Home Corona Serene Teffaha Seeks Protection against “the Crown’s Violence”

Serene Teffaha Seeks Protection against “the Crown’s Violence”


Introduction by Dee McLachlan

Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments specialising in Whistleblower protections. Solicitor’s who are bold enough to stand up for their clients in child protection matters need support. Let us all jump on the bandwagon for Serene immediately. We at Gumshoe have some knowledge of violence by “the Crown.”

Please watch her new 44-minute  video.  If you can’t spare 44 minutes, just watch the first two minutes and you will suddenly want to arrange your schedule to take in the other 42 minutes!



  1. Thanks Dee. Definitely a must watch. If the Prime Minister can protect this women he opens the way for all women to be protected. I would love it if millions of Australians asked him to do that. If he can’t protect her you can see why the response of hopeless despair sets in.

  2. A quote from a website – Scott Morrison: Let Us Pray

    ………..In his first speech to Parliament in 2008, Morrison said that from his faith he derived “the values of loving kindness, justice and righteousness, to act with compassion and kindness, acknowledging our common humanity and to consider the welfare of others; to fight for a fair go for everyone to fulfill their human potential and to remove whatever unjust obstacles stand in their way”……….


    An unquote – Scott Morrison needs to be reminded of his words, but we know by his actions what he really is.

  3. Yes they do however Australians have had plenty of opportunities over the decades to do it and have not budged on any of the below of the multiple seditious acts of Treason. Why is that? Here are just a few of the acts of sedition, treason and misprision.

    Ex Prime Minister Billy Hughes changed the Proportional Representation model to the Preferential Voting system without a Referendum and nothing happened

    The Lieber code. Plus A List Of Treatys Australia Is A Signatory .







    The Australia Act
    Australia acts 1985 1986 treason from 1973 – rewrite

    Treason in Australia (FB removed it)
    An excellent speech by Andrew Wilkie in which no other politicians will mention! It is such pity that there are only a handful of people in the chamber! What does that tell us? Australians need to wake up and take notice!

    The Rome Statue

    Treason & Treachery Defined
    Revolution is the act to change the form of government.

    The Crimes Act defines Treason and Treachery clearly. Even though the Political Parties have tried to ignore the Constitution and use their own corporate constitution, our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is still in force. We, the people of the Commonwealth, have a Common Law right to implement the laws according to our Constitution…not the political party one.

    Is the Australian Government a US Corporation?

    Australian Government Acts of Treason 1/4


    The Titular “Queen of Australia” and the Act of Treason

    Treachery laws Australian Defence Association
    All Australians have a reciprocal citizenship obligation not to a
    ssist an enemy our government deploys our defence force to fight. Sedition and treachery laws are therefore essential and in no way affect peaceful and responsible democratic dissent.

    Australian Political Treason, Treachery & Sabotage by Dick Yardley

    Secrecy of information, treason
    espionage and sabotage target of new Bill

    • Billy Hughes apparently understood that Australia’s admission to the League of Nations constituted recognition of Australia as a sovereign Nation, thus invalidating the Constitution as it stood, being a Constitution for the self governance of a Crown colony. In effect if this is so, it means we have not had a legal Constitution for the past 100 years.

  4. Scomo lives in two worlds, believing in the separation of powers whereby parliament and the Christian doctrines are separate jurisdictions.

    Authority is never more powerful than the Sovereign Master who authorised it. Jesus said, “A slave is not greater than his master” (John 13:16).

    A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –

    Paul the apostle to the Romans – Romans 13:1-2

    Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.

    Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

    Quote…….Romans 13 is in play until the government, ruling class, authority over you, whatever you want to call it, decides that it is the final arbiter and sets itself up in the position reserved for God alone. When the state or the government moves to exclude God and to erect itself in that position, a Christian has an obligation before God to expose and resist evil.

    Eph 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”

  5. This is an extract of a letter to the Legal Services Board:

    “Solicitor Teffeha brought this to the attention of Magistrate G, in a private communication. This Magistrate used [the details] to publicly excoriate and humiliate Ms Teffeha. In doing so he revealed the contents of Ms Teffeha’s private communication to the public, including the attending journalists, in open court, while accusing her of bringing the administration of justice into disrepute.

