by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Do you remember Queensland’s long-serving premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen (1911-2005)? Do you remember when prostitution and gambling (and for that matter same-sex sex) were criminal? On the books, anyway, they were illegal.
Back in the ’80s the unannounced plan of the Qld government was to let brothels increase and multiply, and so they did. The Licensing Branch of the State Police was supposed to make sure prostitution was not happening, but of course they were instructed – by Someone Up There – to allow it.
Matthew Condon, in his 550-page history, All Fall Down (2015), describes some occasions on which the law did get enforced– for the public’s mis-education:
“Licensing Branch had an occasional phoney bust. They would ring Miller and tell him to have a girl ready tomorrow night. She would be booked into a room at the Southern Cross Motel. The girl goes there and is busted and charged with soliciting. Miller would pay the fine and the girl would be paid $500 for taking the rap….Licensing would always have a beer which was kept in a fridge for them and then leave.”
Even though today sex workers are registered and presumably pay taxes, the fact is that at that time it was a crime. Some of the girls complained that police were taking too much of a commission, as it were. Also some good cops complained about the racket of the paybacks.
Before you know it, Chris Masters of ABC’s Four Corners produced a show called “The Midnight State.” (It mainly had to do with drugs, of which north Queensland held a lead in imports and hemp growing.)
Peter Vassallo of Canberra’s FBI-like group, the ABCI – Australian Bureau of Criminal Investigation – got into the act of tracing the source of drugs. He came upon such hardened cops as the late Tony Murphy as a ringleader. His investigation led to the Bellino brothers, who were later jailed, and also to the office of the police commissioner Sir Terence Lewis.
Before you know it there was said to be sufficient public pressure to deserve a royal commission or similar. A very proper QC, Tony Fitzgerald was assigned to run the inquiry into police corruption. And thus we had the Fitzgerald Inquiry which brought down Bjekle-Petersen and his National Party, and put the police commissioner, Sir Terry, behind bars for a 14 year sentence.
Remember this was because they were supposed to be enforcing the law against “vice.”
Amazingly, the badge of the Queensland Police has not one, but two, images of the British Crown. I suppose the motto on the banner “With honour we serve” can be interpreted to mean “With honour we serve the Crown.”
The Inquiry
At the Inquiry, Assistant Commissioner Graeme Parker turned state’s witness and testified: “I would also receive hundreds of call every week from police who said Lewis was corrupt but were too scared to be named or provide a statement for fear of losing their jobs.”
I find it very encouraging that the man in charge of the Inquiry gave little speeches before some of the hearings such as this one:
“It is impossible to concede how an honest policeman could rationally believe the acceptance of a situation, that involves corruption by any of his colleagues, benefits either himself or his force or is justified by his shared interest and burdens with any who are corrupt – merely because like him they are policemen.”
Your Basic Washington DC Strip Club
In Adelaide we have such strips clubs as The Crazy Horse on “the infamous Hindley Street,” where contortionists work out 7 nights a week. As far as I know, you can’t get in legal trouble for watching the strippers, talking to them, or slipping a fifty into their g-string, had they a g-string.
So tonight I was surprised to see that Pauline has been forced, as usual, to unload one of her candidates for senate in the upcoming Federal Election. She was in tears on TV.
She said “I cop all this sh*t” though she is really “working for the people.” I’ve known Pauline since 1999, when she and I stomped against the MAI, and I think she does work for the people. Wouldn’t it be nice if polies in general worked for the people.
Perhaps the sin of the new candidate, on a trip to Washington, was that he put an Aussie 50 note instead of a Seppo 50 note in the relevant g-string. If you see the video of it you may think he actually put it some place else.
Which raises the question, What was a video camera doing at this particular strip club on this particular night? And what was an audio recorder doing there to catch him saying something senatorial or even presidential like “I always grab pussy when I can.”
