Home Trump SCOTUS Involved in First Challenge in Pennsylvania

SCOTUS Involved in First Challenge in Pennsylvania


by G5

SCOTUS has sent orders to each of the 67 electoral boards in Pennsylvania, to isolate the late votes. They previously refused to act on the instructions of The State Secretary, and have counted the frauds in with the legal votes. This is the first challenge. On Monday next, SCOTUS will be flooded, to act to protect The People, The Constitution, and indeed The West.

Media has not advised; as I wrote of armed DOJ units sent to particular counties with very specific orders. Also, the stand by of National Guard units and Citizen Militias has not been reported. Nor have current Runoffs been correctly articulated.

All apart from the corrupt rolls, multi-voting, and the fraudulent programs of the computer systems, determining GOP votes as Dem or void. Repeated clear evidence of all these matters. Remember that all communication and media, particularly in America, is controlled by just six conglomerates; six people. Trump is not their ally and not their puppet.

On the night, as I wrote, Trump won The Presidency with 295 Electoral College votes. Now The Biden Handlers are claiming Trump at 214 and Biden at 270 plus [now 279].

The vast majority of The People voted for Trump. They are not amused at being disenfranchised, robbed of their freedoms and future, and surrounded by Fourth Estate Censorship, leading to Big State. They will not lay down and play dead as instructed. The blackmailed and bought GOP camp will be politically dealt with in due course. The correct perceptions of The People will harden. They will not dissolve as instructed (video).

Propaganda Media has collectively decided that The Dems have won The Presidency and both Houses. Conveniently just hours after SCOTUS has begun pulling the fraud apart. The legal challenges against the fraud are afoot and mounting. I previously wrote that the final decisions will not be known for weeks.


Trump has not conceded and is not currently playing golf, as you have been told. The reason Fox was colluded into leading the deception, was because it was previously purporting to represent conservative interests. A Trojan Horse conspiracy.

Opposing media to the fraud is being systematically switched off. If the alleged Dem victory were true, that would not occur. The fraud has been systematic and determined throughout this affair. Let there be no doubt as to the efforts to create Stalinist America. What has been displayed is not what is being sold.

I began warning some five years ago, of the parallel to Stalinist Russia. The printed word and email chains will be the prime source of non state-controlled information, in the first instance. Deep Thinkers beware of self-delusional intellectualized re-evaluation of the obvious.

For those diminishing numbers able to read true history, and think rationally and critically beyond their ‘educations’, welcome to the new underground. The repetition of The Stalinist Soviet Union, and the road to The (New) Gulag Archipelago.

Remember it took a century for Russia to extricate Itself from the grip of the same Usual Suspects that are now in the final throes of destroying The West in a direct parallel, to the point of rhyming. The EU was a step in the process.

Trump defeating the current corruption, is not the death of The Beast. The win is by finally slaying The Beast, not its ridiculous and continuing intellectualizing and moralizing, which led to the current end game.

The early open warnings were from Eisenhower’s final speech as President, and speakers and writers as Garry Allen, particularly from 1971 (None Dare Call it Conspiracy), and the prior Larry Abraham (Call it Conspiracy). Students of Marxism and its various permutations as Keynesianism, The Frankfurt School, and The Totalitarian devastation of much of The World, would be well aware.



  1. We Must Undo the Coup!

    I am hereby restoring the CLG News to its original, historical purpose of fighting against election fraud and malfeasance and undoing the coup!


    GOP Claims Software Error Switched 6,000 Republican Votes to Democratic, Used in 47 Michigan Counties

    2020 Election Sting Operation Donald Trump Blockchain Security Steve Pieczenik Interview | 05 Nov 2020 | (Video)

    Read more –


  2. It should be noted that it is not the role of the fake phony and false mass media to call the results of the electoral process. They who believe the msm have not learnt much. Cannot fix stupids.
    BTW, the latest X 22 report is interesting……….but what would zio Dave know?
    Love the ‘ten days of darkness’, gullibles can feel at home, so enjoy it before the light becomes blinding. All fun!

