Editor’s note: This article was entitled, “Apprehension of the Proposed Legislation, Australian Communications Media Authority (Malcolm named it The Anti Free Speech Bill).” Hence the title above.
By Malcolm R. Hughes
The information I am putting forward here has been gleaned from a couple of videos…
This piece could be one of my last contributions to this site or any other site, if the present Federal Government is successful in passing the Australian Communications Media Authority Bill (ACMA). Why would I or anybody else, waste our time composing what would normally be of interest to others, if our editor or site owner have to delete a major item in the article, or face massive fines up to 6% of their annual turnover.
It is my belief that this Bill will also eventually be the demise of the social media industry.
Is this not the intention of this legislation? It is also my belief that the idea of formulating this legislation did not come from our local politicians, but from the Globalists. It seems that similar legislation is being attempted in the US at this time.
In recent times Australia has not had a Government as such. Since about 1945 Australian so-called Federal Governments have been following the dictates of foreigners. Here are some examples, change of currency to decimalisation, change of weights and measures to grams, participation in all wars even though they have no bearing on Australia’s security, closing down manufacturing since about the year 2010, privatisation of the Commonwealth Bank, splitting and privatising the Postmaster General Department, privatisation of Qantas and the Trans Continental Railway. All these ideas were to create vast amounts of money to the financial world, but were detrimental to the financial position of the Australian population.
I wonder how long it is since any Australian Federal politician has read the part of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia 1901 to do with his or her portfolio, let alone other parts of that constitution. And yet this current government wants to change what already is law, the above Constitution, that they have never followed.
I suggest the proposed “misinformation, disinformation Bill is in opposition to the freedom of speech. It could also be argued that this legislation is an attempt to prevent opposition to the other proposed legislation “The Voice”.
Back to the main subject of this article. Will the population be interested in reading or hearing information on social media that they know is tainted with political propaganda and not be able to reply to that garbage. Take this Bill itself. If we the people cannot complain or argue that this Bill is unnecessary and even evil why would we be interested in trying to discuss or read of the topic.
Under this misguided legislation the only organisation to present misleading or untruthful information to the public will be the Government itself. In the Bill there is an allowance that Government is exempted from the draconian directions of the Bill.
Part of Draft
(3) This Schedule does not limit the operation of the Commonwealth1
Electoral Act 1918, the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act 1984 or the Telecommunications Act 1997.
60 Implied freedom of political communication
(1) The provisions of:
(a) this Schedule; and
(b) the digital platform rules; and
(c) any misinformation code registered under Part 3; and
(d) any misinformation standard; have no effect to the extent (if any) that their operation would infringe any constitutional doctrine of implied freedom of political communication.
Does this paragraph above infer that the Commonwealth Government is exempt from this legislation?
Take for example if all the misinformation from Government, the Pharmaceutical Industry, the Health Industry, and individual politicians given out during the Covid-19 scam and “vaccination” period, had not be argued against, many more lives may have been lost.
There have been several incidences in Australian history where if this proposed law had been in place earlier very few people would have any idea of the truth in regard to 9/11, the Port Arthur Massacre and the Sydney Siege, Malaysian Flights MH 370 and MH 17.
Who will have faith in the bureaucrats deciding what is disinformation or misinformation? There is not a definitive notion of what is misinformation or disinformation. Truth to one person is not necessarily truth to another. Take religious ideology for instance. The interpretation by these bureaucrats can mean the difference of a viable social media platform or not viable.
It appears that the writer is not in trouble but that the platform operator is to suffer any consequences from straying off the “correct” path. This is legislated in such a manner that if the composer of the material is from off-shore where they are out of reach from our government, then someone else is to pay for the “crime”.
This brings me to another question. What about the main stream media that intentionally falsely informs the public on different subjects on behalf of Goverment and others? Is this the reason that this intended legislation is directed to only the digital information facilities?
