Some criticism of Dictator Dan. But you can do that when he’s left office.
Introduction by DM
I poured over the newspapers this morning and had to suffer the usual hogwash.
Climate Change Hypocrisy
There is all the bleating from government and WEF to limit our footprint on the earth. They are attacking farming (our food supplies) or travel as a culprit, for example. But hang on, the hypocrisy is so unimaginably toxic.
None of our greens, teals, reds or blues are going after the prime culprit — THE WAR MACHINE. A war machine most of them are in some way supporting (mainly at this point in time — Ukraine).
The US military has a carbon footprint larger than any other institution on earth. It has a carbon footprint that exceeds that of nearly 140 countries. And we are supplying and supporting the US war machine. In the Conversation, these authors claim “Colleagues and I have estimated that the US military alone contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than over 150 countries, but too often discussions of the links between militaries and climate change focus only on future risks to global security in climate-affected settings.”
So consider the “footprint” of all the militaries combined. Would this be 50% of the alleged problem? But nothing — NOTHING — is said about this in Canberra, yet they are happy to trash Dutton for wanting to pull back on the Climate Accord targets.

The Reporting of 911 and Port Arthur
There’s an article about the editor of the Herald Sun, Peter Blunden, today. It describes his heroic reporting of 911: “By daybreak, the Herald Sun had forged 40 pages in rolling updates for its coverage of 9/11. There is something surreal in these moments, when the need to report events shares a place with the certainty that the events will change the world…. Blunden felt the same chill on the Sunday afternoon of April 28, 1996, when a first report said that six were dead in a shooting rampage in Tasmania. (The death toll would rise to 35.)”
Nothing reported over all these years was close to the truth.

The hogwash news cycle continues.
Bird Flu Fear Tactic
Is this more Covid-like theatre?
Or just another blatant attack on the food supply?
Bird flu has been detected at a fifth poultry farm in Victoria. More than half-a-million chickens have been euthanized as part of quarantine measures. They did this to bees. What’s next?