    I was present in the court room when Magistrate G attacked Ms Teffeha and threatened her with legal action. Ms Teffeha responded that she had a legal obligation to the court to tell the truth”

      • Nothing about the committal was fair.they were not given a readable brief.Charges were not specified and the magistrate who we call MAGGETT allowed the prosecution to submit submissions days before committal but forced unrepresented people o have theirs in 6 months before.He also committed on charges that amounted to abducting a child even though the person had custody.

        • And I’ll bet there was a ton of other judicial and prosecutorial breaches
          Each of which should be spelled out and plastered all over social media
          Because the bulk of the population is blissfully unaware of how lawless the System actually is.

          But I guess we can all take heart in the fact that, in order to put Jesus on the cross, the Pharisees broke their own laws dozens of times
          And in so doing wound up achieving the very reverse of their intentions

          • Take heart in the fact that the Prosecutor’s unreadiness – as evidenced by the overdue/out-of-bound submissions – proves beyond any doubt that the Instigators have bitten off more than they can chew and that their best hope is to bow out as surreptitiously as possible

  6. The sheeple are useless, that’s why they’re called sheeple.
    Stanley Kubrick dead 3 days after “eyes wide shut” and sheeple still dozing.
    President of Tanzania dead after calling out virus testing hoax and people dream on.
    For sheeple, one leader is the same as another, they follow whomever is in front, unthinking.

    In all this I can’t help thinking some kind of lateral thinking is required, maybe some type of resurrection of Christianity could do it, not really sure about Hillsong though (hint of sarcasm).
    Many have come and gone.
    It seems the Germans may have learned something from bitter experience, but even that, probably not enough.

    On Victorian courts, in my single experience pleading a civil case there I got a sense that Victorian magistrates have a stronger sense of entitlement than elsewhere, this culture perhaps handed down from the gold rush era.

    • “Victorian magistrates have a stronger sense of entitlement than elsewhere”

      Well I can vouch safe that Serene’s account mirrors the modus operandi of WA’s setup in every respect; it concerns Queensland’s system in any case.

      What interests me is that she appears to be in a state of shock. I take that to be a fair indication that, generally speaking, those within the magic circle are shielded from the nitty-gritty

      • Which actually means that, when push comes to shove, outsiders are in a much better position.
        e. g. this is what a WA judge had to say about my oldest son re his repudiation of groundless firearms charges:

        “A number of oral submissions were made by the second appellant to the effect that all charges faced by both appellants were “politically motivated”(He) went so far as to say that the judiciary belonged to a “syndicate” that had political connections. A statement was made that there was a ‘tacit agreement to keep certain doors firmly shut’ , which I took to be an assertion that this court was actuated by political considerations and was refusing to listen to valid argument. Both of these contentions are arguably contemptuous”
        * CACR 121 & 122 DECISION STATEMENT OF 8 APRIL‘08

        My guess is that such submissions would be enough to get a lawyer debarred

        • So where are all the Family Court gems?
          I realise there’s a secrecy element but as long as the case no. and submitter’s name aren’t published………….

    • What I’d like to know is what, exactly, gives the Victorian Legal Practice Board jurisdiction over a complaint made by a Queensland Magistrate re a Queensland case

  7. Serene,
    True and noble work makes you better and more wonderful everyday, thank you.
    With experience, we realise that we’re up against brick walls, the judiciary rotten to its core.
    Used to make a wage, working with wood and composites, now can’t even get a foot in the door after swinging them for a lifetime. If you play their game, fame and fortune awaits, otherwise no entry. All the best, good friend with gold heart, speaking for all Aussies.

    Here, fair go has always been fare go.

