Home News TDS, Fake Polls, and Invasion

TDS, Fake Polls, and Invasion


by Dee McLachlan

I think I’m living in a nightmare — but I’m awake. Or am I?

For the last couple of years we’ve been subjected to Q and to the concept of white hats and black hats. Let’s not even mention the millions of children in tunnels or the UFO disclosures. Meanwhile we can witness millions of people suffering from various forms of mass psychosis.

I think the US and global mainstream hypnosis operation has been truly successful. From the many YouTube discussions on the woke and brain-drained public you realize millions have had their mental faculties switched off. And it seems TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) is a real thing. If that can be a thing.

Without any remote viewing capacity, I can just see the Dems producing millions of Kamel votes — ready for posting. I just don’t think they can let Trump win — especially with RFK Jr, and Musk ready to destroy the deep state — the way things have been run for at least 60 years.

You had the NGOs facilitate the import of about 20 million voters, and now those same NGOs are managing the polling stations. You couldn’t make this stuff up. Oh, but “we have all the data that the last election was stolen”. Really?

Meanwhile, you have Bill Gates being interviewed about ‘censorship’ and how you can’t have those misinformation crazies go against vaccines. How is all this still going on? No mention of myocardium. Oh, but wasn’t Bill Gitmo’d along with hundreds of others — including Tom Hanks?

But don’t worry — this is all going to plan in this sophisticated sting operation. You sure?

What I see it the global order has successfully managed to jab most of the global population, managing to make a “God” out of a failed and radically unpopular VP. Even Influencers like Oprah have lost it. It is fascinating watching Oprah with Trump in 2015 and then again in 2024. Trump hasn’t changed; his views haven’t changed. In 2015 Oprah thought he offered solutions; the audience cheered — but now he’s the biggest threat to democracy. Reviled.

I have to wonder whether we are being subjected to the most sophisticated Psyop — making us believe that humanity is going win, when actually the powers in control are slowly tightening the noose.

Please offer evidence that my instincts are incorrect.

Some videos for newcomers to Gumshoe:

Why do we need the First Amendment?



  1. Some people are so disillusioned with world events they are fervent believers in the “flat earth” and it seems they really do passionately believe in their flat earth, you could see it as another Hegalian trick, to wedge and then marginalise, as they do with the “far right populist” catch cry, to try to marginalise basic conservatives. Personally to me it looks like Q was invented to corral part of the cutting edge crowd and manipulate them from within Q. If it turns out JFK jr and Trump meet up on top of Mt Rushmore after Washington DC is shut down I will happily admit to being wrong but from here the old adage “Nothing Will Happen” seems true and that’s how “they” like it to seem. Nothing is happening and getting chipped is for your convenience.

    • If you peel off a couple of layers from the Qanon cult system you might first realise it is nowhere near as old as things like the Protocols des Sages de Sion or the favoured playbook “Revelations …” or the comments of Albert Pike and others, or,,,, the strategy of Greater Zion which goes back to at least D’Israeli PM of England ( chief organiser of the British Empire’s Suez Canal ):
      “Benjamin Disraeli’s tenure as prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland began when Queen Victoria first invited him to form a government in 1864. He was then the Conservative prime minister on two occasions, first in 1868 and then between 1874 and 1880.”
      Now we have Zio-Trump and his interplay with Q, a lot of blowback from the va666ines fuelling a movement which Zio-Trump collects the numbers from.
      The Q-members feel they are in a Hollywood production where John Wayne ( played by Trump ) will ride in and lynch the baddies, however they are all in Switzerland and in their castles around about and so far nobody has come near any of them, even Epstein just “poof” disappeared.

      I don’t know either

  2. “we can witness millions of people suffering from various forms of mass psychosis.” – Like yeah, big time. So a big WAKE UP CALL may be needed. As I have written before, the Deagle Report indicates a 34% reduction in the Australian population in 2025. The ‘jabs’ will not achieve that figure. The countries that take the biggest hits in the report are the Western nations. The most likely scenario is a nuclear war.

