Home Corona Senator Ron Johnson’s Vaccine Hearing. Cancer Numbers Exploding

Senator Ron Johnson’s Vaccine Hearing. Cancer Numbers Exploding


Above, is a summary of the 5-hour Johnson hearing.

Link to CrackNews for more on this, and more videos.

Doctors speak out.



    • Julius, humanities great problem (as I see it) is that today with the introduction of the ‘germ’ theory and the ‘attacking force’ ideology propaganda in place for so long has allowed the promotion of the mentality of the pharma / medical drug and agriculture artificial fertilizer / poison ideologies and thus the realities of what actually benefits human and animal cell life (except in Naturopathy) been largely ignored.

      Thus what has been promoted is every kind of artificial and chemical substance which manufacturers can make cheaply and derive massive profits from. To the extent that today the worlds media constantly lie and deceive, politicians lie constantly, the medical profession knows only pharma drug treatment and surgery, stealth groups from secret societies to military so-called intelligence agencies lie and deceive on a massive scale of which we cannot comprehend as do financial and insurance organisations of all kinds basically robbing society of its real wealth.

      Our foods, air and water are being polluted and contaminated while evermore EMF reliant goods contaminate our homes, towns and the atmosphere. Our Society’s are being beset upon by liars and psychopathic control freaks of all kinds. Human Beings are being sold a GIANT LIE and the majority, the vast majority of them BELIEVE IT! Just look at the extent of the worldwide covid vax scam if you don’t believe it. Humans are under attack and AT WAR!

  1. What you all say?
    P M Morrison,
    Paul Kelly,
    Nine network, you Hadley,
    The ABC,
    Press media,
    All doctors,
    The AMA,
    I suggest you look up the legal proceedings being prepared by Reiner Fuelmich and Tom Renz.

    • Not to forget you; Hazzard⚖️⚖️⚖️
      How many kids did you have injected with unknown ingredients rather than have alternative treatment referred to in the video in this article.

  2. I don’t expect this information will appear in the MSM, so I have forwarded a link to the video to many I know by email and I have requested that they forward the link to their contacts.

    • Of course the msm or ABC will not inform the public, they are too busy digging their own graves, with their political and pharma providers, for burial when they are completely exposed for their heinous crimes.
      Everyone should send this article on to friends and associates. Forget the politicians and msm, they will ignore it, as to know about it, defeats their sick attempts at plausible denial ability for their crimes.
      Did not work at Nuremberg⚖️⚖️⚖️🤡then again, send it to all of them, including all mass media and include their staffers. Be interesting for cross examination as to their knowledge, in due course and as to how they failed To carry out their duties and ‘kept us safe’.🤣🤣🤣

  3. Hey Everybody, this will restore you. By the way it is still Jan 26 here and I think we should just change aus day to sorry day, permanently.

  4. Thank you Senator Johnson, doctors, nurses, researchers & citizens for speaking out for all of us. While your leadership in working upon our present condition is essential, let us understand the oligarch-imposed, abandonment of humane systems, which disempower us.
    Why are we so beholding to systems which continually fail, bigger to smaller, for 1000s of years?
    THE BIGGER PICTURE / COLONIAL OLIGARCH LEGACY (Panic of Ghosts). Western Europe’s ancestry fled from dysfunctional & damaged oligarch commanded & controlled Europe’s economic & ecological failure. Europe itself was violently colonized from dysfunctional ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) Babylon, Assyria, Greece & Rome with impoverishing failure being exported step-by-step through false ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) systems of actual ‘amnesia’, which violate every precept of human society, as a living-loving-economic-neural-organism with memory. http://www.indigenecommunity.info/structure/3-economic-memory
    Massive, once productive 3-Dimensional Polyculture-orchard regions with flowing creeks, rivers & lakes were cut-down for tools of war & 2-D ‘agriculture’ (L ‘ager’ = ‘field’) they dried-up into desert. As ‘SYLVALIZATION’ (L ‘sylva’ = ‘tree’) biosphere-abundant productive ‘indigenous’ (L ‘self-generating’) culture was destroyed, ‘civilization’ (L ‘civus’ = ‘city’), oligarchs used system-failed compliant-refugees to violently plunder, invade, colonize & occupy neighbours & then worldwide. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies
    DISTRIBUTED REASONS FOR INDIGENOUS RESILIENCY. Beyond colonial lies of institutionally indoctrination, all humanity’s worldwide indigenous ancestors, had for 10s if not 100s of 1000s of years, maintained rich, lush, productive & thriving sylvalizations. ‘Fractal’ (‘fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole’) empowerment, starts with inclusive-welcoming individual, family, extended-family, Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) ‘economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’). Indigenous systems are intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale, at every human level of relationship. Each person is strengthened culturally in a Relational Economy of complementary caring, sharing, progressive-ownership & deciding together. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy

      • Thanks Mary for your question & the opportunity to respond. I do take an individual & system’s responsibility, for I am just part of & as well representative of the whole. Individually, I have a 43 year Vow-of-solidarity for devoting my own resources & opportunities to be a pro-active contributing part of the whole. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/solidarity
        My own background has been 58 years of scientific research, building & system’s design. My father apprenticed me since a toddler in design, house, boat & equipment building, repair, machining, mechanics, In the 1960s, I helped lead a High-School Student Union in the creation of Student-led ‘education’ (Latin ‘educare’ = ‘to-lead-forth-from-within’).
        Briefly since 1970s Pollution-Control-Officer in Pulp & Paper, Reforestation Union Health & Safety officer, Industrial-First-Aid-Attendant. I helped develop & implement the Natural-Food Cooperative Networks of British Columbia (BC) & Quebec. Over decades I live & work among 1st Nations & pacifists Russian Dukobour, German Mennonite & English Quaker communities. I helped contribute to the BC government hearings which led to Uranium exploration & mining Moratorium, achieved in 1983 & Quebec province in 2014 studying Epidemiology with Dr. Rosalie Bertell (Radiation bio-statistics).
        I volunteered, trained & worked as a Specialized-Educator for people labelled as ‘intellectually-handicapped’ (everyone carries the brilliance of life’s intelligence) in residences, group-homes, hospital, home & community.
        Since the 1970s, as I inquired about Autistic onset, family informed me about institutionalized members, I learn about the pathological pattern of Vaccine-induced encephalitis & meningitis for children born interactively engaged, only to autistically withdraw from Vaccine reactions.
        In the ‘indigenous’ (L ‘self-generating’) ‘economy’ tradition our Sustainable Development Association (Canadian Non-Profit since 1994) & Indigene Community (since 1983) are focused on community animation in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) where 70% of people live today. 70% of people today live in Multihomes worldwide with an average of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. 20% of Multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family proximity, providing reciprocal essential goods & services & ‘company’ (L ‘com’ + ‘pan’ = ‘bread’). Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. On ‘Turtle-Island’ (North-America) extended Multihome families provide over 2 trillion dollars per year to national economies.
        ‘DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ is an indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy software program to 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally with record keeping, agreement / contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are

    • Thanks for sharing and introducing us to your site, Douglas. Very extensive and impressive. I just watched your five minute video on polyculture (How to Grow … 1). Not that I am vegan or even vegetarian but I do have a small backyard orchard that is just coming into full productivity for our summer. At least it is a start. Terry would know more about this.

      • Thank you, Julius.

        Excuse me, Douglas. I only read the first half of your comment. Thought you were attributuing our problems to someone long ago.

        Boy, is the future generation going to be attributing some major crap to us!

        I apologize again.

        • A most gracious follow up Mary. Hey, you are so busy guiding the whole Gumshoe site with your prolific authorship, it must be difficult to peruse and take in every comment. ‘They’ do have us jumping at shadows after all.

          I saw Douglas as offering an alternative and preferable way of life (polyculture) once we have brought down those oligarchs – so he complements those of us who are doing our own thing and was thanking those doctors, nurses et al for speaking out on our behalf.

          All good – and thanks again Douglas AND Mary.

          • Look up dr Judy Malone’s current interview with a experience embalmer and see the photos of the ‘ worm like’ fibrous material in the veins of a increasing number of injected bodies.
            He had not seen it before.
            Tell us all about it Dr Chant with a explanation.
            What you say minister hazardous?

