Home Australia The Alexander Effect – Delusion

The Alexander Effect – Delusion


by Dee McLachlan

I am writing a very short piece on an article (comment) by Alexander Downer in the Herald Sun today. The article had the title “Think about what defeat of the West would really mean”

Excluding the opening fluff, Downer writes:

But there’s another way at looking at these conflicts and its to ask yourself a simple question: who do you want to win? Imagine if President Putin were to defeat Ukrainians. It would, of course, be the end of a proud and independent country. More than that, it would be a giant towards the reestablishment of the old Russian Empire and would set a precedent for military might redrawing the map of the world. It would also be a huge setback for not just the US, but the liberal democratic world it leads.”

Let’s just stop there.

How do these politicians demonstrate such ignorance and prescribe such nonsense.

First, Ukraine was a democratic nation in 2014 until the CIA, Soros et al orchestrated a coup. From there on, the US-proxy government started to slaughter and attack Ukrainian Russians in the East.

Secondly, the liberal democratic world no longer exists. The governments are puppets of the corporate oligarchs and globalists. And Downer is one of those puppets.

Democracy — what a load a bull.

Thirdly, censorship in all it’s forms of truth information has been drastically censored — this via “against community guidelines” and being label “misinformation.” It is truly disgraceful and criminal for governments and their tech oligarchs to censor medical facts, medical cures and truth. As I said democracy is a total illusion — and Downer should take stock of his views. But maybe his thought processes are as holy as were his black stockings.

Fourthly, is he advocating an endless war against a nuclear power nation that has never really demonstrated a desire to take over land other than lands where Russian is spoken? Unlike the West (US) where invasions and replacement of governments are commonplace.

Fifthly, maybe Downer hasn’t realized that the US and their western allies are responsible for their own demise. For decades (thanks to the CIA and politicians like Downer) countries have been invaded, wars waged on the pretense of democracy. Whether this was a resources grab or a war-mongering exercise like destroying 7 countries in 5 years (belatedly exposed by General Wesley Clarke) — these interfering actions (as was Ukraine) killed millions and caused a massive exodus of people from their homes — causing mass migration into the Europe, the US and other Western countries. The result: social erosion and societal instability in the West.

Sixth, it is the West that has been using “military might redrawing the map of the world.”

And what a cheek writing this — coming from the man that propagated the “Russian Hoax”. (“The FBI launched the covert probe into Trump-Russia links in July 2016 after Downer alleged former Trump aide George Papadopoulos told him at a London bar Russia might use damaging information on presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ahead of the November 2016 election.”)

What a political patsy.

He goes on saying “”The total destruction of Israel would be the beginning of the end for Western civilization….”

Over and out, I am wasting no more time on these people.



  1. Very good expose’, we are run by globalist psycho control freaks.
    Just note the comment by Mary for the Wtpn situation update at beforeitsnews.com today where I am up to at about ten mins.
    Clearly there is a serious war within the US.
    October is going to be a lot more fun and that Downer dimwit (e.g: the Russia Russia hoax!) must not have a clue of the reality…… even in ladies stockings.
    The Griffin Pelicans will discover that they have no part in running the planet, they are mere useless puppets with the strings wrapped around their necks and appendages just swaying and dangling.

    • Please,
      TRAITORS, not as noisy as a arborist dealing with tree branches in one of those machines, at least the squeals and whimpering will be more satisfying and not last long.
      Then Bosi later comes up with some satisfying good stuff.
      Col’ Klink, you want to be next?

  2. Thanks for writing the article, however, half-way through Downer’s comment I stopped reading. I’m sure the balance of the article was well written and had some content, but I’ve just lost interest in even glancing at the comments of lying psychopaths. – No offense is meant Dee.

  3. Dee – welcome to my world. And as an aside, as to what you have put out about that arch traitor, Downer. It was he, as Foreign Minister, who began the federal government’s ‘contributions’ to the Clinton Foundation.

    From memory, it was Michael Smith News, who uncovered that little gem of info for future learning, as to how our governments have been betraying us.

    • Our fake globalist traitorous prostituted journos, better get ready.
      ‘They will not be able to walk down the street…’
      Per ‘Q’, as for the politicians let us trust, they will disappear… ask Bosi?

