by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
My 2013 book, Consider the Lilies, covers the hoax of vaccination that started in 1798 when Edward Jenner (1749-1823) “fired the first shot” of “vaccinia” into his neighbor’s child’s arm. Funny thing is, there never was a real vaccinia. Jenner’s book, Vaccinia, does not even discuss the concoction he put into the syringes.
The Encyclopedia Britannica article on Jenner says that, at age 21, Edward became
“the house pupil of John Hunter, who was on the staff of St George’s Hospital and was one of the most prominent surgeons in London. Even more important, however, he was an anatomist, biologist, and experimentalist of the first rank; not only did [Hunter] collect biological specimens, but he also concerned himself with problems of physiology and function.”
My first reaction to that, is that Dr Hunter must have been chosen, in 1870, to give cover to the young lad who would later be paraded out as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, an honored title he most likely hadn’t earned. Please wait for later parts of this series when I can defend that claim. Jenner’s first shot of 1798 led, within less than 20 years, to almost universal vaccination against smallpox.
During the recent big protest in Berlin, Robert F Kennedy, Jr – who has been earnestly fighting the vax baddies for decades, told his audience that the baddies (he did not use that word) have been planning the pandemic for decades. I suggest that they had it on the drawing board three centuries ago.
Big thanks are due to Alfred Russel Wallace. He is best known to laypersons as a competitor of Darwin, for the title “discoverer of evolution.” But to scientists, he is revered as a biogeographer. He studied the dispersal of species all over the planet.
In the 1890s, a full century after Jenner’s first shot, there was much dissention in the medical profession about the disease known as smallpox. Indeed, there had been numerous doctors in mid-century who opposed the vaccination for it. This led to a Royal Commission. Readers in Australia will understand that when I encounter the word “RC”. I think Wood RC” and others like it. The Wood Royal Commission, meant to out some pedophles, did the opposite.
I have actually come to believe that all RCs’ are meant to cover up the reality of whatever is the corrupt practice of the moment. Each RC takes a long time and has fancy participants but never ends with wrongdoers getting punished.
And now I invite you to read Wallace’s submission to the RC: “Vaccination a Delusion, Its Penal Enforcement a Crime. Proved by the Official Evidence in the Reports of the ROYAL COMMISSION.”
By Alfred Russell Wallace (very abridged here, but still 4,00 words. With bolding added by MM)
… [T]wo cases that afford most conclusive tests of the absolute use-lessness of vaccination [are that of] Leicester and our Army and Navy. Up to 1872 Leicester was a fairly well-vaccinated town, yet for thirty- four years its small-pox mortality, in periodical epidemics, remained very high.
But immediately after the great epidemic of 1872, which was much worse than in London, the people began to reject vaccination, at first slowly, then more rapidly, till for the last eight years less than 5 per cent. of the births have been vaccinated. During the whole of the last twenty-four years small-pox deaths have been very few, and during twelve consecutive years, 1878-89, there was a total of only eleven small-pox deaths in this populous town. GRAPH 9. is equally important as showing a remarkable correspondence … between vaccination and disease. [No graphs available here]
From 1848 to 1862 there was a considerable decrease of both general and infant mortality, and also in infant mortality from small-pox. This, Mr. Biggs tells us, was when important sanitary improvements were in progress. Then the more thorough enforcement of vaccination set in (as shown by the dotted line), and was accompanied by an increase of all these mortalities. But so soon as the revolt against vaccination began, till the present time, when it has diminished to about 2 or 3 per cent of births, all mortalities have steadily decreased, and that decrease has been especially marked in infant lives…..
I venture to declare that in the whole history of vaccination there is no such clear and satisfactory proof … as these Leicester statistics afford of its having been the cause of death to many hundreds of infants. I next discuss in some detail what is undoubtedly the most complete and crucial test of the value or uselessness of vaccination to be found anywhere in the world. Since 1860 in the Army, and 1872 in the Navy, every man without exception has been vaccinated on entering the service.
[T]he circular of the National Health Society states that “soldiers who have been revaccinated can live in cities intensely affected by small-pox without themselves suffering to any appreciable degree from the disease.” Let us see how far these official statements are true.
In their Final Report the Commissioners give the statistics of small-pox mortality in the Army and Navy from 1860 to 1894 (It was introduced into the Navy in 1801, and in that year the medical officers of the fleet presented Jenner with a special gold medal!) Brigade-Surgeon Wm Nash, M.D., informed the Commission that …the revaccination of the Army was“ as perfect as endeavours can make it.”
Turning now to the diagram (No. XI) which represents the official statistics, the two lower solid lines show the small-pox death-rate per 100,000 of the force of the Army and Navy for each year, from 1860 to 1894.
