by Dee McLachlan
On 9 July 2021, Sky News reported that New South Wales Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant stated “We have currently got 43 people in hospital due to COVID, ten people in ICU, four of whom are ventilated… We have 14 people admitted to hospital at the moment with COVID under the age of 55 and of those, seven are under the age of 35.”
Another report stated, that a 16-year-old, one person in their 20s, one in their 30s and one in their 40s were admitted to ICU. A 90-year-old from southwestern Sydney “was admitted to Liverpool Hospital and tested for COVID-19 on Friday, with a positive test being returned early yesterday morning. She passed away hours later.”
The hospitalisations are statistically high in this instance, and it makes me wonder what might be unfolding in Sydney — especially when vaccine hesitancy amongst the younger generations was seemingly increasing… up until now.
Another question bothers me: what therapeutics are being offered to those in hospital, and those ‘infected’ not going to the hospital?
A Gumshoe Readers Letter to a Minister
A Gumshoe reader and constituent of Wentworth shot off an email to his local member (Minister Dave Sharma) about therapetics (specifically HCQ and Ivermectin) and received this response:
From: “Sharma, Dave (MP)” <Dave.Sharma.MP@aph.gov.au>
Date: 9 July 2021 at 3:31:47 pm AEST
Subject: Federal Health office response
Dear —,
Thank you very much for writing to Dave Sharma, your local member, in relation to the important issue of Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin. Mr Sharma has asked me to acknowledge your thoughts and concerns and thank you for taking the time to bring them to his attention. Please be assured Dave has given the points you have raised careful consideration and we have noted this as a subject important to you.
We contacted the Federal Health office earlier in the week about the same points you raised. Please see their response below:
[Note from DM: the letter covered various trials of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 and that The Australian National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce does not currently recommend the use of hydroxychloroquine for people with COVID-19 (except in the context of trials), and that the COVID SHIELD trial is continuing — a study that received $3 million of Government support. In conclusion, the letter suggests that hydroxychloroquine produced little or no benefit. However, I would like to focus on their response to IVERMECTIN.]
Hydroxychloroquine :
Ivermectin Response :
- A number of provisional studies have indicated that existing drugs such as ivermectin and doxycycline in isolation or in combination with zinc have in-vitro activity against SARS-CoV-2 virus under controlled laboratory conditions.
- Follow up studies including human trials are needed to determine whether this initial finding can be safely replicated and translates to clinical benefits for patients infected with COVID-19.
- The Australian Government is committed to investigating safe and effective possible treatments for SARS-CoV-2. On 2 June 2020, the Government announced $66 million for coronavirus-related research which included $344,450 towards a study by Monash University investigating ivermectin as treatment for SARS-COV-2.
- There are numerous clinical trials currently being conducted around the world investigating the potential role of ivermectin, either alone or in combination with other medications, to prevent or treat COVID-19. However, no clinical trials have yet reported its efficacy or safety in the context of COVID-19.
- The Australian Government does not recommend the use of these medications for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of clinical trials with appropriate ethical approval. Appropriate doses of medications for use in COVID-19 are not yet determined. There is concern that, if used inappropriately, off-label use of medications may lead to adverse patient outcomes.
- The Department is also closely monitoring COVID trials being conducted in Australia and internationally, and, in the event any high quality research demonstrates any particular drug is safe and effective against SARS-CoV-2 then there are streamlined processes at the TGA to urgently consider regulatory approval for its use in the Australian health care system.
Background :
- Both ivermectin and doxycycline are prescription medicines. Zinc is a complementary medicine readily available over the counter.
- Doxycycline is approved by the TGA for the treatment of infections caused by a range of bacteria, as chemoprophylaxis for malaria, and as adjunctive therapy for severe acne.
- Ivermectin tablets are approved by the TGA for the treatment of various parasitic worms and scabies in humans. Ivermectin is also approved as a veterinary medicine for use in animals.
I hope you find this information of benefit.
Please feel free to contact us if we can assist you in any other way.
Kind regards,
Electorate Officer

I could not believe how deficient was the answer from the Federal Health office, so I quickly shot off a response to Sharma’s electoral office.
My Response
The response from the Federal Health office earlier in the week to your office and then forwarded to [your constituent] is wholly unacceptable. [I quoted the Ivermectin material]
It’s a disgrace for them to give this answer. There are now 61 Ivermectin trials.
Seriously, the government is obfuscating – or is it deliberate intent to suppress successful therapeutics.
Dr Pierre Kory MD of the FLCCC, the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, has now developed (6 months ago) a prophylactic and early outpatient combination treatment protocol for COVID-19 called I-Mask+. This protocol is centered around the use of Ivermectin. Senator Paul is part of the Hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment.” [I gave a YouTube link to Dr Kory describing the various trials to a Senate hearing, but that has been subsequently removed for violating community standards. Surprise, surprise!]
