Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek and Liberal MP Craig Kelly had a heated confrontation in the corridors of Parliament House. (In the link above, Kelly is interviewed by Channel 9.)
Tanya should maybe listen to Dr Kory’s Senate hearing appearance. Of course, the video has now been removed from YouTube in the purge of information that does not support the “narrative.” However, I have uploaded a version on Bitchute for Ms Plibersek.
It is not my responsibility to do that. It is the responsibility of people to seek out the truth material an then apply it to their lifestyles. There are many people out here greater than I who have this healthful information. Many people just do not want to apply it and as I said before they listen to the doctor and do what the doctor says instead of taking responsibility themselves in being their own doctor. They do not trust the natural “Innate” immune system that our Creator gave us. They have this deranged view of drugs and toxic and poisonous vaccines are the way to go with all of their serious life-long side effects adverse reactions and death. I do not have a GP and never had one. They do not tel you about nutrition as they are severely indoctrinated with their seriously flawed medical model so why on earth would I ever want to visit a doctor when it is the third largest cause of death in addition to all of the side effects from drugs and vaccines. Its absolutely insane thinking
I’m not talking about responsibility I’m talking about capability.
I’m also not responsible but you can put these things together more easily than me I think and you seem to have more energy too. It’s no practical use saying the “sold out” are responsible. The guy Dr. James Freeman who was putting this stuff about, along with Dr Maryann Demasi who got booted off TV according to my recollection by Norman Swan, have been acting responsibly and they get no media attention &/or negative attention from the totally owned MSM and other communist operations of UN, Rockerfellas and such places. Why don’t you take a wholistic approach. Bechamp is dead, like it or not, the ship sails on. No doubt the high priests in Egypt used to have these sorts of battles.
I have been invited to speak in Adelaide on a podcast regularly for 1-2 hours. They said that 60% of their audience is in the US. What does that ell you?
Yes Bechamp is dead but his principles should and can live on. All people have to do is first get it into your head about the so-called “Germ theory” promoted by the medical mafia and the pharmaceutical criminals. They have to get this first or all is lost. Then they can go from there. It’s pretty simple really. There is still going to be people who go to the doctor for every sniff and cold and take drugs to hide, disguise, cover-up, mask and suppress symptoms into Remission not Cure. that is why the medical mafia and the pharmaceuticals love it as they prescribe their drugs sell sell sell. Then they create money for the shareholders and hospital costs skyrocket. “Don’t take it personally its just business” is their business motto
Yes immune systems need constant practice on germs as you know kids start eating dirt aged about 6 months or whatever. Your podcast is fine and Bechamp but if you don’t want to provide links between the pharmaceutical attack vector of hypertension & diabetes medications with any insights into the immune systems workings, then as you’ve said you are not responsible,,, an echo of those Rockerfellas organisations if I may be so bold …
Well we can talk all day about Bechamp and germ theory but what I would like to do is nail the culprit with the best ammunition at hand and I think that is Dr James Freeman’s investigations
why children do not get the virus and why high-blood-pressure people do …
and never forget, two different things can be true at the same time
Not necessarily…
Yes they can …
Lab Just Made a More Dangerous COVID Virus
Satanic Science
Len Horowitz predicted all this “Biological Apocalypse” years ago, this is when we had videos, I know because I still have the video. Some people don’t know that Fauci was intimately involved in the AIDS hoax also. In fact we didn’t have internet then, so many of us still don’t even know that AIDS was a hoax! But what about all the dead people? Well they were killed by the medicine, same as today, and they used the PCR test, same as today, and they fudged the statistics same as today. And Fauci – same as today.
Fauci is 80 years old now, looks like he has access to some kind of youthing drug?
Fauci born 24/12/1940
same goes for Nancy Pelosi born 26 March 1940
Klaus Schwab, 82 years old 30 March 1938
Well the elderly need to take the vax first to PROTECT themselves
Here ya go about your sarcasm of the “space force”
City Declares Donald J. Trump Week; Firearm Sales Break Record; Space Force Explained | Facts Matter
Thanks for the ‘space force’ video Arlyn and yet further confirmation that my sarcasm was well warranted.
I’ve never heard of the Balmakov bloke, and with good reason – he’s a nobody.
