The video “An Angle on Musk auditing USAID” disappeared so quick it reminds me of “baby mayo” on tiktok who I posted a few videos from, she was in the cops but got too much harassment and got kicked out, she was saying she had all sorts of dirt on person or persons and then a few days later tiktok account has totally disappeared
In reference to the video you posted at the end of the last article. (8.03) RE USAID NOT THE WORST.
It will get lost there so it would be good to repost here, DEAR OH DEAR WE NEED THE LAUGH🙀🌈🤪
10.16 AM
One alleged home scam is the appointment of acting PMs by the GG for a short period ( maybe overnight?🤷♂️🤪)
Then later that leads to all sorts of extra super goodies etc.
Perhaps our ABC COULD EXAMINE THE ALLEGATIONS, after all, they are paid by us……. 🤪 so for that BILLION DOLLAR scam🙀
Mein Trumpf made a proclamation about women’s sport
“We will not allow men to beat up, injure and cheat women …”
I wonder if Elbow and Chromedome will give Mein Trumpf a visa to come here in light of their new hate-speech law protecting the gender re-imagined dysphoric people
Elbow and Chromedome so desperate to make a law, like rabbits that finally got the chance to have sex, don’t care where how or any repercussions they just want to do it as urgently as possible. Feel better now boys ?
Vote them out so they can spend the rest of their days sucking money out of their “future fund”.
Fancy that.!
Who runs both sides for their ultimate agendas💁?
Create conflict and hate, then sit back and enjoy the harvest, then pay off the msm shock jokes to promote it using the usual serial victimhood responses.
7.18 PM
Until Palestine was occupied by forces provided by our common wealth, we had no problem with Palestinians. Whatever side of the coin there is no reason for slaughter of Palestinians.
In our God less AI existence, would Jesus today be locked up and crucified for being a terrorist?
All agendas now completely out in the open and yet most ignore them or shrug them off as “conspiracy”.
Digital ID’s is the NWO BS (beast system) in the book of Revelation. Question is, when are we the used up going to wake up to the lies of those destroying?
Isn’t it about time as we face extinction?
Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Now that the Trump Administration has been in charge of the U.S. Executive Branch for two weeks, here is what appears to be underway. Despite the chaotic appearance, the plan being implemented is highly strategic and has been in the planning stages for quite a while. Looking through the fog of Omniwar, here is what the high-speed building of the control grid looks like so far.
The Bottom Line: This Is a Coup
Last June, I said on Money & Markets that the leaders of the push for a totalitarian control model and the central bankers had decided to back Trump because he could deliver the conservatives into the model. What is happening now has been in the planning at least since then; Trump and Musk are simply Kabuki theater. What I underestimated was the speed at which they would proceed with a full-on coup. However, given that the Department of Defense (DOD) and intelligence agency clouds have all been digitized and put into the hands of Silicon Valley, a complete reengineering of the U.S. government through the digital systems is now possible at high speed.
The small patch I did with the ‘three sisters’ has taught me a few lessons. After that big storm flattened the corn, the resulting corn harvest was hardly worth the effort. If something like that ever happens again, I’ll just pull out the damaged corn and start over.
The next issue was using the ‘bush’ beans instead of the climbing beans. The bush beans were too low to get a lot of sun (except for the ones on the corners). Worse yet is that after the beans dried I wanted to harvest everything at once. I left the dried bean pods hanging on the bushs and the rains came. With some of the bushes being in the shade they didn’t dry out and stayed wet – BINGO!, the beans started to sprout in the pods. – So I will definitely get the climbing beans to get more sunlight and to keep them dry.
I like snow peas, but I want drying beans for soups. The Inferno Borlotti bean is the one I wanted to use and couldn’t find any, so I tried Borlotti bush beans. I’ve now got the Inferno climbing bean and I’ll get a lima/butter bean to also try.
