By James O’Neill*
In the 1980s, during the dying days of the old Soviet Union, the Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev met with his American counterpart Ronald Reagan. Regan offered Gorbachev a solemn promise, that NATO would not expand “1 inch” to the East. The agreement was not reduced to writing, although there are plenty of documents that reward the pledge. In the event the Americans did not keep their word and NATO has expanded progressively Eastward to the point where its members now encroach Russia’s borders.
Russian patience has finally been exhausted. In December last year, the Russian government put forward a proposal to the Americans. The proposal was quite radical in its terms. In effect, it demanded the withdrawal of all United States troops from the nations close to the Russian border and the removal of all nuclear weapons with them.
The Russian proposals will be discussed at the meeting between the two sides, scheduled to take place in Geneva on 8 January, less than one week away. The chances of the United States agreeing to the Russian demands has to be close to zero. The main reason for this is that the Americans have never accepted that Russia has security interests in respect of its borders.
For the past 30 years, the American aim has been to encircle Russia. They thereby expect to limit Russia’s ability to influence political and military issues regarding Europe. Although the United States administration has been cautious in its response to the Russian proposals, no such restraint has been shown by persons such as Victoria Nuland and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.
NATO, throughout its entire history, has never been known for exercising restraint, nor limiting its ambitions either in Europe or more recently in the wider geopolitical sphere. It would therefore be unwise to expect any change in its behaviour as a result of the Russian demands. And demands are what they are. Putin has moved beyond the point of making polite requests, and certainly beyond the point where there is any Russian expectation of restraint from NATO.
Biden is conscious of the level of Russian exasperation with NATO’s behaviour. He has repeated, and again in his recent 50 minutes, telephone conversation with Putin, United States threats of dire consequences for Russia were Russia to invade Ukraine. An imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a constant theme of United States spokesmen in recent weeks. They have issued dire warnings about the Russian troops allegedly massing on Ukraine’s borders, although the evidence for that is actually zero.
This is not to say that Russia will not invade Ukraine, although it would take a Ukrainian attempt to overthrow the Donbass region republics to actually cause a Russian military response. Although the Ukrainian leader makes continuous threats about such an invasion, its prospects of actually happening, let alone succeeding, are close to zero.
Ukraine has only itself to blame for the unwillingness of the Donbass to succumb to Ukrainian control. The two regions are overwhelmingly Russian speaking. It was their very “Russianness” that led to their falling foul of the Kiev regime after the United States inspired and organised (by none other than current United States president Joe Biden) coup that the Americans manipulated in 2014.
The natural instinct of the Russian-speaking Donbass region in the light of that coup, and the systematic discrimination against the Russian-speaking population of the region, was to seek closer relations with Russia. That has now reached the point where the two regions are closely linked to the Russian mainland economy. It would not be in the least surprising if they applied to become formally part of Russia, in the same way as Crimea has become.
None of which is likely to endear the Russians to the Ukrainians, with the latter’s economy in a terrible shape and its population steadily declining. Although I would argue that there is little or no incentive for the Russians to invade Ukraine, there are factors that could change that equation.
The first is if the Ukrainians were mad enough to actually invade the Dombass in an attempt to forcibly resolve the stalemate. That there is a stalemate is due in no small measure to the Ukrainians themselves. They have systematically failed to carry out what they agreed to in the Minsk Accords of 2015. Although the French and Germans have been willing to turn a blind eye to this blatant disregard of what it had agreed to. A systematic disregard of its obligations was guaranteed to harden the attitude of the Donbass residents. If the Ukrainians could not abide by an agreement to which they were a party, what basis is there for the belief that they would be any better behaved were the Donbass to be returned to their control?
In the event that the Russians were obliged to intervene militarily in defence of the Donbass, there is doubt that the Ukrainians would be able to survive for longer than a week. They would be on their own militarily. The Americans have already made it clear that they will not intervene militarily, although how much credence can be given to such a pledge is an open question.
The Americans during their recent conversation with Putin threatened unparalleled consequences in the event of a Russian military invasion of Ukraine. That is not something likely to frighten Putin. He has already made it clear that Russia is prepared for American sanctions. It is the Europeans who need to be concerned about the consequences of American sanctions on Russia. They would be expected to join the United States, but the economic consequences for them would be vastly greater.