In reality even the msm is a digital platform. Don’t they use computers to put together their stories and use digital cameras for their photographs that are sometimes maliciously edited by themselves?
You, the reader still have time to do something to prevent this legislation from going any further. Compose a message of your displeasure to this Bill and download to the site of ACMA before August 6th 2023. Or email to information.integrity@infrastructure.gov.au
I have an interesting question. Why is it that the Government Authority that is the beneficiary of all this extra power, is to where we have been asked to forward our concerns?
UPDATE: This is Malcolm Hughes’ submission letter that was sent some time ago..
I present you with my submission to the AMCA. I demand that all of you as representatives of the people vote against this vile Bill if it reaches the Senate. Malcolm R. Hughes.
To the management of the Australian Communications Media Authority.
I write to display my great displeasure of the Commonwealth Government’s attempt to close down the flow of free speech and free ideas, between our people, in this supposedly democratic country.
It is noticed that the Commonwealth Government is attempting to make sure that this legislation exempts the Government itself from the directives of this Bill. It has been also noticed that it is the Government that regularly places misinformation and disinformation on all media platforms. One only needs to refer to the last three years of lies dispensed by both of the recent Governments in regard to the Covid-19 scam and the “killer vaccine” following. Many more people lost their lives or are suffering horrendous health outcomes because of the faith that they were being told the truth by GOVERNMENT, than would have been normal.
Many more would probably have suffered the same fate except that they took notice of writings and videos shown on social media.
There are many more incidents of Governments both State and Commonwealth telling outright lies using all media platforms. Some such stories are the death of Prime Minister Harold Holt, the Hilton Hotel bombing, the Port Arthur Massacre, the Sydney Siege and the Queensland deaths of 3 police officers and 4 civilians.
It is not that the public need to be protected from a few demented characters using the social media that legislation needs to be put in place, but the protection from Government and Main Stream Media lies and deception is probably what is needed.
I have an interesting question. Why is it that the Government Authority that is the beneficiary of all this extra power, is to where we have been asked to forward our concerns?
Malcolm R. Hughes
I submitted this sometime ago. This an extract of my submission:
SUBMISSION / misinformation
“….The matter of TRUTH and FACTS needs to be at the forefront of anything regarding misinformation.
In hindsight — the facts now reveal that the health ministers, chief medical officers, conflicted academics, the media, and politicians have been the BIGGEST purveyors of MISINFORMATION and DISINFORMATION. We could list probably 1000 examples over the years… from weapons of mass destruction, ivermectin is for horses, to vaccines are safe.
We were told the vaccines were “safe”. And the government and it’s agencies are still pushing this ‘safe’ so-called vaccine despite 1291 side effects (including death) confirmed by Pfizer. The ‘vaccines’ are not safe. I can personally confirm that 50% of my extended family had serious and not so serious adverse events [redacted] It is catastrophic … and for the government and health departments to deny the injury and harm caused by these experimental ‘vaccines’ is gross misinformation that has directly HARMED AUSTRALIANS. We now know that excess deaths correlate with the vaccines – beyond the 80 year average.
…We are told to believe the FACT CHECKERS… We are expected to believe that a 22-year-old Fact Checker (instructed by a political or corporate shadow) is more qualified to assess medical misinformation than, say, a group of 100 doctors representing 2,500 years of medical experience.
It is unacceptable. The last few years of bogus fact checkers and political bias to support the vaccine industry has destroyed democracy and has directly HARMED Australians.
All the MISINFORMATION by government, ABC and media, and health organisations need to be identified, logged and investigated.
The ACMA needs to get INDEPENDENT transparent and proper scientists and doctors to determine in the first instance what is fact… so that truth can prevail. Those in government propagating misinformation should be held to account.”
See why they are scared.
Beforeit’snews,com – people powered news.
Latest ‘situation update’ presented by Mary with many topics covered.
Some of us do not forget their history of lies.
