
by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits
Editor’s note: Judy Mikovits is a well-known whistleblower on the XMRV virus. Kent Heckenlively is a former lawyer. Together they wrote Plague of Corruption. With their permission, we are printing the following excerpt from that book.
My anger is with those who betray the search for truth. I think it’s very plausible that honest people stumbling upon corruption can become so despondent that they kill themselves.
But I also think it’s likely that procedures are in place to deal with those who are not willing to go along with the program. I’m not saying there haven’t been times in my ordeal where I haven’t been very despondent. However, for the record, I [Judy Mikovits] will never kill myself.
Do these suspicious deaths of leading doctors and scientists continue to this day?
They do.
In January of 2018, a writer named Baxter Dmitry published an article in which he claimed a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control told him, “Some of the patients I’ve administered the flu shot to this year have died. I don’t care who you are, this scares the crap out of me. We have seen people dying across the country of the flu, and the one thing nearly all of them have in common is they got the flu shot.”
On February 12, 2018, Dr. Timothy Cunningham left his job at the Centers for Disease Control early, claiming he didn’t feel well. If we are to believe the news accounts, after arriving home, he put on his black jogging shoes, went for a run, and disappeared.
Dmitry then revealed that his anonymous CDC doctor was none other than Dr. Timothy Cunningham. When NBC News reported on the mysterious disappearance a week later, this is what they had from Joe Carlos, a friend of Cunningham’s from Morehouse College. The two were going to attend a gala at Morehouse:
“Our last communication the week prior was about hanging out before and going down to the VIP reception and enjoying ourselves,” Carlos said. “I can speak for myself and so many classmates that this is very, very shocking.”
Cunningham’s friends described him as opinionated, positive, and happy— and they noted his reliability.
“He has this pristine service record and background, and then he’s also the guy you can call to help you move furniture or get together with you at a restaurant at the end of a long day,” said Calloway, who also knew Cunningham from college and maintained a close relationship with him over the years.
In October of 2017, Dr. Cunningham had been named a “40 under 40 Award Honoree” by the Atlanta Business Chronicle and sat for an interview with them.
When asked about his work he said, “I’m very fortunate to love what I do. That does not mean it is always easy, but my passion for the work helps sustain me when it gets hard. My advice is to do what you love. Love what you do. Do not quit. Keep going. During the bad, pick yourself up and learn from it. Finally, take time to celebrate during the good times.”
Cunningham was also asked what skills and attributes a person under forty can bring to a workplace to make it grow. He replied, “Be flexible. Move beyond your traditional silos. Be aware of your inherent biases. Be open-minded and willing to learn. Open yourself up to get to know people different from you and let them know you as well.” Sounds a lot like my approach to science.
On April 3, 2018, more than seven weeks after he’d disappeared, some fishermen in the Chattahoochee River spotted a body tangled in debris. It was Dr. Timothy Cunningham.
In his final conversation with his sister, Tiana, Cunningham had told her “You have to figure things out for yourself.” Tiana later recalled that her brother sounded paranoid.
In an extensive article for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on June 4, 2018, a new narrative about Timothy Cunningham began to emerge:
To those who knew him best, Timothy Cunningham was a well-educated, motivated career man who felt it was his purpose to change lives. But in his personal life, Cunningham struggled with his sexuality, was upset he hadn’t landed a promotion, and lived with a chronic disease, family and friends told Atlanta police.
It’s now no longer a mystery how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention epidemiologist died. Cunningham committed suicide by drowning himself, according to the Fulton County Medical Examiner’s office.
I just don’t buy it, though. Especially after what I lived through in 2011. The events were so similar it made my skin crawl. I shudder to think what might have happened if we did not own baby Jonah, that thirteen-foot Boston Whaler. And what about Bradstreet, found dead in a river, as well?
Cunningham was well-liked, accomplished, had two degrees from Harvard, and was a commander in the US Public Health Service, having responded to the Ebola and Zika outbreaks, as well as Superstorm Sandy. I challenge you to look at a picture of this well-built thirty-five-year-old African American man in his commander’s uniform, standing in front of an American flag and the flag of the US Public Health Service, and see a brittle soul.
Do you see how the Atlanta Journal-Constitution article muddies the waters? It’s like one of those horoscopes where they say so many things you think it’s accurate because one of them resonates with you.
He didn’t know if he was gay or not! That’s why he killed himself? He didn’t get that promotion! That’s why he killed himself?
He had a mysterious unnamed “chronic disease” for which he was taking medication! That’s why he killed himself? Okay, what was that chronic disease? Psoriasis?
I tend to think the answer resides in something vague reported in a Washington Post article a few weeks after Cunningham disappeared:
“Police investigators are bewildered as they work through the ‘extremely unusual’ circumstances surrounding the missing-person case of Timothy Cunningham, a researcher who vanished February 12, shortly after hearing why he had been passed over for a promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Cunningham, 35, told colleagues he was not feeling well and left work at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, not long after speaking with his supervisor about why had not been promoted, Atlanta Police Maj. Michael
O’Connor told reporters.
“I’d like to know the reason Cunningham was passed over for that promotion. Was it because he was saying flu shots were killing people?”
That might get you passed over for a promotion in public health if it turns out you’re killing members of the public and talking about it to nosey reporters.
Dear Gumshoers and Visitors, I’d like this article to be the first of many on the subject of whistle blowers who probably got knocked off. Submit a name or an article if you like. You DO NOT HAVE TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY. The Tim Cunningham story speaks for itself, doesn’t t?
The name of the series is SUSPiCiOUS deaths, that’s all. They are worth making a collection of.
Write to Gumshoe editor: McLachlanDee@gmail.com
or MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com. Type SUSPICIOUS SERIES in the subject line, please, as Dee gets hundreds of emails a day.
The Covid-19 scam has been busted wide open with the release of the Victorian death numbers for July 2020. That number being below or equal to several previous July deaths in the last 10 ½ years. We had been told by politicians and Health Department officers via the MSM that the numbers dying in Victoria this year are like nothing seen before.
