By James O’Neill*
On 17 July 2014 a Malaysian airlines flight en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down while traversing Ukrainian airspace. All 298 passengers and crew on board were killed. The vast majority of passengers on board were Dutch. Australians constituted the third-largest group (38) after Malaysia. A full-scale propaganda campaign immediately flew into action with Russia named as the principal offender, something they have repeatedly denied.
The source of the fatality was alleged to be a BUK missile, a Russian made missile imported into Ukraine for this specific purpose and immediately afterward moved back to Russia. It was not only Russian denials that raised questions about the allegations. Among many other points no one could offer a single plausible reason as to why a Russian missile would be used to shoot down a civilian airline.
As we shall see, the absence of any plausible motive was not the only flaw in the argument.
The Dutch immediately set up a team to investigate the crash. In this they were joined by Australia, Ukraine and Belgium. The Malaysians initially refused to join (they joined in November 2014).
The terms of the agreement between the four nations were the first clue as to its unreliability. It included a condition that nothing was to be published unless all four parties agreed. As Ukraine was an obvious candidate for culpability, that clause alone makes the investigation group a candidate for suspicion.
That the investigation should be open to suspicion relied upon other grounds as well. The first was the argument that a BUK missile had been the means by which the plane was brought down. This is a view consistently advanced by a British “investigator” known to have close links with British intelligence.
There are a number of reasons to seriously doubt these all too convenient causes of the planes crash. The first is that a BUK missile operates by exploding near the aircraft, sending a huge mess of material into the plane, in turn causing its destruction and crashing. The fundamental problem with this explanation for the planes demise was the absence of any evidence of such a missile being found in the recovered wreckage.
This single fact alone is sufficient to destroy the “Russians did it” theory of how MH17 reached its end. What is surprising, but also very revealing, is that this fact was known to the investigators, but it has not been allowed to temper the clearly politically motivated exercise of blaming Russia.
Australia is a party to the investigation and the actions of the Australian investigators are a vital clue as to the reality. The Australian expert team of David Ranson, a Melbourne pathologist, and Ian West, deputy coroner of the State of Victoria, wrote two reports.
Their reports clearly stated that a BUK missile is the cause of the fatality. This report was not only shown to the victim’s families, but it was also discussed with the Australian police. Both men also gave evidence on their research to the Asia and the Pacific Conference held in Melbourne on 14 November 2015.
Writing in the website www.johnhelmer.net, the only website to this writer’s knowledge to have consistently covered the whole affair right up to and including the present day, the author poses the question as to why the report has subsequently been classified. There has never been a satisfactory explanation for this event.
It is not too difficult to ascertain the reasons for suppressing the report. It does not fit the official story, which is to blame Russia for the disaster. That this is not an accident is to be clearly inferred from the fact that the report has been kept secret by three successive Prime Ministers: Abbott, Turnbull and now Morrison. That does not happen by chance.
Another major clue as to the real views of the Australian government is found in the fact that they have declined to pay out to the families of victims under the Supporting Australian Victims of Terrorism Overseas Act. That would have required the Australian government to issue a certification as to the cause of the crash which killed the victims. They have refused to do so, which is hardly consistent with the official policy of blaming Russia.
The Australian Prime Ministers are not alone in keeping the secret. A trial alleging the complicity of three Russians and one Ukrainian is winding its farcical way through the Dutch courts. All but one of the accused has declined to appear at trial.
Their reluctance to appear is well-founded. It used to be the case that one could rely on the Dutch to conduct a fair trial, at least according to some people. If that were ever the case it is not true now. The trial will undoubtably drag on. If the actual inquiry into the crash was ever held, then the trials conclusions would be as clear as the evidence actually suggests. That is, the plane was shot down by one or possibly two Ukrainian fighters observed in the area at the relevant time. These observations took place in the face of denial by the Ukrainian government that any of their planes were active that day.
That this is highly unlikely to ever eventuate is a measure of how sad the policies of blame Russia regardless of the facts has become. That Australia should lend itself to this blatant deception, having actually published the truth some years ago, is also saddening. The compliance of the mainstream media in Australia who have consistently refused to publish the truth of the matter is similarly appalling.
*Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com
Thanks James, here’s another source of information on MH-17, a book with the information. Unfortunately, this review of the book has been censored in Australia. Like WOW, if that isn’t an admission of a guilty state of mind. It is like the Australian government admitting it is all true.
Now to see if this post will be blocked by linking to the article.
Great, the post got through. I wonder how long it will take the Aussie censors to block it. Here is a line from the article –
“This review has been banned from publication in Australia. (Get the book here.)”
If the families of the Australians killed on MH-17 find out about the availability of the book, I’d bet most of them would buy a copy to find out what really happened.
I can read your link here in US, Terry, and will keep a copy. Here is the closing quote:
“In short, predictably, the Netherlands has no principles, only interests. And thus it is with the MH17 show trial. In the meantime, the victims’ families are treated as mere pawns in a brutal revamping of the Cold War, with the post-coup Ukraine dictating terms via the seemingly respectable Dutch court system.
“It is a phenomenon beneath contempt. You’ll have to read Helmer et al. because you won’t read about it in the Australian MSM.”
ADF are used as mercenaries in overseas wars of occupation. Now they are here making sure the agenda carries on regardless. Innocent victims always suffer at the whims of totalitarian kleptocracies such as Australia and Ukraine. Shooting down of civilian aircraft is a 911 event.
Deceptions must be revealed, avoiding them invites further atrocities with tragic consequences.
Look at the photo of the court at the Hague, and then look at the sky above it.
Fine eye Mary, your certainly right. I see this, almost sub thought now(so straight to fore).
I consciously move to the “lend lease” of ww2, had Oz in bed with the Netherland. NZ to.
Tez,they have the Ford bombers still on display. Cost many a meal for the food rich domicile, food poor as that was stripped from their hands(that produced).
Don’t believe MSN, we all know, NZ lil bro and staunch, they are like (us), I know Sir, just for your consideration
Such “blatant deception” is a fair indication of desperation/paralytic fear
Have just read your article, James. It’s bonzer.
Since Belgium is one of the four parties to the investigation, I place here an interview of a former slave who says the Belgian royal family is into trafficking.
Mary, what a moving video. It is great personal testimont, as to what these poor children are and have been subjected to, by these evil adults.
Off topic James but blame Mary she segued.
Wonderful testimony from a survivor of torture and mind control.
Still connecting the dots to join the networks, and expose the magnitude of all of this by supporting Shaun Atwood’s work, and those who speak out about “scandals,” and those who share their personal truths and now know who they are.
Shaun Atwood’s interview with Nick Bryant-The Franklin Scandal.
Court Destroyed Victims In Franklin Epstein Cases Nick Bryant
96 views•Jun 7, 2020
Also another interview this time the transcript of Nick Bryant. and Warwick Middleton co-presenting, ISSTD Annual Conference, New York, 2019
An Interview with Nick Bryant: Part I – The Franklin Scandal
This is the first of a two-part series in which we explore the work of a remarkable investigative journalist who has uncovered evidence of significant crimes against children.
And lastly, received today,
The Primary, 2020
There is a story that it was actually the missing 370. I read somewhere that the 1st people on site saying that the bodies where partly decomposed!
Revisited: MH17 was really MH370
………….The video at the top of this article reveals the truth in graphic detail, after viewing it, you will be left in no doubt that this was indeed MH370, complete with it’s cargo of decomposing Asian corpses. In case anything happens to the youtube version, you can also find this video at Liveleak.
‘They were dead BEFORE it crashed’ Shock claim about doomed flight MH17
FLIGHT MH17 which was shot down in the Ukraine was filled with dead bodies before the crash, it has been sensationally claimed………………..
“Ukrainian Su-25 fighter detected in close approach to MH17 before crash – Moscow,” (Important video of Russian radar findings) RT.com, July 21, 2014
“Upgraded Su-25KM Proposed by Elbit, TAM,” Defense-Update.com, August 9, 2014
The Israeli Twin
The presence of a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 in Tel Aviv, the mysterious disappearance of a second Malaysian Boeing 777 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, and the attack on yet a third Amsterdam-to-Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Boeing 777 over eastern Ukraine may be more than coincidental.
A Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, the same type that was used by MH-17 and the still-missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370, which disappeared on March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, is stored in a hangar at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. The Boeing 777 in Israel, with serial number 28416, Malaysia registration tail numb 9M-MRI, was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013. The Boeing 777 was re-registered with the United States tail number N105GT and first stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport and on November 4, 2013, was transferred to Tel Aviv, where it was last spotted in a hangar.
Biden’s Son, Kerry Family Friend Join Ukrainian Gas Producer’s Board
By Paul Sonne And James V. Grimaldi
Updated May 13, 2014 11:25 pm ET
Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings Is Controlled by Former Energy Official Under Yanukovych
Vice President Joe Biden’s son and a close friend of Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson have joined the board of a Ukrainian gas producer controlled by a former top security and energy official for deposed President Viktor Yanukovych.
The move has attracted attention given Messrs. Biden’s and Kerry’s public roles in diplomacy toward Ukraine, where the U.S. expressed support for pro-Western demonstrators who toppled Mr. Yanukovych’s Kremlin-backed government in February.
In the weeks prior to the supposed downing of Flight MH17 several European nations decided against joining Obama’s new sanctions against Russia for allegedly invading Crimea and destabilizing Eastern Ukraine. The Europeans simply weren’t convinced. The vast majority of Europeans understand that Crimea held a referendum and decided to politely bow out of the fascist neo-Nazi run Ukraine.
They also understand that Gazprom is the leading supplier of energy to Europe and without them, they would be at the mercy of the same globalist for-profit entities. So, they rejected Obama’s call for humanitarian sanctions against Russia.
Its economic warfare designed to undermine not only Putin’s place in Russia, but also Russia’s ability to lead the alternative to the IMF and World Bank – BRICS.
Israeli operated security at Amsterdams Schiphol airport.
The MH17 Tragedy and the U.S. Empire of Chaos: A Chessboard Drenched in Blood
……….Way beyond the established fact of a Ukrainian SU-25 trailing MH17, plenty of unanswered questions remain, some involving a murky security procedure at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport – where security is operated by ICTS, an Israeli company based in The Netherlands and founded by former officers from the Israeli Shin Bet intel agency. And then there is the unexplained presence of “foreign” advisors in Kiev’s control tower.
As much as Bashar al-Assad in Syria had absolutely no motive to “gas his own people” – as the hysterical narrative went at the time – the Eastern Ukraine federalists have no motive to down a civilian airliner. And as much as Washington doesn’t give a damn about the current civilian slaughter in Gaza, it doesn’t give a damn about the MH17 civilian deaths; the one and only obsession is to force Europeans to sanction Russia to death. Translation: break up Europe-Russia commercial and geopolitical integration……..
Window configuration proof that MH17 was MH370(BUAP diverted to Diego Garcia).
Field McConnell did a great expose on both “incidents”-now scrubbed
“It has also been stated that Malaysian authorities have denied reports of the plane landing at the United States military base in Diego Garcia located in the Indian Ocean, fueling even more suspicion, as the plane is said to have been heading on course towards Diego Garcia with its last listed radar contact near Silver Island.”
In November 2014 I was on a tour of Central Europe—-there were two grieving Malaysian bureaucrats/ politicians whom I befriended and three very opinionated obnoxious South African tourists– who seemed very informed and spoke loudly about “the Facts”re re the going ons and, most importantly to me, the history of Diego Garcia in the bigger scheme of things.
I kept the peace and was thanked after the 10 days by the very senior British tour guide–for the role I played– “managing the pax” -truth is stranger than fiction.
It seems to me, if a plane crashes, they come up with some reason or excuse. If another one crashes shortly after they sit up and take notice. When a Boeing plane went down in Africa not long ago nobody was too concerned, then another one went down, and Boeing was in trouble. Decided it was better to work for the MIC and get out of civilian, all the safety rubbish, give the whole lot to the Euros.
