Home Trump The Alice Computer, The Military, and Saving The Republic

The Alice Computer, The Military, and Saving The Republic


Introduction by Dee McLachlan

Was it always a plan to draw out the other side? To allow the Dems to win?

Simon Parkes describes what his sources have told him. I post his latest video today, as it parallels with G5’s article The Manchurian Candidate Coup and The Insurrection Act Deadline. (G5 confirmed to me on the phone that the information came directly from his long-time inside source).

This is what G5 wrote on 14 December 2020:

“The Manchurian Candidate Coup, with the allied Fifth Column (including Deep State actors) and Fourth Estate, have until 7 January 2021 to cease and retreat. At which time: a ten-day lockdown will be enforced with a communications blackout; apart from official emergency broadcasts.

“Martial Law to be instituted and The Insurrection Act to be invoked. Congress will be adjourned until further Executive Order. State Executives, Legislatures, and Courts will not function… Military Tribunals to act swiftly as required…”

Simon seems to have similar sources and goes through the various options open to the President. He discusses briefly the supercomputer — the Alice Computer — that has tracked the corruption, and how hanging over anyone involved in the election fraud is the charge of treason.

He discusses briefly how the military has infiltrated the ANTIFA and BLM movements, and the potential pardoning of Julian Assange so that the details of Seth Rich might be exposed.

Simon starts off his video talking about a leak from the Trump camp that exposed operation plans too early — and that some people are very “cross”. But once you get through the first few minutes, you’ll get into the meat of the discussion. Here is his 19 December update:






  1. Although I trust Sidney Powell, and Flynn seems OK, I don’t see why the plan should be hush hush. Right now most Americans think Biden won and they are always being told that Trump is just a sore-loser. They will not understand what the martial law is for.

    What is preventing Trump right this minute from arresting various key people, and also tweeting about the Frankfurt affair? We Seppo’s deserve to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

    I believe Barr could be indicted for saying “There was no fraud.” We need to know why on earth he said that. In other words, whom does he work for?

    Sure it is fun to say that 31 states have GOP delegations in the House and so they will vote for Trump on Jan 6. It will be better if they vote for a new person. Any new person.

    Aristotle said “Go for sortition.” I say open the Kansas City telephone book to a random page and take the first five names. Call them to ask if they are US citizens over age 34.

    The first one to qualify becomes prez.

    • They keep saying “you have to let the thief do the crime” otherwise what are you going to do, give them a good telling off? Ten days of martial law should be enough, all the crimes are so well known by now. The feature video is saying as much now

      • I know a guy who is totally immune to reality, otherwise reasonably normal, apparently watches a lot of “samantha bee” and ABCTV, probably would agree with the kansas phone book idea. I have watched samantha bee once, it was on at 5am, I found it utterly incredible, a solid half hour smear piece, not just produced once but weekly

        • I noticed some time back that a lot of people (I was one too, once) tend to think they have a superior ability to interpret significant events if they learn about them through the ABC (or SBS), and that only plebs get their news from the gossip stations.

          This intellectual snobbery has now been weaponized against us.

    • Mary, your suggestion for choosing a POTUS is one of the better ones, and more likely to yield someone with a modicum of integrity (a higher proportion of decent people are in ‘flyover America’ – as opposed to the east and west coasts).

        • Mal, let’s look at the track record of all the POTUS’s since JFK.

          Put their economic track records aside, just judge them on the basis of whether they were decent men and/or weren’t totally beholden to the cabal.

          Reagan and Carter were good men and Nixon was much better than people assume (he gave the Zionists some stick and wrote much of his own script) and that’s why they brought him down with the manufactured Watergate burglary.

          All the other POTUS’s, and I do mean ALL of them, were bona fide sock puppets of the cabal.

          Surely, choosing a random person from the general public gives you an infinitely better chance of getting some with integrity – as opposed to hand-picked miscreants that the cabal elevated to the top because they’ve got ‘dirt’ on them.

  2. I have not looked at the Alice computer yet, but I am sure the problem will take more than a computer. We need to find out how such a huge portion of people are able to do bad things (lie, kill, etc.).

    Recall the Dutch banker Bernard who said he was being trained to kill, but he chickened out. Now we have a Belgian woman, Anneke Lucas, who was trained to kill and she did it. Here she is explaining it.

    Just watch the first 10 minutes. This is important stuff.

    • Thanks for putting up that video Sandra – always good to hear Brendon O’Connell’s latest offerings.

      I noticed that they’ve taken down his You Tube channel again. (That must be the third of fourth time now).

  3. LIVE: Turning Point USA: Trump Jr, Giuliani, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, and more to speak—Day 1

    for those who want to be up to date. Its long but every American should listen to this so pass it on to them if you know any in the US

  4. Simon Parkes; another “New Age” Druid seeking a place amongst all the other gurus like Blavatsky, Bailey, Gardener, Guenon, Crowley, Schoen, Coomeraswamy, Hubbard… and innumerable others from all over the World including the “Near and Far East”. He’s flogging, like most of the others mentioned, a Naturalistic Pantheism coupled with a fanciful Fourth, or Astral, Dimension that promises a great, arcane, Gnosis and an evolving “cosmic consciousness” (that he calls “connecting consciousness”). The only bit he misses out (maybe for political convenience) is the advantages presumed to accrue through blood sacrifices, the most efficacious being the harvesting of “energies” from the sacrifice of innocents.

    None of this stuff is new except for the sales pitch. It’s persistent in many cultures and in many guises.

    This Parkes galah should be praising the apostate Jesuit “pope” Francis for proposing Pachamama (Earth goddess or “Mother Earth”) for veneration and he should be praising another apostate Jesuit, Fr Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, for his fantastic dream of an evolving “Cosmic Consciousness”.

    I hope someone here will want to argue with me so I can argue back with philosophy theology constrained by the rules of logic.

    Here’s Parkes’ self incriminating twaddle:

    Simon Parkes: Connecting Consciousness
    Starts about 41minutes into the blurb.

    • I know nothing of Simon Parkes and could not be bothered with the subject, having no idea of apparent theories.
      But for fun look up Dana Coverstone and listen to some of his dream material, say around September 2020 re events and possible events in near time in the US.
      I look at material that may be ‘evidenced’ that relates to the topic at hand as per the current circumstances. Even if I wished to go chasing rabbits, I prefer leave that for another time, if at all and certainly not as international real events are under way

      • Ned, “real events” have been under way for centuries. How do you think we got to where we are?

        Anyhow, you won’t be lonely. Almost nobody else is even slightly interested in whys and wherefores either.

          • I certainly won’t be arguing with Ol’Dave in relation to Simon Parkes.

            Dave, I skimmed through his video (no way I was going to watch the entirety of it because it was so lame).

            His Q and A was littered with China bashing.

            Around the 38 min mark he talks about how the virus came from China.
            Well, clearly he hasn’t done much research on the matter. He need only refer to the Larry Romanoff article in Unz.com the other day (one of many authoritative write ups on the matter), that prove the virus came from the U.S – most likely from Fort Detrick in Maryland.

            A few other bits of ‘twaddle’from Parkes, as Ol’Dave likes to put it :

            Around the 60 min mark Parkes speaks of ‘the lower 4th Dimension’. WTF ?

            Around 67 mark they talk about the mutated virus the Chinese spread in Norway, of all places. (Like the Chinese would have a motive for spreading it in Scandinavia, assuming that China were the spreaders – which they most assuredly are not).

            Around 68 mins, Parkes speaks of ‘higher resonance and vibrations coming into the world this month’.

            Double WTF ??

