Home World Politics Schwab, Gates, Soros, the Oligarchs and The Committee of 300

Schwab, Gates, Soros, the Oligarchs and The Committee of 300


A video sourced from Martheus: Learn the names of the people who run the people that run the World and what they are up to.



  1. So how do you communicate these truths to the masses? The moronosphere is so dumbed-down that they can be convinced to wear masks, social-distance, destroy their businesses, get an injection of poison – Hell, is there anything that the masses won’t buy into?

    Here’s hoping the new BRICS group can begin to unravel the scam. In the meantime, start growing your own food and become more independent of the corrupt systems. The less you have to do with government, the legal system, the medical system, the education system, all systems – the more likely you can come out the other side of this chaos.

  2. bumped onto my redundant channel, sorry if x2

    Your the good Sheepherd, now, that you see it. Good luck because you will need it(head freeo said this to me), may God be with you because, wish as to might, is not enough.
    We fight this good fight, because there is no other.

    • So far as I’m concerned the purported power of such figure-heads is derived solely from how we interact with each other on a kitchen-sink basis

      • The sheeple have been stupidified and cannot deal with exceptional circumstances.
        Next Gen
        The young Rotschild is a greenie and wants to save the ocean from plastic pollution, but it is the “elites” who own the factories.
        In Australia the self-styled “cardboard box king” dynasty probably does most of the plastic, they have tens of billions, cannot be all from cardboard.
        Pratt jr. Philanthropy:
        “Pratt is head of the Pratt Foundation, which has donated hundreds of millions of dollars since it was established and continues to give approximately US$20 million per year, including to Planned Parenthood, The Urban League, St Jude’s Hospital and many others. Pratt also serves on the board of trustees of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation. Pratt is patron of the Trilateral Track II Food and Water Security Dialogue which he launched with former Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres between India, Israel and Australia. Pratt is a patron of the Australia India Leadership Dialogue, and founding patron of The Prince’s Charities Australia. In 2017, Pratt hosted a Food waste Summit at his Melbourne home aimed at halving Australia’s food waste by 2030. Also in 2017, he was executive producer and guest conductor at a fundraising gala concert for the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
        David de Rotschild

        These are a couple of public figures, I would not think any public figure is at the top of the pyramid, just look how tormented KC3 is, by it all.

  3. You can make a case against others in that the evidence you collect against them in it being the truth of evidence of the crimes committed. It is a hard thing indeed to gauge how to make a case against the Olympians when all that has ever come from that quarter is deceit and lies, because the jury will be made up of absurdist’s.
    You have many saying my truth… ethical relativism , a ship abandoned for the taking with an anchor bouncing along the ocean floor with no truth to hold it fast .

  4. Oh diddly-dear Dee, what a shocker! Not your fault because we have all been thoroughly taken in by this ‘Murdochian’ atrocity porn. The journey of awakening is undertaken along many paths, each at our own pace.

    A lot of material here (just like in the 911 video on the same channel) but obviously a very cleverly crafted piece of gatekeeping, obfuscation and projection that goes out of its way to not draw attention to the chief elephant in the room.

    To pick just one scene at 4:35 FDR is talking about ‘the secret nahtsie map’ that FDR used to soften up the American public to get them psychologically ready for war – of course he later resorted to the well planned and executed “First” Pearl Harbour event …


    • Roosevelt’s ‘Secret Map’ Speech


    (Reminds me of that video of the Tiananmen Square tank man that gets ‘run over’ if left to your imagination.)





    I went looking for a source video that I could download – see the comment by ‘CockleKlepper’ on this upload …



    • I think it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that this gang of “smarter-than-God” megalomaniac narcissists wouldn’t be pushing “democracy” (demo-latry) ( from demos, the people, and latria, worship) if it didn’t suit their purpose.

      I invite anyone who doesn’t assume that Judaeo-Masonry is the repository of all wisdom to have a look at what this Medieval scholar has to say about Civil Authority.

