by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Is the mayor of your town legitimate? I mean, does she hold that position legitimately? Is the governor of your state legitimate? How about your state’s two US senators? What of the Secretary of Education – is he legitimate?
My questions do not refer to the way in which those office-holders qualified for office. It’s clear that anyone who had faked a qualification (such as to be age 30 for election to the US Senate) could be subsequently found to not be properly in office and could be dismissed.
Nor am I examining the constitutionality of the position itself. It’s arguable that no department of the US government should be concerned with “Education.” The US Constitution grants authority to the federal government in only 18 precisely stated areas, and Education is not one of them. (That power belongs to the states.)
Personally, I think the Secretary of Education sits there illegitimately. Such a problem could be straightened out by a court, like the problem of the less-than-30-year-old senator.
The problem I wish to address today is much broader than an individual’s qualification for office or the office’s constitutionality. My question is: who has the right to govern society, and how can we know when that role is being carried out legitimately?
Thesaurus.com offers many synonyms for “legitimate,” including: correct, genuine, normal, proper, statutory, well-founded, acknowledged, authorized, recognized, warranted, licit, orthodox, and “on the up and up.” Putting those together, you could say “a thing is legitimate when people feel okay with it.”
If instead of synonyms, you look for a definition of legitimate, you will find that it is circular – a thing is legitimate when it comports with the law. That law must have already been accepted, perhaps by custom, or maybe it was imposed by force.
A Glance at the Animal Kingdom
The question of “who has the legitimate right to govern?” sounds silly if asked about animals in the wild. It implies that the animals would be able to think about governance. Most likely they have no concept of that. Even for those animal species that have “society,” there is plenty of variety as to rulership.
Some birds travel in flocks. On a long migration, it may be the more experienced ones that give direction. Or maybe they don’t even realize they are “giving direction” – they are simply flying the way they know and others follow.
Some bird species, such as domesticated chickens, have a pecking order. Each individual tries, by fighting (i.e., by pecking), to outdo the others. “Boss-hood” is a result of the pecking. The top hen is the least-pecked. I guess you could say she holds her position legitimately. Anyway, she doesn’t actually “govern” in the sense of looking out for the group’s welfare. It’s “every man for himself.”
Among ants, it’s not every ant for himself, it’s every ant colony for itself. A particular colony, which may have millions of ants, does not have a boss, not even the queen. She reproduces but does not give orders to the “workers.” They have a sort of collective mind, mediated by their DNA. They make decisions — about, say, travel — by sharing the news via their antennae. (Granted, there’s also some selfish jostling among individual ants.)
Primates have a variety of types of social structure: The gibbon has only the nuclear family. The male baboon keeps a harem of females. In chimpanzees, where paternity is not knowable, boss-hood comes from aggressive encounters among individuals. Yet, once the boss is established, he may act “responsibly,” such as by quashing a fight among youth.
What about Humans in Prehistoric Times?
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mammals first appeared in the Triassic period, more than 200 million years ago, diverging from reptiles. Primates made their debut in trees. The tiny tarsier was an early primate.
Not until 25 million years ago did the split occur that led, on the one hand, to Old World monkeys, and on the other hand, to apes and man. The line of primates that would eventually give rise to hominids separated from other apes perhaps 6 million years ago.
Our bipedal ancestor Australopithecus (“southern ape”) lived in Africa from about 4 to 2 million years ago. The first member of the genus Homo, namely, homo habilis (“tool user”) appeared about 2.8 million years ago. The completely evolved Homo sapiens, with a brain like ours, is at most a half-million years old. (All of those dates are controversial.)
I certainly have no information as to what structure the hominid societies had, other than the iron rule that mammal young must stay with the mother for a time, for milk. Anything else we were to say about hominid governance would consist of extrapolating backwards from the observed behavior of living humans.