            This guy is a fruit loop.

            Around the 87 min mark, Parkes says Australia is one of the countries that has embraced a tough response to the virus.

            Is he kidding ?

            Yes, the whole world has seen the heavy-handedness of Victoria but, for the rest of Australia, the Covid response has been one of the LEAST restrictive in the western world.

            Admittedly, easier for me to say as I’m here in Oz but a little bit of due diligence on his part and he could’ve found that out himself.

            At the end of the day, this guy is off with the fairies and I wouldn’t put much faith in anything he’s got to say.

      • Oldavid – always enjoy your “authoritative” comments–

        Being of the ancient Druidic order and agreeing, to a point, with your advice to Simon- (although not convinced he needs it-)-
        “praising the apostate Jesuit “pope” Francis for proposing Pachamama (Earth goddess or “Mother Earth”) for veneration and he should be praising another apostate Jesuit, Fr Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, for his fantastic dream of an evolving “Cosmic Consciousness”–

        Along with my years sitting in the desert with the “originals” the old ones- I would love “to “argue” with “YOU” so “you” can argue back with philosophy theology constrained by the rules of logic”—.but it would need to be in person with others bearing witness, a flat structure rather than the Jesuits supreme hierarchy. An exchange of ideas sitting together tuning into the wisdom of cosmic intelligence of the heart as well as the logic of the word. Creating a sort of order within chaos–through the Matrix.
        Ahh Pachamama-Awakening the Dreamer Changing the Dream. Be the Change. I am a facilitator of this movement.

        My grandmother- was a Grande Dame Joseph Mengele was a Grande Master and Churchill was of the Druidic order- of the OcCult. I was named Diana to follow the line.
        Interesting times.

        in gratitude

        • Have been searching my mind files for a Teilhard de Chardin quote–not found-but it will come to me-in the meantime I share -with respect-


          Fr Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
          “Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves.

          Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
          “It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist”.


          “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire”

          “Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.”

          • I will be pleased, indeed, to argue with your grand majesty in any public forum that you choose even if all the adjudicators are your pets or puppets.

        • TV, thanks. Now I’m really worried. I’m not at all accustomed to having anyone seem to agree with me. I think I’ll spend the rest of the night wondering if I’ve gone soft in the head and running after fashionable opinions.

          • Ol’Dave, I can only recall one issue of substance that we had some disagreement on (I prefer to call it a rigorous debate because we thrashed out both sides of the argument).

            It was on the matter of currency debasement and I mentioned that there was a direct correlation with currency debasement and the fall of empires. (I cited the Roman Empire collapse soon after the Emperor debased the coins in circulation).

            Fast forward to the 20th century, the U.S went off the gold standard and now the Usury Banking Cartel creates trillions on a whim, the end is nigh for the debauched U.S.

            Other than that, I can’t recall anything of substance that we’re not in broad agreement on.

      • Berry, from what little I’ve seen of Parkes, he strikes me as the 21st equivalent of the guy with the covered wagon travelling around the Wild West, flogging off those $1 Cure-All elixirs.

        A snake oil salesman some would say.

        Berry, I’d like to hear your take on what you believe he’s actually selling.

        • That guy was the patriarch of the Rockerfellas and a quote attributed to him was “I swindle my kids every chance I get – I want to make them sharp”.
          The kid (shill) in the crowd was John D Rockerfella

    • There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of awareness that, far from being an overt tyrant, the Antichrist/Beast of Revelation is a bloodless messianic look-alike with a “deliverance from all evil” prospectus
      Which kinda indicates that a quasi leader(Trump?) is more dangerous than a complete buffoon(Biden?).

      MSM propaganda would have us believe that the former has, and continues to, corner the “evangelical christian” market.This interview highlights just how incongruous said claim has always been:

        • Trump seems to have a stronger affinity for Russian women, his daughter is the main Jew connection is she not.
          The rabbi guy seems to have more questions for Saul/Paul and Catholicism than for actual Jesus and I too am skeptical about Saul/Paul.
          As for Jesus and the second coming being invented later, it appears the Jews were not keen on Jesus from the start however they are the ones who invented everything about God back in those times so how should anyone claim to know.

          • W3
            Re Jesus Second Coming – for the succinct answer simply drag out your bible – preferably one with what Jesus actually said highlighted – and read what HE said regarding that matter – It’s quite clear and unambiguous.

          • Trouble with the bible, everyone’s had a go at it, you don’t know who and why, it’s a mixture of amazing history and weird stories like for example you can’t live in a fish, and water-into-wine is a bit of a stretch, not really following the script. Likewise the famous last words and even the cross itself are disputed. The idea of having 4 gospels was no doubt to verify, that is, the people at the time understood the need to have the critical parts verified. Strange that the revelation is all in a sort of code as others throughout history have written cryptically even up to the present date with “Q”.

          • 1 Corinthians 2:13-16 “These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the [ a]Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

            14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

            15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. 16 For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?”

        • I’m of the view that the low Jewish conversion count is commensurate to the lame-dog condition of so-called “Christianity”.

          That is, of course, an explanation, not an excuse

        • Reply to XX and his apologetic from Rabbi Yitzach Breitowitz.

          Jesus said that He didn’t come to do away with the law but to complete it. He also said that if they complied with the law and knew the prophets they would recognise Him. But a rebellious and stiff necked generation demanded a Messiah according to their own ambitions.

          Look here, Mr God, you do as we say or we’re having none of it! They call it “chutzpah” or cheekiness. Believe it or not there are still some of them about and many of them have determined that the god of the World is the “strong one” who can deliver according to their ambitions.

          Orrite, w3, I too, find Eastern European women attractive so what? I have seen many Asian and African women that are attractive… even the occasional Pommy one… so what?

          Of course, Saul, become Paul, rooly, rooly pissed off the Synagogue of Satan because he was a defector from their ranks. Just about all the others could be dismissed as ignorant yokels of one kind or other.

          Anyhow, Mr w3, [quote] they are the ones who invented everything about God back in those times so how should anyone claim to know.[/quote]
          In complete harmony with all of Scripture and the observation of reality the Church declared: “If anyone shall say that the existence of God cannot be known with certainty by the light of natural reason alone let him be anathema”. Colloquially anathema means: “you’re dead wrong and you’re not one of us”.

          • “Jesus said that He didn’t come to do away with the law but to complete it.”

            And the prima facie evidence of said completion was as follows:

            “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
            And, behold, THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE WAS RENT IN TWAIN from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent”

            And every subsidiary means of Mosaic purification & sanctification was thus rendered void

            And contrary to what Rabbi Yitzchak claims at 4 min, Peter didn’t “differ” from Paul re said matter, he simply had to be prompted into comprehending the fullness of what had taken place

            So I couldn’t be bothered watching the rest

          • [Eph 4:22-24]

            “A little leavening leaveneth the whole lump” Romans 11:15 – 16,….. This is My body……..Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ……..the two shall become one. 1Corinthians 6:20.

            Purge out the old leaven and let Jesus Christ enter and work in you. The new leaven is the Word or Voice of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man – the Son of David, the Son of God.

            “Then they knew that He did not say to take heed from the leaven of bread, but from the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Matthew 16:12

        • it seems to me the gnostic idea of christ and following the nag-hamandi meets some of my logical criteria. the gnostic creation rings very true to me. it seems to me jesus, in the spirit of the christ, was crucified during Purim as Haman, but unlike the previous incarnations of Haman, Jesus had a particularly charismatic message and so the synagogue partnered with forming church to give the goy a story of turn the other cheek and our leaders are adorned by god, as opposed to stand and deliver and the true maga carta…

      • Berry, even though I have no more sympathy with the Evangelical Protestant notion that one can be irrevocably “saved” by an almost hysterical pronunciation that “JESUS is LORD!” than I have with the Talmudist notion that the “chosen” are irrevocably destined to rule the Earth by claiming descent from Abraham, but I must admire your tenacity.