Europe relies on Russia for 40% off its gas supplies, without which it would be a very cold winter indeed. Although the singularly stupid German Foreign Minister has been making multiple threats against Russia, the harsh reality is that the German economy will rapidly collapse in the event of a Russian freeze of all energy supplies. It is a fact of life that Germany’s Chancellor is more aware of that his Foreign Minister. She either needs to be told to shut up, or better still replaced, before her intemperate mouth does real damage.
There is no doubt that the Russians are deadly serious about redrawing the military balance in Europe. Whether the Americans appreciate the seriousness of the Russian viewpoint remains an open question. American geopolitical thinking is 20 years out of date. The hardest thing in the world right now is to get the Americans to accept the geopolitical realities. The symptoms for that are not promising. The great danger is that their hubris and stupidity will lead to an escalation of tensions and the ultimate horror of a nuclear war.
*Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at
“Biden is conscious … ” – you do have a way with words, James.
Thanks for the article– and keep them coming, THANK YOU DEE.
“It doesn’t matter how smart you are – unless you stop and think.”
Thomas Sowell – Parallels To Rome
Biden conscious🤡!!
Certainly; ‘well ‘Away’ with the words 🙈🙈🙈🤡
Bidens head is so scrambled he could hide his own easter eggs.
“It doesn’t matter how smart you are, unless you stop to think”
2022 will certainly be a different world.
Research the happenings in the US and catch up with the episode 2666 today.
James, want a secret? Biden is not the President of the US of America.
Washington, the bankers of the City of London and the Vatican have been closed down and broke.
Also Ms Maxwell has bee convicted and on the 3rd January names associated with Maxwell, Andy and hopefully others will be released for marvellous fun.
With respect James, bottom line, get with the flow, after all, you are a geopolitical analyst of renown and some people may read your expressed opinions.
Ever heard of ‘DUMBS’.?
By the way it is the deep state pushing for some confrontation, as usual to cover their financial collapse, as usual. Bankers dear James 💰💰💰💰💰💰 bankers!!🙈🙈
Ned, I thought you would never ask …
• The state is not the plantation of foreign capital interests! Capital is not the master of the state, rather its servant.
Speech of April 24, 1923 in Munich
• We are today (due to the Marxist financial politics since 1918 up to the January revolution) so far that a folk of sixty million sees its fate in the will of a few dozen [Swissy] bankers.
Speech of September 18, 1922 in Munich
• ‘Stocks” rose and thereby the stock market gradually become the director of the whole national folk economy. Owners of this institution were, however, … without exception [Swissy].
Speech of July 28, 1922 in Munich
• We protect the result of every honorable work, honest savings and honest property.
Speech of March 21, 1934 in Unterhaching
• We will in the future, too, continue to lighten the debt burdens, to promote the formation of capital, and we will thereby use no method, which subordinates respect for property or contract rights.
Speech of March 21, 1934 in Unterhachin
Adolf Hitler on Finance, Banking and Stock Market
Going well, isn’t it?
Anyway, Ms Maxwell deserves everything that is coming to her.
I did not ask, for the umpteenth time I have tried to counsel
One day he will realise what financed the Bolsheviks and Hitler. OK, I am dreaming.
You are exactly and absolutely 50% correct.
How Hitler defied the bankers
Article from: http ://www. wakeupfromyourslumber. com/node/6720
Many people take joy in saying Wall Street and Jewish bankers “financed Hitler.” There is plenty of documented evidence that Wall Street and Jewish bankers did indeed help finance Hitler at first, partly because it allowed the bankers to get rich (as I will describe below) and partly in order to control Stalin. However, when Germany broke free from the bankers, the bankers declared a world war against Germany. ……………………….”
It is so much more multi-layered. But on the upside, if everyone is happy living with a gun held to their head, then everything’s fine. I can’t believe the Crimean war about 200 years ago is still going. Ukraine soldiers presumably are not suicidal, unless they have received some mRNA type of treatment to induce that. The Malaysian plane was shot down because it was in a war zone, no other reason. The other Malaysia plane shot down roughly the same time was also trespassing through a military “exercises” zone. The Malaysia government was subsequently removed, with charges of massive embezzling, the scandal was called 1MBD, from memory some Wall St banks were involved. Looks like the Malays are still trying to take back their country, this is an ongoing thing for them. Former Soviet states are a bit lost aren’t they, most of their area is landlocked, “breadbasket” they used to call Ukraine I think, in other words, next to useless wasteland.
