[Editor’s note: an email dump from G5]
by G5
Just been advised that street-by-street curfews have commenced where I live. Apparently, that mysterious Covid is only transmissible during certain hours; as an airborne mutation; when it cannot be killed by natural UV light. Or are the Totalitarians doing the best they can to extend their CovidPsychosis.
Now they are stealing from Maoist China. We thought it was only NAZI Germany.
Heard any noises from the lemmings? It only takes two cops in a car to patrol, in-between sleeping and hamburgers. Then as it widens; they have a list of the first eager to be vaccinated collaborators, they could appoint as area wardens. Getting the broader picture?
Remember Warsaw was not the NAZIs. It was the trustee Jews who murdered the Jews. The Croatians murdered the Greeks when the NAZIs moved on. Remember The Stanford Experiment.
Still no answer as to why avowed eugenicists are the ones front lining the vaccine affair. Could the two actually be linked? Not immediately of course. Perhaps by the 2030 agreed line, and perhaps by comorbidities. Any direct link would be a conspiracy theory, hate speech, even thought crime.
Collaboration is rewarded and non-compliance persecuted. Nations have fallen in the contemporary, not because people disobeyed government, but because they obeyed government.
America was always the first on the line for Totalitarianism. The opportunity hadn’t presented — even though its herds were brought to total government addiction. By regurgitation rewards, to nonsense wastes of education time, to the delegitimizing of rational and critical thought, to takeaway non-thought scenarios of those nonconforming to the inculcated equation as, conspiracy theorists. Therefore: those who are not regurgitative and government addicted, are mentally deranged and enemies of the people.
America was the easiest because of the long journey to the fall. If electricity is denied for three days in Argentina. Who cares? It’s normal. No lessons to be taught there. Gone. Small drops in America to bring submission and compliance to a Totalitarian State were done incrementally. To cement the psychosis, as I have written, required the speed of capture to be slightly faster than the speed of objection. And that was accomplished by the well-meaning lemmings.
The middle class was soaked through their investments. Their businesses have been brought to failure. Their traditional investments through stock and futures markets, government bonds, and real estate have been frauded, regulated or income blocked.
If you owned a home unit for investment; try and collect the rent. Real estate agents lying about the strengths of markets is realized when you accept a fraction of what you were initially brought to believe was correct. And of course, super and pension funds, heavily invested in shopping complexes are gone. So what happens there to retirement funds?
The critical mass of collaboration has now reached the sought levels. Now, will begin a phase of mobilizing the insane against the sane. The insane having the government-approved empowerment to weaponize against those who believe them to be what they actually are.
Police State
Australia is now a Police State with power maximizing Totalitarianism.
Nothing is going to change for at least two generations; if at all. Look how easily America fell. The West followed like puppets. A very long history of Hoaxes, False Flags, and Fake Narratives.
Only the old and experienced cities stand firm against government. As they always did; Athens, Paris, London. And of course, Russia is run by The People led by its Tzar. The government there was flushed in 1990 with the remnants of The Totalitarian Soviet Union.
The alleged elected are captured by the continuum of government, and government is owned. The people through manipulated education systems, and incessant media, and now big tech propaganda and information control, are gone.
The current propaganda phase is to build an army of collaborators. That was and is the prime objective of control. Deliver weaponizable authority to the insane. It never failed throughout history. A tragic recipe that will be played out. One hung Collaborator will bring a street massacre. And on and on until the government forces are destroyed at tremendous cost. No? Remember that the present situation was being warned for decades. But of course, the messengers were just conspiracy theorists.
The first price is always the cheapest. What was the price in January 2017? What about November 2018? What about November 2020.
You can’t convince anyone of anything. They are either sane or gone. And once They cross the line; don’t argue with them anyone; they are gone. You become their enemy because you are the enemy of the state, which is their owner and protector. You will be the subject of collaboration weaponizing against you.
Let it go and live a life. It was all predictable as I have been writing for many decades. As clear as light. There is no epiphany once the psychosis passes a critical mass, which it now has.
We are joyed that Soetoro had his government-paid birthday party as he wanted and so deserved. Thirteen years to destroy what took two hundred to build. And all totally predictable.
The differential between the ruled and the rulers is beginning to show. No masks. Were they all vaccinated? REALLY? So why do the vaccinated need to wear masks, keep being tested, and appear as agreed for future vaccinations?
