Home News Stargazy pie

Stargazy pie


A philosophical concept in pie-form

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

We are now told interest rates will stay high in Australia because of “underlying inflation”, the word underlying used here describes an organisation which is governed by an imposed code to maintain a set of glaring falsehoods. Of course you cannot reduce the petrol price by increasing mortgage rates, the petrol price has already gone up, because of excessive money creation. The way to stop the petrol price going up is by stopping the money creation. The lie they tell is too complex for the average tik-tok user or sports fan. They aim to temporarily “bend” the value of the dollar upwards by paying more interest on the global market for people who purchase dollars, but unfortunately the economy is so badly handicapped by years of sell-offs and industry exportations, that it can no longer sustain higher interest rates than those in the US.

Most people, including the so-called experts, rely on a type of faith based analysis which commences at some accepted point and extrapolates to some other point, which is within the range of their hoped-for outcomes.

Faith can amount to just about anything, any large or small dogma, old or new, the only limit is the imagination. It can come from huge institutions, culturally ingrained prejudices, or from nowhere at all. It arises from the existential fact that we are born into some random culture, then from our position within it we take on all the attributes of the culture without much question or choice. What else could we do?

Simple faith is the bedrock that most analyses are built on, it is a bedrock made from the “unknown unknowns” which underpin anything and everything.

So, the more that humanity discovers, the more we realise we don’t know, and our logic remains underpinned by the same unknown amount of unknown unknowns.

In the meeting (Friday 27 September) between Ukraine’s Zelenskyy and candidate Trump, Zelenskyy said: “My feeling is that Trump doesn’t really know how to stop the war even if he might think he knows how. 

“With this war, oftentimes, the deeper you look at it the less you understand. I’ve seen many leaders who were convinced they knew how to end it tomorrow, and as they waded deeper into it, they realised it’s not that simple.”


Trump logic is that we simply will not pay.

Zelenskyy seems to treat the second Trump presidency as an unwanted certainty, while earlier this week Trump said Zelenskyy was “making little nasty aspersions toward your favourite president, me.”

So, what does Trump actually know? The obvious is that USD or “petrodollar” hegemony is dead, and the global excise the US took through the SWIFT system has been virtually abolished by the BRICS system of free trade. BRICS free trade was made possible by the Russian development of their Mach 17 capable ICBM which is capable of hitting any target on the earth’s surface at short notice and is unstoppable, except perhaps by satellite mounted laser or energy weapons.

In this case the US has an expected but unwanted interruption to the income stream it has been using to fund the global enforcement we are so familiar with, and ongoing major expenses such as the Ukraine war will have to be the first to be curtailed.

This is part of the NATO re-organisation package, whereby the European states which hold Global HQ Switzerland (non-NATO member) in their bosom, will have to pay the requested fees or lose the comfortable arrangements with the US military. The payments could make a significant impact on the GDP of certain European states, and the knock-on effect could even lead to a spring rising in some member states (newspeak for former “countries”) if the politicians concerned fail to manage it, by successfully translating debt into inflation, as they always do.

Most of the actual money concerned finds its way to Switzerland of course, where some say the Rothschilds hold sway, as well as in England and other places, even insisting they own half the planet.

Unfortunately for this theory, the Rothschilds are a created dynasty themselves, just as the Monkees were the first publicly artificially created pop-group, the “Rothschilds” claim to have built an empire by using homing pigeons three centuries ago, to exploit gold price variations throughout Europe, is clearly bogus. Pigeons were used since Egyptian times at least, and this reflects in the Arab cultivation of falconry which continues to this day. Imagine intercepting your enemy’s plans during a battle by bringing down his pigeon and switching the message, using a well trained falcon.

Every possible pigeon idea would have been well considered throughout history and widely known and understood, along with the other useful animals.

We have just passed the 80th anniversary of the famous journey of the pigeon “William of Orange” in 1944, for which he was presented a medal of honour.


According to their Rothschild legend, their global enterprise was originally based in a pawn-shop with a red shield hung outside. For some unknown reason they took the name of the red shield, then later Anglicised it. Or perhaps the reason is known.

Red shields of the Roman army, used for centuries before the rise of the Vatican

Of course the Vatican is known as the institution which appointed jews as usurers and denied the practice to Christians, commencing hundreds of years before the Rothschilds business opened its door. Muslims also were banned from usury!

These “jews who say they are jews but are not” are even credited with owning their own country, namely Israel, and starting World War II to engineer this. But if they really owned half the planet, would all this be necessary? They could have simply paid mercenaries to clear the entire area long ago. The fact is, the bankers cannot do anything without the consent of the establishment, many of whom are commanders-in-chief of various armies. The establishment is following its own agendas, which trace back to Knights Templars (1119 AD) and other such places.