This dotted line shows us that, with the exception of the great epidemic of 1871, when for the bulk of the Irish patients there was neither isolation nor proper treatment, the small-pox mortality of the Irish population of similar ages has been on the average below that of either the Army or the Navy; while if we take the mean mortality of the three for the same period (1864—1894: Army, mean of the annual small-pox death rate, 58 per million. Navy mean of the annual small-pox death rate, 90. Ireland (ages 15—45) mean of the annual small-pox death rate 65.8. If we combine the Army and Navy, the death-rate is 64.3 per million, or almost exactly the same as that of Ireland.
Now if there were no other evidence which gave similar results, this great test case of large populations compared over a long series of years, is alone almost conclusive; and we ask with amazement,—Why did not the Commissioners make some such comparison as this, and not allow the public to be deceived by the grossly misleading statements of the medical witnesses and official apologists for a huge imposture?
It is thus completely demonstrated that all the statements by which the public has been gulled for so many years, as to the almost complete immunity of the revaccinated Army and Navy, are absolutely false. It is all what Americans call “bluff.” There is no immunity. They have no protection. When exposed to infection, they do suffer just as much as other populations, or even more.
This slurring over the damning evidence of the absolute inutility of the most thorough vaccination possible, afforded by the Army and Navy, is sufficient of itself to condemn the whole Final Report of the majority of the Commissioners. It proves that they were either unable or unwilling to analyse carefully the vast mass of evidence brought before them, to separate mere beliefs and opinions from facts, and to discriminate between the statistics which represented those great “masses of national experience” to which Sir John Simon himself has appealed for a final verdict….
That they have not done this, but without any careful examination or comparison have declared that revaccinated communities have “exceptional advantages” which, as a matter of fact, the Report itself show they have not, utterly discredits all their conclusions, and renders this Final Report not only valueless but misleading.
Among the greatest self-created scourges of civilized humanity are the group of zymotic [i.e., infectious] disease and are believed to be due to the agency of minute organisms which rapidly increase in bodies offering favourable conditions, and often cause death. The exact mode by which these diseases spread is not known; but with all of them there must be conditions favouring their reception and increase…. If the whole population of a country lived under thoroughly healthy conditions as regards pure air, pure water, and wholesome food, none of them could ever obtain a footing, and they would die out as completely as the plague and leprosy have died out, though both were once so prevalent in England.
Only four years after the discovery had been first announced… this testimony caused Parliament to vote Jenner £10,000 in 1802. Ample proof now exists of the fallacy of this belief, since vaccination gives no protection whatever…; and had it not been for the unscientific haste of the medical witnesses to declare that vaccination protected against small-pox during a whole lifetime — a fact of which they (minus a crystal ball) could not possibly have any evidence.
When therefore the flood of evidence poured in, showing that it did not protect, it was already too late to remedy the mischief that had been done, since the profession would not so soon acknowledge its mistake, nor would the legislature admit having hastily voted away the public money without adequate reason. The vaccinators went on vaccinating, the House of Commons gave Jenner £20,000 more in 1807, made the operation compulsory in 1855, and enforced it by penalties in 1867.
A few preliminary misconceptions must be dealt with. One of these is, that as vaccination is a surgical operation to guard against a special disease, medical men can alone judge of its value. But the fact is the very reverse, for several reasons. In the first place, they are interested parties, not merely in a pecuniary sense, but as affecting the prestige of the whole profession. In no other case should we allow interested persons to decide an important matter. Whether iron ships are safer than wooden ones is not decided by ironmasters or by shipbuilders, but by the experience of sailors and by the statistics of loss. [what a clever idea!]
The Board of the National Vaccine Establishment consisted of the President and four Censors of the Royal College of Physicians, and the Master and two senior Wardens of the College of Surgeons. We cannot possibly suppose that they knew or believed that they were publishing untruths and grossly deceiving the public. [??? cough, cough]
Smallpox was always present in London, while Sir Gilbert Blane tells us that in many parts of the country it was quite unknown for peri- ods of twenty, thirty, or forty years. In 1782 Mr. Connah, a surgeon at Seaford, in Sussex, only knew of one small-pox death in eleven years among a population of 700. The late Mr. Ernest Hart, a medical man, editor of the British Medical Journal, … states that in the forty years 1728-1757 and 1771-1780, the average annual small-pox mortality of London was about 18,000 per million living. … This great authority, [the Royal Commission] therefore, has multiplied the real number by six! [Can Gov Cuomo be far behind?]
An average of 52 children officially murdered every year, and officially acknowledged, is termed “alleged injury,” which need not be feared! And these cruel falsehoods are spread broadcast over the country and the tract [has] upon its title-page…Revised by the Local Government Board, and issued with their sanction. No one has been punished, and no compensation or even official apology has been given to the thousand sorrowing families.
Now such figures as these… are a perfect farce, and are totally useless for any statistical purpose. Yet every vaccination is officially recorded. As the medical advisers of the Government give us instead partial and local statistics… often demonstrably incorrect, every rule of evidence and every dictate of common sense entitle us to reject the fragmentary and unverified statements….
