Home Australia The Agent in Australia Acting for AstraZeneca and Pfizer

The Agent in Australia Acting for AstraZeneca and Pfizer

There’s always a money trail

by G5

Mr T is the agent acting for AstraZeneca and Pfizer.Β 

He approached all the premiers in Australia and demanded that the vaccines be pushed or all pharmaceuticals would be withdrawn from Australia.

Instead of naming the bastard and disclosing what was happening, they all caved, shared in the $100 million slush money from the first traunch, and destroyed the country as they have.

There is no longer any doubt as to the time-spaced lethality due to comorbidities and the blocking of the effective and correct pharmaceuticals of this perpetrated genocide.

As I have written many times: the vaccine companies have legal immunity. There is no informed consent with the insane mandates and economic blackmails that have been perpetrated.

The way through this insanity is to drop all the information into the public domain. Globalist Media is withholding the truth of these matters. Neither they nor BigTech Platforms; who have direct interests with the pharmaceutical companies; will ever allow unadulterated truth to be exposed.

Australia has been allowed to be economically destroyed, on the ravings of one psychopath, partnered with American cohorts.

NSW Gladys Idiot is being further blackmailed by the control of ICAC investigations concerning her personal corrupt behaviour.

And Palmer has the files on Mr T.

Nothing is as it appears.Β 


Like Formula One drivers, maybe politicians should “badge” up to see who has sponsored them (gumshoe adaption designed after the idea from Greg Buck)

UPDATE: 2.00pm 20 September 2021:

“As I write here at 14:00 on Monday, Sept. 20, 2021: a meeting of the highest authorities of Australia and The Crown; is underway at Admiralty House Sydney. [Including Mr T, the prime minister, the Governor-General, Clive Palmer plus corporate players of influence]

Numbers and MadzolamΒ 

I am advised that internationally among the six main vaccine chains: there are some 10,000 human clinical trials and experiments being conducted — apart from the protected species placebos. Beyond the incessant propaganda flows: there is virtually no connection concerning immunisation to the gain of function failed CIA-SARS-CoV-2.

From the fraudulent onset in America: Australia has had 85,056 cases reported as Covid, and 2,148 deaths attributed.

ALL statistics concerning the hoax are fraudulent, manipulated, manufactured, with vaccinated and comorbidity hidden. (Where ere you be, let your wind go free. For that was the cause of death of me.)

Midazolam was used to euthanase in the nursing homes, until the vaccine deaths initial cycle, both in the UK and the US.

The Vaccination injuries and deaths are recorded as Covid deaths. The forthcoming murder of children will be blamed on the unvaccinated. (John O’Looney)

Watch the stats and listened to the causes and time schedules.Β The following political clip is also interesting for connection.

Again: Those who matter Know. Those who don’t matter don’t know.

The confusions between The EU Medical Agency and the FDA has been resolved by the FDA ‘Approving’ future vaccines that do not exist.Β Pfizer-BioNTech becomes Comirnaty (COME HERE NAUGHTY). Moderna becomes SpikeVax. Oxford AstraZeneca becomes Vaxzevria.

It’s all to do with possible liabilities. Now, why would that be a concern? Why the progressive move to remove Covid-19 from even the labeling, and we know that thousands of clinical human trials are being conducted throughout the world, for almost everything imaginable.

The deaths and horrendous injuries caused by the various vaccinations are being reallocated to those from the invention of Covid-19, and those who have allegedly not been vaccinated.

The PCR Test inventor and many of his supporters have been canceled. Apart from the manipulated False Positives that have been statistically weaponized in the mania, the test concoction contains the parasites previously described, in addition to the banned Ethylene Oxide, that causes Hodgkin’s and Breast Cancer.

Links of interest: beckernews, video, bitchute and here.

The response to Tyrranical Psychopathic Behaviour is THE PEOPLE taking the position of Zero Tolerance of Psychopathic Bevaviour. The power base over-empowerment and over-weaponized enforcement of The Psychopathic Behaviour of Government and the Elected, has been well described as; Monkeys with hand grenades.

