by James O’Neill*
“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but they are not entitled to their own facts”
The above quotation from former United States Senator Daniel Moynihan came to mind when reading the editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald of 16 June 2020. Since the ownership of this venerable newspaper changed hands (it is now owned by TVs channel 9) there has been a steady deterioration in the quality of its political commentary and, as this editorial personifies, its adherence to truth and objectivity.
The editorial makes no attempt to hide its biases or to bother its readers with the facts. As an editorial it is of course entitled to express an opinion, but as the above quotation from the late Senator Moynihan makes abundantly clear, that is not a license to invent facts to prop up a dubious argument.
The insults began in the first paragraph where Russia’s President Putin is described as a Russian “strong man” Mr Putin may or may not be a strong man in terms of his leadership qualities, but the Herald is clearly using the epithet as a derogatory term. Mr Putin has been elected, and re-elected, in accordance with the country’s Constitution. He beat a number of opponents in the process, in what independent United Nations observer teams pronounced as fair elections.
The editorial goes on to quote Liberal MP Dave Sharma as favouring United States President Trump’s invitation to Russia to attend the forthcoming G7 meeting. Russia was a member of the G7 until it was expelled for its alleged role in the downing of MH 17.
The Herald reminds its readers, on a rather dubious factual basis, that Mr Putin is “best known in connection with the deaths of 298 people, including 38 Australians, shot down on Malaysian flight MH 17 by a Russian made missile over Ukraine.”
Putting to one side the dubious proposition that the MH 17 tragedy is what Mr Putin is best known in Australia for, the sentence is a classic examples of slur by implication. It is true that the alleged reason for MH17s destruction was a missile. But the editorial ignores a number of salient facts in its slur against Russia. All the members of the former Soviet Union, including Ukraine, were supplied with Russian built weapons. The BUK missiles in Ukraine’s possession were purchased and supplied years before MH17 was destroyed.
More importantly, the editorial leaves no room for what is now known to be the factual situation; that the demise of MH17 was not caused by a ground fired BUK Missile. There were no BUK missiles in the relevant region that were capable of bringing down M H17 at the relevant time. That applied to all missiles, both Russian and Ukrainian. The pictures presented by the UK website Bellingcat allegedly showing a Russian MH 17 missile system returning to Russia after the disaster have long been discredited as a fake, although the Sydney Morning Herald has not told its readers that.
It may be recalled that then United States Secretary of State John Kerry claimed immediately after the disaster that United States satellites had captured images of the shoot down and therefore knew exactly what had happened. That may well be true and the simple proof of Mr Kerry‘s assertion would be for the United States to produce the photos of what took place.
Although the Sydney Morning Herald does not mention it, the Americans have refused to supply those images, even denying a specific request from the Dutch Court currently conducting a trial of four men accused of complicity in the shoot down. To the neutral observer, the production of this satellite images would surely settle the question as to who and what was responsible.
The editorial however, presents a completely different picture. It says that Australia “rightly condemned Mr Putin for obstructing the investigation.” This is literally a breathtaking misrepresentation of the truth. Russian official data were repeatedly ignored by the Dutch led inquiry. The dubious bona fides of that inquiry were quickly revealed by having Ukraine as a member of the inquiry when it was at the very least a prime suspect for the destruction of the plane. The deceit with the inquiry did not end there. It’s original four members (Australia, Belgium, Netherlands and Ukraine) signed a secret agreement that nothing would be disclosed from the inquiry without the unanimous consent of the four parties. Putting the Fox in charge of the hen house is one polite analogy that springs to mind.
Malaysia refused to sign that agreement which is why it was excluded from the initial inquiry. A Malaysian team did however travel to Ukraine at an early stage and recovered the plane’s black boxes, which were examined before being handed over to the British.
To the best of my knowledge none of these facts have been reported by the Australian mainstream media. There is certainly no hint of the actual sequence of events and the facts that have emerged in the Herald’s editorial. Instead, the whole editorial (and only fractions are reported here) is a farrago of half-truths, distortions, emissions of crucial data, and outright lies. Only a fraction of these have been reported here.