AI and mRNA: What You Need to Know
Published On: February 6, 2025
“The mRNA platform isn’t going away, and with the rise of AI technology in healthcare, things are evolving faster than ever. What does this mean for you? IMA Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Cole hosts a critical discussion on AI, mRNA, bird flu, nutrition, and more with special guest Dr. Lynn Fynn, a retired infectious disease specialist turned clinical researcher. Together, they’ll reveal the risks and promises of these technologies—and what the future of healthcare could hold
For many of us who champion medical freedom, President Trump’s (45) Project Warp Speed and its resulting mRNA vaccine rollouts left us grappling with serious questions. The sight of Larry Ellison discussing AI-driven mRNA technology on President Trump’s (47) first week back in office only deepened those concerns.”
Things are moving so fast, so get on the roller coaster🤷♂️
Real Mary – situation WTPN SITUATION UPDATE TODAY AT: – people powered news.
Consider 35 mins for a few🤷♂️
Much on DOGE AND NOW THE ED DEPT- see the opening.
C 9.33 PM
And more, Kennedy wanted home currency based on silver and the Fed sent packing. He even had notes printed and they were withdrawn after he was murdered.
Now look up the gold and silver spot prices.
Now that’s a plan.
Anyone read the Sun HERALD crap opinion piece on Trump this morning?
One would have to conclude that the journo deliberately is so stupid that she has not read this page at GS and not even considered real Mary referred to above
Oh well, perhaps she does not know that USAID helps finance her salary…… as the other papers also are subsidised by criminal theft of US taxpayers.
Reminds me of our financing the ABC.
10.46 AM
Ha, two replies not up yet.
Hey Mr Censor, further I just want to observe how thick the Sun Herald is.
Besides ignoring GS, they seem also to ignore all the good news snippets at http://www.what for a reality check just by a scroll through the headlines and also via about the usual 20 reports at: – people powered news.
I suppose most msm editors have banned searches for some real stuff that might give the msm some real credibility.
Journos can borrow a laptop and do some private research.
Anyway, I don’t care that some are to remain ignorant…… As ‘Q’ has opined, paraphrased: “why interfere with liars, fakes and fools as they dig their own graves”. A front end loader can just fill it in anyway.
💁🤪 now they have no idea as to what is really happening.
Such is stupid.
Censor, the time is about 11.25 PM
A typical crazy Brendon presentation but some interesting analysis.
117. Trump, Gaza & The Cartels – What They Don’t Tell You – The Fed Returned To The People?
Mossad security is so tight, they know if a cockroach crosses the border, so how did a few hundred soldiers in pick-up trucks do it, undetected?
Just like our nightly “news”, scripted.
Sssh do not tell anyone that it was a genocidal setup🙀
Research the USS LIBERTY HERE WAY BACK AT GS for character and form.
‘By way of deception make war’🤷♂️
10.36 AM
As our youth are expected to die on battlefields, for a state that gives nothing in return, funding wars from our hip pockets. What’s next, New Testament to be “hate speech”?
want a potential scare event💁🙀🤷♂️
After 10.30 AM Sydney time when the Super Bowl kicks off🤷♂️
Lot of gossip been around. so listen to the OPENING AT WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FROM REAL MARY TODAY AT: – people powered news.
At least note Mary for ten mins of her broadcast and it is clear to any one with a brain that the MSM has been covering for evil practices.
Dianne; Mary poses the question; ‘have you ever heard our msm show any interest in MK ULTRA AND THE NUMEROUS CHILD TRAFFICKING REPORTS THAT YOU KNOW OF HERE AND ELSEWHERE.
I note my comment above about the Sun Herald article this morning. It is so obvious that here at GS that via exposures of USAID, ( and DOGE) that it should be front page of at least one fake news report. Plus the rest about the CIA, the Dept of education being skinned alive by Joe’s ‘TRUMPSTER’.
The media hole is getting so much easier for one person with a front end loader to bury, with one bucket load of earth. Much less gruesome than public hangings per military law.
We pray that all will be safe with their circus and bread.
Just imagine with so many being in on 911, if the plan was disclosed by some in the media who must have known, would it have happened. THEN THEY COVERED IT UP NEVERTHELESS and millions suffered. THEY STILL ARE.