Again, it is admitted by many pro-vaccinist authorities that the un- vaccinated, as a rule, belong to the poorer classes, while they also in- clude most of the criminal classes, tramps, and generally the nomad population. They also include all those children whose vaccination has been deferred on account of weakness, or of their suffering from other diseases, as well as all those under vaccination age.
The unvaccinated as a class are therefore especially liable to zymotic disease of any kind, small-pox included; and when, in addition to these causes of a higher death-rate from small-pox, we take account of the proved untrustworthiness of the statistics, wholly furnished by men who are prejudiced in favour of vaccination.
We have already seen that the total case-mortality of these hospitals agrees closely with that of the last century; the two classes of facts taken together thus render it almost certain that vaccination has never saved a single human life.
In the first place the decline in the first quarter of the century is a clear continuation of a decline which had been going on during the preceding forty years…. In 1845 began the great development of our railway system, and with it the rapid growth of London, from a population of two millions in 1844 to four millions in 1884. This rapid growth of population was at first accompanied with over-crowding, and as no adequate measures of sanitation were then provided the conditions were prepared for that increase of zymotic disease which constitutes so re- markable a feature of the London death-rates between 1848 and 1866.
But at the latter date commenced a considerable decline both in the total mortality and in that from all the zymotic diseases, except measles and small-pox, but more especially in fevers and diphtheria, and this decrease is equally well explained by the completion, in 1865, of that gigantic work, the main drainage of London.
Every statistician knows the enormous value of the representation of tabular statistics by means of diagrammatic curves. It is the only way by which in many cases the real teaching of statistics can be detected. An enormous number of such diagrams, more or less instructive and complete, were presented to them, and, at great cost, are printed in the Reports; but I cannot find that, in their Final Report, they … have once referred to them.
It is one of the most certain of facts relating to sanitation that com- parative density of population affects disease, and especially the zymotic diseases, more than any other factor that can be ascertained… It is mainly a case of purity of the air, and consequent purification of the blood;
and when we consider that breathing is the most vital and most continuous of all organic functions, that the air we breathe is taken into the lungs, one of the largest and most delicate organs of the body, and that the air so taken in acts directly upon the blood, and thus affects the whole organism, we see at once how vitally important it is that the air around us should be as free as possible from contamination.
It will now be clear to my readers that these conclusions, set forth as the final outcome of their seven years’ labours, are the very reverse of the true ones, and that they have arrived at them by neglecting altogether to consider, in their mutual relations, “those great masses of national statistics” which alone can be depended on to point out true causes…
We will first take Sweden, which has had fairly complete national sta- tistics longer than any other country, and we are now fortunately able to give the facts on the most recent official testimony — the Report furnished by the Swedish Board of Health to the Royal Commission… Looking at diagram V, we see that it absolutely negatives the idea of vaccination having had anything to do with the great reduction of small-pox mortality, which was almost all effected before the first successful vaccination 17th December, 1810!
And this becomes still more clear when we see that as vaccination increased… small-pox epidemics increased in virulence, especially in the capital (shown in the diagram by the dotted peaks). This case of Sweden alone affords complete proof of the uselessness of vaccination… My next diagram (No. VI.) shows the course of small-pox in Prussia since 1816, the general medical opinion was expressed thus in an article in the Pall Mall Gazette (May 24, 1871):
“Prussia is the country where revaccination is most generally practised, the law making the precaution obligatory on every person, and the authorities conscientiously watching over its performance. As a natural result, cases of small-pox are rare.”
Never was there a more glaring untruth than this last statement. It is true that revaccination was enforced in public schools and other institutions, and most rigidly in the Army, but, instead of cases of small-pox being rare, there had been for the twenty-four years preceding 1871 a much greater small-pox mortality in Prussia than in England.
This most misleading, unscientific, and unfair proceeding, of giving certain figures of small-pox mortality among the well vaccinated, and then, without any adequate comparison, asserting that they afford a proof of the value of vaccination, may be here illustrated by another example. When we make the comparison, which both Dr. Balfour and Sir John Simon failed to make, we find that these … if they prove anything at all, prove not only the uselessness but the evil of vaccination, and that it really tends to increase small-pox mortality. And this conclusion is also reached by Professor Adolf Vogt.
We had better therefore be content with our own Army and Navy statistics, though even here there is some concealment. In 1860 Mr Duncombe, M.P., moved for a return of the disaster at Shorncliffe Camp, where, it was alleged, 30 recruits were vaccinated, and six died of the results, but the return [?] was refused.
A letter in the Lancet of July 7, 1860, from a “Military Surgeon” stated that numbers of soldiers have had their arms amputated in consequence of mortification after vaccination … Eighteen out of the twenty men vaccinated at the same time suffered; some were months in hospital and in a much worse condition than himself (6th Report, p. 207). In the same volume is the evidence of twenty medical men, all of whom have witnessed serious effects produced by vaccination, some being of a most terrible and distressing character.
