Home Maxwell Satanism Is the Ruler of the World – and Needs Mind Control...

Satanism Is the Ruler of the World – and Needs Mind Control To Do It


by Mary W Maxwell

If you live outside South Australia you should be speaking to your travel agent about coming here to the Adelaide Fringe on Sunday, March 18, shouldn’t you? The play – at 2.30pm – is called “My Best False Memories.” It is meant as a refutation of the academic theory known as False Memory Syndrome. “FMS” was a ruse the CIA came up with in the 1990s – it quite effectively persuaded the public not to listen to the astonishing tales being told by survivors.

The play in Adelaide (or to be exact, in the Burnside Library this weekend), won’t be a rip-roaring coverage of Satanism. It is a very dignified presentation by three survivors of MK-Ultra and two targeted individuals – as played by actors.

You will find great satisfaction in the way the survivors “shirtfront ” an academic named Bob. I call him “a generic academic.” He refers to the McMartin preschool scandal as “Satanic panic.” But later Bob gets his eyes opened by sweet reason. Don’t believe me? Come to the play.

Then, in the second half, two unwilling recipients of Jose Delgado’s stimo-ceivers decide to shirtfront Delgado.

The denouement is not to be missed. Trust me. Call your travel agent now.

Ah, here’s the poster. It would be greatly appreciated if you might print it and hang it somewhere on display. Thanks!

We Need More, Not Less, Satanic Panic

As for the title of this article, I was just rummaging through some old GumshoeNews articles and noticed one of Cherri Bonney’s comments:  “Basically Satanism is the ruler of the world.” By golly, hit the nail on the head.

Cherri’s insight – Satanism rules the world — accounts for much hidden violence. Think about this: the tremendous violence wielded against the MK-Ultra children remained hidden by the simple trick of mind-splitting. The child undergoing the experience — that is now being accurately labelled “horrification” – has to bear it alone. She can’t share it, or even cry herself to sleep about it, as only a part of her brain knows of it.

Or think of how much violence in the Middle East (and elsewhere) is hidden from us by media’s choice to avoid interviews with ordinary people whose living quarters are getting bombed – by us.

Is that Satanic? It might very well be. There is a reasonable collection of evidence that most of the top decision makers in our world had a childhood that featured Lucifer. (Translation of “luci-fer”: light bearer, oh geez.)

A Word about Mengele

Josef Mengele (b March 16, 1911)

Josef Mengele will feature in the Fringe play. He is well known as the angel of death from Auschwitz and is also known for his experiments on twins. These were usually just expressions of his sadism, I believe. It is little known that he also came to the US and “helped” the MK-Ultra program. Carol Rutz, Kathleen Sullivan, and Wendy Hoffman all mention his cruelties to them.

(Dr Mengele GAVE POLIO to Wendy Hoffman to halt her plan to be a dancer.)

Oh my goodness, something amazing has just come to my attention this minute., concerning the Holocaust museum.

See the picture of Carol Rutz?  Her book is called “A Nation Betrayed”. She talks about how Josef Mengele mistreated her in the 1950s (she was born in 1948).

Anyway, when I met Carol in 2005 she was selling her book for $15. I handed her the money and then one of the other girls, I think it was Kathleen Sullivan, nudged me saying “but they are 2 for $25. So I said “OK I’ll buy two.”

After the meeting, which was in Connecticut, I happened to be en route to Washington DC.

I read Rutz’s book on the Amtrak train and when I go to the capital I marched straight into the United States Holocaust museum and handed in the second copy of “A Nation Betrayed.”

Pardon my small-mindedness but I have always assumed they would dump the book in the wastebasket. So just now I went to worldcat.org to see how Rutz’s book is doing. It’s terrible to report that only 6 libraries in the world have it catalogued. But one of the is the United States Holocaust Museum!  Hooray for truth!

Thank you, curator or librarian at that museum.

Now let’s give Wendy Hoffman the floor. She is age 75. Her lecture was already played here at Gumshoe but bears repeating, especially for persons who are just “coming  out.”

At 18 minutes she notes how unjust it is that the perpetrators can call up a survivor’s history – complete with keys as to how to access parts of her mind – but the survivor herself can access that knowledge “only through years of hard work.”

And only with a decent therapist, not the kind of “dirty therapist” described here:





  1. Some people “find God”. Some people find “God”. And I found “satan” as well. Only one mention of satan in the old testament and it eludes to a commander of a regiment that did something very naughty and he was deranked and his regiment booted from heaven. To land on earth. We were created in his image and we still show that today via the top “god” bloodlines that rule the planet.
    There is a psychopathic overrun at the highest of levels everywhere. And no god won’t help us

    • DB.
      Your last 6 words are unclear.
      Should there be a comma after ‘no’ and the reference to god is it plural or singular?
      A definition or a concept of the meaning “God’ would be helpful, if you wish to assist.

        • Who made you ? A big bang !

          Atheists have no faith cause they are captivated by the deceiver .

          Every living thing is created . Let us be grateful and humble , for we are all tested . Pray for peace , good friends .

