Home Conspiracy “Sane People Make Their Own Decisions”

“Sane People Make Their Own Decisions”


by G5

I announce this about once a year. All my material is original and from analysis. I gave up worrying about its copyright, years ago. The transfer and dissemination of information is the prime objective. I don’t do chats and I am not interested in opinion or comment. I don’t offer opinion. 

Occasionally I drop an addendum or corrigendum. I don’t worry about my typing errors, as much as correcting a wrong interpretation I may have delivered. I share interesting or humorous videos I encounter as separate to my writings.

To prevent attacks on source: I send to a number of people; including one particular, site at present. I am G5 on Gumshoe News. I withdrew from Uncensored, Truth News Radio, Alex Jones etc. I know I am quoted by other sites. Which is fine. I am translated into other languages and run through a number of foreign sites. The objective is the transfer of information.

Copyright cannot; nor should it be; any obstruction to information. it’s an ownership of style and interpretation. Information cannot be owned, as such. The attempt to remove and obstruct information is indicative of government and other self centered special interest control. In turn I encourage that my writings be resent to as many genuinely interested as possible. Not those who are objectionable and attempt to waste and pollute the time and effort of others.

Opinion is never truth, fact, or reality. It is a blanket under which the uninformed and authority addicted collaborators,  hide.  I do not write to convince anyone of anything. Sane people make their own decisions and remain with them, until they themselves decide to alter any stance. Viewing the world through a framed and distorted belief system helps no one and nothing. If understood that rigid induced, inculcated and tutored belief systems are flawed, then correct thinking will rectify that.

True comprehension is a derivative of sane interpretation. Similarly; as Twain intimated; he did not allow his education to interfer with his learning. Education delivers tools for learning. As how to think, never what to think. The participation tickets from which, never being any free standing credibility: nor is any profession, as such. Argument from Authority signalling the lack of knowledge is not interpreted. Stupid people never able to determine they are the stupid. The gate is shut.

I write in an environment of free and legitimate reality. Not one that has been manufactured as a political agenda, with some maniacal fixation to force everything through a sieve of stupidity by some determined disengaged confection. It is not a difficult stretch of rational and critical thought to realize that much of the garbage that the sane interpret as such, is actually garbage. Particularly if governance demands it, throws money at it, or has intellectually or morally expertized it.

Goebbels repetition, NLP, Bernays compunction, psychopathy, sociopathy, Zimbardo, Dunning Kruger, Stockholm etc, are not avenues to reality. As much as the mantra quoting of; The Frankfurt School, Marx, Engels, Alinsky, Goethe, Hegel, Shopenhauer, et al, is rational citation.


Children’s Health Defense

5-Year-Old Develops Autism After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day


But others dropped dead after one shot.

One of the Myocarditis affected in Philippines won a case. Expect appeals and the imbecile brigades to start with the; Let’s wait until the courts decide. Let’s not jump early. 


Re: UN report reveals 890 female medals lost to transgender athletes.

Unless the Olmpic Committee goes back and adjusts for that madness: the Olympics will become as relevant as The Nobel, The Pulitzer, The Academy Awards etc. Indeed America itself.

Two women were seriously injured in the boxing. All weightlifting was ratcheted up by 100 lbs.

Women can never catch the new levels. What’s the point. The feminese consumed their own. The ultimate equality.

American Airlines and Lice

Re: American Airlines tests new system to stop early boarders

Boarding Lice (Redacted)

Instead of focussing on total bullshit for a virtue writing: they should purge their DEI Hire and make their dwindling passenger lists at least stabilise. 

DEI Hire also hacks their insurance. Strange isn’t it.

Body CountMark Middleton

Mark Middleton; a Clinton body count; committed suicide by hanging himself near his house, and then shot himself in the chest, with a non existent gun. (VIDEO)

So many good ones; David Kelly, Boris Berezofsky, Seth Rich, Vince Foster,  Robin Cook, et al. Barry’s boyfriends and even two chefs.

Anything is possible when socialist elites rise in the ranks.

Tony, Bill, Hill, and Barry have no idea about anything.


Breaking: Diddy Collapses in Court After Hearing Death Sentence! 2024 | Prophecy VIDEO

F**k him and all who sail with him.

It’s an attempt for him to purge. Expect an accidental FBI suicide.

The Elected Class

Not only did Harris never pass a bar exam; AG was DEI Hire; she never worked at Maccas; but tampon Waltz was never a sports coach. We know that Obama, Biden, AOC et al manufactured their CVs, in their mental delirium. Even to the Dem Zoo present: Chelsea not only Hubbell’s daughter; but had considerable outside writing assistance with her alleged PhD, that we didn’t.

We don’t complain because it doesn’t matter. Education is tools earned. Not tickets waved. AOC sports a ticket from Boston U, but can’t pronounce what she reads, and can’t use a pen. She never graduated form Yorktown High, and was denied a token from Brown U.

Loretta Lynch was not familiar with the basic Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart Cases when questioned by Louie Gohmert. Biden nominations for bench positions, could’t answer 101 questions. But then they are selected activists, with only a passing interest in law.

