by Dee McLachlan
CDC’s Zombie Preparedness
The CDC’s “zombie apocalypse” began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages. Really? The CDC continues to engage a wide audience on all-hazards preparedness via “zombie preparedness”.
Interesting! And an interesting poster on the CDC website that encourages preparedness for this zombie apocalypse and how to be prepared. To quote from the CDC website:
“Better Safe than Sorry… so what do you need to do before zombies…or hurricanes or pandemics for example, actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp…”
Some people are suggesting the z-apocalypse has arrived.
Connecting to the Internet of Everything.
In this video below is how devices around him want to “connect”. Extraordinary!
This video could be a set-up — some of it feels staged. And why is he wearing a mask in part 2? More of those who have been vaccinated should check whether devices want to connect with them.
The Australian government will most likely tell you that the above video is false. On Health.gov.au they ask the question: Can COVID-19 vaccines connect me to the internet?
“COVID-19 vaccines do not – and cannot – connect you to the internet. Some of the mRNA vaccines being developed include the use of a material called a hydrogel, which might help disperse the vaccine slowly into our cells. Bioengineers have used similar hydrogels for many years in different ways. For instance, they’ve used them to help stem cells survive after being put inside our bodies. Because of this, some people believe that hydrogels are needed for electronic implants, which can connect to the internet.”
This is a video demonstrating EMF readings.
Magnetic Attraction
Over the last few days and in this Gumshoe article, several videos emerged with magnetics attaching onto the site of the vaccine shot. What’s happening there?
Jim Stone suggests that “We just got strong intrinsic evidence that 60 percent of the Covid shots are saline … and that’s approximately the ratio of “I am fine” to maimed they need to keep their plausible deniability afloat.”
UPDATE: OKAY OKAY that above video has been removed (violating terms of service BS). It was plainly a non-biased record of those who had been vaccinated and who had magnetic arms. Of all the people that tested magnets on their arms, just below half were magnetized. There’s something the “authorities” don’t want you to know.
Soul Harvesting and the Hive Mind ?
And now to deep dive into the possibilities of a nightmare unfolding in this VIDEO at Conspiracy Cafe.
Are they uploading/injecting people with a new “operating system”. Chilling!
A friend in Adelaide alerted me to Angelina Jolie’s photo shoot when she was covered in honeybees for World Bee Day. Is someone sending a “hive mind” message? One can only wonder…
The CDC poster of the female zombie is presented in such a way that she looks like she is peering over an oversized mask.
That EMF vid is pretty freaky!
So many medical professionals have described the covid medical intervention as an ‘operating system’, not a vax.
One thing is for certain. People in Oz don’t want the vax. A quick perusal of the comments (if not disabled) under any covid ‘vax’ MSM news story on YT and other platforms are 9 to 1 AGAINST the ‘vax’.
Have a read if you get time. Very eye opening. And heartening. It’s my new fave past time.
The tide has turned.
Where is Fauci? 😀
Channel 7 this morning had Derryn Hinch former pedo victim, broadcaster and more recently out-of-his-depth politician, he was saying he twittered everyone to go and be injected and the response was a barrage of abuse. The 50-70 bracket doesn’t want to be experimented on or euthanised so now our expensive satanist medical fraternity is “opening up” quaxxines to younger age brackets. Hopefully all the quaxxines will go past use-by soon and our expensive satanist “chief medical officers” will be explaining why they bought so much of this useless garbage. We need to get right off globalism now and lock up all the perpetrators including all the ALP and ABC. We can still have lefties but not controlled by Klaus Schwab and the gang.
Seems timely– have not watched all -but it all resonates
please all watch 40 mins to 55 at least—–and realign our assumptions—–amazing to my world–reality perceptions
relates to last article Mary—–
The MSM seems to be quickly appropriating terms from the alt-media and re-purposing them, today I have noticed “shedding” has gone from vaccine shedding to virus shedding, also that “mind control” has gone from mkultra to thought activation of prosthetics.
The “4th industrial revolution” is here with a vengeance. Sometimes I write some obvious stuff but that won’t stop me. So “there is a lot of misinformation on the internet”, but maybe now the algorithms are supplying it. I looked up coriander (herb) and got equal numbers of claims that it was healthy and unhealthy. Talking to real people still seems fairly reliable.