  4. Great article Dee. How this creep is ever allowed to roam the world pretending to be an Australian, I do not know.

    I like Ned’s last sentence in his first comment. Hopefully Fauci and pharma CEO’s will be alongside.

    Can’t understand why any media gives time to any morons who have proven themselves to be, in time past.

  5. Oh well, I will sleep with Jim Willie at BIN and order a park headless duck for lunch tomorrow from ‘Haiti Eats’. Fair enough for a Teal!

      Then you are the problem.

  6. Look, you wage war with deception, and to wage war you need a target and resources.
    Deception would have the target unaware to even to the final solution, if able. The less resources the target have, and the more executioner have, are a force multiplier or divider. Its that simple, from a military mindset.

    So lets say Australia has lots of resources and it does, but who controls that. You ?, I would not think so, in general, going by the narrative and more than reinforced by a societo_ personal experience(and I don’t even get out much nowadays). Seems like war, smells like … etc .. is, so the deception veil lifted before the final solution(if your reading this).

    It would be hard to debate(even for a De-Morley) that the nation states that comprise the UN are not in lockstep, especially given the past 3 odd years. The inverse would be easy to debate, in that, most and sundry citizens of these nation states have little control over the resources sometimes literally under their feet.

    I would think you would know who the target is, but even Clayton is buying the deception. So I’ll spell it out, even before going hyper-sonic. Clayton and you cousin Reg are the target, because you do stand in the way of the executioner. This is because of some limited access to resources, mostly the other targets. The executioner limits resource deployment to both not give away the deception and conserve the resource in relation to the final solution. It was called keeping your powder dry, an old term like the ww2 rockets that currently fall.

    • These two should be heard by all.
      Celente has been one of my ‘mentors’ for over a decade…… and I am not even Italian.
      Fascinating that Bush created the system that had him eventually injected to death. I hear it is all on analogue film.
      The normies will be waving there ….. Richard’s around their necks and tightening.
      I concede that I have researched for about 20 years nearly every fact they discuss.
      Where have you been: ABC, SBS, Fake and corrupt msm and compromised shock jokes?
      Do us a favour; JUST KEEP UP WITH YOUR BOOSTERS.

      • A lot of Jim Crenshaw on bitchute but can’t find Japan Rising on his channel or anywhere,, if people would supply links it would save trouble, just press the address on your computer screen and a sign will come up “copy” then press the comment form and a sign comes up “paste”, it works on my phone so it should probably work on your gizmo

  7. Thanks Dee What a Downer — the Downer Dynasty- the history the mystery the secret and Ah Simon– something not sure what–but my Historians cosmologists and esoteric parts were activated. The alchemists converted downers to uppers. Insights

    The Great Southland– Cook Admiralty Law and Spiritual Warfare in 2024

    So I share

    “Tupaia, Isaac & Cook: The Search for the Great South Land
    By Mark Wilson
    Cook may never have stumbled onto the South East coast of Australia at all, if it had not been for a young Raiatean master Navigator named Tupaia. He came on board the ship Endeavour when it was in Tahitian waters, and essentially piloted the ship through much of the Pacific. He facilitated communication with the First Nation peoples they met, particularly in New Zealand, and on more than one occasion, saved Cook and his entourage from being massacred.
    This book does not document all that happened on that voyage. It puts into perspective the importance of Tupaia to the voyage that changed the course of history, and altered forever the lives of many people throughout the Pacific.”

    and this made my cartographers very very happy—-

    Of course we also have the Australian Governments Great Southland Account


    I /we share this gift with my fellow travellers and the map makers and cartographers


    “The Great South Land

    Searching for the antipodes,
    from classical scholars to Quiros & Dampier

    Across the ocean, beyond the three known continents, is a fourth, unknown to us because of its great heat, at whose edges the Antipodes of fable are said to dwell.
    St. Isidore of Seville (6th century)
    And of the Cannibals that each other eat, The Anthropophagi and men whose heads Do grow beneath their shoulders. This to hear Would Desdemona seriously incline…
    Shakespeare: Othello, I: 3

    The catalogue tells the story of a New World. Unlike the American discoveries to which that phrase is usually taken to refer, this New World is the result of a push to the east and the south. The story of its development from theory to actuality is also the story of the exploration, exploitation, and occupation of the East Indies, South East Asia, and the Pacific as the competing national interests played out their grand battle for hearts and minds, and more pressingly for spices and goods. Sometimes regulated by papal rulings or diplomatic negotiations, disputes often culminated in out-and-out warfare. ”