Or, one could theorize, as Lionel Tiger and others have done, that certain traits seen in today’s primates that are human-like, probably came from a shared ancestor. (Example: monkeys and humans hold out a hand the same way, to beg.) Logically, as such traits came down the line to us, the intervening species of hominids would have possessed them, too.
Extrapolating Forward from Male-bonded Primates
Credit must go to anthropologist Lionel Tiger who studied the role that male-bonding plays in human society. It may have come about by learned culture, but more likely (he thinks) by way of genetic inheritance.
In his 1969 book, Men in Groups, Tiger hypothesizes that, in humans, male-bonding is innate for defense, hunting, and social-order maintenance. He asks: what are the precursors of this in primates? In langurs, the basic structure is the stable male hierarchy. But langurs are arboreal; species that later ventured onto the savanna needed more structure.
In the open field, many prey animals were available as food and this required cooperative hunting. Tiger thinks that man’s enthusiasm for hunting is a clue. He says “It is an ethological principle that behaviors accompanied by strong ‘emotion’ are likely to reflect situations very important to the survival of the species.”
The key to Tiger’s theory is that a central hierarchy of males in a group — even two males is enough – makes possible a “spinal cord.” From there, other complex arrangements may develop. He says “from a linkage of significant males, communities develop their intra-dependence, their coherence, and their continuity from the past to, possibly, the future.”
Among humans, Tiger is interested in the phenomenon of men’s secret societies, which is a “cultural universal.” It is seen in college fraternities. A boy proves his worthiness to join the club by enduring a painful initiation rite.
Tiger says he was walking down the street and saw a young man with a bloodied face being dragged on the ground by several students. He tried to intervene, but the “pledge” asked him not to, as he needed to make the grade.
Is There a Right and Wrong to It?
In the article at hand, I am posing a broad question: Who has the right to govern society, and how can we know when that role is being carried out legitimately? These are matters that philosophers and political scientists often raise.
A political scientist may answer it by checking to see if the behavior of a polity is in accord with its charter. Philosophers would sense, rather, the underlying question “on what could we base a person’s ‘right’ to govern others?”
Having been a devoted sociobiologist for four decades, I take the evolutionary product (including humans) to be whatever natural selection came up with. I don’t think it includes any “rights.” I would not proclaim that an ant colony has the right to self-govern its members. I would not proclaim that chickens shouldn’t peck weaker chickens. Whatever is, is.
Of course, when we rise to the level of the thinking human being, we do get into open discussion of who has a right to do what to another. Laws can be made based on what seems fair. Consider Leviticus 24:20 (in the New King James version of the Bible): “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth; as he has caused disfigurement of a man, so shall it be done to him.”
Modern American jurisprudence has heaps of ethical statements. Even among the darkest practitioners of realpolitik, nobody says outright that they mean to kill off their rival – they euphemize what they are doing.
Secret Societies – Their Biology and Their Purpose
I now wish to look at Lionel Tiger’s work on secret societies in the context of my question “What is legitimate?”. He found answers in primate behavior, to enlighten modern human behavior such as the secret society.
Naturally, he does not posit the presence of a secret society in any primate (or pre-language hominid) group, but in primate male-bonding, he sees a harbinger. Men stick together for a task. They have the emotion for teamwork, and they exclude non-members aggressively. It can be assumed (say I) that their togetherness can take on the quality of perfect loyalty.
Tiger quotes the oath that members of the ancient Great Hung League in China had to take: “I swear that I shall know neither father nor mother, nor brother nor sister, nor wife, nor child, but the brotherhood. Along where the brotherhood leads or pursues, there shall I follow or pursue; its foe shall be my foe.”
Heady stuff! We have often heard that Freemasons, even unto judges, are so seriously under obligation to their bond-brothers, that if one of them is in trouble (read: is on trial) the judge must support him (read: must acquit him).
The Chinese oath says “the brotherhood’s foe is my foe.” The parallel for the Freemason judge would seem to be that the Law is the brotherhood’s foe. Thus, in that trial situation, Law is the judge’s foe. How’s that for madness!
