by James O’Neill*
In recent weeks the world’s attention has been focused upon the current outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. There has been a dramatic closing down of vast areas of normal commercial and social life. The economic impact in several countries has been devastation, not least because of the measures introduced to contain the virus. Countries such as Sweden, which have endeavoured to maintain a degree of normalcy, while still advocating sensible precautions, have been vilified.
When one looks at the actual figures however, which show that the death rate is actually less than 1% of those contracting the disease, and not greatly outside, if at all, the death rate from previous pandemics or even the ordinary annual influenza morbidity and mortality figures, it raises some important questions.
Is the “cure”, in this case the wholesale closing down of vast areas of ordinary everyday human activity, commensurate with the risk? Even more importantly, is there another agenda in operation here, obscured by dramatic stories of wholesale closure of schools, millions with their ordinary lives disrupted, and sanctions being applied to ordinary people trying to maintain a semblance of ordinary life.
That there might be another agenda at play may seem an odd question in an influenza outbreak, but perhaps not so odd when one looks at a number of factors. First, one should look at the actual deaths. At the time of writing barely more than a quarter of one million deaths worldwide had occurred, with the vast majority of infected persons recovering.
By way of a simple comparison, the 1919 influenza outbreak killed a minimum of 50 million people and possibly as many is 100 million (Laura Spinney Pale Rider 2018). Although the current epidemic has yet to run its course, it is highly unlikely that the current deaths will come even remotely close to that mortality rate.
The other significant point that makes this epidemic quite unlike all previous ones is that an extraordinary amount of effort has been put into apportioning blame by the United States and its loyal acolytes. To a complete absence of surprise, the United States media and its echo chambers around the world have focused on China.
It is correct that earlier this year there were some facts that suggested that the city of Wuhan was the starting point of the virus. Blame was variously allocated to a Wuhan research facility or the city’s open market, or some other unspecified but vaguely sinister source. Even as fresh evidence has gradually emerged casting serious doubts on these various allegations, they have persisted in western mainstream media outlets and from various politicians.
This was the first real clue that this was not just a viral outbreak but in fact carried wider geopolitical connotations. Further evidence has reinforced these suspicions. For example, the virus is not a singular entity but has at least three different variations, being predominant in different parts of the world at the same time.
This raises a number of questions, but perhaps the most important point in this context is that the western mainstream media totally ignores the fact of the disease’s variability, not least, one suspects, because it does not fit the “blame China” predominant thesis of those media.
There are increasing clues that the Chinese themselves are adopting a harder response to the western accusations. In March of this year a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman suggested that the virus had been brought to China in October 2019 by the United States military team attending the city for the World Military Games. He was implicitly drawing a distinction between where (one version) of the virus had been
identified and its actual origin. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that argument received scant coverage, if at all, in the western media, but it has been supported from some unexpected sources. One of those was Robert Redfield, a director of the United States Centre for Disease Control who acknowledged that some early (2019) “flu victims” were found on subsequent post-mortem examination to have in fact died from COVID-19.
Unsurprisingly, that admission received scant coverage in the western mainstream media. It may just be an unlikely coincidence, but the relentless “blame China” propaganda emanating from, inter alia, United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo coincides with a number of significant economic and geopolitical developments.
One of these was the publication by the International Monetary Fund in March 2020 of statistical data acknowledging that on real economic measurements, not the misleading gross domestic product version, the Chinese economy was in fact nearly one third greater than that of the United States.
A second factor was that the Chinese government has explicitly acknowledged that the United States is in fact waging an economic war on China. This has taken a variety of forms. There is the punitive measures by the United States that were placed on Chinese imports, accompanied by a constant verbal barrage from the United States administration about “unfair” Chinese economic practices.
Another indicator are the explicitly voiced threats that the United States could confiscate the more than $1 trillion held by the Chinese government in United States financial instruments. A variation on this are equally explicit threats that the United States will simply cancel its Chinese debt. It is difficult to overstate the catastrophic consequences of such an action by the United States government. It would however, have the immediate consequence of destroying the role of the United States dollar as the world’s principal reserve currency. No government in its right mind would ever entrust a single dollar into the care of the Americans, knowing it could be confiscated at any time.
Nor is this an idle threat. The United States has done precisely that with the foreign exchange holdings in United States dollars of the Venezuelan government. This was a step taken by the United States as part of its economic warfare on Venezuela.
The Chinese government is of course acutely aware of this economic warfare and has taken, and is taking, multiple steps to protect its interests and that of its economic and political allies. One of its foremost counter weapons is the Belt and Road Initiative, first launched by China’s president Xi in 2013 and now embracing more than 150 countries. That does not include either Australia or the United states, although in the former’s case China is by far its biggest trading partner, as well as its largest source both of foreign students and tourists.
Notwithstanding the coronavirus pandemic, China’s trade with its BRI partners group by more than 3% in the first quarter of this year, and although the second quarter is expected to show some slowing of that rate, it is expected to accelerate again in the third and fourth quarters of this year.
Nobody should be under any illusions about what is happening. The reaction of the United States and some of its allies, including Australia, has been a rejection of the BRI. It has gone beyond that. Pepe Escobar(www.asiatimes.com 7 May 2020) correctly in my view describes the American reaction as “full spectrum hybrid warfare by Washington on every front – geoeconomic, cybernetic, biological, psychological.”
There are multiple manifestations of the United States hostility to China’s game changing economic transformation of it and its partners, not least Russia and huge areas of what the west is pleased to call the “developing world.”
That American reaction includes establishing multiple military and bio-warfare bases on Russia and China’s borders. The United States is unwilling to concede its days is the world’s dominant economic and political power are long past. Their reaction to that dethroning contains the greatest threat to the world, not an ephemeral virus being used by the Americans as a weapon in their desperate attempt to reclaim a lost prominence.
Barrister at law and geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at joneill@qldbar.asn.au
Woollies house of worship, absolutely packed this morning. No social distancing visible. Business is booming for the hypocritical corporate/communist mega barns.