Weapons of Iraqi mass destruction with Howard’s BS in parliament….and same speech by Canadian PM. Just search the texts and compare……. Who wrote Howard’s BS?
A whale, reported as a North Vietnam torpedo attack on a USS, costing 56,000 US soldiers killed, about 450 of ours and how many Vietnamese? (Been on a holiday in Vietnam recently?)
Operation Gladio – NATO murdering innocents in Europe, like 83 at Bologna railway station.
Operation Suzannah by Israel and the murders of USS crewmen on the USS Liberty in 1967.
The killing of President Kennedy, bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King,
The fake Biden and the US administration.
Building No Seven on 911….
Wake up Canberra. We pay you to be informed and not just puppets.
Tell Australia; PM Albanese, Michelle and useless Teals, identify anything referred to above THAT IS MISINFORMATION.
It’s official: China’s not communist and US is becoming authoritarian
Why China Doesn’t Identify with the West, Explained
China’s Biggest Problem with Free Speech Rhetoric
I really don’t think that said Bill is worthy of any alarm; the proponents have obviously bitten off way more than they can chew. The entire system is being held together by bluff & bluster as evidenced by the money situation
So where is said bill anyway ?
Ripping the shit out of it on these pages would be far more to the point
Anyway, if anyone hadn’t already noticed, for the past 40 odd years the basis of enforcing all sorts of policies that have no legal basis. Bills are only complied as an arrears means of arse covering
Sorry, what I meant was that all sorts of policies that have no legal basis have been enforced for the last 40-odd years with ne’er a hitch save when someone has the will and the means to mount a Supreme Court challenge
Not even “The Australian” is on-board:
“Misinformation bill will only feed conspiracy: Even the very best drafting cannot fix a bad idea. And the misinformation and disinformation bill is as bad a legislative idea or concept as I’ve seen, writes media lawyer Justin Quill.”
“ ‘There’s only really two options here, either the Ministry of Communications hasn’t read or doesn’t understand the bill,” Mr Quill said.
“Because this absolutely is about moderating content.”
Mr Quill said that the government was probably attempting to frame the issue as “holding big tech to account” because it would be more popular with the public, but that the focus of the bill was clear.
“What they’re talking about here is making sure that big tech delete and remove the posts that ACMA – that is the government, in my view – don’t want there; that they think is false, that they think is not accurate,” he said.
“And if they don’t, they can fine them. And not just millions of dollars, billions of dollars – up to 5 per cent of global turnover.
“For Meta, that has $171 billion, we’re talking about $8 billion, the fine could be. So absolutely this is about moderating content. It’s ridiculous to suggest otherwise.”
A slight side step — but more on MALINFORMATION — grooming Australian children.
\KMART selling the book on sex https://www.2gb.com/its-pornography-sex-book-recommended-for-kids-as-young-as-8/
“That’s why I go to woollies”! To muse their collection of kiddies books…… and fresh veggies.
No need to be embarrassed by being observed going to a kiddies sex toys porn shop.
MSM was worthwhile for a change…… not misinformation this time but a long way to go.
MSM, ABC AND SBS, try the doco’ “The SOUND OF FREEDOM”, then we might start to consider if you lot have any real credibility and worthwhile caring about.
More than half the seats in any one of Australia’s many parliaments must be occupied by some hideous lying fraud and it’s just a matter of catching up with whatever devious agenda they are up running. Just look at Greens senator Steel-John helpless in his wheelchair but foaming at the mouth for more military action in the Ukraina area.
Has he calculated the carbon credits required to commit more murders and destruction in our names, I don’t think so. Fuck you S-J.
