Editor’s note: This came to us from the excellent Vaccine website KathyDopp.info. Ms Dopp is a mathematician. I am not sure who translated it from the French.
by Dr. Klaus Schustereder, Dr Philippe Saegesser, Francois Daubé, Irina Penzo, Christian Camus et Rene Schluter
August 2021
I – Introduction
Recent scientific publications providing an initial assessment of the effect of vaccines have drawn our attention.
These studies date back to 2021 and illuminates some critical actions of the spike protein in the body.
These are not opinions, therefore, but the results of research conducted by several scientific teams.
According to these publications, the Spike protein and its pathophysiological effects on endothelial cells can have grave and diverse pathogenic consequences for certain individuals.
This latest knowledge makes it possible to re-assess the benefit/risk ratio and to draw lessons from it in order to re-adjust the vaccination campaign.
Given that it is inoculated massively and mostly on a healthy population, the introduction of this Spike protein into human cells by injection must accordingly be urgently re-evaluated by taking into account the risks we did not fully understand before.
We therefore appeal to the health and political authorities to pay the greatest attention to these publications, a summary of which is presented below, and the references of which are provided in the appendix.
In the light of the recent studies presented below, we ask for an URGENT REVIEW BY AGE CLASS of the safety and expediency of the Sars-CoV-2 vaccines currently used in Switzerland and Europe.
II – Physiological aspect
SARS-CoV-2 may have effects on the human vascular system, including that of the brain. The primary function of the Spike protein is to allow the entry of the virus into a host cell via binding to the ACE2 receptor located in the cell membrane. ACE2 is a type I integral membrane protein that cleaves angiotensin II in angiotensin I, thus removing angiotensin II and lowering the blood pressure.
In a series of papers, Yuichiro Suzuki in collaboration with other authors presented a strong argument that the Spike protein by itself can cause a signaling response in the vasculature with potentially widespread consequences. (Suzuki, 2020; Suzuki et al., 2020; Suzuki et al., 2021; Suzuki and Gychka, 2021).
These authors observed that, in severe cases of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 generates significant morphological changes to the pulmonary vascular system. Postmortem examination of the lungs of patients who died of COVID-19 uncovered histological features showing thickening of the vascular wall, mainly due to hypertrophy of the tunica media. The hypertrophied smooth muscle cells had become rounded, with swollen nuclei and cytoplasmic vacuoles (Suzuki et al., 2020).
In addition, they showed that exposure of cultured human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein S1 subunit was sufficient to promote cell signalling even without the rest of the virus components being present.
Follow-up papers (Suzuki et al., 2021, Suzuki and Gychka, 2021) demonstrated that the Spike protein S1 subunit suppresses ACE2, triggering a condition resembling pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a severe lung disease with very high mortality.
Worryingly, Suzuki and Gychka (2021) wrote, “Thus, these ‘in vivo’ studies demonstrated that the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 (without the rest of the virus) reduces the ACE2 expression, increases angiotensin II levels, and exacerbates lung injury.” The ‘in vivo’ studies referred here (Kuba et al., 2005) had shown that SARS coronavirus-induced lung injury was primarily due to the inhibition of ACE2 by the SARS-CoV Spike protein, causing a large increase in angiotensin-II
Suzuki et al (2021) then experimentally demonstrated that the S1 component of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, at a low concentration of 130 pM, activated the MEK/ERK/MAPK signalling pathway to promote cell growth. They hypothesized that these effects would not be limited to the lung vasculature only. The signalling cascade triggered in the vascular system of the heart could cause coronary artery disease, and in the brain, activation could lead to stroke. Systemic hypertension would also be expected.
An interesting study by Lei et. al. (2021) found that pseudovirus — spheres complemented with the SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein but lacking any viral DNA in their nuclei — caused inflammation and damage in both the arteries and lungs of mice exposed intratracheally. They then exposed healthy human endothelial cells to the same pseudovirus particles. Binding of these particles to endothelial ACE2 receptors led to mitochondrial damage and fragmentation in those endothelial cells, leading to the characteristic pathological changes in the associated tissues. This study makes it clear that Spike protein alone, not associated with the rest of the viral genome, is sufficient to cause the endothelial damage associated with COVID-19 disease.
Buzhdygan et al (2020) proposed that primary microvascular endothelial cells in the human brain may cause these symptoms. ACE2 is ubiquitously expressed in endothelial cells of brain capillaries. ACE2 expression is upregulated in people with dementia and hypertension, both of which are risk factors for severe disease from SARS-CoV-2.
In an in vitro study of the blood-brain barrier, the S1 component of Spike protein promoted loss of barrier integrity, suggesting that Spike protein acting alone triggers a pro-inflammatory response in brain endothelial cells, which may explain the neurological consequences of the disease (Buzhdygan et al, 2020).
The implications of this observation are worrisome because mRNA (and the vector-based DNA vaccines as well albeit by a different mechanism) vaccines induce the synthesis of Spike protein, which could theoretically act in a similar way damaging the brain.
The Spike protein generated endogenously by the vaccine could also negatively impact the male testicles, as the ACE2 receptor is highly expressed in testicular Leydig cells (Verma et al., 2020).
Several studies have now shown that the coronavirus Spike protein is able to access testicular cells via the ACE2 receptor, and disrupt male reproduction (Navarra et al., 2020; Wang and Xu, 2020).
A paper on post-mortem examination of the testicles of six male patients with COVID-19 found microscopic evidence of Spike protein in the interstitial cells of the testicles of the patients, testicles which were damaged (Achua et al., 2021).