For all its professed concern for the victims of MH 17, the Herald has not even bothered to cover the trial currently underway in Amsterdam. As flawed as that trial is, for a host of reasons that the Herald also ignores, it is disclosing some important facts. The judge’s frustration with the non-cooperation of the Americans is but one critical point that the Herald does not trouble its readers with.
The rest of the editorial continues in like vein that the masochistic can read at their leisure. What it does reveal however, is that the facts are the least of the Herald’s considerations. Denigration of Russia and its leadership is clearly one of the main objectives, regardless of the truth. In that sorry sense it may be said that the Herald was successful. For those who care about factual evidence however, they will have to look elsewhere.
*Barrister at Law and geopolitical analyst He may be contacted at joneill@qldbar.asn.au
Thanks James, one of my favourite topics: the media. And thinking about Operation Mockingbird — the op to buy into and manipulate news media — isn’t the name apt. “MOCK’ingbird.
Plus “Mockingbirds… are best known for the habit of some species mimicking the songs of other birds…” A joke on the dumbeddown public.
Accessories after the fact, anyone?
Mary – worse than that – It could be shown that they are aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise that is world wide in its scope.
You serious?
Covering for a crime is ‘aiding and abetting’.
Welcome to reality😆😆😆
I say the Boston Globe aided and abetted in every way re Marathon.
For all I know they made a bomb in the kitchen of their Mom
or as near as dammit.
Ned – not just covering, actively assisting.
Plenty of examples here in Australia.
Go get them constable.
I might observe that there is a difficulty with ‘knowingly’ covering up and therefor aiding and abetting.
Most of the guilty will claim ignorance.
Pity there is no crime for being stupid……. then again that can be dealt with, as ignorance is no defence.
Plenty of stupid and ignorant for you to pick up constable.
Of course you will be examining a history of even attempted (still a crime) covering for and protecting murderers, even about 53 years back, as there is no limitation period, as the Weisentall centre would attest to.
Ned – zip it up! You’re obsessed!
On another lead in to what awaits many – AG Barr has announced -yesterday – that all child killers will be executed.
There will be no claiming of ‘not knowing’ in those heinous crimes.
‘Most of the guilty will claim ignorance’. Or, blackmail. Interesting times ahead.
So you want criminal murderers to be protected by requesting that i should zip up. Meaning go away.
Tell your old colleagues investigating cold case crimes to zip it up and go away. They will simply tell you to go away and ask, you why, you have any interest in our duty to investigate mass murderers?
No nem, sorry, but I think you should bend and check your own zipper, something is protruding and informed can see what it is.
Time to zipper up and go away whilst we carry on.
Nice attempted obfuscation on Barr’s attitude to child killers.
Just imagine what his attitude might be as to those who have murdered Americans in service for their country and those who were complicit and those who covered for the killers.
Go AG Barr! There is no limitation period.
Ned – I told you a few weeks ago when S. S. Truth (shite stirrer) chose to stir the pot again by leading you by the nose into that incident, exactly what he was up to – you chose to ignore my warning and let loose your obvious obsession with an event that is yet to be fully explored as per ALL the evidence, before fingers should be pointed.
But you just cannot see past your own obsession that you let continually muddy your own views of whatever I put up.
It is time it was put to bed until the NSA provides us all with what actually occurred on that day.
Rumpole of the Bailey knew when to desist, until further evidence presented itself, maybe you could take a leaf out of his book.
A prime example of your tendency to muddy whatever I put up is to call out what AG Barr has put into law against all the Satanists of this world, yet you call that obfuscation?
You’re losing it Ned. Zip it up!
I’ll not respond to any more to your Liberty click bait comments.You know my position, at the very least, you could respect it.
