Intro by Dee McLachlan
I was riding back to Melbourne from a few days camping at Wilson’s Prom on Sunday when I stopped to buy a sandwich at a cafe in Korumburra. After ordering the sandwich I asked, “where are your toilets?” The masked waitress replied casually, “You’ll have to show your vax-pass to access the toilets.” Welcome to The Land Down Under Australia. As people will be singing the national anthem tomorrow (Australia Day) it is time to reflect on how far we’ve come (and a change in the lyrics)…
Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are one and free…
We’ve golden soil…
Where some will have to pee.
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in nature’s gifts,
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history’s page let every stage,
Advance Australia Fair!
However, for today, a Compilation of videos of Canadians Supporting the Trucker Convoy. The Convoy started in British Columbia on the 23rd and is on the way to Ottawa for the 29th of January 2022. The truckers are receiving enormous support both in-person and financially from across the country — people who do not want mandates and vax-agenda.
And they deliver the food and goods!!
Each of the videos above is short, so please take the time to view them and pass on the spirit for Australia Day . Time we wake up too.
Also I have read that in the US there are coming railway workers going on strike.
Ta Dee…. You have the Real Aussie spirit.
All the videos come from today page three.
Thanks to Mike Rivero at WRH in the US.
As for shortages, Ray Hardly on 2GB in Sydney this morning actually mentioned that chicken shelves in Sydney corporates was scarce.
Loo paper too.
My local ran out of toilet paper yesterday as the stock market crashed (7800 to 7200 in five days) as we prepare to be led into ww3 by Sleepy Joe, looks like maybe, finally, it’s Iran’s turn to be invaded.
The toilet paper volatility index shows how well the latest fear campaign is working.
Reminds me of my latest slogan I thought of yesterday:
“Fear is the new religion – same as the old religion.”
Prepare to be eaten alive &/or vaporised !!!
Seen the gold price today?
Up about $80 per ounce in a few days.
Look up today episode xxxxa.
No links etc, sick of preaching to those who will not do their own work.
I spend three hours + per day on trying to be informed,
x22 (2685) has been tipping Russia will be the false flag for the internet shutdown … media, banks, infrastructure “cyber war” etc will all be blamed on Russia when it’s an inside job as usual.
Crowhouse is leading with False Flag, also has nudists in Dubai, looks like they have been given a good dose of “something”
Can’t wait for “Feast of Moloch”, only 3 months to go
So why is T P always the first thing to vanish from supermarkets ?
When it’s still readily available via cleaning supply and bulk supply outlets?
Checkout chicks aren’t equipped to argue with scalpers
I have two pee comments, Dee.
One, just in case folks weren’t around, in 1998, when this happened,and when we used to have to pay 5 cents to use the loo at DJ’s or Coles. There was a lady senator from WA whose last name was DEE. She was an activist for ecology. She went with others to prevent loggers from chopping down certain trees. It was an all-day affair and she needed to “go,” so of course she went in the forest . (With or without the vax pass). Headline on page 5 of The Australian: Dee in Fee-Free Tree Pee.
Two. Your Bossness, you may have had trouble gettiing INTO the loo yesterday, but think of poor Inspector Closeau who couldn’t get OUT:
Well, he was masked and that explains him.
Per Dee’s we pee experience, he should not have been let in ……. To keep us safe of course in Damedland.
Gee, how lucky can you get?
Its time for Julian to go to the US. The time to act is almost up.To be extradited would implicate the UK in putting international politics above English law. Assange appeal should be for a framework of justice and immediate jury of peers type trial as part of the extradition, because surely enough time has past for evidence to have been gathered and if not why the extradation request.
Not to contest the extradition per say, but to put the onus back on the UK for proper processes to be observed(to be tried as a US citizen as then law stood) or risk being caught a complicit party, that we know they are.Failure would result in political pressure to remove the UK – US extradition treaty.
The last thing the US wants is any open trial here and may decide to recind the request of Julian and wikileaks Corpus.
If all is true on this narrative, not much to lose everything to gain.