Clearly they have shown what they are
If tomorrow happens then……….
5.12 PM
Well, I spent the time with Real Mary AGAIN. Taking years but I see developments, too many to bother trying to tell those who either, ban Mary or just do not want to know and certainly not reported upon by our mockingbirds.
But on the subject of our poor msm paid swamp
pawns, just listen from about 25 mins for a few and a Q drop 32 and the reference to the gallows just waiting for you. Nothing knew for we who know….. pity the editors lied to the brainless who cannot go to a banned site and wake up to those who control you and your fellow mockingbirds.
Sup with the devil! What did you all expect?
Heaps more from Mary, including mention of Joe’s chicken farm he mentions up a bit. That should be encouraged Joseph…. To be ahead of Mary……. But you will not know because you have banned; Mary, Mike Rivero at WRH and all at BIN.
Be on the ball for tomorrow chaps, it might be great production.
We must pray that the pundits are wrong💁🙏 as with the gossip on the ballon exploding over a Seattle show years ago.
I look forward to Joe tomorrow laughing at those pundits.
Shamefully, only six senators voted against the so-called ‘hate speech bill’ last week, a bill that we and many others believe to be a direct attack on free speech.
Globalist governments around the world have implemented similar laws designed to stifle your right to question what are usually damaging government policies.
As usual, it’s a control measure wrapped up as harm prevention. In other words, a wolf in sheep’s clothing
I have never hated anyone.
So does not liking someone and/or disagreeing with them mean I could be a criminal?
Bugger, half the country almost will be facing the Gulags at the next election, no matter who is liked.
I vote for ‘my dog’, that puts me for sure into a Gulag.🙀?
So who are they of us here (excepting Dee) who been on all this for the last 11 years? Who of you have a large picture?
Well work it out yourselves from the stored coffins that I saw back then with the Walmart food traps to get you dead etc.
At – people powered news.
Note the last five mins or so🙀💁🤪
Maybe some want some knowledge banned. Work out why💁and SEE.
9.55 PM
Clif High says “Watch the Water” and some mountain was moving type of anecdote, I’m still on the fence, zero point energy who needs it, they will just make DEWs cheaper to run … new paradigm, death of Einstein…dip-me-in-the-water…gene-de.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Hold the front page.
sfa, what do we know. …… so no comment.
The gold price might tell us, presently $A 4,491 0r is it 4591….. no matter, we shall see if shtf.
🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ beware the dung beetle.
9.56 PM
Nothing exciting ; gold just hovering and Trump; withdrawing paper straws, security clearances and sniffing out border cartels.
Seems that Sydney has a eagle in flight.
ABOUT: Four 07 hours to kick off.
I saw a fox news video “Trump Deports Liz Cheney”
I listened to the whole thing while doing other stuff, half an hour, no Liz Chemey
Next I saw fox news video “Pam Bondi arrests Nancy Pelosi”
This time I was wiser and skimmed through the images, no Nancy Pelosi
Ta, Indeed, now 4,599.54.
I mus ta hav BIN DREAMIN🤷♂️
As I was when it was 3, 4, – just a silver peasant’s crumbs
I think it was during that silly game, in silence, nodding off, waiting for the stadium to blow up.
If my Bitcoin went from $100 to $100k I would swap it for gold too
The bombing in Gaza may have ceased for now but the Israeli attacks and destruction of homes and infrastructure has ramped up in the occupied West Bank.
700+ Palestinians killed since the genocide began.
Israel kills two women, including pregnant 23-year-old, in West Bank raid
10 seconds reading Assoc. professor of created position calls landslide win “far right” and falls in with the duopoly, defending Starmer, cannot identify a puppet show when he sees it, funding may be cut
ON 9th Feb.
People powered news.
I have spent nearly 12 years here trying to inform STUPID AND OTHER THAN DEE, has anyone stated that they have considered listening to REAL MARY FOR AT LEAST THE LAST THREE YEARS.