According to the federal election rules his name, now on the ballot, cannot be removed. So he will be in the running, but Pauline said today (at gunpoint?) that she is sure people won’t vote for him.
Ho hum. Aren’t you sick of the media making Pauline cop it?
Exchange rate today: one AUD dollar fetches 70 cents USD.
Off Topic: By my conversion AUD 1.42 = USD 1.00. Today’s top price of crude oil per barrel appears to be USD 72.00 converted, equals AUD 101.50. A few years ago the price of crude reached a top of $161.00 per barrel I don’t know which currency. At that time the price of petrol at the pump reached $1.60.
Recently, in W.A. the price at the pump exceeded $1.60, but the price of crude oil is nowhere near $160.00 per barrel. Can anyone supply a reasonable answer to this conundrum?
Pauline, please keep giving the criminals of Canberra, hell. Keep listening to what the people of Australia want and use your position to push on their behalf.
I don’t watch TV, so I had to research what all this ruckus was about. Looks like Pauline has been set-up again. I tried discussing with her various things, but she is bull-headed and keeps making herself a target. Plus, the clowns that attach themselves to her are a disaster waiting to happen. A couple I ran into were spooks, but you wouldn’t believe some of the other big ego fools I ran into. Dumb as dirt… I think Pauline picks them because she thinks she is smarter than them.
Crikey, just before the NZ psy-op, they set her up on the Port Arthur stuff. It worked a charm, ‘conspiracy theory nonsense!’ – wow, Pauline, just in time for NZ – ya got used sweetheart!
Now just before the election this ‘whats his name’ clown shows his ‘situational awareness’ of spook work to the world regarding a ‘honey trap’. Geez guys, getta clue…
Pauline’s got a good heart, but she keeps trying to play checkers in a chess game.
Yep they set her up again in the interview about PA… and she said “the government could never have done it…
Sad really how easy it is to discredit and intimidate anyone. And the strip footage waiting on the shelf for the ‘used by date’
I think they said the fellow’s trip to Washington occurred 7 months ago.
She can sue them. Seriously.
I suggest you read Tim Jones’ article published on Australian Independent media this morning. Can’t believe that Gumshoe supports Pauline Hanson, an ignorant self serving bigot from day 1.
Well Jim your vitriol is just the inspiration I need to further donate to One Nation.
Another 20 like her in parliaments around Australia would go a long way to improving this country and improve the image of many of our current Politicians.
James, I wish you had provided a link to the article.
Some guy writes an article in Australian Independent media – never heard of it. Is it true? Are the quotes selective or out of context?
Here’s what I remember. Pauline had an Asian working in her chip shop – must be a bigot, she hires them to exploit them…
I went to one of her rallies in Dennistone where there were all these black clad ‘woman’ with shortly cropped hair cuts that were chanting “Migrants YES, Racists No” – We had to run the gauntlet between two rows of these dingbats. “Migrants Yes, Racists No”. My mate, a third generation Ozzie of Chinese ancestry with a pony-tail and a strong Ozzie accent walked in front of me. It freaked out the dingbats.
When we were inside about a third were ‘wogs’. People from all around the world that had seen this kind of oppression before and thought they found a party that could represent them. I watched John try to reason with the dingbats. It occurred to me that John was the dinkum Aussie and I was the freaking white, heterosexual, male IMMIGRANT!
IIt’s a one party election as before (libore) .Two sides of the same coin .Wonder if they’ll give us pens or pencils this time .
These latest theatrics from the circus are distractions from the real issues at hand that no politicians dare to address and bring out on the table . The list is long , most of us know what they are , but the parameters must not be breached . Why doesn’t the media mention the real stuff that goes on in secrecy with our so called leaders . No one dares to speak because they are all compromised therefore concealing the truth .
Did you watch Bill on 7.30 last night . His red tie implied the intention before he spoke .
It’s all blue ties (UN global) or red ties (CCP) take your pick , but they’re both the same , and that’s the choice were given .We get our freedom of choice as long as we don’t get to say too much .