These people and the media should be criminally charged with knowingly and deliberately creating panic amongst the public. They all had a chance to reconcile previous years monthly casualty numbers, but that was not part of their project, which was to prepare the public for the One World Government.
The July death numbers for 2020, was 3561 as posted 14/08/20 at Victoria’s Births, Deaths and Marriages website: https://www.bdm.vic.gov.au/research-and-family-history/research-and-data-services/death-statistics/deaths-registered-per-month
Deaths July 2019 4102 Deaths July 2020 3561 – 541
July 2018 3628 July 2020 3561 – 67
July 2017 3386 July 2020 3561 +175
Deaths June 2019 4737 Deaths June 2020 3126 -1611
June 2018 3088 June 2020 3126 + 38
June 2017 3680 June 2020 3126 – 554
Dr Robert O. Young in a video stated, that the death numbers in US this year is 2% lower than each of the three previous years.
Please clarify , Mal, as I did not read your earlier posts about the stats.
where do you go to get the figures? are they only for vic?
Is it all kinds of death, cancer, car crash. — do they provide figure for flu deaths?
Is there a similar national compendium?
Have you read of people in other countries making a short sharp shock like this?
Yes they are punishable for doing this. Damn the lot of them.
I don’t think anybody disputes the disparity. What has happened is that social distancing has dramatically reduced the spread of ordinary flu, which kills an anticipated percentage each year. This is all beside the point.
Element (1)
What is most pertinent is that Covid-19 is man-made, effectively. It really matters not if it was created by the Chinese or the Americans, or if it was stolen by one party. Injury to the victims was the objective.
The central issue is that the more we learn about Covid-19 the more dangerous it appears to be. This is all largely speculative at this stage, but it appears that the mild cases are associated with later-emerging brain and nerve damage. Also, that the younger you are the more serious the injuries.
So, considert it dangerous.
Element (2)
The vaccination may well be even more dangerous. Forget about evidence or proof. By the time these pointers become available it will be fait accompli… all over red rover.
All those individuals and organisations associated with the vaccination push are eugenics believers. All are ruthless. many are clearly psychopathic. That is quite enough for me. I want the NT to maintain closed borders and strict quarantine.
In the NT, it is widely speculated that the only reason the ALP will win this election on the 22nd of August will be Gunner’s uncompromising stand on corona-virus.
Element (3)
The future: People need to comprehend and face the reality that evenings in the pub or restaurant are over forever. The gathering of the faithful in church will be a memory. Complaints about hijab will never again be heard. This is an event which many sci-fi writers wrote about, and without a lot of prophetic ability I might add. Global man-made armageddon was inevitable as long as we allowed hierarchies to prosper, and social decison-making leaft to ‘leaders’.
The threat may dissapate with time, but I am putting my money on glorious isolation in the wilderness for survival.
The question that everyone needs to ask is “am I going to keep putting pearls before swine or am I going to start using their manure to fertilise my vegie patch”
anything can be put to some sort of beneficial use, everything can be ultimately constructive, its just a matter of thinking beyond the box
The nature of the virus itself really is a non-issue in the scheme of things
As is the HCQ debacle
Point re the latter being that nobody has any God-given right to restrict or manipulate any other adult’s access to ANY substance.
But speaking of drugs, what tends to get overlooked is that the ambience that attracts people to sports & church stadiums/clubs, pubs & restaurants is exactly that. I mean, what else could you call any venue that extends a sense of camaraderie and belonging minus the icky discomfort of actually having to relate to others ?
Mary, my figures come from the Births, Deaths and Marriages office of the State of Victoria. The figures I provided are of Victoria only, as it is the state most arguably affected by Covid-19. It is also the state that has provided numbers that I can compare over a period of time. I have not yet checked all states, but some do not give easy to ascertain figures. These figures are for ALL deaths in that state.
I consider that if the total number of deaths for a particular state is provided on a monthly basis over 10 1/2 years as these are, then this is a good basis for comparing whether Cov-19 has had any effect on death numbers. In my opinion there is no great variance this year from others, when we have been told that Covid-19 has killed a far greater number is than NORMAL. This is a massive LIE. And there is that word again, “NORMAL”.
In fact the month that the media has been going to great lengths to vilify Covid-19 deaths, is July which had 541 less deaths than July last year.
I will not be amazed if the figure next month rises as all Victorians are now compelled to wear face masks which means that they will be breathing less oxygen as the masks act as an approx. 10% blockage. Most people being affected by Covid-19 already have respiratory problems.
I also believe that tests that are providing positive readings are of the “common cold”, i.e. Coronavirus. That is why not many people showing positive are becoming sick. We cannot compare these readings with other states as Victoria is the only state testing the whole population. What is there reason? If there is no testing, how do we know if the other states percentage of positives is any different?
Mary, the National statistics seem to be way behind, only recording up to the year 2018.
• Dr Robert O Young – from my archives
Dr Robert O Young breaks down CoVID w/ Sasha Stone – Vax Not 24 June 2020
Part 2 with Dr Robert O Young – New Earth Project 10 July 2020
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAKGoafJ_80
Really not off topic as it is allunder the umbrella of CONTROL BY PSYCHO CONTROL FREAKS AND KILLERS.
In the last day or so journo Millie Weaver was atrested at her home and to be charged for something.
It is suspected it may have something to do with her recent production; ‘Shadow Gate’
It is very long and technical re oUtsourcing the spying on YOU.
In the latter part the scope and effect of spying and blackmail is covered.
As an example: at about 1.12 it reports on how juries can be examined for characteristics, selected to result in a planned verdict. Sick bastards!.
OK, up to you to forget your football on tv for once and wake up.
btw. The Russian collusion allegations are blown out of the water…… i suspect this was all leaked for a purpse.😃😃😃😃😃😃the q team would be comforted. Sorry TV😆
Note at latest X22, that lawyer 11.3 has/is pleading guilty announced by Trump. Oh well tv, K =11 😀 C=3 sorry tv, have fun looking back at clues from Jan 17. 😆😆 do birds realy sing in the Spring?