They are frantically trying to get themselves onto the Amazon model
Free speech for car horns
And speaking of Statistical Nonsense
COVID 19: UK Mired in Statistical Nonsense – Iain Davis (21st Century Wire)
Let me digress to illustrate the new curriculum of Corona maths
James mentions the widely accepted figure 1% as the death rate of those contracting the disease.
Let us assume:
• Population= 1 million
• Tested = 10,000
• Positive= 1,000
• Deaths = 100
Deaths as a percentage of positive tested = 100/1,000 = 10%
Deaths as a percentage of total tested = 100/10,000 = 1%
Deaths as a percentage of total population = 100/1,000,000 = 0.01%
What the government and media wants you to believe is that 10% of the people are dying or will die if we don’t enforce mandatory vaccination (eg, the disgraced Ferguson model).
The fact is that it doesn’t matter whether the rest of the population (1 million) test positive or negative – there are still only 100 deaths. Testing is not going to ‘generate’ more deaths. Testing is only going to reduce the statistical percentage of total tested and so is to be avoided or wrapped up (obfuscated) in other narratives.
So the actual proportion of deaths to population remains 0.01% (extreme upper limit).
One way to keep the death rates up is to fabricate the actual deaths by waiting for (or hastening) the deaths of people already sick in hospices and aged care facilities in an end of life palliative state. But first we need to isolate (I mean quarantine) them so that they can’t have family visitors to see what is being done to them. Once they are told that their family have abandoned them they probably just want to die anyway. Such collateral deaths are good (for the statistics), right?
We have two more key variables:
• The reliability of the tests
• The accuracy of the cause of death
We already know form published data that that figure of 100 deaths is grossly exaggerated and indeed fabricated by criminally enforced misreporting of deaths related primarily to ANY other comorbidity. The facts from Italy have already proven that of every 100 deaths, only ONE SINGLE death can legitimately be attributed to some mystery virus called COVID-19 (i.e. 99% of reported COVID deaths had serious other life-threatening comorbidities – this is published). People with such comorbidities are dying from the common cold, or anything else that tips them over the edge with a respiratory illness given their already severely deranged immune system.
So, the final figure for COVID risk is more like 0.0001% (1:1,000,000) – not even 100:1,000,000)
The more they test, the more ‘COVID deaths’ they will have to fabricate to keep their numbers up to maintain the hysteria and hence the lockdown – which in turn will provide justification to mandate that EVERYONE (all SEVEN BILLION) be injected with the Bill [Angel of Death] Gates’ ‘vaccine’ which in turn will only then be ‘efficiently’ administered via a nano-chip for digital monitoring – for everyone’s ‘safety’.
Somebody (or group) is going to get very, very rich while everybody else (most of the 7 Billion are going to get very, very sick – at best.)
Funeral Directors in COVID-19 Epicenter Doubt Legitimacy of Deaths Attributed to Pandemic
– Project Veritas
Just adding to this time capsule
UPMC [University of Pittsburgh Medical Center] doctor argues COVID-19 not as deadly as feared, says its hospitals will shift back to normal
Further explanation of corona maths and more
What It’s Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You
On the issue of a broader agenda, here is a 40 minute video by ‘Polly’ on her research of the connections between various parties concerning this plandemic. The video clips and visuals she uses really help to illustrate the connections.
It appears to me that things will get back to normal after we have a whole bunch of lynchings.
Terry, any more room in the lynching party? There are plenty more parasites that need the same treatment.
It seems that there are far more parasites in this world than there are workers.
Terry, How does one apply for the job of “lyncher”. Any special training required? I could get seriously motivated to re-enter the workforce if any job openings came up!
The “coming great depression” has been widely tipped by many, nobody less than Harry Dent, and the virus is being used as a cover for this great swindle. Plenty of people this year will suicide due to debt problems etc and meanwhile our lying politicians and lying MSM and lying medical-industrial complex are counting deaths in nursing homes as if that was a real statistic, it is 100% phoney, everyone in nursing homes is intended to die there, after they have paid the maximum possible rent, then they get a new client in, that’s the business model.
Now on the US confiscating $1T from China, you omitted to mention their excuse is that Chairman Mao defaulted on some debt during his takeover, it would be more useful to find out what this debt was, maybe converted into some useful commodity such as labour hours etc. instead of some of the meaningless official comparisons. If the US loaned Mao money when average Chinese were working for less than $1 per week (which they probably were in the 1950’s), then $1T would not amount to so much now, especially compounded. As far as I can see this confiscation might be a legitimate reparation, so I wouldn’t make the claim that it will bring down USD hegemony all by itself.
My guess is, put the Chinese and US military against each other tomorrow and “China” will be gone in less than a week. That’s partly why everyone is going asymmetric nowadays. Computer virus, human virus, grey slime, where will it end.
Hopefully Trump will prevail against the swamp and we may eventually have a different new world order than HW Bush intended, and start again from there.
$100,000 per year to rent a room in nursing home.
After a lifetime of blood sweat toils and tears, fleeced to the bone. Demoncracy indeed.
As more information is exposed about this plandemic, I see more and more resistance to the idea of getting a vaccine. I just saw this on an American site – “You bring your needle and I’ll bring my .45, and we’ll see who can make the bigger hole.”
Vintage Shulze
A 0.45! Phhhpht….just a pussy cat ……….fidieldy DEE.
Dee will take her double barrel sawn off shotgun!
Nedski, you might want to tell us what video to watch. I like to see Dee doing her best.
Dee knows how to make a cup of coffee and does what was best.
Speaking of resistance, there are several NRL players who have obviously done their research and are conscientiously refusing to be injected with the flu ‘vaccine’.
The obvious first question is what has the flu vaccine got to do with the ’COVID’ Virus ™ other than it will actually deliver the ’COVID’ Virus ™ to the recipient. How many people testing ‘positive’ have just recently been given the latest flu vaccine? – There is no way we are going to be allowed to find that statistic out.