His birthday party was more a celebration for the successful destruction of America into a totalitarian state. And they said it couldn’t occur, and we were the insane. SUCK IT IN.
The bankrupt EU is saved. America will fund it into the future until both can no longer manipulate methods of credits. And the delusional hit the streets looking for food from the looted and closed supermarkets.
So who will own Europe after all that settles in a couple of decades or so: YES. Russia. Well done.
It isn’t who holds a legitimate office that is the issue, but who obeys. Biden has sent troops back to Afghanistan to fight The Taliban. It’s the American poppy fields that are the issue. Hardly the people of Afghanistan. As I have written, America withdrew its forces protecting the poppy fields. The agreement was left in the hands of Academi-Blackwater (Bayer-Monsanto) to protect against the locals and not touch The Russian Pipelines.
But Academi believing its own publicity (I was required to deal with them in London, at a previous time), decided to blackmail Russia over the pipelines. Really? So Russia bought The US State Dept. Taliban turning it against Academi and any remaining American Forces.
Russia had nothing to do with it. As Russia has nothing to do with crashing American Government computer systems. America is now a toy, of its own making. Russia’s preferred option was a non-negotiable, tough guy, Citizen Biden Administration. And what happened?
Now that The Taliban control Afghanistan. Biden deployed over 10,000 troops to the slaughter. Not the 5,000 admitted. Russia allowed the freighters to land.
All within easy strike from Russia, as they clump, as they must. Great American Military strategists. They parked one of the biggest assets held by The Totalitarian Criminal West and then dishonoured a simple agreement, all within theatre range of Russia.
Seriously so strategically stupid, that only American Experts could have hatched it. They knew Academi would misbehave. They couldn’t help themselves.
Who actually thought that the manufactured Taliban would remain ideologically loyal to The US State Dept? Even when The Northern Alliance Drug Cartel was supposedly the democratically elected government of American puppet Afghanistan.
Some American Experts clearly had thoughts above their intellectual capacity. It’s The American Way.
The killing fields of Afghanistan are now open for business. No more negotiations. They don’t work, remember. So Russia will control, its own pipelines; no blackmails, and no dishonoured agreements. And incidentally, control the American opioid fields. Good luck with the catchup from CIAFentanyl.
So American proxies misbehaved. As they would. Russia constructs a rejuvenated Taliban with unmentionable troops, in unmentionable numbers, with unmentionable material, and take control of America’s owners’ monster asset; within a couple of days of the blackmail threat.
Talkies are off the table. Russia actually sticks to its word, and America does not. So Russia now controls The American poppy fields. After the bluster subsides from America, and its public flatulence is returned from where it came; Russia will be playing the fiddle as America dances.
If America writes off its 18,500 tonnes a year monster harvest; no problem. How about Russia continues the cultivation and undercuts The American wholesale market that Scherff developed in 1981.
Strictly for the American markets. The Russian Orthodox Church and Orthodox Islam do not approve of drugs. The latter tripping the Mujahadeen Wars some twenty years ago. But if it helps destroy America, its drug monopolies, and enhances the domestic Black-Latino Wars; sounds like a win-win.
So Citizen Biden; as obligated to his owners; begins deploying ground forces in the first rush to Afghanistan. Now turned into slaughter fields by Russia (sorry I meant The Taliban). Being an Old School Cold Warrior trained analyst; let me suggest here, that America has bought its Waterloo in a way that only Amerian Experts could accomplish.
You won’t be getting much of the reality through the standard outlets and platforms as this one unfolds. But let me suggest it is an absolute classic. And I will maintain the news, as best I can as it unfolds.
Now Russia (sorry I meant The Taliban), has overrun Afghanistan in a big and meaningful way. You might know that Big Dem Milley has ‘retired’ and Berger and The Marines are running The Joint Chiefs. But while token Dem Austin is at The Pentagon and the real command is at Cheyenne Mountain, there are problems in the house.
The military are ideologically divided and The USMC follows The Constitution (Trump remains President and a counter-coup has been conducted). Apart from the fact that The USMC will neither fight for nor defend The Poppy Fields of Afghanistan. A task that was previously entrusted to The Australian and New Zealand Militaries.