Puntmann et al. (JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5:1265-1273) showed that a prospective study of 100 recently recovered German COVID-19 patients revealed significant cardiac involvement on cardiac MRI scans in 78% of them, on average 2.5 months after recovery from the acute disease. Two-thirds of these patients were never hospitalized and 60% had ongoing myocardial inflammation. These abnormalities occurred independently of pre-existing conditions, the severity of the initial disease, and the overall course of the acute disease.
Magro et al. showed that there is damage mediated by complement deposition even in grossly normal skin of coronavirus-infected individuals (Human Pathology 2020:106:106-116). They also showed (Magro et al. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2021:50 in press) that ACE2 receptor expression is highest in the microvasculature of the brain and subcutaneous fat, and to a lesser degree in the liver, kidneys, and heart.
They also demonstrated that the coronavirus replicates almost exclusively in the endothelial cells of the septal capillaries of the lungs and nasopharynx, and that the viral lysis and the immune destruction of these cells releases viral capsid proteins that travel through the bloodstream and bind to the ACE2 receptors in other parts of the body – resulting in the activation of complement by mannose-binding lectin that not only damages the microvascular endothelium but also induces the production of numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Meinhardt et al. (Nature Neuroscience 2020, in press) show that the Spike protein in the brain endothelial cells is associated with the formation of micro-thrombi (mini blood clots), and like Magro et al. do not find viral RNA in brain endothelium. In other words, viral proteins appear to be causing tissue damage without actively replicating virus.
E.Taglauer describes “Consistent localization of SARS-CoV-2 peak glycoprotein and ACE2 in relation to the predominance of TMPRSS2 in placental villi of 15 COVID-19 positive maternal-fetal dyads.” Parenchymal changes in placentas of COVID-19-infected mothers have been reported by several groups. Could this be associated with the occurrence of miscarriage in vaccinated women?
Ogata et al. write in their paper “Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients” that the Spike protein circulates throughout the body from day 1 after injection and therefore does not remain only at the injection site.
This explains why the neurological symptoms associated with COVID-19, such as headache, nausea and dizziness, encephalitis, and fatal cerebral blood clots, are all indicators of the pathogenic effects of the virus as well as the Spike protein, and it may explain the many side effects seen in vaccinated individuals.
Hansen et al. published the following article in April 2021: First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2. In the “postmortem molecular mapping” viral DNA was identified in almost all organs except the liver and the olfactory bulb.
III. Statistics:
See attachement!
IV Discussion :
The genetically engineered “vaccines” against Covid-19 (gene vaccines) have profited from extremely early and exceptional marketing authorization conditions. Despite the preliminary results, conveyed in ways by the manufacturers, as to demonstrate their effectiveness, the assertions related to this new technology have, in practice, turned into profoundly troubling concerns for several reasons. One of these, concerns the Spike protein itself, whose manufacture in large quantities in the host cells after introduction of the genetic code seems to be linked to severe and potentially fatal vascular damages. The studies and observations related to this subject bring therefore serious concerns.
While there are still some areas to understand, there is a very strong presumption that the Spike protein, which is the key component of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine mechanism, is also responsible for damaging organs distant from the injection site, including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, and reproductive organs.
As the above presented statistics demonstrates, the vaccines currently in use can trigger potentially fatal short-term adverse effects (more than 10,000 currently in the European Union), some of which most likely being the result of damage to the blood vessels in various organs. Furthermore, while we are not able to know the magnitude of the intermediate let alone surmise the long-term consequences related to, inter alia, the damage to the vascular endothelium, but we can assume that they will be significant.
Before any of these vaccines are officially approved for widespread use in humans in different categories and age groups, it is important to be able to assess more precisely the effects, in vaccinated subjects, of the production of the Spike protein that triggers an immune response.
Based on the celebrated precautionary principle, promoted by all health authorities in handling of the Covid Pandemic, we call for a moratorium to and a re-evaluation of the ongoing vaccination campaign, and await clarification of these serious adverse effects caused by the Spike protein.
Accordingly, with the current information as presented, we cannot allow ourselves to run the risk of finding out later that many healthy people have suffered irreparable iatrogenic damage to their health following these vaccinations, when we actually should suspect them.
V. We urge Public Health Authorities to immediately reconsider the authorization of mass vaccination pending unequivocal clarification of the safety and efficacy of the available SARS-CoV2 vaccines.
Suzuki, 2020 ; Suzuki et al., 2020 ; Suzuki et al., 2021 ; Suzuki et Gychka, 2021.
Kuba et al., 2005
Buzhdygan et al. (2020)
Verma et al., 2020
Navarra et al., 2020 ; Wang et Xu, 2020
Achua et al., 2021
Puntmann et al. (JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5:1265-1273)
Magro et al. (Human Pathology 2020:106:106-116)
Magro et al. Annals of Diagnostic Pathology 2021:50 in press
Meinhardt et al. (Nature Neuroscience 2020, sous presse)
E.Taglauer ” La localisation cohérente de la glycoprotéine de pointe du SARS-CoV-2 et de l’ACE2 par rapport à la prédominance du TMPRSS2 dans les villosités placentaires de 15 dyades materno-fœtales positives au COVID-19 « .
Backatcha to Diane:
Apparently I was there-on the shoulders of mother’/ or maybe grandmother’s friend in uniform- woken up during the night to join celebrations -love her comment about the east end–all in the family –a night or two of clubbing
If only Margaret knew …
The more I discover about WWII the more tragic (and relevant) it becomes.
I am sure neither Princess Margaret nor any of those people in the joyous crowd on VE Day had any idea what “The Good War” was really all about and how it was actually initiated.
In 1924 Churchill wrote the following in his essay “Shall We All Commit Suicide?”
”The Air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual armies, to women, children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.”
