Introduction by Dee McLachlan
Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek and Liberal MP Craig Kelly had a heated confrontation in the corridors of Parliament House. (In the link above, Kelly is interviewed by Channel 9.)
Tanya should maybe listen to Dr Kory’s Senate hearing appearance. Of course, the video has now been removed from YouTube in the purge of information that does not support the “narrative.” However, I have uploaded a version on Bitchute for Ms Plibersek.
CDC Mandates Masks for Planes and Other Public Transportation
This should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention. Give the government an inch and they will soon take a mile. The next question should be how many masks will they require; 2, 3, maybe even 4? If people don’t rise up against this in civil disobedience it will never stop!– Truth Unmuted Editor Jesse Smith
Yep know how you feel, I travelled on Aus Day to Kalgoorlie, via plane, told to wear a mask, in the lounge and on board, but refused! and still refused all the way to the Taxi landing in Kalgoorlie.
I went to the Post Office yesterday to weigh an item, she asked me have you got a Mask Cherri, I said no! then she proceeded to give me, 2 tissue’s to cover my face lol, I told her I’m not doing this its a waste of time. The guy beside me muttered, its alright for some then haha..
Lately been handing out leaflets to people, putting them on windshield’s, and trying to get an appointment with my local senate, see how this turns out? Perth says its over ( lockdown) by Friday 6pm, tomorrow, well, we will see what the go is soon, cant be trusted that’s for sure.
A slogan just came to mind for a pamphlet or T-shirt
of Malicious Life and Soul Destroying Propaganda by the Government and its controlled Fake News Media
(maybe part of a song chorus)
Well done Cherri
We need more like you who will stand your ground and not buckle at every little recommendation or suggestion which is not lawful Commonwealth legislation. They are demented deranged souls
Thanks Arlyn, well today, I went shopping, AND quite prepared for the ‘fight’ I arrived at the door with everyone slapping sanitizer on, registering the book, and coding their details via phone. I WALKED PAST THE LOT! Then got to the opening of Big W and was stopped! he asked, ” where is your mask”? I said ” I’m exempt, goodbye’ and walked through, no problem, was there for at least an hour with no-one asking anymore. I shall be doing this for as long as it takes, I will NOT be enslaved by enslavement….:-)
Good on you Cherri.
What with your longstanding support for Martin Bryant, your actions speak volumes as you lead by example and inspire others here at Gumshoe.
The ENSLAVEMENT agenda is working on the Fabian ideology of “slow incremental moves”
Yes I do the same and say I am exempt for CS and don’t explain…Lol
Common Sense
Cherrie, A old lady in Woolies said very indignantly to me ” You’re not wearing a mask !! ”
I replied ” Well I not wearing underwear either , and here we are “. Lol.
Haha Peter, thats funny, Have you seen the new mask for the backside?? OMG its getting weird….
Cherri – in a merica i would recommend the 1st stop be the lowest ELECTED and with guns – the sheriff, not sure in Aus.
Mr Fish, those getting the vaccine are the actual spreaders of the disease based on the ‘new’ herd immunity definition and classic vaccines where the disease is in the vaccine. So IMO, the meme is right on time, and i truly believe we can start to heal the wetigo with memes.
Kevx, sorry there is NO decease, never been found, isolated or proven, its a genetic mRNA jab to modify the body. The ‘glue’ here is 5G, ‘testing’ then the Jab! to finish the plan. We all MUST stand strong and push back NOW, we CAN do it, as there is only a small % of them, yet there is Billions of!
Yes I would like to have more memes projected out there as well
Unfortunately it is not going to happen in Australia as you just have to look at the history thus far. People are blindly being obedient to unwarranted, unscientific,unreasonable, irrational, illogical, unhealthy political edicts that are not lawful Commonwealth legislation. These criminals who are in power with this illegal corporate-government entity have severely breached the contract with its citizens with its fear and propaganda campaign. People are not switched on nor are they going to be anytime soon until the obvious ENSLAVEMENT & DEATHS take place. The deaths have commenced already and are continuing with no public outrage. Australia has been far too long been a docile and subservient client state forever…They will continue to Comply in their Containment and Compliance to their detriment.
The police are robotic zombies as a foreign force and not government
Arlyn, ” Give the Government an inch ”
And they’ll think they are a RULER .
Give radio 2GB shock jokes a radio show and they sleep with dogs and get the fleas knocking covid treatment with lies and misinformation.
Pity they do not do some research, fool Plebersicks and misinform their sucked in listeners to buy their advertised products and services.
That’s a good one! 🙂
Official COVID death numbers: the fraud, the killing
Their SOP or Standard Operating Procedure is to Criticise, Character Assassinate, Belittle with giving no facts of evidence despite the fact that you provide them with facts of evidence in which they ignore, suppress and censor. Its blatant propaganda by controlling the false narratives
Please refer my comment under “Notes from G5 …”
Starting with “Here’s a bull$#!% factory …”
The COVID Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide
10 Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 Is an Imaginary and Theoretical Virus
The mRNA COVID Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine
10 Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID Vaccines
Arlyn re SOP.
They cannot know that they don’t know – unless they know and choose to act for evil.
These people are mind controlled – it is a steady system of mind conditioning starting as a young child – just have a decko at kids tv shows.
The evil ones seek the suitable personalities out – even from school age and steadily groom them for upper echelon positions.
This is the purpose of groups such as the globalist financed Fabian Society who groom for upper beaucracy and political positions.
The truth and especially evidence of the truth is impossible for them.
This is how evil flourishes. They do not realise they perpetrate it.
This is why Christ warns us many times – to be careful of perpetrators presenting themselves as He and doing wonders and also gives us VERY specific signs as to his coming.
Ie: Matthew 24 – Signs of the End. –
It’s a good read but spoiled by some editor I presume who added “24:34. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” Whatever that means.
Not really necessary to add the word “true” or similar statements to the start of things, it rings alarm bells right away.
Its about knowing the Bible. Here is one of many
Matthew 24 – Jesus’ Olivet Discourse
(32-35) Jesus speaks more regarding the timing of these events.
“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near; at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
a. Learn this parable from the fig tree: The fig tree has a regular pattern. The leaves appear, and then summer follows. When you see the leaves, you know summer is near.
i. The fig tree was a common fruit tree in Israel. It is mentioned many times in the Old Testament, especially as a description of the abundance of the land. Sometimes figs or fig trees are also used as symbols or pictures. In passages like Jeremiah 24:1-10 and Hosea 9:10, figs or fig trees are used as a representation of Israel.
ii. However, most Old Testament references to the fig tree use it as simply an example of agricultural blessing. It seems that Jesus’ reference here is not so much on the “figness” of the fig tree, but on the way that the fig tree follows reliable growth cycles related to the seasons. This is especially evident when this passage is compared with Luke 21:29-31: Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.
b. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near; at the doors! Jesus assured that when these signs appeared as He foretold (the abomination of desolation, followed by great tribulation, followed by signs in the heavens), His return to the earth would follow. When a fig tree buds, there is an inevitable result – summer is near and fruit is coming. In the same way, when these signs are seen, the coming of Jesus in glory with His church to this world will inevitably follow.
i. Really, it was just as Daniel prophesied in Daniel 12:11. The end will come 1,290 days after the abomination of desolation. Jesus assures that the agonies of the Great Tribulation will not continue indefinitely; they will have an end.
ii. Up to this point, Jesus has given an important outline for end-times events.
· There will arise catastrophes and persecutions, but those in themselves are not the sign of the end.
· There will arise a pivotal sign: the abomination of desolation.
· When the abomination of desolation appears, there are warnings to Israel to flee after the abomination.
· On the heels of the abomination of desolation comes great tribulation, and cosmic disturbances.
· In culmination, Jesus Christ will return in glory to the earth.
c. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place: This statement of Jesus is one of the central reasons many have looked for all or most of the events of this chapter to be fulfilled in A.D. 70, approximately 40 years after Jesus spoke these words. Yet as previously argued, to assert this is to greatly stretch the most natural interpretation of the abomination of desolation, of the severity of the great tribulation, of the cosmic signs, and of the coming of the Son of Man. It is better to let those passages have their most natural meaning and to fit this promise into that framework.
i. The generation Jesus meant cannot be the generation of the disciples, because they never saw Jesus return in glory as described in Matthew 24:30. It is undoubtedly the generation that sees these signs. These events and Jesus’ return won’t be on some 1,000-year timetable, but will happen in succession.
ii. It has been suggested that the word generation could also be translated “race,” and is a promise that the Jewish race would not be extinguished and would survive to the end. This would be a valuable promise, but some commentators (such as France) claim this is an embarrassingly wrong translation. Yet others – such as Adam Clarke, who strongly believed the events of this chapter were almost all fulfilled in A.D. 70 – writes, “This race; i.e. the Jews shall not cease from being a distinct people, till all the counsels of God relative to them and the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
Reliable parts of the bible which couldn’t easily be tampered with are descriptions of things which nobody had any understanding of, hence “mark of the beast” and “locusts with the faces of men” has come through unmanipulated. Number of the beast as the letters on the pope’s hat is also appealing. (The next pope is rumoured to be the bad one). The opening sequence of St John’s revelation perfectly describes an atom bomb but the experts would have us believe it was God. Daniel saw it too. The voice part is real but the image is a bomb.
Newton apparently worked out that nothing would happen before 2060 and I am happy to go with that. He was pretty smart for a guy with just a quill pen and a candle to write by.
Arlyn, the Torah is not the same as the Old Testament. Yes, we all have been taught and told that it is but it is not. The Old Testament leaves the Jewish People behind as it were, it makes it look like we, the Jews, are “old” and “ancient,” and maybe, therefore, also useless in a way, maybe even a hindrance to world peace. All the media knows to broadcast from Israel is the IDF in action against the Palestinians and other minorities, corrupt politicians and intolerant religious leaders of the past. The same elements could be broadcast from any country in the world, don’t you think? We have been to Israel only once and the reality of Israeli life is the very same as life anywhere else in the world.
The Torah and its spiritual companion deciphering the Biblical Text, The Zohar, talks about the fig leaf/tree and explains the meaning for all Humankind, not just a “Jewish race:”
Zohar Beresheet B, volume 2, page 204,
“And they sewed fig leaves together”
Here the totality of spiritual wisdom is conveyed through the metaphor of a seed. The unfolding of this wisdom is personified through the metaphor of a grown Tree — that is, the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The evil intention is to utilize this wisdom for negative purposes is conveyed through the symbol of the fig leaf. Adam and Eve wearing fig leaves denotes their dabbling in the dark side of wisdom. These verses can help prevent ourselves from falling into the negativity.”
Baruch Hashem
Zohar Noach, volume 2, page 364,
“And he repaired the altar of Hashem that was ruined”
The Covenant between mankind and God connects to the Sfirah (Dimension) of Yesod, which correlates to the reproductive organs of man. There is also a vital spiritual link to the circumcision of a newborn male child.