At the end of the main inquiry, as to the effect of vaccination on small-pox (pp. 98, 99) the Commissioners adopt a very hesitating tone. They say that “where vaccination has been most thorough the protection appears to have been greatest,” and that “the revaccination of adults appears to place them in so favourable a condition as compared with the unvaccinated.” But why say “appears” in both these cases?
It is a question of fact, founded on ample statistics, which show us clearly and unmistakably — as in comparing Leicester with other towns — that vaccination gives no protection whatever, and that the best and most thorough revaccination, as in the Army and Navy, does not protect at all. It is no question of “appearing” to protect. As a fact, it does not protect, and does not appear to do so.
Their conclusions [are based] not upon the statistical evidence at all, but upon the impressions and beliefs of the various medical officials they examined, who almost all assumed the protection as an already established fact. Such was the case of the army-surgeon who declared that the deaths were much fewer than they would have been without re-vaccination; and who, on being asked why he believed so, answered that it was from reading of the smallpox mortality in pre-vaccination times!
He had made no comparisons, and had no figures to adduce. It was his opinion, and that of the other medical officers, that it was so. I trust that I have now convinced my readers that the best evidence — the evidence to which Sir John Simon and Dr. Guy have appealed — DEMONSTRATES complete INUTILITY, as against what “appears” to the Commissioners and what they “think.”
One other matter must be referred to…. I have already shown how completely they ignore the elaborate and valuable evidence, furnished by those who oppose vaccination, such as were brought before them by Mr. Biggs of Leicester, Mr. A. Wheeler, and Mr. William Tebb, who, though all were examined and cross-examined on the minutest details, might as well never have appeared so far as any notice in the Final Report is concerned.
But there is also a very elaborate paper contributed by Dr. Adolf Vogt, Professor of Hygiene and Sanitary Statistics in the University of Berne, who offered to come to London and submit to cross- examination upon it, which, however, the Commission did not consider necessary.
This paper, a translation of which is printed in the Appendix, p. 689, is especially valuable as the work of a thorough statistician, who, from his position, has access to the whole body of European official statistics, and his discussion goes to the very root of the whole question.
But the heads of the medical profession had accepted the operation as of proved value, and the legislature, on their recommendation, endowed a National Vaccine Establishment with about £3,000 a year. Reputations and vested interests were henceforth at stake, and those who adduced evidence of the failure or the dangers of vaccination were treated as fanatics, and have been so treated by the medical world.
With this example [from a Sydney ship] of officially quoted facts (!) in support of vaccination, coming at the end of the long series we have given or referred to in the first part of this work, it is not too much to ask that all such unverified statements be, once and for ever, ruled out of court….
It is an absolute law of evidence, of statistics, and of common sense that when two kinds of evidence contradict each other, that which can be proved to be even partially incorrect or untrustworthy must be rejected. It will be found that all the evidence that seems to prove the value of vaccination is of this untrustworthy character.
“The fact that revaccination of adults appears to place them in so favourable a condition as compared with the unvaccinated,” etc. (Final Report, p. 98, Sec. 375). What can be said of such statements as these, but simply that they are wholly untrue. This is a matter upon which it is necessary to speak plainly. [Men are being imprisoned] for refusing to allow their children’s health, or even their lives, to be endangered by the inoculation into their system of disease-produced matter, miscalled “lymph” [a colourless fluid in animal bodies].
How misleading to apply this term to a product of disease, used to produce another disease, and now admitted to be capable of transmitting some of the most horrible diseases which afflict mankind — syphilis and leprosy!
Hundreds and probably thousands of English parents have been fined or imprisoned and treated as criminals, while certainly thousands of infants have been officially done to death, and other thousands injured for life. And all these horrors on account of what Dr. [Charles] Creighton has well termed a “grotesque superstition,” which has never had a rational foundation either of physiological doctrine or of carefully tested observations, and is now found to be disproved by a century’s dearly bought experience. …
I venture to think that I have here so presented the best of these statistical facts as to satisfy my readers of the certain and absolute uselessness of vaccination as a preventive of small-pox; while these same facts render it in the highest degree probable that it has actually increased susceptibility to the disease.
The teaching of the whole of the evidence is in one direction. Whether we examine the long-continued records of London mortality [or the] crucial test afforded by unvaccinated Leicester, or the still more rigid test in the other direction, of the absolutely revaccinated Army and Navy, the conclusion is in every case the same: that vaccination is a gigantic delusion;
that it has never saved a single life; but that it has been the cause of so much disease, so many deaths, such a vast amount of utterly needless and altogether undeserved suffering, that it will be classed by the coming generation [Hello?] among the greatest errors of an ignorant and prejudiced age, and its penal enforcement the foulest blot on the generally beneficent course of legislation during our century.
To talk of amending such legislation is a mockery. Absolute and im- mediate abolition is the only rational course open to us. Every day the vaccination laws remain in force parents are being punished, infants are being killed. An Act of a single clause will repeal these vile laws; and I call upon every one of our legislators to consider their responsibilities as the guardians of the liberties of the English people, and to insist that this repeal be effected without a day’s unnecessary delay.