    Something to study during the reset

    My biggest segue to date

    • Dianne, to add to your research you might find a book published by a barrister a few years ago in Cook.
      The title says it all and makes theoretical common sense for the character and the period. If you know the high parts of the Eastern suburbs of Sydney and a few days for him to do what he naturally did rather than hold Banks’ specimens basket.
      Note that the East India Co spivs were sidelined with Cook’s appointment carrying out Admiralty ‘secret’ ? orders.
      “LYING FOR THE ADMIRALTY’ with a foreword from Winston by Margaret Cameron-Ash of counsel (Sydney)
      My copy is signed by Margaret, not that Howard.

      • Thanks Ned.
        A few months ago I attended a discussion with Cassandra Pybus and Professor Lyndal Ryan at a local book shop.

        A Very Secret Trade: The Dark Story of Gentlemen Collectors in Tasmania by Cassandra Pybus

        Author of the bestselling Truganini, Cassandra Pybus has uncovered one of the darkest and best kept secrets in Australian colonial history.

        “In the nineteenth century, collectors and museum curators in Europe were fascinated by the antipodean colony of Tasmania. They cultivated contacts in the colony who could supply them with exotic specimens, including skeletons of the thylacine and the platypus. But they were not just interested in animals and plants. The belief that the original people of the colony were an utterly unique race and facing possible extinction had the European scientific community scrambling for human exhibits.

        Many eminent colonial figures were involved in this clandestine trade, among them four colonial governors, several key politicians and even Lady Jane Franklin. In Britain, Sir Joseph Banks, the Duke of Newcastle and Professor Thomas Huxley were among many eminent men who solicited human specimens from the colony. Worse still, the men responsible for the care and protection of the few original people who had survived the ravages of disease and the infamous Black Wars were prominent in the trade.

        Cassandra Pybus has uncovered one of the darkest and most carefully hidden secrets in Australia’s colonial history. It is time we all knew the truth.”

        Title of
        Appendix 1 “The Worshipful Society of Body-Snatchers”
        says it all

  8. “Israel took up the sword, now it’ll perish by the sword” US Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted News
    Israel 9 million Iran 91 million
    Netanyahu is sacrificing Israel for his own personal gain.

  9. 2..2.45 time line ? on 2.10 at rumormillnews.com – report from
    Judy Byington
    Just skim the text and note how horrible the US has become……if you can face the reports🙀🙀🙀☠️☠️🙏💁🙈☀️😩😢😭😭😭😭
    Note what Flyn reports time wise.

  10. Why Are There So Many Sky Phenomenon Happening?
    If we look at strange happenings in Earth’s skies flame iridescent clouds , waterspouts where they have never been seen before, Antarctic vortex taking a figure 8 shape again. Now confirmed trillions of gallons of water dumping on North Carolina, 1.5X more than ever recorded and now comets are appearing twice in October

  11. Understanding Iran’s overdue retaliation, w/Dr. Foad Izadi
    The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal interviews Dr. Foad Izadi, a professor of American Studies at the University of Tehran, on Iran’s retaliation against Israel for its assassinations of key allies including Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, and addresses widespread criticism that the response came too late. Izadi charts the next step in the confrontation, as Israel vows to escalate with US assistance

  12. Oct 2, 2024 Matrix / Simulation Reality Videos
    Podcast guest 1275 is David Icke, World famous author, researcher and public speaker for his work exposing today’s fast-unfolding global dystopia more than three decades before it became reality. He has written over 20 books and spoken in over 25 countries and today we will be talking about the simulation and the mind trap.

    David Icke: as always full of insights for me–haven’t watched all -took lots of notes for analog brain to process around 44 minutes worth a listen– “Are we just a prison on the edge go the Galaxy:”

    Back in 2019–I was booked for this Melbourne speaking tour
    “Mr Icke was due to travel to Australia next month, taking his latest speaking tour to Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart and Sydney.

    Tickets to his appearances ranged from $55 to $75.

    “Four hours that will change your life, the World’s Most Famous Alternative Researcher has put together a presentation that will blow even the most open of minds,” the tour website said.