Here is a link regarding the various trials: https://c19ivermectin.com/
Please forward my response to them.
[Signed / end of email]
An alternative offer of Dr Kory:
Medical and Government Malfeasance?
How can our health departments claim, “…no clinical trials have yet reported its efficacy or safety in the context of COVID-19″?
If our health departments state “…in the event any high-quality research demonstrates any particular drug is safe and effective against SARS-CoV-2 then there are streamlined processes at the TGA to urgently consider regulatory approval…” This is blatant feet-dragging to make sure that vaccine hesitancy does not take hold — especially when people (or doctors) realize there are really effective treatments.
It is clear that the vaccine industry has hijacked Canberra.
These are suggested protocols by one of the best teams on the globe, the Front Line COVID-19 Care Alliance:
Click to access FLCCC-I-MASS-Protocol.pdf
Hospital treatment protocols.
Question: What are the Sydney hospital patients being treated with?
Thank you, Dee. You are faster than a speeding bullet.
Re the deleted video of Kory. Has anybody here got a preserved copy?
I quoted him in my lawsuit, Maxwell v Secretary of Defense, which is now in appeals at the First Circuit.
No one in government will report why in some states, medical practitioners who prescribe invermectin eyc., can be imprisoned for 6 months.
Sounds a bit Nazi to me!!! What you say Mr. Prime Minister Morrison? What about you AMA lot?
Are medical practitioners subject to any ethical rules that enables them not to treat patients at all.
Please, Just listen from the 4 minute mark for a few more minutes and note the mention of the NUREMBERG CODE mentioned from the 10 min mark to understand what Canberra is really doing and their globalist anti-democratic freak control agenda.
Mr. Morrison…………. WHY are you and most of our representatives with the controlled mass media, going along with Globalist fascism?
A side issue but central – from what I can see, hospitals are treating people with “cooling therapy” which is leaving the head, chest and shoulders (more if feasible) exposed to aircon set at probably about 22 or 23 degrees, with light blankets over the legs. If the temperature is elevated the body has a very good chance to fight off such types of illnesses, if made cold the situation is far, far worse. There is no way I would agree to be a customer at one of the hospitals. I have been making DIY quinine and I don’t see why I should even need the patent medicine version of what is probably a very ancient Ayurvedic (Indian) cure.
The government is now trying to walk not just both sides of the street but 3 sides at least, like Jake the Peg. Soon hopefully the Chief Health Officers will be thrown under the bus and politicians can go back to walking two sides of the street.
W3… I don’t suppose you would care to share that treatment?
Tony, grab a few Grapefruit & Lemons. Peel the skins. (freeze the fruit or eat them) Cover the skins in clean, filtered water & boil them in a sealed pot/pressure cooker for a few hours. Allow them to cool while keeping the pot sealed. Drain the liquid from the skins & bottle the liquid. Tastes bitter as hell. Honey helps.
Seriously, picture something like this at Parliament House, Canberra, over the Ivermectin issue:
Is that you from the 34 minute mark????????
It sure is Ned. I was riding my bike & heard Mary’s name mentioned by Dave. I almost crashed.
This could never happen in Australia’s parliaments. There is always very few members in the house when resolutions are read, debated or voted on. That in itself is deplorable and probably unlawful. I don’t know the answer to this question. How many members voted on the Bio-security Act 2015 in W.A. to allow the undressing and compulsory vaccination of members of the public on the instruction of one person?
Note the deputy premier / health minister Dr. Kim Haines dropped his entire brilliant career about this time and dentist John Day took over health. Are we then to assume John Day handled the entire thing ? If so, who was he talking to ? Was there a quid pro quo ? Where the hell did this thing come from ??? WHERE DID IT COME FROM
Glad you asked, Hughsie. I went to http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au, to find the answer to your question about forcible underwear removal for vax (what a disgrace to Australia!), and whilst there I spied a play you might wish to attend on July 30, 2021:
‘Edith’ recreates Edith Cowan’s first speech in the House, and adds points of view by historical and future characters including Sir John Forrest, the state’s first Premier, and a young woman from 2021. Starring Caroline McKenzie as Edith Cowan, Michael Loney, Igor Sas and Ruby Williams.
Edith will be performed in the Legislative Assembly Chamber where Edith Cowan made her historic speech 100 years ago. [Mal, how could a historian like you resist?]