Yeah, I sees it. Title shold be Lies. Not Les. Unless it’s Dame Edna. But Dee is so tired, if I phone her to fix it, she may just croke altogether. See, she has never given me the password, so I can’t edit Gumshoe.
How about we all agree on this instead:
I put my hand up to edit.
Funny I now just remember my mum did a short stint doing English proof reading on the Singapore Strait Times in the early seventies .
Simon I do not believe you.
Fair enough, what would be my margin/game then.
Or that is a just awesome ad homeian(lol sic), in which case lollollol.
The politics of fear and the desire, by the ruling class, to injure the common people from birth to grave, are on display. Man was designed to live on earth and not in an artificial toxic environment. Getting rid of the toxins, gets rid of disease.
Do men lie? YES
Do politicians lie? YES
Does nature lie? NO
Does nature vaccinate? NO
Generally, the minds of men have lost ability to reason because they broken their connection with nature.
What Is Coming Through That Needle?
The Problem of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination
Benjamin McRearden
“……….There is an even stronger statement dating back to 1990. A scientist in the field writes, “The present concern is for safety of vaccines made using transformed or neoplastic mammalian cells that may contain endogenous contaminating viruses or integrated gene sequences from oncogenic viruses. There is also concern for use of plasmid vectors employing promoter elements from oncogenic viruses. The principal concern for safety lies with retention of residual DNA in the vaccine, especially since induction of cancer is a single-cell phenomenon, and a single functional unit of foreign DNA integrated into the host cell genome might serve to induce cell transformation as a single event or part of a series of multifactorial events. Current proposed standards for vaccines would permit contamination with up to 100 pg [picograms] of heterologous DNA per dose. This is equivalent to about 10(8) ‘functional lengths’ of DNA. Total safety would seem to require complete absence of DNA from the product.”(31)
Please note that 10(8) means 10 to the power of 8, or 100,000,000 “functional lengths” of DNA are allowed per dose of vaccine. Is there something wrong with this picture? How long will the general public be subjected to these vaccine products that according to this information, are nowhere near safe?…………….”
The core issue is government involvement in ANY matter of personal welfare. Bar the odd token case such meddling will inevitably deliver the very reverse of anything that could be called care.
Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered.\
Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans.(SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO) .
Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defence to naturally kill cancer cells.
According to Thebigriddle.com: Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!……………….”
Thank you.
I refer Gumshoe readers to the graphs in the below attachement, so see just what a farce vaccination claims are.
Currently, mumps and pertussis epidemics in the US are striking kids, around 90% to 98% of whom are vaccinated against these sdame diseases. Instead of drawing the obvious conclusion… vaccinations do not work… they are blaming unvacinated kids. Are these doctors mentally retarded? I believe so.
What I would like to see is an independent survey of Australian children, comparing the health of unvaccinated with vacinated kids. Surveys so far show unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated.
onya Tony, bit of this, bit of that. How many peeps with family doctors. Big family would maybe be needing them for stitches(need a stitch see a doc or look cool next to those tattoo types).
No Double Bind Test. MSN does obscure(lie,lies) about this.
Horses for courses, (me) wounded bleeding, first stop Doc. Pre-emptive Doc… pass if thats ok.
One problem Tony R., are there enough unvaccinated children in Australia to use as a control number?
With the information within the above story, ALL pharmaceutical companies involved in manufacture of vaccines should be immediately closed down and assets confiscated to pay for past death and injury. Of course this wont happen, too many pollies have dividends dependent on this killer industry.
Two and a half hours of media criticsm. Re Assange etc.
………..The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out…………
Anybody for a sentimental moment?
Haven’t had time to research this – still dancing around back there somewhere – so sharing without comment to add further context regarding the dates involved.
I read about Dr Thomas Dimsdale in “Catherine The Great” (Massie)– she apparently brought him over to Moscow and had herself and then her son Paul ‘inoculated’ in 1768.
The Present Method of Inoculating For The Small-Pox – Dr Thomas Dimsdale (1779 – Seventh Edition).
waaaaa, you have never shaved a calf, infected said and harvested… a pox on you (wink, like we need too).
Ask me ’bout chicken pox, dare u
and u wanna be proof reader and editor in chief? – waaaaa – c’mon!
Hey Simon – can you share stuff on chicken pox? – genuinely interested 😊
you know i can not(peer read).
I get the fine nuances of humor(sic).
Chicken walks into the bar.
Social distance issue “enshoes”(my fun) ,
but I was here before the egg
Its a Simon, don’t worry .. till u need too
Dear Julius, why did Simon cross the street?