All dynamics going back to the fall of Byzantium.
………..For the first time also, the Malaysian Government reveals how it got in the way of attempts the US was organizing during the first week after the crash to launch a NATO military attack on eastern Ukraine. The cover story for that was to rescue the plane, passenger bodies, and evidence of what had caused the crash. In fact, the operation was aimed at defeating the separatist movements in the Donbass, and to move against Russian-held Crimea.
The new film reveals that a secret Malaysian military operation took custody of the MH17 black boxes on July 22, preventing the US and Ukraine from seizing them. The Malaysian operation, revealed in the film by the Malaysian Army colonel who led it, eliminated the evidence for the camouflage story, reinforcing the German Government’s opposition to the armed attack, and forcing the Dutch to call off the invasion on July 27.
The 28-minute documentary by Max van der Werff and Yana Yerlashova has just been released. Yerlashova was the film director and co-producer with van der Werff and Ahmed Rifazal. Vitaly Biryukov directed the photography. Watch it in full here.
The full interview with Prime Minister Mahathir was released in advance; it can be viewed and read here.
Mahathir reveals why the US, Dutch and Australian governments attempted to exclude Malaysia from membership of the JIT in the first months of the investigation. During that period, US, Dutch, Australian and NATO officials initiated a plan for 9,000 troops to enter eastern Ukraine, ostensibly to secure the crash scene, the aircraft and passenger remains, and in response to the alleged Russian role in the destruction of MH17 on July 17; for details of that scheme, read this. …………………
A new documentary from Max van der Werff, the leading independent investigator of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 disaster, has revealed breakthrough evidence of tampering and forging of prosecution materials; suppression of Ukrainian Air Force radar tapes; and lying by the Dutch, Ukrainian, US and Australian governments. An attempt by agents of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to take possession of the black boxes of the downed aircraft is also revealed by a Malaysian National Security Council official for the first time.
Read more of this post
“The more I debated with them the more familiar I became with their argumentative tactics. At the outset they counted upon the stupidity of their opponents, but when they got so entangled that they could not find a way out they played the trick of acting as innocent simpletons. Should they fail, in spite of their tricks of logic, they acted as if they could not understand the counter arguments and bolted away to another field of discussion. They would lay an essentially different nature form the original theme. They would lay down truisms and platitudes; and, if you accepted these, then they were applied to other problems and matters of an essentially different nature from the original theme. If you faced them with this point they would escape again, and you could not bring them to make any precise statement. Whenever one tried to get a firm grip on any of these apostles one’s hand grasped only jelly and slime which slipped through the fingers and combined again into a solid mass a moment afterwards. If your adversary felt forced to give in to your argument, on account of the observers present, and if you then thought that at last you had gained ground, a surprise was in store for you on the following day. The Jew would be utterly oblivious to what had happened the day before, and he would start once again by repeating his former absurdities, as if nothing had happened. Should you become indignant and remind him of yesterday’s defeat, he pretended astonishment and could not remember anything, except that on the previous day he had proved that his statements were correct.
Sometimes I was dumbfounded. I do not know what amazed me the more – the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods.”
Your news appears to be fake, they say they have an embedded video but it’s just a picture. Mahathir would not be exposing anything anyway (why?) and he was not in office at the time, he was out of office from 2003 to 2018 and the two Malaysia Airlines crashes were from memory 2014. The Airline later changed name probably after a massive overhaul. But I concur the corrupt administration at that time could have been bribed to do anything. If you wanted the real story perhaps the Russian version would come closest (my guess).
As for Puffer-fish’s relentless attacks etc on jews in general, you may appeal to 100% of neo-nazis but I don’t think you’ll appeal to many balanced people.
Adolf Hitler:
“We protect the result of every honorable work, honest savings and honest property.” – National Socialism
Klaus Schwab:
“You will own nothing, and you will be happy” – Feudalism 2.0
How is that jew bashing?
Will Schwab et al own nothing?
You do a good line in jelly and slime yourself.
Nazis, started out socialists, infiltrated by Deutsche royals, Hitler reportedly drugged up to his ears, Germans ended up owning nothing, probably still own nothing, just a miserable apartment and a BMW car.
