by Dee McLachlan
It was Mother’s Day this last Sunday. On television people shed tears celebrating all those wonderful mothers out there. But many mums across Australia were prevented from even speaking with their children on this day, and these kids were not even allowed to call up their mums to say “I love you, mum.” This was not because of COVID-19, it is a result of the government’s draconian measures in actively alienating many mothers (and fathers) from their children. It is cruel and inhumane — and has no place in a civilized democracy. When you pull the curtain away, it seems we are neither civilized nor a democracy.
When I tell people that a government department or a court has “removed” a child from a good mother, they have difficulty taking in what I am telling them. One friend replied, “She’s probably a criminal. Is she in jail, or something?” “No,” I reply. “A convicted criminal is allowed more access and privileges than many mums across Australia in this position.”
So today I am writing about the person who has this power over children and parents in the state of South Australia. The minister — an elected official — used to be in charge, but is no longer. It is now the Chief Executive — a person with unfettered power that can make almost ANY decision under the guise of care and protection.
In South Australia, the Chief Executive is Cathy Taylor.

A South Australian Mum
After a four-month investigation into one particular case where the Department for Child Protection had removed a young girl from her mother, I began writing letters to Ms Taylor. I outlined the misfeasance in the case. I hit a brick wall.
By early April 2019 I had uncovered such corruption that I wrote a very strong letter to several ministers and the Premier. Now, one year later, I wrote a follow up letter to those same ministers. This is my letter (below), and I have yet to receive a reply. The letter has been abridged to protect the identity of a child.
Steven Marshall MP, Premier of South Australia, His Excellency, the Hon Hieu Van Le, Governor of South Australia, Vickie Chapman MP, Deputy Premier | Attorney-General, SA, Rachel Sanderson MP, Minister for Child Protection, SA, Corey Wingard MP, Minister for Police, Emergency Services & Correctional Services, and Grant Stevens, Commissioner of Police, SA. CC: Scott Morrison, Prime Minister; Wayne Lines, Ombudsman, SA
April… 2020
Dear Excellency, Mr Marshall, Ms Chapman, Ms Sanderson, Mr Wingard, and Commissioner Stevens,
I hope you (all) are safe during this time.
I wrote to each of you ONE year ago – on the 28th April 2019. On reflection, it was a rather audacious letter at the time – and I apologise for its unrestraint. I had titled the correspondence: “Chief Executive Cathy Taylor should be stood down”.
My 2019 letter referenced the removal of a CHILD from her MOTHER and the Department for Child Protection’s (the DCP’s) claim of guardianship by the Chief Executive. I have been advocating for the [MOTHER] for 18 months now, and as more evidence from her and other cases emerges, the stronger is my belief that Ms Taylor has violated EVERYTHING one would and should expect from the head of a child “protection” department.
The DCP removed the [CHILD] because they believed that her mother MADE UP false claims of child abuse. Let me rephrase that: The DCP removed the child from her mum, because they say the child, from her age of 6 up until 9, was telling lies to CPS investigators, social workers, psychologists, doctors, a nurse, police persons, and the abuse she suffered… These people believed her … But the DCP officials say NO, there is absolutely NO “evidence” of abuse. How did they come to that determination? Easy! They are the “investigators” of abuse – and they refuse to investigate [the crisis care notifications and police interview/s].
The child should be living at home with her mother and should NEVER have been “taken” by the State. Now, this is not just my opinion, or the mother’s — it was a BINDING DECISION by a Federal Family Court Judge. Just two and a half months BEFORE the CHILD was removed by the DCP, a Family Court Judge had delivered his orders that: the MOTHER have SOLE parental responsibility, and that the child was not in danger of being removed from her mother.
Incredibly, the DCP violated these federal orders only months later, misusing the law (69zk), and removed her. The DCP got involved almost immediately after [the MOTHER] was awarded sole parental responsibility.