Today it’s Dirty Dan taking centre stage again, he thought he would get a bargain circus with Commonwealth Games, seems to be a massive cost blow-out under DD and hard to account for all that extra money, let alone the credit card bill he has already run up, $165 billion by 2025, roughly $25k per Victorian @ lets say 5% interest = $1250 per year thrown to the shithouse. Mwa-ha-haa says Dan, I’ll be gone before they notice. But with SEERS 2025 only two years away maybe time for a rethink. More billions funnelled to associates will not look good if the public turns on him after a dud scamdemic games !!! DD it seems has had an epiphany. There could be the dreaded public hangings !!! By sports fans no less.
Most of our politicians are evil lying assholes. The new disinformation bill, as has been mentioned by others above, is AN ACT OF DESPERATION. These gangs of crooks are now scared they have pushed things TOO FAR. Actually KILLING PEOPLE with their forced injection therapies does not look good, especially to the surviving family members. THE WORD IS OUT YOU LYING SCUM. Lay awake in bed at night and shake with fear, in a cold sweat until morning, as the great phoney himself, Keating, quipped … something about “doing you slowly”.
“The Voice” secret legislation must be very evil indeed for them to be rushing this censorship bill through, to try to stamp out any opposition. I seem to recall Hitler did a stunt like this called “Burning the Reichstag” before he became dictator of Germany and destroyed half of Europe especially his own country.
Stoopid Elbow is much more subtle and is destroying Australia with debt, as are they all. They have all proved year after year they cannot govern without building debt, they are in effect and in actuality UTTERLY INCOMPETENT
The fraud architect of the divisive VOICE
I received this from the Josephine Cashman’s substack:
“Welcome to your own Country
“The true intention behind the United Nations practice of “Welcome to Country” is part of a UN plot to bring in global governance. It is a strategic maneuver with psychological implications, aimed at undermining and fragmenting our unity.
The recognition by the United Nations of indigenous territory is a global phenomenon observed in the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. This practice serves as a divide-and-conquer device, subtly conditioning the general public to accept the notion of separate First Nations. Grooming us into becoming “global citizens” with no loyalty to our fellow countrymen; and no nationality; belonging nowhere. With no allegiance to anything or anyone. They are trying to sever the connection to our forefathers, our history. They want to dismantle our connection to each other and our country.
“The origins of “Welcome to Country” are traced back to UN shaming tactics to claim that we are too racist and ignorant to manage our own affairs.
Majority here don’t have enough income to bribe politicians, voting with pencils tossed in recycling bins doesn’t cut it.
Bribery “pay for play” is what drives governments everywhere, that’s how we’ve degenerated into a 2 class system of few rich and mass poor.
Mal, great observations as usual, thank you for writing as is. We are many they’re not.
Anti globalist alliance a good place to start.
Pay to play.
That reminds me of the millions paid by taxpayers to the Clinton Foundation by former Labor governments.
Michelle, is that ‘misinformation’ to be censored in Albanese’s brief to you?
Resign and take Michelle with you.
ACMA: this report at WRH is a truthful report,
‘Resign’ X 25,000,000 free citizens.
We’re leading the pack — secretly. The NWO beta test.
As with all these high profile resignations the replacement can be worse, do I need to mention Bill Shorten. What we need is an ALP split, if there are any honest ones in there, now is the time to get OUT of this totally corrupt Globalist controlled communist fraud of a “Labour” party, what a joke, the Bill Shorten era has really put all the cards on the table. Anyone honest in there at all ? Get out now or be damned.
The Commonwealth Games cancellation could be a part of the build up to Australia becoming a Republic.
“………………Kim Beasley quoted in federal parliament in 1990 “The United Nations have given the Federal Government a mandate of ownership for housing, property, farms, and businesses to government control once the Republic has been proclaimed”. The United Nations were made our trustees after the Yalta Agreement. ………….”
kevin moore
Instead of going along with the U.N. claims weak-kneed Beasley should have asked what right does the U.N. have to determine Australian policy on the Australian way of life.
This same person as Governor to Western Australia should have told the W.A. Premier to ignore the mandates pushed by the U.N. as they were against the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901 and also the Commonwealth Bio-security (2015) Act.