‘Coz the chicken wasn’t wearing a mask
This morning I received a notification that Mike King’s ‘Real History Channel’ (formerly Tomato Bubble) [hosted on “Vistaprint” it seems] has been taken down into the “Orwellian Memory Hole” because “it was decreed that by challenging the Stupid-19 storyline, yours truly was acting as a menace to public health.” He’ll be back.
Speaking of book burning and controlled propaganda …
I wandered into one of my favourite book stores a couple of days ago to casually enquire as to the status of a couple of orders.
I could not help notice and be sickened by the titles on prominent display – glorifying all the usual suspects (you know, Clintons, Obamas, Bolton, Comey, Turnbull and the ubiquitous 100-year old “survivor”) while vilifying others – such as
“The Doctor Who Fooled the World: Andrew Wakefield’s war on vaccines” – “Award-winning investigative journalist Brian Deer reveals the shocking truth …”
“The Rodchenkov Affair: How I Brought Down Putin’s/Russia’s Secret Doping Empire” by Grigory Rodchenkov (I can’t wait.)
With all the virtual book burning going on I thought we could share some book source sites where you can download neat stuff (many free on PDF) before they too disappear.
Off the top of my head because I was visiting it only last night [I have many more]…
The Colchester Collection:
Why not start with the man of the moment
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin
Many thanks for the link to this useful website.
Off topic: Latest ‘Ice age farmer’ report on what is going on, both behind the scenes and ‘In Your Face’ – deal with it!
The PTB did the predictive programming for November 2020 to have famine appear – surprise, surprise it looks like they may have been right some 5 years ago (just following the script, duh).
Hey, let’s see what happens at the end of the year, will there really be a MSM push about famine?
Thank you Terry
Last stop, we help as much as we can, and we will but …
unless we be blessed n talk next week, here we are
Mate, I have been trying for decades to try and clue people into what is going on, but all I get is a load of sh!t from dumb-asses that keep buying into the MSM bullsh!t.
I’m now retired from all that, I’m on my little property and producing some food. If the dumb-asses want to keep heading into the abyss, that is their choice – I’ve got other things to attend to.
I know, is a crazy nice flowering year for sure. I expect abundance as nature brings.We trade as wanted, and needed my friend
“crazy nice flowering year” – I’ve noticed that this year. Lots of buds on all sorts of plants, it may mean that I have to dry or ferment a heap of stuff to put into storage.
I bought an Excalibur food dryer and presently have it going all day every day.
Great stuff with the dryer, I am eating some home grown peas and a turnip with my store bought pork mince for dinner.
I prefer the fresh stuff, but I’ve developed a knack for incorporating dried stuff into my recipes. Sometimes I like the dried stuff even better, like with dried scalloped potatoes, I prefer the texture of the dried potatoes.
Dried potato’s sound interesting, I’ll give it a go.
Fauci’s blaming CO2 for the worlds problems. Even that is based on a false premise.
In order to single out certain atmospheric gases and demonise them as the culprits responsible for atmospheric warming, it was necessary to attribute certain characteristics to the so called “Greenhouse Gases” with regard to radiant heat which would set them apart from the two most abundant atmospheric gases, Oxygen and Nitrogen.
In his memoirs entitled “Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat”,
detailing a series of experiments conducted at the Royal Institution, Tyndall fallaciously states with regard to Oxygen and Nitrogen that they are both quote:
“practically transparent to radiant heat.”
Thus laying the foundations of AGW fraud.
This statement by John Tyndall is the origin of such claims as “the science is settled” and the “greenhouse effect is 150 year old established physics.” In terms of radiant heat it is the only factor that would differentiate between the various atmospheric gases.
After all, Oxygen and Nitrogen constitute 99% of the atmosphere. If these two gases are shown to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, what would make so called “Greenhouse Gases” like CO2, such a threat to the environment at only 0.0385% of the atmosphere?
So the basis for the “Greenhouse Effect” is that incoming and out going IR is not absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen which instead passes straight through these gases. According to this unsubstantiated hypothesis, only those gases which are termed “Greenhouse Gases” posses the capability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.
The problem for the hypothesis of the “Greenhouse Effect” and of course AGW itself is that the basic premise on which the hypothesis is based is false.
Firstly, Oxygen and Nitrogen both have higher specific heat capacities than CO2.
For verification see here:
Secondly and above all, Oxygen and Nitrogen, of course do indeed absorb infrared radiation:
Scotus, what say you to Criss X’s excellent research above that severely crimps the AGW hy-FROTH-esis ?
“Dried potato’s sound interesting, I’ll give it a go.” – I’ve done a number of different ‘thin skin’ potatoes. I have have a ‘slicer’ and just run them through it, about 2-4 mms thick, and then dip them in salt water and then into the dryer. It may not be the optimal process, but it is working. If someone comes up with a better process, feel free to let us know.
If anyone needs a recipe for scalloped potatoes, let me know, scalloped potatoes is right out of the American depression. Bone head easy to cook, delicious, cheap and nutritious.
Thanks muchly for the info. I am interested in anything you wish to post on that theme. I’ll be off first thing in the morning to get a big bag of spuds (thin skin) and a slicer.