So Citizen Biden and mafia cohorts can only send in limited numbers of troops at a time, of the alleged 1.3 million available. Russia (sorry I meant The Taliban) has clearly advised America through its now withdrawn American ambassador in Afghanistan; that as long as its troops remain in the airport region as tourists, there will not be any problems. Otherwise, they become combatants to be dealt with accordingly. Remember The American Police Actions in Vietnam and even El Salvador.
Now returning to the topic of strategies, logistics, and stupidities. America has to airlift in and supply its troops, halfway around the world, to Russia’s doorstep. It is blocked to land access. Long story. This brings in the problem that Russia has moved strategic fighter aircraft and high altitude bombers to its southern borders. In addition, it has deployed, might I suggest; considerable ground forces with full theatre support, to Uzbekistan. Further: Afghanistan is within short strike range of three of the four major Russian Naval fleets; The East Mediterranean, The Caspian Sea, and The Black Sea. And is further in theatre distance of Russia itself.
Forget NATO and UN allies. The American Experts have definitely been asleep at the wheel.
If America were to deploy say 1.5 million troops to Afghanistan (transports would be dropped on detection; supply airstrips would be ripped), begin striking Russian targets from its Persian Gulf and Mediterranean assets, including Cyprus; it cannot overshoot from The Asian, Arctic or Bearing Seas; it would be a military catastrophe that would bring America to its chosen desire of its devastation. Even sooner than its Arctic appointment of doom.
Does an unresponded enemy incessantly harassing on your borders; indicate a weakness or a strength. The Oder-Neise gave an early indication. The Berlin Airlift and Wall were fun options. And what about the divisions of; Ukraine, Syria, Korea, and the unchallenged Iran. The truth of The Cuban Missile Crisis is fun.
The Coup
Pelosi’s insanity; as that of HRC; is hardly a new issue. The recidivist lies of characters as; Schumer, Schiff, Nadler et al. are hardly revelations.
It all began in 2016 and crescendoed in November 2020, when America was finally destroyed by the Coup that broke its back. Not a flavour of agenda in an alleged two-party system. An issue of the insane bought, and owned against the sane.
The waffle of The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), was the monstrous fraud that disenfranchised The People from Health Care. Where diabetics were paying some $400 per month and entrapped by not being able to import their requirements. Changed by Trump to some $50 per month. Increased by Citizen Biden and cohorts for their owners to $550 per month.
The UN-affordable BIG PHARMA Obama NON-care Act; having most of its corrections obstructed in The Senate by the insane criminal and owned ‘Songbird’ McCain III. Executed by order of a Military Tribunal, with GHWB, in 2018; as I have written.
The Part and The Future
As soon as America closes the small gap on Thought Crimes that are contrary to the postured beliefs of the community; GONE for Australia and all the suckholes in line. I should have stayed on the beaches in Greece.
Josef Mengele in retirement in Brazil (ttps://youtu.be/I8sNiAgEKGo). Courtesy of American Operation Paperclip. Saving its senior NAZI proxies from the fake moral theatrics of The Nuremberg Circus. Fauci’s hero.
This is the future of America. If you thought the destroyed Dem cities were an insanity, it hasn’t started yet.
Looted and burnt shopping centres do not reopen. Why would they? Maybe shopping centres were not needed to begin with. Maybe the products they sold in the supermarkets were not needed.
So much for the great revolution by Madiba. So much for The Truth and Reconciliation Commission by Tutu. What never worked, is suddenly going to work.
G5 your history is scattered and skewed towards bs.
You mention Croats against Greeks in ww2, did you mean Serbs? History erased as we speak. War brings out the worst psychopaths on all sides.
We now clearly see that government is our enemy.
More recent events, it is propagated that Tuzla and Srebrenica never occurred and that people in Sarajevo, Dubrovnik, Vukovar and elsewhere were bombing themselves. Winners always write history.
It is crown kabal communism connected by freemasonry globally.
Just spoken to G5 about “You mention Croats against Greeks in ww2, did you mean Serbs?” I got a 30 min lesson in history. To be brief… Will try relay a convoluted conversation;. Germany when invading Greece in WW2 brought Croatians with them. They exited leaving some Croatians that became wardens for them during the civil conflict in Greece. And that history is never told as it was… There was a long explanation of what happened after that and the decades following and what happened during his stays there.