[Her daughter had arrived back from visitation with a significant injury and the mother called Crisis Care.] What followed was extraordinary. The DCP and SAPOL, the day after the assault was reported, HALTED their investigation. They would later claim that the child’s abuse was an INVENTION, and therefor the mother’s allegations are UNTRUE. But these are not the mother’s allegations, they were her daughter’s. The child even told her teacher, on her own volition, at school of what had been done to her.
Two weeks later she was removed from her mum. And it did not take long before the DCP began planning reunification with her father (the person the child said had abused her).
[As a note: In my intensive 2018 survey, many protective parents said their children were not believed.]
Ms Taylor has thrown enormous resources (tax-payer dollars) into keeping mother and daughter apart – and instructed the Crown to apply for guardianship until the child turns 18. The unbearable outcome is that mum and daughter could lose each other permanently. And a daughter denied the most normal things in the world – to be with the person she loves most – her mother.
I can assure you – like many other cases I am assisting with – the bias demonstrated by DCP staff beggars belief. The DCP has done everything over these last two years to defame, discredit and devastate this good mum, and to try to label her as a danger to her own daughter. [And from about April 2019 on, I was also fed untruthful rumours about the mum as an attempt to dissuade me from supporting her.]
The DCP show no regard for the glowing “wonderful” mother affidavits, and also ignore the law which states “guardianship” is the least preferred option. [CHILD] has always been safe with her mother – and the department documents show that. And after good social workers and investigators had substantiated abuse a few years earlier, the department (then Families SA) had documented over several years that the child was “safe” in the care of her mother.
But it’s clear someone obviously did NOT like the Family Court Judge’s binding orders.
So how did this atrocity unfold?
A police officer suppressed material evidence plus her own police interview. Also, all the agencies not only STOPPED the investigation into the 2018 assault, they ignored the countless abuses disclosed to doctors, psychologists over the years.
The DCP then used a dishonest dishonest parenting assessment (the psychologist is now under investigation), but had relitigated all the SAME facts adjudicated by the Family Court. Once under guardianship, the DCP thereafter planned their “switch” of custody from the mother to the father (against the child’s wishes) through “Reunification Court.”
There were no new circumstances regarding the mother, and as you must know, for a host of public policy and judicial reasons one cannot “shop around” to get the decision you want, or use a dodgy psychologist’s report to undermine a federal court that took months to reach a determination. From a Federal court awarding her SOLE PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY, a dishonest psychologist’s report suggests the mum is a “danger” and that mum and daughter be separated.
EVERYONE working with the child knew that she desperately missed her mum, yet the DCP refused to reunite them. What is terribly disturbing is that the DCP, and maybe others, have been likely “coaching” the child to believe her mum is delusional – when she’s not – and are probably acclimatizing her to believe that she’s never coming home. However, the child, even though she had been separated from her mum all that time, kept to her same story – that she had been “hurt” by her father. She has never wavered.
This of course created a problem for the DCP: the child doggedly said that she wanted to go home to mum – and had written desperate notes to her mum pleading to get her home.
So what did the social workers do?
They presented, as crucial evidence in Youth Court, ALTERED statements and evidence, specifically stating that the child did NOT want to go home to her mum. This is perjury and is openly exposed in their documentation – with one crucial sentence decisively changed from an earlier submission to the trial submission.
Despite the overwhelming evidence of misfeasance, the Chief Executive, maintains her position to NEVER return this child to the care of her mother – as she claims this child was never abused (Yet CPS investigators had earlier substantiated exploitation and abuse on just one incident.) Now with two years under State care nearly up, Ms Taylor is soon to become the child’s “owner”.
When I wrote to you in 2019, I was only in the early stages of my investigation. Now, a year later, the mountain of evidence in plain sight is overwhelming — and so brazen and blatant that it leaves one speechless. Justice has been perverted.