Hi nemisis are you aware of a tactic of the illuminati is to take politicians and celebraties out to an orgy drug them with extremely powerful drugs then make them fuck and kill a kid film it and from then on they own them for life that is why they are bringing in mandatory execution for child killers it’s to keep those being blackmailed in line to make sure everyone does as their told.
I seem to recall that ‘Bellingcat’ produced Photos of a BUK missile launcher travelling to and from the Ukraine from Russia although the location of the photos could have been anywhere.
Some eagle eyed person with knowledge of such things pointed out that the two missile launchers were different models with one having access steps at the front and the other clearly show these steps at the rear. Can someone confirm this for me.
Also, why would any intelligence agency or media pay any attention to amateur sleuths rather than a well funded and professional intelligence agency unless ‘bellingcat’ is actually part of the deception.
Hello John. This does not address the specific question of launcher models or BUK serial numbers – there is so much obfuscation – but the ‘MH17 Inquiry’ series hosted by Bruce Grant is compelling. Episode 2 deals with the Elderberry bush:
(see the entire playlist …)
I refuse to watch TV or to read a MSM newspaper, it is all garbage that I don’t want to deal with. With that in mind, thanks James for taking the time to shift through the garbage. You have confirmed my opinion of the MSM so I can continue to avoid it. Hopefully, the reading of the insanity laced editorial did you no harm.
Yes Terry, What comes out of the media today is more akin to what comes out of a psychiatric ward and with about as much relevance to reality.
James – I haven’t read a newspaper or watched Television for over a decade such is my disgust with how the so called Fourth Estate has turned into a fifth column.
Print media, even getting a book published today, is fraught with all kinds of PC nonsense that makes a mockery of a so called ‘free and open society’.
I’m just waiting for them all to collapse from their own fascist thinking – and judging by their financial woes today – I do believe that I’ll not have too long to wait.
Standing back and waiting really is the only way to go.
If somebody takes an erroneous stance on something due to a lack of available information that’s one thing
Wilful ignorance is another matter altogether
But getting fizzed up about said issue has never been known to do anything more than aggravate it
Certainly worth checking out
Many are waking up! And that is ‘Their’ worst case scenario.
Diane’s link to the ITNJ summit says it will meet (online) this weekend, June 20 and 21.
Wow the ITNJs choice of date is powerful – 21st is the winter solstice, a favourite sacrifice day for the baddies. Love to see that the good guys are using this powerful date for positive means.
Thank you James for doing what I now cannot stomach – keeping an eye on the corrupt MSM.
No surprises that the Morning Herald mockingbird mockery is an adjunct of channel 9 – the MK Ultra propagandists favourite platform in Australia.
If it wasnt for Gumshoe and all who contribute and comment here, the ITNJ, along with YouTube channels X22 Report; Just Informed Talk; Amazing Polly; Red Pill 78; The Crowhouse; and Weekend Warrior, I would be oblivious to what is happening in the world.
Who wastes all this on the SMH nine network to be mocked by a bird?
17.00 (M-F) + 4.40 (SAT) + 3.90 (SUN) $25.30 per week or about $1,315.60 per year.
BTW, try and find a phone contact number for the smh on its website.
Blackball all nine network msm, television and radio advertisers. Same with channel ten who tell their employees what to say, plus the ABC and SBS (may as well them to murdock or nine)
As for channel 7, thats China capallino honey Stokes.
Let’s not forget the Skripal Affair. If this alternative reality wasn’t so entertaining … blah
Real ‘Keystone Kops’ that one! Didn’t do enough rehearsal for the ‘event’.
It’s no surprise to me that MSM are fudging facts and exhibiting bias as they are all doing it, even Bolt and Credlin et al for all there attempts at appearing fair. At first it surprised me that it surprised you but on reflection, I’m guessing you weren’t, but have to report the facts anyway. At 68 years of age I am still occasionally gobsmacked by the events in our society which just seem to spiral downward in their insensibility quotients. MSM is a very powerful tool for conditioning the masses to remain ignorant, be continually off balance and perpetually in a state of fear. Your newsletter/email is one of a growing number positive sources of truth out here, so thank you Gumshoe News.