  3. From Art Bell’s show, Coast to Coast, in 1996:

    Journalist James Collier spoke about his book “Votescam: The Stealing of America,” which had just been released. He contends that in most of the country a person’s vote is not really counted. The problem started in 1970, he said, claiming that NBC and CBS completely rigged the election by calling 100% of the vote from the report of just one voting machine. Collier goes on to admit that he stole some documents that reveal how the voting machine would work and how the workers kept a tally of the vote. He said he took the documents to police experts who said they were a forgery, and the FBI agreed.

  4. At around the 30 sec mark, Giuliani says :’The people you see behind me are a few of the poll watchers who will all testify ….’.

    Hang on, but who do I see unmasked behind Giuliani ?
    None other than fellow 9/11 criminal, and former NY Police Commissioner and convicted felon, Bernie Kerik.

    Yeah, like Kerik’s testimony is going to have a lot of gravitas.

    Honestly G5, I don’t know why you bother.

    If you’re going to make a case for Trump, at least post some videos featuring people we can trust like a Ron Paul or a G Edward Griffin.

    Oh … my bad, I forgot that G Edward Griffin is already on record as saying that Trump is Controlled Opposition (watch from 22:00 – 31:00) :

    Now, I get it that I don’t have the greatest standing with a lot of you, but this is the one and only G Edward Griffin saying these things.

    Of all the things I’ve posted, this has to rank amongst the most important.

    I URGE all Trump supporters in particular to put aside 9 minutes to listen to this and focus on Griffin’s IMPECCABLE LOGIC for coming to the conclusion that he has.

    Anyone care to refute Griffin’s logic ?

    I’m all ears – I’d like to hear it. (Especially from you G5 ).

    Please tell me why Griffin got it wrong. Yes, the same Griffin who, I say with all honestly, I cannot recall being wrong on ANY issue of substance …… EVER.

    • Left -Right Paradigm.Trump is also just a puppet of the Oligarchy.Connections with Sheldon Adelson,Chabad Lubavitch via Ivanka/Kushner,the evil trilogy Jacob Rothschild+Henry Kissinger+George Soros.and so on.
      Brendon O’Connell has a great handle on all this.
      Steve Pieczenik the CIA shill is working hard to promote the current “coup” with the other actors to keep the worthless eaters under control while TPTB roll out their GREAT RESET under cover of COVID 19,AGW and FF,s etc.

    • I have met Griffin and listened to him in 2008. On the ball re the ‘hubs’ of control.
      Now it is claimed that Griffin has never been wrong on any issue ‘NEVER’.
      Seems to be a typical alleged infallibable assessment based on a belief that Griifin may be not wrong or informed…. dangerous assessment and filled with arrogance, i suggest that he is a genuine commentator but not a player.
      I rely on players and I am sure that G5 does also.
      BTW G5 does not concern himslf with trite questions. Readers should do their own research and be as gullible and irrelevant as they bother.

      • Well ….no Ned, what I actually said was ‘I cannot RECALL him ever being wrong’.

        Of course, if ANYONE on Gumshoe can dig up ANYTHING of substance where Griffin has got it wrong in the last 30 years, I’ll donate $ 100* to Dee’s fundraiser for that mum with the abducted child.

        ‘Anything of Substance’ does not relate to forecasting of election outcomes or sports fixtures etc, that can be rigged by the cabal.
        You guys know what I mean. Like calling out an individual or institution as being a black hat when in fact it was a white hat all along.

        (NOTE : There is black and white film footage containing a young and geopolitically green Griffin going back to the late 1950’s / early 1960’s so give me some leeway if there’s something he said in 1962 that didn’t pan out in 1997).

        So there it is Gumshoe readers, I’ve put that challenge out there for ALL of you to look into Griffins archives and see how prescient this man has been over the years.

        This man is a Living Treasure.

        • Concede, you based your presentation on never ‘recalling.’
          Interesting slight of hand to promote Griffin’s alleged ‘infallibility’., being based on your subjective recollection.
          Ever met Griffin?

          • No I haven’t had the pleasure Ned. You’re one up on me there.