  8. As a usual aside discovering reality, at X22Report.com (2440b 30.3.21) hear more as to how Trump is stuffing up people like Soros and Rothschilds whilst the msm dig their graves by attempting to cover up Biden concentrating aliens (children) in cages on the Southern border and letting them later just spread out for sale(?….. from other reports)
    Note the contents of the nuclear ‘football’ being accidentally done and note old q drop……. the military is in control and shadowing Biden.
    Trump now has his own website. Too much following, going on to summarise.
    Listen to Ts speech on his wedding gatecrash ………. clearly a expose’ that thinkers have to examine.
    The military court system may be used …….. “…….lot happening behind the scenes….” (ref: wedding speech)
    Disclaimer: NO APOLOGY will EVER be proffered by me when reporting a opinion based on information cite, so Mr/Ms Cool Fish save your breath.

    I will get to the video in this article later

    • Yes, a very sad experience that will be continued.
      As for institutional corruption, been same for years, last night’s part 11 of the ABC Luna Park Ghost train murders (Sydney NSW) is just a example of the proof.
      Clearly, the family court prohibition on reporting cases must be revised, for in the dark, only a few selected few have a light………. so the ‘Ghost Train’ driven by criminals and bureaucrats, loaded with victims continues to run through our society at the highest of levels.
      The public is the victim bound across the rails.

  9. Australian Immunisation Handook Online Vaccinations is Not Immunisation
    The Australian Immunisation Handbook provides clinical advice for health professionals on the safest and most effective use of vaccines in their practice.
    These recommendations are developed by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and approved by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

    The medical fraternity use deceptive and convoluted language as well as change definitions of diseases. The word immunisation is deceptive and it implies or infers immunity or protection.
    Vaccines are not safe. The U.S. Supreme Court stated in their judgement, “That vaccines are unavoidable unsafe” How many people have had life-long adverse side effects, adverse reactions or died from a vaccine or from multiple vaccines? “the safest and most effective use of vaccines in their practice.” shows by the use of the sentence “the safest” implies it is not safe by itself if you use correct English. $Billions of dollars have been paid out by taxpayer funded Vaccine Compensation Fund for Vaccine Induced Injuries and death so how can they imply that vaccines are safe? It is a total lie as it is propaganda, misinformation, false advertising with false claims being fraud and racketeering.

  10. Myth busted: Vaccinations are not immunisations

    Vaccination is NOT Immunisation
    Editors “AlternativesMedicine.com” <Alternatives Medicine Digest

    Vaccination Is NOT Immunisation
    What Your Physician Hasn’t Told You About Vaccinations Could Put Your Youngster at Risk for Autism, Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes or Cancer.

  11. An encouraging update – take it to the top! https://www.change.org/p/australian-government-and-high-court-parliamentary-paedophile-suppression-orders-must-be-lifted-and-independently-investigated?recruiter=469459990&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=445e9444db794c2bb398443ad8c53e2c
    Belinda Curtis has received a response from the International Criminal Court (ICC) after being fobbed off by our Parliament Petition Committee. They assure “we will continue to follow up” but explain that a minister “is not compelled to” provide a response within 90 days, and state “Sometimes responses are not provided”. Given the recent chaos in our Parliament, and the scramble to re-shuffle the Cabinet – including Porter out, Cash in – is anyone surprised?
    The Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC HAS responded – we can only hope the demonstrate the integrity that our ‘leaders’ here in Australia appear to be lacking.

    • Mr Raymond Hadley on radio 2GB Sydney 9am to 12 midday and many other stations, thinks paedophiles should be ………. . Indeed so they should.
      If one is minded, I am not, (to have anything to do with Hadley) put this article and famanda’s link on his desk to see what his nine network news allow him to say and support. Notwithstanding his view that he is his own man.
      See what he does to follow up on his exposures of paedophiles and whether he is fair dinkum. He concentrated on Pell for some time, but with some effort he may find bigger fish to fry then present reports from the Houses of Sleeze.
      A edited copy of any emails to him posted here would prickle some tom cats fur.