        I did intend to go and back you up with controversial arguments in the recent “Climate Change” post but the gremlins have upped their censorship mechanisms or algorithms or whatever so that I have to be quick and cunning to put anything anywhere these days.

        However, that montage you linked is obviously intended to embarrass and discredit DJT in Evangelical circles and is somewhat less fair than the old “have you stopped beating your wife?” question. What does it mean? Was the questioner trying to imply that if DJT didn’t get up in front of an hysterical crowd and tearfully ask forgiveness for undefined real or imaginary faults that he is therefore “unsaved”?

        No, cobber, genuine contrition for real faults is not just a bit of theatre.

        • I realise that a substantial proportion of the so-called evangelical movement is theatre and that “converted” is more descript than “saved”(which does tend to suggest that one can avoid hell via an alter call) but there really is no getting round the fact that Trump’s response to the questions posed is that of One who’s hopelessly lost: He might well be remarkably talented in some respects but, like anyone else who doesn’t acknowledge his/her base condition, he’s an open target for all sorts of skulduggery

          • Luke-21-36
            “ Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

          • He could have responded along the lines of “How’s that relevant?/why do you need to know that?”
            Quite apart from anything else, the level of his leadership preparedness
            was spelled out by his guilty-schoolboy reaction

          • Fair go, berry. Being caught off guard without a rote answer does not prove guilt of anything.

            I reckon that just about anyone except a smug “Evangelical” would be somewhat flummoxed by such a leading question.

          • Strongs’s #4716: stauros – Greek/Hebrew Definitions …


            Strong’s #4716: stauros (pronounced stow-ros’) from the base of 2476; a stake or post (as set upright), i.e. (specially), a pole or cross (as an instrument of capital punishment); figuratively, exposure to death, i.e. self-denial; by implication, the atonement of Christ:–cross. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon: ´ . stauros . 1) an upright stake, especially a pointed one. 2) a cross. 2a) a well known …

            The letter X in Greek represents the first letter of Christ in Greek. Where the Bibles translation in the New Testament says “Cross” the Greek actually says stake or pole – stauros. I is the first letter of Jesus in Greek. Thus IX wit the X superimposed over the I

            The Churches use the letter T which stands for Tammuz alias Nimrod, the founder of Mystery Babylon.

            “……..And when the sentence of death had been passed on our Lord by Pilate, they (the Jews) made haste and went into the sanctuary [Fol. 46b, col. 1] and brought out from thence the carrying poles of the Ark of the Covenant, and out of them they made the Cross of Christ. Verily it was meet that these pieces of wood which used to carry the Covenant should also carry the Lord of the Covenant. The Cross of Christ was formed of two pieces of wood which were of the same height, and depth, and length, p. 229 and breadth.

            And Paul the Apostle laboured exceedingly that the Gentiles might know what was the might of the Cross, which embraced the height, and depth, and length, and breadth of the earth. And when they raised up Christ, the Lamp of Light of all the earth, and set Him upon the candlestick of the Cross, the light of the sun became dark, and was extinguished, and a covering of darkness was spread over the whole earth. Three nails were driven into the body of our Redeemer, two through His hands, and one through both His feet. And there were two thieves [with Him], one on His right hand and one on His left hand……”


        • Dave,
          RE: that one can be irrevocably “saved”.

          It is not ANY ‘pronunciation’ -hysterical- or otherwise that saves you and brings you within the spirit being of Christ Jesus –
          Make no mistake.

          The reality of the spirit of Christ moves WITHIN you by prayer.
          This is a experience in reality – a reality within your own being – that is your body, mind and spirit – you can get it – it isn’t a fantasy.

          Search everywhere you care to, financially, intellectually. philosophically, esoterically, You will certainly find great mysteries of past ages and eons but you will find no personal peace.

          • C’mon, Peter. Charlatans all over the place have been flogging feel good “experiences” that are supposed to come from all kinds of “spirits” sold under all kinds of names stolen or fraudulent.

            My favourite feel good spirit is whisky.

            Otherwise, as St Theresa of Avila remarked to her Mystical Spouse (Christ) in her autobiography “If this is the way You treat Your friends it’s no wonder You have so few of them”.

            “Take up your cross and follow Me” has always been a defining maxim for determining genuine mystics out of a plethora of hysterical or perverse con artists.

    • Perspective ‘twaddle’ — It is interesting listening to people like Sasha Stone — having done a great service with the International Tribunal of Natural Justice — and in what direction his mind is now headed. I used to have a grounded view of the world but many factors have led to me to believe “all bets are off”. As Emmanuel from Faulty Towers said “I know nothing.”

      • Your majesty, like Emmanuel, will deliberately “know nothing” because it’s a simple cop-out.

        Sasha Stone presents to me as a noisy gong trying to lull everyone into a complacency that says the “big guys” have it all in the bag. Like every other wannabe despot it’s “give us your money and support and we’ve got it fixed”.

        • David, misinterpretation; I used Emmanuel’s quote NOT as a cop out, but as a humble expression of my aggressive desire for learning. more. The more you learn; the more realise the less you know. By the way I have NEVER heard Stone asking for one dollar. He may have to fund the ITNJ, but ask Rachel V and all the others who were given and opportunity to speak to the world.

  5. This seems the stuff dreams are made of! Who could have imagined anything like this working its way through the system and surviving? To think we will know by Jan10 whether its true or whether we are being played again is very big. Has their been a cosmic whispering, some intuitions of good karma and bad karma to prick some consciences towards complete reversal? Real life U turns? Know soon.

    • Indeed.
      The fat lady is yet to sing. My bet is that it will be the USA national anthem.
      Resting tv? Good boy!
      Chin up Mary the muskets are aimed. Per Dana Overstone.

      • Dana Overstone ?

        Where are you getting these names from Ned ?

        All I know is that the people I follow that have an international reputation for honesty and integrity, the same people that have genuine white hat connections with Intel, the Military , the government bureaucracy, connections that have been nurtured over many, many years, these same people never mention Dana Overstone, or Ben Fulford, or Simon Parkes, or X22, or Q.

        Why do you think that is Ned ?

        These Johnny-Come-Lately’s are popping out of the woodwork and you suggest I discard my trusted sources who’ve never deliberately told me a porky pie ?

        (They, like the rest of us, are not infallible and can get it wrong from time to time. But it’s one thing to draw the wrong conclusion from the evidence available to them as opposed to willfully misleading with malice aforethought as many of these dubious entities are doing – in my opinion).

        Thanks for the offer Ned but I’ll be sticking to the tried and true.

  6. Trump in denial (from Twitter) “it wasn’t me”

    Donald J. Trump
    Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

        • In 2016 candidate Trump said he was not going to telegraph everything in advance, it appears he is trying to head off this conclusion, as well as distancing himself from any army coup. How they do it in Thailand, the army takes full responsibility for the coup, but first they politely go and ask the king for permission or else advise him, in fact the king is the boss of the army but pretends he isn’t. The king always keeps his hands clean.

    • Ponticus Pilate (sp)
      .did that person worry you moderator?
      Hey we all wash our hands these days.
      Did you find that offensive Moderator?