    The remote viewers involved viewed the year 2025, but the precipitating events may occur sooner, the population die-off could then be cumulative leading up to the 34%. Researching such a war, it seems universal that the first move would be a massive EMP event, followed by hits on military targets. – An EMP attack would send Australia back to the 1800s. The hits on military targets would have less impact on the general population, although a strike on Richmond Air Base in the Sydney basin would be ugly.

    That would be a big WAKE UP CALL. Suddenly all the ridiculous BS would get side-lined while people try to figure out a way to survive. (Hopefully, Canberra would be one of the ‘military’ targets that gets nuked.) The society as it now exists would disappear. Bureaucrats that live off the public tit would no longer have an income, entitled useless eaters would be adrift without skills, – every thing would change.

    I’ve lived through war, so for me I know the moves and it would just be another episode in my life. However, for most people the changes would be catastrophic. As for White Hats, Q and the like – “hope is not a plan”.

    • Terry – you mention the Deagal Report again. Who commissioned such a report and what is its purpose?

      Remember the Georgia Guide stones, that were predicting a world population decreased to 500 million, and in several languages?

      They are now destroyed, who do you think would do such a thing?

      • “Hezbollah Officially Declares War: We now officially declare all-out war against both Israel and its allies and call on all Arab citizens in the occupied territories to vacate their homes in the north, as Operation Response begins today.” – What do you think is more probable, a nuclear war or Commander Thor from Venus coming to help you?

      • Terry – why do you choose to ignore the questions?

        Someone or some entity, wished to know how populations would decline by 2025, but only in Western countries – why only Western countries? Would that be because it was mainly Western countries that were heavily targeted by the Jab?

        Western countries have been the target for removal for centuries – don’t you realize that?

        Maybe you should be asking yourself, why?

        And maybe, you really don’t know why the Deagal Report was commissioned?

        There will be no war, but you seem to believe the lying media’s hype, that there will be a war, than to bother doing your own research that could easily prove there will be no world war?

        And why criticize what is being put forward to anyone who wishes to learn, when you don’t even bother to learn yourself?

        • Terry – I apologize for the last sentence in my comment, after re-reading it was not what I meant.

          Here is its replacement – Why criticize anything if you are not prepared to comprehend what is put forward?

  3. Why is Trump blaming Iran for attempts on his life?
    Anya Parampil and Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone discuss former President Donald Trump’s unusual claim that Iran is attempting to assassinate him.

    • I tend to agree with the conclusions in the video, I DO NOT believe that Trump is playing ‘4D chess’. If people can wake up to that reality, then they have to prepare for the blow-back when everything goes belly-up and the SHTF.

  4. 17.26.02 timeline on 29/9 at rumormillnews.com
    ‘Trump meets Zelensky double’.
    It is funny, who said realrawnews is sus?
    Now for Mary at beforeitsnews.com for some more dots.

    • Bloody hell, even all the choices of headline articles/reports at BIN makes for a busy scary evening of dots to fathom! 🙀
      Mary at Judy Byington first.
      Joe can prepare for us a summary for tomorrow🤪

      • 💁🙀🙀🙀
        Joe, I realise that you are time restricted, but for part of your summary; 30 mins for a few, have you never heard Finkelstein?
        I thought it was a gee up when I heard him ages ago, but time moves on, grab a burger and spit out the little teeth🤪
        Fun is it not?

        For others remember 1st October is not till Wednesday here, so you have one day to collect some cash INSURANCE FROM YOUR BANK. Not sure about ANZ OR MACQUARIE.

          • Interesting, does Mac serve up bagels— boiled bread.
            Why not?
            Well, perhaps it does not want to market to those particular customers anyway, as they would not go near the place or finance Mac’s income and rather, leave it to the goyim fatted cattle to subscribe.
            The moire we come to realise……..