Nothing to be sorry for on your part Ned.
I like to hear your opinions and if something were to come out that disproves my beliefs, then I’ll cop that on the chin and be wiser for it.
OFF TOPIC: Take a look at these long lines of people waiting to get some food. What kind of people would allow their existence to degenerate to this kind of behavior? Just wait until next year…
“What kind of people would allow themselves to …. degenerate ?”, asks Terry.
Why, Americans of course.
Perhaps I should keep my mouth shut here seeing as :
‘ there, but for the grace of god, go us Easily-Corralled-Dumb-Aussies’, judging by the meek and servile way many of my fellow citizens have accepted the tyranny.
Dee, excellent video that should be viewed by everyone in Australia. – As I was watching it, I reached over and took 5,000 more units of Vitamin D.
the documentary — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HFxVvrXjCg
Lies used to come out one at a time, now it’s like an out-of-control spaghetti factory
I hope you don’t mind if I use that line … It goes with the following and a few other thoughts I plan to share privately.
“When we read scientific literature written in the 70s, liberal, left, and right, we’re immersed in a world of openly honest people. They can be mistaken, say untrue things, but they are all genuinely dedicated to the logos. And then there’s some kind of frontier, when they all started to lie, which in my opinion is connected to a shift of liberals to the left. Suddenly, Western society began to become very stupid; it became narrower and narrower.“
• Fascinating interview with Russia’s conservative philosophy icon Alexander Dugin 31 August 2017
• http://russiafeed.com/fascinating-interview-russias-conservative-philosophy-icon-alexander-dugin/
Just finished watching – a few of points
• Millie Weaver was arrested on the basis of a ‘grand jury’ – so anyone can organise an anonymous grand jury and effect an arrest warrant to unleash the Cheka secret police referring to ‘paperwork’ that will be revealed when the target is taken to jail.
• Trump is portrayed in a positive light
• China was not mentioned once
• Consider everything – believe nothing
Seeing as this article is about ‘Suspicious Deaths’ , it’s timely to post the following item which I found to be a real treat.
Earlier today Ron Paul interviewed Robert F Kennedy Jr who talks about who killed his dad and uncle.
RFK Jr also talks about vaccines, the Covid lockdown and more.
Not to be missed :
relevant to Millie Weaver arrest
this is what is relevant
Bin Laden.
So he did not die in hospital whilst on dialysis in December 20O1.
Cannot wait to see how the ‘pinapple’ heads at (sorry RH) [and D K with B F] nine network commentators disclose this breaking story on Monday.
Yep, I might even invest 3.00 whatever, on the smh and read their reports.
Even The Age, in Melbourne may be a hoot.
Great work gumshoe, maybe the village msm collective might read your articles and the comments and note the videos. Fat chance, they have their gullibles wasting their money.
The covid scam: https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-corona-scam-chris-riden-3-hrs.html
Great work Timothy. From your own comments section 😊
I remember the time public health inflated the numbers in my hospital. I was a nursing unit manager and funding was not in my scope. I revealed the truth to management and suffered the consequence; Too young, too many achievements, too honest, just too bad.
It didn’t lead to my thinking of taking my life, my marriage suffered. Peers fell over themselves to distance themselves.
Funding, funding, funding (1st, 2nd & 3rd)
I want to make a note here about a vibrant pastor, FRANK ROMANEK JR. I found Frank some 3 and a half months ago when he had 254 subscribers. I think I became #255. He came out of the blue and had started a series on TOM HANKS MISSING. He analysed with great detail and integrity Tom Hank’s posts and Frank, who is religious and spoke about the forces of good and evil, quickly gathered subscribers. He has a wonderful, trusting and engaging presence. And every few days posted his next investigation. By episode 39 he had gathered a staggering 58,000 subscribers in less than 3 months. As part of the videos he introduced us to his sheep, fish, pigeons, chooks etc.
I then watched his short “Frank in Five” — then the channel went dark.
His wife post a vid alerting his subscribers that Frank had suddenly suffered a heart attack; he had fluid on the lung; they then discovered that he had had a stroke; and in the latest report he obviously also had kidney failure. He is struggling — just surviving with the support of his loving family. I have no doubt this was an attempted assassination. Doctors are confused.
Thank you Dee.
Sorry, error sorry, with nine network news.
Just check how much screwing ‘news’ the copulator’s control.
Seems that they have blocked a chin wag (message) from me to/with Ben Fordham. (Nine network screws you)Terry McCrann, letters to various editors , suggesting that Ms Millie Weaver (sp?) Is a matter for our threats to freedom by the village nwo collective idiots, that requires that our Prime minister should ‘please explain’!
After all, the disclosures should be on the front page of all our paid for msm tomorrow.
Oh shit, i forgot that some foot ball oafs have priority for the front page.
Oh well bandaner Fitzsimonds will have his other priorities. But I enjoy his jokes, pity he does not realise he is main character.😅
Blast from Perth sickbed:
Our darling Muzikmonkey tells Victorian premier what he can do with his ventilator:
Excellent Cherri – thank you for articulating so perfectly what we all know.
Good on you for mentioning Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr Rasheed Buttar, and (even) David Icke.
One of Dr Andrew Kaufman’s best regarding Koch’s postulates
Dr Andrew Kaufman’s Home Page
Daniel Andrews et al cannot afford to lose now – they have staked their very lives on this hoax – a very precarious position they have put themselves in. ‘Legislating’ indemnity will not save them from accountability.
And you are right – it is become obvious that we cannot even trust going to our GP if they have gone along with this – that simply cannot NOT know, or at least suspect – complicit cowards!
BTW – in addition to whatever else you are doing. Boil up some nice silver beet or spinach and drown it in lemon and/or Tahitian lime juice + season to taste.
Thank you again – you give us the words we are searching for when out and about.
Thanks Julius, sounding better today, getting there….. I’ve been avoiding these stupid guidelines when walking into shops, I get some funny looks, but by geeez they’ll get some education if I’m stopped….