Good of you Arlyn to post this so that readers are aware that fiction peddlers like this bloke are around misinforming people.
Yes, China has the technology to launch a missile and knock out a satellite – as they have demonstrated – so at least Balmakov got that bit right.
But to say that even 20 cents on the dollar of U.S ‘Defence Appropriations’ actually get spent on these (or any other) weapons is laughable.
Arlyn, you are of course well aware that Rumsfeld said, on the day before 9/11, that the Pentagon could not account for $2.3 trillion – which had blown out to $ 21 trillion as at 2018.
Bearing in mind that the WHOLE Defence Budget is about $750 billion per year at the moment (and was a lower figure in previous years), I ask you Arlyn :
‘How many years of defence appropriations have to go missing to come up with a tally of $ 21 trillion.
Decades worth my friend.
It’s ALL being siphoned off to the Usury Banking cabal affiliated Defence Contractors and to Israel via heavily subsidised arms sales.
Anyway Arlyn, it’s a good thing that you weren’t sucked in by Trump’s boast of a ‘Space Force’.
As anyone with half a brain knows, this is yet another boondoggle to fleece the taxpayers and justify why countless millions of Yanks are living in tent cities.
Yes, yes says Trump or Biden or whatever sock puppet is POTZUS, let’s get the Space Force up and running, it’s imperative we get superiority in space and ONCE THAT FRONTIER IS SECURED, we can rest easy and THEN get to work on accommodation for our fellow citizens that are now living under Freeway overpasses.
This is what America has become.
The WHOLE world is laughing at them.
You are welcome TV
Wow you have really emphasized my name this time with a record 5 of them!
“I’ve never heard of the Balmakov bloke, and with good reason – he’s a nobody.”
That is most disingenuous of you to say that about a very good reporter or journalist who was clear and concise and well spoken. Why are you killing the messenger?
Yes I am very aware of the $21 trillion dollars that was lost or unaccounted for. I know very well about the corrupt and criminal governments and the military laundering money from the taxpayer into their schemes towards whatever. Its called Appropriation set aside by Congress. Lol We also know of the black ops money that is unaccounted for.
There is lots of corruption in the military and in war as there is stealing, pilfering embezzlement, and fraud
Your comment of the “The WHOLE world is laughing at them” is quite an exaggeration TV! Other countries are also developing space programs
List of United States Air Force space squadrons
Space Force Locations (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
Space Force units are already operating worldwide, and experts expect more to pop up soon
LUNAR LIEUTENANTS US Space Force to build first military base on the MOON – with robot troops
Currently the Space Force’s sole field command, Space Operations Command is primarily responsible for space operations, cyber operations, intelligence operations, and the administration of Space Operations Command bases and serves as the Space Force service component to United States Space Command. It is responsible for 9 space mission deltas, two garrisons, and two wings.
The United States Space Force (USSF) is the space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, one of the eight U.S. uniformed services, and the world’s first and currently only independent space force.[8][9] The U.S. Space Force is a military service branch, and along with sister-branch, the U.S. Air Force, are both part of the Department of the Air Force one of the three civilian-led military departments within the Department of Defense. The Space Force, through the Department of the Air Force, is overseen by the secretary of the Air Force, a civilian political appointee who reports to the secretary of defense, and is appointed by the president with Senate confirmation.[10] The military head of the Space Force is the chief of space operations who is the most senior Space Force officer, unless a Space Force officer is serving as either the chairman or vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The chief of space operations exercises supervision over the Space Force’s units and serves as one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Space Force is the smallest U.S. armed service, consisting of 2,501 guardians and operating 77 spacecraft. Major spacecraft and systems it operates includes the Global Positioning System constellation, military satellite communications constellations, Boeing X-37B spaceplane, U.S. missile warning system, U.S. space surveillance network, satellite control network, and space electronic warfare systems. Under the Goldwater–Nichols Act, the Space Force, as a military service, is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping space forces, which are then presented to the unified combatant commands, predominantly to United States Space Command, for operational employment.