Mark B Flynn on Twitter: “@burrosavic Thomas Mayo is not an Australian …
“@burrosavic Thomas Mayo is not an Australian Aboriginal. His real name is Thomas Mayor; his heritage is European, Filipino; Dayak (Borneo). Mayo has zero Torres Straight islander heritage! ZERO.Another fake aboriginal pushing #Yes23 purely for the money and power he hopes to get from it.”
kevin moore
July 18, 2023 at 11:49 am
The Communist Sympathies of Prominent Voice Campaigner Thomas Mayo
Thomas Mayo is a signatory of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. He was chosen by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to sit on the Referendum Working Group, which drafted the referendum question, and was invited to stand by the PM’s side when the referendum wording was unveiled.
“……………This week, videos were unearthed of Mayo speaking at online forums of the Search Foundation, established in 1990 as the successor to the Communist Party of Australia, as well as at in-person Invasion Day and Black Lives Matter rallies.
In one such clip, the union official and self-described “militant” pays his respects to “the elders of the Communist Party who I think without a doubt have played a very important role in our activism”.
“Tear Down the Institutions”
At a May Day rally held last month in Port Kembla, Mayo told those gathered, “Every time, comrades, that we have established a voice as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the bastards have taken it away from us.”
Mayo singled out former Australian Prime Minister John Howard as one of those “bastards”, according to The Australian.
In other footage, using classically Marxist language, Mayo states his intention to “change the system and tear down the institutions that harm our people”.
He also said that the power of the Voice would be its ability to “punish politicians that ignore our advice” on legislation and funding………………”
Torres Strait Islands are being used as MUGS, a tiny little Trojan Horse which can be pushed through a mousehole with none of the islander people any the wiser, they will take the beads and blankets and be ripped off worse, just like all the other First Nations, Canada and everywhere else. Remember with government, they start off with carefully crafted lies and it all goes from there on a decades long time frame. Your children will be the ones who pay. DON’T BELIEVE A WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS. They are professional liars, struggled over each other to get to the top, they are the elite of liars, groomed, coached and remunerated accordingly.
“A victory song can be sung only when the war has been won. The Great Reset is ontologically destined for failure, because it is inspired by inhuman and diabolical principles. But its end, however inevitable, may still take some time, depending on our capacity to oppose it and also what is contained in the plans of Divine Providence.
If the Lord wants to grant us a truce, a period of peace after we have understood how horrible is the hell on earth that the enemies of God and man desire, then we must commit ourselves to rebuild – not “build back better” but just the opposite – yes, rebuild what has been destroyed: the family, the bond of marriage, the moral education of children, love for our country, dedication to hard work, and fraternal charity, especially towards those who are most defenceless and needy. We must reaffirm the holiness and untouchable sanctity of life from conception to natural death; defending the complementary nature of the two sexes against the insanity of gender ideology, protecting children from corruption and guaranteeing the innocence to which they are entitled. We must finally set aside the logic of profit – which is typical of the liberal mentality – in order to regain the pride of fulfilling our duty even when no one is watching us, of producing what we make in a professional manner and selling it at an honest price. And we must stop considering ourselves inferior simply because someone has decided that in their godless model of dystopian society being honest, loyal, sincere, and God-fearing is something to be ashamed of. The ones who ought to be ashamed, rather, are those who call for the killing of children, and the elderly, the planned extermination of the population through wicked vaccine campaigns, mass sterilisation, sodomy, pedophilia, and all the most deviant aberrations.”
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Here’s Admiral Dick Levine who wants to be a lady. Of course he does and why not, being a lady is easier, you get a smoother ride especially these days. But it’s not all good, if you hear ladies talking about their periods and the pain of childbirth, well I’ll have to take their word for it. As for looking after the baby for the first 2+ years, I will pass on that.
So if Admiral Dick Levine wants the perks of being a lady I suggest he earn them first.