Croats, like most nations, are a house divided between left and right.
Tito a Croat led the partizans in formation of communist Jugoslavia.
When Jugoslavia collapsed, Croatia gained independence with a centrist government led by one of Tito’s generals, Franjo Tudman. In practise, after a quarter century, the beurocracy there entrenched are the children of communists that established Jugoslavia. A lawyer’s son becomes a lawyer and so on. The claim that all Croats are fascists is based on ignorance and hate. The people on the streets are 90% Catholic, maybe this is what upsets globalists most. There was a fisherman, in my village of birth, in the thirties and forties regimes changed like the seasons. In order to fish, so his family could eat, he had half a dozen flags in his cellar. A royalist crown flag, Croatian, Italian, German and Red pentagram star of communism. He didn’t give a crap about politics and ideologies, witnessing the bloodshed, he just needed for his family to eat.
So whoever the occupier was, that flag was on the mast above his house.
Julius below explains how 60 million were murdered under Soviet totalitarianism. At the end of ww2 in Croatia the fascists fled across the borders, only to be collected and sent back, No pardons, all were shot dead.
Brother against brother, for what?
Tjis just in:
“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending that people who are immunocompromised should get a third dose of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine. That can include people who are being treated for tumors or cancer, organ transplant patients, stem cell recipients, and those who have diseases that damage their immune systems.
“The CDC estimates about 2.7% of U.S. adults are immunocompromised and health officials say 44% of those people have experienced breakthrough cases of COVID-19. People are urged to get the third shot of the same vaccine that they got for their first two doses.
“For some in New Hampshire, that third dose can’t come soon enough. “I’ll get the vaccine and I’ll still follow the guidance or wearing a mask and socially distancing until the science is older and research has come further,” said Kristina Gorman of Weare. “Colds can knock me out so I just feel like I should take any precaution I need to take,” said Heather Pelletier of North Hampton.”
This just in: Naftali Bennet demonising people who haven’t had their third shot as being responsible for risking the lives of the elderly, and I’m sure we’ve all seen by now of the dutiful daughter telling us through Newsweek about how her fully vaccinated, mask-wearing father would have suffered so much more had he not been vaccinated, when he died from COVID (which he did). I don’t think propaganda has any sharks left to jump after that one.
Colds can knock me out, so I will take a “vaccination” that will eventually kill me. Brilliant thinking!
It is my thought that the immune compromised should be the last to have the “vaccine”. Their immune system has no chance against these killer vaccines.
In regard the situation in Durban, the psychopaths of the New World Order would be rubbing their hands with glee. Such waste for nothing. What a chance to force even more control.
A notion hit me this morning that may be incorrect. It strikes me that whenever there is strife and crime in US, the First Nation people don’t seem to get a mention. Is this body of people more moral than the Jews, Christians and Muslims? It would appear so. If so I praise them.
Brendon O’Connell-Blowback Afghanistan/The McKinder World Island
I’m surprised that the media shows any pictures of the Taliban. Have you ever seen one photo of any of them wearing a stupid mask? The same with the homeless, people out in the elements and not wearing a mask.
I wonder when the media will have that ‘oh shit!’ moment and post a picture of a bunch of alleged Taliban soldiers all standing around with masks on.
Laughing my head off. Didn’t you know that viruses are afraid of “terrorists”
Oops, sorry, the Taliban are wearing their masks –
But wait! Weren’t they wearing masks BEFORE the outbreak of COVID? Are you thinking what I’m thinking !!!
G5 uses the phrase “enemies of the people” without giving any context so I will contribute the following few paragraphs from Tim Tzouliadis’ “The Forsaken”. The numbered footnotes bracketed at the end of each paragraph refer to a vast ocean of sources provided in an appendix. For context this is the 1930s, leading up to the height of “The Terror’ in 1937-1938 (BEFORE You-Know-What II).