  5. It’s all related …

    • ACH (1701) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Abortion On Holocaust Memorial Day


    We discussed: how the leading cause of death in the world today is abortion; the curious case of the Green Card you need to complete to enter the United States; Lord Kitchener’s Concentration Camps in South Africa; the exponential increase in sterility amongst men and women throughout the Western World; why abortion is the modern day equivalent of the child sacrifice ordered by King Herod; how Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development are politically correct terms for Genocide; the proof babies do feel pain when they are dismembered in the womb; how many babies are incinerated after they are aborted; Peter’s conversation with a doctor that carried out abortions; the significance of the now deleted Deagel.Com 2025 Population Predictions and the Georgia Guidestones; how the Soviets never liberated Auschwitz and instead continued to use it as a Concentration Camp for Christians until 1954; the Communists hateful vendetta against Christianity; Peter’s visit to the Washington D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum with his friend General Ben Partin; Peter’s book, “Holocaust In Rwanda,” and how Genocides of Christians are ignored; the sign on the wall of the Washington D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum which read, “Anti-Semitism Began With The Birth Of Jesus Christ,”; Stephen Mitford Goodson’s book, “Genocide Of The Boers,” which reveals how in 1901 the Rothschilds paid for 480,000 Christmas Hampers for the soldiers who slaughtered the Boers; why diamonds are made artificially scarce and are actually fairly worthless; and many other topics.

    • Connecting the dots. Speaking Truth to Power

      Thank you Mary and Dee for your brilliant work- Gumshoenews. It has enabled me to weave most of my story into the “Big Picture” For the past six months I have been working with victims, survivors, advocates.and whistleblowers who are telling their stories exposing the truth about satanic ritual abuse, mind control and organised abuse. Genocide Torture Experiments ——- more to come.


  6. Cancer Numbers Exploding
    How odd is that !
    Maybe the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in the Parkville, Melbourne, could explain why this might be. Next door we have the Royal Womans Hospital, who specialise in woman cancers. Next door we have the Royal Children’s Hospital, who dabble with cancers too.
    Surely all the research monies going back over 70 years have at least an idea why this might be.
    Sure the Doherty Institute across the road is struggling with their expert modelling, but they may have some theory being immunity focused and cancer I have heard has a immunity component.
    Maybe Ian Frazer and immunity expert who is known for the HPV vaccine that prevents some cancers.Not to mention helping show that HIV caused immunodeficiency.
    Rockefeller Foundation of New York were the ones that recommended the Parkland site to Richard Berry and they know a thing or two, like Melbourne University.

    An odd nexus did come up while I fact checked the above, the Eugenics Society of Victoria 1936-1961. They had a mental deficiency bill get up in 1939 but WW2 then started, and by 1945, well it got confused with all that Europe anst so was dumped as overt policy.


    When you take a step back and look, at say, “almost on the cancer cure just a little more money” and you hear that every year for 30 odd years. Well I just can not continue to accept that, its akin to mental deficiency. Brain Cancer like Mary Louise Mclaws has, but has no idea how this could be is lucky like all the above. Had that eugenics bill just jumped the last hurdle in 1945. Well it would be the law, and for the greater good and I would not want to risk these feckless fools and criminals breeding.

  7. Bless you Simon –always good for a segue- :-))
    A Seventieth Anniversary History

    Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences The University of Melbourne
    1946 to 2016

    When one considers the early history of psychology at the University of Melbourne the words of Kurt Danziger, a distinguished former staff member, appear rather apt: “[it has a] long past but a short history.”2 As an independent department, psychology arrived relatively late at Melbourne – later than at Sydney and Western Australia, later than in the United Kingdom and much later than in the United States. However, the teaching of psychology and psychological research at Melbourne dates back well before the turn of the 20th century, when the University was a comparatively small institution cultivating the state’s intellectual elite.

    Page 10

    In September 1940, Oeser was head- hunted by Alastair Denniston to work at what was then a small codebreaking centre set up at Bletchley Park. It was not hard to imagine why: as well as being trained in a range of sciences, Oeser was fluent in German, proficient in several other languages, and familiar with Germanic culture. He rapidly rose to the rank of Wing Commander heading Hut 3 at Bletchley Park. Working with the cipher messages decoded by Alan Turing and his colleagues in Hut 6, Oeser’s role was to translate, interpret and prioritize these messages for Allied command. This was enormously time-sensitive and strategically crucial work. Oeser also made two incursions in 1943 and 1945 to recover communication and encryption equipment. During the latter mission undertaken just as the war ended, Oeser’s TICOM team raided Hitler’s mountain retreat at Berchtesgaden – the “Eagle’s Nest.” They returned with a huge haul of signals equipment and encoding machines, including an advanced electronic device capable of intercepting Soviet tele-printer messages that Bletchley Park was yet to break.