  7. To all my Gumshoe family- thank you for being there. Nearly there.

    Prayer of Teilhard de Chardin
    By dotMagis Editor
    Patient Trust

    Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
    We are quite naturally impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.
    We should like to skip the intermediate stages.
    We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new.

    And yet it is the law of all progress
    that it is made by passing through some stages of instability—
    and that it may take a very long time.

    And so I think it is with you;
    your ideas mature gradually—let them grow,
    let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
    Don’t try to force them on,
    as though you could be today what time
    (that is to say, grace and circumstances acting on your own good will)
    will make of you tomorrow.

    Only God could say what this new spirit
    gradually forming within you will be.
    Give Our Lord the benefit of believing
    that his hand is leading you,
    and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
    in suspense and incomplete.

    Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mystical of cosmic forces. Love is the primal and universal psychic energy. Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    • Fascinating to anyone who might not know that de Chardin was simply echoing and re proposing ancient Gnostic Pantheism that can be found everywhere that anthropocentric narcissism takes hold.

      • Yes and he died many years ago– now we need to understand the present reality:

        MKUltra and the Monarch mind control program are all part and parcel of a much larger plan to control the world’s population through consistent propaganda and selling lies as the truth.
        In this documentary style video I delve into the shady world of Hollywood and the mind control program that is being used to deceive and control celebrities and the public.

        MKUltra and the Monarch Mind Control Program
        3,091 views•Sep 2, 2018

        paying tribute to Fiona Barnett Sarah Moore and Reina Michaelson- and many more truth tellers

        • Orrite! I’m reasonably familiar with institutionalised perversity as described by Fiona and many others. I’ve not seen the video you linked above and I won’t be seeing it tonight as I have to get up in the middle of the night to supplement my pension.

          What you galahs refuse to acknowledge is that all this vicious exploitation is directly a result of the notion that everyone is a pointless, purposeless result of happenstance and that the “Evolutionary” way forward is for the “strong” to subjugate the weaker.

    • Diane, thank you for all your posts.

      “Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mystical of cosmic forces. Love is the primal and universal psychic energy. Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.” One of your earlier posts was ,”we are collaborators in creation.” My contributions to Gumshoe of the past have mostly included thoughts of Kabbalah and this time is no exception.

      There is a concrete even if spiritual, i.e. thought powered, way to connect with Love as a living cosmic force, as the primal and universal energy, as a sacred reserve of energy of our spiritual evolution to become an active collaborator or partner in the ongoing Creation.

      (I am purposely leaving out “mystical,” “psychic” and “blood.”)

      This is like the Biblical yet not religious battle of Gog and Magog, which Kabbalah explains, interprets and translates to be and mean the ultimate battle of our educated, rational and logical minds vs. mind over matter, i.e. the invisible, the metaphysical (= greater then the physical).

      Religions have confused us through their “divide and conquer” methods into camps but Kabbalah, a universal teaching of a metaphysical energy system for all Humankind as One and United that has nothing to do with any religion and that governs everything and everyone at all times, teaches that we each are a potential collaborator and partner, “Shuttaf” in Hebrew, with our Creator, and thus, when we choose to live Love and express the concept of Love Thy Neighbor, when we choose to assist and help those in need, when we choose to care and share, when we choose to be kind and forgiving, etc., we fulfill the prerequisite of being The Creator’s Shuttaf here in the lowest dimension of Creation and we have a chance to elevate our existence and our consciousness to a higher dimension (of Tree of Life) to achieve and to receive, literally “Kabbalah,” harmony, peace-of-mind and our own well-being, even ultimately a state of mind of mind over matter above the concepts of time, space and motion to See all time at One Glace to Understand all of history, the whys and the hows. At any point when our thoughts, words or deeds are not in alignment with Love and Love Thy Neighbor and so go against the universal order and law of this ever present and timeless metaphysical cosmic energy system, it is to our own demise.

      The Hebrew Alephbet is the key to connect with the cosmic flows of infinite energy intelligences that were used, letter by letter, to create everything that has ever existed, exists now and/or that will ever exist, including Man.

      The creation of Eretz Israel in 1948 not only added Jewish religious denominations and secular strife to the confusion but also the modern spoken language of Hebrew stole the metaphysical thunder of The Alephbet as it were to tie it to the mundane and the mere physical, all the chaos that we are all witnessing. Our eyes are the windows to our souls but looking and reading the Hebrew letters and language using our “Gog” intelligence and brain power – rationally and logically educated – misses the point of The Alephbet altogether so instead, we are to allow the energy of the letters and the language, letter by letter, to look and read us as it were, to bring us back to a “Magog” state of mind of Oneness and Unity.

      Kabbalah is solely an experiential system and teaching, not an academic, religious or scholarly topic but actual proof of God’s Love as an accessible living cosmic force, a primal universal energy, a sacred reserve of energy of our spiritual evolution to download Heaven to (our) Earth to use a term introduced to us by the technology that controls our chaotic Tree of Knowledge reality and world that, in a way, knows no Love:

      “The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power. This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means “pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos.”

      Zohar http://www.zohar.com/ Trumah

      • The Hebrew word for flame, not only is structurally similar to the word for love, Ahava, meaning love, but it has the numerical value 42. By the way, the ordinal value of the Alef of Ahava and the Lamed of together is 13, as in Love and Oneness. Like the sequential 13 – 42 – 55 number of Alefs that are initials in the Shema, as previously discussed in depth, there are 30 Lameds as initials in the 248 words and 1000 letters of the Shema.

        In these days more than ever it is important to keep in mind what we revealed in chapter 29, that the deep secret of “The Tree in the middle of the Garden” from Genesis 3:3 is that its initials spell out Love: Ahava.


          • Flame

            That flame denotes love Divine is because love in its first origin is nothing else than fire and flame from the Lord as a sun. It is the fire or flame of this sun which gives the being of life to every man; and it is the vital fire itself which fills the interiors of man with heat, as can be seen from love, for in proportion as love increases with man, he grows warm, and in proportion as love decreases, he grows cold.

            [4] Hence it is that when the Lord appeared in vision, He appeared as fire and Same, as in Ezekiel:–


            “But to you who fear My name, the Sun of righteousness shall rise, and healing on His wings. And you shall go forth and frisk like calves of the stall.” (Malachi 4:2)

            Matthew 5:45 : “for He causes his Sun to rise on evil and good”

            Acts 7:49 “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?”

          • crisscross has stated that the fire or sun gives us the life – i argue that water supplies our biology directly and most everything we relate to as conscious life including the plants – poor misunderstood water…

      • The unspoken but assumed base premise of all these fantastic conjectures is the absurd notion that Nothing is relentlessly turning itself into Everything and that all this cosmic metaphysical stuff floating around in various “dimensions” or “Astral Planes” are emanations of the “total consciousness” caused by atoms jiggling in skulls. Well that’s the sanitised version for an introductory sales pitch to the uninitiated.

        There are all sorts of arcane rituals, usually derived from “primitive” pagan practices, to put one in “contact” with these “powers”. Just about every guru has his own variant of how this is to be achieved but for the compliant it invariably leads to a full blown Satanism.

        As is more or less deftly disguised in the Kabbalah there are two main powers in this “cosmic realm”; the smart strong one who “owns” the World and who can reward his adepts with “superior insights”, status, wealth and pleasure (i.e. the light bearer, Lucifer) and the stupid, weak one Who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, even organise His followers to save Himself from being done to death; and, of course, His “worst crime” of not whacking Rome to death and taking over the World for the “chosen ones” as any “proper” Messiah should have done.