Details on performance times and tickets: parliament.wa.gov.au
Well, of course they could have way back when the President of The United States referred to alternative therapeutics back in March 2020, ( some approved by the FDA decades ago)
One does not need the brain of a snail to realise why the politicians and mass media have been threatening decent doctors with imprisonment if they tried the alternative treatment and protection…….. AT THE REQUEST of the endangered and Many relatives of those families who have suffered their unnecessary bereavements.
Says it all as to the ethics of bureaucratic health pretenders and our politicians.
The class actions are already under way in various forms and we look forward to the exposures and cross examination of those responsible for unnecessary deaths, censorship and downright lies by mass media and government.
Sorry, this meant to be a reply to Paul below.
Ned to complete your day on a good note see my comment at bottom of page. All the evidence that should see many in authority swing.
“The Australian Government does not recommend the use of these medications for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of clinical trials with appropriate ethical approval.”
There would probably never be a better time than now to launch urgent clinical trials of Ivermectin (and Hydroxy) in Sydney. That’s if they were at all serious.
24 July
Thanks. Where is Borody?
Good point… we posted him many times. Must search and add.
The purging of the sane has been going on for decades. If there are those with good intent, still in positions of influence, their mouths are zipped in fear of those with whom they associate. On the surface things seem orderly, below it’s a cesspit of compromised individuals sucking the blood of innocents.
They want our energy, obedience and compliance.
The best we can do to resist is refuse to comply, non-violently by not wearing masks or taking jabs.
Easier said than done, when they got us by the balls.
Faith can overcome, fear the only tools they possess, this is a spiritual battle against the screen virus.
I’m good.
They have mask’s on(and blinkers by worded responses), lock step style, regardless of appropriate need. Only the perceived need by narrative addressed.
Ergo they must know what they are doing.
URGENT MESSAGE, with apologies if this has been already shared.
https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN2753 No Mandatory Covid-19 vaccination
Reason: Experimental vaccines being tested for the Covid-19 virus is going against the Nuremburg Code if made mandatory.
Petition Request: We therefore ask the House to uphold the Nuremburg Code and not make Covid-19 vaccinations mandatory.
Closing date for signatures: 14 July 2021 11:59 (AEST)
A must watch
SARS was patented April 19 2002 (feast of Moloch day) before alleged outbreak in Asia US patent 7279327
ref video about 10:00
Never any intent to vaccinate any population, only to inject S1 spike protein (blood clots)
Fauci was on these boards decades ago, they have ALL the details
Trials in Sydney is YES because the volunteers would fall over each other to participate, for either Hydroxychloroquin or Ivermectin plus Vit D & C, Zinc and either Azithromycin or Doxycycline, take your pick. I have seen these prescribed for the various corona over the past two decades. I have also cared for 3 Gullian Barre’ sufferers post panvax H1N1.
I volunteer for a study of the likely benefit of such a test, as under the supervision of Professor Borody.
Anyone else want to line up?
If such a ‘experimental’ study can be arranged, Dee has my contact details.
Well, Mr Sharma, you in?
How about you Ray Hardly of nine network BSs and all the rest of msm?
Come on, WEAGO we go all.
You lot in to help save our government debt to pharma.
No need for volunteers. See my comment below. There is definite proof that there has never been a novel virus in recent times. No such thing as Covid-19. I told you that back in 2020.
It would appear obvious by now that muslims were minimally involved in various things but how can you untangle such a bunch of lies, you have to start somewhere and untangle it bit by bit, your issue is you want to start at the end, but you can’t start at the end because you won’t take anyone much with you. Not that anyone is against you, they are just starting at a different place. Who knows where the majority will end up.
There is a linch-pin to every argument, and the medical mafia claimed our immune systems need the vaccination to confront covid.
The pin has been pulled only this week by 3 US research bodies, who have published proof that we do not need the covid jab. Our immune systems go to work immediately because immune ‘recall’ is established.
So, now there is no possible justification for pushing the jab. We do not need it. Old people can use ivermectin.
In saying this, I acknowledge that almost all our politicians, medical mafia, and bureaucrats are psychotic mass murderers who will ignore any interruption to their pogrom.
And, just in case we retards somehow force the bastards to “desist”, Bill Gates has a pandemic waiting in the wings that will be “ten times worse”.
Apparently, if we are to learn from the lessons of history, it’s time for civil war.
I have my esky set up, my beach chair laid out, and I am ready to view the blood-bath-to-come. So, all youse young bastards, pick up your machetes or hidden guns and get to it. I ain’t got all day.
Tony, your esky will be long time empty before you see any of the ‘iphone addicted’ clowns of today get off their ass. I expect that it won’t be until after I have died that the younger generations will get a clue.
It was Robert Anton Wilson who said, “The obedient consider it a virtue, but it really is just cowardice.”