In mid 2014 or whatever,,, two Malaysia planes went down, both exploded in midair, according to early reports, disregarding all the later stories. The Malay PM was later done for embezzling some vast amount of money. The suggestion is that Malay planes were short-cutting through military zones which they should not have been doing. To me, this version is enough. It goes straight to the money, straight to the incompetence. I am happy to dismiss everything else as probably contrived.
This version doesn’t suggest who made the missile, who sold it, who bought it, who fired it, what type it was. If it was in a prohibited military zone it makes no difference.
G5 insists MH370 was shot down by the US Navy soon after ‘good night’ message. I think he said it was something about preventing technology migrating to China. I’ll ask him again
Yes over Gulf of Thailand somewhere, a wing flap was later planted on a beach in Africa or Madagascar and the ocean biologist said it would have a lot more barnacles if it had been in the sea for a year. Some journalists at the time were pretty good on this detail. Now of course we get half an hour of Diversionist Dan’s scary virus talk every news to make us give up and go away, before we even get to the bogus statistics.
G5 says it was the US Navy that shot down MH370.
USMC Lt-Col Field McConnell (the world’s premier authority on the disappearance of MH370, the one that was invited by the Malaysian government soon thereafter to provide an explanation), says it landed safely in Diego Garcia after being commandeered remotely via use of BUAP technology.
Even before G5’s recent run of dubious output, I knew who I could trust.
Field McConnell writes to the Russian Ambassador in relation to MH370 / MH17 :
Jewish imposed censorship –
“……………In Germany, a court found that German law applies even to foreigners who post content on the Web in other countries — so long as that content can be accessed by people inside Germany. In this case, the court ruled that an Australian citizen who posted Holocaust revisionist material on his Australian website could be jailed in Germany. Theoretically it would be possible for Germany to demand that this person be extradited from Australia so that he could stand trial for his crime.
Jewish organizations have been strong advocates of laws in European countries that criminalize the distribution of anti-Jewish material. For example, the ADL pressured the German government to arrest a U.S. citizen who distributed anti-Jewish materials. Gary Lauck was arrested in Denmark and extradited to Germany on the warrant of a Hamburg prosecutor. He was sentenced to four years in jail, served his sentence, and was deported………………”
‘w3’, your completely implausible Shin-Bet propagated suggestion ‘Malay planes were short-cutting through military zones which they should not have been doing’ is laughable.
The following explanation goes straight to the money :
1) circa Nov. 2013, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal finds Israel / IDF guilty of human rights abuses / genocide via a comprehensive and prestigious panel of international law experts, utilising the testimony of countless independent observers and aid agencies. (Refer to link posted above in Criss X’s comment).
2) Israeli and international Zio-entities don’t take too kindly to this and order retribution.
3) Utilising Zio-empire owned and affiliated Serco (who are responsible for air traffic control in numerous areas of the world – including the vicinity where MH370 was last tracked), the ‘disappearance’ and destruction of MH370 and MH317, are facilitated in March and July 2014 respectively.
Bottom Line: Any state actor that either organises or sponsors an event or tribunal that exposes Israeli or Anglo-Zionist empire malfeasance will be severely punished and will serve as an example for any others who don’t mind their own business, pull their head in and STFU.
‘w3’ also trots out the official Zio-dictated / Australian 60 Minutes programme nonsense when he writes ‘ two Malaysia planes went down, both exploded in midair’.
The former aircraft, MH370, did not explode in mid-air.
It was commandeered remotely (via the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot technology), and safely landed at the U.S base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
‘w3’, you’re back to your obfuscating and diversionary best.
Your Israeli handlers will be pleased that you followed the official Mossad issued textbook rules on ‘How to respond to articles investigating the MH370 and MH17 events’ and immediately trotted out stories that diverted from the trajectory of the true perpetrators. ie: the Apartheid state of Israel and the Anglo-Zionist empire.
Good try ‘w3’ but tell your handlers that the Gumshoe crowd is onto you and that your feeble attempts to shield Zio-malfeasance are failing miserably.
You’re a total fruitcake, I heard from Australian private citizen eyewitnesses on Australian news probably ABC in the area who saw a fireball in the air and to me they seemed perfectly credible, despite your mental derangement this has nothing whatever to do with Zionists, you are badly messed up. You are such a head case, I don’t know why I bother telling you, I may as well be talking to a short plank, useless.