“A case of avian influenza A (H5N1) infection, also known as “bird flu”, has been reported in Victoria. This is the first human case of H5N1 avian influenza in Australia. The case occurred in a child, who acquired the infection in India and was unwell in March 2024.”
The WHO says that the first person has died from bird flu and health experts say that we need to start testing animals with PCR tests. Haven’t we heard all this before. SCRIPT REPEAT.
Natalie Morris interviews Dr. Kelly Victory, who says, “Should we start to see significant human to human transmission with this most recent outbreak, I can pretty much guarantee that it was because it was manipulated in the laboratory.” (Referring to H5N1) It’s very dangerous research — but HCQ is the cure (by the way).
A note from G5 on Bird Flu:
“US Bio-Weapon. We were advised they were experimenting with Mallard ducks in England, months ago. They are trying that to humans. They caused the BSE-CJD some years passed. Killed off food supplies, which is their agenda.”
Why are these fowl flu outbreaks in “concert” across the world? They must think we are stupid — which we are.
Stalin wrote the playbook for the Ukraine and Kissinger explained: ‘control the water and food control the population.
When will the gullible wake up? Oh well get into the Olympic GAME and just relax, she’l be right mate🙈 going to be a great way to spread some chickens back to their countries. Like the covid turned up in every continent simultaneously.
And our politicians agreed with the UN for this policy three decades back.
Yes, Mallard ducks were the test. Why the poor Mallards, we have a few ‘TEALS’ in Canberra that would have been more suitable.
Oh well ignore at will.
Today’s situation update at beforeitsnews.com from Mary.
About 23 mins the WH in ‘crapital’ Hill is now OTANGE. Nuclear war warning or ORANGE NAN Signal.
We know The Biden does not have any ‘-hue’! (Or US nuclear code.)
So who murdered Joan Rivers?
Wake up ……
Well this is not on the ABC?
28 mins for a few. US court finds the injection is not a vaccine. ( fancy that)
Soon after
Save money ignore Prozac, just drink fluoridated water💁🤪
Great news snippets.
Well my link has failed.
Do your own research.
Can the Pharmaceutical Companies and Politicians now be sued for advising the World’s population to take a mixture of laboratory produced death in a needle as a vaccine? As this has now been determined by a court, roll on the prosecutions everywhere.
Link came back, Ben Fulford’s recent q and a is optimistic for us, deep dung for the bankers and traitor politicians.
They will not be able to walk down the street. 💁🤪🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿😱
It finishes with 107.
I feel better now ….. whatever?
It is a great ‘cultist’s’ movie.
[…] post The Daily Twaddle appeared first on Gumshoe […]
For a new job with Twiggy and a medal from KC3 who would like to sell out Melbourne and launch it into the greatest recession since the 1930’s ???
And there folks, is a head, that you’d never get tired of kicking.
“The US military has a carbon footprint larger than any other institution on earth. It has a carbon footprint that exceeds that of nearly 140 countries”. But wait, you forgot to add 5 eyes and Israel, all part of the Anglo-Zion empire in denial of itself.
But speaking of in denial, the crooked ABC-TV is suddenly RE-POSITIONING on Global Warming, they are going to claim “O, we are just doing journalism” and covering the renewables resistance, initially to stoopid things like offshore wind farms, solar farms covering normal farms and of course massive power bills. This is a sharp difference from the bombardment of “sky is falling” bullshit which has been building to a crescendo over the last weeks and months, only to dissolve into the sound of a small fart in an empty auditorium.
The crooked ABC-TV will now start to weasel out of its fanatical position as people have worked out climate comes from the sun and is modified by clouds. D’oh !!! ClimateChange™ was really weather all along !!!
The sacred cow of CO2 bullshit will be moved off centre-stage to the back, near the exit door where it will stay until it is forgotten, slowly disappearing behind all the other scenery props, along with Elbow’s spluttering and the Greens deafening silence on all the REAL issues of the 2020’s.
Bird Flu Scare is a Ploy for More Mass Genetic Vaccination
You know, Dee, you could write an article for Gumshoe that just says “I refuse to write about bird flu.”
By the way, your best anti-Dan item was about The Step.
Don’t tempt me MM. I might write a final article that says… “I refuse to write about news… it’s all distraction from your life. Goodbye.”
And I’ll be on a road less traveled…
I really can’t stand the bullshit anymore. – I’m out – I am up here on the mountain and growing food. I can not longer even feel sorry for the members of the moronosphere in the cities that have taken the ‘jab’ and will be enduring malnutrition. – Ya going hungry dipshit? No problem just plead with your Parliamentary representative, just like you always do.
I’m cooking up a jam in my wood stove right now. I’m checking it out for enough sweetness. If it’s good enough, then I’ll make up a jam pie with some of my other yams. The crust will be a combination of my Hopi Blue corn kernels and some organic whole wheat flour. I’m going to experiment with half and half of lard and coconut oil for the crust. I figure the coconut oil, besides being more healthy, should give an extra flavor to the crust. If the yams aren’t quite sweet enough, then I’ll add some maple syrup to sweeten it up, I refuse to use white sugar. – I’ll let you guys know how it goes.
The sweet potato was a bit dry. I’ll try boiling one on top of the stove next time.
I always parboil sweet potatoes and shake them in a bag with olive oil then bake them about an hour or more and they aren’t dry at all, if you do it right they are super sweet with caramelised skins.
For the pastry there are a lot of rules about temperature ( use fridge etc ) and also how much elasticity you want to work into the dough, hard wheat soft wheat and so forth, but it would be a mistake to think I do much cooking, I can’t be bothered more than a few minutes. For gluing up jam I would just throw chia seeds in. Last time I made a pie was probably 30 years ago, can’t remember. I’ve got buckwheat pancake mix in the fridge for tomorrow, the secret is you have to mix it and let it sit for a long time, otherwise it won’t work out well. I make them crepes style with yoghurt on top. Actually the only thing I really knock myself out for is watercress.
Coconut oil,olive oil, butter, lard and avoiding seed oils certainly the way to go.
Rice oil is great for ‘PoppaBiden’s ’ with curries and potato chips with fish.
I never use canola oil, etc now.
Found in my mistress’s library.
“Nothing lovelier can be found in woman, than to study household good” – Milton.
By MRS Isabella Beeton.
Now who thinks they know everything about cooking and anything else – over 1100 pages.
First cooking step only would be understood by Terry ….. stoke up a good wood fire.
Hunting for a hare firstly, would not be considered green these day, let alone downing a Teal.
I will have to review my footman’s duties.
Cut it out Terry. You’ve got me drooling and its past lunchtime here in the West. Must get started.
Don’t overheat as you will be producing too much CO2 as well as burning your endeavor. Then you will still be hungry AND wet or sun burnt.
Perhaps we should author the gumshoenews cooking book.💁
If you’re near the coast, try banksia nuggets for bbq fuel under grill. Ash turns white from heat generated. Flavour of meat and fish tasty.
nuggets are banksia cones
For the naysayers.
Understand the psycology of the game, no matter what you think of Psrkes at least consider the discussion from Australia.
Beforeitsnews.com people powered news
‘Simon Ps : is back and dishing new Intel about T – brace for a wild summer! (Video)
Makes sense for the ‘abnormals’
A must watch — I missed this article –and posted more on latest article
Cops story is the same as thousands of nurses who lost it all to Covid.