It is sickening to here the commentary from people on a certain sports radio channel (that I wake up to) absolutely lashing into these players – commentators that I used to enjoy listening to and thought were real men of stature and integrity.
Their vitriol is like that of a spurned prostitute who is going to miss out on their commission.
They first try and minimise the number of voices against the ’vaccination’, then they try and divide them by suggesting they all different reasons for their ‘outrageously extreme’ views and then they single them out for individual personal assassination.
You can bet that none of these commentators with such strong opinions have done the slightest bit of research – there are any number of articles and compilations that have been linked here on Gumshoe. If they had viewed even ONE article by Dr Judy Mikovits, Dr Rashid Buttar or the TTAV (“The Truth About Vaccines”) series produced by Ty and Charlene Bollinger and had an ounce of critical thinking capacity and integrity, they would have to at least admit that the ‘pseudoscience’ is certainly not settled.
They then go for the jugular by stating that these players objecting to the mystery injection are holding up the game (as if they are the ones that shut it down!) and that they should be discarded from society, join the dole queue and let the game get on without them.
Why can’t the game just get on and be played like it has done for the past 100+ years without injecting [sic] this act of geopolitical extortion into the equation?
In any case, those who have been vaccinated are by definition of their belief system, completely immune to any threat from those who have chosen to take their own personal risk, right?
You have to wonder what sort of brain hormones they have been given …
Dr. Fauci, I presume?
disturbing if this video is legit – did it occur in Australia? Have our News services seen it ?https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet
Yep, on Macquarie Street in Sydney not far from the NSW Parliament. I’d like to know what the cops were arresting her for, that area is well known for protesting.
I read today that it because she wasn’t ‘in lock down’. I used to love flying back into Sydney back in the 1980s, it felt like ‘home’. Thank God I left that sh!t hole in 2007.
as only the second commenter so far to address o neill s article rather than to free associate, a common occurence at gumshoe, i would say it is strange he does not refer to the daily telgraph story showing how one named bat coronavirus researcher from china was at geelong csiro animal health lab from 2011-2014.
the fellow was doing his phD and importing bats from o neills state of queensland for research. the fellow is now at wuhan, i believe.
another named chinese reseacher on bat viruses was at geelong for some months more recently, she is also at wuhan now..
prof francis boyle, o neills fellow jurist, has alleged that the virus was weaponised partly at uni north carolina and partly at geelong..
this silence by o neill cannot be because he does not think that aust. incl. CSIRO is not a vassal of the usa, so is it because the above facts might suggest an accidental release of the virus from the wuhan lab?
Duns, thanks for trying to get some thread purity going, but every comment here has to do with the pandemic and we really do need to collect any available thoughts on that.
By the way, how could anybody think Covid is other than man-made?
i collect my tax receipts too, but i tend to put them into folders labelled by subject, aka email threads and not to pile them up in one shoebox.
Duns- yes I note you connect dots rather than get lost in rabbit warrens–I do both and get exhausted—-ah love your naming of Geelong–a Tavistock Node– established post WW2— all part of the grand plan— the great secret -Australia is not what it seems. Herein lies the answer to Mary’s question
“By the way, how could anybody think Covid is other than man-made?”
Australia is a massive laboratory and most/all people have been mind controlled, programmed and cannot “Think” our thoughts are bombarded flooded with information.
This is called flooding programming.
Wouldn’t be talking about these guys at Geelong, would we??
Dr Russell McGregor named them back in March. Looks like he was right. They disbarred him for his big mouth..
What was missed!
Now this is curious James.
dark money and exponential growth
Interesting comments about gold and silver at the end. Here’s today’s prices –
So, going back to the 1990’s when it became clear that precious metal prices were being held down (when gold was A$400-500 an ounce) and that process has continued to now where gold is A$2,600-2,700 and ounce and still being held down, where will the precious metals blow out to when the game is up?
Crikey, Kirby is already talking about a 90-100% premium on purchasing physical silver. If the price of silver is A$25 that means (if available) that the actual price is around A$45 (when you can get it). I haven’t bought silver in a long time so I wouldn’t know, perhaps someone could go to a dealer and confirm those figures (perhaps the metals dealers aren’t ‘essential’).
Anyway, this ‘plandemic’ is bringing a lot of issues into the consciousness of the masses. We have the issues of the monetary system collapsing, the food system collapsing, surveillance of the masses, forced vaccination, RF chips in our bodies, internal passports to travel – Hey! welcome to the ‘new normal’, the world is going insane.
3 Bs – Got beans? Got bullets? Got bullion?
Protect yourself, nobody else will.
The globalists “needed an excuse to create more money…”. Thus the virus is so handy.,,, never let a disaster to go to waste!
I suppose we have to pay interest to the bankers interest as well.
It is not going to work. So we may as well have a total war.
Thank God we have Minister Fredenberg as Australia’s treasurer to resolve all this,
Trust government, the banker’s whores.
I just watched bits of this video. It is from Palo Verdes, California. I used to skin dive off the coast there, lovely area – but now the people have gone over the edge. Watch what this woman goes though with the ‘sheeple’ she is confronted with – my GAWD! she won’t wear a mask. Hell, there are even people driving around in their cars with masks on.
LOL! Talk about a place that needs an enema.
James – still bashing Trump and Morrison I see, while championing a government that treats its own people as expendable items. As a barrister you should be aware that the Communist Chinese government has the highest conviction rate in its courts than any other country on this planet.
Many of those ‘convicted’ of crimes that we tend to serve a slap on the wrist to, disappear into the system and are never heard of again. Maybe you could look over Human Rights Watch or Amnesty international for more information on that?
Not to mention, the estimated one million Muslims being used as slave labor who have yet to find a voice to speak out for them.
You mention the Belt and Road Initiative as being rejected in the West, that is unless you take in the socialist states within both Australia and the United States – I would term them as treacherous states on a different course of societal values than the country they supposedly belong to.