Get the tram around Frankfurt and marvel at all the pill factories, before getting the hell out and going somewhere / anywhere better.
• Hitler’s Social & Cultural Policies, Goals and Achievements – Deanna Spingola with Matt Koehl (The Good Society)
• David Irving – The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History
Sehr wunderbar, ich haben ein autobahn aber mein haus ist kaput !!!
See I can remember Deutsche from school when I was 12.
W3 let me bend your head a bit. 370 and 17 were the same plane. Remember the photo of the Malaysian Airlines plane in the hangar at Tel Aviv Airport?
Yeah but,
I always remember the very early reports before the “official story” is promulgated and before the “alternative facts” come out. In the early reports 3 separate Australian observers saw a fireball, this was in the days we were still allowed holidays in Thailand, before the global fascists took over everything and put a stop to fun. Now we are supposed to sit and work for years with no holiday while the super-rich get around in their Lear Jets, this is all happening because of dust-mask loving stoopids who can’t get enough sanitiser on themselves.
I had interpreted “breadbasket” in relation to The Ukraine as being the provider of food. Horticulture and therefore not a wasteland. That was my interpretation.
You must have been to the wheatbelt, Lake Grace and places like that, I wouldn’t stay a minute longer than I had to
Absolute corruption of our political leaders, has lead to takeover of all governments by ccp money. It is one big den of criminals now in force globally, abusing children and protecting pedophiles.
With Pig Pharma weaponised, together they are against all people not in the occult. As numbers increase in vaxxxine injuries, plandemic has simultaneously abolished all human rights and liberties previously had by many, to top down enforcement of the BS (beast system) with krown kabal komunizm. Nations and flag waving now retained for sporting events only, war included.
A couple of questions if I may;
“Why has mother Russia put her borders this close to all US military bases?” Sorry that’s an old joke..
A newer joke: “The Germans choosing Anna-Lena Baerbock to be their foreign minister” Why?
Who altered MH 17’s flight route?
Why did Malaysia give away the MH 17 black box(es) they had in their hands?
Did slow Joe really speak 90 mins with Putin – unaided?
Wishing all you Gumshoe News people a great 2022 with Beatrice Berrut of Valais CH,
playing Schubert’s Piano Sonata in G-major D 894
Martin Bryant never had it so good.
Thank you, Foffa.
Thank you Mary Maxwell, thank you Julius Skoolafish for your comments, here my Xmas/New years greetings of year 2014 to friends. (Please forgive my imperfect English)
More holiday reading.
The Chebinsky Incident: April 12, 2014, 5 days before the downing of MH17, the newest, super duper, US war ship, USS Donald Cook cruises into the wasp nest – ‘The Black Sea’, without permission (Treaty of Montreux 1936) from Ankara, sailing through first the the Turkish Dardanelles, the Marmara Sea then the Turkish Bosporos-Channel (30km long, max 700metre wide, minimum depth 36metre). The great City of Istanbul (Turkey) on both sides of Bosporus all the way to the Black Sea.
This story continues as sort of Christmas reading. Should there be an interest – please see next page.
“The BEAR versus the EAGLE in The Black Sea – Electronic Anti Venom”. The Chebinsky Incident – continues.
(Foffa’s extracts/translations from the French ‘Voltaire net’ and the Swedish ‘Nyhetsbanken’.)
Who scared who in the Black Sea? What scared the hell out of the war ship USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea, 5 days before the shooting down of the Malaysian Boeing 777 on April 17 2014?
Under the convenient cover of the Sotschi Olympics, the preparation for the Coup in Kiew Ukraine could be perfected. The sniper killings in Kiew (Maidan) and the blocking of doors and setting alight the venue of the Trade Union in Odessa happened with coup precision, burning to death 42 pro Russian unionists, while OSCE officials looked the other way and any reporting in English on the day was hard to find. The killings of the then unarmed pro Russian rebels in the east gained speed . No words from the West could enough condemn the Russians reuniting the Krimean Peninsula to granny Babuschka.
Instead of sending in a planned Armada, to sail into it’s new “Home base” port on the Krimean, receiving West Ukrainian accolades, the US had to change plans and the super war ship the USS Donald Cook was instead sent, for the West to admire and the Russians to be afraid of. The USS D.C. armed with the most formidable war machines possible, Tomahawk Cruise robots, Missiles with large numbers of atomic war heads – you name it – they got it.