            And yes, my recollection and beliefs are subjective – like yours and everyone else’s.

            Hence the $ 100 challenge I’ve put out to prove me wrong.

    • “Anyone care to refute Griffin’s logic ?” – Not me, I came to the same conclusions he came to a long time ago.

      Re: Trump, if the powers that be wanted him gone, he would have been JFKed a long time ago.

      Re: Assets, I’m out of debt, paid cash for everything including the house, built up the soil to produce food, permaculture and gardens, have some hard assets.

      Re: Defense, I’m a firearm owner, know how to use it. I can go bush and bring back lots of meat.

      Re: Location. I’m in a small country town away from the cities. The headwaters of the local river run through the town. I have 5,200 litres of water in my tanks.

      Re: Community support, I’ve contributed to the community and most people around here know and respect me, if I need something, no problem. All the kids know me from years of being the best house in town to get Halloween candies. Kids as young as 5 years old call me ‘Terry’. The ones that have grown into young adults remember me helping them out with some extra work money.

      Your mileage may differ…

      • Terry, that’s quite a template you’ve laid out for us dumb city slickers to aspire to.

        If we can manage to achieve even half of that, we’d be doing pretty well.

        • No problem Diane, I’d put you up in a nice cabin, get a good feed in you, some homemade vodka (ask Ned if he liked it) and then send you on your way the next day with some nuts and dried and/or canned food to last a few days.

          After that, you’re on your own. – Protect yourself, nobody else will.

          • very generous of you Terry and I enjoy vodka-home brew can be fatal though- thanks for the warning ned–and I am well equipped to protect myself- been doing that all my life–

      • Terry,
        I have reports that they did try to kill trump x . If true and he survived it indicates what trench he is in Also reports are that they tried to poison his spouse in Scotland.
        No surviving culprits!
        You been there, it happens🤡

        • Sure it happens, but it doesn’t happen 20 odd times. Crikey, spooks can slip in all sorts of scenarios – while you are paying attention and avoiding one, another two can be building behind your back to get you while you retreat.

          If they wanted Trump dead, he would already be dead by now. Trump says the right things, I figure that is why they allowed him to keep going. Keep appointing deep state creatures and blowing smoke up the butts of the masses.

          I wanted Trump to have the ‘right stuff’, but he was not a Kennedy (read about PT-109, Kennedy had it). Trump never had it.

    • TV… I had an online conversation with Griffen a bit over a decade ago and the only disagreement we had was the pathway out of this mess. I argued that the only way to avoid corruption is to eliminate leadership… that is… formulate policy through all citizens; choice applying to basic issues or, at the other end of the spectrum, all the detail a respective citizen wishes to contribute. This is more comprehensive than Citizen Initiated Referenda.

      It is also actual “government of the people, by the people and for the people”.

      I forget Griffens position but it involved representation and leadership. We parted ways on that.

      • That’s interesting Tony.

        Perhaps your suggestion would be the solution – if it could be implemented (and that’s where the disagreement arose, assuming Griffin was being pragmatic and just couldn’t fathom how a leaderless society could come about).

        I think it’s part of human nature that some will, of their own accord, seek leadership and counsel from someone they’ve come to respect and will voluntarily wish to be led by said individual.

        I just want government to be as small as possible, entrusted with limited powers (to tax, to wage war, to establish a regulatory nightmare for the private sector), and to be decentralised.

        A society where everyone knows the local ‘leader’ and decisions in your neighbourhood are made by the local elected representative – and not by some overpaid and out of touch bureaucrat or politician in a far off location.

  5. USAWatchdog.com.
    For those who wish to know what is afoot, see andL LISTEN to Greg Hunter’s interview with Alex Newman.
    Your children’s freedom under the NWO is at stake…..do you want to enslave your children and grandchildren to the commie system as in China? Or was in Russia.
    Seems that the msm does…..stupids then are you.

    • I suppose that some think Harris, if VP, will not be pushing her commie friends to the commie system. Choice: president Harris or President Trump.