The insanity of the current and forthcoming DARK AGE ERA has overshadowed the desensitizing of the herds by the precursor FRAUDS, HOAXES, and RUSES of; Climate Change, Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, Revisionst History, and Critical Race Theory.


Editor’s Update: LIVE STREAMING




  1. Pardon me if this is simplistic, but citizen-members of the two major parties can GET TOGETHER and draw up a form (I’d be glad to wite it) and demand that all 6 state premiers sign it, under oath. Like this:

    “1. I did not participate in any way in the alleged attempt by Pharma (or “Mr T”) to get premiers to support any medical position on the subject of Covid or vax.”

    “2. I have not received even one dollar of Influence Money (or other favor, such as suppression of my past misdeeds) in regard to Covid or vax.”

    Any premier unwilling to sign must step down by November 1, 2021.

  2. Covid corruption. This is from BBC, 23 minutes ago:

    Last month, Babita Deokaran, a senior finance official in the health department of Gauteng province, died outside her home after being shot several times. There is a suspicion that she was targeted because she was a witness in an ongoing investigation into fraudulent contracts worth 332m rand ($23m) awarded by her department to buy personal protective equipment to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

    While acknowledging that the motive for her murder is still not known, President Cyril Ramaphosa described her as “a hero and a patriot” and said her killing was “a stark reminder of the high stakes involved in our collective quest to remove this cancer from our society”. [Which cancer?]

    Ms Deokaran’s death has raised questions about the poor protection for those who expose malfeasance. And there is a lot of it about. More than $106bn was lost to corruption between 2014 and 2019, according to a study by Stellenbosch University.

    Over the last 18 months funds meant for the fight against Covid-19 have been looted, the theft that Ms Deokaran spoke out about.

  3. It looks likes the coppers of today have become squibs, pansies or whatever when it takes a squadron of them to arrest two (2) people at a cemetery. No wonder the reports coming out of US that crime has been increasing during the plandemic. The police are too busy harassing the public to have time to chase up real criminals (like politicians).

    • Yes very cowardly, specialising in gang attacks and sneak attacks.
      I like the lady in the video with the megaphone telling the cops “you need to get a mental health assessment”

  4. When Clive Palmer spoke of his personal knowledge of criminal corruption in NSW, he invited those purveyors of “just us” to enquire and be given the evidence.

    I am not aware of any such enquiries that have been divulged in the public.
    But a clever move by Clive nonetheless.

    It is always the cover-up of a crime that leads to the criminals undoing.

  5. Look at the CEOs of the five vaxxx pharmaceuticals, what common key do they share together?
    These ‘super intelligent’ powers rule, and no one dares to question in fear of losing the scraps that fall. If it wasn’t for the good among them, informing our ignorant mass, we would have no idea at all. Game is rigged, road to ‘freedom’ are Serco camps for vaxxx dodgers avoiding mark to hell.

  6. Given the fact that GPs virtually never caution their patients about ANY of the numerous potential side effects of ANY medication they prescribe and the fact that pharmacists are just about as coy, secrecy re any vaccine would obviously be a matter of course.