The underlying reason of this section is the Kabbalistic doctrine that all war, natural disasters, famine, slaughter, and massacre can be traced to destructive spiritual forces arising from Humanity’s negative sexual acts. Negative sexual acts are defined as those that are not for the purpose of procreation or for the bringing of Light to the world.”
Adam and Eve are the “prototypes” of Man and Woman not only in the Old Testament but also in the here and now. Haven’t we all tasted the “forbidden fruit?”
One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Marianne Williamson, mentions in several of her talks that what we each “bring to the altar will be altered.”
All the “offerings” the Torah and the Zohar talk about – yes, the Old Testament too – are our own transgressions and sins so to say and by opening up about them to God will alter us to be more of the reflection we each are created to be, the (spiritual) reflection of God Himself.
God bless.
One more quick thought:
we all have seen Palestinian children and youth throwing rocks at IDF soldiers, jeeps and tanks on tv.
No other teaching but Kabbalah would (dare to) say that the very same spiritual energy is expressed by Orthodox Jewish children and youth who throw rocks and stones at anyone driving through and passing through their orthodox neighborhood on a Shabbat or any Jewish holiday when, in their religious belief, one is not supposed to drive, etc..
In both cases the youth has been mislead even if their actions are understandable in their immediate circumstances.
Kabbalah teaches that no matter where in the world we are and no matter who we are, the energy and the spirit that animates us and manifests in rock throwing and other physical expressions and violence comes from the same source within. The “insurrection” of Jan 6 fits within this same spiritual, i.e. metaphysical, framework with evil intentional misleading and misinformation having been spoon fed to the participants.
Last year in January if my memory serves me right, NPR reported, 45 people died in Chicago as a result of gun violence. Right now as I’m typing this it dawns on me that 4+5=9 and it could be based on Tesla’s numeric codes 9, 6 and 3, after all, NPR is also part of the “media:”
(The corporate Volkswagen VW symbol fits this 9 6 3 theory and Audi’s corporate symbol if lifted upright is “88.”)
The deaths in Chicago didn’t make the “evening news.”
Also, quoting from one of David Icke’s books, all physical appearances and pieces of clothing, be it Palestinian and/or Arabic children and youth as well as Orthodox Jewish ones is an illusion that the five senses shows us. David Icke mentions that none of us would judge an astronaut solely based on their astronaut space suit but what matters is what is within and inside of it.
Marjorie Taylor Greene? Back to David Icke, one of my trusted sources minus ayahuasca and alien/outer space life, etc., I believe he says that when the media uses three names for a person, it is a sign of a mind controlled/programmed person (to create chaos and uncertainty). Wasn’t Joseph Mengele’s name after coming to the U.S. “Dr. Greene?”
Peter I’m not so sure that all of them are mind controlled.
In the case of Tanya Plibersek, it likely just a case of being one VERY, stupid, woman – who’s partial to being influenced every which way if remunerated accordingly.
I heard somewhere that Tanya married a drug dealer?
Yes, former,I believe his name is Coutts-Trotter, he heads up the Education Dept. in NSW.
Tanya’s ‘better half’ (suggesting, as we’d already expected that Tanya is even worse than him), Michael Coutts-Trotter has a less than exemplary bio :
From the article :
“Michael Coutts-Trotter, who has just been announced as the new boss of the NSW Department of Justice, served almost three years in prison for conspiring to import heroin”.
Michael Coutts-Trotter is an Australian public servant who is the current Secretary of the New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice. He was previously the director-general of the Departments of Education and Customer Service. Presently facing a lawsuit
With all of the death as and economic crisis that they created they bloody well know. They now cant admit otherwise people would be revolt
You are all over the shop without any references and you are way off
And you! 🙂
That’s all the Palestinians have is to throw rocks while the evil racist and apartheid Zionist Israeli regime uses guns to wound, maim and kill in their open prison of the Palestinians with their illegal invasion and occupation
We are Israel’s largest human rights group – and we are calling this apartheid
Israel stealing the Palestinian waterIsrael Incapable of Telling Truth About Water It Steals From Palestinians
Water is the only issue in which Israel (still) finds it difficult to defend its discriminatory, oppressive and destructive policy with pretexts of security and God.
Israeli Snipers Killing US Troops In Iraq
Israels Crime Against Humanity
Israel’s War Crimes
This is by far not a comprehensive list of crimes against humanity by this theocratic rogue terrorist state
Arlyn, thank you for the links. I just finished listening to Dr. Carrie Madej, she explains the Moderna “vaccine” very well (21 minute video).
You are most welcome! Yes she is excellent! 🙂
Thank you for the post as well. Good one! 🙂 All this good material needs to keep being posted everywhere to break down he false narrative. I just wonder how we can compel this illegal corporate-government entity and the buisnesses that are breaking every law in the book can be compelled to answer hard questions and evidence without going to court?
Yes, courts are not the answer, they to are corrupt – not all of them or every court of course – and they take too long…
I’ll copy-paste something about Kabbalah for it is the answer and “final solution” even if it is very difficult to explain as it is a spiritual teaching, i.e. metaphysics, it actually alters our perception of everything and everyone to the point where everything becomes clear and makes sense, Sixth Sense.
When Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat a Crowley in New York, that too, was clear to me to be part of the spin and the matrix that is to control our minds. Alexandria = Egypt and Crowley, possibly, a relative to Alistair Crowley.
from Billy Phillip’s writing in Kabbalah magazine of Summer/Fall 1999,
“A Spiritual Genetic Code:”
“The Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul
Because the Hebrew letters are the physical expression of the forces
of creation, each letter represents a unique energy force. Different
combinations of letters create different blends of energy, just as
different combinations of musical notes create different melodies.
Reading, vocalizing, meditating, or just visually scanning these
letters and their various sequences helps to arouse various spiritual
forces. Interacting with these letter, in any way possible, gives us
a direct but subconscious connection to our Soul and the 99% realm of
reality. Just as the shape of a key is the mechanism by which we open
a door, the specific shapes of the Hebrew letters are the keys to open
up the doorway to the Soul and to the Upper Worlds.
One of the most powerful ways for those not versed in the
pronunciation of the Hebrew letters to capture their energy is
through visual contact. When the eyes scans the shapes of the Hebrew
letters, a resonance is created between the Light and our Soul.
The same principle can be seen in a pair of tuning forks. When one
fork is tapped, a resonance is created in the other, and the sound is
duplicated. The human Soul and the forces contained within the Hebrew
letters are each formed from the blazing Light of the Creator. When
the two are in proximity – achieved when we visually scan, meditate,
or recite the letters – a resonance is created and energy is
transferred to the Soul.
Imagine that you find yourself feeling weak and tired every day,
without enough physical strength to carry on your normal activities.
You conclude that you’re probably out of shape and you decide to begin
an exercise program. Aerobic training can be difficult at first, but
after a few weeks you begin to find strength and vitality that you
never had before. Extra oxygen kicks in when you need it.
The same principle applies to the Hebrew letters. The act of scanning
and meditating upon the correct sequences of Hebrew letters is a
spiritual workout, a metaphysical training regimen. When we need
emotional strength to activate resistance against our reactive
tendencies, spiritual oxygen kicks in giving us an extra boost of
In fact, synagogues were originally intended to be spiritual workout
centers. The various sequences of the Hebrew letters would be the
barbells and treadmills that helped one get spiritually fit. But the
purpose of the synagogue became corrupted over the centuries. It
became a house of worship, as if an almighty God requires His
creatures to worship Him. The Hebrew letters somehow got associated
with religion and language, and their essence and power were lost over
time. Fortunately, we have Kabbalah to reveal the universal power of
these letters – and to nurture continual internal change using the
metaphysical properties of the Hebrew Alephbet.”
Big Pharma and Big Tech want to alter and control our DNA, so does Kabbalah via the Hebrew Alephbet:
“The (22) Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power. This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means “pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos.”
Zohar Trumah
Kabbalah is not “better” than any other teaching, it is different altogether from all religions and other spiritual teachings as we return the control of our minds to the Creator.
With the creation of Eretz Israel all Humankind was mislead to believe and think that the Hebrew language is only for the Jewish people. Major mistake. Of course, on purpose.
In the Sochi Olympics in 2014 at the opening ceremony, remember, of the five Olympic rings one “malfunctioned.” What was left on the field for the world to see was “88,” i.e. “Heil Hitler.”
The very same numeric code of the floodlights in Manhattan after 9/11.
Leenna – based on your AOC/Crowley assessment, what is you take on the Chiefs vs bucs in the super bowl? the indigenous against the pirates. i have suspected for some time that all Televised sports are rigged in some fashion or another.
Kevx, I agree with you 100%.
From a couple of years ago from my personal e-mails, here’s my response to the “super bowl” event over the years:
“After purchasing Paul Roland’s book, “The Nazis And The Occult, The Dark Forces Unleashed By The Third Reich” a couple of weeks ago i was absolutely stunned at the revelations and the similarity of events “then” and “now.” Barack Hussein Obama has mobilized the very same universal metaphysical forces of darkness as Hitler did, only globally, and he follows the same masters of timeless universal deception as Hitler did. Page 98 in Roland’s book, “At a mass meeting thought is eliminated…” Meetings, campaign rallies, town halls, funerals…”
… and Super Bowls.”
Gina Phillips suggests we watch Super Bowl for purple/agenda triggers, etc..
Also, I was wondering if WW1984, the Wonder Woman movie, has triggers as well as the title “rhymes” with Orwell’s 1984? Will wait for the movie to be free on Netflix.
I do remember from one of David Icke’s book that Orwell’s real name was Blair. A relative to Tony Blair?
A couple of more points I wanted to make are these:
Yes, President Trump did and now President Biden has done the same, surrounded himself with people who are Jews (by religion and cultural tradition, not necessarily by spiritual tradition). Imho, this has been done on purpose.
The Pesach Haggadah – history of leaving Egyptian slavery – that we “recite” on Passover states Pharaoh saying, “Let us then deal shrewdly with them (i.e. the Hebrews).”
Back in 2003 Colin Powell announced the date on which the Iraq war was to start and he said that the date would not be changed. It is alleged that it was the “neo-cons” and “the Amen corner” that got us into that “unpaid war.” So, because I have been on spiritual high alert since at least May of 2000 when then Governor George W. Bush stated on a “Republican” stage that, “if elected, I will go after America’s internal terrorists,” I rushed to look at my Hebrew lunar calendar on the kitchen wall to see what the date was – if it was so important that it wouldn’t be changed for any reason – and it was Erev, i.e. the eve of Purim, the date of an agenda back in the day of Persia when the slaughter of the Jewish population of Persia was to begin, Purim is now celebrated as a holiday of how the agenda backfired and the Jews were saved:
“Purim is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, an Achaemenid Persian Empire official who was planning to kill all the Jews, as recounted in the Book of Esther (מגילת אסתר Megillat Ester in Hebrew; usually dated to the 5th century BC). Haman was the royal vizier to King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I or Artaxerxes I of Persia, “Khshayarsha”” (Wikipedia)
The spiritual high alert I have been experiencing actually started with the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal and how it unfolded. The sexually explicit Starr Report was released on a Jewish holiday, Rosh HaShanah, i.e. New Year.