      • Sorry, forgot to mention that Greg Hunter is the same interviewer that TV put up in his comment above re Griffin’s interview with Hunter.

        • On your suggestion I listened to about half.
          Griffin says he is just speculating that Trump is the “controlled opposition”, I say Trump is a maverick, and HRC was expected to beat Mitt Romney. After 4 years of Hillary’s nanny state socialism, people might have been tempted to vote for Ted Cruz or some other to save the 2nd amendment, the bat-flu was timed for that. (If Biden gets through expect some big massacres).
          Griffin says all elections could be controlled electronically, well that doesn’t seem to be the case now. The electoral college has probably had threats.
          Court witnesses will of course be threatened or murdered.
          Griffin says Rockerfellas are No.1 in the US, maybe No.2 in the world, and Trump was talking to Kissinger, their bagman. Rockerfellas BigPharma is being undermined by Trump with great success. Trump must be very bad for sales.
          Griffin says Soros bailed out Trump towers. Trump will throw anyone under the bus if it suits him, and will choose his battles, not have Gumshoe readers order which battles he takes on. Hillary would be much trickier to take down being a dodgy lawyer along with Bill, these shifty lawyers have checked out the implications of what they get up to.
          We are all at the mercy of the law in many ways.
          Griffin says dissenters will be put in fema camps, after the international money system (great reset) is fully installed. I can tell you the mechanism already. They will nibble away all your money by picking on you with fees and charges and fines, until you beg to go into the fema camp.
          Griffin says he has the red pill, everyone says they have the red pill, if you can sell enough pills you can start your own channel. Zionists barely got a mention, but I only listened to half of it. Griffin is an enthusiastic amateur and seems to be misrepresented by people like the Veggie.
          Griffin says exponential money printing cannot go on forever, yet it has, and will. It is a form of taxation. They way to avoid it is to acquire negative money. That is debt. Griffin is correct that banks do everything in their own interest (of course). Housing costs having got so out of proportion to income, it’s time to stop the middle classes making gains from debt. Better to have a crisis and grab the houses, as distressed assets. You see I am an enthusiastic amateur like Griffin, and I can extrapolate all this stuff too. Unfortunately Veggie doesn’t have any talent for economics, and is stuck with his Zio-derangement syndrome as the reason for everything, and his little top ten of “trusted sources” he believes in, and selectively parrots – and – misquotes.

      • Ned asks : President [Ho] Harris or President Trump.

        I really had to think long and deep on that one Ned, it’s a tough call – each being as repugnant as the other.

        Either I choose Socialism on the one hand or Communism ‘Lite’.

        Six of One, Half a Dozen of …… .

        • Pussy, there is no half way on the future of our attempt to make democracy relevant. Choose! Where you stand.
          Ok do not and stop time wasting!

  6. Further as a matter of interest.
    I have information that in ww11 Curtain entered a secret agreement with McCarther ON BEHALF OF the US that, in effect, the US ran Australia, to the ‘end of hostilities’……… (never ending it seems!)
    I have been informed that every Oz PM is shown this document and also photographs of Kennedy’s skull.
    I raised this with Griffin in 2008, then he just finished the conversation and walked away.
    Strange that he was not interested? After all, he would ‘NEVER’ BE WRONG’ according to some……Then again, one cannot be wrong in silence.

    • Very interesting anecdote.
      Well, useless to carry on about pieces of paper, as W Bush called the US constitution, they are superseded by so many secret agreements. The only use of the Bill of Rights is if enough heavily armed bogans believe in it. But Gates will take care of them anyway with some engineered ebola bat flu or whatever he has lined up.
      Keeping your wealth is one of the main preoccupations of the wealthy. Why should this generation of super-rich be any different.

  7. My guess is that the whole theatre is being choreographed to produce a civil war in which UN mercenaries will be called in as “peace keepers” to eliminate or intimidate those “not compliant” to the “New World Order”.

    I vaguely recollect that the treasonous corporate lackeys of the secretocracy pretending to be the “government” of Scummo have already passed “legislation” that allows foreign troops called in to protect the “government” from the people an indemnity from criticism or culpability.