It was mid 2019 the mother was provided (via a subpoena) a video of the police interview of her daughter. The child describes various abuses and her [deleted] in great detail [all details deleted]. By this time the DCP were unable to admit to any error and so the team leader supervising the case [name deleted] refused to view it and do the right thing. Ms Taylor continued to trial with their fraudulent claim… [never investigating the interview nor about 8 most serious notifications].
It is truly extraordinary. [I quoted from a trauma specialist medical-doctor’s letter.]
Ms Sanderson I understand your guardianship powers were removed by the Childrens and Young Peoples Safety Act 2017 — but this is your department, and this cannot continue. You are the minister representing that child. I run a news site called GumshoeNews.com and we have done surveys, and published over 100 articles on the courts and child protection departments across Australia. And Gumshoe Opinion Editor, Mary Maxwell PhD, LLB, has written the book, REUNION, Judging the Family Court.
Ms Taylor was put in charge in 2018 and given more powers than the minister. I am approached constantly with accounts of babies being removed without good reason; children being forcibly removed from good foster homes; protective mothers collapsing in despair in Youth Court; and children desperately trying to escape their abuser. So many stories are hidden – cleverly SILENCED by s121 (a gag which protects the abusers and authorities, not the children). A universal comment from many of these protective parents is that “Cathy Taylor has been put into this position to specifically traffic our children”… (There are not my words, but their words.)
There is something extremely wrong going on here.
With regard to this child and her courageous mother, a number of people should be prosecuted for a number of crimes, and I suggest these laws could have been broken:
241— Impeding investigation of offences or assisting offenders; 5E (1) 14—Criminal neglect; 243—Fabricating, altering or concealing evidence; 251—Abuse of public office; and 242—Perjury and subornation.
But further to this, I believe Ms Taylor, the Chief Executive, is exploiting her power and advantage to discredit the mother. It is profoundly dishonest for the Chief Executive to take a position of… “We are keeping your child because we believe abuse never happened – and because we are the investigators for any child abuse, and we refuse to investigate, therefore there is no abuse.”
The Chief Executive has not only abused her position, I believe a law prevents this: Div 8—142 of South Australia’s Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 … (2) A person is guilty of an offence if the person dishonestly exploits an advantage to (b) cause a detriment to another. Ms Taylor has Dishonestly Exploited her Position of Advantage to prevent the DCP investigations teams from investigating the abuse — knowing that her “protection” agency is the “investigator.” She then twists this logic – projecting the blame on the protective parent – to then remove her child.
It is Ms Taylor that is doing damage. It is known that alienating a child from a parent they dearly love is a terrible form of secondary abuse – psychological abuse that often has life-long consequences.
What does one do when a department is in such disarray? Where does one go when the non-elected Chief Executive has more power over one’s child’s destiny than the prime minister — or anyone in the country in fact? The buck stops with Cathy Taylor. If she is doing wrong, and acting improperly, she should be stood down. But, can anyone in the State EVEN ask her to stand down?
All the mother wants is for the Federal Family Court orders to stand – and for her to be allowed to move on, so she and her daughter can heal from this experience and their forced separation.
To conclude: Chief Executive Taylor can in a minute, with a signature, end this nightmare for this good mum, however, the Chief Executive is attempting to bury this case in SECRECY and is trying to use the Crown and the courts to SEAL the wrongful actions of her department staff from the public.
HUNDREDS of children are in a similar predicament. You surely must agree that this is abominable, an insult to the nation and what it stands for – and needs to be corrected. At this point, there is nothing for it but to comply with the Federal Judge’s original orders and for the child to return forthwith to her mother.
Yours sincerely,
Dee McLachlan
Update Today, 2020
How can such an atrocity be sanctioned by almost every agency and official? The DCP claim this mother should not to bring up her child, yet, when this case entered Youth Court, about ten family members and long-time friends signed affidavits stating that she was not only a good mum, but a “wonderful” mother. You would have thought ten statements would have sufficed — but no. She could have got another 20 more — but it would have not made the slightest difference.