  7. Here is a blurb from our recent ‘Local News’ (the locals will lap it up!)

    “From September 20th, the Moderna jab will be available at pharmacies.
    It’s Australia’s third line of defence, approved nationally in the fight against COVID-19. Ten million
    doses are on their way this year, with 15 million booster shots arriving in 2022. It’s the second MRNA vaccine
    to be distributed after Pfizer and is considered to have a similar safety profile to Pfizer. Two doses will give
    people more than 94% protection from hospitalisation and serious illness.
    Demand for vaccines is growing exponentially in regional areas. Pharmacies say that the list of customers
    interested in getting the Moderna vaccine is already long, with parents wanting their children vaccinated. The
    approval to vaccinate anyone over 12 is timely, given that more and more adolescents are being affected by
    the Delta strain of the virus Pharmacies will accept both online and walk-in bookings.
    About the Moderna vaccine
    Moderna is delivered in 2 doses- which are 100micrograms each- 28 days apart. The vaccine’s Phase 3 trial,
    which enrolled more than 30,000 participants who received both doses last year, demonstrated a 94.1%
    efficacy at preventing CIVID illness, including severe disease. The company said the vaccine- already widely
    used in the UK, Europe and the US- had since shown to be about 93% effective against symptomatic disease
    six months after the second dose.
    β€œWe are pleased that our COVID-19 vaccine is showing durable efficacy of 93% through six months but
    recognise that the Delta variant is a significant new threat so we must remain vigilant,” Moderna CEO Stephanie
    Bancel said in a statement.
    In June, the biotechnology company said studies had shown the vaccine had a neutralising effect against all
    COVID-19 variants tested, including Delta. However, it believes the variant may lead to more breakthrough
    infections and booster doses may be needed.
    The results of the Phase 3 trial also found the most common adverse reaction to the injection was
    injection-site pain, while others reported experiencing a headache, fatigue and myalgia.
    (With thanks to The Port News).”

      • It must have been a reprint of an article from Port Macquarie.

        I will probably ‘self isolate’, not because I have covid, but because I am UNVAXXED. I don’t want any morons blaming me for their ADE/pathogenic priming after taking the jab.

        The faster this depopulation agenda can move, the better. I am totally over having to deal with fools. I’m confident that they will blame anyone other than themselves for their stupid decisions.

        • What a load of crap these pharmaceutical companies put out. If you don’t have a “vaccine” you have an almost 100% chance of not getting Covid-19 or its supposed variants. But if you do have the jab your chances are very good of getting death or injury by “the variant”.

  8. You mean to tell me no one can get a photo of this Mr T and Identify him then expose his push. Surely there has to be a whistleblower. This Country is the test case and it has to be exposed, the rest of the world is watching.

    • Those who are curious have been watching and know.
      Some hints might be discovered by the astute from the X22 reports since October 2017.
      Time to catch up?
      Try the latest at x22report.com and other news outlets other than; the msm, our ABC and SBS.
      Happy hunting and enjoy the world’s greatest pantomime and sting operation.

    • No no no, be patient, give the honourable chappie a opportunity to be a man and come out with his position and β€˜please explain’.
      That is the Australian way and he could hardly be judged as anti-Australian, well, not yet.
      Australians deserve a fair go, so he/she/them should be given a fair go.
      Christian Porter seems to have done the right thing in his alleged situation.
      By example, the rest of them have been given the pathway/s.
      As they often say, the cover up or silence is the trap awaiting them.
      All fun…. Think of the x22 sting. I think they know everything as Yrump has declared.
      The cheapest way to erect the gallows is to let its clients build it.βš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈ

      • Should have known – bloody obvious now. The Turd single handed has created so much treachery in this country in the past 20 years. Why bow down to him, it’s his time now.

  9. Very interesting and not surprising to see Mr T flogging quaxxines, after we heard some time ago about our defacto yellowcake marketing board involving Downer and Bishop as well. And now I hear a rumour Bishop is going down in relation to a company called “Greensill” which arranges something like emergency finance for developers, I saw a hint, perhaps Bishop was being protected by the A-G dept, the recently departed Mr Porter in so much trouble for using $1m from a blind trust to pay his personal legal expenses … he says something like he will not pressure the trust to reveal who is involved though anyone can guess he knows well enough. So it’s like a domino effect and the big domino, the AZaudit, supposed to be falling at the end of this week, let’s hope it is as the other Mr T has been saying, “The storm is coming”.

    • As a side issue, various people are interpreting Trump’s quaxxine promotion as an indication that he is working for the oligarchs, the sneakiest double agent yet, since Obama was not very convincing. But consider if Trump went anti-vaxx, he would be immediately wedged by the entire medical fraternity, and their MSM allies, any stray comment would be magnified to atom-bomb proportions, and the BigPharma cultists would go into convulsions. The collateral damage would far outweigh any advantage so Mein Trumpf has read the situation correctly and acted appropriately, if you take that position.