Unfortunately here , it’s not what you know but who you know .
Our young women look good in combat gear, on the ads . The reality , artillery fire from above and surrounds followed by rape pillage and murder, indiscriminantly . A war zone is the ugliest of all abominations. . Looks good in the movies and this is what they bombard our youth with continuously . We are not a defence force but are a mercenary force for the crown . All about guns oil and exponential greed .
Yes, they are both the same
(October 15, 2018)
Ms Hanson urged her colleagues to acknowledge “the deplorable rise of anti-white racism and attacks on Western civilisation” and say “it is OK to be white”
“It’s Okay to Be White” is a slogan launched on 4chan as a “proof of concept” to demonstrate that signs with the phrase posted in public places would be accused of promoting racism and white supremacy.
From the ABC:
When the Senate voted on the motion on Monday night, it was defeated, but not before Government senators voted for it.
The Government leader in the Senate, Mathias Cormann, blamed an “administrative error”.
Government senators gave themselves another chance on the motion yesterday, by recommitting the vote, and all voted against it.
No one wants to be the first to be seen to stop clapping do they.
“It’s Okay to Be White” is a slogan launched on 4chan as a “proof of concept” to demonstrate that signs with the phrase posted in public places would be accused of promoting racism and white supremacy.
AND it succeeded! – I wonder what the irrational liberals would think if a black person wore a t-shirt that said “It’s Okay to be White”. Would their logic(?) extend to calling the black person a white supremacist?
Or, how about a white person wearing a t-shirt that said “It’s Okay to be Black”. Would liberal logic(?) extend to calling the white person a racist as they were diminishing the dignity of black people?
I can’t keep up with liberal illogical thinking, it hurts my head. By the way, does anybody know how many genders there are this week?
They’ll broadcast the result a few hours after the polling booths close .
In the last state election , not even three hours had passed !
Meanwhile , as the movie star business is going on , in the real world they are
crashing the ponzi and the collectors are in to murder the mass financially
and whatever else is on agenda .
How is it that you would know the plans, 56?
Mary ,
It’s in our face for all to see . I’m not saying anything you don’t know .
I don’t know what will happen in 5 minutes time , but I can look at the past to see where we are today .
Offence is not my intention . Maybe I shouldn’t comment .
Yep, right in the face! To eliminate the middle earners and bring them into debt, dependent servitude and serfdom, as in the middle ages.
Amazing how they provide all the fakery and distractions to prevent the people from knowing what is planned for them AND IT IS ALL IN THEIR FACES, if they bothered to look.
A woman describing her escape
This link should work.
Get a tissue or two.
Watch the Aussie msm report from about the 5+ minute mark.
Sheer evil!!!
Well prostitution has geometrically multiplied substantially since the days of the Fitzgerald Inquiry and the booming of Asian ‘massage’ centres nationally. Police crime and corruption has increased as the profits have increased so the ethics, integrity and standards are ignored. As long as there is a demand from the Australian male the practice will continue unabated. It is the human trafficking that needs to come to and end and the under age sex.
Moonlight State: The Bagman, the secret codes, and the payments to bent cops in web of corruption
Post 1970s
Since the 1970s there has been a change toward liberalisation of prostitution laws, though the actual approaches have varied. A May 1990 Australian Institute of Criminology report recommended that prostitution not be a criminal offence, since the laws were ineffective and endangered sex workers.[8] A survey conducted in the early 2000s showed that 15.6% of Australian men aged 16–59 have paid for sex at least once in their life and 1.9% had done so in the past year. Men who had paid for sex were more likely than other men to smoke, to drink more alcohol, to have had a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or been tested for HIV, to have more sexual partners, to have first had vaginal intercourse before 16, and to have had heterosexual anal intercourse.[9]
The NSW Wood Royal Commission into Police Corruption in 1995 recommended sex work be decriminalised to curb corruption and abuse of power.