Thank you popeye. And as the word goes too: television. We’ll “tell-u-a-vision”
I know exactly what you mean Popeye. When we were growing up our parents and grandparents instinctively knew there was something wrong but could not articulate it – now it is in our face even as we look back on our own musical ‘tastes’.
Part 12 of NOW: Communism By The Backdoor: Freemasonry and the Music Industry
Part 4 of NWO: Communism By The Backdoor …
o neill has written another sterling article on foreign policy.
but as kelly greehill says in her book, mass migration is a weapon in foreign policy.
now o neill is indistinguishable from the cruise missile liberals he otherwise would condemn and who infest the australian judiciary, the media and academe in his stated enthusiasm for what are called refugees and presumably heavy immigration,preferably from muslim places so that o neill can atone for his white sins of american vassalage and black slavery by locating said africans and muslims in cheap housing at the expense of outer suburb white supremacist bogans, irony off.
so given that the entire aust.media incl. the smh is denigrating whites across the board currently as part of the corporate/funded ruling class blm campaign, why does o neill not show any gratitude to the smh and the rest of the australian media for their albophobia.
because the more demoralized whites are, the easier to ramp up uncontested current immigration incl.refugees as part of moral reparations for a horrible racist settler past,irony off.
that ramping raises total gdp and hence corporate profits, unlike a rise in per capita gdp,which of course needs a population policy. such policy does not exist at present.
intereresting also that gumshoe has no apparent category for race and immigration, is that due to dee having burned her fingers in rsa on the topic or to mary being a civnat and not an ethnat, the pope in rome being head of a universal colorblind religion, is that it.
are we all believers in the 1 noble savage and 2 nurture not nature at gumshoe, no race realism at all.
after all, racism is sometimes called pattern recognition
W.T.F. ????? After reading your post, I was trying to work out what relevance it had, if any at all to Neil’s post. Not finding any connection, decided reading your stuff was simply a waste of my time.
eddy, the connection is quite obvious,
or are you perhaps a black grievance specialist on leave from the abc or the guardian,given your spleen.
because o neill rightly attacks the lamentable aust,media but at present they are running the same corporate elite campaign to attack any and all whiteness and its history by cherry picking history to a massive extent.
that campaign is in force in all countries at present that are either white indigenous,such as western europe or white by conquest,such as the 5 eyes countries.
the aim is to further weaken any resistance to ongoing minoritisation of whites by fanning guilt and remorse and take the knee style atonement in the context of christian pathological altruism.
reparations,ethnic job quotas and alteration of legislation pending.
that campaign is aimed at maximizing corporate profits and hence ruling class share dividends and bond coupons on a backdrop of a fragmented low wage workforce riven by racial politics.
or shall i believe that transnationals that produce goods at appallling wages and conditions are suddenly all ethical and love their black brothers and sisters.
warmongering against russia such as o neill rightly descrbes is one aspect of intended economic growth,look at the profit margin on a taxpayer financed high tech weapon.
and pumping up domestic demand in white countries with their saturated markets by importing unlimited incompatible consumers is another aspect.
all clear now.
What appears to have escaped your attention is that:
1) A refugee, by definition, is someone seeking refuge from ethnic, political or religious persecution
2) No U. N. program is geared toward giving succour to anyone who has any real religious or political spine
2) The vast majority of foreigners who’re granted Aus citizenship are just ordinary migrants
what has escaped your attention is the rage of the presstitute corporate gdp/worshipping media at bob carr as foreign minister when he queried the granting of refugee status in the dept.of immigration.
you clearly have no idea of what the un migration compact says, although aust, has not signed on yet.
just ordinary migrants represent economic demand for housing, rentals, mortgages,consumer loans.
or are you a / if it moves shoot it,if it stands chop it down/ gdp fetishist, do you want sydney to stretch from lIthgow via armidale to the vic.border. good for bushfires, hey.
have a read of the business press since 1990, the world economic forum and the wto not to mention the trans pacific partnership have been around for a long time.