But don’t take my word that she is a good mum. A Family (Federal) Court Judge had deemed her the safe and responsible parent. As stated in my letter, a Federal Judge, after a lengthy trial, had awarded this mum sole parental responsibility only months before the department shouldered in and separated a loving daughter–mother relationship,and deemed her a danger.
This case is so overwhelming disgraceful, I don’t even know where to begin. Certain DCP staff are so ingrained with a culture of “separation” it beggars belief. They are prepared to openly perjure themselves in a court to this end — supposedly to protect the child, knowing full well the horrendous disclosures made by the child. This seems to be ‘business as usual’, as I have heard this OVER and OVER again, after reading correspondence between doctors, ministers and protective parents.
For over a year and a half now, this mum has been asking the police (SAPOL), the DPP, the Ombudsman, personnel in the Department for Child Protection (DCP), the Office of Public Integrity (OPI), the courts, and others to do the right thing. All she wants is for her daughter to be with her mother — and for Federal court orders to stand.
I fear though, as is the practice, that the separation and any further abuse slowly damages the synapses in the brain, possibly permanently altering that child’s future. Speak to any victim. We are all in deep grief over it.
South Australia’s Chief Child Handler Must Go
In the end, this young girl needed only one person to do their job. And that person is the Chief Executive of the Department for Child Protection (DCP), Cathy Taylor. Ms Taylor is in control, and the buck stops with her.
If she cannot act with any semblance of compassion and integrity for a child’s welfare and wishes, what option is there? If she cannot abide by the law, then she must go. (I have an account of another case where I am told she lied on the stand.) How dare this woman take “ownership” of a child that someone else gave life to — using false documents, and when the child’s mother was deemed a safe and protective in the records of Ms Taylor’s own agency.
Again I say, this “wonderful” mother is only one of many hundreds that has been affected by Ms Taylor — who has now more than 4,000 children under her “wing.”
Australia is lost if we cannot provide simple and honest justice to our children. Corruption is concealed by s121 gag orders, and in this instance there was absolutely no equity in court. It was a staged affair from the get-go. I believe this case will be the catalyst for great change in this nation. I am sure many a person that acted unlawfully against this child will look back in deep regret, and say “if only we just gave her child back.”
But for them, I have no sympathy. If justice prevails, I hope that the handcuffs around their wrists remind them of how the child innocently described being tied up and ******.
As for Ms Taylor, South Australia cannot afford to leave her in a position of responsibility. She must go.
Where does this woman derive all her power? Does she like, Epstein have a book of names?
It appears that politicians, both state and federal, police officers, DCP officers are all kowtowed by her.
Good point about the book of names, Mal.
Good point about the kowtowing, too. But to whom are they really kowtowing?
Could it be “Epstein”?
Yes the Epstein Industry–no need for book of names–all digitally recorded -the machine -or as 56 says–the switch over– has actually happened actually no need for Cathy Taylor any more even—
If only people knew what really goes on in childrens courts across the Western World and in Australia. This story does not surprise me one bit. Certain people are put into positions of power in protection departments to make sure children are brought into the system.Has this mother even been able to have a meeting with Taylor? I guess the article would have said so if that was the case.
How many children’s lives has this woman harmed? I am not sure how we can fix it, except have compassionate mothers running these departments.
A note for Kate McKlymot (sp?) and others of the Sydney Morning Herald. And the disgusting corporates nine cabal.
Kate,,You are great reporter, read this and see if you could even carry Dee McLachlan’s heart demonstrated in her concern for so many little hearts.
How can you justify your claim to be a real journo and justify your salary and not report in support of Dee?
Shame on the alleged journalists of the msm. Pussys!
Someone who knows Kate might send this on to her with a observation on the msms failures and their cowardice when facing their paymasters and grovelling to be ‘wankley’ hypocrites.
Dee, your letter is heartbreaking.
This is one of the worst cases of departmental abuse that I have ever heard of.
It makes me furious.
I have written to almost every one of the same recipients that Dee has included here.