Map from 1917 showing the route to the oil fields

Thirteen years after the death of Queen Victoria her descendants could hold back no longer and the Great War commenced, between Imperial Britain and aspirational, newly united Germany and allies, which wanted to build a train line through Serbia to the oil fields. This went horribly wrong and Germany ended up with a huge bill for war reparations which led to the inflation of the famed Weimar republic (under Paul von Hindenburg), where Germany effectively bankrupted itself by money-printing.

The following was poached in its entirety from the uncredited authors of wikipedia:

“Johann Ludwig “Lutz” Graf[c] Schwerin von[d] Krosigk (Born Johann Ludwig von Krosigk; 22 August 1887 – 4 March 1977) was a German senior government official who served as the minister of finance of Germany from 1932 to 1945 and de facto chancellor of Germany during May 1945.

A non-partisan conservative, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Finance by Franz von Papen in 1932. At the request of President Paul von Hindenburg, he continued in that office under Kurt von Schleicher and Adolf Hitler. He and his ministry were involved in the persecution of German and European Jews, including by stealing their property, and laundering money. During May 1945, after the suicides of Hitler and his designated successor Joseph Goebbels, he also served as “Leading Minister” of the short-lived Flensburg Government of President Karl Dönitz. Schwerin von Krosigk also held the essentially nominal offices of Foreign Minister and Finance Minister in the provisional government that controlled only a small, progressively shrinking portion of Germany, due to the rapid advance of the Allied forces who finally dissolved it and arrested its members.

Besides Adolf Hitler himself, Schwerin von Krosigk was one of the few members of the Third Reich’s cabinet (along with Wilhelm Frick and Franz Seldte) to serve continuously from Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor until his death. By accepting the Golden Party Badge personally bestowed by Adolf Hitler, given for honour on 30 January 1937, he automatically became a member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) with membership number 3,805,231. He also joined the Academy for German Law in 1937.

At the 1949 Ministries Trial, he was convicted of laundering property stolen from Nazi victims and financing the concentration camps and sentenced to 10 years in prison; his sentence was commuted in 1951. He later worked as an author and publicist. He died on 4 March 1977.”

“Out of jail free”, financial genius Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, aged 44 in 1932



  1. On the 1917 map supplied you can see the area “Arabs” leading down to the head of the Persian Gulf and on the other side near the Jordan River it says “jewish colonies”, so they were already reclaiming areas ( or invading, depending on your point of view ).
    All these plans go back a long way, it seems the routes from around Israel/Lebanon/Syria to the Persian Gulf are still works in progress

    • Now we know most of what others do not face.
      MM might enjoy your lead for the next interesting mystery epistle.
      Especially as to the Balfour declaration and the Lusitania sailing, despite German warnings in the press to the sacrificed passengers and to get the US into another foreign war.
      We did our part at Beersheba in Palestine for Israel.
      And on and on it proceeds

    • “The total area of British Mandate Palestine amounted to approximately 26 milliondunams (one-dunam equals one-quarter acre). This was the total area of Palestine, west of the
      Jordan River, after the British created Transjordan in 1922. By May 1948 when Israel was
      established, Jews had acquired approximately two million dunams of land, some 600,000
      dunams before the Mandate began in 1920, and approximately 1.4 million dunams from 1920
      through 1948. The often and entirely erroneous statistic is presented therefore that Jews
      purchased one-thirteenth of Palestine’s area, or put differently that Arabs OWNED 94% of
      Palestine. That is a totally incorrect assertion and has absolutely no basis of fact, other than it is a
      statistic that has been repeated used without proof for more than 60 years. It is a statistic easily
      arrived at, by simply putting the total amount of Jewish land purchased as the numerator, and the
      total land in Palestine as the denominator, and leaving the assumption that 24 million remaining
      was owned by Arabs. Nothing could be further from the truth! Hundreds of books and articles
      have been written and histories have been erroneously learned where this statistic is routinely
      misused and parroted without any evidence!”

      “The Jewish people have a very ancient history in the land known both as Palestine and the Land of Israel. The Jewish claim to indigeneity is based on a three-thousand-year-old continuous history and the status of the land since ancient times as the focus of Jewish life and yearning. While not denying Arab claims on the land, it must be recognized that in Israel, the Jews are not settler colonists.”

      • And the ‘’transfer agreement’ in about 1933 with Hitler and the zionists sending 30.000 of the useful Jews, to be saved and found Israel whilst the others were in due course to found the necessary 6m sacrificed as per 1917 US press reports that ‘6m’ were required.
        Give us a break EB!
        The Jews marched in NY to black ban and destroy German business per front page photograph’s of the March in US press.
        Then the banks financed Hitler for the planned WW11.
        So on and on we go!
        What is planned now?