Mary wrote the other day about how Henry Ford’s business just “took off.”
President Trump has praised Henry Ford and his “good bloodlines.”
One interview on CNN with President-Elect Biden and CNN’s Jake Tapper was done in front of two Ford vehicles.
On 9/11 the first corporation that advertised on network tv with a kid wearing a football jersey with number “88” was, you guessed it, the Ford Motor Company.
In November of 2016 white nationalist and neo Nazi Richard Spencer appeared on CNN’s Jake Tapper show asking, “Are Jews people at all or are they soulless golem?”
The fact that Spencer knew to use the term “golem” told me that he isn’t a nobody out of nowhere, golem is a term used in Jewish mythology and storytelling.
Die Juden sind unser Unglueck?
Whoever thinks for a second that if the Jews are removed from the equation there’d be peace and harmony for all are really fooling themselves. The best scenario that comes to my mind is that the Jews have been used – shrewdly – to get to NWO to be punished under the pretense that they are the strangers in our midst.
This very Biblical.
Mr. Phil Hingston wrote on Gumshoe on April 20, 2019 (Hitler’s birthday btw):
“I don’t expect anyone to believe me on face value, but his Executive Order on the 21st December, 2017 entitled, “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” gives a strong and obvious indication as to his intentions. He’s going to reclaim the wealth of the world and expose the sheer criminality they’ve been getting away with for so long via their control of military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations,“ which JFK tried to warn us about. At least, that’s what I hope and suspect he’s going to do. I would!”
Super bowl on Feb 7, Trump’s case starts Feb 8, Purim starts Feb 25 – the frustrated energy that Gina Phillips talks about with the shared purple hierarchy etc. may well get directed toward a pogrom imho, since Trump’s first impeachment was claimed to be “a Jew coup.” Remember Adam “pencil neck” Schiff whom Trump called “” and Jarrold “fat Jew” Nadler?
Sounds like Shoah2, doesn’t it?
From “Mein Kampf” to (STERN cover of Trump wrapped in the American flag with a Nazi salute in August 2017) “Sein Kampf” to Kein Kampf?
Never Again! Nie Wieder!
Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward Everyone.
This plandemic BS has gotten so absurd I find myself laughing at the MSM presentations. It reminds me of a story out of the Soviet Union when the ‘news’ came on.
There was this fellow that was so offended by the BS on the news, that he decided that was the time period he was going to take his dog for a ‘walk’. It was a lot easier for him to watch his dog take a sh!t than to listen to the sh!t on TV.
Then he noticed something – lots of other people were taking their dogs for a walk during that same time period. It dawned on him and the others what was prompting them to take the dogs for a walk at that time and they all started smiling and greeting each other – another awakened individual, I’m not alone.
Around my area I would more likely expect to see dogs with masks on
For my parrot I have fitted a mask out of a baby sock with eyeholes on each side. Pity it is going to starve with Merkel’s direction that masks have to be worn inside. And it does not even speak German.
Oh well, the Globalists are putting us in our lines to protect us and keep us safe. Thanks UN, we all feel safer now.
Note the death causes and stats in the X22 report linked hereunder!!!!!! Of course there is much more Canberra and the msm hides from us and LIES about……….But many are awakening and winning the information war…………Note General Flynn’s advice on the ‘information’ war also below.
USE the link and send button………..It beats being shot at and delays being locked up in a Gulag……… perhaps?
Gold, good joke if it wasn’t true. If only that would happen here.
We live in hope for better days, for all youth, in these times.
We must always make the distinction between this word “jew” and Zionist. There are jews who are not Christian who believe in another messiah and their are jews that are Christians who believe in Christ.
Trump surrounded himself with Zionists. Even the jews in Israel have been protesting for decades against the evil Zionists.
Yes they are crazy about numbers and symbols and hey act upon them.
Can you elaborate on this please? “This very Biblical.”
There are genuine feasts and festivals in the Old Testament that look to the coming of Christ
The Feasts and Festivals of the Sanctuary
Since the ascension of Christ, there has been a debate about the relevance of the festival and feasts of the Old Testament. Are these practices necessary to keep today?
Jesus has not only become the fulfillment of the sanctuary’s feasts and festivals, but He also is the antitypical fulfillment of the other aspects of the Sanctuary as well.
In answer to our initial question, if we were to keep the feasts of the Old Testament today, then we might as well go back to the sacrificial system. We might as well also look to rebuild the temple, close up the Most Holy with a veil again and look for a High Priest here on Earth who can perform the functions of the Sanctuary.
By keeping the feasts and festivals of the Old Testament, it is obvious that we reject Jesus Christ as our Saviour. In fact, we reject Him as “the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29), and we reject Him as our High Priest, Intercessor, and Advocate in heaven.
Six of the seven festivals of the Old Testament sanctuary have been fulfilled. There is one last festival that needs to be fulfilled—the Feast of Tabernacles, which points to the day of Jesus’ return. All aspects of the sanctuary have been fulfilled, and this is the final event for which we are currently waiting. May we draw closer to God, as we pray daily that we may be found worthy on the day the Lord decided to become the fulfillment of His last ceremonial Sabbath.
The Day of Atonement
The Ceremonial Feasts Pointed to Christ!
Anyone who changes the Gospel or tries to introduce a new way of salvation is a deceiver, and denies that it is Jesus who fulfills these Old Testament symbols. The Bible warns that the Antichrist will come to replace the ministry of Jesus with another system. We must be alert to this deep deception that is sweeping across the world.
Let us follow the words of Peter as we seek to live in purity and righteousness:
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19).
The Antitypical Day of Atonement
Feasts that Typify Christ’s First Coming!
TERRY, how are you?, could you please pass on the Max Egan clip again please, I believe its not on this page anymore? not sure? OR is there another link to watch it?
Pilbersek should stop hiding under a rock…………..which is what politicians use to claim credible ignorance to betray Australia.
Madam wake up, listen to this………….particularly the outline of Trump’s Space Force and its purpose and what it has achieved. Assume Madam that they know what our politicians are up to and why X22 is being vilified by many.
the above link hit a 4040 error, so we might try this one.
Ned, I’m well aware of what Trump’s ‘Space Force’ has achieved.
It has further impoverished the American people by spending money on yet another boondoggle that doesn’t even achieve superiority of weaponry in space.
Instead it achieves even greater financial superiority for the Usury Cartel of Bankers as money is siphoned off to them – in a continuation of the greatest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the 0.01% in recorded history.
Well Thankyou for listening. Some dumbos have not demonstrated what space force really is and what it has accomplished. Seems they know SFA?
Oops, just checked.
Meant to be reply to you below.
As for Dumbos, clearly I was referring to those US politicians named in the said x22 report.
We are not so stupid in Australia I trust.
Then again!???
Stupid dumb docile and subservient is the Australian way unfortunately…
I love the X22 report. I look forward to each daily instalment. He is great at breaking down things and joining the dots.
It seems though every body has been fooled by what “Space Force” actually is. I think it is exactly the reaction that Trump wanted.. by the time they figure it out, it’s too late
But Glenn, doesn’t it concern you that Zio-Dave of the X22 Mis-Report, hasn’t got a single thing of substance right in all these years ?
Glenn, me thinks that by the time YOU figure it out, it’ll be too late.
It’s already to late…ENSLAVEMENT by choice
Attention Mr Morrison’s gurus……………Do us a favour and bring this press conference by the front line doctors to your bosses’ attention. It has come to the world’s attention. Why was it banned?
Because they were censored, the front line doctors had another go.
Are we not allowed by government dictates to investigate and form our own opinions? Now that sounds like………………………. !!!!???
So next your government and the MSM is going to DICTATE what we examine and what we may THINK. Sorry, seems that your policy and Madam Pilbersek’s, is to ban independent thought.
Sounds much like …………………………. !!!!???
Any chance Ms. Pilbersek that I can consult my own doctor for MEDICAL advice or do I have to obtain approval from your electoral office and only attend the ‘Mengele Medical Centre’ for a ‘INJECTION’. (Stop this “JAB” government msm marketing exercise bs)
It gives me the shits when I get censored. So, I tried to link a video to this website and I got blocked – OK assholes, now you have everybody’s attention!
Max Igun has a new video out where he has multiple videos of the absurdities going on around the world. Some videos of the mounting tyranny, videos of Crazy-Making in the States, videos of more and more push-back around the world. I especially liked his comments about how all of this BS was a ‘test’. Just like all of your life it is a test, you have to decide, WHO are you?
So let’s try this, just eliminate the Xs.
And if you bitches block this, I WILL be back.
Max Igan is a flat earther-say no more.
Some of the videos are just pure documentary, they will raise your stress levels to see people getting the gestapo treatment from their local authorities
bypassed the b———-
Got it Terry thanks
Well Dr. Simone Gold (front line doctor) gets a hearing from ISRAE on her SACKING……… Fancy.
Note that the website host has been using hydroxychloroquine for years.
Madam Pilberek………..don’t faint from your ignorance but hcl has been approved for over 60 YEARS.
Hey Australian msm and politicians, why do we have to go to Israel to get some information?.
I challenge that retarded Plibersek watch Simone Golds video and then shout conspiracy theory. Don’t forget the infamous Lancet entry that was removed in shame when doctors started to question its legitimacy. That idiot Brett Sutton is it? the health boss, said in his press conference that they didn’t consider HCQ a legitimate treatment.
They are either dumb and ignorant as they are just brain washed administrators not health professionals or they are complicit in the aiding and abetting of this trans-global conspiracy hostile takeover of governments and countries
problem is, she would act like the retards in the following videos (Trigger alert for Terry):
debunking White Privilege to Retards
debunking White Privilege to Retards 2
I’ll never forget Tanya for her callousnous regarding the tax hike (and I mean a major hike) on cigarettes. She couldn’t sink the boot in fast enough, even though the people suffering would have been family of any said smoker, who have had to go without so said smoker can continue smoking as much as they did before.
Solely due to tax hikes, the price of tobacco increased 400% since 2007.
I note The Project (The Agenda) did not give any airtime to Craig Kelly, imagine my shock.
Can we petition the government to spend $24m on a ‘refuse trhe vaccine’ campaign? do you think they might agree?
so why dont they want us to smoke then? what is smoking blocking? i am convinced the additives to the paper that limits burn is radioactive to deny patients treatment in old age.
Two reasons, from what I can see.
1) A demonstration of power. Smoking is (was?) largely a pastime of the lesser well off in society. A deprivation of the small enjoyments of life.
2) should a smoker not want to give up/reduce their smoking, that means the family must go without to subsidise their smoking. Looks like a good way to sow division within a family to me. Right inline with communist ideals etc.
Also note, the UN has mandated that the price of smoking should be 75% of the price of cigarettes, which our leaders are only too happy to oblige.
Oh bother Tanya.