          • Joe, you are a serious fountain of distracting obfuscation that our garden crows love bathing in. But cannot rid themselves of that persistent blood sucking lice.

  5. Still eating McDonald’s? Mary over at WTPN may have a message for you about McDonald’s.

    Notice how petrol has dropped in price? Expect further drops from October, !st, when the Chinese Wuan takes over from the petro-dollar as the world exchange rate for oil.

    And for those who still deny the Q plan -and this would be right up your alley, Terry and Joe – go to beforeitsnews.com and look at The Top 100 Q Proofs of All Time. Start at 6 minutes in, runs for about 10 minutes.

    Don’t want to look? Then you’ll still be grasping at straws and waiting for WW3 to erupt!

    • 🙀🤪💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
      All a F’n fun movie and the rows of seats are free in the stalls.
      Plenty of free popcorn now being spilt between the seats.
      Who would miss it, whatever the ending. (The BUTLER DID IT!?) then again……… there is Derek? Watch him!
      And what about that mysterious Ruski Vlad, Charlie’s’ impaler.
      Cannot see any of our locals on the screen, Oh well, it is a Hollywood production after all.

      • I note that Bosi has been missing in action for the past two weeks. I also note, that the shows on beforeitsnews.com featuring, Bosi, are old shows, some of them, months old.

        Obviously, he is now very busy – another marker for what is coming.

        • Don’t get too excited about our Bosi. I have had first hand experience being an early A1 recruit here in W.A. I consider he did the dirty on a group of very keen sensible people. Because of the difference of opinion of our leader with the “State co-ordinator” based in S.A. Bosi disbanded our branch. No ifs or buts, please explain. Three of our members (not A1 members as there was no such thing at that stage) were made unable to join any A1 group in the future.

          • Thank you Aussiemal – I’ve been aware of Bosi since the plandemic began – he was one of few who stood out to me because he told the TRUTH while most others ran with the dogs.

            So, I have been watching him continuously since then.

            Over those few years I have been made aware of various gripes against Bosi – do they all hold water?

            Do I care? No.

            Why don’t I care? Bosi deals with Human ego’s, those who do not agree with AustraliaOne’s future plans, tend to get short shrift from, Bosi, who just carries on as his reputation as a strong leader continually grows.

            What you get with Bosi is warts and all, he doesn’t mess around with the Truth, and he has a real plan for this country that is now being recognized internationally by some very soon to be powerful people which will benefit us all.

            And to me, having strong leader for this country, is all that matters.

  6. “Gene decode … all will be released….”
    Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Who are the gullibles that think sports was/is a genuine contest?
    I gave up when ‘Packet’ controlled cricket.
    So I felt it 45 years ago and have ignored the colosseum circuses ever since, except when the ‘Wanabees’ try to win. I think they actually try?
    If you really want genuine sports contests, watch school kids trying their hearts out in any game from the Bs up from about 14-15 years of age.
    That is where the Australian soul is exhibited.
    They are the real heart of our country where our soldiers are found…. Not from
    Political, msm and ABC self promoting posers..

    • Something about becoming ‘professional’ has given the sports promoters their controlling position to influence all sporting outcomes – it’s a rort many make lots of money from, while the normies, always asleep at the wheel, can’t seem to get their heads around so long as their ‘side’ wins.

      I well remember when sporting events were actually played with a fair win in mind, and those who cheated were eliminated from the team as listed ‘unfair’ players. Everyone who played in team sports had a real job outside of the weekend, which was the time that team sports were played.

      Those teams that reached the top of their sports were paid part of the gate takings, were never employed as ‘professional players’, and had a sense of being, ‘fair minded’ toward others – compare that empathetic behavior with the ‘professional gods’ of today who get themselves into all kinds of strife.

      Just another example of what the normie will have to take on board, when it all gets exposed for the controlling system that it really is.

      • Dee – yes there is. Especially when the remedy for such crime is not yet widely known by the general public.

