Introduction by DM
There are a few people in Australia that are warriors in the fight for children’s rights, and their right to live and be brought up by their parents who love them — and one of these people is Pastor Paul Robert Burton, along with Dr Andrew Katelaris. I’ve known Pastor Paul for about six years now and he is fearless whistleblower and campaigner as is the outspoken Dr Katelaris.
These two me have been targeted by the government for challenging the system and the corruption.
A Note from Pastor Paul Robert Burton
For those of you not familiar with www.didyouknow.ink this is a great initiative to help educate the general public about many important issues. They cover many different topics including things like the dangers of 5G and Radio Frequency Radiation through to State Government Condoned Child Trafficking and Child Abuse. Their website includes downloadable educational material including Truth Flyers, A5 Flyers Printable Stickers, Brochures, T-Shirts and more. They are also a supporter of The Light Newspaper.
They are very supportive of whistleblowers and individuals like myself who are being persecuted for speaking Truth.
I would like to bring your attention to their Kids For Cash Flyer and also the following flyer below with three important upcoming court dates for myself and Dr Andrew Katelaris (Newcastle NSW) and Patrick O’Dea (Brisbane QLD).
For those of you not aware, myself and Dr Andrew Katelaris have been suppressed for nearly 7 years by the NSW Supreme Court of Equity and have also been challenging fabricated criminal charges for allegedly saying the name of a child on Facebook and allegedly releasing medical information about that child (around 7 years ago) despite all the information already being in the public domain, around 4 million other people doing exactly the same thing, and despite that child being removed by the State of NSW (DOCS/FACS/DCJ) on known false grounds and without delegated authority. That is, this indigenous highly compromised child was in effect either abducted and/or kidnapped by the State. We have a Notice of Motion on the 19th of August (for one day) and we have a two week trial currently listed to begin on the 14th October 2024 in the Newcastle District Court NSW.
On the 26th of August at Brisbane District Court there is also the 3 to 5 day trial of whistleblower Patrick O’Dea who is being persecuted for trying to protect children who disclosed sexual abuse to multiple people on multiple occasions.
In both of the above Jury Trials the Prosecution are trying to argue that the parties cannot run self defence (of another) in a desperate attempt to hide the criminality of Public Officers both State and Federal who are condoning the trafficking and abuse of children.
We are asking that the public support us in exposing this appalling system that now appears completely incapable of hearing and seeing truth and protecting our children and grandchildren.
The information also includes a location to meet before each of these court dates.
Kindest Regards & God Bless

A Summary Of The Above Video
The journey of former musician and environmental activist, Pastor Paul Robert Burton, began about nine years ago when he met an indigenous woman by the name of Aunty Mimmie as he affectionately refers to her.
Aunty Mimmie, along with Auntie Hazel from the Gomeroi/Gamileroi Mob, had started a group called Grandmothers against Removals, which was focused on retrieving children who had been unjustly removed by the State (you can find them on Facebook here).
Auntie Mimmie herself had lost two grandchildren to what was then called DOCS/FACS, and she had little to no contact with them at the time that Pastor Paul made her acquaintance.
This was the beginning of Pastor Paul discovering the dark reality of what he now refers to as “state-condoned child trafficking and child abuse.”
Pastor Paul observed some red flags in regard to Auntie’s granddaughter who was in out-of home-care. However, when he questioned FACS workers, asking if anyone had investigated whether her granddaughter was in an abusive situation, he was shocked that the department did not react in the compassionate way expected when legitimate concerns are raised by a caring adult about a child.
Upon investigating the whereabouts of the child, Paul discovered the child in question was living in a house with a lady who had five children in her alleged care, and was getting paid for each of them, making approximately $150,000 a year.
He says this “carer” at that time had a boyfriend with a substantive criminal history that included child sexual abuse and that it is, sadly, very common for this department to put children into much higher risk situations.
Pastor Paul says that when he voiced his concerns, the department began persecuting him.

Approximately one year later, the parents of a young indigenous child with cerebral palsy came to Paul for pastoral support.
Paul says the family later had their child forcibly removed based on known false grounds, and without delegated authority.
Pastor Paul and about seven others were pepper-sprayed and assaulted during the removal of the child, during this incident he was livecasting on Facebook. As a consequence, over 500,000 people saw what occurred within minutes, and over 4 million people within hours.
Around six weeks later, Paul along with Dr Andrew Katelaris (who had also been independently helping the family) were summoned into the Court of Equity, and they are both still unable to say the young boy’s name to this day, as they have had suppression on them for almost seven years now. .
They are currently still fighting in the courts, however as Paul is a permanent resident he is also facing deportation for allegedly saying the name of a child who “was or is, or is reasonably likely to be” in care, on social media, which is a two year indictable strict liability criminal offence under THE CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS (CARE AND PROTECTION) ACT 1998 – Section 105.
Thousands of others also had broadcast the child’s name publicly, including the media. However, they have not been charged with the same alleged offence as Pastor Paul. As a result of this incident, Pastor Paul has been before more judges and magistrates than any other self-represented individual in Australia.
Parents Are Powerless And It Could Happen To Anyone.
Pastor Paul says that in NSW, Australia, Family and Community Services (FACS) can abduct your child from you without a warrant by enlisting the NSW police force, with no evidence proven in any court of law and no opportunity for you to challenge the information…
Kids For Cash?
Pastor Paul speaks about how children are removed illegally in Australia. He says that all children’s courts are closed courts, under the guise of protecting children – though it appears that who they are really protecting are the people who are removing and then abusing the children.
With this system in place, the public aren’t privy to any possible sordid details of how children are being treated.
Paul states in no uncertain terms that Section 105, although purporting to protect the privacy and identity of children, was actually created to protect those who remove and (in some cases) abuse the children. It is this suppression that hides the child-removal industry from the public, together with the shocking outcomes of thousands of children who are forcibly removed from their loving families.
It is interesting to note that an average child in care costs taxpayers approximately between $41,358 and $881,113 annually per child (source: Productivity Commission Report under tab “Indicator results” and then scroll down to heading “13. Unit cost of care”).
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So instead of occasional random crimes of amoral filth happening on a opportunist basis, we see a cartel of the lowest life form. YES i mean you, judges, lawyers and the laughably called protective service agents on the willing governments payroll.
The freaks that cover the public perception of these acts of a depraved mind are a very low life form. However, as sick and evil as they are, they would operate at a low level of incidence, without help.
You could argue that the industrial, high level re/occurrence that comes with the protection of the above mentioned filth would only be possible by the aiding and abetting of the other, above mentioned cartel. But I don’t argue with peds
A recent article that seems appropriate to the present article. Hell, when I read it I felt I could have written it.
I completely support you, Pastor Paul.
I completely support you, Aunty Mimmie and Aunty Hazel.
Here’s something the R-soles did on the other side. Already ten months ago and no one’s been so much as reprimanded.
Gosh, aren’t they pathetic. (Just watch the first 2 minutes):
It goes on … started in an “Indian” reservation
Looking at the types of fire damage, it was DEFINITELY a directed energy weapon attack.
Anybody got a link to the most optimal blue color to paint your roof?