The U.S. Space Force traces its roots to the beginning of the Cold War, with the first Air Force space programs starting in 1945. In 1954, the Western Development Division, under General Bernard Schriever, was established as the first dedicated space organization within the U.S. Armed Forces[11][12] and continues to exist as the Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center. Military space forces were organized under several different Air Force major commands until they were unified when Air Force Space Command was established on 1 September 1982. U.S. space forces first began conducting combat support operations in the Vietnam War, and continued to provide satellite communications, weather, and navigation support during the 1982 Falklands War, 1983 United States invasion of Grenada, 1986 United States bombing of Libya, and 1989 United States invasion of Panama. The first major employment of space forces culminated in the Gulf War, where they proved so critical to the U.S.-led coalition, that it is sometimes referred to as the first space war. The first discussions of creating a military space service occurred in 1958, with the idea being considered by President Reagan as well in 1982. The 2001 Space Commission argued for the creation of a Space Corps between 2007 and 2011 and a bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Congress would have created a U.S. Space Corps in 2017. On 20 December 2019, the United States Space Force Act was signed, reorganizing Air Force Space Command into the United States Space Force, and creating the first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947.
U.S. Space Force begins to organize Pentagon staff and field operations
The US Air Force finally has a Space Force, and now some of its bases could be getting new names
You are welcome TV
Wow you have really emphasized my name this time with a record 5 of them!
“I’ve never heard of the Balmakov bloke, and with good reason – he’s a nobody.”
That is most disingenuous of you to say that about a very good reporter or journalist who was clear and concise and well spoken. Why are you killing the messenger?
Yes I am very aware of the $21 trillion dollars that was lost or unaccounted for. I know very well about the corrupt and criminal governments and the military laundering money from the taxpayer into their schemes towards whatever. Its called Appropriation set aside by Congress. Lol We also know of the black ops money that is unaccounted for.
There is lots of corruption in the military and in war as there is stealing, pilfering embezzlement, and fraud
Your comment of the “The WHOLE world is laughing at them” is quite an exaggeration TV! Other countries are also developing space programs
List of United States Air Force space squadrons
Space Force Locations (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
Space Force units are already operating worldwide, and experts expect more to pop up soon
LUNAR LIEUTENANTS US Space Force to build first military base on the MOON – with robot troops
Currently the Space Force’s sole field command, Space Operations Command is primarily responsible for space operations, cyber operations, intelligence operations, and the administration of Space Operations Command bases and serves as the Space Force service component to United States Space Command. It is responsible for 9 space mission deltas, two garrisons, and two wings.
The United States Space Force (USSF) is the space service branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, one of the eight U.S. uniformed services, and the world’s first and currently only independent space force.[8][9] The U.S. Space Force is a military service branch, and along with sister-branch, the U.S. Air Force, are both part of the Department of the Air Force one of the three civilian-led military departments within the Department of Defense. The Space Force, through the Department of the Air Force, is overseen by the secretary of the Air Force, a civilian political appointee who reports to the secretary of defense, and is appointed by the president with Senate confirmation.[10] The military head of the Space Force is the chief of space operations who is the most senior Space Force officer, unless a Space Force officer is serving as either the chairman or vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The chief of space operations exercises supervision over the Space Force’s units and serves as one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Space Force is the smallest U.S. armed service, consisting of 2,501 guardians and operating 77 spacecraft. Major spacecraft and systems it operates includes the Global Positioning System constellation, military satellite communications constellations, Boeing X-37B spaceplane, U.S. missile warning system, U.S. space surveillance network, satellite control network, and space electronic warfare systems. Under the Goldwater–Nichols Act, the Space Force, as a military service, is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping space forces, which are then presented to the unified combatant commands, predominantly to United States Space Command, for operational employment.
Countries that have ruled corona measures unconstitutional
Austria, 22 July 2020: Verdict: Corona ordinances were partly against the law. Many measures adopted by the government during the Corona pandemic were unlawful, according to the Constitutional Court.
Specifically examined and found to be in violation of the law were those parts of Anschober’s ordinance that permit entry into public spaces and the use of public transportation only for the four reasons of professional work, assistance, urgent errand, walking (alone or with household members). According to the Constitutional Court, the obligation to substantiate reasons for exceptionally entering public space in the event of a police control also went beyond the limits set by the law.