“It was as if an angel of death had descended upon Russia, and the sound of its beating wings grew louder and louder as the months wore on. Only, this nocturnal visitor wore the uniform of the NKVD and, far from being one single entity, had arrived as an army of one third of a million. There was a saying in Moscow at the time: “Thieves, prostitutes and the NKVD work mainly at night.” The Russians learned very quickly that the peak calling hours for Stalin’s secret police were between one and five in the morning, when the “ravens,” the prison vans, began scouring the streets for “enemies of the people,” taking with them their families, their friends, and even simple acquaintances seized for “prophylactic purposes.” Each arrest sparked a new series of detentions in a chain reaction [?contact tracing] that rapidly developed a momentum of its own. So many people were being arrested that the black vans were painted with signs advertising “Bread” or “Meat” or even “Drink Soviet Champagne!” in a shallow effort not to alarm the frightened public.[12]
As the Terror picked up speed, to crack a joke, to show ironic hesitancy over state propaganda, or even to collect foreign stamps was enough to be judged an “enemy.” Mass indoctrination was broadcast from blaring loudspeakers put up on street corners. A simple mistake of a factory manager, the miscalculation of an engineer, a broadcaster’s choice of light-hearted music on the anniversary of Lenin’s death—all became evidence of an organized conspiracy of saboteurs operating in their midst. The Soviet public was encouraged to search for hidden fascist symbols and coded messages, and quickly found them disguised in seemingly innocent book illustrations or newspaper photographs. Denunciation boxes appeared in factories and on street corners, and were soon crammed to bursting with claims made against fellow citizens, the denouncers vainly believing that by accusing others they might somehow save themselves. In such a society, pure malice was given free rein. The secretary of Stalin’s henchman Lazar Kaganovich, for example, while typing out an arrest list, quietly added the name of her neighbor. When her neighbor was arrested, she moved into the apartment she had coveted.[13]
“Conciliators”—those citizens who advocated leniency toward the “enemies of the people”—were themselves arrested. “Failure to denounce” had become a crime, and there were provocateurs who made false statements just to report those who failed in their duty to the state. A fourteen-year-old boy who had informed on his peasant father for hoarding grain—and was then murdered by outraged neighbors—was turned into a Soviet national hero. “Pavlik Morozov” statues were commissioned for parks and squares across the Soviet Union, so many in fact, that the statue’s sculptor was killed in an accident caused by the state’s production demands. No one stopped to consider the irony, and who could believe the rumors that the fourteen-year-old informer had, in fact, been murdered by the NKVD, who executed thirty-seven of his village neighbors, including Morozov’s grandfather, grandmother, uncle, and cousin?[14]
Not only were Soviet schoolchildren expected to denounce the “enemies of the people,” they were also specifically instructed to inform on their parents, their teachers, and their friends. Young Pioneers, who accepted the new morality, eagerly embraced “socialist competitions,” with awards for those who could inform upon the greatest number of “enemies.” One homeless child of the 1930s, a waif named Voinov, remembered his teacher walking into their classroom one morning with a smile across her face. “Vasiliev is the pride of our school,” the teacher began. “He sets an example that should be followed. He’s only a boy, but he has proved that he is a responsible citizen of our country . . . With vigilance worthy of a real Bolshevik, Vasiliev has revealed and unmasked an enemy of the people. Of course, this is the duty of every Soviet citizen—you’re right. But Vasiliev did more. He has acted like a hero. He conquered family prejudices and denounced his own father!” Vasiliev sat in the classroom wearing a new suit, his reward for having reported seeing his father reading the banned works of Trotsky.[15]
Wise parents stopped talking when their children came home from school. When both parents were arrested, their children were sent to NKVD orphanages, where they learned the consequences of being the sons and daughters of “enemies of the people.” A future Soviet dissident, Yelena Bonner, remembered how her nine-year-old brother innocently accepted the guilt of their father, arrested in 1937. “Look what those enemies of the people are like,” he told his sister. “Some of them even pretend to be fathers.” Yelena Bonner’s father was shot, and her mother sent to the camps.[16]
Desperate to avoid the same fate, millions of Soviet citizens voted for death sentences in public demonstrations across the Soviet Union. The first generation of Bolsheviks responsible for the Revolution was almost entirely annihilated by Stalin. Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko, who had led the storming of the Winter Palace in 1917, was one of those given “the supreme measure of punishment.” Their executions removed the eyewitnesses of the origins of the Revolution, [wait for it …] leaving a blank canvas upon which Stalin and his historians could paint any interpretation they desired. The recent past was erased and replaced with an alternate vision in which the primacy of Stalin emerged unchecked, shoulder to shoulder with Lenin throughout, directing the events of 1917. Any other interpretation—or even memory of the Revolution—became a secular heresy to be stamped out with ruthless and unyielding brutality. Thus, of the 1,966 people’s deputies of the Seventeenth Party Congress of 1934, 1,108 were arrested on charges of “anti-Revolutionary crimes.” The so-called Congress of Victors had greeted Comrade Kirov’s speech with a little too much enthusiasm, thereby hastening both Kirov’s death and their own. And the execution of the Bolshevik cadres was merely the public face of a vast hidden realm of terror.[17]
During the summer of 1937, Stalin’s chief henchmen, Lazar Kaganovich, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Nikita Khrushchev, among others, were sent out to the provinces to oversee “the purge of the party and state apparatus.” Old slogans in the factories were replaced by stark warnings—“We shall destroy the enemies of the people, Comrades!”—and as the Soviet press and radio broadcast incessant reports of conspiracies against Stalin’s life, the NKVD adopted efficiency targets to speed their plan for arrests, confessions, and executions.[18]
[Of course, “the people” (doublespeak) actually meaning those elites and their collaborators in positions of power.]