  10. T = Bill Gates?
    All this possible due to a declared “State of Emergency” which has again been extended in SA.
    This is fraud.
    This is genocide.

  11. Biggest property developer in China, Oz included, has gone down to the tune of 410 billion US$.

    When the masks come off, we will know who rules the world with an iron fist. Their master plan to be kept secret, until power and control cannot be opposed, domination of the entire world, all governments, all people, and all property.

    • How is the CCP going to invade the western pacific if it goes broke ?
      We need to see a bit more of this type of thing to unsettle the dictatorial CCP.

      Meanwhile, I can see a good strategy for the US to avoid the “economic collapse” and “great reset” and also repaying the Federal Reserve.
      It’s quite simple, just invade Switzerland, totally occupy all the NWO institutions (BIS, UN, WHO, UBS etc) and while there, grab all the gold !!! Problem solved instantly. This should be one US military operation Australians can be happy to join in on.
      ( The ordinary Swiss citizens who enjoy compulsory military conscription after finishing school, should all be easily persuaded to lay down their arms ).

        • It would appear that Zionism, Satanism, Globalism, Communism etc. are all bedfellows and as long as they only expend “deplorables” when there’s some fraternal friction then it’s probably all good between them all. Low value useless eaters can be cheerfully expended simply for amusement value, refer “the colosseum” and various battles of empires. Occasionally family members can be done away with if the other members agree to stitch them up, didn’t this happen most notably in Russia 100 years ago ?

      • Much as I hate to say “I told you so”, many months ago it was obvious that China’s property bubble was going to burst. Actually, it was obvious in 2010 that the commercial bubble would eventually pop, yet China worshippers have staunchly refused to acknowledge the obvious.

        There is also going to be a tsunami of unemployed, starving and dying age pensioners, millions of abandoned children, mega-tonnes of toxic chemicals, and millions of angry civilians from China’s neighbours, furious that the 7 Himalayan river flows have been turned back into China.

        Yet the White House/Whaite Hall denizens persist with their jingoism about China launching a cross border attack at Australia. Why would they? They already own a good chunk… call it invasion 21st century style.

        And if they want to invade, would it not make more sense to wait until the 65% of jabbed have died or are to feeble to fight back?

        • response to my brother my fellow traveller- Anthony–who validates my existence


          “Xi Jinping’s Family’s Wealth Exposes The Hypocrisy Of China’s Common Prosperity Campaign” on YouTube

          I feel there is much relevant information in each written comment.

          eg Re education camps = mind control–

          something for everyone—well everyone above who commented on ant56 September 20, 2021 at 6:15 pm
          “alt-news conspiracy investigative reporter.”
          Tony Ryan
          “angry civilians from China’s neighbours, furious that the 7 Himalayan river flows have been turned back into China”.

          Thank you–one and all– Dee Mary—been thru a rough time–but still standing

          • Thanks criss cross–mind control–breeding -grooming- programming-is what I am knowledgable about –both research and personal lived experience. many things resonate-here–but one thread– Tavistock Agenda-see Timeline 2012 -psychological warfare–experiments –cults –MKUltra-NWO-OWO-OWR. and now Cyber Warfare.

            So I choose- slides approx 3.48
            “Xi Jinping is the son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun one of the founders of the CCP who fought alongside Mao Zedong
            Xi Jinping is the son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun one of the founders of the CCP who fought alongside Mao Zedong
            Xi Jinping has Illustrious roots and thus is seen as a β€œprinceling”-son of an elite officer who rapidly rose through the ranks
            Xi was sent to the countryside for β€œre-education” at the age of 15 but instead of turning against the party Xi embraced it. But the fortunes of the Xi family took a turn in 1962 when Xi Zhongxun was sacked from the CCP and imprisoned
            Xi was sent to the countryside for β€œre-education” at the age of 15 but instead of turning against the party Xi embraced it