Austria, 1 Oct 2020: Constitutional Court – Ordinances unlawful. Quite essential provisions of the ordinances were annulled as unlawful and unconstitutional and repealed as of 31 Dec 2020: prohibition on entering restaurants, on events of more than 10 people, and on mask-wearing inside buildings.
The Constitutional Court has found that there is insufficient documentation in the ordinance that could justify these measures.
This gives rise to official liability claims under Section 1 of the Official Liability Act for the aggrieved persons and companies throughout Austria who have suffered damage to their property unlawfully and culpably in execution of the law. The Minister of Health is therefore to be accused of unlawful and culpable conduct.
Austria, 16 Dec 2021: criminal complaint against Austrian government & parliament about pandemic corruption and illegality.
Austria, 23 Dec 2020: Austrian court overturns virus mask mandate in schools
Austria, 29 Dec 2021: Study proves: Asymptomatic not contagious! Quarantine not tenable! Legal experts recommend that every individual stand up resolutely for his or her rights
Belgium, 25 Jan 2021: Shock in Belgium – Prosecution for non-wearing of the mask declared unconstitutional by the Police Court of Brussels
A police judge at the Brussels Police Court ruled that the wearing of the compulsory mask was “unconstitutional”, following the trial of a young man who had not worn his mask.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Constitutional Court ruled that the measure restricting movement and the wearing of masks during a coronavirus pandemic is a violation of basic human rights.
Canada: In Canada, a legal challenge has been filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against restrictions on public protest and worship services resulting from public health orders issued by the Chief Medical Officer of British Columbia. A court application has also been filed in the Court of Queen’s Bench against the Alberta government to stop the violation of Albertans’ Charter freedoms. The same is true in Manitoba where a court action has been filed in the Court of Queen’s Bench challenging sections of The Public Health Act and public health orders issued by the Chief Public Health Officer of Manitoba to stop the violation of Manitobans’ Charter freedoms.
Denmark, 30 Jan 2021: Lawsuit launched against prime minister on the illegality of bans on gatherings, forced mask-wearing, etc. …
A report authored by German immunologist Dr. Med. Sucharit Bhakdi and doctor Søren Ventegodt concluded that there is no corona pandemic because the PCR test, which demonstrated the existence of the pandemic through the detection of the virus SARS-CoV-2, is wrong. The PCR test shows that approx. 0.5-5% of all those tested, test positive for COVID-19, but research has shown that almost all of these positive tests are false positive (by 35 cycles 97%, at 38 cycles as used in Denmark is approx. 99% false positive).
In the same way as the pandemic does not exist, is the corona-the vaccines (including the mRNA-vaccines used in Denmark) nor scientifically proven, and they can therefore not be used legally in Denmark. The authors accuse WHO of deceiving the world and note that it is co-funded by Bill Gates to the tune of 1 billion dollars. Further information at
A report authored by German immunologist Dr. Med. Sucharit Bhakdi and doctor Søren Ventegodt concluded that there is no corona pandemic because the PCR test, which demonstrated the existence of the pandemic through the detection of the virus SARS-CoV-2, is wrong. The PCR test shows that approx. 0.5-5% of all those tested, test positive for COVID-19, but research has shown that almost all of these positive tests are false positive (by 35 cycles 97%, at 38 cycles as used in Denmark is approx. 99% false positive).
In the same way as the pandemic does not exist, is the corona-the vaccines (including the mRNA-vaccines used in Denmark) nor scientifically proven, and they can therefore not be used legally in Denmark. The authors accuse WHO of deceiving the world and note that it is co-funded by Bill Gates to the tune of 1 billion dollars. Further information at
Ecuador, 2 Jan 2021: Ecuador’s highest court ruled the new state of emergency decree of December 21 2020 unconstitutional. The Constitutional Court held that the reasons for the invocation of emergency powers – the allegation of increased “contagion” of Covid 19 and the future possibility of a new UK virus strain – were not sufficiently compelling to justify a one month state of emergency applying to the entire country.
The court ruled that narrower measures tailored toward protecting public health are available using non-emergency governmental procedures, and furthermore that a new state of emergency cannot be declared based upon future not current conditions nor can it be based on the same set of facts used to justifiy the earlier states of Covid-related emergency last year, the last of which expired in August.
