J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor
While the public is being told to lock down and consume more, the actual environmental damage is being done by Globalist Oligarchs with their plastic packaging, defective appliances, useless consumables, and not least, Military Industrial Complex activities.
The current war over access to and control of Crimea is an invitation to virtually all parties around the world to compete in retailing munitions and weapons systems.
We see in Ukraine that the citizenry has barely any value whatever in the calculations of the military expenditure, which is expected to continue indefinitely, with the agreement of the warring parties involved, who reject diplomacy just as they reject an all-out Armageddon scenario, preferring a slow, traditional war of attrition, inflicting the most damage on unfortunate ordinary citizens with the profits going to the elites and affluent classes.
It’s a wonder soldiers after World War II did not notice this pattern and make some effort to find a way to globally unionise themselves, so as to come up with better alternatives than to have themselves constantly shot at and bombed into oblivion. All states, kingdoms, republics, dictatorships, and financial structures are underpinned by available force, that is, police and military. Without an army there would be no emperor. We have all heard the meme “all wars are bankers’ wars” but banks cannot exist without the ability to defend them. This principle is both primary and paramount. The meme is a diversion.
A global soldiers’ union would have been an interesting experiment at the least. But if they can’t operate at a James Bond or Navy Seal sort of level, soldiers are not so much use anymore, though traditions persist, such as swords, marching, ostentatious costumes, huge battleships, and so forth.
The military has moved on to remotely operated missiles and drones, and the leaders in the aerospace field are the biggest defence contractors.
Raytheon Technologies and Lockheed Martin generally are battling for first place, with Northrop-Grumman close behind and Boeing catching up fast now they have dropped out of airliners to focus on aerospace. The new money is going to aerospace, with Musk and Bezos trying to get on board too.
Here’s a top ten of defence contractors from a few years ago: (Top 10)
“The overall growth in arms sales of the Top 100 in 2017 was driven by increases in arms procurement spending by several states, in particular the United States and Russia,” the report’s authors wrote.
Total weapons sales by Russian firms came in second. For the first time, a Russian company appeared in the top 10 alongside European and American corporations.”
And here’s a more current list: (Current Top 10)
Now you see a couple of Chinese companies have entered the top ten.
Here’s an extensive list of MIC companies
The claimed budget runs to nearly a trillion dollars each year for the USA alone.
The greatest rise in the graph below was under Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney, during the great boom of the early 2000’s, which ended in the Global Financial Crisis engineered by Bill Clinton’s abolition of the Glass-Steagall act in his last year of office.
With all these disparate companies and so much available funding, we can easily imagine they will find a way to organise themselves in order to claim a bigger market share and better deals. Just as farmers unionise and form dairy boards, egg boards, potato boards and so forth, the MIC has co-ordinated NATO as their front desk.
This Ukraine war is a NATO war within the wider context of the financial Great Reset, it is a last opportunity to plunder nations’ resources and human capital, before the ultimate lurch towards international communism, mooted to take place around 2030.
All oligarchs will be struggling to profit as much as they are able in the time allowed, and as long as the lunatic Zelenskyy is directing operations for NATO, the destruction will continue. Eventually, he will be torn down like Hitler and others before, but in the meantime, it seems that the escalation is well planned to go into space, and the major players have well-funded space-forces underway and intend to deny one another superiority in space. Nobody can claim their country was damaged if a lot of satellites and orbiting weapons are destroyed, the entire event will be all but invisible from the ground, but will cost the inferior state an epic amount of money. All defence contractors are aware of the profits available in this Space Race 2.0 and are effectively working together to build this greatest-ever military production.
They are so well co-ordinated they all even use the same logo:
Space Force badges: USA, China and Russia
Money laundering for future projects.
I’m not entirely sure Cern isn’t just a money laundering operation as well .
It seems somewhat opaque in the objectives and experiments and even more so in the results they claim they are getting.
Colliders produce antimatter. That combines with matter to totally convert to energy. Hot enough to initiate fusion in Tritium. That is the so called ‘neutron bomb’. Where does all the anti matter go? Who sells it and where does the money go?
Faeries, daemons, portals and C.E.R.N.
Space Force Personnel
On money laundering, procurement, colonisation
This morning WEF graduate and global reserve banking system client Putin has for the first time called it a “war”.
Some elements of the media call it a “meat grinder”. Submission and depopulation take various forms.