A Secret Society Mixed with Government Isn’t Legitimate
As noted, the Thesaurus lists, as synonyms of “legitimate,” such easy-going words as “accepted, acknowledged, genuine,” as well as more demanding criteria such as “orthodox, licit, authorized.” I have argued that there’s no real way to pin down the legitimacy of something, as it gets circular. “We approve it because we feel approvish towards it, or we passed a law saying ‘That’s it’.”
Still, I hereby advance a position that secret societies today are illegitimate if they have a hand in the official government of the day. Western democracies are clearly committed to openness; it is part of the justification of their rulership – they are ruling for the whole population and all citizens are eligible to hear what is going on.
Secret societies are, well, secret. They do things behind closed doors, and that renders their behavior unaccountable. It just won’t do for them to assure us that nothing criminal is happening in there. We should remember the judge example described above. By giving his loyalty to his club, the judge is depriving nonmembers of his loyalty – by definition.
Needless to say, when members of a secret society are officials of an investigatory body, such as the FBI or the police, the ability of that body to actually investigate is hampered; no “bond brother” can come under scrutiny. Behold, the mystery of the protection of criminality laid bare!
Article VI of the US Constitution says: “The Senators and Representatives… and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution.”
It must be that the oath is frequently made in bad faith. Indeed it is made with utter cynicism, and the joke is on us.
We had better wake up. We might remind our fellow citizens of the wise observation in Matthew 6:24: “No man can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”
In this article, I have said that there’s no way to judge the rightness of animal governance. There is, however, a way to judge human governance. Judging is one of our many talents, and a top sport. You can find the content of “government ethics” in the law and thus in jurisprudence. It’s there by the heapload. So just get stuck into it.
The secret-society-in-government nonsense has got to go. Agreed?
Mary W Maxwell is the author of Prosecution for Treason.
For today, please keep comments on topic. Max words 200 or, if you are bursting at the seams, 300.
For Covid affairs and wars, please go to the previous article’s comments page. Ta.
Eisenhower Warns of the military industrial complex
President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech
The Unholy Trinity on Earth
The Empire of the City-The Unholy Trinity that Rules the World
The Powers – Behind the Global Empire
These three city-states share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global governmental system. They are sovereign, corporate entities that are not connected to the nations they appear to be part of. Again, just to clarify, the City of London is not technically part of Greater London or England just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy and Washington DC is not a part of the United States, although DC does have controlling power over it and its political system.
Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871, which established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London. Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call the person perceived to hold the highest seat of power in the land “the president.” The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for the central bankers and transnational corporations, both of which are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry. Washington DC operates under a system of Roman Law and not under of the limitations established by the US Constitution.
It should not be a surprise that the name Capitol Hill derives from Capitoline Hill, which was the seat of government for the Roman Empire. If you look at the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, you will notice that on either side of the US flag is the depiction of bundles of sticks tied together with an axe. These are called fasci, the root word of fascism. This was the symbol of fascism in the Roman Empire, under the Nazis and it still is today. These symbols are featured on the floor of Congress and the United States corporation is controlled by the Crown, which is not the British Monarchy as many believe, but rather the private corporation that is the inner ‘City of London’ itself, also commonly known as “The City” or “The Square Mile.
