By G5
One of the greatest problems of manufacturing synthetic “Belief Systems,” is the need to continually feed them. Otherwise the initial deceptions begin to fragment. Which leads to all kinds of realities flowing out into the light of day.
A legitimate unfiltered study of history reveals that America, from the days of the first landings to the present, has no shame in delivering outrageous fictions to its people. The people have contracted the unfortunate and terminal disorder of believing whatever their ‘government’ tells them.
The UN stands on land owned by the Rockefeller consortium. And who are also owners of The New York Federal Reserve? And in turn part owners of The US Federal Reserve. The New York Fed is the repository where the world’s looted gold is stored.
The US is the major financial supporter of The UN. It in turn owns and controls the UN Agencies — which often come forward with the most outrageous observations.
The UN is not the World Sitting in Session. That was signaled in the early days of its formation. It is the US playing out yet another tedious theatre.

The current back to back absurdities that Oswald murdered JFK and that Syria yet again gassed people (Khan Sheikhoun) are not surprising. More tragic for America, and the Artificial Intelligence it has manufactured in a percentage of its people, is the attempt to convince the World of a Moral High Ground. It can’t convince those maintained in the Sheltered Worshop. And it can’t convince those capable of rational and critical thought.
In reality both repeated deceptions are meaningless. America is tragically unable to enunciate its own reality and unable to sit at the World Table of the Civilized and admit the truth of any of its tragic history. The Coup could not be explained without leaching into other tragic areas of its manufactured history. And the War Crimes could not be admitted without exposing further behaviour.

There are now two Americas. Those who Believe, and those who know they can never Believe. And that transmission of reality has further been confirmed throughout the Western World. And that is a tragedy that can now never be retraced. If you’re wondering what went wrong with the Don, remember that Secret Service ‘Protection’ for all his family, is not ‘Protection’, but permanent ‘House Arrest’ by The Owners of America.
Remember the Kennedys — beginning with the Secret Service being pulled back from JFK’s car. The car stopped at a predetermined point, so Jack Lawrence could take the final shot, up from the street drain.
The true files (some 40,000 documents) were destroyed by CIA-FBI.
Air Disasters
MH-17 was an interesting False Flag. The US of course standing in its underwear as usual. It was an attempt to blame Russia, and in the most lame and ill-informed manner. (Interesting video here)
As for MH-370 — that was shot down by the USN [US Navy] after take-off, at the point the civilian radar loss north of KL. MH-370 concerns the theft of the technology of micro RFIDs.
The two aircraft heading for WTC 1 and 2 were swapped for the drones at the private airport at the point they intersect on their recorded flight paths. The original aircraft (no crews or passengers) were flown out to the Atlantic and shot down by the USN.
Russian Technology
This video is interesting in as much as it touches on The Russian EMP Technology [Electromagnetic Pulse] that America does not have. On two occasions Russian TUs devastated and paralysed The USS Donald Cook, Porter, and Ross. Kerry of course was lying in his threatening rhetoric. The TU flyovers demonstrated that the USN ships at issue had been paralysed.
On 17/4/2017 a TU-95 flew down the NORAD Air Defence, perimeter Identification Zone and paralysed (Khibiny EMP Magrav EW Technology) the entire Alaskan NORAD System. It also grounded all American military aircraft in Alaska for more than two days. A long time in military terms. This and related technologies had first been demonstrated by Russia in December 2011, when it took control of American drones and flew them to the ground. America has to this day, not been able to countermand the technologies.
A policy of denial and propaganda was commenced by the Obama White House and the Pentagon on 23/4/2012. But the events became more obvious. Demoralized USN personnel have been ‘retiring’ in numbers. Twenty-seven from the first USS Donald Cook Incident alone.
Russia approached America for a mutual disarming. America refused and continues to attempt to overcome and equal the Russian Military Technologies. But there are many, and America lacks the ability. The ISS [The International Space Station] is revealing, as are The Shayrat Incident [Trump’s cruise missile strike on the Shayrat Airbase in Syria], and The Florida Trident Test. America actually has NO Missile capabilities. Even admitted by Obama.