I have been waiting for Paul Craig Roberts to come up with something new but maybe he feels he has said it all by now
What PCR fails to understand is that it’s not enough to have a big, bad dog, sometimes you also have to feed it
PCR has much more experience in this geopolitical field than I have. However, the West is not winning that war. The meat-grinder that exists in Ukraine is just that, it is consuming Ukraine and all the weapons that the West sends into that conflict. I have been impressed with the accuracy of the firepower of Russia. Russian weapons are not only superior, but they are not having a significant problem with keeping up with the demand of the war (unlike the West).
At the same time, the West is suffering from energy and food scarcity. The populations of the countries in western Europe and in the U.S. are beginning to feel the crunch themselves. Unrest is beginning to build to the insanity as it is directly affecting families and businesses well away from the conflict. Further, the populations of the West (along with their military) have had large percentages of those populations taken the ‘jabs’.
Putin in no fool, he is very bright, he has good advisors and a substantial amount of natural and manufacturing resources behind him. The opposite is true of the West. – Perhaps Putin and advisors are looking a bit further into the future and see the West imploding on itself.
Terry – agreed! What many do not realize is that Space Force is simply exposing the star ships that have been paid for and built from the 1950s onward Black Budget.
Don’t believe me? Then look at Admiral Riccadonna and William Tomkin and what they have exposed.
No country can have an Air Force without aircraft being readily available, and likewise, when announcing a Space Force.
Think about it.
The similarity of the symbols for the U.S, China and Russia is to expand the thinking to promote the coming unity of Humanity.
Read the PCR link about how the stoopids get tricked again and again and again, and amongst “stoopids” the Globalists would include the well-intentioned.
“(Trump is) the first and only American President to ever address humanity’s worst collective flaw, its total ignorance of reality.”
The above is a good antidote to x22
boys… mmm. don’t fight for the west, nor under a textile, for yourself, for yours and then us. let the frog boil the frog
best wish’s
caveat: love frogs, even recently took a green tree frog from the jaws of a python. saved lots(not all) chickens(other fowl) round here over the years reptiles seem fine anyways
Interpersonal stuff is mostly a projection, no catfishing !!!
Of course fence-sitters by definition are not “one of us”.
WEF is just another distraction. The NWO has always been the OWO!
The bankers now need to collapse the overheated economies hence rate rises and sanctions that actually hurt only those who impose them. Schumpeterian Destruction. The phase will last a while as we have inflated to 30 times normal since 1971. 50 years of asset increase, while wages only went up 20 times what was normal.
New tech will replace some old, once those who control can buy it up!
Taxes on the middle and working class went up faster than everything else
Another Max Igun video. Surprise, surprise! Mrs Dare, the wife of Alan Dare that was shot in the back during the Queensland psy-op has had her house burnt down. Now what is that all about?
She mentioned in the NZ press (conspicuously absent from Oz press) that the neighbor that went with Alan to see what was happening, returned without Alan and said something to her (Hello Ozzies, the bloke was an independent eye witness to what happened, have you even heard his name?). She said she knew Alan was gone, but she didn’t know who killed him. Does that even pierce the dumbed-down consciousness of the Australian moronosphere? – She didn’t know who killed him.
Was she continuing to ask questions, was she speaking out? What MSM outlet in Oz is following up on this story?
Max has a few other things to discuss, it may be worth your time…
The carol singers are pushing this one:
Looks like a very good earner for Rockerfella’s HospitalSystem™
Are there any views of ambulances and med choppers at site during or after shootings? If none, why not?
So far, too many conflicting stories and the exposure way over produced.
Just in early August, there was a mass shooting up there in Queen’s country, hardly any publicity on msm.
What’s different this time?
I’ve never seen any pictures of ambulances at the site, but then the area was declared a ‘no fly zone’ soon after the shooting. There was at least one helicopter from a news service that managed to get some pictures (the burnt out car, etc.), but after that everything was tightly controlled.
The Dare house being burnt down should be in the news, it is very suspicious as to why it isn’t. It may be that the police may want Mrs Dare and the unknown eye witness to disappear from the news. – If I was a journalist I would be on that story big time.
Bilderberg Group attendees 2022
Ministers & Ambassadors from Spain, Sweden, Holland, UK, UK, Ireland, Canada, Finland, Ukraina, Euro Council & Suisse.