Ring of Power – The Empire of ‘The City’ – World Superstate
Washington DC, City of London and the Vatican are Sovereign states
Trinity of Babylon: Vatican-London-Washington DC
Michael Glennon author of “Double Government: wrote
“the public believes that constitutionally-established institutions control national security policy, but that view is mistaken. Judicial review is negligible, congressional (parliamentary) review is dysfunctional and Presidential (Ministerial ) control is nominal. Absent a more informed and engaged electorate and you have ‘double Government. As applied to the US – U.S national Security policy is by the network of executive officials who manage the Departments and Agencies responsible for protecting U.S National Security and who responding to structural incentives embedded in U.S political system operate largely removed from public view and from constitutional constraints”
Sovereignty http://www.hawaii-nation.org/sovereignty.html
The original people not the aboriginal people also have their sovereignty and they have not relinquished their land
Mark McMurtrie Important facts regarding sovereignty in Australia
The secret country again wages war on its own people
Whose Sovereignty? Empire Versus International Law
Whose Sovereignty? Empire Versus International Law
The secret-society-in-government nonsense has got to go. Agreed? mmm
I just posted a reply to criss cross’s referral to my mention of Mengele- linked to the Chelmsford Defamation Case that I posted in Betrayal of our Westminster Judicial System
I was not going to waste time replying–then I found Mary’s article re Our Fiona and I posted it for him her to read—–that is –every single word–every single comment
We must speak of the unspeakable and break the code of silence.
To Fiona and Alice- Mary Dee and the gumshoe vision–to get to the truth of the matter—to learn- to educate ourself, to speak truth to power and expose that which is in plain sight
please do not comment on this post–it exceeds the word limit—stick to topic
Wow, Diane, we sure did get some great comments on the “Our Fiona” article. I had to tell Ned not to take the ‘pis’ out of epistomology.
935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America’s Moral Integrity
Australia has the same problems here don’t kid yourself.
What is the Australian Constitution?
Documents uncovered from CIA archives by WMR describe how Business International Corporation (BIC), the Central Intelligence Agency front company for whom Barack Obama worked from 1983 to 1985, routinely helped the CIA to overthrow foreign governments, including that of Australia in 1975.
The CIA, the Queen’s Agent and the Man Who Got in the Way
http://www.icl-fi.org/print/english/wv/1061/whitlam.html Australia’s Gough Whitlam, 1916-2014
The ‘stuff’ that the CIA does is to subvert democracy and the due process of law by over-throwing governments including Australia. The ‘mainstream’ corporate press and media will ridicule without any evidence as one of their favourite tactics if someone ‘dissents’ or voices a few no popular with the press. Google CIA in Australia Part1-6 and you will soon discover that they have had and still do have an influence with interference and intervention in politics and government persuasion. google ‘The Mena connection: Bush, Clinton, and CIA drug smuggling part1/6 as well.
Australia is a ‘client state’ being ‘governed’ by outside forces called supranational agencies and the CIA is but one of these agencies. We are not the sovereign country that we believe we are.
Australia’ Illegal Unconstitutional Government More videos to your right
Govern Australia by Lies and Deceit or Deception
The Illegal Quasi-Government in Washington D.C.
District of Columbia
“To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States”(U.S. Const. Art. I, § 8). The U.S.Constitution, with this proclamation, left the legal formation of a national capital up to the U.S. Congress. To this day, the District of Columbia is neither a state nor a territory and remains under congressional jurisdiction.
Those links are all well and good – bar the absence of any acknowledgement that the situation is simply the natural outcome of the way the Country was settled in the first place
As secrecy is a form of elitism it’s really just a matter eradicating the root cause of the latter, i. e.
the ubiquitous desire for some form of unholy guidance and security, however, as everyman has been created with a freewill…………
Everyman just needs to take responsibility for imbuing something or someone, other than God, with power
No guesses as to why “bad” far outweighs “good’ on this chart:
The point being that both monarchies were voted in – in preference to a tax & conscription-free form of governance that afforded no special rights of privileges.
afforded no special rights or privileges to the respective judges that is
If people can get videos from brighteon, vimeo, brandnewtube, bitchute, banned.video etc it will be better, I think youtube has just about had it’s day, maybe they are monitoring GumShoe for what information to censor next. (By the way nobody seems to be censoring all the porn websites, and do a normal google search on pussy as I just did and you find a lot of stuff that isn’t about cats)
Sbs propaganda (news) tonight, a first hearing – “New Jerusalem”
Freemasonry grew out of the Knights Templar.