Sotomayer and the new DEI Hire Brown; as their team predecessor Ginsberg; demonstrate a disabled skill set. Alleged Harvard lawyers sitting on the Dem side of Congressional committees, demonstrate a serious rational impediment in their questioning of witnesses. They rose to their highest.

Albeit Warren, Bridges, Lightfoot et al are professors at Harvard, and Hillary Clinton et al are professors at Columbia. But its all as big a joke as men destroying women’s sports. But you must believe them, because they become manic and fixated about using their ill-gotten as cudgels demanding credibility. 

Read what is written, listen to what is said, and observe the deliveries. Never mind the bells, whistles, and noise. They only exist to divert.

Going back: JFK’s Pulitzer was not his writing. He was married at the time he proposed to another, as daddy produced Jacki and threw money at the rest; including the Catholic Church; to adjust reality.

In the movie ‘Hopscotch’; Matthau is primarily asked by a property letting agent; “You’re not a Democrat are you?”



      • Yes Terry, Simon–there is more to come–no turning back–

        G5 I like “All my material is original and from analysis”—- short for psycho analysis– “other schools of analysis have evolved out of the original disciplines established by Freud.” Ahh something I am an expert on — The Freud Hilton.

        Mary with respect, your work is important –But– not sure what you were saying earlier today — very selective–I know both Irene Watson (particularly her work- met her at a Gathering of Nations event 2016 Old Parliament House and worked with her sharing evidence) and Uncle Robbie Thorpe over many years -it feels like a lifetime — a strong spiritual connection – check out camp sovereignty. I feel you have no Authority to speak of Robbie Thorpe he is a Senior Law man a leader– to me he is a warrior a hero .
        Maybe you know Irene Watson personally when you were at University in Adelaide however seems totally out of context –academia–Universities — use selective history– lots of lies come from Universities–

        not really important given where we are at but I just needed to get that off my chest– just seemed a red herring– with innuendo I can’t quite grasp-

        your comment

        “Got this at austli.edi.au —

        Irene Watson: Can we [Aboriginal people] have rights without recognition of our sovereignty and our law?

        Robbie Thorpe: No! I don’t think you can. You need to have a law, because that’s what will give you the rights. Our law was the precedent law in this country. So, you know, where’s the rights there? What law operates in this country – what’s the appropriate law for this land? I reckon I know what it is, and I want to live under it. I’ve never consented to the white man’s law. Not many other blackfellows want it either. We’ve been dominated completely and utterly.”

        • Diane, If you can’t graps the innuendo, that’s cuz there was no innuendo.

          Robbie Thorpe’s got my vote and so does Irene Watson. I think that quote is beaut. It’s perfeect.

          Last night (New Hampshire time) I did not want to use space under the Pastor Paul article, or I would have said more re your link about Thorpe.

          And now I correct the source. I spelled it with one “i” but should be 2, standing for Australasian Legal Information Institute. A U S T L I I .edu.au Sort of equivalent to what Pubmed is for medical articles. It contains all legal cases in Australia, NZ and some other nations.

          I typed in “Robbie Thorpe” and got his genocide cases. ‘mazing. Thank you, Ms DD.

          Oh, and I also thank G5 for today’s article and many articles. Wonderful.

  1. WTPN TODAY AT SITUATION UPDATE PRESENTED BY REAL MARY AT beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Note AT LEAST the first 20 mins and about 48 for a few.
    So it is ALL BS, is it?
    Well you could only have about two weeks to decide.
    It has taken me over SEVEN YEARS💁

    • Well, the nine network et.al, foreign owned media puppets will have fun for their 4 am riding instructions from their warmonger controllers bullshiting their advertisers and financiers to claim that they are diligent, competent, truthful, HUMANE and honest.
      Well, what does anyone who listens to them expect….. BS WITH A LYING PROPAGANDA CHERRY ON TOP.
      Hey overpaid shock jokes, send your OWN kids to the MIDDLE EAST and Ukraine with our Abram tanks.
      NOT OUR FIGHT, just like Northern Ireland in the 70’s, hate, bigotry, killing, theft and intolerance gifts its own reward.

    • How come aliens never communicate by radio ? It’s always psychic stuff ? If this was real , then it was clearly an evil spirit . Only a spirit can enter a human , not another solid entity .

      Pretty much all phenomena is either angels or demons ( and mostly demons ) and your governments know this .

      The aliens are just sitting around waiting to be summoned by this guy ?

      That’s what advanced life forms do all day ?

    • Nanny State fires the first shot across the bow, we will soon find out if we have “freedom” or lese majeste in the colonies

    • Thank you Joe –have always respected your grounded contributions reminds me of my sons –and specially for finding and posting this–
      ” This is a revolution and there is a lot more to come’

      Wake Up Stand Up and be Counted– the choice is yours.

    • Very worthwhile on many aspects.
      Note the Q and A toward the end.
      At last, a ‘MAN’is discovered in Australian politics.

  2. Thank you for the unique service you provide Mr 5 .
    I do frequently refer people to your work , so much in fact that I should probably receive a commission .

    A big fan I am .

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