  2. Dee,
    There seems to be a puzzle.
    There is a comment section for this article but I cannot find something similar for MMs prior logged article regarding the mysterious Quigley.
    Well I suppose that is just a ‘Quigley’. Things happen!
    Anyway re the Quigley rabbit hole.
    Matter of choice for readers to go down that hole, but then we are missing all the mad rabbits running around avoiding the present hunting game… nearly 500 THOUSAND INDICTMENTS ON OFFICIAL RECORDS.
    Those rabbits for some would be much more fun to detect and read: ‘run rabbit run THE MAN HAS A GUN’🐰🐰⚖️⚖️☠️☠️☠️🍸
    For a current game of interest, i a couple of caught rabbits to note are the Diddy and the NYC rabbits run from 33 minutes at real Mary’s report at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    The NY Mayor Adams has just been indicted and there is a suggestion that he is a bit ‘DIDDY’. [for Joe, from about 33 minutes for less then seven]
    Plus there must be thousands, of RABBITS scurrying around under MM’s computer not noticed.
    Oh well it is a matter of choosing time, one way or the other.
    MARY’s presentation is under the current WTPN AT BIN.
    T.0 bet you wish you were out hunting the fun game💁🤪!
    ‘Run rabbit run Terry’s got the glock’🤪

    • MM is queasy from the comments being quagmired in quibbling quipsters going over-quota with their queer and quirky quarrelling, btw who is Quigley, was he the hobo who thinks he’s jj, if so he will be gone tomorrow, as for Diddystein, as Ricky Gervais said, they are all dodgy there is a laundry list, everybody knows

    • You’ve got me going down the time tunnel Ned. The old .38 revolver was a better weapon, better hitting power, and more accurate over 25 meters, than that 9mm Glock they forced us onto, during the late 1990s, by police minister Whelan.

      Hell, the old Browning Model 1911, was a better weapon than that useless Glock! I used to have one of those as a side arm when I was six platoon’s four section M60 gunner.

      Whelan, ex-pub owner turned police minister, at the time, 1998? Maybe earlier? The same idiot who imported the British ex-bobby who had never made an arrest during his service, but he sure knew how to climb ladders, as he got the NSW Police Commissioner’s job – didn’t that under handed move upset a few Deputy Commissioners!

      At that time, the government seemed to be running out of money, as all police stations were ordered to keep down the electric bill by conserving the use of lighting within the stations to a bare minimum.

      I guess, Whelan the idiot, did not expect the reception he got when he visited Eastwood Police Station soon after putting out the above directive. When he arrived with the usual media gaggle on one of his inspections, the shift supervisor (Senior Sergeant) upon seeing Whelan arrive, went around turning off all the lights just prior to him entering the station, and then went and hid in side room, just out of sight.

      I was the station officer at the time so was on the front counter, when Whelan made his grand entry followed by the media gaggle. As I looked at Whelan he took a quick look around the foyer, noting how dark the station was, and then looked at me, demanding to know why no lights were on, and before I could say anything, a booming voice came out from the darkened side room,”Because you didn’t pay the bloody electricity bill!”

      I noted the stunned look on Whelan’s face, and it was all I could do to stop myself from bursting into laughter – he didn’t know what to do – but he looked at me again, and demanded, “Who was that?”

      And before I could utter anything he turned on his heels and went back out the front door followed by the media gaggle – what a coward!

      • Terry O ,
        In the bank there were a couple of (38s?), as issued.
        I took one out about fifty years ago to a forest dig in the last days of dad’s time rip . Plus some ammunition.
        Aimed, squeezed and it ‘fizzzed’I had to ‘break’ the weapon and push the lead in the barrel, out with a stick.
        I replaced the bullet in the revolving chamber with one out of the box and let it be.
        Life has been funny. That’s why I
        .giggle ….sometimes.

  3. Cameron Leckie: My Working Assumption is We’re Headed for Major War
    Retired Australian Army Officer Cameron Leckie discusses becoming disillusioned with the military-industrial-complex and his working assumption that we are headed for major war(s) which could be regional or global (e.g. WWIII). War is being driven by the Collective West. He talks AUKUS, Australian foreign policy, how Washington plans to use Canberra as cannon fodder for war against China, and what the consequences would be for Australia. He comments on the timeline for war, NATO, drone warfare, the Middle East, American exceptionalism, and BRICS.

  4. Caruso from 120 years ago, remastered

    The boy from Naples made it in the big smoke (Milan)
    Song about a dodgy love potion made from plonk:
    A single furtive tear
    from her eyes sprang:
    She seemed to envy those joyful girls.
    What more need I look for?
    What more need I look for?
    She loves me! Yes, she loves me, I see it. I see it.
    Just for an instant the beating of
    her beautiful heart I heard!
    And my sighs became as one
    fleetingly with her sighs!
    Her heart beating, her heart beating to hear,
    our sighs confounded as one…
    Heavens! Yes I could, I could die!
    More I can’t ask, I can’t ask.
    Oh, heavens! Yes I could! Yes I could die!
    More I can’t ask, I can’t ask.
    Yes I could die! If I could die of love.

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