            But the fortunes of the Xi family took a turn in 1962 when Xi Zhongxun was sacked from the CCP and imprisoned”

            just a thread a dot a piece of the big picture–the pattern-my story

            Three little girls from school — aargh merkl may and ?
            Clintons Trump Obama Biden — Oz– NZ–Karen Brewer has done her research–and on and on

  12. re: the video “LIVE STREAMING” above, channel 9 & 10 (CBS) ran short but not unreasonable pieces on this media event basically presented as “construction workers refuse to get quaxxinated” ( 3 day deadline ordered ) and apparently they will return tomorrow for part 2 ( hopefully BIGGER ). Channel 7 managed to miss the story even though they are based in Melbourne, we can only assume this might have affected the owners’ property development and other investments.

    • SBS gave a few seconds to “an ugly crowd” or somesuch description before morphing into a longish quaxxine advertorial promotion. Next story about the essential nature of lockdowns. Plenty of coverage of Dictator Dan saying “protests don’t work, quaxxines work”. Promotion of the desirability of quaxxine passports. Adjectives such as wonderful, really good, thrown around.
      A great piece in the other video above, a girl crying, “everyone please take your vitamins because if you don’t take your vitamins then mine won’t work”.

      • I guess “protests don’t work” is the reason vast amounts of money is spent and police resources DIVERTED and old ladies aged 70+ bashed and pepper sprayed, in order to prevent these useless peaceful protests.
        It all makes sense if the delightful “Mr T” is dropping you off a big fat commission.

  13. In other quaxxine enforcement news Justin Trudeau (Canada) is going to a snap election after being boohed all around the country and having gravel thrown at his useless, ugly carcass. Now, isn’t Canada where Dominion Voting Machines operates from ? With some sort of extra HQ in Colorado ( another supposedly “liberal” stronghold ).
    I guess Justin would prefer either outcome, a) get kicked out or b) win convincingly using vote fraud. Vote fraud may not be feasible after the weekend (AZaudit) !!! What a mess !!! What must Justin’s poor mum be thinking. Hopefully he will not make his escape from trial and sentence. Poor Justin’s mum. Maybe she will opt to join him in jail. Death by quaxxine mandate is a serious issue these days.

    • Now they are saying Justin won !!! Even Canadians couldn’t be so dumb as to return him, there must be a trick. Will Justin complete his communist agenda before they can do a vote audit ? Or have Canadians stopped caring about their country, since they are snowed in for 6 months each year they don’t feel it’s much different ? Who knows what goes on in that place.


    Matthew 8:8-9, β€œβ€¦β€¦. And answering the centurion said, Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only speak a word and my child will be healed. FOR I ALSO AM A MAN UNDER AUTHORITY………………………………”

    A literal translation of John 1:1-2, β€œIn the chief beginning was held the Word, and the Word was held by the side of God,and God held charge of the Word.[2] This Lone Charge was in the chief beginning by the side of His God.” Matthew 8:8-13

    After reading every word in my Greek interlinear the result is somewhat different from the normal.

    Romans 13:1-10 The Apostle Paul –the Paraclete, [John 14:16-17; 14:25-26; 15:26-27; 16:7-15] β€”β€”- β€œEvery soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from God. Wherefore the existing authorities under me having been ordained by God are; so the one resisting the authority of Gods ordinance has opposed those, and having opposed, will receive the judgement to themselves…………….to no one nothing owe, except to love one another, for by loving the other, the Law has been fulfilled —–For: Do not commit adultery; do not murder; do not steal; do not bear false witness; do not have an impure desire; and if any other commandment, in this word it is summed up: You shall love the neighbour of you as yourself. Love to the neighbour evil does not work; fulfillment then of law is love.”

    Acts 5:29 New King James Version (NKJV). 29 But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: β€œWe ought to obey God rather than men.