  12. Thanks famada

    Duty to Warn

    Dr Reiner Fuellmich Begins Legal Litigation on the Covid-19/PCR Fraud – The Greatest Crime Against Humanity

    The World’s Second Nuremberg Tribunal

    By Evolve to Ecology – February 27, 2021 (3487 words)


    “…Covid-19 is being used as a diversionary tactic by corporate and political ‘elites’ with the aim of shifting market shares and wealth from small and medium-sized businesses to lglobal platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, and other big-tech and multinational companies.” – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, of the German Corona Investigative Committee

    • They want to control the entire supply chain for everything from farm to plate, they want to shut down all markets of all types except their own (Coles & WW major shareholders are in NY, Aldi is probably 3rd generation Nazis), they want us on addictive wheat, dairy and sugar, as much as humanly possible (traditional farms are being bought or bullied out by corporate interests), anything that is most suitable for factory farming is our planned future diet, and medical treatments that “fix” one problem while creating two more are the ideal.
      Look how the gas industry runs all over the farms drilling random holes and threatening the water table, and how the politicians allow perfect farmland to be open-cut mined and flooded.

  13. For the rest of this blessed session at Gumshoe, let’s try to keep the comments on topic.

    As Someone once said, “The poor you have always with you” (e.g., Canberra).

    Treffaha’s work is magnificent and this be a very, very happy day for Australia, especially for thousands of families.

    • In light of the topic and its importance I 100% agree Mary that our thoughts should remain on the plight of Serene Teffaha. In this case it could be called trolling to digress.

      • Uh huh! The Pharisaic Jews called anything at all that did not conform to their megalomaniac ambitions “pagan”. Yous tried pretty hard to subvert Christianity to your worldly ambitions but you failed; first with the Iscariot and lotsa times and instances since. More recently yous have been frantically trying to make Christianity a mere personal preference completely detached from its roots.

        Now, I suggest that Mme berry subtle should bugga off and leave the argument to a few who might really care about what it all means.

      • In effect, the so-called “church” has been worshiping the very goddess who’s repeatedly called out in the Old Testament since 325 A. D:

        “This holiday has been celebrated every spring all over the world in an unbroken tradition going back to many centuries before Jesus was even born, and thus cannot have had any original connection to him.
        Easter was originally (and still is) a celebration of the fertility of the earth, renewed each springtime. The egg, the chick, the rabbit, the flowers, are all fertility symbols (and much older than the Christian symbol of the resurrected god). Its celebration has often been marked by sexual exuberance, as is still prominent in the pre-Lenten Carneval and Mardi Gras festivals and the phallic symbolism of the May pole and the cross.
        Long before Jesus, many peoples associated this festival with the coming back to life of the god of fertility (Tammuz – see Ezek 8:14, Adonis, Osiris, Perseus, Orpheus), who had been dead in the underworld during the winter. Even the name by which Christians still celebrate the festival is a corruption of the name of the ancient fertility goddess Ishtar or Ashtoreth (whose name also survives in the name of one of the books of the Old Testament, the only Bible book that contains no reference to God – the Book of Esther).”

        “Asherah, or Ashtoreth, was the name of the chief female “deity” worshiped in ancient Syria, Phoenicia, and Canaan. The Phoenicians called her Astarte, the Assyrians worshiped her as Ishtar, and the Philistines had a temple of Asherah (1 Samuel 31:10). Because of Israel’s incomplete conquest of the land of Canaan, Asherah-worship survived and plagued Israel, starting as soon as Joshua was dead (Judges 2:13).
        The cult of Inanna-Ishtar, was said to be affiliated with a variety of sexual rites,  that included priests, prostitution, and all kinds of sexual perversion .
        Ishtar was most beloved by the Assyrians, who exalted her as their highest “deity”, even surpassing  their own male “deity”(god); Ashur. The book of Jeremiah refers to Ashterah as the “Queen of Heaven”. 
        Note: All pagan “gods and goddesses” were nothing more than demons/Nephilim, the offspring of the “daughters of men” (female women) and fallen angels. (Genesis 6: 1-5)”

        Small wonder all our other institutions are the reverse of what they claim to be.

        • BADLY WORDED: should read “has, since 325 A. D, been worshiping the very goddess who’s repeatedly called out in the Old Testament as being a thinly disguised demon”

        • Y’ berry silly ole bag! I think your Ouija Board has broken down, you should take it to your favourite Kabbalistic guru to get the wheels put back on.