You have vilified every Crown Prosector in Commonwealth countries on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 who presents to a jury in a criminal trial as a Conspiracy theorist, before the jury determines upon guilty or otherwise before the EVDENCE is presented impartially.
Madam, excuse yourself from jury service , it is beyond your intellectual capacity to harken to the evidence and determine the facts.
Dear Ms.Tania Pilbersek.
Shadow Minister for Education.
Member for Sydney (Labor)
PS: apols: ‘ The Hon’ Tanya’ Pilbersek MP
‘not ‘Tania’
None of them are Honourable!
Maybe, but we do not have any idea who or what they honour.
Best guess; not us we just pay for them
Well do they honour their electorate? No
Do they honour Austalia? No
Many of the evil Freemasons have taken a Foreign Oath to Foreign power/s. That’s treason!
We have a fraudulent electoral system that is not honouring us is it?
Albert Langer fights democracy
The title should be AL fights for democracy! The electorate should be able to stop where we choose not where the AEC or political parties say! That is not only un-democratic it is anti-democratic!
Have they ever returned the Proportional Representation system that they changed to without a Referendum? No that is not honouring us or Australia or the Australian Constitution
What about all the illegal treaties what about the Australia Act…? No No No There is no honour at all. What about Freemason in Parliament which is treason is that honouring us? No
What about Councils that are not legal and the ATO that is not legal? No No No
Well, we are on notice; ‘know something say something’ and if not approved try and fool the public with censorship.
So, Know something, then say something about it.
Off topic, but it relates to a discussion I was having with someone here on Gumshoe who hadn’t yet come to the realisation that the Austrian Economic School of thought (as advocated by Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard), was by far the most accurate appraiser of economic mismanagement and forecaster of Central bank induced reckless monetary policy leading to crashes.
Watch from 23:45 – 24:30 and listen to an internationally respected voice of integrity for his two cents on the matter :
Come now, Mr TV, methinks thou protesteth too much.
As I said before, the Keynesian and Austrian schools are but elaborate justifications for predatory Capitalism (institutionalised usury) in differing circumstances.
In both instances the “can do, must do” wealthy elite exhibit their superiority by screwing the inconsequential and their success at doing that is dubbed “economic progress”.
Don’t read the following because to do so might be used against you in the predatory usury market.
Dave, you’re confusing Capitalism with Crony-capitalism (although it’s much more accurate to call it Crony-Corporatism).
In true capitalism there are NO bailouts for reckless behaviour.
In 2008/09 (from the U.S perspective), all of the big U.S banks would’ve gone down, the epicentres of financial malfeasance like Goldman Sachs and J.P Morgan would’ve also gone down.
Instead, they were bailed out with taxpayers money.
Needles to say, as a Congressman, Ron Paul vigorously campaigned for NO BAILOUTS for anyone, arguing that losses should not be socialised.
Of course he was ignored – because the shadowy figures that really run America are dyed in the wool Socialists.
Contrary to the doom and gloom coming from the Zio-owned media that no bailouts for distressed industries would’ve been the end of the U.S (not just the banks but General Motors and other sectors), as it could not function without a banking system, the reality is FAR from the case.
When a business is insolvent it is subject to Chapter 11 of the U.S tax code which enables it to keep trading until its assets can be sorted out and then sold to the highest bidder – thus enabling a smooth transition.
Yes, the new owner may restructure and scale down the enterprise, fire some staff, perhaps close down some unprofitable branches and dispense with the overpaid parasitic fat cats in upper middle management.
But life will go on, without disruption.
Those banks that were prudent in the lead up to the 2008/09 crisis will buy up the assets of the failed enterprises and expand their customer base – just reward for being good stewards in their industry.
Even before the crunch comes in the form of a major economic recession, Corporate cronyism exists in the form of government subsidies, tariffs and taxes to protect against more efficient foreign competitors, a regulatory structure that tangles potential competitors and small business upstarts in a maze of red tape and compliance.
All of these things are legislated so as to maintain the monopoly positions of the established ‘old-money’ families.
Now you ask, how do we prevent these corporate entities from establishing these monopolies ?
Easy enough in fact. Said monopolies exists because corrupt politicians LEGISLATED them on behalf of their corporate mates.
Since we can’t make a law that outlaws corrupt politicians, seeing as by definition they are law breakers to begin with, the ONLY SOLUTION is to have LIMITED GOVERNMENT with limited powers and a complete abolition of all these regulatory burdens that don’t actually protect the environment (obviously leaving those that do), abolition of those statutes that don’t actually protect workers rights and conditions (leaving only those that do).
If we remove the layers of parasitic bureaucracy that bleed the private sector dry, the latter will be unleashed to create real prosperity.
Dave, you should never use the words Keynesian and Austrian schools in the same sentence – they are diametrically opposed.
The Austrian School does not justify predatory Capitalism (because there is no such thing).
What we have in western countries (post FDR in the U.S but really went into overdrive beginning with LBJ) is NOT capitalism.
It is a bastardised Crony-corporatism which the Austrian School abhors and which Keynesianisn is in sync with.
There is no politician alive or dead that did more to expose the corrosive aspect of the Federal Reserve (with the intent to first audit it then abolish it) than Dr Ron Paul – who openly admits to be a disciple of the Austrian School.
Ron Paul is head and shoulders the most economically literate politician the U.S has seen in living memory.
(Not like those indoctrinated with Keynesianism in U.S universities who might well have Phd’s and such next to their name and are found in abundance working within the Federal Reserve. These so-called economists are fools and have run the U.S economy into the ground).
It goes without saying that abolition of the Federal Reserve would abolish predatory Usury in one fell swoop.
NO OTHER POLITICIAN even talks about it – Ron Paul would’ve done it had he not been cheated out of the Presidency in 2012.
You have a lot of learning to do Mr Dave.
Let’s start with something like Hazlitt’s ‘Economics in One Lesson’ (free pdf of the book) :
That should be easy enough to absorb.
After that, try Rothbard’s ‘Man Economy and State’ :
Dave, get back to me when you’ve actually absorbed said information above and verified for yourself that this is how an economy should be run.
Capitalism (in its purest form) in conjunction with limited government never existed anywhere in the world (there’s always some token Socialism and/or excess bureaucracy).
But nations states like Hong Kong and Singapore (or the U.S / Britain in the 19th century and China of the last 40 years) that came pretty close in its implementation had / have amongst the highest per capita GDP’s in the world.
Damn it Truth, I am still only at page 676/933 of Shantaram and you expect me to study an economics book with a NINE-page Table of Contents!
But I will look up what Solzhenitsyn said about ‘capitalism’ in 200 Years Together when I can get a moment.
My apologies Fish.
You’ll do well sticking with Solzhenitsyn nevertheless.
Orrite, TV, if what you say is true then we’re properly farkt. Only people with connections and gold are “chosen” and the rest of us are either usable or disposable. I am becoming more despondent by the day.
If what I say is true Dave, and people act accordingly, we’ll all be ‘properly enlightened’ and in a position to take measures to mitigate potential adverse outcomes.
I have news for you Dave. Those that believe in the current system and cling to fiat currency are ACTUALLY the ones that are usable and disposable within that system.
The system I suggest, the one advocated by Dr Ron Paul and adherents of the Austrian School of economic thought, enables the individual to reclaim sovereignty over themselves and makes them integral to society – thus removing the possibility that they’ll be regarded as disposable (videos below are 2 mins and 3 mins) :
Actually, not really off topic since the clip above is titled ‘Should ‘Conspiracy Theory’-Believing Members Of Congress Be Expelled?’ and is therefore aligned with the Plibersek-Kelly matter.
As with all things Ron Paul, always interesting to watch in its entirety.
Addiction to usury is an all consuming habit. Like other addictions the addict will come at just about anything to hide and feed their habit. Also, like other con jobs, the more grandiose and convoluted the sales pitch coupled with an apparently simple solution the easier it is to deceive the target.
In this case the problem and solution are relatively simple but they’re concealed in such a pile of bull, er, gold dust, greed and ambition that they’re effectively concealed much as the paedophile problem and and other “high end” corruption is concealed.
Put simply, money, whatever its token, represents a claim on goods and services produced in the economy… properly, representing a fair recompense for goods and services produced. An economy is the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services; in which process, money is a man made convenience or lubricant to facilitate economy. Economy is not the making or taking of money as the predatory usurers claim.
Money, even it’s gold, cannot create an economy, but a lack of money can sure as hell stifle economy. Runaway inflation is caused by galahs who think that money is magic stuff that can fix a broken economy.
On the other hand, depressions and recessions can be induced by an artificial reduction in exchange medium. Take the infamous 1930’s depression, for example. It was not caused by a lack of natural or human resources; there was still sunshine and rain and minerals and plenty of skilled and willing workers; there was even still the same amount of gold in vaults as there was 10 years previously. All that happened was that the kings of usurers cut back the amount of circulating money.
Anyhow, I don’t imagine that any practical observations or explanations will cure you of your infatuation with the Austrian vampire school. It appears to be as addictive as adrenochrome is said to be. With a bit of luck it may help someone else to avoid being sucked into the “gold backed” usury circus.
Tanya needs to alter her hair ever so slightly:
SA pubs want to refuse unvaccinated and anti-vax staff and patrons according to hospitality report
There certainly are some absolutely ignorant people out there in the 21st Century. Businesses are being used as proxies for the evil illegal corporate-government entity leading them straight into ENSLAVEMENT and DEATH…
How we got, from Hotel California to Serco gulags, with bio weapons – virus/vaxxx – made in the same labs.
And a lot lot more…
Testing for virgins will be interesting. Vergins disbarred?
After all, it is a pub!
A contact sent this to m
People (that’s you politicians!) who endorse the work of these doctors and nurses who are giving the jabs could ALSO be liable
15 minute video, a very good summary to send to your politician.
Vernon quickly reads headlines of a pile of papers declaring deaths from the “gene therapy” non vaccine
“thank you for listening to an old man in a chair”
in the end he breaks down and weeps
“It is not for government agencies to decide that deaths are coincidental”
Dr Vernon Coleman – Doctors and Nurses Giving the Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Tried as War Criminals
Very emotional video … well done.
Back to conventional child abuse: note that in this story, the Qld. public servant woman Cathy Taylor imported into SA child protection and who has been said at GS to have displayed a satanic hand sign during a video interview has failed so far to answer the public service union complaint about babies having to be looked after in the offices of social workers.
Now how secure is a public service office block from SRA visitors?
Back to Craig Kelly
He has been doing excellent work in respect of the virus and so has the other guy in the LNP across the border what’s his name again ? The fat young guy, a very unlikely hero of truth justice freedom and all that stuff.
Wally (channel 10) is saying Craig Kelly got a bigger audience reach than any other politician, great news, keep up the good work Craig, I rang his office a few weeks ago and gave them my full support. People especially in his part of Sydney (Kogarah or whatever) should give him their full support, he is providing much needed leadership.
George Christensen on Julian Assange, deep state, Hillary etc
Maybe Craig Kelly could get himself under some ALP protected species legislation, a politician who actually tells the truth, in imminent danger of extinction, where is the greens party, oh no, they are totally committed to Rockerfellas’ depop surveillance communism.