“just ordinary migrants represent economic demand for housing, rentals, mortgages,consumer loans.”
And where did I say otherwise ?
Maybe you should learn to read.
berry – have you forgotten the Labor years under Rudd/Gillard?
50,000 country shoppers all on our dollar.
Even the fake media is now reporting daily on the incidents involving different cultural clashes. So much for the Lucky Country and the ‘success of multiculturalism’.
So what,exactly, are you repudiating ?
The point that I was trying to make, and that you both appear to have missed, is that in order to be a refugee you have to be taking refuge from something or other. Absconding from one’s own patch because it’s been degraded or defiled simply doesn’t fit the bill. The mob that flooded into Europe back in 2015 were migrants, not refugees.
Bar the degradation of language the Rulers of the Age would be powerless
well berry, as you allege i cant read,neither can you and your are nearly 2 years out of date with your appraisal of the globalist united nations,see above.
this is all assuming that your obscure terse english can be taken to mean under your point 2 at 5.37 pm that you think the un does not support courageous religious or political dissidents wanting to migrate.
oh yes it does, the more aggregate demand sluiced into white countries the higher the gdp growth.
by the way, your mob of eu migrants in 2015 is ongoingly higher
in germany they have committed 1 million crimes since 2015, on federal police statistics, other than crimes that only migrants can commit anyway, eg asylum law breaches.
berry – the media and the government promoted them all as ‘asylum seekers’ which was a perverted twist by the U.N. of their own Refugee Convention.
So, we didn’t get any real refugees, or ‘asylum seekers’, but country shoppers who had their own airs of superiority over the rest of us.
Eddy, perhaps what duns is trying to say – and popeye earlier – is depicted in
Part 12 of NWO: Communism By The Backdoor – White Democide
(also lurking under the mask of ‘Cultural Marxism’)
wow. the picture takes me back. My first job was in Electronic Data Processing, at that place.16 and on 100 dollars a week. Went a long way in the endless drinking holes that were on every corner of broadway. Sitting at the bar with veteran journalists, knocking them back. They told me later on quite a few occasions when we were, “whooosey” how I would not believe the stories they wanted to headline. The editor calls the lead, and everything else on the presses.
The telex machines were not that clean. Grabbed my last pay about a year later, went to the army disposal store and bolted north.
simon – back in the mid seventies, I had a few beers with, noted journalist, Richard LeStrange – do you remember him?
He had a few stories to tell.
o, fair enough, but i’m a late 1964 model, at Fairfax, in the year of the math, we had the entire 14th floor because there were no 13th. Check my facts as you should, but don’t come to a gun fight lacking
Prior to that I went to school in Hornsby(Waitara). I know how to deal with a hessian sack, you could say. Twist and remove the key.
Simon – you have read far too much into my question. You either knew of the man or not, that was the question. There was no checking your facts on my part, but just a simple question that you’ve taken to blowing completely out of the water.
Speaking of reparations (duns scotus comment)
Bob Johnson et al are apparently calling for reparations to be made for orchestrating the African slave trade.
I could not agree more.
*Professor Tony Martin: *
An interesting bit of relevant American history
“Who Brought the Slaves to America – Walter White Jr”
The booklet
Apparently we weren’t given the full story in our ‘education system’.
That Tony Martin video is absolute gold. Some 12m slaves were shipped to the New World, at least 4m, died during the crossing.
Less than half a million of said slaves went to the USA, 4 million went to Brazil alone, who were all controlled by those we thought were white, who ran all parts of the slave trade.
Any slave who escaped their enslavement made sure to travel to the USA, because there they were treated the best.
I recall Walter White Jr citing a figure of 100 Million with only around 10 Million ‘surviving’ the shipments.