          Easter is calculated according to ancient Jewish methods of reckoning dates and times by phases of the Moon and all that. It is aligned with the Passover memorial and has nothing whatsoever to do with Constantine decriminalising Christianity or any pagan festivals. My guess is that you and yours don’t care a damn for historical reality but will come at anything calculated to depreciate or denigrate Christianity.

          What’s more, your anti-Christian diatribes have nothing at all to do with the form of justice that our gallant Serene is seeking.

          • If you think anything in the two quotes is groundless why aren’t you prepared to say exactly why ?
            Resorting to personal attacks & insults proves one thing and one thing only

  14. Excuse me, Ms Maxwell, didn’t you hear what the Comments Monitor just said?

    No, what did the old bird say this time?

    She sad “Keep it on topic.”

    Oh, I didn’t hear her. Sorry, I was in the garden. Anyway, nobody else obeys her, why should I?

  15. Serene “stick it to them”. This video told a story that needed to be told. A pity that a mainstream TV channel wont show it.

    My ears pricked when Serene said the lower ranked police officers were treating the grandmother with respect, but when the sergeant (Freemason?) came on the scene the shamble started.

    This writer’s words. From then on, freemasonry was probably in control.

    • A M,
      Re the Luna Park ghost train report on ABC.
      Honest coppers investigated witness reports and by about Midday, inspector Knight (riH) withdrew original police broadcasts to find ‘bikie’ suspects and he later announced nothing suspicious, just a electrical fire. Ignoring the kerosene evidence and the electric power box intact, giving power as the fire started and thereafter.
      Seven murdered including 4 young Waverley College victims.
      Your theory has legs, cover up by SENIOR crooked coppers doing the work with Threats against witnesses-for crooked notorious (Mr Sin, as referred to by many msm articles) Abe Saffron and going up to mates, Premier Wran and Lionel Murphy, the lefties hero later on the High Court…….. as is the claim by ABC as to the influencers.
      We need a Royal Commission in NSW.
      I noted from the program that there was no reference to other crooked coppers, I was professionally aware of at the time.
      What does that indicate? Crooked coppers in many different commands with their own paddocks of criminality.

      • Just to Clarify, I do not thing Abe Saffron was a mason, perhaps there are monied interests that have a lot more financial loot than dumb used masons in certain communities who kneeled to the Emperor on many Friday night drinks. Just hear the report in the ABC report by the lady in attendance for Abe for many years pouring the guest’s drinks for the spivs.
        And further, who obtained the lease for the Luna park land on the foreshores of Sydney Harbour granted by the NSW government? Just find the ABC brilliant analysis as to the hidden interests, (not fully investigate by the corporate entities) that then loaded the Park up with gambling machines.

        Further to my theory of police paddocks of corruption. It is likely that paedophile and VIPs were assigned to the paedophile protection command or squad.
        Even some coppers giving a green light to bank robbers in those days would not stoop to protecting child molesters…….. so they were sidelined to their policy and investigative districts.
        All in all, everyone was happy and wore their Italian suits to sentencing Friday’s at the court house in Oxford Street, Sydney.
        Now want to hear what family court practitioners learn when their client is the wife of a copper? Cannot say.

  16. Poor, but gallant, Serene. Where are the men in this fight? the men of letters, and prestige, and influence? Surely not cowering in the basement of some ‘Masonic Lodges eagerly encouraging one another with tales of the Craft’s occult “enlightenments” that make them vastly superior to the grubby “profane”.

      • I am roughly familiar with the Sabbatians, Frankists, Sufis etc. and their historical connections to various “societies” and their occult secretocracies. I’m not going to try to mention them all here, but they are legion.

        For our purposes, it’s enough to mention that at least one high profile Pharisaic Rabbi has described ‘Masonry as “introductory Kabbalah for Goyim”. From history, it is beyond question that this small percentage of of the population who still vigorously pursue the ambition and ideology of the Iscariot and his collaborators wouldn’t have a snowflake’s hope in Hell without the collusion of (ideologically sympathetic, bought, bribed or blackmailed) traitors from within the target organisation, whether that target organisation be nation, culture, political structure, or anything else.