From the anglosphere:
Deaths in isolated and injected NZ
according to it’s publisher
“New Zealand is a fascinating real-world experiment on vaccine safety. After locking themselves out from the rest of the world and thereby strictly eliminating Covid as a variable, they went about with a mass vaccination campaign. What did we learn?
Well, not very unexpectedly they had a surge in all-cause mortality in the 60+ cohort that almost perfectly correlates with vaccine delivery intensity. More jabs = more deaths and fewer jabs = fewer deaths. It deserves to be looked into more carefully, but responses from New Zealand’s health authorities indicates that maybe they don’t have any such interest. No surprise there.
Further, we’re being “trickle truthed” as the world comes to the realization that not only don’t two jabs work very well against omicron, but neither do three jabs and now four jabs.
While the U.S. mainstream media still hews to a stale campaign of trying to whip up more concern and fear over omicron, even the CDC has had to admit that omicron is a lot less deadly and far milder than delta.
The narrative is now fully shredded, but the agenda marches on. But for how much longer? People are waking up and the first large demonstration in the U.S. is planned for Jan 23 from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln memorial. Begins at 11:30 a.m. EST.
speaking of which
A good crowd in Sweden against the New World Order controls
Let’s face it all the governments are corrupted, protesting won’t uncorrupt them, it will only help to wake up the undecided. Protests should probably be made at MSM broadcasters’ premises. If for example channel X was smashed up a bit could channel Y resist reporting it ?
The size of these worldwide growing protests are a joy to watch unfold. They are decentralised yet connected by a growing awareness of the top down enemy
MSN including Big Tech have thrown all their ammo in, but are locked into the games(they would consider strategy) they play. They can disrupt the net but can not shut it down.They want big brother scrutiny of all but can not implement that till the reset.We currently can cut our losses and walk away, they can’t.Thats why every day a little more true information is leaking, both on and off the net.
The protesters are of the same mindset as the masked distanced multi-vaxxed cultists. These large groups would be a huge influence on the cultists who now might see the protests physically and confront their view at least enough to take to the sidelines. The coerced vaxxes will join the protests if not already there. Our problem becomes theirs.
WEF trained NZ prime minister will morph to any persona required, so will out live the grinning WEF stooge we fondly call scumo.
We must prepare for an angry gilted WEF
The way my bladder works these days they’d have two options.
Give me the key.
Clean up where I piss in the corner.
I don’t know about Victoria, but in WA the toilet issue was up and running well before the word “covid” was coined. I doubt if the CONSCIOUS intention was to discourage outdoor gatherings in public places but that certainly has been the effect.
For the first 70 years of the 20th century there was a generous allocation of public dunnies in most towns and cities many of which were left open 24/7. Many of them have been demolished or replaced by a single exeloo and newer parks and reserves simply don’t have any such thing.
Which of course rules out any possibility of using them as a venue for picnics and parties.
When my kids were young and we lived in town we used to routinely meet up with others like so.
Quite apart from anything else it was a way of rubbing shoulders with those outside your own circle.
Seems like governments are doing everything in their power to inhibit such interaction
Some people say local government is not legit under the constitution. They are infiltrated by developers whose sole aim is i) to shut down small business and get it into malls, and ii) to get everything converted into maximum density housing. The elected local council employs a CEO to action their decisions, the CEO is usually paid about 5 times average wage.
Decisions such as selling off local public assets to private businesses.
Like most small coastal or riverside towns Albany used to have a respective camping ground that stretched about a kilometre along the town beach. But in the winter of 1987 it was closed down, purportedly on the basis that the septic system had been destroyed by a storm.
Then abracadabra a “Big Four” sign appears together with high fencing designed to keep “intruders”, i.e. the local residents, from walking through to the surf.
A bit of travelling then proved it was a Nation-wide phenomena; just one example of citizens getting fleeced behind their backs
Ever noticed that water founts have disappeared or do not work, e.g. at railway stations?
Oh well, go to the machine on every station, subscribe and have Nestle’ present some Mount Franklin bottled water.
F’n scam. BAN Nestle’ they also own own Uncle Toby! And shove it’s chocolates and coffee etc.