Grow a baby in his own belly, then look after it for two years. As a minimum and if it survives, he can then be a lady, subject to having all his DNA switched from Xy to XX via CRISPR-Kass9 gene editing technology, and all the appropriate surgeries.
Congratulations on your upcoming legit ladyhood Admiral Dick and good luck to your new baby which no doubt will turn out to be a very unique individual.
Michelle Rowland, Minister for Misinformation:
Of course Admiral Dick is a lady and if you don’t call him “she/her” we will take your house and you can live in a cardboard box outside the Fitzroy St laundromat.
The communist ALP-Greens coalition is trying to make themselves look good, they are catching a few accountants at PWC, throwing the RBA boss under the bus and trying to sell the CCP a few live lobsters to throw in the boiling pot but the M$M doesn’t seem to be buying, is the worm turning now the M$M employees perhaps a little averse to the looming communist agenda ?
Instead they are ripping Desperate Dan a 2nd a*hole over his failed sport circus financial wizardry of debt attempt.
Perhaps Dan could win our sympathies if he changed himself into a lady, think about it Dan, your options are running out.
Resume: Admiral Danielle, prior experience as Health Minister and Scamdemic Implementation. “Hello Kim Jong, thanks for the call !”
One more reminder that locking the stable door after the horse has bolted won’t achieve anything:
Nations Reclaim Gold, Rejecting US Debt. Yellen’s Failed Bid for Chinese Loans.
Here it is:
Just as I thought, it does nothing but draw attention to the fact that “harm” is an abstract concept
US Ruling Class United Against China But Split on How to Counter Empire’s Decline, w/ Ben Norton
The fake news is all covering this story and being fake news it is most probably fake
The Michigan A-G on side with Biden is most probably a Globalist minion or plant
“You will know them by their fruits”, they are destroying America as fast as they can
Charged by A-G and threatened with about 20 years in jail.
The nationalfile says: “these Patriots simply signed their names on a piece of paper to support President Trump as alternate electors had the fraud-ridden results of Michigan’s 2020 Presidential Election been tossed”.
The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has granted a reprieve to the Biden administration in a case concerning its interactions with social media firms over contentious online speech and “misinformation.”
The decision temporarily suspends a preliminary injunction that sought to ban censorship collusion with social media platforms in an order previously issued by US District Judge Terry Doughty.
See something similar here. Censorship collusion by government with social media platforms.
The prison walls are being put up all around us brick by brick and nobody even notices, there is a partition in their brains where they don’t want to go
Where it all began
Is Dan really human or is he a shape-shifting monkey with bat wings
Lucky she was not approaching with a walking frame peeling an orange.
Good one coppers, brave proud bastards.
Thanks Mal you always provide an anchor for our minds in their created turbulence.
“In recent times Australia has not had a Government as such. Since about 1945 Australian so-called Federal Governments have been following the dictates of foreigners. Here are some examples, change of currency to decimalisation, change of weights and measures to grams, participation in all wars even though they have no bearing on Australia’s security, closing down manufacturing since about the year 2010, privatisation of the Commonwealth Bank, splitting and privatising the Postmaster General Department, privatisation of Qantas and the Trans Continental Railway. All these ideas were to create vast amounts of money to the financial world, but were detrimental to the financial position of the Australian population.”
It has recently been drawn to my attention that all Certificates of Title to properties were “destroyed” in 2016 and a year ago the CT office was “privatised” and now there is no office only a digital on line service providing a one line code.
Well worth watching The Tavistock Grin.
THE PLAN – WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030
22 minutes
According to the Australian Government covid restrictions are part of a New World Government with unprecedented survellience and tyranny and never ending vaccines and Mandates
Judge Andrew Napolitano’s latest examination of the U.S. legal system, now reveals that people are being imprisoned for eighteen years for ‘thinking.’
Anyone familiar with The Gulag Archipelago can see exactly what stage America is at.