        In my opinion, which concurs with the Christian view from the get-go, the only thing worse than a perverse tyranny (which is always richly deserved) is anarchy.

        Anyhow, without getting into a book length dissertation, I will contend that it’s no use tilting at windmills over the horizon in a remote place and thereby ignoring the filthy maggots right under our nose. These are the traitorous maggots that should be plucked out because without them the great predator is powerless.

        I am not confident that the gallant Serene can achieve much to right the institutionalised perversity from within the corrupt system but every avenue should be explored.

  17. Does anybody know what government agency or Committee is sending out the barrage of indoctrinated information to businesses, the military, the police, health professionals and emails or texts to individuals concerning Covid?

  18. TreasonTreacherySabotage
    against “the Commonwealth of Australia”as established and constituted1st January 1901under our Founding and Primary Law“of the Commonwealth of Australia”Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901as Proclaimed and Gazetted against our “Constitutional Sovereign and Monarch”holder of the Crown of the United Kingdomand against us, the people“of the Commonwealth of Australia”

    DEMOCRACY and TREASON in AUSTRALIA, by Alan Gourley
    A guidebook for Australians who want to protect their human rights and liberties.

    This corporate-government entity has severely breached the trust between State and citizen/s as have the medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine cabal in their contrived medical tyranny to establish by hostile means the trans-global technocratic medical fascist takeover of countries and governments with the mechanism of Covid aka Coronavirus aka SARS CoV2. In this unprecedented event it has created catastrophic damage of biblical proportions. You don’t even have to explain the details as people are frightfully aware of the destruction taking place in addition to the perpetual barrage of propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, suppression of the facts of evidence, bias reporting and heavy censorship

    • Interesting how Queensland has two bsl4 factories and Victoria three.
      Looks like Easter lockdown for all eastern states, with fear marketing promoting product.
      The reality on the streets far different to the movie on the screens.
      All for a few ‘cases’?
      We are many they are few. The vaxxxes are made in bio-weapons labs, agenda can be halted if truth becomes contagious.

    • I started to read the report “Democracy 2025”, but take note that it is recording the “people’s belief of their political and democratic systems”. However very few people actually know what is realistically going on in our country in regard to political crime and crime against the Commonwealth Constitution. Therefore, this report produces nothing of any value.

  19. Arlyn,
    your Australian Government Acts of Treason 1/4 got me ‘digging’. As often the case, one thing lead to another.
    https://www.change.org/p/john-dawkins-australians-say-no-to-a-un-mandated-republic from 3 years ago: When Turnbull was PM he was “putting out feelers to see if this mandate can take effect”. Sandra Jones started this petition to Hon John Dawkins (Liberal Member of Legislative Council. Sadly it only got 2,137 supporters – back then we’d hadn’t been given the Covid time off to get informed, although the reasons for signing show a few early ‘awake’ people.
    https://commonwealthofaustralia.org/voice-of-the-australian-constitution/ published by Admin 29 May 2020. (choice to listen for 38m26s, or read)
    “I am the most important document in this land. Without me, all other Contracts and Agreements are worthless bits of paper…Even your money and the deeds to your home…” “the very fabric of Your free Australian society is vitally dependent upon me.” Either “you” have never heard of me” or “know little about me” since the Constitution has been kept out of schools and universities for decades because “there are those living among you who are deadly afraid of me.” “I am the Rule of Law, the Moral Law, and not the rule of men.”
    The constitution can only be changed in a referendum – including the “so-called laws of Local Councils… yet they continue to illegally create new laws and by-laws without your knowledge or consent”. [No blinking wonder they stopped us learning about this in 1975!]
    I am no lawyer and cannot verify ANY of the information in this, but I sure as hell would like someone with better capacity to do so. If we, the people, know this stuff there’ll be a lot more willing to ‘defy’, as Sacha Stone so eloquently encourages us to do!
    we’re not living a ‘movie’, we’re living a nightmare! What opportunity do we have to turn it around?