Too t too late and he had many an opportunity to sort it out and failed to do so. One day Trump is for him the next day he is against him. A poor performance ton behalf on a US President to say the least for Julian Assange who has broken the glass ceiling where I would say will never hit those limits again.
Not at all, how can you be pardoned if you are held without charge in another country ? It sounds meaningless to me. I won’t presume to know or explain the legal procedure but it looks like effectively the UK is Gitmo #2. The other thing is if Biden gets hold of him the torture will get worse and people (not sheeple) will be in more uproar. Sheeple are not too concerned if one of their kind is eaten, they just run away. JA will have to put up with his conditions which are probably no worse than an eskimo in winter or some struggling 3rd world person with amputations who lives on a rubbish tip.
Isn’t JA from Queensland, what has communist dictator Anastazia Paluzxzhuk to say about her citizen ??? If he is really from Queensland it just goes to show what an oddball he is.
JA is like that other super-geek Gates, cannot seem to grasp the normal full picture, but one is white hat and the other is black hat. He should have made a run for it, but maybe we will all be saying that by 2030.
There was a story Trump was threatened with something or another about it too, well he probably deals with more threats than anyone on the planet.
THE HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SCANDAL: Professor Robert Clancy On MP Craig Kelly Comments
The American Journal of Medicine Publishes Study Backing the Use of Hydroxychloroquine For COVID 19
Found this years ago I think on theforbiddenknowledge website, possibly Henry Makow:
“The thirteen bloodlines of the Illuminati are:
The Astor Bloodline
The Bundy Bloodline
The Collins Bloodline
The Dupont Bloodline
The Freeman Bloodline
The Kennedy Bloodline
The Li Bloodline
The Onassis Bloodline
The Reynolds Bloodline
The Rockefeller Bloodline
The Rothschild Bloodline
The Russell Bloodline
The Van Duyn Bloodline
Merovingian (European Royalty)
The British Royalty are tied in with the 13th Bloodline. Many of the
American political leaders have been related to the British Royalty.”
Queen Elizabeth II is a False Monarch Closely Related to The Rothschilds and The Vatican
Her powers include: Queen Elizabeth II
The power to choose the prime ministers and to dismiss the prime ministers either directly in Britain, or through her governor generals in Commonwealth countries.
The power to dismiss ministers and the government.
The power to dissolve parliament and call new elections.
The power to refuse legislation passed by parliament.
The power to command the armed forces and raise a personal militia.
The power to read confidential government documents and intelligence reports.
The power to declare a state of emergency and issue proclamations.
The power to call elections and enact laws in her majesties name.
Not a single law is passed without the queen’s consent.
The power to exercise “Crown Prerogatives” which means the monarch can declare war through her prime minister, without the agreement of parliament.
The power to grant and bestow titles like “Sir”.
The power to pardon convicted criminals.
If there needs to be any corrections or omissions please say
In the light of the elites communist takeover it’s very interesting to consider all the little principalities and tax havens dotted around the world which no doubt are networked, with private airports, they have lots in Europe, the Vatican down to piddly little places on the Swiss border, and channel islands are all separate, and in North America it’s not only DC but the Bahamas and all the other ones, nobody ever invades them or messes with them, they are all allowed to continue quietly.
The Queen, as office holder (corporate sole) of one of the “Crowns”, bound herself to the precepts of the KJV New Testament at the time of her taking the Coronation Oath.
She and her agents can be held to those values and undertaking in a court of conscience, which is a court of Equity.
Such jurisdiction can be found in the current Supreme Courts of the various States, but not under the current acts.
Thank you. Are you able to site those references?
Facts You May Not Know
1.The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in London in 1783. The United States of America is a territory
of Great Britain. The Colonists did not win the Revolutionary War. The British troops did not leave until 1796.
Republican v. Sweets, 1 Dallas 43; Treaty, 8 Stat. 116; The Society for Propagating the Gospel & c .v. New Haven, 8 Wheat
464, Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Confederation, October 20, 1774.
King George III of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary War.
Treaty of Versailles, July 15, 1782; Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80.
The IRS is not a U.S. Government agency. It is a Debt Collection Agency of the International Monetary fund (IMF).
Diversified Metal Products v. IRS, et. al.,CV-93-405E-EJE, U. S. D. C. I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148
pg. 596, Bankruptcy Reorganization PlanNo. 26, Public Law 102-391.
The IMF is an agency of the United Nations (UN).
Black’s Law, 6th Ed. pg. 816.
The U.S. has not had a Treasury since 1921.
41 Stat. Ch. 214 pg. 654.
New York City is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as the United Nations
Rudolph Giuliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capitol of the world” and he is correct.
20 CFR Ch. 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2).
No judicial courts, nor judges, have existed in America since 1789. Executive Administrators, not judges,
enforce Statues and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 US 464, Keller v. PE, 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178. See also the 11th
Amendment. This was the abolishment of all inferior courts to hear cases of law or equity (this means that all courts
below the “one supreme courts”, not the U. S. Supreme Court.
You cannot use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it.
Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah, 14 Georgia 438, 520.
(Use instead the Bill of Rights)
You own no property. slaves cannot own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think you own.
You are listed as a Tenant. Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress, 1st. Session
We are slaves and own nothing, not even who we think are our children.
Tilman v. Roberts, 108 so. 62: Van Koten v. Koten, 154 N. E. 146; Senate document 43 and 73rd Congress
1st, Session, Wynehammer v. People, 13 N. R. REP 378, 481.
Great Britain is owned by the Vatican.
Treaty of Verona, 1213
The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (It is an presumption once again!)
Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Vol. 1, 53,54
13.We are Human Capital
See Executive Order 13037
We are enemies of the State.
Trading with the Enemy Act or 1917 and 1933, October 6, 1917, under the Adr, Section 2, subdivision (c) Ch. 106
Enemy defined “other citizens of the United States…” March 9, 1933, Ch 106, Section 5, subdivision (b) of the
Act of Oct. 6, 1917 (40 sta. L. 411) amended as follows : “…any person within the United States.” Se H. R. 149
Public law No.1
15.Your name when spelled in all capital letters is a corporation:
A Cestui Que Vie Trust. —Cannon law
“The People” do not include you and me since our names are all Capital Letter fictional names.
Barron v. Mayor of city coundil of Baltimore, 32 U. S. 243
A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Great Britain (and the Vatican)
IRS Publication 6209 IMF decoding manual
Everything in the “United States” is for sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water plants, prisons, airports, etc.
(Who bought Klamath Lake in California?) See Executive Order 12803
It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest Code breakers.
Sapp. v. Tallahassee, 348 SO.2d363; Reiff v. city of Philadelphia, 477 F. Supp. 1262; Lynch v. N. C. Dept. of Justice,
376 S. E. 2d 247
The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all the other alphabet gangs were never a part of the United States Government, even
though the “U. S. Government” held shares of stock in the various agencies.
U. S. v. Strang, 254 U. S. 491; Lewis v. U. S., 6880 F.2d 1239.
Knights of Malta quotes
The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols because they have carried out every protocol in that little handbook. Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols. Well, I tend to feel that it was just the Jesuits themselves because they and they alone, were the ones who were able to bring this to pass.
They’re the ones in the government. They’re the ones behind professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they’re busy creating a tyranny. So, that was one of the things in the Protocols-that they would create ‘amusements’.
Another one they used was Walt Disney, 33rd-degree Freemason-Disneyworld, Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with pleasure, while they’re busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government…….. the High Knights are good, dear brothers with the High Mafia Dons-the Gambinos, the Lucchese, the Columbos, all of them. And they control Hollywood, not the Jews. It’s only Jews who are front-men who are involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just like in politics it would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Spelly’s [Cardinal Spellman’s] Jew in the assassination [of President Kennedy], and he would never say a word about it.—Eric Jon Phelps
Doesn’t matter what clubs they’re in, nobody can manage to be in all the clubs at once, and probably they don’t want to. What matters is, when they have a dispute, they don’t go and fight a duel or punch each other at a party. What they do is they get underlings (lawyers) and commoners (soliders) to settle the dispute for them. Wave freshly printed money at the lawyers and they will do anything. Morals are first to go. Wave flags at soldiers and they go out and die, they are only teenage when the brainwashing starts anyway. So the Jew thesis is completely MISLEADING. These clubs are for people who are BORN with a billion dollars at least but probably 10 billion since Obama started printing, and even that is no guarantee you will be invited to join.
The elite are not racist, they are elitist.
These are not clubs they are deadly groups of people with their sinister and nefarious organisations to overthrow freedom and the rule of law by any means necessary by ENSLAVEMENT and Death that is already in operation
Like I said, clubs
Are the CHICOMS Preparing to Defend Biden From An Impending Coup?
Coup In DC?
Simultaneous to the post-election coup in Burma, there are major events going on in DC. This is not a QANON psyop. There are provable and tangible events which are extremely out of the ordinary. Please consider the following:
The military remains in DC against all odds and reason.
There is a large building constructed in the past 2 weeks in front of the White House, why?
Is the building an embassy, or a JAG. If it is an embassy, then the stories about the US being a corporation that has been dissolved may actually be true. In this scenario, Trump could be reinstated as the 19th, not the 45th President. I must fully admit, I still have trouble getting my mind wrapped around this possibility, but I must admit that the dots are connecting. If the building, which the military is trying conceal is a JAG, then trials would be expected. This is another QANON type psyop that I have resisted. However, the circumstantial facts make it necessary to at least consider these possibilities.
What we can say for certain is that there has been 10 days of darkness at the White House. If this development functional or symbolic or did Biden forget to pay the electric bill. And you may notice that Biden’s Press Secretary knows nothing about anything. And it may not be an act. It does not appear that Biden forces control DC or even the White House grounds.
Do these facts add up to another Burma style coup over a stolen election? It is possible. However, who is behind the coup. I have a ARSOF source who is certain that neither Biden or Trump forces are in control of DC. And there is a third party calling the shots, a global third party. However, this would mean that our military is under foreign control. There are more questions than answers. However, there is more to this than meets the eye. For example, why are military guards protecting the White House? This makes no sense in a peaceful transition of power. And speaking of a peaceful transition of power, why hasn’t the military completed the the transfer of power to Biden? This is unprecedented at this point. Biden is not in control of the military and that is the on certainty that America can be sure about. There are some observations from Jim Willie that has caught my attention and for very obvious reasons.
i saw a movie from spike lee called the inside man that is about a bank robbery that parallels what is happening now – masks and all. symbolism will be their downfall. in it everything turned out to be fake including the killings and exposing the war criminal. reading between the lines i gathered that in elitist circles there is a known by all shelf life. and once that shelf life is about to expire, the youth feeds the olders to the public to masks that it is only a changing of the guard. they’ve been at it for over 2k years and we just write about what they do – is it because i am afraid, or i love this existence of pushing my laundry basket around the Walmart of highs so much? real drugs FFS please!