I received a similar silence from these supposed servants to the public. Some sent me off to Rachel Sanderson MP AFTER she had already had her powers taken and handed to Cathy Taylor.
All of SA’s children have been handed to Taylor on a silver platter to do with whatever she pleases – and whatever the most repugnant creatures in society desire.
It is a disgusting and untenable state of affairs.
“Child care is everybody’s business.” Well, fancy that.
“…….. it requires …………………………”
But not: ” ‘Nosey’ journalists or a competent person in the department or a politician to care to even answer Dee’s letter [above] and investigate the injuries suffered to a little girl’s anus.” (my addition)
Needless to say also: ………” We do not want traumatised children to be heard and their reports properly investigated by serious independent investigators, existing medical reports and falsity in evidence by officialdom from the witness box…” (my addition)
Yes it is Rachel. Untenable.
But, Dee, as I’ve said many times, it is ALWAYS down to the judge.
The hand that rocks the cradle is the judge.
Not a helpful comment to me.
Here is an item from the teachers registration board of SA:
Prior to this appointment Cathy led the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services in Queensland as Deputy Director General, Child Family and Community Services. In this role she directed the development and implementation of strategic policy and program initiatives – including the response to the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry 2013, and worked on the Bryce Taskforce on Responses to Domestic and Family Violence of 2015.
She has also led legislative reform in relation to Queensland’s Child Protection Act 1999, Adoptions Act 2009 and Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012.
Practising as a solicitor in her early career, Cathy went on to become the inaugural coordinator for Women’s Legal Aid Queensland and later, the Director of the Child Protection Branch of the Department of Families.
She holds an Executive Masters in Public Administration from Griffith University, and a Bachelor of Laws from the Queensland University of Technology.
“including the response to the Queensland Child Protection Commission of Inquiry 2013,”
Would one of you furious mums up in Queensland (you know who you are) see if you could find that document for GumshoeNews? Thank you.
A very difficult article to read. To realise that oppressors and psychopaths hold all power positions.
One would think that there are still some people with love compassion and understanding who have influence. These days not so. All the good people have been weeded out, sacked and replaced by the possessed. Our world has descended down to the hellish realms.
Our children are screaming for rightesness but we have failed them for not confronting the beasts a long time ago. All good works have been crushed and deluded occultism camouflaged as science and technology is destroying all lives.
He dwells in all our hearts, pray for courage and strength.
56, sadly, this is only one of the many cases on my desk. I need a team of 10 people to keep up. There are parents so devastated, so ruined by poor decisions that it beggars belief.
Including Dads that are so wronged — and kept from their kids. It seems that the court almost deliberately makes the wrong decision in these cases.
I have heard accounts of children so desperate that they’d prefer to die. The judge in this one instance has so failed the children and their need to be with their mum, she has essentially sent them to purgatory. What else could it be when a female FC judge (not SA) ignores the writings and pleas of a child that has said to a friend that she’d prefer to be dead? Death a better option than the living purgatory this judge has sent her? God help us. Has this judge children?
Is this a deliberate plan to destroy the future fabric of society.
It seems (from my anecdotal experience) in a certain city in Australia, the abuse before 18 rate could be about 1:2 for girls and 1:3 for boys. A city in trauma, where abuse of all kinds becomes normal. Thus abuse via the courts is “normal”. I have been told by parents that the Family Court and Childrens/Youth Court stages are extreme.
The emotional and physical is beyond anyone’s imagination. An account of a young mum collapsing at the court door in sheer terror and despair — knowing that the magistrate is to remove her child. She is not allowed “support” persons in this Youth Court. So she must face this hell alone. Her family in the waiting area, like football coaches, urge her on desperate for her to keep her child. They say ‘you’ve got to go in and save your baby’. The family’s encouragement is not enough. This young mum’s collapses, seemingly emotionally destroyed. This is Cathy Taylor’s world. This is business as usual in the child protection business — as Cathy Taylor calls constantly for more foster carers.