    • Essential video and facts to consider.
      Years ago I had a mortgage to the NAB
      Out of the blue I received a Bill for mortgage payments to some organisation I had never heard of, even though I had NAB bank statements demonstrating that I was paying all to the NAB.
      I told the unknown entity that I had never heard of them and get lost.
      I suspected that the NAB had flogged off my mortgage without notice under the conveyancing act (NSW) section 12?
      Now we know that the NSW politicians have now flogged off the land titles office to some corporate entity.
      Seems to fit with the agenda reported in the above video.
      Bet Hadley will not tell his ‘sucked in’ viewers about this. (See comments way below regarding msm TRAITORS)
      Now follow X22Report reports to wake up to the US District of Columbia corporation based in ten square miles of Washington DC. Founded in 1871.
      Trump is on to this. Biden is not the president of the US under the US Constitution. He is the pretends ceo of the US corporation that is bankrupt. Trump is the president under thecUS Constitution.
      Now dumbos, ditto, who do our pretend politicians represent?
      Piss them off, including commo Dan et.al.

  20. I wonder how far back this mad doctors versus reality / ordinary punters thing actually goes, does it go unbroken right back continuously through the middle ages with witch hunting to the ancient high priests of Egypt doing blood sacrifices, is it actually totally entrenched and inseparable from all the other stuff, it seems so, in which case a “fix” must be even more difficult. Old men in robes and magic hats following weird rulebooks of their own design. How to instill in them a bit of humility. Maybe a good old fashioned whipping ?

  21. This just in from the Houston Chronicle:

    March 30, 2021
    Texas lawmakers weigh CPS changes to protect families against mistakes
    New legislation that would require state CPS investigators to consider additional medical opinions before taking children from their parent is one of at least 17 bills working their way through the Texas Legislature that seek to overhaul the state’s child welfare system with the goal of protecting innocent families.

  22. email sent to Ray Hadley – I shall wait with bated breath for his response.
    Meanwhile, I wonder if Caro Meldrum-Hanna would do an “EXPOSED”. Her 3 part series on the Ghost Train Fire was impressive, and her 3 part series on Keli Lane/baby Tegan in 2018 would seem to indicate her determination to get to the truth, fair & square..
    I repeat my request from above: How lawfully accurate is the https://commonwealthofaustralia.org/voice-of-the-australian-constitution/ ?

    • Famanda.
      Well, well done.
      To bring publicly at this site, the msm into another paddock revealing matters and facts that the msm does not generally acknowledge to those who finance it by buying it’s advertised products, can only assist the msm to understand that there is another developed information freeway that it has ignored, to its peril and may I suspect, is deliberately ignored.
      Contrast how some msm ‘plastics’ defend themselves against the ABC Media Watch crew……. it is all on.
      Interesting that I have never seen a comment from any identified msm ‘plastic’ on any topic raised here at gumshoe, ( or at any other internet free thinking site) even in a balanced, debate and objective defence of a criticism of a report or agenda of the msms.
      Oh well matter for the shareholders of the msm monopolies.
      What is it? About 96% of the fake phoney and false mass media controlled by about SIX globalist corporations with the same agenda are the problem….. with minimal exceptions, Alan Jones et. Al., for example
      Try ringing any open line of network nine or other similar entity to raise the implications of such a dangerous anti-democratic ‘freak controller’s reality or mention the concept of ‘FALSE FLAG’. If one gets on, usually any adverse concept is met with vilification, bullying and being cut off and called a pineapple or such. It is called censorship.
      Sorry Famanda, do not get your hopes up.

      I will refer to one exception in regard to a comment to a blog site. It was in about 2008 when 911 was being canvassed…. about 2,000 comments on a BBC discussion. ( series on conspiracy theories) From recollection a UK parliamentary member made a comment, a bit off topic and he was challenged with humour. He replied with a appropriate public apology of comparing idiots with some animal, say monkeys, and he apologised to all the monkeys.
      Clearly, that member was not detached from the public mood.