    “The man who predicted 9/11, The Banking Crash, Cashless Society, Transhumanism and more, years before they reached the public arena.

    “He has been ridiculed time and time again but as the passage of time passes he is proved right again and again and again.”

    “Sources told the ABC his visa had been cancelled on character grounds.”

    • I did around 10 minutes from your recommendation. I don’t know where he starts and I end. He freaks me out a little bit because of the “consorting”(not in the 10 minutes here), but its ok with the right intentions, in the right moment.

      If I had no choice … Alex Jones or Mr Icke, its David … if we have no choice I would(in all probabilities) go with Diane’s direction

  13. ‘Dee,
    As you produce films:
    Clif high, they [deep state] have lost control of the narrative’.
    At BIN.
    Interesting confusion with those who work years ahead in production for the deep state agenda. (my take, they are losing the old conditioning plot and cannot handle a script for. The present💁🤪)
    Well I am Only up to 20 mins💁

    • So Col Kliink has his knickers in a knot again and is moderating me again
      Clearly he has been on too much plastic rice again as mentioned by Clif from 20

    • Inflation, think of gold as the sun and all monetary entities as planets revolving the sun(carefully negotiates the ball and flat earthers). Anywho the sun is center of the paradigm. Push or pull/plunge, I say pull-back on the monetary entities.

      One perverse thing I have seen in my life is when the bankers go to war, the entities that manufactures the killware’s, token/money/fiat push and push hard(the pull will have to wait for another day).

      1: I own(yes own) some gold
      2: This is not investment or financial advice, but maybe banking for your consideration.

      Can’t remember the gumshoes financial contributors name, he liked and block-chained, bitcoin. Quite the ride, nice bloke and good articles. Hope he surfed the high and low tide/slip-streamed, the whales uncanny investments

  14. This is for those who have yet to wake up to what this war is all about. And if you did not realize that we are in a war of Good versus Evil, and for the preservation of our very soul, then you had better pay attention.

    I will not venture into just how old this war really is – it goes back thousands of years and that information will be left up to you to explore. What I will touch on concerns the recent past, and the present only.

    Alexander Downer, as Foreign Minister, signed ‘Australian contributions’ onto the Clinton Foundation, and that most Aussies at the time had no clue was all about.

    You can be assured, that many within the governments of this country, knew what was going down, with such ‘contributions’.

    Some within the Australian media must have known, if any of them chose to do a little digging, especially around what some very brave whistleblowers at the time were attempting to alert anyone in authority who would listen, to what they knew, about the Clinton’s.

    Suffice it to say though, the Clinton’s will become known as some of the most Evil creatures to ever walk this planet, and who were heavily involved in Human trafficking, especially children.

    What I wish to alert the sleepy heads out there to is the current strike that is now taking place in the United States and Canada, the true reason for the strike, and the impact the strike will have on everyday Americans and Canadians, that could also have an impact on Australians and New Zealanders as well, as I believe the strike will spread to both latter countries as well.

    Unloading shipping containers at any wharf area onto trucks that then transport each individual or multiple containers away to their destination, and without inspection as to what may be inside each container, must, and on most days, be a very routine kind of job – unless the operator unloading them begins to hear children screaming from within some of those containers.

    Imagine being one of those operators who hear those screams, then as a concern, stop unloading, and approach their supervisor with such news, only to be told to shut up, and to get back to work.

    How would you react?

    I am not aware of how long this kind of incident has been going on for, but some weeks ago, it all came to a head when several workers chose to unload one of those containers on their own volition. What they found inside is truly the stuff of nightmares, undernourished children, dead children and baby body parts – let that sink in for a moment – how would you handle such a find?

    Seems that ‘containerization’ of goods has more than one purpose.

    So, that is what this strike is about – the Children. The Children, in their millions who have been routinely ritually sacrificed for eons by creatures who are not really Human as Princess Diana attempted to alert us to – and still continue their perverted sense of life in this world under the cover, of being a ‘psychopath’, as if that title has some kind of mitigating legitimacy for their Evil pleasures.

    I am now expecting the strike to spread here as well, and in New Zealand, when the true reason is spread around down under. The scale of this, ‘industry’ is truly staggering, so let us all pray, that this strike will be the beginning for the end of it.

    If you are not stocked up with food, then do so now.