I thought there was general agreement that the army was in charge. Now why would the US army want to kowtow to another power. The penalty for failure for army chiefs being death ? Where could they go ? What price would persuade them to abandon their country ? Surely they are capable of protecting their families etc.
It is still being played out for us that are not directly involved or have first hand knowledge. There are rogue elements in the military in the government in the police and in all of the alphabet government agencies
Current Situation Intel Compilation – ‘Real News’
(intel gathered from various other providers online)
Current Situation Intel Compilation – ‘Real News’
NESARA will begin to be revealed this month of February.
GESARA will begin to be revealed as early as March 2021.
The U.S. military knows the election was stolen.
All hell is about to break loose. (like Friday)
US Marines raided CIA headquarters on Sat 9 Jan 2021.
That raid yielded unequivocal evidence of the stolen election.
Also found was a CCP “Kill List” of US Military Generals.
The CCP and the Cabal Deepstate are one in the same.
They attempted to assassinate Trump again last week. (and poison was found in the 1st lady’s makeup)
If they can’t win…they cheat.
If they can’t cheat…they kill.
Trump is still being treated by the Military as the ‘Commander In Chief’. (rather than the fraudulent president Biden)
Military Commanders are flying from Norfolk to Trump’s Mara Largo residence.
Mara Largo is the New Capital for the Restored Republic which Trump will be president.
Trump will never return to the White House.
The White House is permanently closed and lights are out.
Many US Military Fighter Jets are DEFCON2 ‘High Alert Level’ in the skies all over America. (with air refueling tankers supporting them)
Deep State Cabal Elite ‘Mass Arrests’ continue domestically and globally behind the scenes.
Over 222,000 Sealed Indictments with about 3 Million Arrests Globally.
Military Tribunals are ongoing in the Russell Senate Building. (across Constitution Ave from the SCOTUS building)
National Guard Troops and Police have surrounded it with fencing & razor wire on top.
New Elections via the QVS. (Quantum Voting System)
Transition to the Restored Republic / NESARA being revealed with Trump as ‘Commander In Chief’ soon.
The ‘official announcement’ of ‘martial law’ and ‘legitimate military government’ in place since 12 a.m. on January 20, 2021, was made on Friday January 29 at 6 p.m. EST.
The ‘official announcement’ of the ‘arrest of Biden’ as well as 355 Congressmen and 109 Senators (or 464 DC Swamp Creatures) on Sun-Mon January 24 and 25 was made on Sunday, January 31 at 4:35 p.m. EST (10:35 p.m. GMT).
These announcements were communicated (on the above dates and times) to all American Main Stream News Media(MSM) and World Press Agencies.(Television, Radio and National Newspapers)
As expected by the legitimate military government governing America (as well as Trump and Q-Force) this official news has been 100% censored by all of the world’s official media.
That is a ‘High Treasonous Act’…punishable by ‘death’ via Military Tribunals.
The ‘US Military Government’ will (Constitutionally) take control (by force) of ALL of the ‘Official Media’ (MSM) (Radio, Television, Newspapers) on Friday February 5 at 6.30 p.m. EST exactly on all American territory.
This includes taking control of ALL American Channels on ‘Direct Broadcast Satellites’ broadcasting in France and Europe.
This also means that ALL French and Europeans with a satellite reception receiving American Channels can ‘no longer be censored’ and will therefore ‘learn the truth’ from Friday evening 5 Feb onward.
US Army personnel will broadcast ‘by force’ on all these ‘American Mass Media Channels’ the revelations on Biden’s coup d’état and his arrest (including elected officials) on Sunday January 24 and Monday January 25.
On Friday February 12 the ‘American Military Government’ will expose ‘the truth’ about ‘The COVID-19 Plandemic’.
On Monday 1 February the ‘Global Currency Reset’ (GCR) was completed and the old Cabal Fiat US Dollar (Central Banking System) was no more.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) Computer was now in full control of the US and global financial system.
Joint Military Forces of Taiwan, Russia and US raided mainland China last week where the Covid-19 lab in Wuhan (built & paid for by Soros/Gates/Fauci WHO/NWO) which is also the center for child killing for Adrenochrome production. (this is the head of the snake)
And the snakes name is………………?
Awesome list, let’s hope it all happens exactly like that.
Give hope a go???
Arlyn you are boring the world with your wheelbarrow usual load of about a dozen posts below, as in nearly every article provided by Dee.
Readers, please note Arlyn’s usual stuff below is his modus and boring repetition for months.
Matter for readers who may have an interest…………but there is nothing there relevant to Dee’s efforts with her article.
You have once again forgotten about what Mary said we can post articles not related. You have apoor memory Ned.
This post is Stop Spreading These Crazy Conspiracies Theories. How is it not relevant. Are you now the thought police for Gumshoe? Get a grip and ignore mine if it offends you once again…
These are the people behind all the chaos or are you not interested in who is behind it all in world events. Not important to you?
Do not slot me as some thought police ………..I am suggesting the alternative.
People are entitled to think for themselves, but they are also entitled to know the modus of your references and thoughts then decide if they wish to be entertained by yours and be made aware of your singular purposes.
Hey sunshine, we have known for decades all the theories and scuttlebutt etc., you report on.
Thus far you have not recommended a solution.
Do not judge my memory with false presumptions about my recollections of Mary’s reference to off topic comments. It is a sure sign of judgmental arrogance leading to false conclusions.
Hey. why have I been patient thus far with your persistent assertions? So I decided to warn other readers of your past serial form and they can take it from there as they will. After all, this article was not about Jesuits, Jews, Masons, Catholics etc. and the whole shebang of international conspirators you persist with in nearly every article at gumshoe.
Your parade of about a decade (10 +) of your usual wheelbarrow load of such irrelevancies to the article, tested my patience.
Off on another rampage…
Im trying to show you who is behind all of this but you are so busy criticism some of my posts that you are unable to see who is. I have been doing this for 40 years and 2 royal commissions plus a number of other issues to reveal what actually happened in those issues. What is your contribution besides your personal opinions and being annoyed at my posts.
You have a short fuse Ned and as I said my recommendation is not to read my posts so you would get in another sissy fit. Its very simple really. Again I remind you of the title:
Stop Spreading These “Crazy Conspiracy Theories”
Its very important to actually know who is behind thins but you obviously don’t think it is important.
40 years!!!!!!!!!!!
”…… you (ME?) obviously don’t think it is important”.
Another judgmental allegation soaked in ignorance.
Give judgement/s a break, you are not demonstrating any ability to do so.
quarantine illegal
Dutch Court PCR test illegal
It could be, he told NOS, that the Dutch policy may have to be revised. However, a spokesman for the court told the Telegraaf that the verdict only applies to the three people in question and does not mean that ‘everyone coming from abroad can wave the verdict around and refuse to undergo a test.’
attached file if you didnt see it, shows how the fake PCR test is being mandated to travellers in Australia whenever there is border closure. Eg in WA at the moment or last I looked there was a border closure on account of ONE “CASE” ie one positive test, a test which the inventor Kary Mullis said was not suitable to use for coronavirus, a test which gives different results depending on how many cycles it is put through to magnify the miniscule invisible enemy.
And of course you can go interstate never knowing whether you can get back without some humungous hotel bill and a most likely very toxic test which is alleged to be a vaccine in itself. Now they are saying (on the “news” aka nightly covid report) too many “cases” arising in hotels make them believe the virus is airborne, and it can even travel through a door to the next room. Through the crack I suppose! Coming to get you! :-P:-P Keep the fear alive so that you can have an official emergency so that you can implement rushed untested vaccines and introduce other measures that kill human rights. Why? so that you can kill fellow human beings.
Yes 40 years!!!! I didnt wake up like some in their deep slumber. I instigated a US Congressional Enquiry and Investigation into the US Army for fraud at the age of 20 by the way.
Otherwise if you felt they were important you would not be constantly bitching about my posts. Im not judgemental I can see by your attitude and words which is obvious to all. You can make up your own perception of what it is
Third strike!!
The Vatican & The Knights of Malta: Owners of World’s Biggest Banks, Corporations, Societies
The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence; the biggest possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.
“I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” -Susan B. Anthony, 1896
The Pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars! Yet, he has made a comment about Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Together and people protesting, making it seem as if he is out to defend equality of all – when it is him and his corrupt organization that have been accumulating wealth by baby trafficking, abusing the masses, keeping them ignorant and infiltrating the nations in politics, economy, education, and more. Read More:
CIA- Deep State/Shadow Government- Knights of Malta- Connections To Vatican
Patriots for Truth, Voices of the American Intelligence Media
SCOTUS John Roberts is Queen Elizabeth’s right hand man
Was the Pilgrim Society’s patron Queen Elizabeth’s May 07, 2007 visit to President Bush and Chief Justice Roberts at the White House (mentioned in this article below) just coincidence, or was the Queen there to give Pilgrims Society mini-King Roberts his marching orders?
Jane Sullivan Roberts is a Jesuit. That would explain John Roberts sneaking off to a Knights of Malta hideaway after his Obamacare vote on Jul. 03, 2012
Any world events assassinations, drug laundering, takeover of countries, sex slaves and pedophilia they are there in plain sight!
Sins of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (ABSTRACT clock on link for full article)
herever one turns in investigating P2, Gladio, the “black aristocracy,” international terrorism, or the Nazi International, one encounters the SMOM — the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, known as “the Knights of St. John” or the “Knights of Malta.”In addition to the Roman Catholic SMOM, there are four Protestant orders of the Knights, all founded within the last 150 years or so, and all run by ruling houses of Europe. The Roman Catholic and Protestant orders effectively merged on Nov. 26, 1963, four days after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Sovereign Head of the British Knights is Queen Elizabeth, while the Netherlands Knights were headed until his death by the former SS official, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, consort of Queen Juliana.
In 1927, the Rome-based SMOM authorized the establishment of an American chapter, whose members did not have to prove their aristocratic lineage. Its Treasurer and lay controller was John J. Raskob, the bitterly anti-FDR head of the Democratic National Committee, who in 1934 helped finance a coup attempt against Roosevelt. Its Grand Protector and Spiritual Advisor was Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York, one of whose closest Cold War associates was Time/Life publisher and Congress for Cultural Freedom co-founder Henry Luce.
Another Knight, who played a profound role in Italy’s postwar financial, economic and political history was Prince Massimo Spada, the leading lay financier of the Vatican’s Institute for Religious Works, commonly called the “Vatican Bank.” Spada gave the mafia-connected heroin launderer and later P2 financier Michele Sindona his entrée into the Vatican’s finances, which, given the tax-sheltered, sovereign status of the Church within Italy (as negotiated in the 1929 Concordat between Mussolini and the Holy See), was invaluable for running all kinds of dirty operations.