The Zionist dream is to rebuild the Temple of the Mount.
The mashiach will not arrive until it is built. It is on the Dome of the Rock.
“Our plan” is to set up an AI headquarters to rule the world via technology, electronics and transhumanism.
Freemasonry, as the name implies, was originally a stone-masons guild
Zionism is, and always has been, an atheist movement: The Temple Mount is of no consequence to anyone but the practitioners of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
The man who deceives the World will be a signs&wonders-style “Christian”, not some sort souped up rabbi (does any such animal even exist?)
But don’t just take my word:
Many good Jewish people, like us, are naive to the deals done in secrecy.
Their Zionist leaders, like ours, are traitors hell bent on perversions and abominations. These days, the 1% have more wealth than the remaining 99% combined. Could it be cause they worship serpents?
Probably better to contemplate the fact that
* everyone, irrespective of ethnicity, is either serving God or Mammon 24/7
* falling prey to the latter comes in many different guises
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
The man who deceives the World will be a signs&wonders-style “Christian”, not some sort souped up rabbi,
Without the Jews money and their control of governments the COVID hoax/deception would be dead in the water.
Jewish Supremacists Argue “Neo-Nazi Imagery and White Supremacism Deserve to be Classified as Terrorism”
October 7, 2020 Kyle 7 Comments
There was a webinar recently held by the AJC (American jewish Committee) wherein three “experts” (jewish supremacists) kvetched about how awful it is now that lots of “goyim” are speaking against jewish power.
………..White people are being “cleaned out” (ethnically cleansed) from their own countries by Jewish supremacists, and if we say anything about it, we are “cleaned out” from social media as well.
Serving Mammon is a matter of personal choice
No amount of arguing that “the Jews/Devil/Bogie-man made me do it” is going to save you or anyone else from anything
Absolutely right Criss X.
Only one entity on Earth has the astronomical financial and political clout to pull off the Covid Deception – enough money to buy off (or intimidate) the leaders of nearly all the major countries on the planet.
Enough money to propagate the Covid lie through the media they control (almost the entirety of the western world) and control of a critical threshold of the Health Ministers and chief medical officers in these countries – all on the payroll or beholden to the perpetrators.
Only the Zio-cabal could’ve done it.
No other group has the wherewithal.
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
“The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.”
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
Judah married a Canaanite woman and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods – Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
Judah also began a pure blood line, Judah/Tamar [ Gen. 38:14-19 ] which line ended with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Yes its not just the secret societies that have been subjugating democracy and national sovereignty policy. Churches are also supplanting the democratic principles
The 100 Year-Old Duping of American Evangelical Christianity – Christian Zionism (Another good evidential article)
The followers of Christ have been fooled into believing the Bible teaches something it does not teach: Christian support of Israel.
Israel is, in fact: antichrist, because Israel denies both the Father and the Son.
“Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist–he denies the Father and the Son.”
(1 John 2:22).
It’s no coincidence that the rise of Zionism, that is: the impulse of the Jews to seek a homeland for themselves, began not long before the Scofield Reference Bible was published. In the late 1800’s, England is where Zionism first found political support. England was already awash with the erroneous “Christian” doctrine of British-Israelism, wherein the British Christians were taught that they were one of the lost tribes of Israel; therefore they should support the Zionist Jews venture to create a Jewish state: Israel.
Fast forward 100 years and we find that American Evangelical Christians have, long ago, been fooled into believing they should support Jewish Zionism, because they mistakenly believe the Bible teaches this, and that God will curse them and America if they/we don’t. Thus we have never-ending support from the American Evangelical Christian Right for endless wars on behalf of Israel.
This duping of American Evangelical Christians is mostly due to the fact that the Scofield Reference Bible and its footnotes, which explains the biblical text in a way that convinces its unsuspecting readers to support Zionist Jews. Its complimentary theology: Dispensationalism, has been instrumental in influencing American Evangelical Christians to support Israel, because the theology of Dispensationalism has been pervasive throughout virtually every American Evangelical Bible school and theological seminary for the past 100 years.