        • Hallucinogens and ECT seem to be “all the rage” in mental health again these days.
          Then you have Joe Rogan pushing DMT. Contacting entities and maybe assillating some. The bloodlines might have predispostion to this, and i note J.Huxley had electroconvulsive therapy.
          Stalin visited Hackney next to Tavistock, and Hackney’s first hits on the google mention the pschotherapy still there. He seems to have worked for the Rothschilds in the early days who helped his “for the worker” status.

          this ref shows Hitler, Trotsky, Tito, Freud and Stalin all lived in Vienna at this time.
          Freud of course the father of psychoanalysis that is across the humanities wanted to marry his mother and Stalin was not shy around 14 year olds.
          Its a small world but its not that small.

    • Turning sometimes would run 40 miles to London from Bletchley Park. You don’t just run 40 miles at near olympic speeds, every now and then.
      They sound like super soldiers.
      The Nazi’s were credited by the TICOM teams for having broken most of the worlds codes.( Pers Z S). Handy for a cross check of your remote viewers.
      How did the Germans not know of operation fortitude and other tricks, that is said to have made D-Day successful.The preparations for that are extreme, the concrete piers needed to land heavy equipment alone would have had many signals to prepare.
      They never tried to code-break the Bank of England or City of London(guess they just asked Churchill).
      Julian Huxley comes up because of UNESCO grants to Oeser’s Melbourne operation.Julian must be MI6(think Crowley) using the wildlife concerns to travel the world for I guess New Order purposes.
      Hitlers(Thule society) many “stupid” tactical mistakes only make sense if the objectives are not for Germany but other purposes. Guessing the assasination attempt at Wolf’s Lair shows some Germans think that Adolf is a stooge.

      Oeser’s could be a Nazi too I guess, extracted by TICOM and papercliped. Thanks Diane I trolled your document, the striking thing for me is the lack of what was actually being taught here. We now know more about MK in Australia and this piece does seem to belong to that picture.

  8. • New coronavirus strain found

    Covid-fighting antibodies do not protect from a new strain of coronavirus

    Chinese scientists have warned of “a potential bio-safety threat” presented by a new strain of coronavirus, which, subject to mutation, may be passed from animals to humans and cannot be “cross-neutralized” by Covid-targeting antibodies.


    • Omicron subvariant even more contagious

    The Danish health minister said there’s no evidence that it is more virulent
    Danish Health Minister Magnus Heunicke suggested on Wednesday that the subvariant of Omicron present in Denmark, called BA.2, was even more contagious than the BA.1 strain, which currently accounts for 98% of all cases globally.

    “There is no evidence that the BA.2 variant causes more disease, but it must be more contagious,” Heunicke told a news conference.


    More from Russia courtesy of Edward Slavsquat

    • Russia doubles down on omicron scam

    Great choice of song at the end

    And from the Ukraine …
    • More brazen disdain for the Russian people


    Comment by Natalie:

    “Ukrainian lawyer Vadym Kobiakov made an inquiry to the Cabinet of Ministers about the results of clinical trials of vaccines that are currently being used in Ukraine and about the state budget funds spent on those vaccines. The response was that 1) the Ministry of Health has NO data about completed clinical trials of any of the covid vaccines used in Ukraine, 2) the funds spent on vaccination cannot be disclosed because “if the Ministry of Health violates the requirements of vaccine suppliers, it may result in their refusal to supply vaccines to Ukraine”, thus “the damage from provision of such information outweighs the public interest”.

    I wonder what the requirements of vaccine suppliers are exactly. I’d really like to know because, well, my taxes paid for these concoctions that I neither want nor need.

    [makes me think the war talk is all fake – they wouldn’t dare risk catching COVID from each other]

  9. I wonder as to what has been changed –

    Prepared by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Canberra
    Privacy Act 1988
    No. 119, 1988
    Compilation No. 89
    Compilation date: 4 September 2021
    Includes amendments up to: Act No. 98, 2021
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