Oh. And the water fountain is at the end of the platform, way pas the subscriber’s corporate dispenser.
So whom was paid off?
I think you might find Mt Franklin is a Coca Cola – Amatil product, and the actual mountain from memory about 20 years ago used for witch ceremonies etc.
Amatil Ownership:
The Coca-Cola Company (30.8%)
HSBC (16%)
National Nominees (11%)
Coca-cola Company VP John Murphy has been globetrotting for decades in CcC roles and before that worked for Price Waterhouse
( President looks like a replaceable show pony )
So the connection to Nestle / Swissy is not immediately obvious
[…] Source […]
Reports — Convoy 70 MILES LONG
Come on Australia, we can not let the Canucks make us look like pusseys..
We can beat ‘70 miles long’ to Our traitor’s bunkers and stuff our msm, with the ABC.
We are 99%
Sell the Mockingbird ABC, msm censors and blackball the msm advertisers.
And 90% zombie. — is 9% enough?
70 miles!
Trust they kept 6 feet apart🍭
Meanwhile over in Hamburg or some such place Dr Heiko Schoning is working on the grass roots.
He is saying why did we build castles for people who want to enslave us. He is having a go at British American Tobacco. In the background is a big Costco (Gates – Globalist) building. At about 5:00 you can see the riot-pigs in the background testing their water cannons. The crowd is all very “socially distanced” because in Germany they come around checking with a long rod. The Germans have gone mad again after only 80 years, but they have so many pill factories it’s not surprising.
The long-awaited revelation book by Heiko Schöning
(The book of disclosure, by Heiko Schöning)
The most daring benefactors of today were already criminals twenty years ago. The criminals to COVID-19 of 2019 and consecutive years as well as to ANTHRAX-01 of 2001 played out: GAME OVER.
Heiko Schöning’s book of revelation has the courage to name the perpetrators and the criminal connections.
Around 500 pages, over high quality 100 infographics with 52 main characters, hardcover (18x25cm).
Some dot connecting here–for those with time.
Le Cercle and the Struggle for the European Continent: CIA, MI6 and Opus Dei Covert Politics
From the same site:
The American Security Council: Cold War joint CIA-FBI-Pentagon front involved in illegal operations
I found Part 2 CONTROVESY very very informative
a spectacular link, Ma’am. How did I never see that website before? on air since 2012.
Thailand – had enough of the bullshit
A falung with an alibi – but the outcome is the same
Don’t jump yet – the end is nigh, so long as everyone on the globe gets all the boosters.
But there could still be new scamdemics because of climate change.
It takes a genius to deliver such a message.
Happy 😃 Oz (oligarchs zion) day in KKK (krown komunist kolony) as prescribed on app’s (albert pike protocol slavery), according to the ten ‘new’ commands of ‘freedom’ carved by freemasonry in Georgia.
Cheers, embrace your families and pray 🙏 for better days.
I have been viewing the Empire Army performing their robot-style war dances with flag waving and singing of Bob Hawke’s national anthem. They have seamlessly changed the words and nobody has even blinked. It should have been changed to “for we were young and free” but the point is not the words but the change, we can change anything to anything and just keep on going you see. Basically, “it’s not your job to think”. Others will do the thinking for you and relay your commands via an Elon Musk chip glued into your skull. All the better for marching around in circles on Australia Day.
In attendance was his excellency the right honourable Governor General who was … what was that ? … something about Basel, Switzerland. Looked on the internet and cannot find !!!
Well the Queen has moved out of Windsor Castle so I guess his orders have to come from somewhere, and Bank of International Settlements is as good a place as any. We all have our mortgage don’t we, even the Australian Treasury, apparently.
In the late sixties and seventies, homes were affordable with one household member working and mums at home raising children. Today in Sydney, a three bed house costs 3 million + interest. Same house rented $800 per week, that’s around 40k (less fees and maintenance) per year. Over twenty years 800k. How can young couples afford these 3 million dollar homes, when competing with CCP youth cashed up? They can’t, game over unless connected, realising they’ve become homeless in a nation they’re grandparents built. Banksters took the money and run, that’s how it works around here. It’s a replacement, many are watching from the sidelines, the BS continues regardless.