This erroneous doctrine, Dispensationalism, has resulted in the Judaizing of American Evangelical Christianity and has been successful in converting Evangelical Christian Americans into Christian Zionists, who are not following the teachings of Jesus Christ, the New Testament, or traditional orthodox Christianity at all. In fact, these millions of well-meaning people have adopted a false theology, based upon a twisting of and a re-interpretation of the Scriptures and have become a part of America’s largest and most influential non-Christian, even anti-Christian, cult: Judeo-Christianity.
Judaizing The US Church (Abstract click on link for full article)
Evangelical Christians’ support of Israel is essential to the Jewish state. The powerful Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations even publicly supports Rev. John Hagee-Israel-firster extraordinaire; they recently wrote the NY Times to defend him as Israel’s “true friend”. Binyamin Netanyahu-Israel’s ninth prime minister, an extremist who resigned as finance minister in 2005 to protest withdrawal from Gaza-said Christian Zionists are Israel’s best friends in the world! In a recent poll, a whopping 82 percent of evangelicals agreed that Christians are morally obligated to support the Jewish state. In his New Testament letters, the apostle Paul repelled attempts by Jews to impose on the early church the rites and legalisms of Old Testament law. He furiously rebuked the apostle Peter for bending to Judaizing influences; he said Peter “stood condemned.” (Gal. 2:11) As evangelicals today fall even deeper into this unbiblical love affair, they are increasingly eager to participate in Jewish rites, own Jewish trinkets, and learn about Jewish culture.
Who is really damaged by this Christian appropriation? Jews are not becoming more Christian. Christians are becoming more Jewish! Jews are not donating money for Christian evangelism or even allowing it in their country)! It is Christians who finance a religion dedicated to opposing their own. And their gift of millions of dollars to Israel is flatly contrary to Scripture. Christians are instructed to give their tithes and offerings to the “household of faith,” i.e., many Christian charities and relief organizations that help further the gospel message. (Gal. 6:10) Judaism and the state of Israel are emphatically not of the household of faith. Israel’s “anti-missionary law” mandates a five-year prison sentence for any evangelical who gives to an Israeli a “material inducement” (Bible tract or even a cup of coffee) that might help persuade him to become a Christian!
Christianity Today should be debating the Alabama Passover, not the Jewish Forward. Christian pastors should speak up about the Talmud’s anti-Christ vitriol, persecution of Christians by Israel, oppression of Christian evangelism by Jews in Israel and the US-and gravely warn against the Judaization of the American church. We should be asking, “Is this good for the church?” as the Forward and others constantly debate what is good for the Jews. But we don’t. These debates never happen.
Budget :
Social distancing to continue for two more years. No foreign air travel unless vaccinated.
This is on topic. It’s from The Imperial Animal (1970), by Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox, a very influential book that predated the science of sociobiology:
“Most of the world’s chicken population lives in batteries – in highly mechanized assembly lines in which the sole concern is for the production of eggs and edible chickens. The creatures are bred to suit some market need – for more breast meat, smaller beaks and legs, faster laying cycles… The unfortunate animals remain chickens, of course, but their behavior is not chicken behavior.” (p 237)
That caused me to peruse Fox’s bio on Wikipedia. I see that so many of the intellectual controversies of the 1980 era got solved. I mean we won. Isn’t that nice. Devoted effort does not always end in defeat. Nowadays I expect only defeat. Rupert Murdoch wins the match every time. Dee and I are on the chicken assembly line. (Sorry, Dee.)
The title puts this directly on topic.
How A Secret Society Created The Federal Reserve At Jekyll Island – with G. Edward Griffin
and G. Edward Griffin is never off topic anyway. Even if you have heard this before it is worth a listen because I still could not articulate a session on this topic.