Of course Margaret would have had no idea, and we are not really supposed to find out even today, that it was Churchill who not only declared the War underway but who initiated the aerial bombing of civilians in cities and towns.
Then some months later on 4 September 1940, at his “speech at the Berlin Sportpalast on the opening of the Kriegswinterhilfswerk” (an annual charity/donation drive), Adolf Hitler stated:
“… in a time when Mr. Churchill is demonstrating to us the use of his invention: the nightly air raid. He does not do this because air raids at night are particularly effective, but because his Air Force cannot penetrate German airspace during the day. […] That is why they come at night and drop their bombs […] indiscriminately and without plan on civilian residential centers, on farmsteads, and villages.
Wherever they see a light, they drop a bomb.
I did not answer for three months because I was of the opinion that they would ultimately stop this nonsense. Mr. Churchill perceived this as a sign of our weakness. You will surely understand that now we are giving our answers night after night, and this at an increasing rate.
Of course it was terrible to hear of that ?gardener who was killed at Buckingham Palace but we also need to acknowledge the full extent and context of this homicidal/genocide madness that was initiated by Churchill (almost certainly under guidance and directive of his handlers – it was actually called the Lindemann Plan (Bradbury – “The Myth of German Villainy”)).
And thus ensued
• HELLSTORM (Kyle Hunt – based on book by Thomas Goodrich)
… But Dresden was just one of the many civilian targets …
• Allied Terror Bombing of German Cities During WWII
At the foot of this article there are a number of videos:
• Herbert Smagon The Dresden Holocaust (7:19)
• The Real Story of Dresden (2:14)
• Firestorm of Dresden (1:15:42)
• The Destruction of Dresden (14:06)
• Raid on Dresden (4:42)
• The Dresden Inferno (19:37)
• The Bombing of Hamburg uncensored (5:05)
• Terror Bombing of Hamburg (6:03)
In 1955 Churchill was awarded the Charlemagne Prize – the inaugural recipient in 1950 was Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.
(Who would have anticipated the success of the Kalergi Plan just three generations later …)
Your favourite people, Hitler, Churchill & “the jews” are all front-people. The Royals are all inter-related and the German SS was for them too. Today we have the German Greek Prince Charles touring Jordan and Egypt telling us to stop global warming when it’s getting quite a bit cooler year on year. Speeches are meaningless when you’re considering ancient bloodlines.
There you go off topic again – What have you got against Churchill? I think he was an amazingly well-trained gremlin, especially when doped up on those hormones. Sometimes when he spoke you would almost think he was human.
Here is David Irving on Churchill –and listen on for the last few minutes
Anyway, let’s get into the Christmas spirit
I bet Dan Andrews fancies himself as a bit of a Churchill – obedient little chappie.
If he was not controlled would he ever do all that stuff ? Impossible. And if there were no controllers would his services be sought after ? Unlikely. His chief talent seems to be in bare-faced lying, though he’s hardly a master. No charisma, no vision, just a dirty little puppet.
Mass-Murdering Clown Winston Churchill and Independence Day
Churchill on World War I: ““I know this war is smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment—and yet—I cannot help it—I love every second I live.”
“Jack the Ripper” was Winston Churchill’s Father*
According to John Hamer, the Masonic ritual murder of four prostitutes was carried out by Winston Churchill’s father. The prostitutes were blackmailing the royal family.
Was WWII Fought to make the World Safe for the Bankers?
by Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel
Thanks to best-selling author, David Irving, the establishment view that the United States of America became embroiled in World War II as a result of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941 is no longer accepted by major historians. The origins of this conflict, says South African politician and noted banker, Stephen Goodson, have far deeper roots.
Good posts, Julius. Firestorm bombing over Dresden a mustwatch
@w3 Your attempt to lie and slander the greatest world leader, Adolf Hitler, is shameful. Please watch https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3930004986/On-the-Accusation-that-Hitler-was-Financed–Revised-Version-
For those who want to study this in depth, look up Richard Tedor’s book, an outstanding research work, “Hitler’s Revolution Ideology Social Programs Foreign Affairs”
The evil JWO would be totally exposed with the truths of the world wars revealed.
Was WWII Fought to make the World Safe for the Bankers?
by Dr. Ingrid Rimland Zundel
Thanks to best-selling author, David Irving, the establishment view that the United States of America became embroiled in World War II as a result of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941 is no longer accepted by major historians. The origins of this conflict, says South African politician and noted banker, Stephen Goodson, have far deeper roots.
“………..What causes hyper-inflation is uncontrolled speculation. When speculation is coupled with debt (owed to private banking cartels) the result is disaster. On the other hand, when a government issues currency in carefully measured ways, it causes supply and demand to increase together, leaving prices unaffected. Hence there is no inflation, no debt, no unemployment, and no need for income taxes. Naturally this terrifies the bankers, since it eliminates their powers. It also terrifies Jews, since their control of banking allows them to buy the media, the government, and everything else. Therefore, to those who delight in saying “Jews financed Hitler,” I ask that they please look at all the facts. “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild, [quoted in Money Creators (1935) by Gertrude Coogan, p. 329]
Is this true, Dee? Restrictions end tonight?
An obvious question is ‘what changed?” If all the restrictions were because of public health issues, then what public health issue/s changed? – None? Then the restrictions were not about public health.
The man Dan is a idiot, those standing out side are the democracy.
Dan will go down as some sort of sick legend in Australia. – Can you believe that this kind of a freak was allowed to rule people in Oz? What were people thinking??
dont say much for the voter.
Less of the mass media traitors and those that believe the controlled lying phoney fake globalist fascist propaganda.
Hitler dealt with the useless media village idiots when they had severed their dumb purpose.