    • Terrance, I appreciate your intent and i’m sure your a good dad. Not sure your source and indeed the era. There is no way a person could survive a shipped shipping container to Australia. Even with quick unloading, and that will not happen even in Newcastle. Refrigerated body parts, sure, but universities just source local.
      Dee made a movie of the common transport methods of a loose syndicate. I could do a thing on logistic’s of an industrial sized product transfer, but if you accept the idea on mass transport, very few have the capability to bring “quality product to market”. Now a lot has to do with the NGO do gooders helping orphans like the Clinton foundation, and they are truly evil, you are correct, no doubt. So the Clintons reach to the highest level of USA corp and don’t wear the orange jump suit, in my analysis.
      You can track Virgin and I can not determine Reg Ansett, but Sir Peter Abeles lets say had capacity. Did you know the ADF can not provide logistics for even a moderate event. So they keep the major Australian transport corps on retainer. Isn’t it strange that the underworld admit to all manner of “business”, but not that. Clearly they have a roll, if only silence. Wish Fiona Bartlet could back me here, but only to thank her. No one believes the obvious, and I’m so grateful I didn’t have to find out the hard way.

      I have to go, TO, should you reply, I may be tardy, apologies in advance

      • Sympathy strike, Simon.

        ‘Evergreen’, was the hildebeast’s code word. The Clinton’s were not only into Human trafficking, they were into all sorts of contraband that could increase their revenue.

        Remember the rather large container ship that went out of control, some years back, in the Suez canal running into the side of the canal itself, where Egyptian authorities impounded the vessel?

        All I have mentioned above was found in many of those containers, as well as weapons of mass destruction listed for delivery to Israel.

        That vessel’s origin was the United States – food for thought?

        You must realize, that those involved in this ‘trade’ care little for the welfare of the ‘cargo’ so long as a certain percentage is delivered – You want to comprehend what real Evil is capable of? Then do a little more digging.

        And don’t forget, much cargo is delivered to this country via air transport.

        Quite a lot in fact.

    • My night travellers were active – into the Time Machine -the astral plane- my dream world after listening to David Icke and rewatching some of Aishe Spark’s videos
      a stream of consciousness record of lucid dream
      “Was working with people enslaved in prison system of government—speaking out wanting to be heard—will I ask Dee Mary to present all the work Aishe has done to expose the truth about Corruption in Australia
      Working with a teenage aboriginal boy who was to get an award from Sir Ninian Stephens– he had been groomed for leadership and mentored by a good white woman who had been destroyed by the evil system—I was making the ones in charge of the new project very angry –
      This is where it got very strange–
      the boy was about to get a leadership award from SNStephens—the woman –his controlled mentor knew the trap—they wanted me to intervene
      the politician – turnbull maybe – said it would go ahead but he wouldn’t be there – it was rescheduled for 9am—and I was to introduce ns and invite him to present the award — I said I didn’t know the right protocols – a man came up and said all you have to say is something like
      welcome everyone I call on Sir Ninian Stephons to present the awards

      then we went over and over – awake and asleep memories of my inability to get it right—I knew this was important
      I then told the man – that there was something not right about this and it should be that the aboriginal boy accepting the award would make an acceptance speech–This was denied—so I said the three of us would welcome people together — the right way – and then invite SNS share his vision for the future of world and then to present the awards
      It went on all night – and has delayed my day

      So amazing—– David Icke—yes Simon he does freak us out– travel safe Simon- there is a song –I have to go–

      I looked up Sir Nina Stephens and came across this

      Ninian Stephen Law Program: New Legal Thinking for Emerging Technologies?

      Ninian Stephen Law Program: New Legal Thinking for Emerging Technologies?


      Nothing is by accident

      • Diane – As I was waking up this morning I had the overwhelming vision of tortured children whose pleading eyes, drove me to tears.

        I could literally feel their horror.

        That is why I wrote the above.

  15. I am informed by a co-worker this a.m. that I failed to stock up on water and toilet paper , and the store shelves are bare , because of an alleged workers strike by America’s port employees , hence there will be no unloading of cargo .

    8 hours later it has occurred to my lightning fast mind that this may finally , possibly , be the glorious, much ballyhooed “10 days of darkness” going down , or I watch too much Before It’s News .

    After trying to Herald the public on what’s happening for the last 6 years or so , I may now miss out on much of it due to lengthy “air drying my arse” sessions .