    I hope that there are people “out there” who have better recall and search skills than me that can verify that.

    It is imperative that the armed forces and police are not cornered into thinking that patriots are some kind of hostile fringe lunatics; enemies of the “people” (i.e. the “government”) whereas it is the hostile, foreign owned, corporate “government” that is the “enemy of the people”.

  8. BREAKING: Illuminati disendorse Donald Trump for 2020 U.S. presidential race

    One of the major global underground organisations which allegedly dictate world events have unexpectedly cancelled their previous commitment to U.S. President Donald Trump.

    The Illuminati – a secretive occult grouping of powerful, yet anonymous, individuals – announced late yesterday afternoon, in New York, that Trump will not receive their endorsement for the upcoming 2020 U.S. presidential election.

    Many insiders suggest the Illuminati, in concert with several other shadowy groups, were critical in delivering the U.S. presidency to the former reality TV star in 2016.

    This unexpected move by the powerful cult is seen by many commentators as a major blow to Trump’s chances of re-election in the presidential race next year.

    In a sombre press conference at the Freemasons Grand Lodge in midtown Manhattan, the leader of the Illuminati – known formally as the “Big Candelabra” – said that “enough was enough”.

    Read on


    • At the top of said article is the word ‘Satire’.

      However I chose to read another article, “Senator Eric Abetz stirs controversy with racist questions to Chinese-Australians”

      It read like a typical leftist piece, but when I got to the following paragraph:
      “Back in 2015, when Abetz used the racist term “negro” to describe a Black American Supreme Court judge, his Tasmanian senatorial colleague, Jacqui Lambie, said he should “quit Parliament with whatever dignity he has left”. ”

      Wasn’t the term “Negro” used to replace the “N-word” to remove the negative connotations involved with the “N-word”?
      And now “Negro” is apparently racist???

      Typical of the left, moving the goalposts.

      Prosperity relies on stability, and this demonstrates how communism isn’t stable.

      Quite apart from the useless need to reindoctrinate oneself every 6 months.

      And, obviously, Jacqui drinks the kool-aid as well.

      But I should’ve realised it was a leftist website when I see in the sidebar: ‘Why the ABC is too important to lose’

      • People can be excused for confusing natives of Niger and Nigeria, of course all these words have origins in Latin for black, “nigreos”. It’s the same with Pakis, P.A.K.I. is an acronym for the tribes in that place, they chose the name themselves but I think it has been deemed offensive to call them by their own name which they chose. The best story I heard about “Pom” was the sailors had “property of mother england” tattooed on their backs so they were not whipped so hard. Poms don’t like it. Yankees was “Jan Cheese”, the name for Dutch immigrants, got reversed onto everyone. In Denmark they changed the name for heart to “blood-pumper”, I can hardly guess why, some form of denial or revisionist theory.
        So entertaining but of course in “Newspeak”, it’s all double-plus bad.
        The young ones are wise to this, they are out protesting and rioting everywhere.
        MSM won’t tell us anything about it, we have to be indoctrinated with Covid-safe™ instead.
        I wonder what they have threatened Scotty and Dan with, refer Ned’s comment above.

        • Also ‘in club’ I have been informed that significant traitors are issued with a bottomless credit card…….accept it or take the alternative.(blackmail?) [that is why selected are chosen?]

  9. Can Trump get Supreme Court to Intervene?

    Lots of court actions in states involved.. The Trump campaign is suing with number of lawsuits
    Administrative law vs Legislative law. We have the same problem in Australia

  10. Do people think that the democrat voters will accept the courts’ decision should they uphold Trump’s complaints?
    Assuming it will even get airtime (Don’t be countin’ on Fox y’hear?)…

    Remember this from about 2 years ago?
    Bill Maher Wants Economy To Collapse To Hurt Trump

    Funny how I mentioned there may be two presidents:
    An America With Two Presidents

    • How do you think the courts will like it if the media makes decisions for them? Ultimately the courts have the police, army etc at their disposal.
      Meanwhile, we see QE2 has suddenly fallen in line, I mean, taken to wearing a mask, we can look forward to dust masks forever under Joe, this must be intended to buy a few extra years for decrepit oligarchs who have had new organs installed.
      Meanwhile, Melania must be flipping out looking for a secure island to go and live on. Plenty to choose from, including “Orgy Island” has become available recently.
      What we can take from all this is the wholesale destruction of any free press in the MSM.
      We no longer even hear the daily death count on ABC, “One 88 year old died” stuff, or is it that I just stopped watching.
      So, will the US courts throw themselves on the pyre too?
      Well you know how slow they always are.