          • Sorry you have me wrong here, l do indeed believe we were created but by whom is my reasoning. A good read is The Serpents Promise by genetics prof Steve Jones from some bigwig London college. Brilliant research into human DNA and it’s origins. I have been studying the book of Genesis ( genes ) for many years. And Noahs Ark is still stuck half way up a mountain in the Ararat ranges. The Turks even built a kiosk overlooking the sight as was reported in the day.

        • Ta.
          But when you refer to a god I take it that no concept of a god/entity on a throne or in spirit exists is what you mean.
          It follows I suppose that upon death, nothing survives in any form.
          Interesting concept.
          I am working on it, trying to decipher how it all commenced
          Then we have the 5 volts (?) of energy in every body whilst alive.
          My dear friend will not
          Proffer a opinion as to where those volts Dissipate to.. and he is a engineer!
          Love a solution from anyone.

          • Ned, when you say “in every body” do you mean every human body, every spider body, or the whole lot.

            At the moment of death we putrefy and all the little inside beings go on the march. Maybe it is their volts that gie up the ghost?

          • Sorry for insular thoughts on this.
            But just thought: multiply daily worldwide deaths releasing their voltage.
            Heaps of energy must go somewhere. I think Einstein has a say on the conservation of energy.
            Mary: you would have a answer?

          • Mary,
            We have crossed.
            And where does the energy of all the grubs go?
            I noted a video of a mouse dying in a trap. The video reported a ‘energy ’ Flow upwards.
            Ok just a video.
            My Dad reported going to the door of his little sister at the time of her death. He said; “ …. I felt a ‘whoosh’ of air at the door..’
            I have a few other antecdotal accounts of people experiencing the aftermath of deaths.
            There is a big square to escape in human experiences.
            Those within the square have no concept and are not informed sufficiently by experience to opine.

        • One look at the monetary system is all you need to know that Satan doesn’t have any intrinsic power: being affected by something is very different to selling one’s soul.

  2. Fundamentally China is 10 million square kilometres and Africa 3 times as much, China having one billion 4 hundred thousand, if Africa modernized and had a population potential of five billion or more, consudering the first world having the advantage of technologyand the colonist countries having a history of desecration and subjuing the rest of the world, the karma looks bleak for the Anglo Saxon race, or roughly the whites, the race memory of what lies within the racial memory of the score becoming even, meaning the subjugating and enslaving the white races, in time.
    We have to some extent able to offer the enlightenment and other aspects to the third world, as compensation, however, given the Middle East, Africa, South America, Asia, to some extent Russia, and China, having paid a high price to the First World, may become incensed at our spread of wholesale violence, puts us in a undesirable position of constant vigilence to destroy all that exists outside our domain of and by militaristic and police control.
    Also the fact that the majority of population are also oppressed, that is of the First world, as we have now become overall a type of criminal race the untangling of this mess may mean we have no other choice than to destroy ourselves rather than in the main dying from unbearable suffering.

  3. It being the Ides o’ March, I got this from shakespeare-online.com, quoting Prof George Craik, The English of Shakespeare, 1857:

    It may just be noted, as a historical fact, that the meeting of the Senate at which Caesar was assassinated was held, not, as is here assumed, in the Capitol, but in the Curia in which the statue of Pompey stood, being, as Plutarch tells us, one of the edifices which Pompey had built, and had given, along with his famous theatre, to the public….The mistake which we have here is found also in Hamlet, where (iii.2) Hamlet questions Polonius about his histrionic performances when at the University: “I did enact Julius Caesar,” says Polonius; “I was killed in the Capitol; Brutus killed me;” to which the Prince replies, “It was a brute part of him to kill so capital a calf there” (191).


    • Ahem. The “lyrics” proceed as follows:
      Now, therefore, be patient, O my brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. See how the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and the latter rain. So be ye patient. (James 5:7)

      • Ned, I should not have attempted to answer yr profound comment. I iggorant are.

        It was nice to hear about the whoosh.
        As for Don Wreford above, it seems to me that he always gets it right. In other species they have population crashes so why not in ours? We’re askin’ for it, askin’ for it. Gonna be baaaaaaad.

    • That choir and orchestra need more rehearsal.

      There is so much we don’t understand, and many spend a lifetime trying to comprehend what kind of realm we are living in. The concepts of God and Satan is a way of trying to explain what we just do not understand.

  4. Hmm. I had expected this comment page to be about false memories. At 20 minutes into the tape, Wendy tells how she herself was a dirty therapist, persuading clients that their emerging memories were wrong and that they had demons that needed exorcism in the church.

  5. Mary, your inbox & voicemail are full, so I can’t connect with you! Best wishes with your False Memories fringe play on Sunday! Wish I could be there.

  6. In short, there’s only good or bad, Demons are prevalent in many areas, Church’s, Schools Lawyers and ordinary people in families’ Demons have no mercy, if they possess its big trouble! Then deliberate summoned demons by our Governments CIA FBI etc are another major story, Great article Mary.. 🙂

  7. The universe is infinite . When you realise that every star is its own unique solar system , with planets , it is beyond understanding for us humans .
    We’re actually the most ferocious and bloodthirsty of all creatures . We murder for profit !
    How sick is that ? On the whole our karma does not look good , for we are all sinners in varying degrees .

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