I educate two or three people every single outing. I reject all occult Sabbatean ‘guidelines’ for ritualistic submission. If I go to a café I tell the proprietor that I am here to support their business because any day now the politicians may close you down as they are instructed to roll out Bill Gates’ “Second Wave” – they appreciate it and listen to more.
I typically start
• “I wonder if you realise … hoax“
• “I wonder if you have heard of Dr [anyone from the List – see below}
For the more confrontational Masksist the conversation usually ends up … “well maybe you aren’t worth saving after all” 😊
Interestingly the following ‘related’ link appeared at the bottom this article.
Understandably, the author who goes by the name of ‘Tim Londergan’ did not allow comments and discussion – just a cowardly hit and vanish piece.
Here is what I had prepared (I borrowed bg’s line):
Better get busy [debunking – a favourite word of these “fc chekas”] because lies used to come out one at a time, now it’s like an out-of-control spaghetti factory:
Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr Dan Erickson and Dr Artin Massihi, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor Knut Wittkowski, Dr Shiva Ayyadurai, Dr Annie Bukacek, Sayer Ji, Dr John Ioannidis, Prof. Johan Giesecke, Professor Klaus Püschel – Forensic Medicine, Dr Robert O Young, ITNJ – International Tribunal for Natural Justice (many experts collectively), Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, James Corbett, Dr Ivor Cummins – Vitamin D, all participants of America’s Frontline Doctors (multiple experts including Dr Simone Gold). Dr Anthony Fauci (sic – sorry he’s one of yours)
Here’s a better idea – go read a fairy tale – this one – “The Emperor’s New Clothes” – Hans Christian Anderson (1837)
• https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1597/1597-h/1597-h.htm#link2H_4_0001
Yes strength to you and your voice. Glad to hear you are recovering.
Feel we have some shared history–more grass roots than ivory towers.
Your song to Martin [and his mother} moves me to tears. Blessings and may you be inspired to continue writing and singing for us all.
We “know” “This is a eugenics AI agenda” –we are/have been living “their” plan—the Illuminati plan.
Cherri all my life–77 years and more -I have had funny looks–so sharing a personal story with you at my recent effort to educate.
I was in the local – “Health Food Shop” stage 4 zone -[ I do not-cannot wear. a mask–but use a head scarf-}- a conversation with another customer, wearing a face shield and the owner wearing a light disposable mask, developed- all agreed masks were ineffective and in fact counter productive- but if not obeyed closure of shop or massive fines. I then shared that I had a valid health reasons for not wearing a mask but I chose to cover my face for limited times to avoid conflict because I could have a severe abreaction if challenged or accosted. By this time the three of us, had either lowered our mask, lifted our shield or dropped the veil– I then noticed I was being listened to and watched intently – so I said the unspeakable– ‘You see I am a survivor of torture and extreme child abuse.” This statement immediately disengaged my “new found comrades” into their respective realities and they physically retreated into their world.
So I volunteered in a quiet accepting Voice that only “I” can recognise- “you see I was born during the war in London and I was part of the “unethical scientific/medical experiments that were happening at the time –there was a link with satanic cults and the London mafia- I was used as a guinea pig and infected with malaria amongst other things.” The silence got heavier I paid for my purchase and as I was leaving I turned and said “You know we are all their guinea pigs and Australia is the secret laboratory”
And I didn’t even mention the WAR Tavistock or New Zealand.
Diane, goodness what can I say! firstly thank you for the lovely comments with Martins song, it makes me feel ill, he’s not out! I still hope some day he’s free!!
Your level of endurance Diane speaks volumes, what a terrible thing to happen to you, Im so glad your still here, to tell the tale and to those people in the shop this day, way to go! I find it incredible how people whom have no idea about the Satanism that rules this world,YET with your wisdom/truth spoken to these people, you turned their heads and minds to think, good for them/you! In the last few weeks, I too have done just that, people so ignorant, now understand! we can only keep pushing this agenda day by day.
Lovely to hear from you Diane, keep well, stay bright…
Cherri X
Great of you to supply video. I would gamble that you would have tested positive as you appear to have a common cold, which is known as Corona Virus in the medical industry.
If you have read this page you would have seen that I have uncovered that deaths in Vic. this year are down 541 from last July. My worry now is that August figures will be up because of the wearing of masks.
Good to see that some other Sandgropers are awake to the scam. We have a few numbers at Gumshoe. It’s a pity that Mark McGowan and Roger Cook are not supporters although Cook has been given a copy of most of the video virus information that I had downloaded.
Thank you, yes us Gropers are still with it lol, your right the cold is only Corona as we all get! Im surprised Cook and Gowan are NOT waking up, goes to show, in my opinion, as I mentioned, their all part of the bigger Agenda, they would have to be! Why would any intelligent person, LET this happen? no sense at all! Its gonna get worse before long, Tic Toc!
Cherri shared this down in a comment reply …
… extra-parliamentary (grass court) inquiry committee in Germany
Yep these guys in my opinion are going to get the job done!
Wowee! Look out all politicians, you are in our sights. The public has become mobile at last. I hope that this body gets all the support that it needs.
Maybe the Cabal has created its own demise with this Covid-19 scam, along with the draconian measures set in stone by Fauci, Gates and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board which scammed 8 billion dollars from governments (taxpayers) around the world.
Yes its wonderful! finally its a weight of the shoulders! cant imagine the mind blowing court cases tho, a world crash!
AWESOME CHERRI. We need more vids from you.
Thanks for the support
The younger generation is being severely impacted..
And I spoke to a young pregnant mum serving in the bakery. She has a mask on 8 to 10 hrs a day. Please could any doctor comment on how this may affect the baby. I told her to gulp in as much O2 as possible.
Thank you Dee Ditto…..your welcome
Guy puts up 1 MILL for the truth! to be told!
Thank you Mary, thank goodness I’m not singing atm lol
Dear Cherri, If they offer a prize for people who can mince their words, you will not win.
Matter of o’ fact, you ain’t gonna be on the short list any time soon.
Oops. Just read Diane’s “day at the shop.”
Looks like she may be missing form the Short List, too.
Sisters in arms, brilliant!