  11. Don’t Fall For The Psyop! Biden’s Not Officially The President-Elect, At Least Not Yet…
    8 November 2020

    A massive psyop was launched across the world after the Mainstream Media’s “projection” that Biden will become the President-Elect deceived average folks and foreign governments alike into thinking that the US’ contentious 2020 presidential election has finally concluded, but the existing and forthcoming litigation from the Trump team might change the final tally in key battleground states and in turn influence how the Electoral College votes in the middle of next month since it’s this institution — not the media or the popular vote — which legally decides the presidency as per the Constitution.

    An Unprecedentedly Intense Psyop – Read on


  12. Biden alone did not allegedly win the presidency. As I understand there were not two tickets – Biden for president and Harris for VP, but a one ticket combo.

  13. Legacy Ziomedia declares victory (+ Open Thread) (+UPDATE)
    5652 Views November 07, 2020 83 Comments

    In a closely coordinated move, the Dems and their legacy Ziomedia have declared Biden the victor of the presidential race. Likewise, the main US TV channels have cut off Trump during a White House press conference.

    Before all the votes are counted and before the courts could decide which votes count or not. In simple legal terms, this election is not over.

    But we know that Dems don’t give a hoot about facts or the law. ……. Read on


  14. Censoring Donald Trump is more “dangerous to democracy” than anything he could ever say Oligarchs and social media giants are now claiming a monopoly on “the truth”, that should worry everyone

    “……….But I would argue that empowering billionaires to hold a monopoly on “the truth” is far more dangerous to democracy than anything Trump could ever say.

    To people inclined to disagree, I leave these five questions. Answer them, if you can:

    Who made the decision to censor the elected President of the United States?
    Who granted them this power?
    Whose interests do they serve?
    To whom are they accountable?
    In the future, who gets to decide “the truth”?


    • I think the silicon valley hipster from Twitter was saying they make up their own guidelines.
      Then they of course hire brainwashed lefties to administer them, so it works automatic.
      Your secret government:
      Used to be the church handed out money, now it’s Rockerfellas.
      You can interpret their philanthropy and corporate-speak any way you want.
      Looks like they are handing out a few million every week, to “deserving individuals”.
      It’s a big payroll.
      So, according to my guess:
      And so forth, all part of the product range.

  15. Many people are citing questionable data in regard to the recent election. There are too many videos and articles to read or listen to all of them.

    However, here is an expert computer programmer who comments on the voting anomalies as it relates to computer vote counting. His conclusion is that there was malicious intent in the computer programs that were supposed to give us an accurate count of the ballots.

  16. Here’s some red meat for the Trumper’s in a video titled ‘How Donald Trump Can CONSTITUTIONALLY Win This Election TODAY’ :

    • OK I’ll bite
      Here’s the short version:
      1. POTUS is elected by delegates
      2. Jews own the banks
      3. Buy my pancake mix
      Makes sense to ZDS sufferers I guess

    • Deranged lefties don’t realise they don’t produce anything, making lattes and admin jobs, mobile dog wash, all these things are non-productive. A huge swathe of society has become non-productive. In this context the plan to remove “useless eaters” is the obvious conclusion. Nobody knows how it will all turn out.
      HW Bush gave the game away in his moment of most intense hubris.
      According to dallasnews.com :
      “George H.W. Bush’s speech before a joint session of Congress on Sept. 11, 1990, in which he describes his vision of a new world order amid the Persian Gulf crisis.”
      Interesting choice of a date, surely this would not hint at any subsequent event ?

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