Watch the grocers, many times they end up with extra ripe bananas that they have to get rid of. Not only do you get them cheap, but it is the extra ripe bananas that are best in the dryer. One time I bought around 20 kilos of ripe bananas at a Coles, people must have thought me crazy.
Get a tray for making ‘fruit leather’. Some of my fruit, like Fiejoas are eaten with a spoon. To dry them, I just run them through a blender and then pour out on the fruit leather tray. You can do the same thing with any over ripe fruit that is available.
I was only thinking on those lines an hour or so ago about extra ripe bananas at the shop and wondering how they would go.. Bought an Avanti slicer this morning and soon found out how sharp the blade is – a bit of blood but it will heal.I bought a few trays for making leather. I’ve found out already that I should have bought a bigger machine than my 5 tray – my Paw Paw tree is loaded.
This very powerful 5 min clip just in (titled : ‘Community and Countries United ! We say No !’), featuring RFK jr and a cast of champions :
Off topic but will likely be of interest to you Mary (after seeing your reaction to the Tianjin nuke attack) :
The corrupt MSM are referring to it as an Arms Depot Explosion in Jordan.
Some background here first : Jordan had recently expressed its displeasure that Israel had annexed an area south of Jerusalem and there were some ongoing heated disputes on a variety of issues.
Well, the dispute may now have been settled.
There’s no definitive proof that Israel had deployed yet another tactical nuke in this neighbourly dispute (although those in the know are strongly hinting at just that), but launching it at an ammo dump does provide Israel plausible deniability in case people start asking questions.
We’ve all heard about the ‘neighbours from hell’.
Well, you’ll have to agree that Israel’s preferred method of tackling conflict resolution is really taking it to the next level.
For those questioning that a tactical nuke was used in Jordan a few days ago and Beirut last month, (bringing the total to three this year), read this :
That’s right Gumshoe readers, the Apartheid Israeli Abomi-NATION of concentrated depravity had a ‘trial-run’ in April in Syria.
This passage below, taken from the article above :
“Late on Saturday night, 28th April, a series of airstrikes hit Syria, local time was 10:30pm, about 2 hours after sunset. Of particular interest is the strike that hit a target hear Hama, supposedly an arms depot. This strike produced an explosion of such massive magnitude that it shook the earth violently enough for the tremors to be picked up by seismic monitoring stations in Europe which recorded a magnitude 2.6 earthquake.
An explosion on the earth’s surface, in order to cause tremors between 2 and 3 on the Richter scale, would be between 1.5 and 3 kilotonnes TNT equivalency. Clearly this was a tactical nuclear weapon and the arms depot story is the usual cover automatically issued when there is a suspiciously big bang.”
Hmmm, ‘the arms depot story is the usual cover’ bit sure sounds like what just happened in Jordan.
These in-bred bastards that are running Israel (specifically the murderous Likud Party), are now totally out of control.
side note:
The Harris administration
Dee, they might bump Biden off soon. This is not a problem as we have the electoral College. It meets on Dec 14. All possibilities are provided for in the Constitution, such as what if the president-elect dies before Inauguration.
Harris frightens me. Probably she will be prez. Probably she has been promised it. She sure looks as happy as Larry.
Report: Kamala Harris Already Vetting VP Picks (Satire)
ON topic.
Veggie gave us a good wrap-up of the short speeches by vax opponents (rfk, bolllinger, tenpenny, rossi, etc) . I am repeating it here so you don’t have to search above,
Note that i separated the Y and the K — you must hook them together to make it open.
As for the Empress Catherine and her inoculation, I must say the item by “Baron Thomas Dimsdale” dated 1774 is fascinating. If you go to worldcat.org you will see other books by him.
Julius, I think the reason Jenner is called the father of vax (1798) is that vaccination is not the same as inoculation (1774 and earlier). Don’t hold me to this but think that A inoculates B by making a cut in his arm and then letting his blood flow into B’s arm. Sorry I can’t research it today. Maybe later in the series. (People do use the words interchangeably, which is perhaps incorrect.)
Has anyone absorbed what Wallace said?
The news is coming fast, the implications are titanic. – John Rappoport
On Monday, I wrote about Thomas Renz, the Ohio lawyer who is taking on a case for a set of plaintiffs, against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the state of Ohio.
The charge: DeWine has created massive damage through lockdowns and other “containment measures” designed to stop the spread of the purported coronavirus.
Against DeWine, attorney Renz has mounted a legal case to defeat both Constitutional violations AND gross scientific fraud.
Update: A crucial part of this case is the DISCOVERY process. Attorney Renz and his colleagues would have the opportunity to sit down with key players in the COVID operation and grill them, in great detail, on matters of fact and science.
Imagine Fauci, Birx, Redfield in the room having to answer very probing questions UNDER OATH.
And the discovery proceedings would be made public, as they happen. Renz would be filing periodic reports with the court.