        All this dreamy talk about “love” and “peace” and “harmony” is the custard that the narcotic narcissism of vice and error is hidden in. “Peace” is only to be the result of no one objecting to or resisting total domination, body, mind and soul, of a completely narcissistic “elite”.

        • The Jews and Catholics have Baal/Tammuz alias Nimrod as their god which is symbolised by the “T” cross. Baal is a Sun god, so they in fact worship the creation and not the creator.

          • I dunno what you’re getting at or trying to suggest, Crossy.

            Jesus was a Jew and, according to the Gospels, He and His disciples faithfully fulfilled all the legitimate requirements of the Mosaic Law that were in place at the time. I say deliberately all the legitimate prescriptions of the rituals because even while doing so He savagely condemned the Pharisaic accretions that consolidated into the Talmud 500 odd years later.

            Jesus and the Apostles were all Jewish and familiar with Jewish customs and rituals. It should come as no surprise then that Catholic Christian liturgy grew out of, and completed the significance of, Jewish rituals just as the New Testament continued from and completed the significance of the Old.

            It’s bizarre that so many of the pop up lately “experts” use practices of venerable antiquity that clearly indicate the origin and continuity of belief and its corresponding liturgy to try to justify their Johnny-cum-lately opinions.

            Hang about while I try to find a Jewish convert’s assessment of Catholic liturgy.

          • Jesus of Nazareth was an unblemished pure blood of the tribe of Judah.

            The “Jews” of Judah were mainly of mixed Edomite, Canaanite stock.

          • Quote the crossman “The “Jews” of Judah were mainly of mixed Edomite, Canaanite stock.”

            How do you know and does it matter anyway?

            Rosalind Moss
            This old bird strongly suggests that present day Protestantism and Judaism is a defection from the Biblical and Apostolic Faith that describes the purpose of our being and the means to attain our proper end. I have some reservations about some of her early interpretations of what it all means but nothing that I can identify as heretical or apostate.

            extracted from:


            extracted from:

            Now here is the same old bird in her present and most recent iteration:

          • Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”

            Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.

            A Jewish Mother decides legal status

            It’s not a point of view it is the Jews law –

            “………..There are situations in Jewish law where, even in the course of a sexual relationship, no paternity is established. According to Jewish law, the child of a relationship between a Jew and a Gentile always assumes the legal status of its mother. The child bears no legal relationship to its father. See Babylonian Talmud, Yevamot 22a-b; Jacob ben Asher, Tur, Even Haezer ch. 16. This is equally true in cases of artificial insemination…………”


            Around 126 BC Esau-Edom was captured and its people integrated into Judea.

            The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

            “Esau/Edom thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife” (Gen. xxviii. 9).

            Ishmael who took an Egyptian for a wife is the patriarch of the Arab nations (Genesis 21:21)

            “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.

            Present day Jews are not descendents of the tribe of Judah, but over 2,000 years ago the descendents of Esau lived in Judah.

            Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”

          • Edith Stein is probably the most well known Jewish nun:

            But, as would be expected, most converts tend to just disappear, e.g. the Last Days Ministries website makes no mention of the fact that the founders were a Jewish couple(( Keith died in ‘82)

            So the conversion ratio would be impossible to ascertain

          • Jews and Catholics have the same roots – Babylon.

            Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology.

            So by recognising the meaning of the Catholic cross and all else Jews then are already of the Catholic faith.

          • And a tribe that, by all accounts, was largely besmirched by unregenerate riffraff produced an “unblemished pure blood”???????????????

            And here’s me thinking His divinity goes to the fact that He only had one human parent

          • Way “off the mark” eh?

            “And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
            And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
            He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
            And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
            Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
            And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
            LUKE1:30 – 35

            Well praise God for that!

  8. Just look at some comments above.
    As expected the wheelbarrow brigade is here.
    Come down from planet Delphi and concentrate on the present events.
    Try and love the present and stuff your old wheelbarrows with some reality.

  9. Thanks Julius.
    Sharing a very up to date post–worth exploring so will go to ground for a while–observe the great reset–

    ANKE HILL, her Father & my credentials, Wilfred Wong & MKUltra

  10. Dee, the Simon Parkes bloke is a bit of a worry.

    In the last 30 seconds he says ‘why catch 5 people now, when you can catch 250 in a few days’.

    Let’s be rational about this Dee.

    Trump did not catch a single miscreant in his whole four year tenure, but we’re supposed to believe he’ll apprehend hundreds in the next 4 weeks ?

    I mean, if he was ever going to catch anyone, he would’ve done it in the LEAD UP to the election – to increase his electoral prospects. (You don’t do it AFTER you lose an election).

    More importantly Dee, why should I or any of the Gumshoe readers believe this fellow Parkes, a guy living alone with his cat on a disabiliy pension (?), for an alleged bad back or some other bogus ailment (?), broadcasting from his council flat (UK equivalent of a Housing Commission cubicle).

    From what little I’ve heard of Parkes and his fanciful remarks, he seems very suspect indeed.

    • So you don’t like council flats and you don’t like my beach house.
      You don’t like x22 because he sounds like some kind of Jew.
      Well I prefer the G5 version of HWBush and McCain’s last days.

  11. Ron Unz, Henry Makow, Gilad Atzmon, Peter Schiff, Michel Chussodobsky, Mordechai Vanunu, Lynn Margulis, Sen. Paul Wellstone (the last two now deceased – courtesy of the cabal) to name just a few are all ‘some kind of Jews’.

    They’re the kind that tell it like it is, have a moral compass and are not beholden to some nefarious entity.

    In other words, they’re MY kind of Jews. ie: part of the brotherhood of man who are/were seeking to make the world a better place.

    I don’t judge Zio-Dave on his Jewishness – as I don’t judge others on their Protestantism or their Islamic-ness.
    I assess everyone on a case by case basis and Zio-Dave is a tool of the cabal – that is abundantly evident to me.

  12. ‘w3’, are you going to be man enough to admit you’re wrong, on inauguration day, when :

    1) There is no martial law imposed by Trump ?
    2) Trump doesn’t apprehend a SINGLE Deep State miscreant (let alone 250 as Simple Simon Parkes is forecasting) ?
    3) Not a single platoon ( a couple dozen men) will mobilise in support of Donald J Chump (let alone the 82nd Airborne Division – ie: 6000 – 10,000 men, as Parkes is also calling) ?

    I suspect you won’t. You’ve been acting like a hysterical sheila to date so it’s going to be more of the same.

    We all remember your call 7-8 months ago when you said that the hospital ship moored off New York was there to transport away all the Deep State entities that the Chump-man was sending to Guantanamo – it’s all archived in Gumshoe, as are all your other Q-inspired calls that were 180 degrees wrong.

    And I don’t mean you got 50% of your forecasts wrong, or 93 % wrong.

    You got 100% of them wrong on ALL the calls you made relating to rounding up of miscreants / dismantling the Deep State.

    Like the saying goes, ‘Those who live in the metaphorical glass house of ‘implausible theories that Trump will have a second term in office’, shouldn’t throw stones.

  13. 32 Doctors from 11 Countries Warn against Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine

    There is good reason to believe the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous. Only those who don’t know about the criminal record of vaccine manufacturers or the history of vaccine injuries would agree to accept it into their bodies.

    Its advocates say it is safe and effective, but they cannot produce scientific confirmation of that. Development of previous versions of this same type of vaccine had to be halted due to adverse reactions, including death, with laboratory animals. Governments have given “fast-track” status to market the new vaccine with only a fraction of the testing that normally would be required. Even this limited testing has revealed adverse reactions, which the manufacturers have dismissed as not relevant. All this is why these doctors and other healthcare professionals around the world are warning about this vaccine.