(Did the Titanic really strike an iceberg?)
I started watching the first part of the G Edward Griffin video above and only got around to watching the remainder this afternoon.
I never tire of listening to his pearls of insight.
Around the 49 min mark he speaks about the book titled ‘Economics in One Lesson’ by Henry Hazlitt.
It’s a book I read many years ago and I recommend it to the layman – easy to absorb and not burdened with technical jargon.
And, when challenged to the word association test at the end, Griffin responded to the word ‘Trump’ with ‘puppet’.
Coming from Griffin, that speaks volumes.
COVID Taught Us: We Have No Human Rights
The COVID hoax has taught us that our government and MSM represent the
Illuminati — a satanic cult led by the world banking cartel –that regards
humanity as redundant.
Sorry, sorry, Mary goofed. That one I just wrote came in as # 100,008. It will take Dee a while to find out who won the cake. It’s probably not the 7th comment above mine as they come flying in to old articles higgeldy piggeldy.
Also Dee thinks we better be honest and say the 100,000 are not entirely the wit and wisdom of our magnificent crew. Some were spam that u never saw cuz the machine deleted them.
EXPOSED: How British Intelligence Manipulated Julian Assange Trial
October 8, 2020
Investigative journalists Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis of Declassified UK have extensively studied numerous aspects of the Julian Assange extradition hearing revealing the legal irregularities and conflicts of interest in the case. The reports expose how British Intelligence manipulated Julian Assange trial.
The Secret History Of How British Intelligence Created Amnesty International
Please note that the US Supreme Court is the Highest United Nations Competent National [military] tribunal. They are NOT US based, the US Supreme Court is UN based. All courts globally have been converted into UN Competent National [military] tribunals. See the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Here is what happened, the UN converted all US Citizens into UN Nationals in 1947. There is only one global citizenship. Paris Peace Treaty of 1947 – Article 78, also see the Law of Peace, Vol 1, Dept of Army 1979. The Nazis were found to be abusing “justice” and so “justice” was outlawed internationally by individual nations. UN Competent National [military] tribunals were its remedy and replacement.
the US manages the property of the US on behalf of the UN. the US is only a wing/branch/person of the UN. All People are all UN Nationals, and then justice we get are UN Military Tribunals.
The UN does not bring peace, they manage the belligerency of member-states, so as to wage war against humanity. The Allies won the right to global domination after all.
A Chronology of the UN
The Revolutionary Steps to Global Tyranny
and the radical minds behind the New World Order
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 🙂 Here is a pretty well documented piece by Anna Von Reitz
Here Are the Smoking Guns, Mr. Trump…
Here Are the Smoking Guns, Mr. Trump….By Anna Von ReitzWell, folks, for all those who have pooh-poohed what I have been teaching about jurisdiction and the fact that the American People have been bamboozled and mistreated by their own employees— the members of Congress and the military— we now have the definitive proof in their own words: Pamphlet 27-161-1 from the War Department/Department of the Army.https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/law-of-peace_Vol-1.pdfOr on Anna’s website:http://annavonreitz.com/lawofpeace1.pdfThis “little” document, only 232 pages, was supposed to be widely distributed to the public and to the court system back in 1959 — and wasn’t. Please notice the title, “The Law of Peace”.This is what the dirty bastards have owed to the American states and people since 1860 and what they have deliberately withheld on false pretenses so that they could justify creating “public trusts” in our names and then raping and pillaging those public trusts.It’s not just the filthy crooked Congress. It’s the filthy crooked military leadership as well. This has not taken place in a vacuum. They knew what they owed us. They knew what they were supposed to be doing. And here is the proof— published and in their own words, with their own document numbers.Again–https://www.loc.gov/rr/frd/Military_Law/pdf/law-of-peace_Vol-1.pdfhttp://annavonreitz.com/lawofpeace1.pdfRead it and weep