Treasury / finance: US, Ireland / Euro, Germany, US advisers for China, Euro, Russia, etc
Defence & Spooks: USA, CIA, NSC, Cybersecurity, France, USA, Kissinger, Joint CoS, NATO, Carnegie Endowment
Banking / Asset Management / Insurance / Laundering: Evercore, Goldman-Sachs, Amundi, AXA, Brookfield, CDPQ, Swiss RE, Aker ASA, Ariel, Greylock, KKR, Finland, The Museum of Modern Art & UBS
Petrochem & Big Pharma: Shell, Dutch King, Pzifer, Belgium DSM N.V, Suncor Energy Inc., BP, GlaxoSmithKline plc, etc
“Do-Gooders”: OpenAI, UNESCO, DeepMind (AI: Google), KR Foundation (ClimateChange™), Palantir Technologies Inc. MicroSoft, etc
Communists, academics etc: from Denmark, WhiteHouse, Spain, Princeton, Turkey, US think tanks, Dutch, US unions, Polish, Austria,
Media & IT: various inc Facebook, Shopify, Feedzai,
Other: Volvo, TMG auto electrics, Koç Holding AS (Turkey), Tax Lawyers CMS
and quite a few more
Sinema, Kyrsten (USA), Senator
Remember her from Arizona a couple of weeks ago, quit the Democrats Party to be her own woman.
Huge blood clots in brain (1 min)
New pope, boiling sea, cannibalism etc
M$M reports Crazy Nancy’s congress has approved about $60 billion of “investment” weapons to Ukraina and Putin has responded by touring some arms factory and told them “no financial limits”.
Three minutes to Christmas 2022. Just imagine we made it this far!
I can’t bring myself to use the phrase “Merry Christmas” this year, but Good Yul, or somethiing. Thank you all for coming to the Gumshoe party.
Here’s one for Foffa:
With my wishes to all for a better 2023.
This one for Mary,
BEATRICE BERRUT, born (1985) in the Swiss Alps in the canton of Valais (=western part of Switzerland/french spoken), spent most of her childhood with her sister conquering the hills and mountains of her home valley. Like myself, she learned how to ski at a very young age and since then her addiction to the white powdery slopes has remained unabated. The inspiration found in the marvelous landscape, the stoic Alpine giants carved in ancient rock, and the fascination by nature itself, accompany her to this day on her musical journeys.
Thanks to her mother, Beatrice soon encounters the enchanting sound of the piano. Her mother did everything to let Beatrice learn and study the piano.
Here in a recording session (Schumann Sonata in G minor, 4 mins) of year 2010 with a piano tuner and all.
Oh dear, maybe it’s my cataracts, but in the above song message, the exclamation point “!” looks like a T, rendering my message as “We’ve come this fart.” I hope y’all know I would not refer to flattulence on this holy day.
Happy and merry Jesus Christ day to everyone here and all your families. May His Spirit bring love and peace everywhere.
Especially in places where people are killing for no reason on all sides.
Love ❤️ Jesus, be cheerful and joyous as children, knowing He is within.
Jesus is an infinite upstanding Hebrew who never lied, deceived or did harm to anyone,
He did not rob us with usury, have a monopoly on trade and push wars, killing innocents profiting from bloodshed.
His fruits are humility, charity, fairness, kindness, honest work and love for truth.
We must pray for truth, no matter how painful it becomes, we are all tested and need to realise that some are simply wicked.
“the love of money is the root of all evil.”
Dee, I came across thisCPS story in Michigan and am only sending it to you for your CPS collection. Maybe not worth 5 mins of yr time as it is Same old Sam old.
I don’t know much about ChildProtectiveServices®.
Is 3 well armed mercenaries in your lounge room the new normal ?
I am left to assume there is a 4th in the car operating the radio.
Is this what they were trying out in Queensland ?
“Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.”
In the case of government departments, they like to expand and grow.
When they reach the limits of possible growth it is called communism.