    Watch this video at Red Pill University


  14. Meanwhile back to the bioengineered virus(China,America,Australia all with connections)
    Mutating to more virulent strains with ping ponging GOF(gain of function)from ACE2 receptor affinity to CD sites.(making the so called warp speed “vaccines” completely defunct)
    A piece of scientific background on the recent UK mutation for those interested.

    • Sandra,
      Krown kabal komunists own the bio security weapons laboratories, strategically placed to depopulate unproductive eaters. The only ones left working are people on computers, robots manufacturing and human slaves clearing the bs.

      All we have is hope and faith, in that a fine pencil point can be sharpened and drawn to commence better things.

  15. The real solution is very simple.
    Shut down the four bsl4 factories in Oz, followed by pulling the pin on all masonic halls.
    Until that happens nothing will change.

  16. Bill Gates’ marketing campaign is going ballistic, the Christmas timing almost enough to make me believe the stories of satanism, along with his Luciferase patent 060606 product. Anyone missed the story that this crowd actually controls the patent office and presumably steals anything they want. Now everyone is catching a cold in England but they don’t seem to realise anymore that this is normal in their winter. People queueing up for doses of Luciferase reminds me of 25 years ago all the fanatics were queueing up for “Windows 95”, a long forgotten Gates’ product, why people would queue up for an operating system I cannot guess, they didn’t even have proper internet back then, the cutting edge was super slow dial-up that took something like 20 seconds to load one page.
    All the controlled TV channels are chanting how they have to get shots “into arms” but nobody is saying it actually goes into your bloodstream and gets distributed everywhere.

  17. This country has been infiltrated decades ago by these seditious evil freemason traitors that have given an foreign oath to foreign powers/s. This fake pandemic is solely a mechanism for their megalomanical Control Containment and Compliance agenda for further sinister agendas in the future.

    We are under the control of an illegal-corporate government entity and most Australians are simply unaware in their ignorance. Until they wake up and realise the seriousness of this foreign occupation they will remain in La La Land. The evil Vatican has been actively involved in this for centuries and are still actively involved in their evil plan of the so-called NWO and they are positioning themselves to be the NWR religion



  18. Just to add some spice –

    On his website, Simmons explains, at length, that he believes Holt was murdered the night before he disappeared, on December 16. How does he know this? Why, it’s because he was personally tasked with removing Holt’s body from his house and towing it out to sea to a waiting fishing boat that very evening.


  19. Top Russian Scientist Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kagansky Working On COVID-19 Vaccine Assassinated In St Petersberg

    A top Russian scientist who was working on a Covid-19 vaccine has been found dead in suspicious circumstances in St Petersburg, adding one more to the list of people engaged in coronavirus research dropping dead mysteriously. Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kagansky, 45, was reported to have fallen in his underwear from a 14th floor window of a high rise flat – and was found with stab wounds.

    Contents [hide]

    1 Russian scientist Alexander Kagansky Assassinated
    2 List of Assassinations of COVID-19 Researchers
    2.1 Canadian Scientist Frank Plummer
    2.2 Professor Bing Liu, University of Pittsburgh
    2.3 Gita Ramjee, an HIV scientist
    2.4 WHO driver carrying Coronavirus samples shot dead
    2.5 Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan
    3 Person of Interest in Coronavirus Investigation
    3.1 Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance
    3.2 Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier

  20. “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”


    Trump Is Ill-Served by Advisers Pushing Him to Concede, Former Overstock CEO Says

    Flynn: Foreign Intelligence Agencies Were Monitoring US Election, Willing to Provide Information to Trump

  21. A couple of things:

    starting at 7.33 in the below video the “holy grail,” Blackwater, i.e. Schwartzwasser, Gra(il)sburg, Octagon, Pentagon and the Knights Templar are mentioned, the founders of Switzerland, the banks, etc., who the narrator says are in control in the U.S. and at the Pentagon (“make no mistake about it” and not only do we have Blackwater but also Blackstone, Blackrock and Blackcube).

    On CNN the symbol for the Covid-19 pandemic is the Swiss flag.

    The very only thing that the “Democratic” Biden and the “Republican” Trump agree on is the fact that Jerusalem needs to be the capital of Israel and that the American Embassy is there.

    Isn’t that bizarre?

    When Trump visited Jerusalem and the Wailing Wall, the media told us that the trip lasted 28 hours and cost the American taxpayer $100 million (on a YouTube video from 2005 with Trump and Melania on the Larry King show, Trump says he visited Melania’s homeland for “13 minutes.”)

    Remember, Trump cancelled his planned visit to Masada because his helicopter wasn’t allowed to land on that historic site, or so we were told by the media.

    None of this makes any sense except that this whole orchestrated global NWO and this “Great Reset” is the work of the Templars – and Freemasons – to take over Jerusalem and Israel, major spiritual centers and wells of invisible metaphysical energy, i.e. white gold vs. “black gold” in neighboring Arab lands and EVERYTHING is being replaced with AI and algorithms, etc..

    Is Brandon O’Connell (sp?) possibly a Knights Templar himself? Great video from him with lots of good information but he doesn’t quite come across as a person who has lost “everything.”

    Kabbalah teaches that The Zohar is the Wholly Grail for all Humankind as The Hebrew Alephbet heals, mends and repairs one back to wholeness of being vs. all religious “holiness.”

    Kabbalah teaches that the Wailing Wall is Wailing because we cannot See the bigger picture and live Love Thy Neighbor which is a manifestation of God Intelligence.

    • Thanks Leena for what you’ve said above.

      I’m not on board with everything Brendon O’Connell says but I believe he’s sincere and not backed by any shadowy group.

      Proof that he doesn’t have the backing of any powerful entity is what happened to him in a Western Australian gaol.

      He was beaten unconscious and his arm was broken in the process – all of which happened on Sept 11, 2012.
      (No coincidence it occurred on that date – Brendon had been speaking too many truths on this False Flag and the Zio-complicity in it).

      The fact that is was eleven (11) years after 9/11 also has significance for the occult satanic ritual abusing cabal.

      The number 11 and 111 (and multiples thereof – refer to Gumshoe story today on the significance of the number 33), have numerological significance for them.

      • B L O’Connell doesn’t like me very much because I dared to disagree with some of his prejudices some years ago and I failed to jump on his band wagon.

        However, he seems to have “come around” to some of my observations in the last few years.

        Basically, the disagreement was that while he was almost hysterically (he has a rather volatile temperament) claiming that Israel is the source of everything that’s wrong in the World and that ‘Masonry was a rather benign “men’s club that dabbled in mathematics and stuff” while I was claiming that Israel and ‘Masonry were mere agents for a much more dominant secretocracy… a plutocracy (the Crown) based in the City of London with franchises and subsidiaries all over the World, and an ideological propaganda network in academia and media all over the World… of which the “useful idiots” in the lower orders of ‘Masonry are the goons and protectors for the major players.

        Anyhow, he seems to have the computer skills to ferret out some of the con men playing the deception game.

        • Ol’Dave, I have a question for you.

          Which person / group of people / ethnic group are the MAJOR PLAYERS within the ‘City of London’ in your opinion?

          It can easily be shown that since the creation of the Bank of England in 1694 (thereafter owned by a private cartel), that Britain’s money creation was in the hands of Jewish bankers.

          With the rise of the Rothschild dynasty and it’s stratospheric wealth, there was no competitor to Zio-Domination of the City of London that is within two orders of magnitude (ie: a factor of 100 or more) in terms of financial wherewithal.