Denmark, 30 Jan 2021:
France: Me Carlo Alberto Brusa, president of the law firm CAB Associés and the association Réaction 19, filed a criminal complaint about COVID-19 vaccines with the Public Prosecutor of the Republic at the Paris Court of Justice, under number 20351000746. (International complainants may become co-complainants.)
Germany, 23 Jan 2021: ‘Catastrophically wrong’: German court declares regional lockdown unconstitutional in ‘politically explosive’ decision
A German district court has declared a strict lockdown imposed by the government of the central state of Thuringia last spring unconstitutional. A district court in the city of Weimar did not just acquit the defendant but also stated that the authorities themselves breached Germany’s basic law.
Thuringia’s spring lockdown was a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives,” the court said. The lockdown imposed in Thuringia represented “the most comprehensive and far-reaching restrictions on fundamental rights in the history of the Federal Republic,” the court said while calling the measures an attack on the “foundations of our society” that was “disproportionate.”
Italy – Court of Rome Declares Ministerial Anti-coronavirus Decrees Illegitimate, Freedoms & Constitutional Rights Violated
Netherlands, December 31, 2020: Coronavirus sceptic wins court case about mandatory PCR testing
Anti-coronavirus measure activist and lawyer Jeroen Pols has won a court case against the Dutch state to ensure his family can return from Tanzania without having to produce negative coronavirus tests.
Jeroen Pols asked for an emergency court hearing following the government’s decision to make a negative PCR coronavirus test result mandatory for everyone entering the country from December 29. The court in The Hague ruled that Pols’ family can return from the high-risk country on January 3 without a negative test and ordered the state to pay the legal costs. The judge said the family have the right to protest about being forced to undergo a PCR test against their will.
‘Introducing such a requirement for citizens of the Netherlands who want to return home requires legal grounding, and this is not covered by article 53 or 54 of the public health act,’ the judge is quoted as saying. The fact that further spreading of the virus needs to be tackled urgently is not up for discussion, the judge said. ‘But such a far reaching obligation as this, which concerns physical integrity, requires a concrete legal basis.’
Peru: the Superior Criminal Court of Appeal of Chincha and Pisco affirmed in a resolution that Covid-19 was an invention of “the criminal elites of the world” made up, according to the magistrates of this court, of billionaires such as George Soros, the Rockefeller family and businessman Bill Gates.
Portugal, 18 Nov 2020: Portuguese court rules PCR tests as unreliable & unlawful to quarantine people. A Portuguese appeals court has ruled that PCR tests are unreliable and that it is unlawful to quarantine people based solely on a PCR test.
The court stated, the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used and the viral load present. Citing Jaafar et al. 2020, the court concludes that “if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the rule in most laboratories in Europe and the US), the probability that said person is infected is less than 3%, and the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.”
Quebec, Canada, 26 Jan 2021, Justice Chantal Masse of the Quebec Superior Court “suspended the application of article 29 of decree number 2-2021 instituting the curfew from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. with respect to persons in a situation of homelessness”. Homeless people will be able to stay out after 8 p.m. without fear of being fined by the police. According to the judge, the case raises serious questions about the right to life, liberty and security of the person without residence.
United States, 28 Jan 2021: Judge Temporarily Blocks Cuomo’s Indoor Dining Ban in Ongoing Lawsuit. The New York State Supreme Court granted a preliminary injunction against Governor Cuomo’s “Orange Zone” restrictions which allowed many restaurants to temporarily resume indoor dining. The argument that the court found to be the most promising was that the Cuomo administration’s Microcluster strategy lacked a rational basis. The judge specifically referenced the ineffectiveness of contact tracing in providing accurate data to which the state’s council also admitted to. The judge also recognized that the dining restrictions have caused irreparable harm and that halting the restrictions until the trial was over would be appropriate.