No wonder they hated ‘socialists’ and ‘fascists’ and projected their genocidal crimes against humanity onto the Germans.
More on the “NKVD efficiency targets” another time.
I had a German aunt, she died years ago, when I was young I had never heard of “don’t mention the war” so I asked her about it and she said “Hitler was a madman”. When I was young of course being about 25 years after the end of that war. Enough time for her to reflect on everything !!!
“NKVD efficiency targets” – spetzrabota (more from “The Forsaken”)
“In the 1990s, a Russian society for the rehabilitation of Stalin’s victims located within the files of KGB pensioners a “Comrade S.,” the first komendant of an NKVD execution squad who was willing to be interviewed for the historical record. Comrade S. happily discussed his spetzrabota— the so-called special work—which he had performed with his team of a dozen executioners during the Yezhovchina, the days of Yezhov. Comrade S. remembered how his unit had waited in a stone house on the edge of the killing fields while their prisoners’ files were checked. How they led their victims to the edge of the pit and held the standard-issue Nagan pistol to the back of their heads. How they pulled the trigger and watched the bodies crumple and fall into the hole in the earth. And then how they repeated the process over and again until, like every other Soviet worker, they had met their quota for the night’s work. At the end of their shift, Comrade S. and the dozen members of his squad would retire to their stone headquarters exhausted, to drink the liters of vodka specially allocated for the job at hand. Obviously their masters understood the traumatic effect the spetzrabota had on the minds of the executioners. The vodka salved their consciences as the dawn rose over Moscow, and a new day began for the city’s fear-filled inhabitants.[33]
“In the mornings at Butovo, the executioners heard the sound of the bulldozers covering over the mass graves, and the fresh graves being hollowed ready for the next night’s work. In their stone house they washed their hands and faces, removing the inevitable back-spray of blood, and doused themselves in cheap eau de cologne, once again provided by their masters, who seemed to have thought of everything and who understood that the smell of death clings to those who administer it. Although they were allocated leather aprons and gloves and hats to protect their uniforms from the spattered gore of blood and skull and brain, the men found it was impossible to stay clean.[34]
“Judging from the undisturbed recollections of Comrade S., the NKVD guards remained convinced they were not murderers but righteous executioners sanctioned by their state. With prolonged ideological training, their moral sense became disguised and distorted by euphemism. The brigade was enforcing the “supreme penalty for social defence,” or administering the “nine-gram ration.” Words such as liquidation or repression inadequately concealed the simple act of murder. While numbed by the repetitiveness of their “special work,” the executioners became as passionless as slaughtermen, too busy for introspection. Their spetzrabota did not end for many years; it kept arriving until it was hardly special any longer, just monotonous in its routine.[35] There was, however, one unexpected consequence to their lives. Their work made them wealthy. Each NKVD executioner was paid special ruble bonuses for killing people in “the zones,” so much in fact that their increased salaries excited the envy of their NKVD colleagues not selected for this work. And the ruble bonuses mounted up as, night after night, the pits were filled and new ones were dug again the next morning.[36]
“In the fields of Butovo, apple trees were planted over the dead. In Depository No. 7, at the Lubyanka, the NKVD entered their names into four hundred bound volumes. Each name was marked with a red pencil and the note “sentence carried out.” From these books, researchers later calculated that 85 percent of the dead were non-communists, ordinary people who mostly came from the Russian peasantry. Given the scale of the genocide, the fate of the Americans was scarcely a matter of significance. The statistical evidence had no regard for the captain of the Moscow Foreign Workers’ baseball team, Arnold Preedin, or his brother, Walter Preedin, from Boston, Massachusetts, who lay buried in an apple orchard twenty-seven kilometers south of Moscow.[37]”
[Still in the 1930s]
Thanks, Julius, for that lovely portrayal of how we are to be persecuted, betrayed, reviled, lynched, and executed (jabbed) for our heinous crimes. Today, the owner of the block I live on got angry with me when I questioned the scientific validity of masks.