However, in examining the Vatican, one must always be careful to ask, “Whose Vatican? That of all the modern popes? Or that of the black aristocracy?” And to really unravel that question, insofar as it intersects Ortolani, Gelli, Calvi, Spada, and their “Vatican-connected” associates, and the deeper, “permanent” infrastructure of terror in Italy, one must delve deeply into history, particularly that of Venice, to understand the enormous power still wielded by those whom Pope John Paul I, called “the ancients,” during the time he was Patriarch of Venice. After all, as LaRouche has stressed, those “ancients” of Venice have given us the modern Anglo-Dutch parliamentary system, with its privately controlled central banks, and the Synarchy’s present drive for world rule. Under Anglo-American direction, those Venetian “ancients” also brought Mussolini to power in the first place, and then organized the financial world of the Vatican, into which Ortolani, Gelli, Calvi et al. were inserted.
Malta, Masonry & the CIA (ABSTRACT clock on link for full article)
In any case, Masonic techniques have been adopted in the CIA, MI6, the BND, and Mossad. With all conditions equal, during officer selection preference is given to Freemasons. Masonic lodges serve not only as a personnel reservoir, but as their own type of guarantor of a given officer’s reliability. In contemporary conditions, the setting out of agents of influence and the use of blackmail; bribery; intimidation; and defamation of one’s enemies have entered soundly into the arsenal of these kindred organizations. Consequently, the leaderships of the Masonic lodges and NATO intelligence services were spliced together.
A classic example of this is the founder of the CIA, Allen Dulles. Having become the director of the CIA, he would remain a Mason until the end of his life.
Medals awarded to all prominent leading officers of the CIA, beginning with its founder William Donovan, who in 1945 received a Grand Maltese Cross of the Order of St. Sylvester from the hands of Pope Pius XII in 1945, bear witness to the successes in joint actions between the CIA and Freemasonry.
CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton received the same award “for counterintelligence work.” He was active in the field working with Soviet defectors amongst officers of the KGB and GRU.
Photo: Operation Gladio
In the fall of 1948, the “Knights of the Church” presented the highest award of the Maltese Order – the Great Cross – to General Reinhard Gehlen, the chief of West German intelligence, for his services. At that time the BND was merely a branch of US intelligence. In recent years, judging by their obituaries, all Cold War era CIA directors and their deputies were Knights of Malta.
In many cases US intelligence services consider Masons a reliable mainstay in their secret work. Establishing contacts with the necessary individuals is carried out along “fraternal” lines.
An International Coordination Center for NATO Intelligence Services
The Knights of Malta celebrate 900 years of their order at the Vatican in 2013.
To direct the branches of a secret society scattered across many continents and countries, a special center for assuring cooperation and coordination is needed. The CIA has such a center. It’s situated in the homeland of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem – Valletta. In the best traditions of intelligence services and Masonic lodges, its activities are not publicized.
During 1987 and 1988 in Paris, Masons from the CIA created the Commonwealth of Russian Masons, uniting around 100 Freemasons. Along with that, Radio Liberty regularly transmitted exhortations to citizens of the USSR to join Masonic lodges.
The Trilateral Commission
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Trilateral founding member and midwife to the Afghan Mujahideen , the basis for Al-Qaeda.
In 1973 the CIA created an international organization, the Trilateral Commission, as cover for operations to recruit agents of influence. It united representatives of the capitalist powers from politics, science, and business, who were engaged in seeking ways to consolidate Western power.
The “world government” under the Trilateral Commission was joined by George H.W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Robert MacNamara, Olaf Palme, David and Nelson Rockefeller, Baron Edmund de Rothschild, Willi Brandt, Helmut Kohl, Hans Merkel, Helmut Schmidt, Axel Springer, Franz Josef Strauss, Ludwig Erhard, and yet around another two hundred permanent members. This organization has consultative status under the UN Economic and Social Council.
We know that in December of 1989, on the home island of the Knights of Malta, a meeting between Mikhail Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush took place. There the presidents officially declared the end of the Cold War. Problems relating to disarmament, regional conflicts, and also economic relations were discussed at the meeting. Gorbachev was elected a member of the Trilateral Commission, which was engaged in global issues of relations between Europe, America, and Japan. Soon the USSR was no more…
Was Yeltsin a Mason?
It’s known that in November of 1991, Boris Yeltsin was accorded the rank of a Knight of Malta. At the Kremlin he was awarded the cross of a Knight-Commander of the Maltese Order. From times long ago, the Maltese Order has been known as a supporting structure of the international Masonic organization. More than a few of its secrets are tied to the mystery of the murder of Russian Emperor Paul I, who had received in his time the same regalia awarded to the first president of Russia. After the initiation ritual, Yeltsin posed in full knightly attire for press photographers.
A year later he signed Order No. 827 “On the Restoration of Official Relations Between the Russian Federation and the Maltese Order.” The Russian Foreign Ministry charged its emissary at the Vatican to represent Russia’s interests to the Knights of Malta.
Boris Yeltsin Knight of Malta
After the Yeltsin regime’s establishment of official relations with the Maltese Order, a branch of Catholic Knights of Malta appeared in St. Petersburg. It was founded by V. Feklist, “plenipotentiary of the World Parliament of the Knightly Maltese Order.” Aside from the Catholic Maltese Order, an “Orthodox Maltese Order” became active, founded by Archbishop Makarios. The Order is directed from London and enjoys the financial support of rich Greek Masons in the United States. The method of doubling in intelligence practice is a usual phenomenon. As is the counterintelligence technique by which a suspect is alternately interrogated by a “good cop” and a “bad cop.”
The ancient Knights of Malta get blessing from the Pope
At the Vatican 4,000 members and volunteers of the Knights of Malta, a medieval religious order of the Roman Catholic Church, marched in procession to St Peter’s basilica to receive a papal blessing.
It is exactly 900 years this week that the crusader knights were granted recognition by the Pope as a sovereign state.
I’ve practiced law for decades. When I read Trump’s impeachment defense, I couldn’t stop laughing
Knights of Malta Jesuits Plans for World Takeover (ABSTRACT clock on link for full article)
1. End of sovereignty for the United States and other countries.
2. End of absolute property rights.
3. End of all gun rights.
4. The new international economic Order (world government).
5. The redistribution of wealth and jobs.
6. Calls for nations to trust the United Nations.
7. Total disarmament.
8. Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace.
9. Promote UNESCO, the deadly educational and cultural arm of the United Nations.
10. Promote interdependence.
11. Support sanctions honoring Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin-the New Age Humanist Priest.
12. Support the belief that the economic principle of traditional Christian or Catholic social doctrine is the economic principle of communism.
13. Promote the Pope as the acting go-between for the United States and the Soviet Union.
Part of Jesuit Knight of Malta pledge:
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.
Knights of Malta quotes (ABSTRACT clock on link for full article)
The present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with the Jesuit General since 1876, with Adam Weishaupt. This is the very same Rothschild powers who betrayed the Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people. These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.
I read a very interesting paragraph by Mark Lane in his book Plausible Denial when he tells about a Jew in Israel who wrote about certain criminal Jews, involved with the Nazis, who are now with the Mossad, something along those lines. The man who wrote the article was gunned-down in front of his home.
So, Rome controls the Israeli government. It controls the Israeli government through the Mossad.
Who trained the Mossad? Reinhard Gehlen.
We find that fact in Loftus’ work The Secret War Against The Jews in most telling, telling detail. So what do we have? We have high-level treason and betrayal of the Jewish race; that is there in Israel today, by their own leaders, who are loyal to Rome and the Jesuit Order. And to show this, we have a great big Rockefeller edifice in Jerusalem; we have an ophthalmology center in Jerusalem run by the Knights of Malta. There’s nothing but Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order running all of Israel.
So what’s going to happen, I believe, with the Dome of the Rock is, that has got to be removed-somehow, someway. It’s on the Temple site; it has to be removed.
If I was the Jesuit General, I would make- somehow, someway-American bombers do it. Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and more Jews than any country in the world, and ‘we’ve’ got to kill all those people. So what better way than to create a Jihad, a Moslem fanatical attack against the United States, coupled with a Chinese invasion from the East. That’s what I think is going to happen.
The Jews are not going to destroy that Temple site because, if they do, Rome will destroy their efforts of rebuilding the Temple. Because, if Moslems control all of Jerusalem, that Temple will never be rebuilt. It has to stay in Jewish hands-because the Jews, and rightfully so, need their own homeland. They’re entitled to the nation. And they haven’t had their own Temple of worship. They are rightfully entitled to that.
But what they don’t know is that they are being used by the Jesuits to rebuild their own Temple, that they would love to have rebuilt, for the Pope, so he can sit there and be the man of sin, the Anti-Christ of the Book of Daniel, Chapter 9. That’s what I see coming for Israel.
The assassination of Rabin? He wanted to give away too much. He probably wanted to give away some of Jerusalem. The Jesuits will never allow that. So, his bodyguards just step aside and the Mossad kills him. And nothing more is ever heard.
Rome’s-the Jesuit General’s-international intelligence community carries out all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who’s against their program. And Cromwell knew this, back in his day, and that’s why he protected himself-160 of his finest ‘ironsides’ as his bodyguards, and no one got to him. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
Trouble is, it is so easy now to blow up everything but so hard to do things another way, resources are limited, hence the appeal of bio-war, this has been around since WW1 trenches and longer I suppose, and I remember the “neutron bomb” about 50 years ago was going to kill every living thing and leave all the buildings intact. Can’t see much point in that myself. So for the real apocalypse to start I think 40 years is quite a good timeframe, enough to get lots of terminator movie robot factories in bunkers (they already have the bunkers in the Ozarks or someplace like that) because other ways you just wreck everything by megaton bombs and chaos which is not the objective. Newton worked out “after 2060” and I like that, when did he say that ??? About 300 years ago.
I have heard that Putin is a KoM. Do you know if this its true or not? seems to confirm what you say about Putin being a KoM. This surprises me because I thought he aligned himself with the Orthodox Church which traditionally is at odds with the Pope and the Catholic church!!
The Jesuit Vatican New World Order
Now that I know you are a lawyer, I understand why you cannot think outside the box. Study and practice law for a decade and that is the unavoidable impact on the brain.
Please consider an alternative possibility…
One of the ways that the Illuminati has maintaind power and influence is to convince each of its tentacles that they are indeed the head of the beast. The CIA, the Vatican, the Tavistock Institute, the London School of Economics, are just a few of these arms.
The Trilateral Commission was not creatted by the CIA. There has never been anybody in the CIA even remotely capable of putting together such a global power reach.
The TC concept was envisioned by Nelson Rockefeller in 1935 but it was not until David Rockefeller formally assumed the mantle of his Dynasty, in 1970, that he was able to put this plan into action. He immediately commissioned Zbigniew to create the TC, which was completed in 1973, the same day Rupert Murdoch was invited to become a citizen of the US.
Some parts of the organisation were then incomplete but a reliable indicator of when the TC was fully launched was when Ross Garnaut was directed to work with Rupert Murdoch and Frank Lowy in the running of Australia.
Just as O’Neil cannot get past China as the infrastructural messiah, you cannot get past the evil Jesuits as the illuminati, who are and always will be merely an arm of the Vatican tentacle (ignoring the biological false metaphor). By the way, one of these in Australia is Fr Frank Brennan, who created the Dodds.