Case Studies of World Trade Center First Responders Reveal Effects of Toxins Combined with Electromagnetic Exposures
The U.S. Space Force traces its roots to the beginning of the Cold War, with the first Air Force space programs starting in 1945. In 1954, the Western Development Division, under General Bernard Schriever, was established as the first dedicated space organization within the U.S. Armed Forces[11][12] and continues to exist as the Space Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center. Military space forces were organized under several different Air Force major commands until they were unified when Air Force Space Command was established on 1 September 1982. U.S. space forces first began conducting combat support operations in the Vietnam War, and continued to provide satellite communications, weather, and navigation support during the 1982 Falklands War, 1983 United States invasion of Grenada, 1986 United States bombing of Libya, and 1989 United States invasion of Panama. The first major employment of space forces culminated in the Gulf War, where they proved so critical to the U.S.-led coalition, that it is sometimes referred to as the first space war. The first discussions of creating a military space service occurred in 1958, with the idea being considered by President Reagan as well in 1982. The 2001 Space Commission argued for the creation of a Space Corps between 2007 and 2011 and a bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Congress would have created a U.S. Space Corps in 2017. On 20 December 2019, the United States Space Force Act was signed, reorganizing Air Force Space Command into the United States Space Force, and creating the first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947.
U.S. Space Force begins to organize Pentagon staff and field operations
The US Air Force finally has a Space Force, and now some of its bases could be getting new names
Arlyn, most of us are aware of where the money allocated to the Space Force is ‘claimed’ to go.
And also heard the ‘CLAIM’ that said Space Force was critical to the U.S led coalition during the Gulf War.
And no doubt 10 or 20 cents in the dollar does indeed go towards said weapons programmes – since they need to have something to show for their efforts.
But bear in mind that these statements come from the same U.S government establishment that claims a lone gunman killed JFK and that the Twin Towers were subject to a fire-induced gravity collapse.
That should give you some context Arlyn before believing everything the U.S government tells you.
I would say most are not aware as that is a very generalised statement unless they do some thorough research.
We don’t know how much is actually going to this program but to say 10 or 20 cents on every dollar is perhaps not a very accurate statement
I actually came from the US so I am very aware of the corruptness and criminality just like it is here in Australia so I am aware of the “context”
It’s not very nice to degrade the journalist who was speaking as you don’t know anything about him TV
True enough Arlyn, I don’t know for sure if it’s 10 or 20 cents in the dollar that is actually spent on hardware.
It could be more and it could be LESS.
But Arlyn, you’re well aware that Rumsfeld himself announced 20 years ago that $2.3 trillion is unaccounted for by the Pentagon.
That has blown out to many trillions more in these two decades.
So I ask you a SIMPLE question :
Since 2001, that $2.3 trillion has blown out to $ 21 trillion (as of 2018 – no doubt larger today), that the Pentagon cannot account for.
Can you do a back of the envelope calculation and determine what percentage of each year’s ‘Military Expenditure’ goes missing so as to tally to $ 21 trillion ??
My calculation says that NEARLY ALL OF IT goes astray.
If this journalist is so lazy as to not do his due diligence, then he deserves to be criticised.
No, I don’t know him personally. But the NUMBERS DON’T LIE, and the numbers tell me this journo is either a fool or peddling disinfo (or both).
Kristen Meghan reveals the BIG MASK LIE being pushed by Fauci and the media
I have already given you my reply. His task was not to calculate the trillions lost. It was to just bring a presentation about the space force programin which I think he did a very good job. To call him a “nobody” for no good reason is not nice. Who says he is a nobody? Just you?
Yes I have know about the 21 $trillion and its probably more….who really knows except someone like Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts recently joined James Corbett and exclaimed, “How strange it is that we live on a planet with 7 billion people and the fundamental economic and governance model is secret. That’s nuts!”
Five Star Trust (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
When Eisenhower was president (January 20, 1953 – January 20, 1961), the Five Start Trust was set up by the CIA. It consisted of 5 top men: George Bush Sr, Richard Armitage, General Edward Lansdale, William Colby and General Robert L Ferrara.
The objective of the Five Star Trust was to setup the largest drug and money laundering system the world had ever seen. It was called Operation Studebaker and Operation Clean Room (these were the money laundering systems).
This was run out of Kentucky by a gentleman named Marion Horne. The main objective of this operation was to create money for the CIA so they wouldn’t have to ask Congress for money, which would divulge the CIA plans.
The objective was to setup a drug running operation and put all the money into a conglomeration of banks setup by the Rothschilds and the 13 banking families, known as the Five Star Trust.
Arlyn, I’m on the other side of the world and I know that the bulk of the ‘Defence Appropriations’ budget does not get spent on ‘Defence’.
