all nations of influence proves we have OWG. It came from Wuhan, China’s recovered and we’re on our knees facing mandatory jabs made in the same franchises globally. All youth deserve way better than this. Waterfront homes around Sydney harbour foreshore, are worth considerably less than the private navy blue white deck luxury cruisers/ships ubiquitous surrounding them. Probably get used twice a year, with full staff and maintenance 24/7 365 days. Go figure, the black money is unaccountable. Ten years ago these boats were not seen here, now there’s an armada bigger than entire Oz navy. No brainer why Chinese navy cruises into the harbour same as US, it’s the same team waving a different flag.
All bases loaded with traitors. Unplug the tv, it’s the same agenda on every station, in every nation worldwide one year on, taking up every moment of prime time programming. Resist the reset, to a ‘new’ normal, with all hearts minds and souls.
Black money !!! No it’s just Chinese QE, they are a sovereign nation and they can print US dollars too if they want. Check out banana money from the 1940’s
” It came from Wuhan”, – COVID-19 has never been isolated, so it is only a supposition that it exists.
It’s hard to be what you can’t see …………… but you will soon see.
What the f……….?
A holy’ hoot Hector!
Assassination n Africa (say I). MAGUFULI
G Edward Grffin reports (at his blog Need To Know):
Tanzanian poesdent John Magufuli, who was an anti-corruption populist known as ‘The Bulldozer’, was declared dead after disappearing from public for almost three weeks. He was criticized in the media for questioning the reality of the coronavirus pandemic, rejecting Covid lockdowns and demanding more safety testing of Covid vaccines. Magufull held a doctorate degree in chemistry and made headlines last May when he said that samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw (papaya fruit) tested positive for Covid-19. He described the tests as a “dirty game”.
Under Magufuli’s leadership, scores of infrastructure programs were launched, and Tanzania became one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. In July, the World Bank categorized it as a middle-income country five years ahead of schedule. The media described his refusal to enact Covid policies as his “most damning failure” that serves as a “cautionary tale”. These news reports are loaded with innuendos that Magufull was despicable and probably died of Covid. –GEG
being ‘sincered’,
insert the b i t
Very nasty police behaviour.
I wonder what happened to that guy who crashed his van into 4 cops on the Eastern Freeway?
Looks like Rockies were working through Bushs and when the brand was ruined they switched to Gates, people love to work for Rockies, you can see they love every minute, what is the payoff, do Rockies have an adrenochrome farm and a teeny girls farm, is that all it takes, seems a bit shallow … like mass marketed football type of payoffs, I am struggling to think beyond the obvious
So, Scomo will stay on track and always obey his masters voice. After all he has a lot of money yet to spend.
Scotty just does what Washington tells, unlike bankster Turnbull who would have sold the whole continent to Soros probably, looks that way
Ned, THANKYOU!! Succinct enough for millennials and MAYBE – we can only hope – for those boomers still in denial..
There you have it, Russian roulette is 100% safe. ………….. all the proof is in the statistics that do not lie,
So vaccinations must also be safe?
Like a six shooter loaded with 5 bullets.
BULLETIN 9:49 AM EDT *** UKRAINE OPENS MORTAR FIRE – Russia Deploys S-500 as NATO/US Ships Enter Black Sea
UPDATE 9:49 AM EDT — UKRAINE OPENS MORTAR FIRE — SEE BOTTOM — Russia is deploying the most advanced anti-aircraft defense system on planet earth, the S-500 “Prometheus,” along with several instances of the lesser system, S-350, on to the territory of Crimea as Ukraine masses troops, tanks, and armor in the same area.