And according to Adapt2030 website, China is now meeting with rejection from many of those African countries that were foolish enough to sign onto such a one sided ‘initiative’ with a Communist government.
The Daily Mail has an article on its site concerning the current sabre rattling in the South China Sea by China – maybe you could look that article over?
According to ‘Q’, Corona 17 was being ‘upgraded’ to become Corona 19, and to be far more potent than what we are all currently concerned with. Someone managed to ‘defang’ Corona 19 potency resulting in a low number of deaths, as you mention, and compared to what the Globalist controlled media are still pumping out with their propaganda.
Interesting too, that Wuhan was in lockdown recording many deaths, for 76 days, while the rest of China spent only 16 days in lockdown?
China flat out refused to sign a more equitable trade deal that would see America start to claw back its economy that the previous two administrations had destroyed in collaboration with China. Maybe you should avail yourself of what Trump requested of China?
So Trump slapped on those tariffs and refused to take part in any other ‘trade deals’ until the Chinese accepted his terms. A trade deal between America and China was signed into effect on January 15, 2020, that the Globalist controlled media refused to report on – maybe you could look that up as well?
I do believe you are correct in your assumption that there is another agenda in play other than the beer virus that has so far proved less lethal than what the media is still screeching about. If you note – what we are all now required to do – is waking up a lot of people who know that something is not quite right, and the things that have been done to this country since the Whitlam era, and that I have railed about for decades, is now being openly discussed by those who are in positions to actually so something about it.
Thanks for mentioning Judy Shelton, some solid evidence to back up that picture of Andrew Jackson which Trump liked to stand in front of, until he had made his point I guess. I can’t believe the lefties are so brainwashed, I am astonished, they swallow everything the MSM pumps at them, from “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” through to “Yes we can”. Nobody ever asked “Yes we can what? 8 years and, yes we can what?”
Bail out the merchant banks is the only possible answer. Now we hear they are printing money so fast as to buy back shares of everything with their worthless fiat currency.
I can’t think of a swindle on this scale since “Terra Nullius”.
bg – the best is yet to come. The lying media is nearly finished, especially in the U.S. so any ‘news’ will of necessity at some future point be taken from alternative sites, such as Breitbart News.
Did you know that Trump had the White House exorcised and then blessed just after he hanged that portrait of Jackson?
Says much about the previous occupants.
Back in 2008 as Obama was running for president, I did some research on his background. How so many Americans fell for his lies shocked me, but when one considers that the Deep State has been indoctrinating U.S. citizens for decades, it soon becomes obvious how so many could allow themselves to be duped.
My own perceptions of those who choose to believe what best suits their own views. rather than learning what they should know about their own surroundings, is that they are going to have a tough time over the next few years attempting to grasp reality as it comes at them like a ten pound sledge hammer.
Trump has bankrupted some companies during his time, bankrupting countries is really no different. In the end the losers will be the Banks, not the people.
Nem, you might find this clip very interesting re: Adrenochrome and the ‘rona virus antidote being tainted. As you will know, whoever “W” is, he’s been around for a long time. Focus on
1 hr 6 mins till about 1 hr 12 mins. Talking about “tainted” antidotes and adrenochrome, which was also manufactured in the P4 Wuhan Lab. Evidently, those partaking of adreno show up “like a neon light” under the right frequency of light.
Phil – thanks for that link. I listened to the whole thing, picked up a couple things as well, especially about the Chinese operations in South America and the drug running into the U.S.
And to think, that the Venezuelan dictator Maduro is over there in China hugging his ‘big brother’ – I wonder how much money from drug running Maduro is hoping to reap.
I wonder what light frequency those addicted to adrenochrome light up on? Make for easy targets at night.
Truth and his pals should listen to this link – they may learn something.
Well I’ve been scratching my head as to why, for about a month, the skies over Sydney (and Melbourne and many other cities WW) have been scanned by light, twin engine planes. Looking for something or someone “showing up like a neon light” How do you find these sickos hiding in plain sight? Scan for them?? Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Conclusive prove of their misdeeds without having to “catch them in the act”. Just a theory but I think it has legs….
Phil – indeed! And I think your theory may have very long legs! Just another aspect to this ‘controlled’ lockdown? A lockdown that China managed to shake off after just 16 days – not including Wuhan.- that was locked down for 76 days?
The original source of that bug confirmed?
One could do a lot worse than to heed the advice of Terry Shulze .
Some pearls there .
If there are 3 or 4 strains and one of them is weaponised then we need new names, such as sars-cov-2, 3, 4 & 5, someone has to work out which ones are going where and doing what, maybe some of them are benign so as to enhance immunity to others, well, it’s a feeding frenzy for the vested interests so you’d think someone would have come up with something useful by now.
Now for Scotty’s Weimar Republic responses, has anyone worked out where the Australian economy will be a year from now? or is it far simpler, just “stuffed”.
Hello bg, I don’t think they are at all interested in analysing anything that would ’enhance immunity to others’/for anyone. I encourage all to view the Amazing Polly video posted by Terry – “The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket”. It is also on Bitchute in case it disappears from yewtube.
The Jewish Weimar Republic – that’s exactly what I thought of when I saw the following headline/article
True US Unemployment Rate Is Now 25-34% — Chicago Fed. At Least 40 Milllion Americans Jobless
Isn’t that almost exactly what the Jewish Weimar Republic inflicted on the German people in the 1920s and early 1930s – 30+% unemployment?
All Germany did under Hitler was to wrest this disastrous financial control away from the powerful Jewish mega-capitalists (who by the way had invented communism to keep the ignorant masses agitated and misguided). Oh how the World was fooled!
See that short summary “HOW_THE_WORLD_WAS_FOOLED” on Bitchute.
As to Morrison’s uncanny fiscal prescience. Does anyone recall when Australia’s deficit had skyrocketed to some $20 Billion or so (I recall) and in 2016 Treasurer Morrison was warning of it reaching $ONE TRILLION?