    Proverbs 23:1-4, β€œWhen you sit down to eat with a ruler, look carefully at what is before you; and put a knife to your throat if you are a possessor of a soul. Do not desire his delicacies, for it is the bread of lies.

    • lord means archon in roman times. So which god are you worshipping no god of light would see himself as a lord. God walks with you.

  15. Oz is the biggest stage of movie stars, jacks of all roles, essentially masters of nothing other than deception, lies and thievery.
    (this doesn’t apply to people on the streets, only to bloodsuckers in power)
    As the screws get tightened with every passing day, with unvaxxxed losing jobs in all sectors, for a non existent virus other than concoctions in jabs. Aborted babies being one of the many ingredients. Fellow Australians, it’s time to smell the truth, cause the stench is overflowing.
    The mandates, with the bio security state, are connected at hip pocket to high tech cyber surveillance communism coming from the bowels of military Israel the chosen few.

    β€œthe vaccinated will be able to use a block-chain powered smartphone app” – IBM

    This has nothing to do with health or jab passport.
    This is moving everything into digital libraries containing background checks, drug screenings, debt records, including courts, education, criminal, credit reports/ ratings and everything snapped tweeted and downloaded on their World Wide Web – their net. All the β€˜goods’ to look forward to as they market the jabs to digital slavery.
    All governments are slave systems to be ignored at all costs.

  16. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-21/scott-morrison-in-us-after-submarine-deal-un-general-assembly/100478454

    My condar(conspiracy radar) just maxxed.

    Maybe scumo and the rat have a man-date on the New York itinerary. Ahhh just like old times, those Rockerfellas and ALL the UNer’s just can’t let it go. As a bonus we get to pay for 2 sub fleets. Win-Win. Hope scumo could aquire the sometimes difficult to get toilet tissue so he can wipe JB’s butt too.

    • My guess is the US military has a little government inside itself ( effectively the head of state ) which could not come to unanimous decisions until they got the AZaudit results formally, then they decided Biden was going under the bus and Australia was going under the america first umbrella. So Biden is getting battered with daily disasters and tarred with everything, I guess soon Bill & Hill will get “brain cancer” along with a few others. I would really like to see Swissyland occupied, they are not a NATO member, they are a cut-price “partner” so it’s just a technicality. Probably a bio-hazard so could take longer. If all the world’s mad scientists were controlled by Swissy, the only safe places would be places without bio-labs – maybe.
      Therefore possibly Iceland could invade Switzerland with covert support. They have a grudge against banks so there is already a motive !!!
      Swissy’s USD hegemony has to be swapped out for US government USD hegemony so the US will want to “contain” China, hegemony beats everything, it’s the primal element. Welcome to the other new world order.

      • “US military has a little government inside itself”, aka continuity of (THE) government and/or continuum imperium est maxim.

        I must fix my above – The rat is known as The Rodent aka Man of Steel shoulder to shoulder 11/09/2001 with the Prez(POTUS). Good ‘ol days are here again

        • Military has the same 2nd amendment protection – in their case considerably heightened !!! !!! !!! So never underestimate self-interest (ie self-preservation)

  17. The latest X22Report.com is a hoot. Say about the ten minute timeline.
    Especially for we poor Catholics wanting to get into the Vatican. Uncle Moranic Frank must be related to uncle Dan.and the rest of our premiers and mass media. Seems that it is a big club.
    Wake upπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ
    Well, it is a nice tactic to continue to divide the world even more .
    β€˜Divide, conquer and control’, come to mind?

  18. “……………..Seniors have been described by governments as β€˜financial liabilities’. I felt really sad when I read that, and I wondered how it made the seniors who read it feel. Once our seniors were the financial backbone of the country, the workforce, the creators, now, unless you’re an ex-politician on a publicly funded pension of : (In 2015)

    KEVIN RUDD $200,000 pension plus estimated $300,000-a-year office and travel costs

    JULIA GILLARD $200,000 pension plus estimated $300,000-a-year office and travel costs

    JOHN HOWARD $250,000 pension plus $300,000 a year in office and travel costs.