They may look pretty suckering the community on ‘TELL A VISION’, but it is for a very short time of a massaging of their inflated egos,
Blast from the past … let’s just be thankful that Boris pulled through
[…] Source […]
Why do these researchers request health authorities to reconsider the mass vaccination, when they should have demanded that an immediate halt to the program be put in place?
The only sensible conclusion from the results of their research. Why pussy foot around while vaccinated people are dying in the thousands?
If the pharmaceutical industry had not been given no liability status and the death and injury statistics were in the same proportion as present, within 2 months these killer vaccines would have been “pulled from the shelves” by that same industry.
I tend to agree. I mean it’s not like the parties being addressed have made some sort of honest mistake; at very best they’ve willfully violated legal restrictions and requirements across the board.
All told compelling anyone to undergo anything that alters their body chemistry in any way is the issue. That’s the disease. Getting drawn into an argument about the nature of said thing is like dabbing at the symptoms
You minx! … you can always tell breeding !!
Lying has always been used for political purposes. Totalitarianism at its essence tranceforms reality into fiction. This regime, like all before it, has come to be with thunderous approval by mass majority. Ignorance is strength in numbers where slavery is sold as freedom. “Sex sell everything, sex kills.”
The AI information explosion has created confusion exponential throughout and within. Simple purity Divinely created has been replaced by fake artificial complexities. To the extent here, where guns murder and war are glorified on advertising slogans plastered on sides of all buses. Santa is big business, even in crisis,
The birth of Jesus, with Mary and Joseph in a manger, almost forgotten in all six eye nations.
The ones controlling this pagan agenda now have total control, even 2 year olds will be jabbed with ‘the mark’, so that all will be tranceformed into the fake BS. mRNA invading our DNA, to gain a ‘credit score’ in order to eat, is war against Heavenly Truth.
Every moment is miraculous living shared by all creatures.
Look at the faces of evol, projected on 📺, eyes a give away for the vitriol slithering from their possessions compromised – “Our dirty little secret.”
Not some of them but most.
The prophecy of St.John, warns not to take it and that their time is short, as all totalitarian regimes preceding this, they eventually self destruct because there never was any truth in it. The virus is fake and the poison is deadly, avoid it if you can.
Our children are everything pure and good, living miracles every each one of them. Let’s stop this insanity, so they can live.
Truth and lies mixed together and spoon-fed to hapless sheeples. Here we have the Swiss Bank (yes those people with luxury yachts parked at Monaco harbour ready to sail to Club Med when they tire of heli-skiing in the Alps), they are putting everyone on minimal rations now, because of global warming which is going to kill us if the mini-ice age doesn’t.
Useless eaters !!! Get ready for Soylent Green, It’s coming next.
Just saw this. (Sorry, off topic)
Bill Gates has been seen rubbing his hands: “We need to get used to the possibility of new bio attacks.” Smallpox attacks on US airports have been mentioned. Which neatly could cover up for the catastrophic die off, due to the globally failed Covid ‘vaxxine’ injections, Biden’s failing ‘vaxxine’ mandate and more. (Smallpox is 30+ times more deadly than Covid.) Apparently, Smallpox vials have been found in a US Merck lab the other day.
Mike Adams in today’s podcast:
I’m ‘old school’, I got the small pox vaccination when I was just a kid. Which brings up another issue, if only the oldies have immunity and they are in their final years, it means that the total population is destined to extinction.
Same here.
I went looking for an answer as to the possible length of immunity after Smallpox vaccinations. I myself definitely would need a new injection – but maybe a good idea to avoid all vaccines made by Big Pharma, owned by Mr GLOBAL!
From an old article in the Scientific American:
“Vaccination 40 years ago, even if not currently protective against smallpox disease, may offer some protection against a fatal outcome. A study of smallpox cases imported into non endemic countries found that mortality was 52 percent among the un vaccinated, 11 percent among those vaccinated more than 20 years earlier and 1.4 percent of those vaccinated within 10 years. Therefore, vaccination 40 years ago most likely does not confer protection against smallpox infection, but it may help to prevent a fatal outcome”.
The politicians are now arguing about open up faster and finish the QR stuff and injections are only urgent for old people (Scotty) or I am the messiah of lockdown and inject you, nobody can “keep uou safe” like me (Dicktator Dan). So we open up the airports and all go for our double va666ed holiday and bring back smallpox variant which was already planted here in some aircon system or however.
It reminds me of the Punch and Judy show where all the kids are yelling “watch out the alligator is going to eat the baby” while Punch and Judy and the Policeman are all bashing each other with clubs. If the stoopids would wake up we could move on faster.
Hopefully Greg Hunt will get thrown under the bus soon and when the average Joe Bag’o’donuts finds out about the va666ine injuries a few Labor Premiers will follow. Injuries and hospital short staffing, unemployment and all that stuff can’t be ignored forever. They are state issues, not federal !!! Injection “mandates” are pushed by communo-fascist state premiers, they’re owned by globalists, CCP, BigPharma etc.
Woe betide ye Dicktator Dan, your number is coming up.
Quaratine the vaxxed immediately: the “vaxxed” mRNA injected individuals are the true super spreaders of prions.
“The fatal damage caused to the brain is transmissible from a vaccinated, infected person to an unvaccinated healthy person. Therefore, there is no need to vaccinate the entire population. The vaccinated people will quickly spread the weaponized prions to the unvaccinated through bodily fluids, from saliva to sexual intercourse.Experts believe that transmission from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed is airborne. Doctors are seeing sterilization, miscarriages and other strange bleeding and clotting in women, men and children exposed to the Covid vaxxed. Transmission is occurring without direct physical contact, therefore the expert consensus now is that the vaxxed should be quarantined immediately. They should at least be wearing a yellow badge out in public so the unvaxxed can identify them.