        First part of the Q Plan, was to expose all the wrongdoing by sidestepping the lying media that have been keeping it all under wraps – even now – with the exposure of P. Diddy, and whose activities make Epstein look like a choir boy, have very little mention by the fake news. Would you agree that the information thus exposed has been due a Plan?

        Or, do you believe that such information release, is due to happenstance?

        If you do agree with Q Plan assessment, then what would be the ultimate goal in exposing such information that the lying media can no longer contain, due to the overwhelming amount of information that is currently being exposed?

        Would such information be put out to begin waking up the sleepy heads, so as to progress to step 2 of the Plan, that would then begin a greater comprehension as to what has been done to the United States?

        A lot of folks over there still have no clue that November, 2020, was a coup, and that if it was not part of the Q Plan to expose all of ‘their’ shenanigans, and the countries involved, could have been the final Coup de Gras for the U.S.

        If you believe information release is simply happenstance – then why has the lying media lost control of their narrative in keeping such info under wraps?

        And why are more and more, who were once sleepy heads, finally waking up? Look at the numbers of voters for Trump now. That surely must be telling to anyone who can manage to light that spark of intelligence, to finally switch off their indoctrination centers.

        The ultimate goal for remedy in the Q Plan, is the military – and tomorrow our time, the Plan will be put into action.

        • I cannot get as enthusiastic about “Q” and the plan as some. If as others are saying Trump has been the president and C-in-C all these four years, why has he allowed the “vaccine” debacle and the border crisis to carry on, facilitating the huge loss of life and injury of not only to this date (and in US) but the horrendous numbers I see in the future. No good saying Trump was taking advise about the “vaccine”, I already knew 6 months before it was released that there was no such thing as a pandemic. There was no need to allow millions to die to show up the “Deep State” for what it is.

          If anybody has not viewed Kerry Cassidy’s recent video here goes


          • Maybe you were not meant to know about Q as others have become aware. I wouldn’t put myself into the Q camp either, but I know reality when I read it from the Q board – it is important to recognize that Q posts project into the future what will eventuate – hence the term, future proves past, as in proving the validity of the post.

            I think too many place far too much gravity with what a president is able to do when facing off against the combined Cabal/Deep state and its controlled institutions, such as the lying media.

            No one took the jab who didn’t want in their body – everyone could have refused it, or taken it. It is called personal choice. Didn’t you see how the Deep state ridiculed Trump, attacking him because he promoted ivermectin and hydroxichloroquine as a vaccine against the fear generated by the media who were openly promoting the jab – how does one fight that induced psychosis?

            Honestly, if you were Trump, what would you have done?

            I believe he did all he could do.

  7. Is this one of the October surprises?

  8. “America will see a MASSIVE Black Swan event before election” Hillary Clinton warns | Redacted News
    HRC looking appropriately aged and very much alive.

      • HRC is long gone, and good riddance! That person is pretending to be HRC. If you have the time, you may be able to find a montage of the real, HRC along with her body doubles, and mask wearing actors.

    • In agreement with the discussion until 17:14 when the conversation turned to the justification of Netanyahu’s murderess rampage in the middle east.

  9. Terrence Odgers, when you say nobody took the vaccine that didn’t want it in their body, that statement is bull. I know numerous people that didn’t take the jab but they lost their job and income. Most of that group were nearing retirement. Younger people with families were not able to go without income, which was the alternative here in W.A.

    • A little contradictory there Aussiemal – free choice was always available to take it or not, those who lost their incomes, and are now living rough on the streets, chose to not take it, while those who still have an income and are not living rough – yet – chose to take it.

      Those who chose to take it considered the jab as the lesser of the two evils, so that in effect is wanting it, but realizing it was not needed, in your body. As my two sons did.

      It would have been a different story, if the jab has been mandated to take for everyone. Maybe that would have had the effect of waking many more up, than employers insisting their employees take the jab to keep working did?

      I wonder how many of those insistent employers will still be around over the coming months?

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