Where did he pluck that figure from? What had he been briefed on?
For example
Julius – regard the Weimar Republic you didn’t mention the galloping inflation. We have avoided that problem, so our ‘economy’ should bounce back when allowed to, or if enough people get pissed off, when it is forced to.
“when allowed to” – does this mean the local council will stop going about shutting down efforts at free enterprise?
bg – the Great Awakening has to run its course before those who are still sheep begin to see how deep totalitarianism has become embedded as a normal practise in all of our governments. and that control our daily lives.
‘ bg ‘ , regarding your ‘guess’ that the U.S would dispose of China within a week , that guess may need some revision .
I assume you’re referring to a battle with conventional weaponry ? ( seeing as a nuclear confrontation would be Armageddon for both sides ) .
Well, this is more or less verbatim what Paul Craig Roberts first said many years ago , after U.S forces had been in Afghanistan for more than a decade :
‘ The United States military have not been able to defeat a FEW THOUSAND LIGHTLY ARMED TALIBAN , what hope would they have in a confrontation with the Russians ? ‘ .
This was said at the time of the Ukraine / Crimea flare ups (with the potential to escalate into a NATO / Russia skirmish ) , when the Taliban controlled a significant proportion of the land mass of Afghanistan after 12 – 13 years of fighting .
Today, fast approaching 19 years of U.S ‘partial’ occupation , the Taliban control well over half the territory of that country.
Forget about the high tech weaponry & undoubted complete U.S air-superiority , on the ground in hand to hand fighting , the morale of the U.S ground forces is SHOT TO BITS .
The Yanks would probably make a meal of the annexation of Pitcairn Island ( much like the worthless Israeli ground forces that capitulated to chronically outgunned & under-resourced Hezbollah Freedom Fighters in southern Lebanon in 2006 ) .
‘ bg ‘ , don’t read too much into the trillions U.S spends each year on military expenditure ( equal to the next 10 countries combined) .
The money is ‘ spent ‘ on over-priced , underperforming & defective weaponry ( hello F35 Lightning fighter aircraft – the most expensive single weapons project in history ).
The Russians & Chinese are producing equivalent or even better weaponry for a FRACTION of the cost.
Most of the money ‘spent’ on the U.S military goes into the pockets of the Zio-owned defence contractors and / or into subsidised weaponry sold to the IDF at cents on the dollar .
Yes I am aware of the great Paul Craig Roberts’ views that Russia will beat the US but he is also a fan of Reaganomics and has his own axes to grind. War with Russia would surely end in m.a.d., if we can believe anything.
I think you underestimate the US military, I don’t think all-out war with China would end in m.a.d., I don’t think the Chinese are quite there yet. But they are no doubt doing their best. I think the only reason anyone would underestimate the US military is if they had some axe to grind.
ps. Afghanistan is not a military operation, it is an opium producing operation, the taliban is simply the old mafia, the US army is used by the new mafia, how else can they make it pay ???
Once again a balanced & objective article from James O’Neill .
When is Australia going to wake up , do the right thing & sign up for the Belt & Road Initiative ?
In addition to that, we should join the BRICS group of nations & the acronym would then ecome BARICS or perhaps SCRIBA ?
With that done , we could SCRIBA out our signature from any ANZUS treaty obligations & align ourselves with more honourable , less genocidal trading partners that have a significantly BETTER record on Human Rights * .
The U.S has incarcerated more of its citizens than the rest of the world combined.
The U.S has more incidences of MEN raped ** each year than women being raped – the ONLY country in the world that can claim this less than flattering statistic .
( ** Men raped by other men in gaols ) .
“Once again a balanced & objective article from James O’Neill .”
Quoted for the TRUTH!
“When is Australia going to wake up , do the right thing & sign up for the Belt & Road Initiative ?”
Answer: When China is freed from their totalitarian crony- communist regime and the criminals running China are brought to heel and when Australia finally exposes the psychos running crony-capitalist Australia into the ground since the 70’s starting with the Lima Declaration (Don Willisee). Not much point helping the criminal on both sides get richer and enslave us further…
Of course, Human Rights abuses take many forms – some visible , some not so transparent .
Factor in the other abuses Americans have been subjected to – most of which , coincidentally , started to increase exponentially since LBJ announced his ‘ War on Poverty ‘ :
ONE : 63 % of Americans don’t have $ 500 saved in case of an emergency .
Successive lootings of the average American battler by the Rothschild mafia banking cartel ( aka the Federal Reserve ) via their engineered financial & economic crises , has impoverished large swathes of a once proud people .
TWO : The number of wars fought by the U.S since WWII ( many on behalf of Israeli hegemonic interests ) , have yielded a number fast approaching 100,000 dead & perhaps ten times that number maimed or physically afflicted ( think Agent Orange , radiation exposure from nuclear testing , Gulf War Syndrome – soldiers vaccinated with a cocktail of toxins that were said to protect them in the event of an Iraqi chemical weapons attack when , in actuality , they were allegedly used as guinea pigs for experimentation by Big Pharma ) .
Add to those figures above the countless millions of U.S vets that served in these theatres of war that returned physically intact but have since been PTSD’ ed – many of whom have been suiciding by the truckload :
That’s no typo.
TWENTY TWO (22) veterans of these POINTLESS WARS kill themselves EVERY DAY in the U.S .
That’s over 8000 a year .
So, those of you with an axe to grind , don't talk to me about Human Rights Abuses of China or anywhere else ( especially nonsense like China is throwing political agitators ALIVE into incinerators - without even an infinitisemal sliver of EVIDENCE to back it up )
The U.S is BY FAR the largest Human Rights Abuser the world has ever seen .
“The U.S is BY FAR the largest Human Rights Abuser the world has ever seen .”
its what they, ( we ) do…
good at starting fights… not so much at winning any….
i was going to post another link – and when i searched the interwebs for “USA hasnt won a war since”
there were too many options to choose from…
you asked the wrong question.