Whom the gods would destroy they first send mad –
Obama-Appointed Judge Sides with Biden, Rules Private Christian College Must Allow Biological Men to Shower with Women
One of Joe Biden’s first orders of business was to make sure demented, perverted men could be allowed to share shower spaces with women.
Biden signed an executive order in January titled, “Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.”
The College of the Ozarks sued Joe Biden and the Department of Housing and Urban and Development last month, arguing the US government cannot force a private religious school to put men and women into the same dorms.
An Obama appointed federal judge this week ruled against the Christian college and said they must allow biological males to share dorms and showers with women………………………”
Crisscross, I only know 3 transgender people, 2 in US and one in Oz. The 2 in US are female-to-male, and the one in Oz, Dee, is male-to-female. They don’t seem the slightest bit perverted, whatever that means anyway.
As for the bathroom thing, that is a way — I think — for media to be able to cover the subject cutely. Did you read my story here:
If it’s a school bathroom, how old is the kid? Nobody should organize a transitioning for any minor. They have not been in the world long enuf to study the situation.
And they’ll sue ya later.
It’s good business, they used to advertise the operations on the front page of the Bangkok Post, there are about 10 separate operations. I used to know a guy in St Kilda who is apparently now trading as some sort of a would-be-lady, he was a highly strung artist type and very emotionally fragile, so, maybe a defensive action against all the feminists and life in general.
In that case it is probably not so much identifying as female as trying to make a social adjustment, at the very least a statement. Would all these people still want the operations if they lived on a desert island ? I suggest it would be pointless.
Since there has now been confirmation of magnets sticking to injection sites and of EMF radiation emitting from injection sites, what are these revelations all about? What does it mean?
Hopefully, someone will be following up with further research to determine what is causing it and how it impacts on health. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the MSM to do any such research, again we will have to rely upon unpaid ‘conspiracy theorists’ to sort out this troubling enigma.
It is bad enough having a toxic cocktail of gene editing material pumped into you, but this goes beyond that threshold to some sci-fi nightmare of turning people into cyborgs.
The swab up the nose is a ‘vaccine’ and renders the receiver a patentable product.
Very informative –
“COVID-19 jab is not a vaccine; it’s a cellular modification technology that causes a self-creating auto-immune disease similar to AIDS” (Video)
What is said in the following article well applies to our politicians with this fake pandemic in which they are making us all suffer. So, why is it that psychopaths are so attracted to politics?
“Netanyahu is still a psychopath and ethnic cleanser
Netanyahu lacks the moral and political backbone to be a head of a state
…by Jonas E. Alexis, VT Editor
In January of 2015, Israeli news commentator and former politician Yossi Sarid published an article entitled, “This Israeli Politician is a Psychopath. Guess Who.” This is basically an easy question for those who are family with the most diabolical, psychopathic figure in the Middle East.
If you are new to VT, here is a clue: the article rhetorically asked, “Could the various Knesset slates be housing people who should be receiving [psychiatric] treatment?”[1]
The article moved on to provide some definitions of a psychopath based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association.
One of the definitions includes, “Repeated lying for the purpose of gratification, confusing reality and imagination.” The article proceeds to ask, “Do three or more characteristics remind you of anybody?”[2]…………….”
Dane Widdington has just sent this out on his email list:
Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination In the United States, the Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens! The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr .: “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime. The coronavirus VACCINE IS NOT A VACCINE! ATTENTION! What has always been a vaccine? It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies. Not even a coronavirus vaccine! She’s not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines” Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein. That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Gene weapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs! Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way. Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia,…
May we have the details?
Particulars of the proceedings referred to with the constitution of the court?
Any transcript of the proceeding’s and judicial officers presiding?
Any available links?
It’s very interesting, I was just going to start watching a bunch of more recent Jesse Ventura videos because he seems to hate Trump and I thought he had gone senile, But JV (former navy seal) told us years ago about the FEMA coffins stacked up and the huge bunkers and then he ran away to hide in Mexico. We have Trump walking both sides of the street or gaslighting BigPharma with quaxxines. How long can this go on, normally I would say the truth is somewhere in the middle or else two opposite things can be true at the same time but in this case it’s not so easy.
“Government” is a religion. (Larken Rose)
This is an excerpt from Larken Rose’s new book, The Most Dangerous Superstition.