This technology is immorally infecting the unknowing unvaxxed population who have unintentional contact with the mRNA vaxxed. This is a blatant violation of the Nuremberg Code from 1947 and is further evidence that experimental mRNA injections for Covid-19 are in fact genetic biowarfare. This comes straight out of the Pfizer BioNTech study (PF-07302048) titled “A Phase 1/2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against Covid in Healthy Individuals.”EM
People need to understand that the masks, swab “tests” and injections all contain lethal bioweapons without your Informed Consent. These weapons cut your life short by causing Prion Disease and blood coagulation which is leading to clotting. The Covid-19 injection from Pfizer has been confirmed to cause brain damage and neurodegenerative disease. These are weapons of war for depopulation.
“SPARS-2025” only 3 years to go. And we are “served” by our weird HospitalSystem which is like a lottery and is absolutely determined not to stray outside the bounds of chemical and mechanical treatments, while the globalists keep all the interesting stuff secret.
How they conned the unwary, the gullible, the vaccine-hesitant & EVEN the vaccine-resistant into taking the killer meds 1.Remdesivir, 2..Midazolam, 3.Hyrochloroquine and 4 Ivermectin .40mins on…but whole vid is riveting. https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/
Thanks Chris— tragic (and so so relevant)–the subliminal—frequency wars.
Riveting indeed and so sad.
Ta Diane..The following vid goes some way to explaining further just how so many have swallowed the dominant and tragic narrrative. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y5xlt2kBA5BM/
Mattias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology at the Belgian University of Ghent, explains the psychological reason why so many still buy into the narrative. He outlines 4 conditions that need to be present that allow people to fall for an absurd official narrative,become hypnotized and fall into what he calls mass formation. Mass formation studies how human behavior is influenced by large groups of people. 4 conditions as necessary precursors to mass hypnosis:
1. Lack of social bond/connectedness
2. Lack of meaning/sense making
3. Free-floating anxiety and psychological discontent
4. Free-floating frustration and aggression Desmet suggests that when you have a society where there is already a lot of general anxiety, and where people are uprooted psychologically and spiritually because they are disconnected from their essence and their purpose (and from other humans too), they are ripe for exploitation. He describes how such people with these 4 conditions “develop a very small field of attention, both mentally and emotionally, and seem unable to expand it even when faced with the facts. He gives examples from historical totalitarian regimes, saying that usually only around 30% of the population becomes hypnotized. Another 40% is not hypnotized but is cowardly, too afraid to speak up.”
Just who is promoting this Ivermectin poison and why? IVERMECTIN: friend or foe? https://www.bitchute.com/video/3GGjYlLVqP4g/
Given the extent of the propaganda disseminated and the outrageous psychopathic hubris of the perpetrators, it’s actually really difficult to red-pill a pro-va666 normie without sounding like a total lunatic, because it all comes down to the end game and we know that in this case, it’s more horrific than a horror movie.
Richard, some resaons for the perpetrators feel a certain ‘psychopathic hubris. See comments above to Diane. for further info. MASS FORMATION AND HYPNOSIS: WHY YOU CAN’T GET THROUGH TO THE BRAINWASHED WITH PROF. MATTIAS DESMET https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y5xlt2kBA5BM/
Here’s Why Covid-19 Vaccines Like Pfizer’s Must Be Kept So Cold:so they don’t find the prions!
Preventing honest and independent scientists from discovering that covid-19 vaccines contain prions is accomplished primarily by the extraordinarily low temperatures of -94 degrees Fahrenheit (-70 degrees Celsius) under which these vaccines are kept. Temperatures that require such special freezers will enable governments to control access to these vaccines and thus prevent anyone from studying their ingredients. https://www.sciencenews.org/ article/coronavirus-covid-19- why-vaccines-cold-freeze- pfizer-moderna?fbclid=IwAR2_ 44DaRPtYNinOFKHIRGFddGbpYTd0Cn PL69u6TlfXnrEHRMBNPeqSEZ8
Dee, while all the focus has for some time been on the ‘spike’ protein, we have ignored the rather larger elephant in the room: prions…mis-folded proteins. Is it that covid-19 vaccines contain genetically-engineered PRIONS with long incubation periods designed to cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) thus causing brain damage that leads to death? A slow death, a miserable death.. Is this why test subjects are only observed for one or two months by vaccine manufacturers and regulating agencies?
India – Vaccine Volunteer’s Doctor Blames Vaccine Trial For Patient’s Sudden Neurological Disorder.
The first covid-19 vaccine victim to have suffered brain damage has been reported in India a few months after being vaccinated https://www.livemint.com/ science/health/volunteer-s- doc-blames-sii-vaccine-for- neuro-disorder-11606880532345. html
Prions – The Danger Of Biochemical Weapons (Adding Prions To The Coronavirus Vaccines) ABSTRACT
The knowledge of biotechnology increases the risk of using biochemical weapons for mass destruction. Prions are unprecedented infectious pathogens that cause a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases by a novel mechanism. They are transmissible particles that are devoid of nucleic acid. Due to their singular characteristics, Prions emerge as potential danger since they can be used in the development of such weapons. Prions cause fatal infectious diseases, and to date there is no therapeutic or prophylactic approach against these diseases. Furthermore, Prions are resistant to food-preparation treatments such as high heat and can find their way from the digestive system into the nervous system; recombinant Prions are infectious either bound to soil particles or in aerosols. Therefore, lethal Prions can be developed by malicious researchers who could use it to attack political enemies since such weapons cause diseases that could be above suspicion. http://www.scielo.br/scielo. php?script=sci_arttext&pid= S0101-20612014000300001& fbclid=IwAR10GXp- Bys05fXZqmuUNqJcIjAQz5Ly8DVfgO CqEp9zBsGS9yXOP7bluqs
Prions Made In The Lab – Deadly Weaponized Prions To Be Used As Part Of The Mass Genocide Of 90% Of Humanity?