Chinchilla Fire Warden phone number is 0405 182 672
“Special Operation”
Unprofessional air defence blew up apartments says Russia (17 Dec)
Bio-weapons labs emigrating everywhere – co-ordination is in … Geneva of course
Russia is starting its own NATO
Russia says Ukrainian forced conscripts are getting shell-shock
Refugee Edward Snowden – I told you so ( re: Covid-19™ surveillance )
Internet censors hate the alternative version so “take out the XXXX”
“Special Operation”
Unprofessional air defence blew up apartments says Russia (17 Dec)
Bio-weapons labs emigrating everywhere – co-ordination is in … Geneva of course
Russia is starting its own NATO
Russia says Ukrainian forced conscripts are getting shell-shock
Refugee Edward Snowden – I told you so ( re: Covid-19™ surveillance )
It should really be called Covid-19 to 25™ since it is a 5-year plan like they always used to do in Communist China
Crazed lady supporter of Geneva
Tucker says Biden is giving former strip-club manager Zelenskyy “whatever it takes”, translates as regime change in Russia, Mitch McConnell says republicans #1 priority is defeating Russia
Lengthy monologue from Aussie Cossack about cyber info-war with anti-Russian objectives. So we are to be split into 3 global military blocs, US, Russia, China as Orwell predicted for endless war. While our domestic politics such as Finance and “Health” are run from Zurich and Geneva.
“Russia Russia Russia” is part of a larger plan, it was always going to be “Russia Russia Russia” since 1945 and it got fired up again under the failed Hillary Clinton non-presidency.
12 days of christmas! Not 1. Such ignorance is common now.
Christ has nothing to do with ‘Jesus’. It is to do with the Sun/Helios. Perihelion occurs on the 12th day. The Earth’s orbit is an ellipse and closest approach occurs around about 6/7th January.
Not the Julian calendar.
The Earth was born of the Sun. That is the birth we actually celebrate. We will be reminded of this when a new planet is born in 31 years time.
Timing is forecast in the Parable of the Carpenter’s Son.
Fascinating that an avid proponent of New Age perversity is Irish, or assumes an Irish sounding name. Although it is not uncommon for knowledgeable should be Christians to be the most effective Judases once they switch allegiances to the “defy God” mode.
History is replete with examples of people who should be well educated in Christian theology and philosophy but who hate it with a seething malice because they want to be in the “smarter than God” brigade. I could rattle off a list of well known names from Caiaphas to Poope Francis. Anyhow, they’re only rat-bags unless a decadent people follow them.
Scomo’s gift to Selensky goes up in smoke before use.
A comment:
Ann | December 24, 2022 at 3:42 pm
This almost leaves me speechless. So much going on over in Ukraine that we do not know! And the millions and millions the American ‘government’ has sent there. We know where it really is going. I am praying for the people of Ukraine. This world needs to turn back to God and beg for His forgiveness and help. There is no alternative. Thank you for all you write and do to help us!
Merry Christmas!
Your CairnsNews link is fascinating
Five Year Plans of China
First Plan (1953–1957)
Second Plan (1958–1962) Great Leap Forward (approx 35 million starved)
Third Plan (1966–1970)
Fifth Plan (1976–1980)
Sixth Plan (1981–1985)
Seventh Plan (1986–1990)
Eighth Plan (1991–1995)
Ninth Plan (1996–2000)
Tenth Plan (2001–2005)
Eleventh Plan (2006–2010)
Twelfth Plan (2011–2015)
Thirteenth Plan (2016–2020) Implement Universal 2020 Health Action Plan
Fourteenth Plan (2021–2025) Current
Five Year Plans of Russia
First plan, 1928–1932
Second plan, 1932–1937
Third plan, 1938–1941
Fourth and fifth plans, 1945–1955
Sixth plan, 1956–1958
Seventh plan, 1959–1965
Eighth plan, 1966–1970
Ninth plan, 1971–1975
Tenth plan, 1976–1980
Eleventh plan, 1981–1985
Twelfth plan, 1986–1990
Seemed to start off with industry and quickly turn to grain exporting before degenerating and fizzling out.
Five Year Plans of Vietnam
The first Five-Year Plan (1961–1965)
The second Five-Year Plan (1976–80)
The third Five Year Plan (1981–85)
The seventh Five-Year Plan (2001–05)
The eighth Five-Year Plan (2006–10)
Not sure where the 4th, 5th & 6th got to but free market capitalism seemed to be the rule when I was there pre-Covid™
A series of five-year plans in Indonesia was termed REPELITA (Rencana Pembangunan Lima Tahun); plans I to VI ran from 1969 to 1998
Five Year Plans of Geneva
Covid-19™ (2020-2025)
Spars 25™ (2025-2030)
The Great Reset (2030 –
We are now advised SPARS 2025 has been renamed SEERS 2025
Dark Matter … and Luciferian stuff
Big name satanists co-opted to support physics theories
Demystifying conundrums
[…] Space Force — Race for Future Superiority […]
[…] Space Force — Race for Future Superiority […]