More on that topic from Louis Farrakhan (author of “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” (TSR))
and here Farrakhan speaks about Bill Gates and his genocidal policy using weaponised vaccines
The Officer Tatum – Enough with the Anti-White Narrative
Obviously, this is not a black/white racial thing – so someone is pushing the narrative. We need to ask who controls this narrative through all media channels including Hollywood, and why are they orchestrating mayhem and chaos in societies throughout the globe. Sounds like they are very aligned to the Protocols.
Perhaps the same ones who engineered 911 …?
… Or are pushing the alternative reality narrative on MH17, Skripal, OPCW chemical attacks in Syria, … COVID hoax …
These people are really sick.
they are sick only if skoolafish is a civnat,in which case jews are betraying their various passport nationalities to his earnest dismay.
if an ethnat however, they are merely acting as tribally as any other caste.ie an endogamous group that buys and sells with outsiders but keeps itself apart from them.
hence the common jokey saying in israel,is it good for the jews.
there are apparently 5,000 discrete populations in india since the yamnaya invasions of ca.2,000 bc, some of which have not outmarried since then. you can see it in the genomes.
made me think, I should just get a reproductable blood test for that. Having no idea like Candy, who just flies me to find out
Another fabulous article, James. Thank you!
‘They’ will always seek to cut down the tall poppies. Putin’s group chats with young folk show he has a connection unknown to our leaders. “strong man & orange man bad” is the best ‘they’ can do! Really Pitiful! Never let the facts get in the way of a good story… lapped up far more readily by the brainwashed/naïve/lazy learners.
Anyone who still reckons Russia downed MH 17 has their COVID mask over all their faculties & has lost considerable brain function. They’ll be first in line for the COVID-19 magic ‘vax-chip’. Perhaps Darwin had a point?
Would ANYONE dare to argue the media’s role in “actively assisting” most every narrative? Port Arthur, Lindt Café, COVID-19 (to name but a few)?! Aided & abetted by censorship! Maybe wishful thinking, but “the truth will out” & “set us free”.. “Patience is a virtue”!
ignorance in this day & age is wilful.. COVID lockdown has given us plenty of time – the stats prove the exponential use of the internet – but how many were just catching up on Netflix & DYI projects rather than understanding what’s really going on? Sad, but true.
Talking of stupid – the Heise report talks about closing down Real Estate?? You can still buy, but you can’t sell?? Go figure!
Duns scotus writes of “denigrating whites” as part of the msm promoted blm campaign. Here I share an entertaining clip by Dominic Frisby “I am a white man and I’m sorry” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5GHkljX-So&list=RDf2zJ8vaB5jo&index=10 Enjoy!
thanks for that famanda, i had not known about dominic frisby.
famanda – good comment. Unfortunately, there will always be those who will see what they only wish to see.
I have no respect whatever for anyone, especially a ex police officer, who serialy continues to submit that known murderers should walk free because you want to wait decades to find evidence against others who may be involved whilst the victims are denied justice.
I think it wise for you (and others) to zip up and cease your (their) campaign to defend mass murderers and enable others, to seek justice.
Reply down on 19/6 at 10.27-9 ?
Bloody hell, this is supposed to be a reference to ‘zipped up’ Nem on 19/6 at 9.10 way above
(re discourse on covering for criminal allegations re USS Liberty mass murders and all crimes generally.)
Not the slighest respect at all!
see comment way below.
The reply box is up the creek.
Very much on topic ( seeing as we’re focused on disinformation from the western media), comes the following article :
Of course, the disinformation isn’t just coming from the media – Trump himself has contributed more than his quota ( refer to the first paragraph of the article below ) :
” Would be emperor Donald Trump has announced the ‘Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act’ [CSCPA] , to tighten the genocidal siege on the Syrian people. Without a hint of irony, this new edict imposes even more serious obstacles to the Syrian people getting access to energy, food and medicines, while claiming its purpose is to ‘protect’ those same people ” .
Just like the Patriot Act , introduced in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 was arguably the most unpatriotic act in the history of the Republic , Trump , not to be outdone , comes up with this.