What happened next, is mind boggling and subsequently hushed up as much as possible.
The Crew enjoying the spring sun on the decks of Donald Cook, all receiving and sending dishes onboard slowly turning , registering everyone and everything on the Black Sea and beyond.
Not far from the sun shine on deck, down in the operations’ room, the mood suddenly turns to panic – all screens go black. The USS Donald Cook has become blind und function less.
Back upstairs in the sun, 2 Sukhoi -24 M* Russian jet fighters have been sighted when doing a daring attack dive 100-200m above the ship. The maneuver is repeated 15 times for 1 1/2 hours time with the identical result, shutting down the ship’s systems. (martin: * The Sukhoi 24 originated 1974 and is one model earlier than its relative, the Sukhoi 25 (Nicknamed the”Frogfoot” ) which was implicated in the finishing off the Malaysian MH17 with their 30mm on board guns) The Sukhoi-24 ‘M’ stands for the modified version, with a bulge on the air craft’s belly hiding the mysterious Anti Venom system – the Chebinsky. The Chebinsky is said to be a type of Visibiliy reduction System unknown to the US Navy and the rest of the world.
The USS Donald Cook abruptly lifts anchor aborting it’s mission and seeks port on the Rumanian coast. On the 15th of April the Russians receive a protest note from Washington saying;” We are not putting up with this threatening behavior!”
Vladimir Balybine at the Russian research centre for electronic war fare in Moscow, explains that the more sophisticated electronics is used, the easier it becomes to disturb.
In the Rumanian port, 27 crew members quit the US Navy immediately, due to the demoralizing effect of the debacle onboard. On the the same day, the Pentagon reports this incident but without mentioning the electronic failure due to the Chebinsky system.
The Aegis Combat System, the pride of the US war surveillance is huge and costly and is presently being installed in the majority of global navy net works in the West, including Japan! Real big bickies!
Aegis, was in one hit made purposeless by Chebinsky , unless the electronics used can be made immune for future needs.
True or not true, but since April the 12th, no US Navy vessles have been sighted anywhere near Russian territorial waters.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy new year 2015!
I like to hear the initial reports from MSM before the producers and editors are told how to “fix” the story, so in my mind that’s what takes precedence. Other stuff like the above, anyone can make it all up over time, though the electrical trickery comes originally from old UFO stories.
Putin put his foot down when he sent the battleship down to Damascus (from the Baltic) and made Hillary and Obama run away. Next he demonstrated his globe-circling mach 17 ICBMs which Kevin Woodman spotted on the Google Earth / Maps about a year ago. Basically, it’s a draw now, we finally got enough M.A.D. to prevent nucular armageddon, time to switch to bio-war instead. There always seems to be a population reduction aspect to wars.
I got the EW system name wrong, Saker says it should be Khibiny…
The Russian Air Force Khibiny is an advanced aircraft-mounted electronic warfare (EW) system capable of jamming state-of-the-art radar-based weapon-systems…
Well they have been interfering with radar since ww2 by dropping strips of foil, but shutting down electronics is a different thing. I would say with all the GPS etc the US would have various different systems.
There are always stories of US weakness going about but it comes down partly to political will which is always weak, the US citizens tend to prefer to be isolationist while the Deep State wants to go on Globalist rampages.
The story that the US is incapable of producing enough computer chips for the army is undermined by the latest information I got which is that the world’s main chip factory, Taiwan Semiconductor, is now only doing 40% of the world’s chips (down from about 80%). I heard there was a factory opening in Israel, basically these factories seem to be used as “anchors”, more effective than a defence treaty which nobody trusts, because the political will is so weak.
If the US is in decline and so weak, then why are other nations scrambling on defence ? Russia with ICBMs, China, North Korea and Iran scrambling to catch up.
USD hegemony is still paying for everything now, until we switch to Swissy’s e-money, I guess this is still planned for about 2030. In the meantime the rich are printing money for themselves, they are hard at it, Nancy Pelosi foremost, the banks always there creating counterfeit money, diluting the USD, the citizens end up with more diluted money and the banksters end up with the assets: corporations, malls & chainstores, farms, shipping etc., include military suppliers in this calculation !!!