I just looked at your hypothesis, it’s stupid
When your mother dropped you on your head I suppose that was a Zionist plot too
‘w3’, I’ve made some bold assertions but I’m more than willing to back them up with evidence.
As for your comprehensive rebuttal of my hypotheses because ‘it’s stupid’ (just because you say so – and, as with all your omniscient offerings, not accompanied by data or statements from competent individuals who aren’t beholden to the powers that be).
I’ll let the Gumshoe readers decide for themselves which one of us is propagating ‘stupid’ hypotheses.
Meanwhile, this is a snippet from the Millenium Report article I posted a link for further down the page (emphasis on the first line) :
“No other person on the planet did more to expose the Airline Industry for their corruption in the technical realm than Field McConnell. After a distinguished career as a Navy pilot, Field became a captain for various commercial airlines. His uncovering of the “Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot” was the first major setback for that aerospace company, as in devastating. See: How many passenger jets went down after Field McConnell warned everyone about the “Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot !”
There's no hyperbole in that first line.
‘No other person on the planet’ sums up Field McConnell’s contributions.
Field was the one who uncovered that the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot (BUAP) was an illegal modification fitted to all Boeing and Airbus* wide-bodied commercial aircraft since the mid 90’s.
(* From recollection, Field said that Airbus use a BUAP equivalent manufactured by the Thales Corporation ) :
Field McConnell initiated a law suit against Boeing in around 2005/06 and forced them to reveal that their aircraft were fitted with it – which Boeing then admitted (although they would NOT admit that it had been in operation well before 9/11).
Consequently, after years of denying its existence, the Powers That Be were forced by Field to acknowledge it – there is now a Wikipedia entry for the BUAP.
(As expected, said Wikipedia entry is less than forthcoming with the facts, but we’ve come to expect that from WICKED-pedia).
That’s one hell of a link you’ve posted above Criss X and covers a lot Zio-criminality over the years.
For those who think the list is comprehensive, in fact it has been quite conservative and doesn’t cover the full spectrum of their depravity.
Off the top of my head I could add the assassination of Bobby Kennedy and the nuking of Beirut a few months ago.
w3 can’t resist- from a far side cartoon—Unbeknown to most there was a fourth wise man (person) who was turned away “she” was bearing a fruitcake
Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is a good man and fearless campaigner against Zio-malfeasance.
This is one reason (among many), that the Anglo-Zionist Empire absolutely hates his guts :
Malaysian Leader: ‘Jews Rule World by Proxy’
Published October 16, 2003
PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad (search) on Thursday told a summit of Islamic leaders that “Jews rule the world by proxy” and the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims should unite, using non-violent means for a “final victory.
His speech at the Organization of the Islamic Conference (search) summit, which he was hosting, drew criticism from Jewish leaders, who warned it could spark more violence against Jews.
Mahathir, who is known for his outspoken, anti-Western rhetoric, criticized what he described as Jewish domination of the world and Muslim nations’ inability to adequately respond to it as he opened the meeting of Islamic leaders from 57 nations.
“The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million, but today the Jews rule the world by proxy,” Mahathir said. “They get others to fight and die for them.”
Malaysia, a democratic nation which has a large non-Muslim population and does not enforce strict Islamic law, has long been a critic of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and of U.S. policy in the Middle East, including the war in Iraq and its strong backing of the Jewish state.
Mahathir, 77, who is retiring on Oct. 31, has used almost every international podium to lambaste the West for two decades, winning a reputation as an outspoken champion of Third World causes.
“For well over half a century we have fought over Palestine. What have we achieved? Nothing. We are worse off than before,” he said. “If we had paused to think, then we could have devised a plan, a strategy that can win us final victory.”
The prime minister, who has turned his country into the world’s 17th-ranked trading nation during his 22 years in power, said Jews “invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy” to avoid persecution and gain control of the most powerful countries.
Mahathir added that “1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews,” but he suggested using political and economic tactics instead of violence.
Read on –
“Jewish plot” is standard commentary for muslims, therefore it’s meaningless. Why won’t muslims disown 9-11? They have their agenda, truth has little relevance to an agenda.