Then he bans the site with a few other sites.
Terry ODGERS is another exception who was VILIFIED.
Well, if you have’s not woken up since Trump’s inauguration, as to the HISTORIC scandals then YOU have no hope. YOU are IRRELEVANT,
Wake up:
They have been PAID OFF AND FAKE….. just listen to Mary on the exposures.
I am now comfortable for the futures of my grandchildren.
I have done my job and now have other things to catch up on.
First: cook dinner.
he ANIMAL CRUELTY now being exposed — which includes Dr Fauci’s brutal and unnecessary dog experiments KEEP THE CLEAN UP GOING.
Mysteries continue (3 min)
The video “An Angle on Musk auditing USAID” disappeared so quick it reminds me of “baby mayo” on tiktok who I posted a few videos from, she was in the cops but got too much harassment and got kicked out, she was saying she had all sorts of dirt on person or persons and then a few days later tiktok account has totally disappeared
More USAID stuff :
0.02 ¢
Ironic that in my last comment in the last article, I mentioned that bank records are fun💁
Now for our lot.
9.05 AM
In reference to the video you posted at the end of the last article. (8.03) RE USAID NOT THE WORST.
It will get lost there so it would be good to repost here, DEAR OH DEAR WE NEED THE LAUGH🙀🌈🤪
10.16 AM
One alleged home scam is the appointment of acting PMs by the GG for a short period ( maybe overnight?🤷♂️🤪)
Then later that leads to all sorts of extra super goodies etc.
Perhaps our ABC COULD EXAMINE THE ALLEGATIONS, after all, they are paid by us……. 🤪 so for that BILLION DOLLAR scam🙀
Mein Trumpf made a proclamation about women’s sport
“We will not allow men to beat up, injure and cheat women …”
I wonder if Elbow and Chromedome will give Mein Trumpf a visa to come here in light of their new hate-speech law protecting the gender re-imagined dysphoric people
Elbow and Chromedome so desperate to make a law, like rabbits that finally got the chance to have sex, don’t care where how or any repercussions they just want to do it as urgently as possible. Feel better now boys ?
Vote them out so they can spend the rest of their days sucking money out of their “future fund”.
Fancy that.!
Who runs both sides for their ultimate agendas💁?
Create conflict and hate, then sit back and enjoy the harvest, then pay off the msm shock jokes to promote it using the usual serial victimhood responses.
7.18 PM
Until Palestine was occupied by forces provided by our common wealth, we had no problem with Palestinians. Whatever side of the coin there is no reason for slaughter of Palestinians.
In our God less AI existence, would Jesus today be locked up and crucified for being a terrorist?
All agendas now completely out in the open and yet most ignore them or shrug them off as “conspiracy”.
Digital ID’s is the NWO BS (beast system) in the book of Revelation. Question is, when are we the used up going to wake up to the lies of those destroying?
Isn’t it about time as we face extinction?
Re post
USAID: Not the Largest Fraud
Is Elon Musk Staging a Coup? Unelected Billionaire Seizes Control at Treasury Dept. & Other Agencies
Trump Administration: Digital Control Grid Coming Together at High Speed
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Now that the Trump Administration has been in charge of the U.S. Executive Branch for two weeks, here is what appears to be underway. Despite the chaotic appearance, the plan being implemented is highly strategic and has been in the planning stages for quite a while. Looking through the fog of Omniwar, here is what the high-speed building of the control grid looks like so far.
The Bottom Line: This Is a Coup
Last June, I said on Money & Markets that the leaders of the push for a totalitarian control model and the central bankers had decided to back Trump because he could deliver the conservatives into the model. What is happening now has been in the planning at least since then; Trump and Musk are simply Kabuki theater. What I underestimated was the speed at which they would proceed with a full-on coup. However, given that the Department of Defense (DOD) and intelligence agency clouds have all been digitized and put into the hands of Silicon Valley, a complete reengineering of the U.S. government through the digital systems is now possible at high speed.
Ain’t that the truth, however, the full truth runs a little deeper.