The U.S.military-industrial monster has been studying prions for decades and has not only been able to make them in the lab since 2016 but also to have precise control over their pathogenic behavior.
https://www.sciencedaily.com/ releases/2016/01/160104081251. htm?fbclid=IwAR1TcW- 6vZ1OiVGPlYrHIX8lTpHpKCIM7tNLX 2eiEqYHprtju6ND80WFh3g
The prions chosen for this method of depopulation were most likely taken from mink, which are their natural hosts. The encephalopathy pandemic caused by the covid-19 vaccines will then be blamed on the mink. In preparation for this deception, the system has manufactured an unspecified epidemic of a supposedly ‘covid-19 like virus’ among the mink population of Denmark and has euthanized – with big fanfare – millions of these animals.
https://www.bbc.com/news/ world-europe-54890229
Dear Anonanon, You seem to have much knowledge in store. Here at Gumshoe we are not scientific experts and would have no way of checking out the accuracy of your presentation. How bout you give us your real name and the reason we should accept what you offer.
Or maybe it is a matter of punctuation: You say “The prions were taken from mink” and then you embed a link to BBC. Is your lengthy previous paragraph above from the linked source scielo/br?
What I mean is, are you merely quoting a source whose reputation we can find? If so. the whole paragraph requires double quote marks.
I used to be the comments monitor (aka “Minotaur”) at this address. I had to give it up for lack of hours in the day, but I notice that Gumshoe is largely spared from trolls and luckily has several regulars who are willing to contribute mightily.
We welcome a knowledgeable Newbie — of course. I did not mean to put you off. And as for asking for your name, I realize some people can’t give thier name for fear of getting their famly angry, but no one should be holding back a name to avoid recognition by the “FBI.” The FBI knows the very lint in our navels.
Oh — I just noticed that the acronym for “lint in our navels” is LION.
I remember the Danish mink extermination from about a year ago and I thought it was pretty weird at the time. There have also been various stories cropping up about prion / mad cow disease. Mad cow was attributed to the feed containing animal byproducts. I have heard elsewhere long ago that cage hens were sometimes fed a mix containing their own pooh which seems a bit pointless but I am ready to believe anything in terms of animal mal-treatment. Vast numbers of chickens and also pigs were wiped out in Asia fairly recently. The farming practices are awful, but there obviously could be experimentation included.
‘Mad cow’ – I wonder whatever happened to that unmasked bandit Neil Ferguson after his non-COVID compliant ‘indiscretions’. Ferguson was the ‘Chief Medical/Health Officer’ – whatever they call themselves – architect that kicked off the COVID fear campaign in Britain.
He was also the architect of the mad cow disease hoax to destroy Britain’s livestock industry 20 years earlier
• “Slaughtered on Suspicion” – Foot and Mouth 2001 & role of Prof. Neil Ferguson**
Ferguson is Britain’s Fauci, or Australia’s Kelly – or Russia’s Gintsburg,
W3 Stories appearing in the medical mafia press rags like the ‘Scientific American’ re ‘mad cow” are a complete furphy and designed to take attention away from the reality of the monstrous toxicty /carcinogenicity of weedkillers and pesticides used on crops/animals which are eaten by bovines and other ruminants. Prions (defective proteins) do not occur by themselves. Prions are actually protectors which have been damaged and made dangerous by chemical pollutants like weedkillers..especially pesticides like glyphosate… and by feeding vegetarian cows meat produced by cows that INGESTglyphosate-covered crops….This issue is not the meat itself (cow cannibalism per se) but the glyphosate itsellf in the meat.
All living things have Prions to protect them from ultraviolet light, radiation, free radical damage, oxidative stress, and pollution, and for a sense of well being, but when exposed to too much lice powder or flee or tick powder or a mineral imbalance with to much copper or manganese or herbs that might be concentrated in it, then the prions might become damaged leading to madcow disease in any human or animal or also for eating the meat, the lymph glands, growth hormone or vaccine supply or any brain or spinal intake where a prion or unsafe condition had been occuring in an animal.
Anthony Samsell has demonstarted that vaccines, for both the monstrous ‘animal-producing’ industry and for Big Pharma are all contaminated with glyphosate Samsell says glyphosate on crops for animals is absorbed and bio-accumulated in the bones..the bones are used for gelatin production used as excipients in vaccines….glyphosate is present in ALL VACCINES This is how glyphosate (prion damaging agent) has entered vaccine production. Animal-derived products used in vaccine manufacture can include amino acids, glycerol [from cow tallow or lard], detergents, gelatin [from cow bones], enzymes and blood. Cow milk is a source of amino acids, and sugars
uch as galactose … Cow skeletal muscle is used to prepare broths used in certain complex vaccine media.” *
• sugars (galactose)
• cow tallow –> glycerol
• gelatin & amino acids (cow bones)
• cow skeletal muscle –> broths
• fetal bovine serum.
It is possible that glyphosate gets incorporated into proteins by mistake in place of the coding amino acid glycine, and this would make the virus proteins much more allergenic. Glyphosate Contamination in Vaccines
(Parts Per Billion)*
Merck ZOSTAVAX 0.62 Shingles
Merck MMR-II 3.74 Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Merck VARIVAX 0.56 Varicella, Chicken Pox
MERCK PNEUMOVAX ND Pneumococcal 18
MERCK PROQUAD 0.66 Measles, Mumps Rubella, Varicella
GSK ENERGIX-B 0.34 Heptatitis B
*A Samsel and S Seneff, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 2017;17:8-32..