US navy uses jammers against swarms of unidentified drones
We were talking about Leopold … moving forward”
“Perhaps no man in history has been so furiously calumniated.”
‘I realised that the fearful things attributed to Rasputin were, in many cases, the actual doings of his accusers. Perhaps no man in history has been so furiously calumniated’ (P. 53).
‘She (the Empress) declared: ‘Petrograd society is rotten! There is hardly a soul to be relied on…The nobles and merchants were rotten. They had lost faith and worshipped materialism. They were untrustworthy, anarchical, evil-living …’ (P. 62)
From: “The Speckled Domes: Episodes of an Englishman’s life in Russia”
by Gerard Shelley (1925)
• Rasputin Was a Slandered Saint – 1925 Book by British Expert Confirms Claims of Modern Russian Historians
Perhaps no man in history has been so furiously calumniated – at least up until that point.
And the dots keep lining up …
Foffa – that Schubert performance by Beatrice Berrut is superb – playing in the background.
Let’s Go Maxwell
I can’t believe what I just watched …
• How close is the US to civil war? Closer than you think, study says
It’s on CNN.
Barbara Walter is a professor of International Relation at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California at San Diego.
Host: … disturbing findings of one study on democracy
BW: “Well I’ve been studying civil wars for the last thirty years across the globe, and in fact the last four years I’ve been on a task force run by the CIA that tries to predict where outside the U.S. a civil war, political violence, and instability is likely to break out.
Sometimes you have to watch these things to understand the insanity.
Featured in this excellent article by Joaquin Flores:
• The China Distraction and U.S. Destabilization – Joaquin Flores
Joaquin just won’t (can’t) name the super elites / oligarchs / usurers /greedy speculators / parasites.
In anticipation – my follow up response …
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
– Attributed to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
EU Parliament report says regime change needed in Russia, recommends Brussels launch propaganda TV channel to help it happen
Not content with months of worsening relations and the potential for military escalation, the European Parliament has now put forward a draft report insisting the EU needs to be more confrontational in its approach to Moscow. ………………….”
Jeremiah 50-51
New King James Version
Judgment on Babylon and Babylonia
“My people have been lost sheep.
Their shepherds have led them astray;
They have turned them away on the mountains.
They have gone from mountain to hill;
They have forgotten their resting place.
7 All who found them have devoured them;
And their adversaries said, ‘We have not offended,
Because they have sinned against the Lord, the habitation of justice,
The Lord, the hope of their fathers.’
8 “Move from the midst of Babylon,
Go out of the land of the Chaldeans;
And be like the rams before the flocks.
9 For behold, I will raise and cause to come up against Babylon
An assembly of great nations from the north country,
And they shall array themselves against her;
From there she shall be captured.
Their arrows shall be like those of an expert warrior;
None shall return in vain.
10 And Chaldea shall become plunder;
All who plunder her shall be satisfied,” says the Lord.
crisscross,is that a “draft report” or a “daft report”. My estimation it is probably both.
Flurona Israel. Wakey Wakey
Oh dear – new to me – but they are ‘fun’ to watch …
Israel May Switch To Policy Of Herd Immunity Through Mass Infection As Vaccines Fail Against Omicron
During all the jew bashing that’s taken place on Gumshoe, I’ve never once heard anyone say they’ve read ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’ by Arthur Koestler. I did decades ago.
Poor Arthur got thrown under a train.
I’ve had a hard cover copy for around 40 years. i would be happy to argue the subject with you.
Metaphorically it would be a bus so what’s the story
Been guilty of partially reading. Gave up only because I had difficulty keeping track of the names involved, but I got the guist of Arthur’s story.
That thirteenth tribe supposedly now makes up 85% to 90% of today’s Jews genetic pool. In other words, most of today’s Jews are not blood connected to the Isralites of old.
I do not know which group my heritage comes from, except by behaviour I presume the original stock.
Apologies James—I must win the award for off topic—it is due too my “expansive”mind– I sent this to Mary and then decided I wanted –needed to share re: Kane van Dierman
Simon December 15, 2021 at 9:58 am
“Condolences Mary and Kanes close,
I remember Franks article because of an incident in FNQ in the early eighties. It rang true for me at the time, as now.