    PAUL KEATING $140,000-a-year office, travel, phone costs + pension

    BOB HAWKE $130,000-a-year in office, travel, phone costs + pension

    MALCOLM FRASER $220,000-a-year office, travel, phone + pension

    GOUGH WHITLAM $125,000-a-year office, travel, phone + pension*

    (Source: Department of Finance documents.)”


    • In old times the grandparents used to do child-care and baby-sitting, now people look up some weirdo on the internet to do baby-sitting, we have one such youthful weirdo in the courts today, claimed to “make every child be the best they could be” while raping and molesting at least a dozen I think. I would say this one has been accessing the porn videos. There was a plan to make all the porn go on .xxx and get them off .com etc. But this plan was not successful, probably undermined by other weirdos. As for the old people, they can’t do baby-sitting now because they are geographically split off and they are all getting dementia from the injections they had before, containing mercury or other substances according to reports.
      So once again society is being driven apart by agents such as Rockerfellas Foundation which aims to slice and dice everyone by age, gender, race, religion, profession, locality, even by apparel, you are either a “nike” or an “adidas” or out of style. Expensive, stylish store-bought shoes are a youth-culture essential without which your social life may suffer. Another income stream for the oligarchs.

      As for the lush PM entitlements, they don’t seem to relate very well to time in office or to be indexed to the ordinary age pension. I would suggest they need a LOT more regulation, at least 10 volumes of laws and regulations to comply with, but up to 100 would not be unreasonable, plus they should have to check the website twice a day for mandates and updates ( ignorance is not an excuse ). They should have to attend regular Centrestink interviews for compliance checking, say weekly, and their finances should be fully audited annually to see if they go above the income threshold. Everyone in government needs this type of scrutiny, we have seen clearly from Andrew ROBb, and others pending. Trade Minister Andrew ROBb took 6 months “mental health leave” as soon as it was invented, then got a big contract in China and shot through. He set a new benchmark which was closely followed by the Greens senator in Fremantle, taking 6 months mental health leave because he was found to be a dual citizen.

    • Very worthwhile, and the first public comment under:
      “how can you know for sure Dr Cole is legit? do a quick google search and see how the communist, Marxist, state run, paid liar, propaganda outlets are blasting him. I rest my case.”

    • britannica trying to deflect from the global malfeasance — desperate to say anything to discredit the conspiracy theories. So they create a MYTH that is not what the scientists are saying e.g.MYTH: The COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca will turn people into monkeys.

      COME ON… that’s such a MacGuffen… (the script term a MacGuffin is a device that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters, but insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant in itself.)

      It’s like watching a disaster unfold. A brilliant plan, using a designed gain of function bio(weapon) to scare the hell out of people; make them comply; use flu etc to create stats; and then using that fear and lockstep for phase 2… so that the real bioweapons can be introduced thru a needle.

    • I think it was Brittanica that was bought by Rockerfellas long, long ago, they wanted to rearrange a few articles to suit themselves. Getting it online is a very handy part of this process of revisionism. And just for a distraction, fund a few academics to change BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini – year of our lord) into BCE and CE.
      Just to show us, who is god around here.

  19. BigPharma claims they make more antibodies with their modified RNA treatment but some say the antibodies are the clean-up crew and the T-cells do more of the actual fighting. Some say the mRNA injections interfere with T-cells, and according to the bitchute video just above (Dr Cole) a lot more people are / will be presenting with all sorts of virus infections, rashes, herpes, even melanomas, the body will lack the natural immunity to fight. These people will make very good customers for BigPharma as they will be too dumb to work out that bad treatments are what is making them sick. This is already evident in so many cases, in so many ways.

    “To understand what T cells do and their relationship with antibodies and short- and long-term immunity, we have to delve into the science of immunology.
    T cells are a type of lymphocyte, or white blood cell. The bone marrow produces them in the form of progenitor cells, and they migrate to the thymus, hence the name T cells.
    There are several types of T cells.”

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