Rather than ‘…….USA has not won a war since…”, you should have asked; ‘how many wars have the bankers have won’?
Answer: ALL OF THEM.
Just search the history.
I stand corrected – thanks Ned
Now listen to the X22 report at 4.24 above and the interview with Mr Rob Kirby posted by Dee.
Awoken? (Incl: James et.al.)
I understand, the real profits are not in “winning” wars… but by the perpetuation of them.
being the worlds so called super power – and far be it for me to “underestimate the US military” – the fact that the bankers profit.. does not excuse their, and our, immoral mendacious criminality.
something about stones and glass houses… or .. some here might appreciate… those without sin.. casting stones… something something… ???
as all wars are bankers wars – no argument from me there –
if china decided they wanted to take australia tomorrow.. well.. theres really nothing we could do to stop them. is there?
we could ask USA for help.. would they come? would it be any benefit?
so if i signed up to put on a tin hat… for the country, and to defeat the commies.. ( asif )
would my usless contribution of my death, or a debit on the bankers ledger, ( if they ever bothered to do body counts ) confirm my idiocy? or would i be vaguely remembered in a hundred years as a brave hero?
how much $$$ do we waste on our defence every year, when in reality, we couldnt defend ourselves for 15 minutes…
we have how many yanks in darwin at the moment? – that we are paying for? – that cash would be better spent buying flowers for china….
if there is a nuke aimed at adelaide./.. aint no stopping it. be over before it began.
China and the US would have problem but hey, let’s talk; as they did dividing up Europe.
You can have Queensland to NSW Byron Bay, you can have Western Australia, you can have the Northern territory, you can share Tasmania and the whities and indigenous can have NSW down from Byron Bay, with Victoria included.
Sorry, no one wants Sth Australia or the ACT, but we have all the banks on the continent headquartered with our old friends in protected Canberra under UN peacekeeping provisions.
Of course that would be only the ‘peace’ deal after everyone is in hock to the banks after decimation of the continent to enable room for the conquistadors to place slaves to finance the debt.
simples! Think India and Pakistan!
Sorry, forgot Tasmania, Russia can have that and at least James would feel at home where he is.
As to human rights abuses, ask the Falun Gong about organ harvesting or the Yuighur about “detention and re-education camps”…..
Phil – they won’t go there – too much info for them that would mean they would have to re-evaluate their thinking.
But, a big shock is coming their way that will force them to change or go under.
Communism is Talmudism. Unless this totalitarian dictatorship, disguised as artificial insanity, is rejected and extinguished by our majority, a dark and utterly dismal future is planned for surviving slaves.
Flickering screens are sliding us down to the depths of conflict depravity fear uncertainty and the continuing unnecessary murders of innocent people.
Our senses are stupefied by constant distractions and perversions of satanists controlling this cyber surveillance state worldwide.
Unless He comes there is no hope for our children.
The only way this can happen is that we pray in His Holy Name. Isus Krist King of kings in all time.
Born in a manger, poor and pure, crucified for no reason other than speaking truth. With His Truth we must be reborn. There is no other way back to reality.
Here’s a video on the food shortages beginning in the U.S. during this Grand Solar Minimum and the supply chain collapse. The recent Polar Vortex and where it is hitting, both in the U.S. and Europe. – Got beans?
Right from the start it was very obvious that there was a good deal more to the shortages of staples such as rice and wheat(pasta) than so-called “panic buying”.
Considering the fact that both are produced in abundance within Aus we should be swimming in the stuff
In my view the climate debacle really is a non-issue in the scheme of things: No country, family or individual can claim to be food-sufficient if nothing gets set aside for potential crop failure and bad years.Like it or not both are inevitable and historical records prove that’s always been the case
berry – this country has suffered huge wheat and rice losses over the past four seasons to the point that we have had to import feed grain over that time, and wheat for the first time last year, just to keep up demand.
World wide food production is becoming a problem that can only be addressed when governments get on board with promoting more suitable growing areas that are less prone to severe weather conditions than has been occurring and will gradually become worse for decades to come.
Great links Terry – much appreciated
Meanwhile, I mentioned the 4-minute introductory video ‘How the World Was Fooled’ which can be found on Bitchute. This gives an outline of how WWII was declared (in 1933).
I had been meaning to get around to elaborating. Some may recognise the voice of Benjamin H Freedman, a former Jew. The 4-minute segment is an excerpt from his 34-minute speech given at the Willard Hotel in Washington in 1961 titled “The Zionist Power in USA” and also published under the title “The Hidden Tyranny”.
Here are links to the speech audio and the transcript:
*Audio: *
Transcript (just click the download link to get the zip file)
“former jew” …
had to download it just for that! glad i did.
the toothless UN has been a little lazy lately
The Rotschilds’ perspective would probably be, “I just gave them all credit for guns and bullets, and then they all started shooting each other”. I think there is too much looking for black and white, good and bad in some of these freelance analyses. All the different entities are like vultures or hyenas, they are in it for whatever they can get. You can’t unscramble an egg, and this is a very big omelet.
Now a plug for Mr Trump as the weekend draws to a close. What a comparison with the stupefying Obama years, where Obama would read his lines off the left teleprompter, then turn his face and read off the right teleprompter, this went on for nearly a decade. God knows why anyone is still infatuated with the guy, he could have been dead and done the same job, with wires attached to his head.
What is the dirt on Trump, he fired some missiles into a sand dune, he made some insensitive remark, he is “orange”. He keeps us informed in almost real time. He gave JA a plug. He shuts down wars. He hates the Bushs and they hate him. He tries to rebuild the US economy. He says we spent trillions in the middle east and we can’t fix the roads. He shut the airports and the lying MSM called him a racist. The democrat governors own the good news and Trump owns the bad news – according to the lying MSM. Which is owned by … ? Well I think they say Chelsea Clinton is on all the boards.