Haha, you wont find me mincing words, some body stop me! 🙂
Cherri, I follow your comments but even better to see / hear you in your video.
Look after yourself and get well soon. (BTW, for someone who’s a bit under the weather, you look mighty fine).
Thank you Vigilante, very kind of you, in my opinion, I look terrible! sounded the same.
The voice is back bout 90%, so glad Im not performing as yet.
Stay bright! x Cherri
So sad, wonder if her medical clinicians informed her on hydroxychorqine with zinc.
If not, I feel are legal suit comming on.
Well, Dan what do you say? You have banned HCL.
PM, what do you say as our country goes bankrupt?
MSM, what do you say?
Forget the bs lancelet rubbish that lancelet had to withdraw.
Come on ‘nine network screws’, explain to your shareholders and insurers that you lot are facing annihalation when the class actions eventuate.
The Opal Princess fraud has been exposed by Brett Walker QC. Just wait when Walker is briefed by class litigants to screw you msm lot.
Ned, what is this about Brett Walker and the Opal Princess. Contact me by email if you have some information.
Dear Persons, just mentioning the way we are survelled. Sometimes I type offline, and then when access the Internet minutes later there s a youtube video or article offered to me which matches up to the subject I was typing about.
Also, when I made a phone call to a friend last night and spoke of a rather unusual subject matter, that subject was offered to me minutes later. on Internet.
I have got used to it and at times it is handy!
Also can’t complain about the way Youtube monitors my taste. Having just watched the Robert Kennedy interview above, the sidebar offered me this interesting bit from a surgeon at Parkland Hospital:
re: youtube
That’s because they are building everyone’s profiles!
Great story anyway
Just watched a rather long but worthwhile video only put out a few hours ago by Wake Up Australia on yt, entitled:
Pete Evans speaks around 19min mark
Nurse X around 41min (audio is bad here unfortunately)
Troy Thornton around 51min (terminally ill uncle died & Dr claimed it was a corona death, Troy’s family disputed)
Agent X around 58min mark (interesting perspective from ex ADF living in Vic with lots of current contacts & insights)
Solidarity is the key, for sure.
“Back on February 23, the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department did in fact search the Chattahoochee River from Marietta Boulevard down stream to Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway, which is close to where Mr. Cunnignham’s body was found,” Sergeant Cortez Stafford, a fire department spokesman, said at the press conference in early April. “During that search we did not find any indication or signs of a body being in the river at that time. We did a very thorough search of the riverbanks, both sides of the riverbanks, up stream and down stream, and did not encounter any indication that we discovered a body there.”
Stafford added, “This past Tuesday we were called out to that same area along Donald Lee Hollowell and the Chattahoochee River area for the recovery of a body and did in fact recover a body from that scene.”
So he purportedly jumped in the river when he couldn’t swim ?
Or there were dangerous currents?
I can’t find any info anywhere
re Suspicious deaths
How about suspicious hospitalisations.
Yesterday Trump visited his sick brother in hospital, commented that he was having a hard time.
We have seen how the medical industrial complex is controlled in relation to banning HCQ, not to mention Obamacare and all the large and small rackets going on in there.
About one day before, Trump was ushered out of a press conference by the secret service because some guy outside had a gun or whatever.
Remember 20 years ago when W was informed of 9-11 he just sat there, on camera, for 5 or 10 minutes thinking “poppy what they hell are you doing to me” and no secret service came to take him outside. They didn’t have any message for the little puppet!
So what did the SS tell Trump, did they let him know “we can grab you anytime”.
Yesterday for the first time I heard Trump in a different setting sounding fatalistic about the upcoming election, as if he had finally been told clearly to take a dive and was thinking “which is most important, my planet sized ego or my entire family”.
In the lead-up to this we heard Trump had moved the Federal Reserve under the power of the US Treasury and it was being loaded up with junk bonds to bankrupt it, most recently Deutsche Bank (who incidentally gave Trump plenty of loans in the past). Recently we heard Trump saying “I have upset a lot of very rich people”, and in his first couple of years he always used to stand in front of the portrait of Andrew Jackson (founder of the Democrats) who kicked the banks out of the US about 200 years ago. (Woodrow Wilson let them back in 1913 to his great remorse, he didn’t know what he was doing at the time). The Fed is controlled by the major banks who are owned by the old rich aristocracy of the US, mostly industrialists I would say going back more than 100 years.
People like Gates and Buffet are nothing to this crowd. Trump is nobody on this scale.
The brainwashed lefties will be very happy to see him gone, like everyone else, brainwashed lefties are looking out for number one. They perceive some personal advantage. It’s the same with racism, I notice racism is generally OK so long as your race is best or equal best. Temporary outbursts of compassion don’t much interfere with the day to day running of people’s lives. This morning I heard a brainwashed lefty on MSM claiming Trump had been impeached. They didn’t say the Democrats had launched a failed impeachment with no evidence of wrongdoing. The entire MSM has been dribbling down Trumps back for 4 years. There is no way my ego would hold up under this sort of pummelling. Now, does the entire Trump clan have to go under lockdown for a year or more? I guess that’s the price.
Well I’m just joining a few dots so we’ll have to wait and see.
From here, it looks like the NWO is maybe not negotiable, not least because of the brainwashing and manipulation. I don’t think there will ever be another presidency as interesting as this.
Mitt Romney on Al-Jazeera, AJ used to be quite good, in recent times seems to have been fully subsumed into MSM. Romney is still in the race! Prattling about Democracy. I heard Aaron Russo saying democracy is like two wolves and a sheep voting who is for dinner. I think there always has to be a struggle and a change, when the existing system becomes too corrupt. Trump has tried to ell everyone everything via Twitter but the background noise from MSM is deafening. The brainwashing is getting more and more complex and insidious.
It would help if the elected representatives all had an unfiltered channel, but we see in Australia what happens when they take that, they use it to spread virus nonsense, they can go for hours without stopping, Scotty, Gladys, Dan Andrews, they never shut up, except about HCQ, they are always shut up. We can make out from this, Scotty who was initially following Trump, has now received the signals from his masters, to throw Trump under the bus, BigPharma is bigger then Trump, and we should all know by now who owns BigPharma, it’s the same crowd who owns most of our major supermarkets, whose shelves are full of confectionery and junk food, to give us diabetes and so forth, to turn us into loyal customers of BigPharma.