What can I say — that Australia has an extraordinary crisis. I know there must be many social workers desperately trying to do the right thing. Obviously there are families and parents that might be beyond redemption and many don’t want their children. But these cases before me are specific and clear. The children’s wishes are clear.
I can honestly say that I would not have chosen to be drawn into this hell — that is the Child Protection Industry in Australia. I used to have a good 7 hours sleep each night. For 18 months now — since I began hearing from these protective parents and the hell that their children have to endure (from countless recordings sent to me) I am lucky to get a 3 hour uninterrupted stint.
Look at the video picture. She’s giving the ‘Satanic Salute’ with her right hand. Kevin Woodman.
By Jesus, you’re right, KW.
With tears we read with heavy hearts.
Dee, you’re a inspiration of goodness and honesty.
Dee you are an amazing warrior – I have a file titled Tortured Souls.
I quote part of Scott Morrison’s Apology and Promises — Bill Shorten used the words “Tortured Souls,” and I recognised that “they” the script writers used the term Ritual Sexual Abuse, for the first time. As David Icke says “state the problem- — with their solution already in mind”
I have a file re Torture Mind Control Genocide in Australia. It is the last paragraph that concerns me.–because we are now officially under “sanctioned” martial law–and they continue to “Protect us” ‘Silence Us.” “Isolate us’
“As one survivor recently said to me, ‘It wasn’t a foreign enemy who did this to us. This was done by Australians to Australians.’ Enemies in our midst, the enemies of innocence. Look at the galleries, look at the Great Hall, look outside this place and you will see men and women from every walk of life, from every generation and from every part of our land crushed, abused, discarded and forgotten.
The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, Scout troupes, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities and family homes as well. It happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it, and the systems within these organisations allowed it to happen and turned a blind eye
former Prime Minister Gillard, who is with us here today, and I thank her for her attendance; former Prime Minister Rudd; the member for Warringah, who continues to serve us here in this place; and former Prime Minister Turnbull.
Today, as a nation, we confront our failure to listen, to believe and to provide justice. And again today we say sorry—to the children we failed, sorry; to the parents whose trust was betrayed and who have struggled to pick up the pieces, sorry; to the whistleblowers who we did not listen to, sorry; to the spouses, partners, wives, husbands and children who have dealt with the consequences of the abuse, cover-ups and obstruction, sorry; to generations past and present, sorry.
So, today, I commit to fund the establishment of a national centre of excellence, and I call on the states and territories to work as partners in this venture. This centre will be the place to raise awareness and understanding of the impacts of child sexual abuse, to deal with the stigma, support help seeking and guide best practice for training and other services.
We will shine a spotlight on all parts of government to ensure we are held accountable.
We will work with survivor groups to ensure your stories are recorded, that your truth is told, that our nation does not turn from our shame and that our nation will never forget the untold horrors you experienced.
… we were treated as slaves, beaten and abused, used for their perverted desires … No love or kindness, no safety or warmth. Always hungry and always frightened.
Australia failed tens of thousands of children across generations and across the country.
Today is because of your advocates, your networks, your organisations and your leadership.
Our fellow Australians should understand that you spoke up in the royal commission and you relived your pain in the royal commission for the next generation of Australian children.
We are sorry for every crime that was not investigated, every criminal who went unpunished
We are sorry that you and your brothers and sisters have been left to fight for justice, respect and dignity on your own. You should not be alone any longer.
After decades of betrayal—by governments, by the police, by the courts and the law, by foster parents and orphanages, by teachers and schools and sporting clubs, by churches and charities and more—he has every right to be sceptical that words are cheap.
I acknowledge the work of previous prime ministers—Prime Minister Rudd and his advocacy. Prime Minister Gillard, who had the courage and the leadership to initiate this royal commission, you are so very welcome today.