          The ‘Crown’ / Monarchy / entirety of the British aristocracy etc, have a net worth that is ‘nickel-and-dime’ in relation to the Zio-cabal and are subservient to the real controllers of the western financial system.
          (Witness the comments made by Prince Charles over the years in support of the Zio-created Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax).

          Prince Chuck is forced to come out with his ridiculous assertions because the cabal have ‘dirt’ on him – through his antics with best mate Jimmy Saville.

          Make no mistake, the British Royal family prostrate themselves to their Zio masters and have done so for over 80 years.

          The last monarch who ran his own race and was working in the interests of the British people to avoid a pointless war with Germany that sacrificed the blood and treasure of the empire, was Edward VIII – that’s why a crisis was engineered to force his abdication.

          • Orrite, TV. Let’s see if we can determine what a “Jew” is.

            Of those who claim to be Jews; some claim it is a race, where it is politically convenient to do so; some claim that it is a religion, where it is politically convenient to do so; some claim it an ethnicity, where the other claims are shot down. To my mind this is probably the closest as just about all who claim to be Jewish will also claim to be American, Australian, Polish, or anything else that suits their convenience (unless they are one of those few in their black uniforms with hats, beards, ringlets etc. etc.). Just as those who claim to be Jewish will claim almost any convenient nationality they will also claim almost any religious affiliation.

            As far as I can see from here, most claim to be Atheists, or Pantheists, (like our friend Leena) with some kind of blend of occult “Mysticism” such as Kabbalism. Those that follow the occult mysticisms to their conclusion in outright Satanism are a pretty secretive bunch and by no means restricted to those who claim to be Jews.

            However, those at the very top of the pyramid, those with all the means to be the ultimate string-pullers, the finance and influence, the King makers and breakers, are very exclusive. But it gets more complex if you factor in things like the British Israel World Federation, other Nordic and Aryan supremacist groups who believe that Northern Europeans are the “lost tribes of Israel” and, therefore, of the “chosen people” destined to rule the World. Creepy stuff.

            Anyhow, it seems to me that the people claiming to be “Jews” (almost exclusively Ashkenazi; descendants of the Kazars (a South East European nation that made a political decision to convert to Judaism somewhere around 800 AD)) mainly have in common an institutionalised paranoia (delusions of grandeur and/or persecution). As far as I know, these people have no Semitic ancestry other than by “adoption”.

            What Christ condemned as “the Synagogue of Satan” need not be confined to the Pharisees and Sadducees of His day but would include all whose ambitions are World domination… practically all who seek the “New World Order” or “Novus Ordo Seculorum”.

            It’s not easy to define the “Zio cabal” as it has so many tentacles, goons, lackeys and even ideological sympathisers. Eddy VIII is by no means clean but that’s another story.

          • You’re prolly correct, oldavid. If only someone like you had been around to tell [Lord] Arthur Balfour that he was clueless when announcing the Balfour Declaration. The imbecile got the wording all arse-about.

            Idiot!! [Balfour, I mean] … could have avoided WWII.

          • OK Ol’Dave, I’m on board that the Zio-cabal are not the bloodline descendants of the actual Jews that lived in biblical times – that’s why I call them the Zio-cabal and not the Jewish cabal.

            These are people that are pursuing the Zionist agenda (whether they be Christian Evangelists who’ve prostrated themselves to the Zionist agenda or not).

            And, whilst the vast majority may not be ultra-Orthodox Jews with the ringlets (most of them are secular), they nevertheless identify themselves as Jews and are the descendants of those that have identified as Jews and have lived in Jewish enclaves for centuries (overwhelmingly being Ashkenazi as you point out).

            The major take–away from this is, whether they are secular Jews or not, or whether they’re recent converts (the latter category are absolutely in the minority), this ‘Zio-cabal’ I speak of is committed to the Israeli state, committed to world financial and economic domination, and follows Talmudic doctrine – in that its prime objective is subjugation and exploitation of the goyim.

            As to King Eddy VIII’s ‘uncleanliness’, whilst his philandering (esp. with married women) was legendary, from a geopolitical, statesmanlike and cultural understanding of the continent, he was vastly superior to any monarch a century either side of his tenure – something the Zio-controllers of the MSM/Academia/public education system, go out of their way to obscure from the ignorant masses.

          • Fake Jews –

            The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

            “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.

            “Esau thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife” (Gen. xxviii. 9).

            Ishmael who took an Egyptian for a wife is the patriarch of the Arab nations.

            Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC

            Herod was an Edomite

            The END of this “AGE” – The New World Order! It is the EDOMITE JEWS who are bringing the N.W.O. about!

            Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”…

            2 Esdras 6:9 Context

            6Then did I consider these things, and they all were made through me alone, and through none other: by me also they shall be ended, and by none other. 7Then answered I and said, What shall be the parting asunder of the times? or when shall be the end of the first, and the beginning of it that followeth? 8And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac, when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob’s hand held first the heel of Esau. 9For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth. 10The hand of man is betwixt the heel and the hand: other question, Esdras, ask thou not. 11I answered then and said, O Lord that bearest rule, if I have found favour in thy sight, 12I beseech thee, shew thy servant the end of thy tokens, whereof thou shewedst me part the last night.

          • Orrite, Mr Crossy, don’t let me interfere with your loony racism.

            TV, I will contend that Israel is the creation of the “Zio-cabal” and its purpose is to function as a “quartermaster’s store” and centre of ops staffed by a reasonably reliable bunch of ideologically compliant ethnic narcissists. They hide in the shadows and behind the scene but they have been manipulators and coordinators of World events using key players (nations) as front men to further the agenda.

      • Yes, Truth Vigilante, I agree with you on many things. On 9/11 in 2001 as I watched the planes/drones hit the WTC buildings in Manhattan, I rushed to the Kabbalistic Shabbat Prayer book to read and to be reminded of the significance of that date, 9/11, in Jewish history. Well, then, to add insult to injury, “88” flood lights were put on the site as a Memorial. “88” is a numeric code for “Heil Hitler.” Many corporations started to advertise with “88” after 9/11. One of the first ones was The Ford Motor Company that advertised with “88” on 9/11 (only a couple of months ago Trump was praising Henry Ford for his “great bloodlines”). Who was behind the flood light idea? In Manhattan in 2001? 11, 33, 44, 88 are just some of the numeric codes being used. We’ll get to the bottom of it in due time, trust me, or above and beyond it I should say.

    • Strooth, Leena! Is there no end to the fantastic conjectures that can be fabricated if commonsense premises and the scientific rules of logic are ignored?

      No doubt you will assert that Everything can create itself out of Nothing if you just divorce your speculations far away enough and long away enough so that science (observation and reason) are irrelevant and/or don’t apply.

      • Sorry, oldavid, these are not some “fantastic conjectures,” but the point is exactly what you say about “commonsense premises” and “scientific rules of logic” that have been used until now and look where they took us? To a (great reset) dead end so to say. Therefore, the premise of Kabbalah is that as “commonsense premises” and “scientific rules of logic” rule in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil reality that we each are present in, Baruch Hashem, “Love Thy Neighbor” rules in the potential Tree of Life Reality but only if we choose to actualize it and make that revolutionizing alteration and modification to what is by employing The Hebrew Alephbet and their infinite “hidden” energy intelligences to change our inner energies, our consciousness, our awareness, so that what we perceive and see is different and “new.” But I understand where you are coming from.

        Kabbalah teaches, “The purpose of Torah study is not in any way related to academic, religious, or scholarly pursuits. Rather, the Torah is a tool for spiritual development with the sole intention of leading one to the ultimate objective of “loving thy neighbor as thyself.”