Another factor. The Ohio court, as part of its verdict, could grant PERMANENT INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. This means it could order the governor of Ohio to cancel the State of Emergency—thereby ending all orders and “containment measures” connected with the Emergency. No lockdowns, no mandatory masks, no mandatory distancing.
Yes, I’m aware that nothing is a slam-dunk in the judicial system. Fingers crossed. But this is a chance, an opportunity, a ray of light, a practical and real possibility……………..
Vaccine horrors: Medical mutilation of innocent children exposed in GRAPHIC photos of “safe” vaccines gone horribly wrong
Rob Drew video is gone… surprize, surprize
Are you depressed? This will cure you, or money back.
I do like those ivories to be caressed melodically – uplifting.
The musical talent coming out of Asia especially Korea is amazing –
InDoctorNation – Making a Killing with COVID-19
Wikipedia and other Establishment ‘fact checkers’ are having an attack of apoplexy describing this documentary as an anti-vaccine, conspiracy-theory smorgasbord. Remove the word theory, and the statement is accurate. In fact, it is one of the most truthful and enlightening video commentaries you will ever see. It follows the money and finds massive political and scientific corruption. It includes a major segment featuring Dr. David Martin, who uncovered who patented the coronavirus years before it was known to the public.
This feature-length documentary also exposes the nefarious roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, and Anthony Fauci. Even though this video was banned on YouTube and every Establishment social-media platform, it broke all previous records and, within just the first few days, was viewed online by almost a billion people worldwide. That’s what is causing the apoplexy. The pandemic fraud cannot survive that kind of exposure. 2020 August 18
WHO is a Rothschild creation. The Marxist world disorder are satanic family crime syndicates, enforcing human prison legal systems worldwide. Oz is a corporation within this global gulag, operating on false money, false law and false everything.They control the money, propaganda and technology. Even with the baton now handed to CCP, it is still the same boss pulling all pins behind the scenes.
56, the premise that mr Rothschild has everything under control in China contradicts these articles IMO.
China puts a spanner in the US dominance machine
…………..China is the only remaining official buyer of Iranian oil and has strongly opposed Washington’s sanctions. It defies the US also economically together with Russia and Iran, as the three have attempted to replace the US dollar in their dealings, an act that inspired Pakistan and may have other regional states follow. Why wouldn’t the Islamic Republic with its free-falling rial want China as a potential shield against US sanctions and even motions at the UN Security Council? What other options does Iran have? To negotiate a new JCPOA with Washington, one which the US would at any time once more renege on? Besides, it should be known to all by now that the nuclear issue is not really why Washington is sanctioning the Islamic Republic.
The PRC is viewed in the West as a threat both because of its rising economic power, and more recently because of its potential political power, poised to challenge Washington’s hegemony. Crude accusations of Chinese imperialism and false expressions of “worry” for poor Asian and African countries aside, the West is worried because China’s entry into the Middle East would enhance Beijing’s position not only in West Asia, but in Central Asia and the Caucasus as well. For China, Iran could very well be a gateway into the Middle East, as it has historically also been. Iran has connections in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon where China has up until recently been absent, and their partnership could flourish as Iraq and Syria will rebuild their countries after decades of US imposed wars. The Islamic Republic can introduce lucrative projects to the Chinese who may not know the region quite well.
All this gives Washington clear reason to be annoyed since it would make the US sanctions rather useless. But Washington also knows that the implications of this potential deal are far greater than just helping Iran……………
Speaking of Gilead, here is a hook into Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s site – more articles within.
Georgia cover-up of deaths in $3.3 billion pharmaceutical project: documents
“Despite the patient deaths and treatment cancellations in the Hepatitis C elimination project, Georgian health officials have gone further and invited Gilead to launch another clinical trial on 100 patients about the safety of Remdesvir (another Gilead experimental drug against COVID-19).
Not only have local health officials offered US drug giant Gilead to test its experimental COVID-19 medicine freely in Georgia but they have also exempted US diplomats from quarantine inspection upon arrival to the country at the request of the US Embassy to Tbilisi.
American scientists working at the Lugar Center cannot be held to account for their activities in Georgia since they have diplomatic status. Gilead cannot be held to account either according to the 2015 Gilead-Georgia Memorandum of Understanding.”
Throw the money lenders out and you negate the power of those instigating the current curse on mankind.
Richard Werner: Debt Free & Interest Free Money
Awesome little article outlining the ’12 Steps to Create Your Own Pandemic’:
This is a pretty accurate template for how the CCC (Covid Conspiracy Cabal) fooled the world.
It’s so easy for our Victorian parliament to get mandatory vaccination laws passed such as this one in February 2020. https://content.legislation.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-03/591131bs1.pdf.
Here is a comment from HR Legal re: other industries.
[…] Gumshoe has also reproduced Alfred Russel Wallace’s withering critique of the UK’s Royal Commission on Vax, of […]