      • For a great example of the msm and ABC at work with bullying and vilification, just search Anthony Lawson’s report on the 2010 phone call between Kevin Bracken and the ABC’s Jonathon Faine on Melbourne radio.
        Sorry cannot link it with this device but per favour a reader may oblige. The video goes for about ten minutes and demonstrates how despicable talk back spivs can be.

        • For those interested, go back in time to gumshoenews.com for the article: ‘Who is the fruit loop here Mr Faine’ on 24th November 2016.
          I would have to check but I think the Anthony Lawson report is linked in there somewhere.
          Dinner calls.

          • Probably the CIA came up with the conspiracy theory that 9-11 was done by jews, this would set off a frenzy of jew defensiveness and a new round of muslim bashing by jews and moderates, providing a huge smokescreen for the Bushs who would sit around the feast table with Rockerfellers and Cheneys roaring with laughter at the entire debacle. Yes it does serve all of the persons of middle eastern appearance right for being so stupid, not sure how funny it is though.

          • Well W3, you forgot the Mossad ‘dancing Israelis’ who set themselves up to watch and video of thousands being murdered in the towers with high fives and celebrations. Confirmed on a Tel Aviv tv appearance….. ‘We were there to document’ the EVENT.
            Give us a break with your BS. They are primitive animals.
            For genuine investigators go look up the subject at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com

          • So W3. Who were those roaring with laughter and are still roaring with laughter as millions are murdered in the Middle East, and are still, after 20 YEARS.
            Not the families of those murdered as Mossad laughed and Israel’s nuttyou said that the murders were good for Israel.
            Primitive Animals!

          • I think mossad and jews knew all about it but didn’t actually do it, but I don’t claim to be anything special, I am just a student of all such things.

          • Have the censors got into whatreallyhappened ? It always used to work fine and now it’s all “internal server error”

          • Anyway just do your own cui bono and don’t forget their little theme song “we’re all in this together”, yes they are

        • Do not search google, try DuckDuckGo.com
          Comes up.
          Aletho news, ‘Australian trades unionist exposes 911 cover up’..
          In addition on or about 11th October 2010 Steve Liedman of radio 2UE vilified Bracken. That has been deleted by 2ue. Guess who now OWNS 2UE.
          So we know who protects mass murderers……
          Worse than paedophiles who usually do not invade countries, kill thousands of children and steal their entitlements.

  23. They murdered Jesus for no reason, other than speaking truth.
    He is the truth way and life, and His kingdom will have no end.

  24. It was not for no reason. God’s law had to be fulfilled and the penalty was death. Jesus took our place as our Representative.

    John 3:16
    King James Version
    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  25. Vaccinations Know your rights speaks to Tasha David


    To be filed in court

    Where is the proof of evidence that the government keeps repeating by electronic transmission that this Injection is safe and effective when it is experimental?
    How many people have been tested with this Experimental Irreversible Genetic Modification Injection prior to the roll out?
    Where is the proof that masks can contain any virus and that it is scientifically proven?
    Where is he scientific proof that social distancing is scientific
    What is in the contract with the vaccine corporations and this government as it is essential to Australia’s national security and national; sovereignty?

  26. RT:
    While experts across the world search for a vaccine to tackle the dangerous new infection, Russian health bosses have identified a trio of existing medicines to combat 2019-nCoV in adults.
    The new coronavirus can be fought with ribavirin, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon beta-1b, they believe. These drugs are typically used to treat hepatitis C, HIV and multiple sclerosis respectively.
    … One of the drugs recommended, ribavirin, was used in the treatment of the 2003 Chinese SARS outbreak, which infected over 8,000 people and killed 774 across 17 different countries. The new coronavirus has shown a sizeable genetic similarity with SARS, with one sequence comparison showing a match of 79.5%.


    • Mad doctors quest for fame and glory rolls on.
      All these depression etc issues may be traced back to vitamin deficiency, I’m not exaggerating, before ww2 people in England used to eat watercress on a daily basis for a snack, now they eat packets of junk food, go figure.

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