[When HMS Vengeance, one of the UK’s four nuclear submarines, test-fired the missile off the coast of Florida, the missile was not out by a few metres but several thousand miles. It had been targeted at the southern Atlantic off the coast of west Africa. Instead, it was heading in the opposite direction, over the US.]
The current position is; America continues to lie and threaten, but dares not challenge. And there have been many opportunities to which America could have engaged Russia — if America believed that it could even posture a PR advantage.
The NORAD devastation was brought about by a particularly challenging and unprovoked Anti-Russian Propaganda Exercise that was rolled out, compounded, and tractioned just prior to that event.
The thought patterns of which have entrenched deeply into the Belief System of the American disengaged. The answer to which is, if all you believe is true, then America should declare war and attack Russia immediately. The Propaganda Roll-out was the narrative that Russians are not human beings worthy of life. They are sub-human primitives living in a nation likened to The Middle Ages. Variations of which were run through many magazines. ‘Vanity Fair’ in particular ran with quite an imaginative rendition.
Kerry’s ‘Shoot Down’, ‘International Waters’, and ‘Confrontation’ rhetoric was from the same boy — sitting as Secretary of State as reward for being involved in the fraud for the GWB Pretend Presidency, and the architect of the grand failure of the Ukrainian and Crimean Aggressions.
Ukraine and Putin
The following video is Putin explaining how Russia saved the life of elected Ukraine’s Ousted President Yanukovich.
As a mere observant peasant, one must acknowledge complete ignorance of reality and tread lightly amongst the presented lies of history and the present.
Anyway, novels, msm and police shows are boring and discerning reality is a more interesting challenge.
One matter that has surprisingingly evovled today,.
In bullett points.
Our banker Malcolm is off to Israel to remember history’s last light horse attack, being a win for the Australian light horse brigade.
Off to Israel. Yea right, to receive his latest orders?
The Balfour declaration progresses at our cost.
Nice taxpayer’s bill Malcolm.
Meanwhile, our Julie Bishop becomes Prime Minister.
Julie is also Australia’s foreign affairs minister.
Julie is reported today counselling Trump to consider whether Trump’s reniguing of the Iran/US deal should be considered as a breach of trust (my interpretation)
So why would Northe Korea believe liars and tricksters?
Bottom line: the US cannot be trusted to keep a deal. Putin has expressed similar thoughts.
Mad Netawhoreareyou wants to obliterate Iran by attacking Syria (so who has the more nukes?)
God forbid, Julie is on the money!
Perhaps she has been done over in the past by a used car dealing spiv and has awakend.
If one cannot rely on a word of a fairweather friend to keep a deal, then who can our government trust?
Malcolm, whilst you are in Israel, tell those bastards that they are ‘a dreamin’ if they think our boys should be continually dying for the zionist Balfour trickery for some apartheid state.
No last Aussie light horse arrack for f’n foreign agendas, piss off. Tell them Malcolm.
“Off to Israel … to receive his latest orders?”
Those exact words came to mind when I saw this article
• Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu Is Leading US President Trump to War with Iran
• http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/48098.htm
I wonder if he will be taking Frank along this time (as he did to NY) – maybe catch with Larry – for ol’ times’ sake?
It’s one thing to receive messages from Uncle Joe or Hanoi Johnny, but what a great opportunity for turnbull to hear from his supreme ‘Commander in Chief’ himself
Off-topic. Today, October 30, 2017, is the Appeals case of Sue Neills-Fraser. But get a load of this (thinking of Terry Shulze’s wish that Dee’s Port Arthur video get more publicity): a play has just opened, sold out first night, about the defendant, Sue Neills-Fraser. It is called “An Inconvenient Woman.”
Moreover, the ABC has written it up. I am fainting. PLEASE if you are in Hobart, attend the case. The court is kitty-corner to Salmanca Place. You can drive up in your yacht!
Then Bryant must be “the inconvenient man”
This from Jeff Rense
“The planners hoped Martin Bryant would be killed in a shootout. “It was only the iron discipline exercised by the Tasmanian and Victorian police special operations groups at the scene which allowed Martin Bryant to be taken into custody,”…. “It is beyond doubt that those who planned the psyop are uneasy about Martin Bryant’s continued existence.”
I still don’t understand why Rense didn’t run the video. Perhaps you could send it to him, after all, you made the video, maybe he might take notice of your efforts.