Lawyers can never be visionaries, forever cerebrally diverted by their training and indoctrination. Which is why, in frustration, Shakespeare inserted the line “after the revolution we get rid of all the lawyers” (paraphrased).
But lawyers can be a great source of information. You just need to know how to read it.
No Tony thank God I am not a lawyer with the corrupt BAR system. I have posted several times that I am a wholistic health practitioner for 40 as a chiropractor, naturopath, Bowen therapist, pH body chemistry, nutrition, laser acupuncture, advice on vaccinations, and a whole range of other therapies but I have studied law to some degree and still do in certain areas.
Thanks for your insight Tony. We can always learn and unlearn here 🙂
That’s cool, Arlyn; that cuts both ways. I have learned a lot from Gumshowers and expect to learn a lot more.
Just so you know, I first realised that everything I believed was a lie, in 1964, and that somebody big was creating these lies. I decided to devote the next ten years to discovering the ID of the master liar. Ten years became 56, but in the last 15 years i banged into others on the same journey.
Meanwhile, the conspiracies deepened and proliferated to the point by which no one person can possible penetrate th emaze. So here we are, working as a team.
Fortunately I learned a a very young age around 16. Im still at it and yes much more to come!
Pope Puts Nazis In Control Of Knights Of Malta As Trump Prepares To Destroy Federal Reserve (ABSTRACT clock on link for full article)
Critical Notice: Unlike in Europe, especially France, where Freemasons forces are known and feared, in American today this nations citizens have absolutely no idea of this historic war going on all around them—but that cannot be said of their ancestors; who in 1828 formed the Anti-Masonic Party to stop them from taking power, but whom, just a year later, in 1829, were totally defeated by Freemason forces loyal to America’s First Grand-Master President Andrew Jackson—and whose portrait Freemason leader President Trump ordered immediately installed in the White House Oval Office upon his taking power. Therefore, in order to understand this report, all of the previous reports (listed and linked below) must be read (and links followed) to know what is now occurring, and is being deliberately hidden from you.]
Another stunning report released in the Kremlin today by the Security Council (SC) on the ongoing Vatican-Freemason War states that less than a week after Pope Francis issued a decree to destroy the Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) for their supporting President Donald Trump, and the “evil Freemasons he leads”, the Pontiff has given control of this ancient order to Albrecht von Boeselager—whose father, Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager, was one of Adolph Hitler’s most feared Nazi generals, and whose Wehrmacht forces under his command committed one of the largest genocides in human history during World War II. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, Albrecht von Boeselager was expelled from the Knights of Malta shortly after the 2016 US presidential election based on secret recordings (with the aid of FBI) made by two American black civil rights religious leaders, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, showing his providing to the campaign of Hillary Clinton confidential information relating to how Freemason leader Trump was going to take back control of America—but with Clinton’s forces not realizing that both Sharpton and Jackson were longtime Freemason “brothers” and Trump supporters.
To Freemason leader President Trump’s (and by his extension his President Obama ally) ultimate goal in taking over the control of the United States, this report continues, is the complete destruction of the private banking system called the Federal Reserve that currently controls the entire money supply of America—but by Trumps (at the least) invoking what is called the Taylor Rule, or (at the most extreme) passing a two-sentence law that says “The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is hereby repealed. So are all subsequent acts based on the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.”, and would immediately return to the US Treasury (i.e. the American people) a staggering $4.5 trillion stolen from the American people by these evil US-European banksters.
Along with the Vatican forces opposing Freemason leader President Trump before he can destroy the Federal Reserve, this report notes, is the American-Hungarian billionaire George Soros—whom the American people are not being told about his wealth being gained during World War II by his confiscating the property of Jewish peoples being sent for extermination by Nazi General Philipp Freiherr von Boeselager and his Wehrmacht forces—and as we had, likewise, reported to you in our 8 January report Obama Fears Erupt As Trump Prepares To Declare George Soros National Security Threat.
With George Soros having lost a monumental $1 billion after he was out maneuvered by Freemason leader President Trump, this report continues, he is presently unleashing upon America the Nazi tactic of flooding the streets with “pathological mindless idiots”—whose 21st Century iteration is called by the term “Colour Revolution”, but whose actions have not only destroyed the Middle East and Eastern Europe, it is shockingly now being cheered in the US by nearly all of their mainstream press organs—including the Hillary Clinton supporting news organization Politico, who just published an article titled “America, You Look Like an Arab Country Right Now-Welcome to the club!”
Don’t know if builders are in the mason clubs anymore, I thought it was pharmacists, desperately trying to get into an improved revenue stream
You need to do more reading and research. They are everywhere…
I have heard of ordinary people who bailed out, but some of these builders, are pretty rough around the edges, and they’re going broke all the time too, but they do need a good line of credit I suppose so maybe it starts there. Lots of entries under “former mason speaks out” …
ROXANNE – New Technology To Track Hate Speech, Political Extremism & Organised Crime
ROXXANE is a new technology funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project to track hate speech, propoganda, political extremism and organised crime. ROXANNE works across social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook as well as normal telecommunications platforms to identify, categorise, and track faces and voices enabling authorities to cover a more intensified picture of the network being investigated. However, there are concerns that the technology maybe used to supress free speech and track political behavior.
ROXXANE is a new multiplatform analytical tool scheduled by the Republic of Ireland to instill further close watch on the population.
It is in the launch pad for another societal governance surveillance technology to create visual mapping and identity suspects for the authorities.
Lawyers challenge Trudeau gov’t over ‘aggressive,’ ‘totalitarian’ travel quarantines (ABSTRACT click on lic=nk for full article)
This is not China or Cuba, or Chile under Pinochet, or Spain under Franco, or theocratic Iran,’ said John Carpay of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.
CALGARY, Alberta, February 4, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Calgary lawyers have threatened to sue the federal government over recent arrests and detainment of law-abiding Canadian citizens and their transport to federal isolation facilities. The lawyers argue that the latest anti-COVID measures are “flagrant violations” of Canadians’ constitutional rights and freedoms, and reflect a government that is increasingly “aggressive” and totalitarian.
Several Canadians have described how unidentified police and public health officials arrested citizens entering their country, including some who had negative COVID blood test results, and forced them into white vans to transport them to undisclosed quarantine facilities. They said officers refused to identify themselves or answer questions about where and how long they or their loved ones would be detained.
“You are hereby on notice that if you do not immediately rescind these provisions, and release the Canadians you are holding illegally under arrest in federally designated containment facilities, we will imminently commence legal proceedings,” said a letter from Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) president John Carpay to Federal Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra.
“Your government has increasingly shown a disturbing and even aggressive opposition to the constitutional rights and freedoms of Canadians,” Carpay wrote.
Why are not the Australian lawyers doing this as well?
Are health authorities legally allowed to withhold critical COVID vaccine info?
Would entities like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the CDC and FDA deceive Americans regarding published COVID-19 data or COVID-19 vaccine data?
February 4, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Some may find it difficult to believe that the U.S. federal government would falsify information or otherwise deceive millions of Americans. Others may determine the opposite. Such persons may conclude, for example, that based on the actions of the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) during the “Russia collusion hoax,” even the most powerful U.S. federal government bureaus and departments may deceive millions of Americans for multiple years at a time. Further studying the methods of such entities, one will discover that, indeed, “ruses or ploys” and “strategic deceptions” “are used often” by the FBI (p. 132). Other documents from the FBI and DOJ also admit to the use of deception as a method.
But would public health officials deceive Americans? Would entities like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the CDC and FDA deceive Americans regarding published COVID-19 data or COVID-19 vaccine data? Some have been questioning the honesty of such entities regarding COVID-19 death counts and information about serious adverse events caused by COVID-19 vaccines that were given “emergency use authorization” in the U.S. Falsifying such information, or not publishing important information, could result in serious harm, including death, for many people; thus, Americans would expect complete honesty from public health officials, vaccine-developers, the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA.
But there is significant information in U.S. public health law that suggests otherwise. Section 801 of the Food and Drug Amendments Act of 2007 requires some clinical trial results of studied drugs (including biological products and vaccines) to be published. A complete discussion of that law is not possible here; a summary discussion of the law is here. But the law clearly states that government entities and drug- and vaccine-developers may not publish certain clinical trial results — apparently including certain results describing life-threatening adverse events and deaths — in “extraordinary circumstances” “consistent with the protection of public health” or “in the interest of national security.”
Where is the openness and transparency and honest scientific research in Australia?
It is suppressed and censored and the narrative is false with lie after lie.
Would entities like the Theraputic Goods Administration and Ministry of Health and Health Minister Greg Hunt deceive Australians regarding published COVID-19 data or COVID-19 vaccine data?
YES !!!
You have answered your own question. Administrators and only medical advice is allowed. Just listen to the rot that comes out of the medical commentators. They are indoctrinated brain-washed white coats not to be trusted under any circumstances as they are part and parcel of all of this medical health policy insanity nonsense…
I think Norman Swan and Gregg Sheridan were separated at birth, maybe they work for the same agency
Trump is winning election lawsuits, in case you haven’t heard
Trump has won two-thirds of the cases that have been adjudicated by the courts.
WallStreetBets Redditors To Target Bankers Who Stole Their Money In 2008 With $65B War Chest
Arlyn February 4, 2021 at 10:21 pm
You are all over the shop without any references and you are way off
my response:
I have a good reference don’t worry
if you do not how to communicate, why bother attempting?
It’s a long story but Arlyn went like a judge on an election fraud trial – just spat it
I counted about 44 ‘Arlyns’.
Is that a record for a commentator at GS, including some replies?
The Great Reset | Biotoxin Journey
Please pass on. Our government is starting the reset in March. Thank you
Well I have had to reply to 4 of your comments for a start. Obviously I read a lot more than you do Ned. There will soon be a time in the future where you will not be able to read material. It will happen much sooner than you think
Why don’t you do a full blown article about the immune system and the virus attack vectors. It’s interesting how you said the immune system is in some large part concentrated into little-known glands around the mouth and nose. Also not long ago I provided evidence that the virus uses diabetic and hypertension MEDICATIONS as an attack vector into cells:
To me this is one of the biggest stories in town and it has floated around for months and obviously will never get any traction with MSM.
Why kids don’t get the virus
Wake up, feet in socks
During Pandemic, China Sent Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US: Customs Data
Did you read the posts where I placed the material of the liar and plagiarist Pasteur vs Bechamp? I have posted it twice. If people would only learn the difference they would not be herded around by this illegal-corporate-government entity. People are basically lazy or hey are completely brain washed by the seriously flawed medical model that is the third largest cause of death!
Yes I read, I have no issues with that, I have heard something of it elsewhere. You hear this story with anything anyway. Partners ripping one another off and all sorts, similar stories. But this is 100 year old history, and I am suggesting you do a discourse on the present situation, put the diabetes/hypertension medication attack vectors together with whatever you know about the immune system glands in the face, and come up with something of wide current interest. History is good but I’m talking about investigative news, which is the website name of these bloggs.