Wonderful material by Dr. Chris Martinson & on our Canada Freedom Truck Convoy. We can safely say, given the overwhelming date & this Great Reset roll-out, that; ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) oligarchs who command & control our false ‘economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’), governments & systems are in eugenic war with whole populations.
With the oligarch class involved in genocidal eugenics, we’ve only got ourselves to turn to in ‘community’ (L ‘com’ = ‘together’ + ‘munus’ = ‘gift-or-service’) & are best not to feed their institutional system.
All humanity ‘indigenous’ (L ‘self-generating’) lived intentionally in ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) with an average size of 32 dwellings. Intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale for collaboration.
70% of populations worldwide today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. Today 20% of Multihome-Dwellers live by choice in extended family proximity. Multihomes provide the foundation of collective essential servicer economies worth ~2 trillion dollars per year to the ‘Turtle-Island’ (North American) essential goods & service economy per year.
Within this intimate ‘company’ (L ‘com’ + ‘pan’ = ‘bread’), we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. ‘DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ is an indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy software program to 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally with record keeping, agreement / contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours.
Being as low brow as this article I have long laughed about the TP situation. Having experienced extended bush life I know there are free alternatives. I never use public rest rooms if any bush should be nearby.
But why TP should do this given its long shelf life etc, one(high brow ref) would conclude that it is orchestrated. Also a western world phenomena, or an operation lock step operation I would call “stinky fingers”.
Block your nose I’m going to dive a little deeper here. So I’m thinking a lot have rightly concluded that it may be aimed at training population for all kinds of shortages and for the puppet masters to have a laugh.
So sewage system’s are credited with allowing dense populations to disipate their collective pathergenic load that would otherwise cause short and long term sickness that could even collapse that society.(think what they term third world).
Toilet paper like all paper is engineered to a standed required to its use. In this case multiple layers of fine paper to achieve strong enough for use and fragile so to break down easily post crapper.
300 tons, sounds like a lot shit.
I think you’re right about the orchestration but the conclusion that the conductor is some mere mortal doesn’t quite add up.
As spelled out above, my neck of the woods is one of the weakest links of the national supply chain and I’ve had no difficulty sourcing any of the merchandise “rationed” by supermarkets from other sellers: A populace shift in shopping habits is the last thing any “cabal” would want.
Or, for that matter, a populous shift away from cities or a mass awakening re the ramifications of State controlled health
It’s not hard to figure out that the last thing anyone with any sort of investment in the system would want is a mass awakening
But as the majority of said mass is made up of those who don’t aspire to anything more than comatose “normalcy”………………
The bottom line is that, quote,
“most of us are so moored in the earth, so bound by it’s gravitational pull, so connected to soulish ties of affection and investment in the earth it will take a wrench of soul to ascend up into the heavenly place”
ART KATZ “The Burning Bush”
Wonderful material by Dee McLachlan & Dr. Chris Martinson & on our Canada Freedom Truck Convoy. We can safely say, given the overwhelming date & this Great Reset roll-out, that; ‘exogenous’ (Latin ‘other-generated’) oligarchs who command & control our false ‘economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’), governments & systems are in eugenic war with whole populations.
UNITED EMPOWERED MULTIHOME COLLABORATION With the oligarch class involved in genocidal eugenics, we’ve only got ourselves to turn to in ‘community’ (L ‘com’ = ‘together’ + ‘munus’ = ‘gift-or-service’) & are best not to feed their institutional system. All humanity ‘indigenous’ (L ‘self-generating’) lived intentionally in ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) with an average size of 32 dwellings. Intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale for collaboration.
70% of populations worldwide today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units or ~100 people. Today 20% of Multihome-Dwellers live by choice in extended family proximity. Multihomes provide the foundation of collective essential servicer economies worth ~2 trillion dollars / year to the ‘Turtle-Island’ (North American) essential goods & service economy/year. Within this intimate ‘company’ (L ‘com’ + ‘pan’ = ‘bread’), we’re able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. ‘DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ is an indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy software program to 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally with record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours.