I acknowledge Prime Minister Abbott for continuing the royal commission. Prime Minister Turnbull put this apology on the parliamentary agenda. We recognise him. I acknowledge and support the initiatives announced today by the Prime Minister. I also acknowledge Jenny Macklin, who’s given so much to this process
And, whether it is making it right through redress or reforming the law, it is now up to us in this parliament, not the survivors and victims. We have the power, we have the authority, we have the responsibility to turn these recommendations into actions, without caveats, without compromise.”
Diane, I had never heard of this earlier apology — just now copied it from Jenny Macklin’s Wikipedia page:
“Former Prime Minister Rudd gave the Apology on 16 November 2009 on behalf of the Australian Government to over half a million children who were taken from their families and placed in institutions where they were often victims of abuse.”
But tomorrow morning, without fail, children in Australia will be snatched from a protective parent. Who is really the decision maker? Jenny Macklin was Deputy Leader in federal parliament — had she no say?
Yes, Dee is a warrior, thank God. Any parliamentarians, or bureaucrats, or cops, etc, give her a ringie dingie at 0429-0429-51. She won’t bite. GOT TO find a way out, can’t keep repeating this horror. I know of several mums in Australia who live within 5 miles of their kid and who have not seen them in 7 years or more. Have missed all their milestones. STOP IT!
Words are cheap. Where are the actions by these politicians and ex-politicians when they are needed. How is this women allowed to carry on her mayhem after these promises that have been made?
This rhetoric was to make society as a whole feel guilty and to make the leaders look good. Then allow the system to carry on business as usual, without losing a beat.
An Israeli drug has been used to cure serious corona patients in the Congo. It’s called ‘Gammora’. Kevin Woodman
Executive = executing the (lucrative) business
Chief = head (of the snake?)
As I noted from comments exchange on an article recently, it is no surprize these days for a letter (message or phone call) to go unanswered. Heck even invitations are ignored (oops, soz) in this super-connected modern world.
Every effort was made (to be seen), in this farcical lockdown, to remind us about mothers’ day – but under these draconian laws it was as if scripted, “look but don’t touch” (hug or kiss)
If people can’t see how fast our society is heading for the dung heap, I think perhaps we deserve what we’re getting.
I praise the young mum, quietly ‘protesting’ to protect our personal rights in Sydney city last Saturday. She had a sign, and spoke respectfully, even friendly with the police initially. I lost my faith in one media guru who, leading the sheeple so dutifully, questioned the child being at the scene – He ripped the most important issue, fighting for our rights to speak out and dissent, just as vividly as the police ripped the child from his mother.
It’s ridiculous to learn how easy it is to steer the stupid – with blind trust in the system & ignorant of the corruption. ”Oh, (s)he must have done something wrong to deserve it”.
Power is ugly and dangerous. That Ms Taylor can make decisions arbitrarily is no different to our Covid-19 cops, except they don’t get to flaunt the ‘care’ label.
I suggest, from anecdotal evidence, that DCP operates in the same way as our police (& who knows what else) – the soft target. Perversion of justice time and time again. But to tear children from their parents?! They could not stoop any lower!
Refusing to investigate is even worse that turning a blind eye – this is absolute abuse of power. Not only does Ms Taylor seem to be snorting from the public trough but changing the rules mid-meal. Why would ‘they’ do that?
This offers up the only rational conclusion – ‘follow the money’. Or one less rational – destruction of the family, and thus society as we knew it.
Her salary was reaching towards $700k p/a when I last checked the financials. This is about THREE TIMES those few lottery winners get if they are lucky enough to bet the odds and win SET FOR LIFE — and get $20K per month.
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy”, JFK wasn’t just talking about all the “isms”. Perhaps the ultimate “ism” being Satanism. I really can’t come to any other conclusion anymore. We are at war. Act accordingly!
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
Why does Q keep quoting this particular verse? Sending a “blinding flash of the obvious” message?
Phil – a great perspective that exposes the reality of what exactly we are all up against. but, such is the devolution into ignorance of how this world has been operating for a very long time, that I fear the Truth will never become known by those who will refuse to see it.