This Bolt video was put up somewhere else but it shouldn’t be overlooked, if you haven’t seen it you may like to start halfway through. Very educational for lefties.
Re — Religious spiritual wars – medical cures– something I know about
Fact Bolt a Pell Vatican Supporter Morrison Pentecostal Hill Song Supporter
Sky News Report
Some dot matrix connecting–throw the Ruby Princess into the mix–water supplies–massive infrastructures/facilities ready for planned population control
“In the summer of 2019, the “Genesis II Church of Health and Healing” held seminars to promote MMS in Chile, Ecuador, South Africa and New Zealand. Another one was scheduled for New York State in the United States, coming a week after the FDA warned the population about the product.[46]”
“MMS is not approved for the treatment of any disease and, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, chronic exposure to small doses of chlorine dioxide could cause reproductive and neurodevelopmental damage.[31] While studies of chlorine dioxide effects in humans are rare, studies on animal subjects are more common; chlorine dioxide has been shown to impair thyroid function and reduce CD4+ helper T cell count in grivet monkeys after 6 months.[32] A study found reduced red blood cell count in rats exposed to 100 mg/L of chlorine dioxide concentration in their drinking water, after 3 months.[33] The United States Department of Labor restricts occupational exposure through inhalation of chlorine dioxide to 0.1 ppm since concentrations at 10 ppm resulted in death in rats after 10 days, and a worker accidentally exposed to 19 ppm died.[34] According to the same organization, “chlorine dioxide is a severe respiratory and eye irritant in humans”.[34]”
“In May 2020, Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration fined MMS Australia, a chapter of the Genesis II Church, A$151,000 for over multiple advertising offenses.[65][66]”
watch the video–nb near the end–even the Rothschild’s gets a mention
HCQ has become synonymous with Trump so everyone who is publicly left-leaning or on the lefty payroll or a brainwashed lefty will run screaming from HCQ at the mere mention. So only people like Bolt are not scared to talk about it. That doesn’t excuse his connections to Abbott and all the legacy stuff.
However Trump is getting his ideas from apolitical doctors such as thegoldopinion.com
ALP shadow health minister on TV right now saying we need everyone in Australia to get the vaccine 100% of population, we need to pay more for vaccine, local and international, he is saying, (we can try everything except HCQ+zinc God Forbid it might work).
Scomo the professed Christian obviously hasn’t read this bit in the Bible [ that is if he has ever looked at one ]
Zophar’s Sermon on the Wicked Man
Job 20 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said:
“Therefore my anxious thoughts make me answer,
Because of the turmoil within me.
I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me,
And the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
“Do you not know this of old,
Since man was placed on earth,
That the triumphing of the wicked is short,
And the joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment?
Though his haughtiness mounts up to the heavens,
And his head reaches to the clouds,…………….
Full Martial law coming to New Zealand very soon. The military told to use whatever force door to door.
Lockstep and still planes landing every fifteen minutes.
The agenda has been set – we have a shortage of push bike delivery drivers,
skills our local youth does not have.
My mother had a flu shot three years ago, barely survived, still recovering slowly with many ailments since.
They have lots of homeopathy in India, BigPharma is currently on a mission to shut it down.
If you want it to work on this type of thing you may need to get someone who has a very good idea of what they’re doing. It’s very tricky sometimes but can be very effective. Funny how homeopathy was invented in Germany but the Nazis took over and now Frankfurt is BigPharma central (along with the Euro Central Bank). Now the Nazis 2.0 are trying to take over Washington. Agreed Nazis 2.0 has dropped their anti-Jew strategy and instead allowed the Zionists to hybridise themselves on. In true style the Zionists back both sides in any conflict. Well they are more than one entity too.
Off topic! Maybe, have just read last few comments on this page and what I am about to release may fit in with those comments. Yesterday was sent this address by email:
That’s funny I was just thinking yesterday, “what next, mars attacks”
Well hopefully Trump has a backup plan, maybe he will end up hiding in Russia with Snowden. At least the wife can probably understand the language.
All these people are so busy, who knows what they’re all getting up to.
While we get MSM princess news etc.
speaking of whom
In 2016 Trump called Snowden a total traitor who he’d deal with harshly.
Yes, Trump will ‘look’ at pardoning Snowden.
Just like he ‘looked’ at appointing a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary.
Just like he promised to ‘look’ at reinvestigating 9/11.
But NOTHING ever gets implemented.
That sums up the wasted Trump Presidency.
After Trump is turfed out in November, he won’t be hiding in Russia or anywhere else.
He’ll be back in Mar-a-Lago living a life of abject decadence.
Why wouldn’t he ?
After all, he’s served the cabal well & will be lavishly rewarded in retirement – playing golf to his heart’s content, dinner parties with the Clintons, Michael Chertoff, Dov Zackheim, Larry Silverstein … etc.
In other words, back to how it was before.
‘bg’ , I challenge you to make note of my comments here and put them up on Gumshoe in a year or so and let’s compare outcomes and see which one of us was right.
Who knows.
The only challenge is to ignore your dribbling.
Some would counter my arguments with opposing fact checked evidence.
But, seeing as ‘bg’ has no counter arguments of any substance, he/she resorts to the ‘dribbling’ response.
Very mature.
Dribble on someone else you useless pest
Want a variation?
Asian musician but not suspiciously dead, unlike Teresa Teng, very dead, lots of suspicion, a clear circumstantial conviction as far as I’m concerned
Maybe Julian will be “pardoned” too
re Maos Rumermill article—-check out last 2 paras
lots goes on in the deserts and under the oceans.
Maybe it is the set, the machines and the aliens being brought into Tullamarine during our Curfew. All controlled by Pine Gap Drones and Satellites–.
For all his faults, in the dying days of his administration Obama had the guts to challenge the cabal and pardon Chelsea Manning.