        Just picture it for a moment, don’t have to ‘believe’ it, if the above is true, what a change it would make locally and globally already on the level of Thought.

        The very Power and Force of Creation is at play here, being abused and misused and mismanaged to an umpteenth degree.

        On purpose.

        When visiting Eretz Israel in 2007 and, of course, we went to the Wailing Wall, i.e. the Western Wall, only to see and witness how the “religious authority” there decides who and where and when each person can pray…

        Western Wall?

        Kabbalah explains “West” to be a code word for the untamed human desire to receive for the self alone, a force now running rampant in the world.

        “East,” on the other hand is a code for the tamed human desire to receive for the sake of sharing.

        This is the switch in perception and consciousness we are waiting for and it can only come from within. Perhaps the “Messiah” switch from within that needs to be activated, awakened?

        We have more higher educated people in the world now than ever before but we are sliding toward a global disaster?

        Maybe this is not the education that is needed at this point?

        Kabbalah teaches that, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

        Maybe the age and days of “commonsense premises” and “scientific rules of logic” should be placed on the backburner as they haven’t produced a Better World in a fundamental humane sense?

        In 2016 when Trump was running for President it was announced in the media that he was a “good friend of Benjamin Netanyahu.” Then, when Trump’s Mar-A-Lago staff hiring practices were talked about and questioned, how he “flies in” his staff and it was also announced that this is a common seasonal practice in many hotels and restaurants in South Florida, it was also reported that Eretz Israel “flew in” 20,000 Chinese workers and Netanyahu was quoted as saying that “Chinese workers are faster and more efficient, better workers than Israeli or Palestinian workers.”

        What is the above if not wireless labor camps of now in America and in the “Holy Land?” These practices are not any different in other countries, only less talked about.

        When the extreme right wing, actual real time fascists, in Germany won 1/8 of the seats in Bundestag a couple of years ago, Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t say a word, he had no opinion on that, which was one more “tell-all” of what is going on, how we all are being fooled. The Knesset didn’t express an opinion, Yad Vashem said nothing, at least I didn’t catch anything in the media.

        Business as usual? Corporate profits more important than human rights in Eretz Israel?

        “Commonsense premises” and “scientific rules of logic,” oldavid?

        More of the “same old, same old?”

        As CNN announced Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first gubernatorial win in California in plain German, “Es Ist Die Wirtschaft.”

        In May of 2000 then Governor of Texas, George W. Bush said during a “Republican” campaign event, “if (s)elected, I’ll go after America’s internal terrorists.”

        In November of 2016 CNN’s Jake Tapper had neo-nazi and white supremacist Richard Spencer as a guest, who asked, “Are Jews human or are they soulless golems?”

        In a Netflix documentary by Duki Dror titled “Mossad101,” it is stated that Israel hired Nazis after WWII and we see and hear about the weapons systems technology and other (physical) technology and warfare advancement and inventions of Eretz Israel.

        Just picture it for a moment, don’t have to ‘believe’ it, if the above (Nazi technology) is the incorrect (Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) technology altogether since what it creates is chaos, fear, division and hatred, more barriers, gates and walls, etc.?

        “Wittingly or unwittingly the Jewish Councils were tools of the Nazis. Jewish leadership made the destruction of the Jewish people easier…” Hannah Arendt, “Eichmann In Jerusalem”

        And, remember Rudy Giuliani saying “truth isn’t truth” on a broadcast?

        Aug. 20, 2018, 9:08 AM EDT
        By Jane C. Timm
        Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s attorney, sought to clarify on Monday what he was talking about when he told NBC News’ Chuck Todd Sunday morning that “truth isn’t truth.”

        “My statement was not meant as a pontification on moral theology but one referring to the situation where two people make precisely contradictory statements, the classic ‘he said, she said’ puzzle. Sometimes further inquiry can reveal the truth other times it doesn’t,” Giuliani said on Twitter.

        From The Zohar,

        is Truth Truth?

        “Two people often perceive a singular image or event differently because their individual consciousness are on two different levels. Both perceptions are indeed correct; however, one perspective is limited if it remains on a lower level of consciousness, and the other is far-reaching if it occupies a higher level. Achieving transcendence over this physical realm by raising our own consciousness is the intent of this portion. We achieve a heightened sense of awareness, perceiving the true spiritual reality during the day-to-day rigors of physical existence.”


        Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil vs. Tree of Life consciousness.

        Gog vs. Magog.

        Live Love Thy Neighbor.

        It is this simple.

        • Some 56 years ago I, as a five year old child in rural Finland, saw on the news pictures of starving African children. 56 years ago. What is it that is holding the human mind back from fixing the problem as we see similar images in the news now, 56 years later and not only from the continent of Africa but from every country? Is it two generations of highly educated “commonsense premises” people at the United Nations and all its agencies and all other agencies that are more invested in their “Western” values and “Western” thoughts than their potential “Eastern” values and “Eastern” thoughts?

          The Family is a great five episode documentary on Netflix about the mighty global religious grip on policy making where the magic word is explained to be “Jesus.”

          “Jesus” opens doors and unites people in prayer in the name of “Jesus,” they say, and offer proof of it.

          “Jesus,” according to the documentary creators, opens the flow of guns and oil and other “Western” items and products that make the rich richer and the poor poorer in every country of the world, worsening the vicious cycle of widening the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots.”

          All governments and the better off amongst us are invested in the military industrial complex and the pharmaceutical industrial complex, Covid-19 offering the best proof of it with all kinds of “task forces” having been mobilized to treat the disease and the “warp speed” at which the vaccines have been developed.

          If a “Homelessness Task Force” was created in every country on the top level of governing, if a “Feed the Hungry Task Force” was created in every country, if an “Assist and Help Those In Need Task Force,” a “Save People From Eviction Task Force” was created, a “Heat Your Home Task Force” was created etc., then, maybe with “God Speed,” many of the problems we face now would be fixed.

          56 years.

          • There are lots of africans and muslims because of the culture, they stopped it in china when they were still agrarian, but now they are expansionist, they have ended the 1 child policy. Africans, muslims and catholics were always expansionist, this inevitably leads to territorial clashes

        • Leena, you clearly have no reasonable idea of what commonsense premises and the scientific rules of logic are or mean.

          Let me give you a couple of examples to illustrate what they mean.

          A commonsense premise is a self evident observation of which the only alternative is its contrary, and which contrary is self contradictory and thus absurd. Examples:
          “I exist”; “The whole is greater than the part”; “A thing that does not exist cannot cause itself to exist”.

          The rules of logic are based entirely on the “law of non contradiction” and are the basis for any coherent, consistent, valid reasoning. Examples:
          “A truth cannot simultaneously be and not be what it is”;
          “A=B=C therefore A must = C”.

          You’d have to be Rene Guenon who dervishly whirled himself out of his mind to claim that occult gnosis is so far above miserable reason and observation that there can be any amount of mutually contradictory “insights” that are all “true” because they came from some unidentifiable cosmic consciousness.

          The take home message from these nut-cases is that “reality” is not “real”. “Reality” is any convenient diabolical proposition.

  22. “They are Creating Patients for Life”

    If you are interested in what 227 other Doctors have to say against vaccination then you should check out ‘Cracks in Consensus — Doctors vs. Vaccines’ the next book by the author of ‘Agnotology in Vaccines’ Pixie Seymour, due for release soon. https://www.detoxnaturalliving.com/cracks-in-consensus-doctors-vs-vaccines.html

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