In the meantime, enjoy your showbags kids.
Sir B-liar of the Order of the Garter and Sir Keir Starmer of the British Unaparty communist faction.
and, update
More from..
From Scratch Farmstead
The small patch I did with the ‘three sisters’ has taught me a few lessons. After that big storm flattened the corn, the resulting corn harvest was hardly worth the effort. If something like that ever happens again, I’ll just pull out the damaged corn and start over.
The next issue was using the ‘bush’ beans instead of the climbing beans. The bush beans were too low to get a lot of sun (except for the ones on the corners). Worse yet is that after the beans dried I wanted to harvest everything at once. I left the dried bean pods hanging on the bushs and the rains came. With some of the bushes being in the shade they didn’t dry out and stayed wet – BINGO!, the beans started to sprout in the pods. – So I will definitely get the climbing beans to get more sunlight and to keep them dry.
What variety of climbing beans do you plant Terry and do grow snow peas?
I like snow peas, but I want drying beans for soups. The Inferno Borlotti bean is the one I wanted to use and couldn’t find any, so I tried Borlotti bush beans. I’ve now got the Inferno climbing bean and I’ll get a lima/butter bean to also try.
AI and mRNA: What You Need to Know
Published On: February 6, 2025
“The mRNA platform isn’t going away, and with the rise of AI technology in healthcare, things are evolving faster than ever. What does this mean for you? IMA Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Cole hosts a critical discussion on AI, mRNA, bird flu, nutrition, and more with special guest Dr. Lynn Fynn, a retired infectious disease specialist turned clinical researcher. Together, they’ll reveal the risks and promises of these technologies—and what the future of healthcare could hold
For many of us who champion medical freedom, President Trump’s (45) Project Warp Speed and its resulting mRNA vaccine rollouts left us grappling with serious questions. The sight of Larry Ellison discussing AI-driven mRNA technology on President Trump’s (47) first week back in office only deepened those concerns.”
Things are moving so fast, so get on the roller coaster🤷♂️
Real Mary – situation WTPN SITUATION UPDATE TODAY AT: – people powered news.
Consider 35 mins for a few🤷♂️
Much on DOGE AND NOW THE ED DEPT- see the opening.
C 9.33 PM
And note that the CIA is being decimated….. well and truly.
President Kennedy gets his revenge.
12 bells……. Now that’s A PLAN!
And more, Kennedy wanted home currency based on silver and the Fed sent packing. He even had notes printed and they were withdrawn after he was murdered.
Now look up the gold and silver spot prices.
Now that’s a plan.
Anyone read the Sun HERALD crap opinion piece on Trump this morning?
One would have to conclude that the journo deliberately is so stupid that she has not read this page at GS and not even considered real Mary referred to above
Oh well, perhaps she does not know that USAID helps finance her salary…… as the other papers also are subsidised by criminal theft of US taxpayers.
Reminds me of our financing the ABC.
10.46 AM
Ha, two replies not up yet.
Hey Mr Censor, further I just want to observe how thick the Sun Herald is.
Besides ignoring GS, they seem also to ignore all the good news snippets at
http://www.what for a reality check just by a scroll through the headlines and also via about the usual 20 reports at: – people powered news.
I suppose most msm editors have banned searches for some real stuff that might give the msm some real credibility.
Journos can borrow a laptop and do some private research.
Anyway, I don’t care that some are to remain ignorant…… As ‘Q’ has opined, paraphrased: “why interfere with liars, fakes and fools as they dig their own graves”. A front end loader can just fill it in anyway.
💁🤪 now they have no idea as to what is really happening.
Such is stupid.
Censor, the time is about 11.25 PM
I’ve only got one question
How did Avi Yemeni get a visa to get into Davos and talk to John Kerry Larry Fink Twiggy Forrest et al just walkin’ down the road
El Salvador business proposition
Chinese Egg Farm
Duck Army
Chicken farm
A typical crazy Brendon presentation but some interesting analysis.