Let’s hope that after losing in November, Trump has enough of a conscience to do likewise for Manning (even though Chelsea Manning was pardoned under Obama, somehow Trump’s administration managed to re-incarcerate her on some technicality).
And, Trump can set the wheels in motion to pressure the British government to release Assange.
This is my hope.
I’m not holding out for either to happen as I believe Trump does not have the GUTS to defy the puppet masters.
I’d love to be proved wrong.
Some info re Julian
prayers to his family
Two Important Whistle Blowers
Julian Assange’s extradition case has grave implications for all Australians
Remember Karen Silkwood: I have written of this before on Gumshoe.
The brakes -sudden death.
Yes Diane, Assange’s fate has grave implications for Australians but you are one of the few with the foresight to be paying attention to this issue.
The pro-Trumpers have turned a blind eye because they can’t reconcile how Trump’s administration could be doing this to him whilst simultaneously claiming to be out to dismantle the cabal.
(Even Vision impaired Vicky can see that an honest POTUS would be doing everything possible to protect whistle blowers like Assange and enabling a free press to convey the malfeasance of the cabal to the gullible public.
This is INTEGRAL to waking up the masses who will hopefully rise up and overthrow the powers that be).
Soooo, the Trump-cultists do what they always do when confronted with conflicting information – they just ignore it.
I can’t say I’ve always agreed with Andrew Wilkie on a range of issues in the past but I have to give him credit for visiting Assange in Belmarsh prison (along with National Party MP George Chistensen).
The trip was funded with their own coin – no taxpayer subsidies.
These are the ONLY two politicians in the whole Federal parliament that are not beholden to the puppet masters.
Diane, thanks for that article on Julian Assange.
For those still clinging to the fiction peddled by Qanon and Zio-Dave that Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr is a force for good intent on unravelling the cabal and the ridiculous notion that Assange’s incarceration is solely the fault of the Brits , read these choice bits from the article Diane posted :
“In the most egregious move of all, just two days before the hearing, the US Justice Department, under the right-wing authoritarian ideologue William Barr, issued a completely new indictment against Assange, which the accused had not been able even to read before the hearing.
“The US government seems to want to change the indictment every time the court meets, but without the defense or Julian himself seeing the relevant documents,” said WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson.
Less than 24 hours before the start of the final procedural hearing and less than four weeks before the resumption of the extradition trial, Barr signed a new 33-page request to have Assange sent to the US from the UK.”
The new indictment was drawn up by Barr, who six days earlier appeared on Fox News to denounce a broad swathe of Trump’s political opponents as “revolutionaries” and “Bolsheviks” intent on “tearing down the system.” Barr gives voice to the real scope of Trump’s plans to impose a presidential dictatorship.”
It seems Mary Maxwell’s judgement on William Barr (refer to comments she made in articles in the past), are on the money.
Barr is an absolute ‘piece of it’ and would long ago have been flushed into obscurity had there not been a compromised President in the White House.
Philip Giraldi does not hold his punches and I have to say that everything he says resonates with my own assessment and deductions.
NEO-CONNED: Making Excuses for Trump, Where Does the Buck Stop? – By Philip Giraldi
“Apart from anything else, Donald Trump’s demeanor has alienated nearly all of America’s traditional allies while most of the world regards him as a dangerous sociopath who is also something of a joke. The Trump supporters should be looking at his actual record, instances where he could have acted but didn’t and other occasions when he did things that were from the git-go clearly not in the U.S. national interest.
I am thinking particularly of the ruined relations with Russia and China, the pandering to Israel and also the inexcusable attacks on Syria.
More to the point, the president keeps appointing people to senior level positions where they have a hand in shaping the policies ranging from hardline on civil liberties issues to complete interventionism vis-à-vis America’s role worldwide. The list is long and includes John Bolton, Rick Grenell, Mike Pompeo, Brian Hook, James Jeffrey, Robert O’Brien, John Ratcliffe and Gina Haspel. And one might suggest that the latest move might very well be the worst of all, naming Eliot Abrams as Special Envoy on Iran.”
For us observers and daydreaming hopers, the appointment of Eliot Abrams as Special Envoy on Iran surely has to be the final straw of Duh?!
But the ridiculing of ‘orange man’ by all propaganda outlets, especially here in Australia, is of no substance – it is nothing but theatre for our Hegelian amusement.
Is it any wonder that Phillip Giraldi (and Ray McGovern) are universally acclaimed as the stand-out ex-CIA whistle blowers with an unchallengeable record of consistent truth telling.
This man is a treasure.
Meanwhile, just to hand, I’ve heard that Trump’ younger brother has just died.
I don’t know the circumstances and nothing at this point to suggest it was suspicious.
BUT, have a look at the following :
It’s an article about six term Congressman from Ohio (and Democratic Party Presidential hopeful for the 2004 election) Dennis Kucinich.
Dennis, a good friend of Dr Ron Paul is one of the good guys.
He was rumoured to have been in the process of setting up a Congressional investigation into 9/11 and / or looking into the suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of his friend Senator Paul Wellstone (who was killed by the Zio-cabal along with his wife and daughter because he was challenging the narrative in the lead up to the 2003 Iraq War).
Some choice extracts from the article above :
“Perry Kucinich , younger brother of Dennis Kucinich, was found dead aged 52.[1] His sister, Beth Ann Kucinich died a year later, after three weeks on life support aged 48.
“Fell down dead six months after his brother Dennis Kucinich called for new 9/11 investigation and introduced a resolution to impeach Dick Cheney.” His brother Larry found him face down on the kitchen floor at about 9 a.m.”
So, Dennis’ younger brother (aged 52) drops dead and a year later his even younger sister (aged 48) drops dead,
Foul play ?
You decide.
The recently deceased Robert Trump and his wife Blaine appear on the right, Donald and his dad Fred appear on the left of the photo below :
Donald displays the ‘V’ (for vacuous) hand gesture or perhaps even ‘venal’ seeing as he’s a corrupt S.O.B – a bit of early Predictive Programming, hinting at his future Presidency.