      • I looked at it but it seemed so pedantic and unremarkable I can’t see what the point is. As far as the Judaeo-masonic, think of it in terms of usefulness to a king, who else is so well networked globally, only the Catholics, and they are busy running their own scams

        • Uh-oh, Joe! I’m presently tossing up in my mind as to whether I just proposed something that the B’nai B’rith agencies thought so far buried in the “memory hole” that no one could recall it (and you wouldn’t have to deal with it) or that you are just so lacking in literacy and comprehension skills that you haven’t a clue of what it’s about.

          You’re right, though, it is the blardy rigedy didge Catholics that the Sanhedrin fears. They only despise other “useless eaters”.

          • I was interested to finally have a look at Aquinas since he is so often mentioned but it seems to be at a cutting edge of thought hundreds of years ago and now just part of the collective psyche. Do you have some particular passage you were considering ? As for my literacy, I gave up on reading books about 30 years ago, and now the government is deleting libraries too. Literacy is so supererogatory.

          • Well, Mr Jogan, if you had read the piece you would realise that what ole Tom says about the duties of a King (i.e. the good governance of the commonweal for the benefit of all) applies to any other form of government. He goes on to describe the relative merits and shortcomings of other kinds of government as well.

            I’m suspicious that Tom may have been summoned to Rome to provide input into the discussion of the English Magna Carta but he perished on the road.

            Anyhow, the Magna Carta was condemned, presumably, because it would absolve (or at least diminish) the King’s RESPONSIBILITY for the good governance of the commonweal into a soup (an oligarchy) in which no ONE is identifiably responsible.

            Goodness me! how things have “progressed” since then. The “tyranny of the ignorant” (as Aristotle described democracy) is now the idolised form of government in which the “ignorant” are coaxed or goaded to keep swapping lackeys of a hidden agenda thinking that by doing so they are in control of “progress”.

          • Yair, Mr Jogan, but a guillotine is just a macabre ornament or an instrument of terror unless it is owned and operated by men of wisdom and virtue with legitimate authority.

            Our Commonwealth Constitution has an even better formula for excluding institutionalised crooks from Parliament:
            Section 41 as follows:
            “(iv.)  Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension
 payable during the pleasure of the Crown  out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth : ………….

            shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
            But sub-section iv. does not apply to the office of any of the Queen’s
 Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen’s
 Ministers for a State,  or to the receipt of pay, half pay, or a pension, by any person as an officer or member of the Queen’s navy or army, or to the receipt of pay as an officer or member of the naval or military forces of the Commonwealth by any person whose services are not wholly employed by the Commonwealth.”

            Please note that there is a clear distinction made between the “Crown” (corporation) and the Monarch. This prohibits any lawyers (members of the Crown corporation’s Bar Association), agents of banks etc. from representing the “people’s interests” in any tier of the Parliamentary process.

            I prefer the firing squad as a more discreet method of disposing of properly convicted arch criminals and traitors.

    • What about if Georgia is revealed to be a Catholic! or worse still, a “Jesuit”!

      For me, however, I won’t be fairly confident that she’s on the right side unless the globalist’s sock puppet “Poope Francis” sets about slyly undermining her “toxic rigidity” much as the Poope did to that other bloke (Salvini, I think) who had the effrontery to hold up his Rosary beads in the face of Judaeo-Masonry.

      There’s good reason that Judaeo-Masonry and “Christian Zionism” is frantically opposed to grass roots Catholicism. Most of the “Catholic” hierarchy is deceived into the Judaeo-Masonic post-Protestant World view that Christianity is just another idea that changes according to the fancies of the readers of some text. Private interpretation of an edited “Scripture” has already produced over 40,000 registered versions of “Christianity”. There remains, however, the real horror, the real enemy of the Synagogue; blardy Catholics who actually, really, believe that the Second Person of the Triune God took flesh and established an institution of the New Covenant.

      Judaeo-Masonry and their dupes will hate this:


  5. The insanely dopey ABC TV just said :
    Today Jane Haldon handed down an independent review of Australia’s vaccine implementation which will help to keep governments honest
    … Is the ABC really so retarded that they don’t know Jane Haldon was a conspirator and part of the Agenda 21 forum held around mid-2019 to prepare for the plandemic ? They want to see the blue party smacked around for being too slow on the Astro-Zeneka, which was too good at killing old people too quick.
    Are these actual journalists or are they JUST PLAIN STOOPID on minimum wage.
    They think Elbow is going to save us from corruption, is this before or after he “fixes” the constitution. He is too busy fixing the economy by breaking it, but not his fault because he’s always overseas.
    Now they are all at Abe Shinzo’s state funeral, with the exceptions of Scotty and Keating, what’s going on with Scotty, must be in Hawaii with his ukelele, or is he in disgrace.
    It’s a thankless task being a politician, that’s why so many of them are CORRUPT.