For whatever reason this came to mind(maybe the chooks),
The Good Shepherd
Jesus used this parable to illustrate that he was the shepherd who took care of the sheep at night; he was the protector and guardian of the flock and no man could come into the fold without knowing the gospel and knowing his relationship to his Father in Heaven.”
Putting Down My Masks.
Funeral Date: Tuesday, 4th January 2022 at 10:30am
Funeral Notice
The Funeral Service for the late Mr Kane Van Diermen will be conducted in the Taylor & Forgie Adelaide Road Chapel, 98 Adelaide Road, Gawler South on TUESDAY, 4th January 2022 at 10:30am. Due to current government regulations restricting numbers attending funerals, a live stream for his Funeral Service can be found here. As per government regulations, masks must be worn at all Funeral Services.
As elders said in our youth, “every day a blessing, no matter what colour, you still my sister/brother.”
Any bullet from gun or needle, absolutely not necessary. Remembering early days of slavery to bring home some mittens, working for the ‘suckers. Fired a Ramset gun, that was with a steel nail shot from bullet propulsion explosion. The nail hooked around a steel angle, stopped with the point looking at me between eyes, four inches away. I’m sure everyone has their own version, regarding cats with lives that is. As a rule, if frolicking in ocean, never pee in your wetsuit, it attracts predators of white pointer variety. Every living moment miraculous experience, shine on.
ps; respects Kane, passed on.
Here’s an item for Aussiemal and other self-generated virus theory fans, x22 #2666 is saying polar researchers contracted ” Covid-19™ ” despite being fully va666ed and not in contact with anyone. x22 is bashing the va666ine more every day but still keeps his line on Mein Trumpf, it’s complicated !!! * it’s complicated = the bullshit is too complicated to come up with right now; idiom typically used by MSM correspondents / WhiteHouse spokespersons covering for Obama etc.
Lying SBS TV bullshit news tonight is leading by saying “hospital intensive care wards are at breaking point including in some of the most va666inated US states”. Looks like most staff would rather be worked half to death than ask for Ivermectin, if any part of the news is true.
Now Rockerfellas HospitalSystem™ is going to fix everything by replacing staff with robots.
Meanwhile Scotty is telling snowflakes to buy their own stoopid tests and just get used to it, and Friedburger says we already spent millions on crap tests that are bogus, for panicked dum-dums.
w3 thanks, have taken note. These idiots make themselves to be more moronic as each day passes. Bring on the Hangman.
I was a fan of Dave at X22 Report, but I now think he is stringing us along. He is contradicting himself regularly. His quote ” the virus does not exist, people died of the flu”. That is correct. Then in later reports he is discussing Covid-19 that escaped from Wuhan. Can’t have it ways, Dave. Tells us that the “white hats” are in full control. I’ve seen no evidence of that. Meanwhile Donald is still telling people to go and get vaxxed. The military have gone “bananas” demanding troops take the “killer vaccine” which could either kill them or weaken the nation’s defence force fighters.
x22 does shift around like a politician but you can’t really blame him for that, he is only human, he is trying to sell beef jerky and stuff like that.
x22 says the Trump family are all publicly anti-va666 so you have to read between the lines. Here’s a tweet from Mein Trumpf about a year ago:
“I have a lot of enemies. This may be the last time you see me for a while. I have a lot of very rich enemies. They’re not happy with what I’m doing. But I figure we have one chance to do it. No other president is gonna do what I do.”
[ formerly on twitter but Trump was banned from twitter and deleted ]
• How Will Unipolarists Respond to Putin’s Red Line? An Expert Round Table Discussion
Very interesting but still not ruling out that this is all a [royal] gala performance
Speaking of entertainment …
• MPs are set to debate Tony Blair’s knighthood as more than 380,000 sign petition to strip him of honour and fury grows from families of Iraq war dead
Well I say, if Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile and Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill can keep theirs, why not Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair?
Fully vaccinated, fully masked and fully shielded US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin tested positive for COVID
was shared here
who – what are these ‘people’?
I’m prepared to admit I was wrong … about UFOs and aliens
James O’Neill, don’t be discouraged if no readers discuss your article. They come straight to the comments section every day. (How do I know? — surveillance!!)
I wouldbe joining your side, based on that awful map, except I have a prejudice that is blocking my thinking. Namely, I suspect the whole hostile checkmate is being run by The Usuals.