“We must accept what our medical experts say”, he lectured.
In vain, did I point to more qualified experts overseas, who rubbished masks because the covid virus is a thousand times smaller than the mask air passages. This made him angrier, and I think I have figured out why. He has no religion, he says, but in fact the ABC is his religion. Anything that is in conflict with our holy mother the ABCchurch is heresy.
I can see a lot of citizens clutching onto totalitarian government for the same spiritual security.
Logic has already gone out the window. Yesterday, the NT News thundered about the cowardly attack of a man on three cops. It was a welfare intevention which the cops obviously lacked the skills to handle. But cops, unlike nurses and paramedics, are trainedand equipped to deal with violence. That is their job, and their vocation. How is it cowardly to flog three armed and trained cops, yet nobody thought ill of a hundred cops bashing unarmed peaceful protestors, unprovoked.
We are now living in an insane world. We, who regard ourselves as sane by avoiding the certain death of a mRNA jab, are now classed as the sociopaths, unheeding of social responsibility, murdering old ladies because we are unvaccinated, which of course means infectious.
So thanks, Julius, for the warning to slip silently into the night and the wilderness.
Tony, you’re gonna love this recent Disney production of ‘Wear a mask’
I had a similar conversation with a close family member just yesterday. I was sternly counselled [deep voice] “Well, I’m afraid we will just have to differ in our opinions there” [on whether COVID is a scam] – despite everything I have shared with them – not one single hint of critical thinking.
CJ Hoplins – The Propaganda War (Part II)
“No, it will not make the slightest difference to the fanatics, but most of them are not fanatics. Most of them are simply scared and confused, and utterly mindfucked … as in their brains are not working. Literally. They are no longer able to think. Challenge them, and they will either become aggressive or start robotically repeating propaganda at you like the members of an enormous cult. Anyone who has interacted with them (and I have a feeling that you probably have) knows that they are totally unreachable with facts, argumentation, and basic reasoning, not to mention common sense, which is why I have mostly given up on that and am focusing on propaganda.
Propaganda programmed these people, and propaganda can deprogram them … or at least it can interfere with their current programming, even if just for a fleeting moment, maybe even enough to start them thinking, which might lead them to questioning the official “reality” … which, as any cult deprogrammer will tell you, is the first step toward disengaging from the cult.”
Like the slaves being flogged in Egypt, they accept their lot. Mental conditioning follows. And now we are all bound to MMT, Modern Monetary Theory. This on the surface appears as money printing, hegemony etc, but the endgame is (1) that assets become totally unaffordable, the cost of maintaining them outstrips any return. This is done partly by piling on administration costs since the actual productive work is offshored to globalists, who own the distribution and the patent office. It is also done by share dilution, so your shares appear the same but the actual value of them shrinks – it doesn’t appear to shrink though, because of the money printing. It is also done by negative yielding bonds, in Germany now all government bond yields are negative. And so the endgame (2) is that your money, which started off as gold, is transformed into “credits”, produced by the globalists through Swissy’s establishments (BIS etc) and branch offices, London, NY etc. These credits eventually get an expiry date ( as if inflation wasn’t enough ) and merge into social credit scores. Swissy is making SDRs, Special Drawing Rights, which is a central bank credit card for governments. Exactly like a card, if you don’t use the credit, there’s no interest, but can you imagine a government not taking an introductory low interest deal at election time ? New sports club buildings anyone ? Rockerfellas Foundation is pushing countries to use SDRs to buy injections. Your nation can basically pay interest on that forever. Who is your nation ? It’s YOU you mugs.