Come on you kids, snap out of it.
‘ bg ‘ , you wrote that Trump tries to rebuild the US economy.
Really ?
With Trump running huge budget deficits ( deficits beyond the imaginations of the biggest spending Democrats in the history of the Republic ), deficits that add a CRUSHING DEBT BURDEN to future generations , THIS you call ‘ rebuilding ‘ ?
These same deficits are funded by BORROWINGS from the Rothschild mafia banking cartel which further ensures future generations will be under the thumb in INDENTURED SERVITUDE to the Zio-cabal .
‘ bg ‘ , what Orwellian logic are you applying here to come up with this bizarre conclusion ?
Anyway, you asked what is the dirt on Trump ?
Try this for starters :
‘ bg ‘ , you write that Trump gave JA a plug .
Really ?
Julian Assange spends up to 23 hours a day in solitary confinement in Belmarsh Prison ( worse treatment than serial killers get ), & this you call ‘ a plug ‘ ?
After all that Julian & Wikileaks did for Trump ( as Trump admits in the video below ), Trump does this to him :
This is what I call a back-stabbing ungrateful _ _ _ T . ( The second word rhymes with Greg Hunt ).
Obviously ‘ bg ‘ you meant the verb tense format which means ‘ to shoot someone with a gun ‘ .
Example : Sure , boss , we plugged the guy ( full of lead ) .
Yes , Trump surely did that to Julian . You’re spot on there ‘ bg ‘ .
‘ bg ‘ you write that Trump shuts down wars ?
What ?
Surely you’re referring to another Trump ? It can’t be Donald J. Trump ( the Orang-U-Tan ).
Fish posted a comment in Gumshoe the other day from an article that had these couple of paragraphs :
“ I [Trump] have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea,” US President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday in a startling threat that could trigger a catastrophic war throughout the Middle East and beyond.
The threat to launch a war 7,000 miles from US shores in the midst of coronavirus pandemic, whose death toll in the US is rapidly approaching 50,000, comes on the heels of Trump’s Monday night tweet announcing a suspension of all immigration into the United States, a transparent attempt to scapegoat immigrants for the ravages of the pandemic and the layoffs of tens of millions of workers.
Even as Trump issued his tweet, US warships were sailing toward a confrontation with China in the South China Sea. At the same time, the Pentagon was announcing a shift in its deployment of long-range, nuclear capable B-52 bombers to make their presence less predictable to Beijing and Moscow and thereby ratchet up tensions.
In recent days, the US has sharply escalated its air strikes against the impoverished African nation of Somalia, even as the coronavirus pandemic threatens to ravage its population. Escalating war threats continue against Venezuela, and the Pentagon continues to provide support for the near-genocidal Saudi-led war against the people of Yemen ” .
These are NOT the words & actions of someone shutting down wars.
These are the words of someone intent on MASSIVELY ESCALATING TENSIONS so that a pretense can be created to engage in yet another war (in the case of the Iran provocations) fought on behalf of Israel & in the case of Venezuela on behalf of Zio-owned oil multi-nationals that will be astronomically enriched by pillaging & plundering Venezuela’s oil reserves .
Troof, what is the US allegedly intending to accomplish in Somalia?
Mary , I have no concrete leads on that so can only speculate .
Possibly the same reason they had troops in Niger when this happened 2 years ago :
At the end of the day, the U.S is conducting combat operations in an untold number of countries.
Possibly working with anti-government rebels in that particular country to enact , you guessed it , REGIME CHANGE .
Because some country has a leader with an independent foreign policy & wants the income from their minerals & resources to benefit his own impoverished people.
This does not fit in with U.S Empire doctrine that stipulates that said country should be looted & pillaged for the benefit of Zio-owned NYSE listed extractive industries .
Serco is boss here. They have branches in China.
Bio weapons factories are operating in many places around the globe. Geelong and Nanchang being just a few. The global scientists share their cocktails of masonic krafts travelling between these and other locations. There is no diversity anywhere anymore, replaced by cyber we are tranceformed into robots.
Ah again Geelong gets a mention– a Tavistock Node- that I know lots about -spawned the Cult of the Family –and all that means–MKULTRA in Australia also “The Pyramid” Collapse- is of significance I think,
More threads dots -weaving the tapestry— and yes 56- the red back Serco spider in the middle
I shared these with my mum yesterday and elsewhere – so belatedly to all readers’ mothers and those who are mothers:
Mastering Chinese Poetry Episode 10: Song of the Parting Son
*“The Mother”**
When your mother has grown older,
When her dear, faithful eyes
no longer see life as they once did,
When her feet, grown tired,
No longer want to carry her as she walks –
Then lend her your arm in support,
Escort her with happy pleasure.
The hour will come when, weeping, you
Must accompany her on the final walk.
And if she asks you something,
Then give her an answer.
And if she asks again, then speak!
And if she asks yet again, respond to her,
Not impatiently, but with gentle calm.
And if she cannot understand you properly
Explain all to her happily again.
The hour will come, the bitter hour,
When she asks for nothing more.
A.H. 1923
Thanks Julius. Made my day.
Thank you Julius.
It’s bizarre that some people don’t understand the size of the gorilla that is standing over Trump.
Even a Wuhan bat could see, this is David and Goliath on the most mega scale ever.
Just this morning it is announced, the state of California (with about 50 congress members) is pushing for postal votes in November, to make it easier for ballot stuffing. The vested interests (super rich, Hollywood, illuminati types, pedophiles etc) have all piled into the Democrats bus. Greenies, gay lobby and so forth are allowed on to make up numbers, but as we saw from Obama, the democrats give all the money to the banks, not to the poor folks, the gullible who fell for “yes we can”. It happens again and again, the sheep get rounded up and go to the abattoir.
They never learn, because they are sheep.