Nostalgia at the AUKMIN Talks: Britain’s Forces Eye Australia×325.png
Give the man credit where it’s due. Few could possibly be congratulated for selling the sovereignty of a country in full view of its citizenry, but Peter Dutton, former Queensland copper turned sadistic Home Affairs minister turned Defence Minister, is very capable of it. Australia promises to become a throbbing bordello for the strategic affairs of other states (to a large extent, it already is), awaiting submarine insertions, naval manoeuvres, and more troop rotations.
With the AUKUS arrangements being firmed up, US and UK sailors, personnel and miscellaneous staff are being readied for more time Down Under, ensuring that Australia becomes a staging ground for future forward military operations. Canberra has relinquished much say in this; the song sheets and blueprints are coming from elsewhere.
Read on –
come on Dutton needs more credit
Dutton graduated from the Queensland Police Academy in 1990. He was a Queensland Police officer for nine years, working in the Drug Squad in Brisbane in the early 1990s.[6][7] He also worked in the Sex Offenders Squad and the National Crime Authority.[8] As a second job, he worked with his father in a building business – ref wiki
Crashed his covert NCA car, lol, not so covert now. NCA disbanded as ineffective non-transparent operation a year or so later.
He and his father founded the business Dutton Holdings, which was registered in 2000; it operated under six different trading and business names.[11] The company bought, renovated, and converted buildings into childcare centres, and in 2002 it sold three childcare centres to the now defunct ABC Learning. ABC Learning continued to pay rent to Dutton Holdings for a commercial lease until at least 2007.[12] Dutton Holdings continues to trade under the name Dutton Building & Development.-ref wiki
He finds a way to have the family day care monies payed directly to the now early education centers leading to rorting like,
The family retains centers(one receiving 5.6Million in tax payer redistribution) under a family trust, one at Bald Hills, a suburb that has a St Paul’s school that Dutton was attending during the dubious Hollingsworth cover up. No body saw nothing, right, Peter’s,
who owns six properties with his wife, including a shopping centre in Townsville
Becomes Health Minister enters the cabinet, Dutton announced the $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund. As announced, the capital and any ongoing capital gains of the Medical Research Future Fund will be preserved in perpetuity. Does a year but managers to be called the worst HM.
2015-He makes odd au pair immigration decisions, and throws a Border Force Commisioner
under a bus to cover up.something.
Again he is caught out trying to cover up the operation at Nauru, that Senator Hanson-Young describes as,” the fact that my work has revealed systemic child abuse and the rape of young women on Nauru under his watch”. He again goes covert to the location and numbers of the now dispersed detention occupants.
Gets a brand new Ministry, Home Affairs which is a major re-arrangement of national security, law enforcement, emergency management, transport security, border control, and immigration functions. The Australian Federal Police Association saying the AFP should be removed from the Department of Home Affairs to preserve its integrity and its ability to carry out investigations without government influence. Not that they had those attributes to begin with.
March 2020, Dutton travels to Washington for a five eyes meeting discussing things like, online child exploitation.
Given Senator Hanson-Youngs above findings, that is very disturbing.
Sorry this is very long, but the man has form, and this page is older now.
Childcare is such a snouts in the trough operation and they are springing up everywhere, government has decided you need not bring up your own kids, you have not had the authorised training
Goodbye old world !!!
‘Goyim TV’ flyers claiming Covid is Jewish plot land in San Francisco’s Pacific Heights
By Gabe Stutman | January 24, 2022
Jon Staenberg and his 13-year-old daughter, Rivka, left their home on Sunday morning in San Francisco carrying a big garbage bag. They often spend an hour or so on the weekends picking up trash in their Pacific Heights neighborhood.
Read on –
It’s no mean feat to drive a truck, a semi, over the Rockies in winter! Actually, on any Canadian road in winter.
Correcting, their for they’re.
[…] [16] 2022 Jan 25 GumshoeNews Show of Resistance Cananda Freedom Truk Convoy on route to Ottawa […]