If you didn’t understand the above it’s because you were never intended to !!!
Masonic Mass Murder on the Somme 101 Years Ago
All wars are designed to enrich and empower the bankers while destroying and demoralizing humanity.
Jonas E. Alexis –
August 15, 2021 855
The Rape of Germany After World War II
Sep 14, 2017
• Stalin’s Willing Executioners – Kevin MacDonald
• History of Jewish Bolshevism
On topic, it certainly looks like Russia has kicked the US out of Afghanistan, maybe that’s one of the things Putin told Trump he was going to do. As Russia kicked Hillary & Obama out of Syria before that. But it looks like the US is still allowed the South China Sea for now at least. So the CIA will have to fund their black-ops by cocaine from South America and Russians will all become junkies dying in doorways ? Or will they sell it on to the Germans, they used to be good customers for smak.
Off topic, a big mob of Jews in Melbourne had a party and now, invited by our lying treacherous Main Stream Media, all the jew outfits are throwing them under the bus, and Dicktator Dan is looking at ripping $350k worth of fines out of them. Here we go !!! Here is the funding and here is the case. Will they get a sharp lawyer and defend it a la Alberta, Canada ? If not why not ? ? ?
If they fail to fight the fines as a class action on the premise that the virus is bogus, does that mean the virus is a ZIONIST PLOT ? ? ?
This Afghanistan thing –
Looks like Biden’s handlers in Israel are throwing their putrid little rag doll under the proverbial bus
• Joe Biden Remains Hiding at Camp David After Afghanistan Collapses; May Address Nation in the ‘Next Few Days’
• Israeli Media: US Withdrawal from Afghanistan a Sign of Weakness
I really don’t know what all the fuss is about
• Zbigniew Brzezinski to the Mujahideen: “Your cause is right and God is on your side!”
Brzezinski: “This land is yours – you will go back to it one day … “
Australia Tyranny: Movement Permits, Gov’t Registries and Enormous Fines. WTH is a “Singles Bubble”?
https://www.bit chute.com/video/Gg7eo7YprdBQ/
It is official. The United States Senate today announced: ‘Corona is a lie’! 8-15-21
https://www.bit chute.com/video/9fpvID62Ug8X/
Are all these senators Demonrats ? If all the blue ties are anything to go by.
And one commenter points out the gold-fringed flag.
Does this mean admiralty law,,, or,,, under jurisdiction of the US Army.
Or does that small matter depend on who is in the white house.
Vice news on South Africa are you kidding?
probably should read some of the comments, heres one with 200 upvotes:
ant (not you, 56?)
1 day ago
“Somehow I feel like there’s a lot being left out here. ”
In the 1960s:
40% of blacks had their own business.
87% of black families were two-parent.
Less than 7% of blacks own businesses.
Only 25% of black families are two-parent.
What changed?
RE South Africa
https://www.bit chute.com/video/UasiR4KyQTIZ/
Globalist test-tube
Our government is enforcing biological weapons against all Australians, considering themselves as being absolutely normal in demanding mass injections with death jabs, as they tell us we are not normal for resisting these kill shots. Double-speak insanity by these cashed up traitors possessed.
Real deal is oligarchs are black hand evol, and have bribed all players with ‘money or death’ option.
The stupid sheep demand it
Now that was a lovely 20 year war for a poppy field. Good one Johnie!!!
Ckeckmate hopefully soon………….. WILL affect Australia??
Quick, DISTRACT EVERYONE, get everyone injected. We are running out of time and a flu season is approaching in the US.
They have lots of poppies in Tasmania, anyone seen US troops or UN vehicles parked around there ?
Now whom is this man addressing?
I think it could be his zoom psycho(logic)all screening.
Nurse; 3x anti-psychotic STAT, then catch him up on the quaxxense’s.
As my anti-card carrying stance procludes me from being the “full monty”, anti-vax, conspiracy theorist and card-holder. Alex still gets a hall pass, not crazy or insane
Chekist (1992) – Russian movie with English subtitles
Don’t forget to turn on ‘Subtitles’ but you really don’t need them – pretty accurate depiction from what I have read from other source.