  6. We are chattel… pawns.. and they believe they “own us,” and we have to be managed/culled, because our numbers are too great.

    Between the World Economic Forum (WEF) with Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari (Schwab’s Right-Hand man), Bill Gates, and the “bought and paid for” FDA, CDC, WHO, NIH, and vastness of Regulatory Capture, there’s a plan for Totalitarianism, and creation of TRANSHUMANISM, or Humanity 2.0, in progress (with the C19 injections). It’s a combination of depopulation, and CONTROL/MONITOR the remainder of the chattel, by the 300 richest people in the world.

    In January 2020, Dr Charles Leiber, Biology Department Head at Harvard, was arrested, and in December 2021 he was convicted. He was receiving research Grants from the U.S. Government, as well as $50,000 monthly from China, and sharing some impressive information included in 66 of Leiber’s PATENTS for bio-digital interface, using Graphene Oxide (GO). China loves trade secrets, which is evident through their 1000 Talents program. They pay huge money for inside information on new technology. Dr Leiber took the bait, as did Fauci.

    Side note: Fauci, Gates and Rockefellers have been friends for generations. See
    — Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios for the future of Technology & Int’l Development
    — EVENT 201: Gates, WEF, Harvard
    — AGENDA 2030
    — ID 2020
    — Gates love for money, depopulation (his father was CEO of Planned Parenthood)
    — Patent after patent of gain-of-function biowarfare
    — Wall Street insider trading of Congressmen
    — “Young Global Leaders,” trained up to push LOCKSTEP government policy by Klaus Schwab (WEF)
    — add Ukraine and their biolabs+ plus USA ca$h cow
    — U.S Department of Defense/DARPA

    = a whole big money laundering scheme for humanity to be exterminated, monitored and controlled.

    Come to find out, GO is 99.5% of every C19 injection out there, and nanocomputer components have been found in the Vaxx Vials, per La Quinta Columna University in Spain. The GO isn’t on the ingredients list. In fact, the INSERT that pharmacists and doctors read, to determine efficacy, safety and chemical information, says, “THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.” Yet doctors and pharmacists are believing that this EXPERIMENTAL drug, never used before on mankind, is “safe and effective,” with a mere 6-8 months of research.

    BTW, a minimum of 7-10 years is required to be tested by UNBIASED researchers, before it can even begin to be considered truly safe. The financial incentive to fudge data/information is tremendous. Science is fallible, every time money is involved; when is it NOT involved?

    The mRNA computer generated sequence was “a gift” from China; imagine that!
    A generous gift from our Communist enemies, who have boasted, “We will win a war with the United States without firing a shot.” Are any of them in this list of 300?

    It seems like the 20 years of gain of function patents, by NIH, Dr Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Peter Daszek, are right in line with Dr Charles Leiber. They have goals with Bill Gates (Microsoft Patent # WO 2020/060606) to digitize and put all of humanity on a Social Credit Score system.

    Let me guess. The NWO/Illuminati are also throughout Secret Societies, like the 33rd Degree of Freemasons, and participants in Disney’s Club 33, as well as attendees of the Bohemian Club every summer in California. I bet they frequent Epstein Island when they get the chance too… and rub shoulders with James Alefontis of Washington DC. Do they know Michael Aquino, and Marina Abramović as well? My bet (if I were a gambling type) would be that they are all tied together.

    F– the NWO/Illuminati, Great Reset, and mind/body control of Humanity 2.0. They’ve been caught, and lots of humanity didn’t fall for the Twilight Zone scheme by these Sociopath Megalomaniacs.

    This isn’t “$cience,” it’s genocide, which makes the Holocaust look like child’s play… EVIL, to the core.

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