Mahathir Mohamad frees Malaysia from Saudi Influence
Malaysia has withdrawn its troops from the military coalition that is participating in the war against Yemen that was begun by Saudi Arabia.
The decision was taken by Malaysia’s new Prime Minister, Mahatir Mohamad, who has just shut down the King Salaman Centre for International Peace, KSCIP, established in Putraya, (Malaysia’s administrative capital). The new head of government has decided to transfer the powers of the KSCIP to the Malaysian Institute of Defence and Security.
The Western Press characterize Mahathir Mohamad as a retired dictator – he was prime minister from 1981 to 2003 and is 93 years old. Yet last year on 10 May, he returned to the helm of government after triumphing, being elected head of an electoral alliance that subsumed within it his former opponents.
Mahathir Mohamad immediately began a large operation against corruption which has already exposed huge amounts of funds that his predecessor, Najib Razak, had siphoned off. The clean-up operation also uncovered the “gifts” that the latter received [1].
Mahathir Mohamad is cutting off all ties that enabled the Wahhabite Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to have an influence on Malaysia.
Israel supports Wahhabism.
The appearance of ISIL on the scene, with its logistical, military, financial, and intelligence support from Israel, fulfils the plans of both Yinon and Netanyahu. Israel now stands ready to capitalize on the mayhem created by ISIL.
In some respects, Netanyahu has modified the Yinon and Clean Break plans. ISIL is intent on establishing a single Sunni caliphate over all of Iraq and Syria while subjecting the Kurds, Shi’as, and other minorities to forced conversions to the Wahhabist Sunni sect or, otherwise, execution………………..
Continue reading –
Jews demand Sharia law for non Jews –
………..“Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said Saturday night that many non-Jews should be forbidden from living in the Land of Israel according to Jewish law. In a recording of Yosef’s weekly Saturday night lecture obtained by Channel 10, the rabbi can be heard saying, ‘According to Jewish law, it’s forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the Land of Israel – unless he has accepted the seven Noachide laws.’
“If he’s not willing to accept one of them, [which is] not to commit suicide, if he’s not willing to accept this, you send him to Saudi Arabia.’”[5]
If he is not willing to go to Saudi Arabia, then you have to eliminate him. Yitzhak adds that once that non-Jewish person is eliminated, Israeli soldiers don’t have “to be concerned by the scrutiny of the High Court or the army chief of staff on the matter.”[6] Obviously because Yitzhak thinks that Rabbinic
Sunni/Wahhabi/Saudi Royal Family is Jewish! King and Prince are all Jew!
Captain Dan Hanley, a long term friend of USMC (ret) Lt-Col Field McConnell, speaks here on Malaysian TV about the Boeing Honeywell Uninterruptible Auto Pilot (abbreviated to BUAP) and how it was deployed on both 9/11 and in the MH370 incident :
Hanley has a lot of guts to be saying what he is – many of you may be wondering how he can get away with speaking his mind and still be alive and/or not incarcerated like Field McConnell ?
Dan Hanley lives full time in Pakistan and is being looked after very well by another 9/11 Truther (Pakistani P.M Imran Khan).
Dan Hanley’s website :
Why is Field in jail?
Field was gaoled because :
From the link above :
“Pedogate perps in Broward County, Florida had Field McConnell arrested in Pierce County, Wisconsin yesterday. ”
My question to you Mary, is how can Florida arrest someone in Wisconsin for ‘alleged crimes’ when Field wasn’t even in Florida ?
I get it how felons avoid capture in one particular by crossing state borders and that’s where the FBI come in and have Federal jurisdiction to arrest people no matter where they are.
Also …..
Conflating the Malaysia airlines with 9-11 is meaningless, and the guy in Pakistan will promulgate stories to suit his hosts in that country if he has a good sense of self-preservation.
What’s he doing in Pakistan, does he have a harem of 14 year olds?
I don’t look at your videos as a rule but this one I looked at in the interests of impartiality.
So, as evidence of what you’re suggesting, rotting bodies on Diego Garcia, it’s a total failure, it’s meaningless. You say it WAS deployed, he says “possibly could”. You are deliberately misleading anyone who takes your output at face value, along with your silly name.