Dennis is a baptised Catholic. His father a Croat truck driver and mother Irish.
No wonder he is not the flavour of the puppet masters. Grew up in Cleveland. Youngest mayor and state governor in US history. A worker from the ‘burbs that is the silenced majority both there and here. Always opposed to free trade and supports Trump with protectionist and soveriegnity ideals.
In the land of the not so free and muzzled.
As usual ’56’ , you’re on top of the story.
I’m not politically predisposed to be left of centre but we should not immediately dismiss politicians because they’re not on our side of the political divide.
Yes, Dennis Kucinich (like Robert F Kennedy Jr) are Democrats but they are both champion examples of decency and integrity.
Every individual deserves to be assessed on a case by case basis.
Upward Look TV videos –
Aussie puts up 1MILL for Pollies to tell the truth
Full Martial law coming to New Zealand very soon. The military told to use whatever force door to door.
Much-hyped Moderna mRNA-1273 Covid-19 Vaccine Uses Aborted Fetal Cells – Sanofi Pasteur’s Version Does Not
Vaccine excipient table
Can one be an adherent of the Judaic Talmud and a Christian at the same time?
A present for the PM
A ScoMo-norah
‘We hope this menorah will serve the government and the Prime Minister as an inspiration to light the path forward for the country and bring hope in times of fear and uncertainty’.
PRIME Minister Scott Morrison has told The AJN a menorah gifted to him by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) will remind him every day of “the contribution of the Jewish community to Australia”.
ECAJ co-CEO Peter Wertheim travelled to Canberra on Monday to present the PM with his very own menorah as a gesture of support for him and the government in leading Australia through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Morrison told The AJN after the meeting, “I’m so pleased to be able to display this Menorah in my office. Thank you.
“It signifies the light that guides us through challenging times and will serve as a daily reminder of the contribution of the Jewish community to Australia.”
The Prime Minister has a collection of Judaica items in his office but this did not previously include a menorah.
ECAJ co-CEO Peter Wertheim explained the difference between the nine-branch hanukkiah and the seven-branch menorah. He also explained the antiquity of the menorah as both a religious and national symbol of the Jewish people, noting that it is also the national symbol of the State of Israel.
“The menorah is above all a symbol of light and enlightenment, of knowledge and of spiritual awareness,” Wertheim said.
He added, “We hope that this menorah will serve the government and the Prime Minister as an inspiration to light the path forward for the country and bring hope in times of fear and uncertainty.”
Jewish Liberal MPs Josh Frydenberg and Julian Leeser also attended the menorah presentation, along with ECAJ president Jillian Segal via video link.
Segal thanked Morrison for the government’s ongoing support for the Jewish community in good times and in bad.
Scomo, the professed Christian obviously hasn’t read this bit in the Bible [ that is if he has ever looked at one ]
Zophar’s Sermon on the Wicked Man
Job 20 Then Zophar the Naamathite answered and said:
“Therefore my anxious thoughts make me answer,
Because of the turmoil within me.
I have heard the rebuke that reproaches me,
And the spirit of my understanding causes me to answer.
“Do you not know this of old,
Since man was placed on earth,
That the triumphing of the wicked is short,
And the joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment?
Though his haughtiness mounts up to the heavens,
And his head reaches to the clouds,………….…
“Why should we believe in God? We hate Christianity and Christians. Even the best of them must be regarded as our worst enemies. They preach love of one’s neighbour, and pity, which is contrary to our principles. Christian love is a hindrance to the revolution. Down with love of one’s neighbour; what we want is hatred. We must know how to hate, for only at this price can we conquer the universe…The fight should also be developed in the Moslem and Catholic countries, with the same ends in view and by the same means.” (Lunatcharski, The Jewish Assault on Christianity, Gerald B. Winrod, page 44)
“There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other.” (National Jewish Information Service, 6412 W. Olympic Blvd. L.A. CA).
… Israel won the war (WW I); we made it; we thrived on it; we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity. The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to London, Count Mensdorf, 1918
Fundamentally Judaism is Anti-Christian. The ‘Jewish World’, March 15, 1923, Waters Flowing Eastward, p. 108
“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” — Maurice Samuel
‘Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn’t lying — and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.‘ Harold Rosenthal
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie,. Behold, I will make them them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”—Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel. Present in New York City on 9/11 and London during the 7/7 subway bombings. “Rise of Antichrist” Volume 2, by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
That’s all we need – a bloody menorah.
Which, according to what’s written in Criss X’s article : “will serve the government and the Prime Minister as an inspiration to light the path forward for the country and bring hope in times of fear” .
Yep, that menorah is going to recreate the jobs lost by the tyrannical Covid lockdown, balance the budget and come up with a cure for cancer.
For eff’s sake.
And, speaking of the “the contribution of the Jewish community to Australia”, let’s look at the contribution of Mount Scopus Memorial College in Melbourne and have a look at some of the extinguished (not a typo) alumni they’ve produced over the years.
Why, we have none other than Mark Regev (spokesman and apologist for the Israeli Apartheid state and now Israeli Ambassador to the UK), Solomon Lew (ex-Coles Myer major shareholder & business mogul), Alan Finkel (chief scientist at the CSIRO who it is alleged is muzzling other scientists from revealing the truth about the Global Warming hoax), Geoffrey Edelsten (squeaky clean businessman who was gaoled in 1990 for perverting the course of justice and soliciting Christopher Dale Flannery to assault a former patient), and last, but definitely least, we have Deputy PM Josh Frydenberg.
Yes, that’s quite a contribution from Mount Scopus College.
A contribution, we could well have done without.
The book also sees him praising former Israeli ambassador to Australia Yuval Rotem, whose “charm and political nous gave him an influence in Canberra way out of proportion to the size of the country he represented”.
A Bigger Picture by Malcolm Turnbull is published by Hardie Grant Books (RRP $55).
Gene altering Moderna vaccine – Mode-RNA
Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological,legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it.
“Human 2.0”? A Wake-Up Call To The World
WATCH: Transhumanism and You