And as to those ‘hidden guns’, if you were to donate a hidden gun to one of the younger generation, their understanding of how to use it would be to turn you into the police – for the common good you know.
Just let the society die, obviously it doesn’t deserve to live.
Those that wish see a conclusion to a bigger scam than Covid-19 itself check out this video between Dr David Martin and Reiner Fuellmich where you will see an even bigger scam involved in the whole research and patent industries throughout the world.
The information put up by Dr Martin will bring down the crime ridden pharmaceutical, research industries as it has been in the past.
A great viewing over 1hr 23 minutes, partly in German.
I am going to do a bit of bragging. Dr Martin proves beyond doubt that there was never a novel virus in 2019-2020. It was all a massive con taking years in planning. The “vaccine” is definitely not a vaccine.
The announcements in this video “trump” Donald Trump’s court cases against Silicon Valley.
There will be no escape for Dr Anthony Fauci.
Please, POLITICIANS and sucked in fake msm with your prostituted shock jokes ( including you ABC and SBS)
Watch this and publicly repent or just turn to TOAST.
As has been well reported: ‘they will not be able to walk down the street’ as the public awakes. ( your children will have to change their surnames to be able to survive at school)
“The Australian Federal Health Office Out of Step With The Science”
Actually ALL Aus government operatives are just as naive as any toddler about what is and isn’t dangerous.
Appealing to reason won’t stop either causing ruin; in both cases it’s a matter of exercising trial and error.
But a good parenting course could help
All told, everyone gets to decide between being a victim:
Or a leader:
I have formed a suspicion from the world of alleged medical dictators, that hardly any of them directing their nativity for our lives have any idea of the political world and reality.
As I exclaimed in frustration to a medical know all: you lot are so encapsulated in a medical alleged scientific bubble, that you have no idea what is out there beyond the hospital/medical sliding doors.
They seem to have no concept of the evils perpetuated historically for hundreds of years by such evil that in all their goodness and devotion, they cannot perceive.
They have no comprehension of the present political and social disaster that is imminent, unless they wake up.
Ever tried to decipher a doctor’s handwriting…… they are off with the pixies.
“no idea what is out there beyond the hospital/medical sliding doors.”
Well that’s certainly my observation.
Like I said, the general level of perception and understanding is what you’d expect from very young children
Which means you’ve got to be continually on the watch
Serco, the biggest crown corporation in the world that nobody knows about, own the U.S patent office and amongst many tentacles spread globally, have upgraded most Australian detention centres past decade. They are the deep state, a crown zionist alliance WHO with ccp cyber surveillance trancehumanist agenda via luciferace jabs, are enforcing the beast system. Without the mark, one cannot buy or sell. Lockdown is lockstep for genocide, dictated by the eugenics society, origin in England – the Pirbright’s Pilgrim Wellcome trust.
Chicken soup and bedrest is the only proven remedy for a cold – which is all Covid19 is according to the American medical handbook. Well it did before March 2020. If we want to know more that horrible movie Idiocracy tells us. It’s free on the net so someone wants us to watch it. And it doesn’t portray a possible future, it displays the now.
Michael… au contraire… I used to get a couple of colds each year, and then the flu, which meant bronchitis after each.
Then, after fifty years of suffering, I accidentally discovered the ultimate in prevention. I have been ultra-healthy ever since.
I’d be happy to share this, for $10,000 per year reviewable contract.
I understand that Australia is building ‘confinement facilities’. Here is a horror story from that great democracy of freedom known as New Zealand about their confinement facilities. The Kiwis rolled over for the Christchurch Massacre, so now the government will keep on pushing for more and more control. This video interview should be a wake-up call to Aussies, no use for the Kiwis, their hopeless.
Censored again, remove the XXXX.
Ant56 will love this, Jacinta Hitler’s Stalag 1, and makes me think the entire ordeal in Melbourne was devised as an excuse to harden up the Serco isolation facilities.
Gawd damn Kiwis are as weak as piss. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-FLlZsUFs4
“no one knows who’s in charge of what”(8min bitchute interview)
“their excuse was that they were busy” (12:05 min)
“when you arrive they put a tag around your wrist”(16 min)
“deliberate psychological bullying”(21 min)
In other words no different to a stay in an ordinary public hospital
x22 is saying the AI is now screening texts and putting up messages from fact checkers if you text anything they don’t like, expect to see the message “not delivered – see the facts about covid-19™”.
Forget about the old Mind Kontrol, now with Elon Musk’s chip screwed into your skull, “You will own nothing and be happy” delivered by 5G
The cartel
If you run into the dense individual that “doesn’t believe in all that conspiracy crap”, here’s a link you can send to them with factual information. They will likely go into information overload.
Same old drill, eliminate the XXXX to get past the censors.