117. Trump, Gaza & The Cartels – What They Don’t Tell You – The Fed Returned To The People?
Mossad security is so tight, they know if a cockroach crosses the border, so how did a few hundred soldiers in pick-up trucks do it, undetected?
Just like our nightly “news”, scripted.
Sssh do not tell anyone that it was a genocidal setup🙀
Research the USS LIBERTY HERE WAY BACK AT GS for character and form.
‘By way of deception make war’🤷♂️
10.36 AM
As our youth are expected to die on battlefields, for a state that gives nothing in return, funding wars from our hip pockets. What’s next, New Testament to be “hate speech”?
want a potential scare event💁🙀🤷♂️
After 10.30 AM Sydney time when the Super Bowl kicks off🤷♂️
Lot of gossip been around. so listen to the OPENING AT WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FROM REAL MARY TODAY AT: – people powered news.
At least note Mary for ten mins of her broadcast and it is clear to any one with a brain that the MSM has been covering for evil practices.
Dianne; Mary poses the question; ‘have you ever heard our msm show any interest in MK ULTRA AND THE NUMEROUS CHILD TRAFFICKING REPORTS THAT YOU KNOW OF HERE AND ELSEWHERE.
I note my comment above about the Sun Herald article this morning. It is so obvious that here at GS that via exposures of USAID, ( and DOGE) that it should be front page of at least one fake news report. Plus the rest about the CIA, the Dept of education being skinned alive by Joe’s ‘TRUMPSTER’.
The media hole is getting so much easier for one person with a front end loader to bury, with one bucket load of earth. Much less gruesome than public hangings per military law.
We pray that all will be safe with their circus and bread.
Just imagine with so many being in on 911, if the plan was disclosed by some in the media who must have known, would it have happened. THEN THEY COVERED IT UP NEVERTHELESS and millions suffered. THEY STILL ARE.
Clearly they have shown what they are
If tomorrow happens then……….
5.12 PM
Well, I spent the time with Real Mary AGAIN. Taking years but I see developments, too many to bother trying to tell those who either, ban Mary or just do not want to know and certainly not reported upon by our mockingbirds.
But on the subject of our poor msm paid swamp
pawns, just listen from about 25 mins for a few and a Q drop 32 and the reference to the gallows just waiting for you. Nothing knew for we who know….. pity the editors lied to the brainless who cannot go to a banned site and wake up to those who control you and your fellow mockingbirds.
Sup with the devil! What did you all expect?
Heaps more from Mary, including mention of Joe’s chicken farm he mentions up a bit. That should be encouraged Joseph…. To be ahead of Mary……. But you will not know because you have banned; Mary, Mike Rivero at WRH and all at BIN.
Be on the ball for tomorrow chaps, it might be great production.
We must pray that the pundits are wrong💁🙏 as with the gossip on the ballon exploding over a Seattle show years ago.
I look forward to Joe tomorrow laughing at those pundits.
Oops, time ran away, try 6.41
By the way, Mary clarified some rumours on that wayward helicopter casualty.
6.44 PM
We humans are too busy with other things
Ottoman Empire Mk II
Looks expensive
Our Human Potential And The Power Of Our Mind
Real Mary would probably get booted off TwitteX
Details of the ‘hate speech’ bill
Shamefully, only six senators voted against the so-called ‘hate speech bill’ last week, a bill that we and many others believe to be a direct attack on free speech.
Globalist governments around the world have implemented similar laws designed to stifle your right to question what are usually damaging government policies.
As usual, it’s a control measure wrapped up as harm prevention. In other words, a wolf in sheep’s clothing
I have never hated anyone.
So does not liking someone and/or disagreeing with them mean I could be a criminal?
Bugger, half the country almost will be facing the Gulags at the next election, no matter who is liked.
I vote for ‘my dog’, that puts me for sure into a Gulag.🙀?
If you can’t take it, become a hermit
So who are they of us here (excepting Dee) who been on all this for the last 11 years? Who of you have a large picture?
Well work it out yourselves from the stored coffins that I saw back then with the Walmart food traps to get you dead etc.