Contamination was found mostly in vaccines based on live viruses grown in culture.
Monsanto’s corporate-controlled MSM placed the story that Mad cow is a result of prions by themselves…. and no doubt Julius the story that mad-cow is a hoax is equally manufactured for Monsanto buys and sells reseachers and determines just what research gets published. Scientific American is a front for the pharmaceutical wing of the FDA, NIH and CDC which suppress any link to glyphosate. The official Big Pharma origin of the human equivalent CJD disease is equally defective and dubious. This eye-opening article by MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff ominously links Glyphosate, vaccines and COVID-19
So it’s not just mad cow, it’s mad farmer too
There seems to be no easy way out of all this
MM ‘How bout you give us your real name and the reason we should accept what you offer?’ No way Mary…that is an outrageous and invasive question..even for you. I have had enough of creepy cops and establishment gamekeepers…especially so the so-called ‘literary’ variety who masquerade as monitors for controlled speech.
MM ‘i did not mean to put you off. And as for asking for your name, I realize some people can’t give thier name for fear of getting their famly angry, but no one should be holding back a name to avoid recognition by the “FBI.” The FBI knows the very lint in our navels.” . Well you have put me off. Is it that you have somehow felt the need to rush to Dees defence as the reason for your remarks given that it was she who has been trumpting the use of heart-attack inducing hydrochloroquine fior Australians and evenpresented to a police sytation demanding that Australians be given access to the killer drug? I hope not but you attack is quite personal aand even hints at trolling by me. Shame on you. Hydrochloroquines heart-attack making capacity is mentioined here at the 40 minute mark in this vid? https://www.bitchute.com/video/05OsGCekumz9/ To be consistent why not ask the real names of all those others who hide behind their non de plumes on here? Seems like an unusally brutish attack of a ‘newbie’ as you call me.
MM. “Or maybe it is a matter of punctuation: You say “The prions were taken from mink” and then you embed a link to BBC. Is your lengthy previous paragraph above from the linked source scielo/br?
MM: “What I mean is, are you merely quoting a source whose reputation we can find? If so. the whole paragraph requires double quote marks.”
Oh please Mary, if syntax is your main interest at this moment it would appear you have a very narrow range of focus…please extend your enquiry and very curious comments to all who post here. Why not just let the punctuation and your apparent want to censor just pass throuigh to the keeper this time eh? Surely there are more constructive things you could turn that mind to are there not?
IVERMECTIN:FRIEND OR FOE? https://www.bitchute.com/video/3GGjYlLVqP4g/ Just who is promoting this poison as an alternative and why?
Melbourne voters unsatisfied with representation
You have to wonder about the family dynamics that produces TWO transgender children in the same family.
The continual pig-headedness that sees pollies continue to double down on their denial of how people are upset by their actions borders on chutzpah!
Justin…the issue might bigger than mere ‘family’ dynamics..let’s not let Big Pharma off too lightly eh as we all are made to march to the tune of the politically-correct LGBTQI fanfare? https://www.patheos.com/blogs/religioustolerance/2018/01/des-transgender/
” One prominent ‘speculated ‘ cause of transgender identity Diethylstilbestrol (DES) was first synthesized in 1938. It was a medication that was first used in treatment of breast cancers.
Starting about 1940, physicians started prescribing DES in the belief that it would reduce miscarriages and other complications during pregnancy.
It also had many other uses.
In 1971, it was found that DES sometimes created a rare vaginal tumor called “clear cell carcinoma” — not in the women who took the medication, but in girls and women who had been exposed to Diethylstilbestrol years earlier while they were in their mothers’ wombs, when they were embryos and fetuses.
DES was also found to increase the rate of breast cancers in women who took the drug.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration quickly removed its approval for use in pregnant women that year.
Children of women who took Diethylstilbestrol during their pregnancy are often called “DES daughters” and “DES sons.”
DES daughters have a higher rate of abnormalities of their reproductive tract, some forms of cancer, and are at a higher risk of pregnancy complications.
DES sons have a higher rate of testicular cancer, infertility and urogenital abnormalities.
There is also a strong suspicion by many researchers that exposure to DES before birth might cause transgender identity.
Wikipedia reports that:
“Dr. Scott Kerlin, a major Diethylstilbestrol research scientist and founder of the DES Sons International Research Network in 1996, has documented for the past 20 years a high prevalence of individuals with confirmed prenatal DES exposure who self-identify as male-to-female transsexual, transgender, or have intersex conditions, and many individuals who report a history of experiencing difficulties with gender dysphoria.
Gender dysphoria refers to feelings of intense distress caused by a conflict between a person’s current gender identity and the biological sex with which they were identified at birth.
DES Action USA is a non-profit membership agency that was organized in 1977 to support “… all individuals exposed to DES, their families and health care providers.” Their web site’s section on DES Sons states:
“Questions have been routinely raised in the DES community regarding the possibility that prenatal DES exposure may be linked to increased rates for homosexuality, transgender and transsexual conditions. Animal studies point in that direction yet, so far, no evidenced-based research in human populations has been able to confirm it. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/religioustolerance/2018/01/des-transgender/
ALSO “Can a drug make you transgender?” https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/health/can-a-drug-make-you-transgender/215234337
In the video linked below by Terry at 2:56pm
12:25 speaks further to this link. Note how the picture they used in the article showed Mr Medic’s offspring in as positive a way as they could. Said person was vandalising a sign, and threw the can at the person trying to stop the crime.
the can was thrown back, and hit in the head. They left that out of the article but Mex Ican (In the link above) shows the video from channel 9 describing the above at 15:25.