Trump’s introduction of the CSCPA comes as ” US open support for further ethnic cleansing in Palestine has helped drive the international image of Apartheid Israel to an all-time low ” and how ” Trump initially spoke of a pragmatic withdrawal from Syria but, since he took office, has only managed to sink deeper into a series of multiple failing interventions across the region: in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen ” .
So much for those claiming that Trump is de-escalating the tension & dialling down the likelihood of war.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Later in the article there is mention made of a propaganda stunt whereby a defector (paid by Qatar) shows photos taken in a Damascus morgue of dead bodies with horrific injuries claiming they’re victims of Bashar al-Assad’s torture .
Without proper vetting & verification , the New York Times promptly publishes said photos & claims they’re some of the more than 11,000 bodies of people tortured to death in Syrian government gaols.
Soon after, the British Guardian & the Holocaust Museum ( the usual fiction peddlers) , publish the same photos claiming Syrian torture.
Needless to say, it was all a hoax . ( Is anyone peddling the story of ‘ CCP throwing live dissenters into incinerators ‘ listening right now ? ) .
So, what was responsible for these thousands of bodies found in a Damascus morgue ? From the article :
” So much for the 11,000 victims of “torture, starvation and execution” story. There were plenty of dead bodies in Syria, but they were victims of the US-led war and of mendacious war propaganda ” .
Mary, Dee & all Gumshoe readers , pay very special attention to this comment from Nemesis from 9.10 am today (referencing the circumstances regarding the USS Liberty incident ) :
” It is time it was put to bed until the NSA provides us all with what actually occurred on that day ” .
Simply put , we mindless PEONS should NEVER speculate about the motives of anything our wise overlords tell us.
Be that about vaccines , who killed JFK , who was behind 9/11 , the mass murder at Port Arthur etc.
Remember, never EVER question the powers that be as they know what’s best for us.
And, in due time , their agencies, ( be that the NSA or CDC in America ) or ASIO / AFP in Oz (in relation to the Port Arthur Massacre ) will hand down the findings which THEY have compiled utilising THEIR people & you CITIZEN , will then BELIEVE .
Like the comedy skit from the Chaser’s CNNNN : ‘ We Report , You Believe’ .
So Dee , Mary just pack it in right now. Scrap the Gumshoe website – there’s no need for it.
Nemesis says the WISE OVERLORDS will release the information in the lifetimes of our grandchildren ( or theirs ) – assuming of course , that your grandchildren are capable of having kids & haven’t been sterilised in the interim by a vaccine administered in accordance with the depopulation agenda .
That’s good enough for Nemesis .
and ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVE . because we have a vaccination that cures anti-government paranoia .
Truth – you brought the subject up knowing full well where it would lead and knowing how Ned feels about it. And one only need to go back over Ned’s previous comments on nearly all threads for the past few weeks to realize how the subject has captured his attention.
Likewise, anyone going back over my comments would realize my position on that subject.
And as far as I am concerned, that subject is closed.
TV. Dee.
‘Pack IT IN’ is suggested.
NO WAY !!!!!!!!!!!
If it were not like ex police officer Nemisis ( aka Odgers) the Israel murderers would not be exposed and the Nemisis’ nonsense be exposed to what lenghts some interests would do to sabotage truth in history just to protect murderers.
It is historically important for the woke to understand that false flag murders are historic, many resulting in the public being abominably deceived to comply with evil to send their children to go die for bankers and its puppets; the poor uniformed deceived trusting used
The same modis is used by bankers and warmongers to deceive we, the goyin public to go, for example, to invade, theive and kill millions in the Middle East.
Let evil be evil and the enlightened recognise it and place the heal on the head of the snake.
Nemisis deserves a ‘freedom’ medal, be it unwittingly as ….. what he is, even if he has no idea what he is….some move in mystrerious ways and have useful agents.
Reply is way down below if this damm system works.
Absolutely Ned .