I will try to get over it.
If Russia had not kicked Rothschild’s Central Bank out of Russia it would not be a target.
“All Wars Are Bankers Wars”
“Intimidating Russia”: NATO conducts Europe’s largest air, missile exercise off Scotland
If nothing else, this article reminds us that NATO exists primarily for three reasons:
To make the weapons company lots and lots of money
To bully and possible defeat Russia militarily towards the ultimate objective of subjecting her to US and European imperial whims.
and a third – which many in the West may find hard to believe:
To geo-strategically sow as much chaos around the world as possible – using as much plausible deniability as possible to “justify” their behavior; chaos actually being a high value among those at the top of this power hierarchy.
See also:
• US-NATO vs Russia-China in a hybrid war to the finish
• NATO’s slow-motion blitzkrieg towards Russia
• Russia ‘better prepared’ than NATO for large-scale war, concludes Swedish military report
• Russian troops on Ukraine border ‘ready to defend country’ in event of war says Defense Minister Shoigu, warns of NATO buildup at Russia’s borders
• NATO and the EU are sending a ‘message’ to Russia. Again
• NATO’s Stoltenberg declares Biden White House will finally confront “assertive Russia”
“The Globalization of War” by Michel Chossudovsky
America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine —coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world. The threat of pre-emptive nuclear war is also used to black-mail countries into submission.
This “Long War against Humanity” is carried out at the height of the most serious economic crisis in modern history.
It is intimately related to a process of global financial restructuring, which has resulted in the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.
The ultimate objective is World conquest under the cloak of “human rights” and “Western democracy”.
The US is under foreign anti-Christian control –
Sharon to Peres: “We Control America”
Congressional Pandering to Israel proves him Right
The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate.”
— Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS’ “Face the Nation”.
“I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews….. terrific control the Jews have over the news media and the barrage the Jews have built up on congressmen …. I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost impossible to get congress to do anything they don’t approve of. The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the congress through influential Jewish people in the country”
—–Sec. of State John Foster Dulles quoted on p.99 of Fallen Pillars by Donald Neff
The long history of bipartisan Congressional support for Israel led former Secretary of State James Baker to call the Congress “The Little Knesset” after Israel’s Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem. Congress’s embarrassing and uunknown scandal to the American people. With the media’s strong, biased and sympathetic portrayal of Israel while simultaneously denying any opposing view of Israel or human pictures and stories of the endless suffering of Palestinians, its no wonder that we the American people are so unaware of the true face of Israel. Thus shockingly but not surprisingly only 4 % of the American people are aware of Israel’s 34 year brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people…………”
I hope you will attend (virtually) the funeral of Kane Van Diermen today Jan 4, Tuesday, at 11am Sydney time, 10.30am Adelaide time. I don’t know how the attendees will be able to bear it. Here is the link:
Wow. It was an amazing look at his life. Age 34. Extra-size casket for his 6’4″ self.
He had breathed life into so many people. A privilege to have known him.
To be buried in Williston SA.
A comment for James. I find your interpretation of events mostly as I see them. So if I don’t comment I am on same side, so to speak.
For those who have not yet seen this video, you are once again in for a scary scenario, a real live possible nightmare.
Speaking of an auto immune attack –
McDonalds Chain Closing Globally: Human Meat, Body Parts Found in Food?
Since 2015 children’s teeth have been found in McDonald’s sausages, potatoes and pancakes in various Japanese cities. In 2020 a Rabbi reported that McDonald’s was using human parts in their “beef,” making one wonder if there was another reason besides Covid for the rash of McDonald’s closures in Walmart stores across the nation and globe.
Read on –
Today, January 3 was also the anniversary of the assassination of peacemaker Qasem Soleimani – martyred by drone assassination on the order given by Donald Trump.
“Appearance / Reality” | Martyr Soleimani
India’s Role in the US Proxy war on Myanmar (and on China) – Brian Berletic (The New Atlas)
Nancy Pelosi staff dropping off as she “prepares for retirement”
Californian congressman resigns to go and work as CEO for Trump’s “Truth Social Media”
Brazil TV host suffers 5 heart attacks, collapses on air, after va666inations
VPOTUS Kamala staffers quitting amid claims of bullying
Israel builds American military bases around the world. China builds economic ones
By Tom Fowdy