The Religion of “Government” (TMDS pp. 28-32.)
“Government” is neither a scientific concept nor a rational sociological construct; nor is it a logical, practical method of human organization and cooperation. The belief in “government” is not based on reason; it is based on faith. In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion, made up of a set of dogmatic teachings, irrational doctrines which fly in the face of both evidence and logic, and which are methodically memorized and repeated by the faithful. Like other religions, the gospel of “government” describes a superhuman, supernatural entity, above mere mortals, which issues commandments to the peasantry, for whom unquestioning obedience is a moral imperative. Disobedience to the commandments (“breaking the law”) is viewed as a sin, and the faithful delight in the punishment of the infidels and sinners (“criminals”), while at the same time taking great pride in their own loyalty and humble subservience to their god (as “law-abiding taxpayers”) And while the mortals may humbly beg their lord for favors, and for permission to do certain things, it is considered blasphemous and outrageous for one of the lowly peasants to imagine himself to be fit to decide which of the “government” god’s “laws” he should follow and which it is okay for him to ignore. Their mantra is, “You can work to try to change the law, but as long as it’s the law, we all have to follow it!”
The main factor distinguishing the belief in “government” from other religions today is that people actually believe in the god called “government.” The other gods people claim to believe in, and the churches they attend, are now, by comparison, little more than empty rituals and half-heartedly parroted superstitions. When it comes to their everyday lives, the god that people actually pray to, to save them from misfortune, to smite their enemies, and to shower them with blessings, is “government.” It is “government” whose commandments the people most often respect and obey. Whenever a conflict arises between “government” and the teachings of the lesser gods — such as “pay your fair share” (taxation) versus “Thou shalt not steal,” or “duty to country” (military service) versus “Thou shalt not murder” — the commands of “government supersede all the teachings of the other religions. Politicians, the high priests of the church of “government” — the mouthpieces and representatives of “government,” who deliver the sacred “law” from on high — even openly declare that it is permissible for the people to practice whatever religion they wish, as long as they do not run afoul of the supreme religion by disobeying “the law” — meaning the dictates of the god called “government.”
The Babylonian Worlds Governments
Govern-ment means ruling the mind
In giving the law to the Israelites, the Lord commanded them to on no account worship the gods of the other nations; but we read of many instances where they deliberately disregarded this injunction, and were in consequence punished until they returned to Him, the only true God.
“After the Flood, in the days of Eber and Phaleg, when the first city and the tower were built, Nembroth [Nimrod] was the first to gather people together and exercise dominion over them.” [S.Epiphan.Hares.,lib.i,c.i,p.6.] The Book of Adam and Eve S.C. Malan http://sacred-texts.com/bib/fbe/fbe005.htm
Ham fathered Cush [Chaos], Genesis 9:18 who fathered Nimrod who was put to death on the verdict of 72 judges resulting in the underground Mystery Babylon. Ham, the son of Noah, BROTHER of Shem and Japheth. The name Nimrod means literally “The subduer of the leopard,” being derived from nimr “a leopard,” and rad “to subdue.” ………. This, then, is further identification of Osiris with Nimrod, for Nimrod was black, being the son of Cush, whose name signifies “black.” Ham, also, was black; …..
The Black Hats
“The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.”
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s [Cahns – priests, cahna-baals] wear today ..
The natural result of the admiration of a man of Nimrod’s character must necessarily have been to destroy reverence for God, and thus lead to the adoration and worship of the creature [Jew self worship] instead of the Creator. That the world did fall into infidelity shortly after the flood is proved from the first part of the eleventh chapter of Genesis. The great Jewish historian Josephus says in confirmation: “The multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God.”–Ant. 1:4:2
Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order
Altiyan Childs is a former Australian Rock musician, and a former Freemason. In 2010 he won The X Factor talent show award, which boosted his career in music to stardom status.
In a video he released last month, he announced that he has now put his life on the line to renounce his secret Freemason vows.
His life has recently changed after being awakened in a speeding car that was heading straight into a brick wall because the driver had fallen asleep. He says he heard a whisper in his ear that woke him from a deep sleep, and that he was able to grab the steering wheel and avoid the crash.
"I shouldn't be here today," he states.
The penalty for renouncing your vows in Freemasonry is death, but he feels compelled to expose Freemasonry for what it is: the oldest religion in the world.