Fiona Barnett has posted two strong articles at pedophilesdownunder.com, one by a guest and one by herself. Foina said:
“If you want to understand what’s happening in the world right now, watch these YouTubes, and read my free book Eyes Wide Open. Basically, we are experiencing a global version of the CIA torture and mind control I suffered as a child. Social isolation, confusing and contradictory instruction, false promises – these are all features of CIA mind control, used to break an individual down and prime them for suggestion.”
Children’s Emergency Quarantine Centers will be rolled out — ready for 6666
[…] South Australia’s Chief Executive Cathy Taylor Should Be Stood Down […]
I spoke to a foster mum (foster carer) this morning:
Well what can I say — just more terrible accounts.
She had cared for two young kids for about three years — they adored her, she loved them back. And that became the problem. She “cared” too much.
After three years they came and removed them kicking and screaming. They had to medicated they were so distraught.
But the clincher: The SOCIAL WORKER said to her (or words to that affect). “The problem is you “care” too much. As soon as we see that the children or the foster parents becoming too close, and the attached, we separate them. You cannot care too much. You just have to make sure their needs are met. (LOVE EXCLUDED) And if I care too much, they’ll sack me.”
THERE YOU HAVE IT folks: If you are a foster carer beware.
I have heard several similar accounts.
I wonder why Minister Sanderson and Chief Taylor are constantly on a foster carer seeking drive? It has seemed the focus of 2019 and now 2020. I understand there is a broker fee or a placement fee involved when placements are found. And these are substantial. Does this mean that they have to keep pulling kids from homes to keep re-placing them to keep these fees regenerating? Just asking. I would like to be enlightened either way.
I think we can already see how the secretocracy are rallying to deal with this evil business; i.e. much the same as they did a couple of years ago before the scamdemic diverted a growing public awareness away from the entrenched occult corruption in the politburo and all its agencies.
They are already revving up to make George Cardinal Pell into a smokescreen, scapegoat, red herring again! It will again serve a dual purpose; to make the great mob of ignoramus’ think that our great, friendly “Big Brother” is “tackling”, “grappling”, blah, blah, the “issue”, while, at the same time sending a message to anyone “in the know” who might be having qualms of conscience to keep their head down and play by the club’s rules.
All the “sorry speeches” made by the perpetrators of this treason against the Commonwealth of Man are nothing but political window dressing. I also think that Scummo’s famous “we believe you” speech was carefully crafted and timed to get the jury to “convict” Pell, and the public to accept the “conviction”, on the absolutely incredible and unsubstantiated say so of one unidentified allegation and in spite of all the certifiable evidence to the contrary… pretty much as the same secretocracy do to other people desperately trying to protect their charges with their hands tied up with bureaucracy.
We’ve gotta get well supported men of integrity into positions of influence! Firstly, take the Senate back from foreign owned corporations parading themselves as political parties. The people’s Senate is not called the “Upper House” for nothing!
What has Jayne Stinson had to say about this? Agreed…. Taylor is a seriously corrupt leader whom leaves guardianship children with child abusers.
Sadly the family court isn’t exactly much better – with violent, child-bashing men often granted primary care and sole PR to punish protective mothers for raising very real child abuse. Dee my daughter is one of these children and after three years of trying to rescue her with no help, I am too traumatized to keep battling this alone. Can you help a desperate battered mum who simply doesn’t know what to do anymore to rescue their young child?
I’ve been trying to get my case heard by Cathy by someone this woman destroyed my family on lies..
I need my family back
[…] The entire department needs to be cleansed or purged. There are many people in the department that deliberately act against children, and they should not be managing children’s lives in any way. I wrote to all the relevant ministers in 2019 and again in 2020 pointing to the main problem — Cathy Taylor. One of these letters — calling for South Australia’s Chief Executive to be Stood Down — was published on Gumshoe. […]