How can this journo not know ?
Therefore, he is WILLFULLY talking up a project that he KNOWS will never come to fruition and thus aiding and abetting the propaganda coming from the establishment (aka the One Party Tyranny that has ruled America for decades – said party of course being accountable to the cabal).
ie: that Americans need to keep living in their tent cities or under Freeway overpasses for just a little bit longer as it’s imperative to spend this money to keep America safe.
The bottom line is that announcements from the U.S establishment are not to be trusted and their pledges are not worth a brass razoo. (eg: when the Berlin Wall fell, Gorbachev went along with the dissolution of the Iron Curtain and allowed for a united Germany on the condition that NATO would not expand and take in former Warsaw Pact countries, who should remain non-aligned.
Well, the U.S immediately broke that treaty.
The word of ANY U.S administration is WORTHLESS, whether that be a treaty obligation or the announcement of a new defence initiative like this bogus ‘Space Force’.
If you’ve been sucked in by it Arlyn then you need to take a good hard look at yourself.
We have already both agreed on that so you are pushing a dead horse longer than what you need to…
Again he was not there at this particularly time to break down the calculations of money spent on the new space force program.
We both know of the corruption and criminality of the Us and its military.. I have had first hand knowledge with this myself
I don’t know why you keep constantly saying that “If I have been sucked in” TV…:-( because I certainly have not!
You are getting off track with the original post. How do you know he doesn’t know TV? You are assuming once again and you know where that leads on to.
“How can this journo not know ?”
I will repeat this the third time… his presentation was not to calculate the money or the appropriation was it? It was just a presentation of the newly formed space force program. That is your opinion that it is WORTHLESS. I am not here to defend or critique the program but obviously you are.
The ‘how can he not know question’ was rhetorical – of course he knows.
You’re not getting the thrust of my argument Arlyn.
I’m not saying you don’t know that $21 trillion is unaccounted for from Pentagon expenditure OR that you didn’t get it the first time.
What I am saying (listen closely) is that this journalist would also know.
And for him to write an article boasting about the ‘Space Force’ and how it’s a good thing that will provide a defensive shield from those ‘nasty foreigners’ who seek to undermine that ‘Beacon Of Justice which we all know is America’ (cough, cough), is BLATANT PROPAGANDA.
This journo must know that the bulk of the money allocated (if not ALL of it), will NEVER go towards said project.
That’s why I called the journo a fraud – because he’s clearly a paid mouthpiece for the cabal that will be pocketing this money allocated for this project (or he’s just a damn fool).
There’s no other possibility.
So my question to you Arlyn : WHY are you defending this shill for the cabal ?
More importantly, why even post his comments about yet another BOASTFUL U.S defence/High tech project that allegedly ‘further increases U.S full spectrum dominance over the world’ when it is NOTHING OF THE SORT ?
Yes Arlyn, you have been sucked in.
That is obvious because you gave CREDENCE to this B.S peddler by posting his story as if it had the slightest credibility.
If you had posted the story and attached a disclaimer like: ‘Have a look at this story claiming that Trump’s ‘Space Force’ will actually amount to anything.
Yeah right. It has two chances of coming to fruition. ie: Buckley’s and NONE’, then that would be fair enough.
That story (and the journo who wrote it), deserves to be mocked.
You have more suppositions and assumptions and as several have stated before “Me thinks you protest to much” Oh Im getting the thrust of your argument alright
I am not defending him and I am damn sure Im not sucked in as you repeatedly keep referring to like a broken record. I just posted a story of the space force in which many do not know about. If they are interested they can do there own research on the subject.
Now you are calling him another name a shill…really? He doesn’t deserve to be mocked on one presentation and you are going OTT on the subject!
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21st Century Warfare Consists of Drones & Weather Manipulation”
This is a nice story to tell your kids and grandkids (and extrapolate it to a real world outcome involving the Covid Deception) :
Yes, the ‘High Priest’ represents Tony Fauci, ‘The Many’ a metaphor for the servile mask wearing social distancers and the ‘locusts with the new name’ is of course Covid-19.
(‘Burning the crops to the ground’ represents the businesses destroyed, labelled as non-essential etc).
10 Reasons SARS-CoV-2 is an Digital Creation