According to Childs, almost every notable person running the world today, from politics to business to entertainment, got there through Freemasonry.
And his 5 plus hour video was produced to convince you that this is true, from an insider perspective, and to warn about what is soon coming: the implementation of the Luciferian New World Order, which includes a significant reduction of the world’s population.
It took me a few days to watch the entire 5 hours, and when I finished earlier today, I told my friend who recommended the video to me:
"My life will never be the same after watching this. I will not sleep tonight until I publish this (on Health Impact News)."......................................"
Censored, join the gap
https://healt himpactnews.com/2021/insider-exposes-freemasonry-as-the-worlds-oldest-secret-religion-and-the-luciferian-plans-for-the-new-world-order/
You can get these little refillable nose puffers full of saline and they vaporise the saline into a fine mist which you can snort up your nostril, saline is an effective solvent for all types of mucous materials. So, much better than the Indian man some may have seen sitting in his loincloth and pulling a strip of cloth up one nostril and out his mouth. You have to let the saline soak for a minute or three then repeat. This could be handy if you were about to get swabbed and maybe put into quarantine for a couple of weeks. Of course it won’t help much against weird nano-filaments.
I am currently assessing the nose puffer for viability in flushing out cold germs which anyone can (apparently) feel multiplying in the back of their sinuses during the onset of a cold period. The immune system may not be able to keep up with the germs (sorry this is mainstream version not Bechamp / Reich) so just flushing these germs out may give the immune system the head start it needs. I got a pack of dog Ivermectin too just to get another head start on things and found each pill only contained 1/4 mg of Ivermectin while the pills in the Ziverdo Kit seem to be 12mg so I was ripped off bad.
Bill Gates said the 2nd round would get more attention but I guess he means the injected would be going down and blaming the normals for their quaxxine not working as designed because of reliance on quaxxine herd immunity. I suggest keep out of places like Bunnings and Westfield malls as much as you can.
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: MD Whistleblower Leaked in 2009 Plans For Staged Viral Release Triggering UN Takeover & Depopulation
A leading Medical Doctor while treating multiple heads of state learned of UN Plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines.
In 2009, the TruTV reality show, “Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura,” featured leading medical doctor Dr. Rima Laibow, who treated multiple heads of state, discussing how she learned of a UN plan to release a virus as the trigger for depopulation through vaccines.
Did you know? Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Ran Coronavirus Outbreak Simulation Just 6 Weeks Before The Real Outbreak
Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned To Usher In The New World Order
Watch below:
I Saw A UFO And Nobody Believes Me
Now here is a ‘covid’ poster I’d like to see posted all over the place.
They are getting ahead of themselves it seems.
Per Deagal and other reports the genocide was planned to be complete by 2025.
Bugger, they will be 2 years ahead of their plans.
Bugger, bloody house prices will collapse without buyers, Trans Urban toll roads will be empty, they will go broke, airlines will have no passengers, lawyers will have to invent reasons to litigate, street cleaners will have no garbage to collect, doctors will be suiciding
with guilt, Hell, it goes on and on.
Oh well, Terry, we will not have to put up with stupids anymore…… excepting of course politicians who will not be able to raise funds and shock jokes being bankrupted because there is no one to buy their advertised products and services,
But thankfully we will still have the Australian Broadcasting Commission fools………… but then agian, maybe there will no one left at Ultimo.
Sounds good.
“Per Deagal and other reports the genocide was planned to be complete by 2025.” – The ‘vaccine’ gambit was only one part of the equation, don’t forget the Grand Solar Minimum and the collapse of the food chain.
I’m already seeing the decrease due to the shortenig in the growing seasons. My banana palm failed to fruit this year, along with the grumichama and the guava. The figs also produced less and the citrus only gave one crop this year.
I agree with your opinion on housing prices, there is going to be a lot of houses available for those that can wait a few years.
Deagal proposed a drop from 25 million to 17 million for Oz. If that 8 million drop is the removal of the ‘stupids’, hey, this could be a good thing.
You might not like it so much during the second drop !!!
Seems the idea is just to retain the totally controlled.
How to tell if you are a useless eater
Looks like I never had a chance in this life. I moved from being a ‘disciplinary problem’ that needs removing to a ‘useless eater’ that needs removing. Heck, I’m ready to go, the only reason I’m sticking around is to piss them off.