Your problem is, you start off with a conclusion, and you “trust” anything that leads toward that conclusion, anything that supports your obsessive Zio-mania.
And then your problem turns into everyone’s problem, as you diminish everything around you, diluting facts with “National Enquirer” type of rubbish until it’s just a useless jumble.
Gumshoe readers, pay careful attention to Rabbi w3’s reaction above.
He’s in full ‘defensive mode’ – acting as an apologist for Zio-impropriety.
It’s almost as if he’s taken it as a personal attack on himself and …… his tribe.
Yes, yes ‘w3’, Rule # 1 of your sacred Talmud says : ‘Always defend your tribe against accusations from the goyim – especially if said accusations are true (which more often than not, they are).
‘w3’, as to you mentioning Captain Dan Hanley’s words that BUAP ‘possibly could’ have been deployed to commandeer MH370, since he personally doesn’t have irrefutable smoking gun proof of it, he is naturally being circumspect in his assertions.
But, he does indeed think it was employed at the time from what I’ve been told.
Field McConnell meanwhile, is not sitting on the fence as far as that is concerned – as his statements clearly reveal.
Active duty military and Intel White hats have positively confirmed it for him and he states emphatically that BUAP was used then, as it was on 9/11.
You are so intellectually dismantled, that when I call you out as a phoney, all you can do is deflect and come back with the usual rubbish which is also completely untrue. Your judgement is reliably wrong, your conclusions are careless, you stick to positions which are frankly stupid, worse yet you try to form gangs, you are a nasty type of bully and I detest bullies, almost more than any other type of person.
You personally are nauseating.
What Does “SIG” Mean on a Prescription? | Reference.com
About.com states that the abbreviation “sig” is written before the directions on a prescription. “Sig” is an abbreviation for the Latin word “signetur,” which means “let it be labeled.”
I presume that dead people are also labeled whereas flesh and blood living people have autographs.
Sandra, your comments in Gumshoe in the past about MH370 and MH17 have not escaped my attention.
You are very well informed indeed.
Still on MH370 and MH17, Field McConnell tends to go off on a tangent from time to time but be sure to watch from 22:40 – 26:20 and from 28:00 – 34:10 on the video below :
This video was put up by Arlyn a week or two ago and it is an absolute treasure trove from Field McConnell on all manner of topics including 9/11, exposing disinformation agent Rebekah Roth and various False Flags.
Well worth watching in its entirety.
Taken from those snippets I’ve highlighted above, Field McConnell says :
100% they are the tentacles of the web. Oz is under their full spectrum kleptocracy.
Amongst just about everything else, they own all the airports. We can’t go anywhere, yet 1 million new punters will be coming here this year to do what? Deliver take away, cause there’s no other jobs left, or are they coming to replace the workers that came last year?
This place has been stiched up by perverts psychopaths and pedophiles reading the talmudic scribe. Look at the three foremost goons supposedly running this place Joshua Morrison and Dutton. All positions are loaded with the jackboots of dystopian dictators.
Spot on–the Machine
https:// peter myers newsletters. blogspot.com/2017/03/ 906-mh370- hijacked-by- cia-to-stop.html
The ‘machine’ blocks the links posting.
The most interesting part of the actual article at top is:
“The Dutch immediately set up a team to investigate the crash. In this they were joined by Australia, Ukraine and Belgium. The Malaysians initially refused to join (they joined in November 2014).”
Speculating on reasons for the Malaysian “recalcitrance” is useless, as it would get bogged down in various conspiracy theories. Just the fact is enough, they had something to hide.
Disgusting how Russia is still being blamed for just about everything that goes wrong in the world. Will it ever stop?
Would a one world government change anything for the better? My 80 year old in-laws still believe Russia is guilty as charged,…. each and every time. – Why ???? because Russia is an evil country. The US on the other hand is a good honest country. They helped us (AU) keep the communist Vietnamese out of Australia and they keep us free to this day. I grow weary from the grinding power of ignorance.
In my life I have learned that of all human qualities there is none more ubiquitous than ignorance.