At – people powered news.
Note the last five mins or so🙀💁🤪
Maybe some want some knowledge banned. Work out why💁and SEE.
9.55 PM
Clif High says “Watch the Water” and some mountain was moving type of anecdote, I’m still on the fence, zero point energy who needs it, they will just make DEWs cheaper to run … new paradigm, death of Einstein…dip-me-in-the-water…gene-de.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Lots of red rivers posted 2 & 3 years ago
Hold the front page.
sfa, what do we know. …… so no comment.
The gold price might tell us, presently $A 4,491 0r is it 4591….. no matter, we shall see if shtf.
🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️ beware the dung beetle.
9.56 PM
Nothing exciting ; gold just hovering and Trump; withdrawing paper straws, security clearances and sniffing out border cartels.
Seems that Sydney has a eagle in flight.
ABOUT: Four 07 hours to kick off.
I saw a fox news video “Trump Deports Liz Cheney”
I listened to the whole thing while doing other stuff, half an hour, no Liz Chemey
Next I saw fox news video “Pam Bondi arrests Nancy Pelosi”
This time I was wiser and skimmed through the images, no Nancy Pelosi
I think “Hillary hanged at Gitmo” is still getting clicks, somewhere
Just watch soon for clicks on:
‘Media editors slicing wrists!,’
‘Media magnates selling mansions’.
Journos lunching at Rev’ Cruise’s ‘Loaves and Fish’s’
And ‘Chiefs crying’!
Gold hits 5,600 and dealers cannot deliver.
2.41 PM
Do you mean 4600
Ta, Indeed, now 4,599.54.
I mus ta hav BIN DREAMIN🤷♂️
As I was when it was 3, 4, – just a silver peasant’s crumbs
I think it was during that silly game, in silence, nodding off, waiting for the stadium to blow up.
If my Bitcoin went from $100 to $100k I would swap it for gold too
The bombing in Gaza may have ceased for now but the Israeli attacks and destruction of homes and infrastructure has ramped up in the occupied West Bank.
700+ Palestinians killed since the genocide began.
Israel kills two women, including pregnant 23-year-old, in West Bank raid
Israeli far-right proposals on West Bank’s treatment like Gaza should be taken ‘seriously’
Elon Musk is a global problem
The far-right billionaire seems to be trying to replicate all across the world what he already has achieved in the US.
10 seconds reading Assoc. professor of created position calls landslide win “far right” and falls in with the duopoly, defending Starmer, cannot identify a puppet show when he sees it, funding may be cut
Follow the money
Missing Children, Runaway Youth, and Foster Care
A Four-Year Analysis
Missing Children, Runaway Youth, and Foster Care
A Four-Year Analysis
FEB 10, 2025
Castle Keep Strategy
The Oligarchs’ War on Truth
FEB 10, 2025
todays clif words– they resonate
ON 9th Feb.
People powered news.
I have spent nearly 12 years here trying to inform STUPID AND OTHER THAN DEE, has anyone stated that they have considered listening to REAL MARY FOR AT LEAST THE LAST THREE YEARS.
Then he bans the site with a few other sites.
Terry ODGERS is another exception who was VILIFIED.
Well, if you have’s not woken up since Trump’s inauguration, as to the HISTORIC scandals then YOU have no hope. YOU are IRRELEVANT,
Wake up:
They have been PAID OFF AND FAKE….. just listen to Mary on the exposures.
I am now comfortable for the futures of my grandchildren.
I have done my job and now have other things to catch up on.
First: cook dinner.
It’s still banned
Good for credibility you know.
Don’t tell anyone it’s dicky
WARNING : Expletives ++++
Brendon O’Connell lets loose.
USD To Collapse! Buy My Merch To Save Country! Bawk!
Have you ever looked at Mary above.
What’s your game?
10.13 PM
Ed Dowd: Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025! – 2/7/25
Eggs have replaced toilet paper!
Prepare for Change as 10 Kingdoms Plan Unveiled while Egg Shortages Distract