    Irony at it’s finest .

  16. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninian_Stephen

    “He joined the “moderate centre” of the court, between the arch-conservatism of Sir Garfield Barwick and the radicalism of Lionel Murphy. In 1982 he was part of the majority that decided on a broad interpretation of the “external affairs power” of the Australian constitution in the Koowarta v Bjelke-Petersen case.”[10]”

    “Stephen was made a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) on 20 April 1972 “for distinguished services to the Law”,[20] and sworn of the Privy Council in 1979. As governor-general he was made a Knight of the Order of Australia (AK), Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG) and Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO). In 1994 Queen Elizabeth II appointed him a Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter (KG), being the most recent Australian to be granted a knighthood in the personal gift of the monarch of Australia. He therefore had the unusual distinction of holding six separate knighthoods and joined Lord Caseyand Sir Paul Hasluck as one of the few Australian Knights Companion of the Order of the Garter. In 1983 he was named a Commandeur of the French Légion d’honneur.[21][22][23]
    Stephen delivered the first Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture at the University of Newcastle’s law school in 1993, giving his name to this lecture series.[24]”

    Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter (KG) 1994[25]
    Knight of the Order of Australia (AK) 1982[26]
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George (GCMG) 1982[27]
    Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) 1982[28]
    Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) 1972[29]
    Knight of Grace of the Venerable Order of St John of Jerusalem (KStJ) 1982[30]
    1939–45 Star [30]
    Pacific Star [30]
    War Medal 1939–1945 [30]
    Australia Service Medal 1939–45 [30]
    Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal 1977[30]
    Centenary Medal 2001[31]
    Commander of the Legion of Honour France; 1983

    The Koowarta v Bjelke-Petersen case.”[10]”–of particular interest to me

  17. Clif High mentioned Jack Kruse, so I looked him up. Here’s a quick Tedx talk to listen to. I also watched a more than 2 hour discussion where he explained the actual physics/biological process (it was way over my head). I gleaned some aspects from the discussion, but it is a deep dive.

    • More from Dr Jack Kruse
      Decentralized Medicine | Jack Kruse | Assembly 2023
      In this captivating talk, Dr. Jack Kruse, a neurosurgeon known for his unconventional views, discusses his experiences and thought-provoking topics on medicine and technology. Sharing anecdotes from his career, Dr. Kruse delves into topics like vaccine safety, autism, and the influence of MK Ultra and CIA experiments on modern technology. He emphasizes the importance of decentralized medicine and medical freedom to protect public health and individual liberties.

        • As mentioned by Jack Kruse-The Ethical Skeptic who I have been following during the “pandemic”
          The State of Things Pandemic – Week 38 2024
          Posted on October 2, 2024 by The Ethical Skeptic
          We Have a Cancer Emergency Underway
          A summary of excess mortality in the United States: A comprehensive analysis for Week 38 of 2024 – marking the 238th week of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. This article provides an in-depth examination of various factors contributing to increased mortality rates, including an assessment of the primary causes. Despite facing challenges in visibility due to varying degrees of allowance and dissemination across platforms like Apple, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook, this analysis strives to present an unbiased, evidence-based perspective on this excess mortality.

    • I just got a heap of radishes from the greenhouse (the wife loves them). Also some spinach for this evening meal and a bunch of coriander to heap on my steak (love the taste of coriander or as the Mexicans call it ‘cilantro’)

      • thanks for the Jack Kruse Ted Talk I recall Clif’s reference — hadn’t followed up–
        I am very aware of the Vagus nerve ins the spine– vaso vagal shock – and extreme body pain after trauma related assault– torture– and the brain–
        van de Kolk the body remembers–

        yes just keep spending hours in the garden– mine is a bit wild at the moment- plenty of asparagus rhubarb kale dandelion nasturtiums nettles garlic progressing- limes lemons – berries coming – all of the usual culinary and healing herbs comfrey- cleavers, aloe vera. worm wood water cress — shared with possums birds echidna blue tongues — surrounded by developers- under siege–

        best wishes

  18. Well you all above are having fun from bomb to radishes.
    I raise you all two funds and put Ben Fulford into the stash with his delayed report from a week ago.
    Try rumourmillnews.com
    The on going puzzle – pick sho is who🤷‍♂️🙀🤪

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