Getting back to Geelong District post war Tavistock Node could be of interest to some
JANUARY 6 2009 – 10:15AM
The man behind Pyramid disaster back in the cash
“FORMER Pyramid investors are outraged at news that the man who cost many their life savings stands to earn $3 million in a lucrative business deal.Pyramid Building Society’s former chief executive Bill Farrow could earn up to $2.6 million from the sale of Geelong-based television production company World Wide Entertainment and an additional $600,000 as a consultant.”
Also of interest arrests
“Drugs and cars seized, eight arrested in mass police raids across Warrnambool and Hamilton”–
Jessica Howard and Monique Patterson
And this –at this time –very interesting — the role of Universities
No explanation as University of Adelaide’s two top leaders step down
By Bension Siebert
Posted 5ddays ago, updated 5ddays ago
Hamilton! Paging Rachel…
If I was Trump I would give up by now and just sell out, all the mindless yapping of clueless lefties would have worn me out, I would hand it all over to Pompeo and lefties could have the Bush NWO.
Well it’s not all bad, population reduction and so forth, I can see the upside.
Too bad about the “free press”, it’s already dead but it would be buried.
We would be left with only the state run “Pravda” (Russian for Truth).
Always an idea to be a bit wary of those who proclaim themselves as warriors for Truth.
Lefties level of intellectualism is to call Trump “orange” this or that.
I won’t start calling Obama “Black Obama” because I’m not interested in that level of discussion.
But I will say Obama sold out long before day one, and there was no other option for him.
It was all just a career move, like any gig in Hollywood.
bg, things are not always as they seem.
To learn from history should I be studying Nero or Caligula ?
Or is it even weirder than Rome.
True Mary. things are not always as they seem.
Hawaii –an interesting part of the story/narrative
‘ bg ‘ , ( Re : the size of the gorilla standing over Trump ) .
Let’s not forget that Trump is the Commander in Chief . That entails that the ENTIRETY of the U.S military is at HIS disposal .
He could round up a few generals loyal to the constitution & do the following :
ONE : Impose Martial Law ( not the type we have now where ordinary citizens are in lock down whilst the Zio-cabal miscreants jet about the world , lying on the beach in the Bahamas while we queue for toilet paper & a few grains of rice ).
He is to impose Martial Law on ALL Zio-cabal miscreants & any suspected monions & underlings , WITHDRAW THEIR PASSPORTS & attach electronic monitoring ankle-bracelets that ensure they are CONFINED TO THEIR HOMES – pending trials & their executions ( not necessarily in that order – the trials can be conducted posthumously ) .
TWO : Apprehend ALL members of Congress ( except for Rand Paul & Thomas Massie & perhaps one or two others ) , & place then into indefinite custody pending ongoing interrogations.
Those that squeal & reveal info about Zio-malfeasance can , via plea bargaining , be given reduced sentences or even immunity if they provide enough dirt on their Zio-controllers.
THREE : Take control of ALL Zio-owned media outlets ( print media , TV , radio , internet websites) & only enable them to continue functioning if replaced by REAL investigative journos that reveal ALL THE CHICANERY that went on since ( & including ) the JFK assassination .
This will be enough to generate a HUGE SWELL OF PUBLIC SUPPORT amongst the sheeple that have believed everything the MSM have been telling them for decades.
FOUR : Amongst those miscreants that will be placed under house arrest will NOT only be those that have pursued war-mongering .
Traitors involved in implementing False Flags like 9/11 will be rounded up and those in Big Pharma that have poisoned millions with vaccines – Bill & Melinda Gates for starters .
The assets of Gates / Jeff Bezos alone combine to over USD $ 200 billion.
This would be confiscated & used to remedy many of the ills of America . ( Bear in mind that $ 20 billion is ENOUGH to fix homelessness in the U.S ).
Of course the Rothschild family alone is rumoured to have TRILLIONS in assets.
Not all of that is in the U.S to be sure, but that portion that is could be confiscated pending prosecution . The remainder that is located offshore could be got at by imposition of sanctions and/or military reprisal for countries that harbour or do not disclose the assets of the Rothschilds (and other Zio-cabal families prominent in the network ).
Of course, if the U.S were to enact Martial Law in this manner, this would serve as a template for other countries where people would revolt & military coups would likely be initiated ALL OVER THE GLOBE .
So there would be NO PLACE ON EARTH where Zio-miscreants could hide their wealth.
ALL of it would be subject to forfeiture.
Trump HAS the power to do this.
He won’t. He’s GUTLESS .
Get out of the kitchen Mr Orang-U-tan because you can’t stand the heat .
The U.S ( & the WORLD ) desperately needs a real man or woman to lead them.
There was a time when we had two such men – but they killed John & Bobby Kennedy .
They also killed someone who also had the potential to be like his dad & uncle - young John John ,
Truth – a very naive and simplistic scenario that doesn’t take in just how deep the Deep State is.
The two brothers got themselves killed because they didn’t know how the Deep State operated, nor did they know who they could trust to protect them – the Secret Service has been shown to have been involved in those assassinations.
Trump has his generals – they approached him some years back to encourage his running for president. He knows he can trust them. Too, the Secret Service is secondary in protection to the Marines who protect Trump 24/7.
Marines are thoroughly vetted and rotated regularly for White House duty and personal protection.
Of course, if you had chosen to follow ‘Q’ you would have refrained from posting that comment.
Meanwhile, further proof that Zio-Josh Frydenberg has control of the levers of power here in Oz :
There are only six countries in the world not directly involved in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that have made submissions to the ICC to NOT investigate the war crimes of the Israeli’s .
It seems there’s no one with a conscience in our parliament – they gladly pocketed the few shekels offered by the cabal .
An absolute eff’n disgrace .
Truth – you do realize that the International Criminal Court is a Globalist/Deep State/U.N, Rothshild/Soros set up?
Your pal Xi thumbed his nose at the ICC a few years back when turning the Spratley Islands into a military stronghold – what makes you think the ICC doesn’t operate on its various masters agenda?