Note the pro trans diatribe filling a majority of the sydneynewstoday article.
Mex Ican, I like that. I might send him an email and advise him of his new nick-name.
if you dont hear from me… i have not committed suicide.. Ive just got off the internet
may your gods be with you
This Pivotal Moment documentary movie vaccine passports
Are we on the same realm? …
Fair dinkum! Strewth!!
i thought i felt sick before watching that
Getting off the internet and running into a bunker won’t help anything, what needs to happen is the “undecided” need to be educated and informed, the stoopids are already too far gone.
I just wanted to remind people how serious this is …
Let’s just be thankful that Boris pulled through
• Coronavirus: Boris Johnson updates nation on Covid-19 lockdown
and that
“Russia always lets you down” Boris Johnson
And that Pewtin bombs people (‘double tapping’)
Thank heavens for Israel’s fantastically brave White Helmets
AUSTRIA (indigenous name OSTERREICH)
Now going under full lockdown because of “casedemic”. No exceptions !!! and everyone told compulsory injections. Anyone can see Austria is right next door to Swissy and the politicians there have obviously been corrupted. It was shown to us very clearly and spelled out unmistakably with Gulag Gladys in NSW, the politicians are coerced by threat and reward of whatever types are appropriate and they will convert their state to full communo-fascism to save their wretched skins. This is clearly what’s happening here. No HCQ, no IVM, just lockdowns and injections the answer to bogus testing.
Truly a disgusting performance from Austrian leadership.
“… disgusting performance from Austrian leadership.” Correction, jewish-controlled Austria. Never let international jewry get away with their deceptions.
The banks are all in Switzerland, presumably moved up from Venice (Lombards in Charlemagne era), hiding the loot from centuries in Zurich and Geneva. Jews are used as a front, they have no historical empire, their banking tradition was granted to them by the Catholic church. Venice was the sea-port of Austria. Here’s the information but if you are just another compulsive jew-basher it will be useless to you.
This story from a couple of days ago is about army has rented out numerous hotels in Queensland ready for some major domestic operation perhaps in the next month or so. Bogus casedemic or some such, indicating totally corrupt leadership.
Meanwhile in Western Australia the communo-fascist Labor government has told everyone they intend to invade remote areas of the state to coerce and bully people (mostly aborigines) to take their experimental gene-therapy injections. This was on the MSM news yesterday. The dicktator in WA is shamelessly remoulding himself in the image of the Victorian communo-fascist model.
Dee is at the rally in Melb. I just got a reminder email to atend the Freedom Day in Adelaide.
Very big rallies, tens of thousands, MSM focussing on trivial stuff, they are still working for their masters of course. I was looking around for the Greens Party who like their little green triangles sticking up out of crowds like this. However, NOWHERE TO BE SEEN !!! And there was a crowd of pro-va666 amounting to about 20 people and they claimed to be anti-fascist while attempting to promote BigPharma’s Nazi 2.0 product !!! How delusional can people be.
Max Igan’s recent video on how weird things are getting. – Like how can any sane person in Oz can keep copping this bullshit?
at 10:25,
Judith Collins (leader of the opposition): “what does she say to people who are concerned that her $55m public interest journalism fund which includes numerous criteria for media to adhere to, is influencing the editorial decisions of media outlets in NZ?”
Jacinda: “Mr Speaker I would absolutely reject that.” She almost couldn’t stop herself from laughing as she said it.
Like Dan she is losing her grip on sanity
NO FORCED VAX: Massive? Revolt/ Revolution Breaking Out In Guadeloupe France
Macron’s depopulation is not going so well for him
France24news answer is to run a Guadeloupe story about how mangrove destruction equates to ClimateChange™ induced coastal erosion.
“The vaccine, by suppressing the natural DNA repair mechanism in the body — known as NHEJ, or Non-Homologous End Joining — makes people highly susceptible to devastating, cancerous mutations even when exposed to very low levels of ionizing radiation such as sunlight exposure or mammography. With NHEJ suppressed by the spike protein, the body can no longer repair its damaged DNA, and cells mutate out of control, devastating the entire body and bringing about genetic disintegration of the organism.
Once the beings on a planet are widely injected with the covid vaccine, globalists can unleash a nuclear accident (or nuclear terrorism) to distribute radiation across the planet. While normal, healthy people can repair the DNA damage caused by low levels of ionizing radiation exposure, vaccinated people can barely conduct the repairs.
Thus, cancer rates will skyrocket among the vaccinated, and when they die, the deaths can be blamed on cancer rather than the vaccines. Those vaccinated individuals who aren’t killed by the cancers are very unlikely to be able to produce viable offspring due to DNA damage of sperm and egg cells.”
Mike Adams – Health Ranger Report
• Situation Update, Nov 19, 2021 – Only PUREBLOODS will survive the vaccine / radiation holocaust being unleashed against humanity
(he gets on to topic after 15 minutes or so)
Sort of leads to the topic of vampires and such … Bram Stoker etc
I have just witnessed an horrific moron speaking on behalf of the government of the Northern Territory, he wants to lock down small towns and remote places because of “consistent positive wastewater”. This is quite literally a PILE OF SHIT and he reads his script unblushingly.
Meanwhile in Western Australia the maniacal injector Mark McGowan was yesterday boohed by a mob who caught up with him somewhere. He was filmed running away. When I look for it on spewtube I get mcgowan in various heroic poses and a few isolated “Trump boohed”.
Here’s our hero who wants to stick his little prick in everywhere