Home 911Truth The Day after Nine Eleven? UNSC Passes Resolution 1368, Starts Pillar Four

The Day after Nine Eleven? UNSC Passes Resolution 1368, Starts Pillar Four

United Nations Security Council, New York  photo: state.gov

by Elias Davidsson

Editor’s Note: This article concerning 2001 was written in 2014 but not published until now.

The first overt diplomatic achievement by the United States related to 9/11, was Resolution No. 1368. It was adopted after a short meeting of the UN Security Council on September 12, 2001. The resolution contained the routine statements of condemnation and of solidarity with the 9/11 victims and their families. But this particular resolution manifested three puzzling features whose implications are yet to be fully understood.

Resolution 1368 included a one-paragraph preamble in which the Council “recognized the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence in accordance with the Charter.” By this statement the Council gave the United States a wink that it may, if it wishes, use military force against the country from which presumed attackers of 9/11 had come.

A Wink

Note that the Council did not “authorize” the United States to use military force, as it had done in the case of the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq in 1990,[1] but chose an indirect format to convey to the United States the message that the Council would look the other way and ask no questions, if the United States would use military force against foreign states in response to 9/11.

That is precisely what happened: The U.S. bombing campaign against Afghanistan and the subsequent occupation of that country was not condemned by any member of the Security Council, although it was a violation of customary international law – as established on the basis of the so-called Caroline case.

That is, the resort to self-defense is regulated; it requires “a necessity of self-defence, instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means, and no moment of deliberation.” Furthermore, any action taken must be proportional, “since the act justified by the necessity of self-defence, must be limited by that necessity, and kept clearly within it.”

Resolution 1368 also condoned a blatant act of aggression. The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg (1945) called the waging of aggressive war “not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.” [2]

I claim that by including the Charter’s provision on self-defense into Resolution No. 1368, Council members contributed to the violation of customary international law and the commission of the supreme international crime by the U.S. government, namely aggression.

How Was The 9-11 Matter International?

Furthermore, the Council designated the events of the preceding day as an act of “international” terrorism, and “a threat to international peace and security” without being provided with the slightest evidence in support of these assertions. The Council is not known to have at any time requested or received such evidence.

Note: it is the “threat to international peace” that basically gives the UNSC the authority to invite members to get in there. I am referring to the famous Chapter 7 Article 39 of the UN Charter:

” The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

Per the US’s official account, on 9/11, four airliners in domestic routes were hijacked by paying passengers, later designated as foreign terrorists. U.S. authorities have at no time alleged that the United States had been attacked or invaded from outside its borders on September 11, 2001, or that it expected new attacks. Even if the official account on 9/11 had been true, it would not have amounted to an act of “international” terrorism, but would remain a large-scale act of domestic terrorism by travelers whose international connections had not been established.

A puzzling feature is the swiftness with which Resolution 1368 was adopted.  Had the above two features not been included in the resolution – calling it international terrorism and a threat to peace — there would be nothing odd about the fact that it was adopted one day after the attacks. Numerous governments and inter-governmental organisations adopted resolutions on the very day of the attacks, September 11, 2001, in which they condemned the attacks and expressed solidarity with the victims (but they rightly refrained from designating the events as an ‘international’ attack).

Vast Implications

The two features discussed above were neither self-evident nor necessary, and had vast legal and political implications. It is inconceivable that individuals sitting in the Council, representing their governments, would approve the wording of Council resolutions on the base of their personal feelings, no matter how strong.

Drafts of Security Council resolutions, particularly those which contain legal precedents or entail legal consequences, are typically examined – down to their punctuation – by legal experts in the home countries of the Council’s members.  It is inconceivable that experts around the world would be able to assess within hours the legal and political ramifications of the features discussed above.

I can conceive of only two explanations for this apparent swiftness:  Either the United States (backed by its NATO allies) threatened the governments of the other Security Council members with severe sanctions, should they fail to adopt this resolution, or the draft resolution had been circulated to, and approved by selected members of the Security Council prior to the events of 9/11, in order to ensure its speedy adoption on September 12, 2001. Both explanations give rise to questions that remain largely unexamined.

Now for a comment on the probity of information put before the UNSC.  The Security Council does not have to base its decisions on proven facts. It may legally base its operative decisions on hunches, hypotheticals, hearsay and even fantasy. The Security Council would be legally entitled to determine that the earth is flat, if such determination would politically suit its members.

The members of the Security Council are admittedly under the legal obligation to act in good faith, but no international entity has been set up to examine whether they have complied with this principle, and if violated, to invalidate decisions based on the breach of this principle.[3]

The readiness of all members of the Security Council to serve American foreign policy aims, as reflected in the provisions of Resolution No. 1368, must be regarded as a historical achievement by the United States. How this achievement was secured remains undetermined.

The UN’s Fourth Pillar

For years, I have been a lonely voice pointing out that the UNSC’s Permanent Five (US, UK, France, Russia and China) have a common agenda to define “international terrorism” as a major threat to world peace. This common decision, to which they are committed, demonstrates that the Permanent Five, contrary to popular perceptions, collude against the truth and against the interests of the world’s peoples.

Their definition is a monumental lie. Terrorism is not even a threat to the sovereignty, national defense, or political order of any country. While terrorism (attacks on civilians for political purposes) is a crime, the number of people killed yearly by terrorist acts in most countries lies between zero and 10, far less than the number of homicides. Yet, the Security Council has since 2001 regularly resolved that international terrorism is “one of the most serious threats to peace and security.”

The first sign of this perfidious collusion of the five Permanents was the aforementioned Security Council resolution 1368, adopted at noon time on September 12, 2001. The council, without any evidence to go by, designated the attacks of the previous day as an act of « “international” terrorism and gave the United States, in addition, a green light to attack any country of its choosing.

I have repeatedly pointed out that the United Nations have adopted “counter-terrorism” as one of the pillars for the entire UN system. Now, finally and belatedly, others vindicate my warnings.

Last month [in 2014] The UK-based organization Saferworld has lamented the rise of counter-terrorism in the UN’s agenda. They note that the Charter of the United Nations established a new institution with three founding pillars: peace and security, human rights and development:

“Over the past 20 years however, a fourth pillar – counter-terrorism – has begun to emerge, through multiple UN Security Council resolutions, a global strategy from the UN General Assembly, and the creation of a stand-alone UN Office of Counter-terrorism.”

Any Good Guys?

I urge all those who for various reasons believe Russia and China to be “the good guys” as opposed to the NATO “bad guys”, to take a second look at this perception. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council have shown their common commitment to the counter-terrorism ideology, for it provides every government with justifications to clamp on human rights and democracy. This is precisely their common agenda, and it bears no relation to Al Qaeda, ISIS or other real or fake terrorist organisations.

The P5 have hereby declared a war against the world’s peoples. The United Nations have become a tool of oppression. “We the People” can trust no government and no state to restore our rights. We must join hands across borders without state or corporate interference to restore an acceptable world order.


[1] This is from the “Gulf war”:  Under SC Resolution 678 of November 29, 1990, the Security Council “authorize[d] Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait […] to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660(1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area.”

[2] The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, too, refers to the crime of aggression as one of the “most serious crimes of concern to the international community”, and provides that the crime falls within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

[3] See, in particular, Elias Davidsson, “The Security Council’s Obligations of Good Faith”, Florida Journal of International Law, Vol. XV, No. 4 (Summer 2003) (http://www.aldeilis.net/bpb/goodfaith.pdf)

Elias Davidsson’s latest book is America’s Betrayal Confirmed. He also wrote The Betrayal of India, about the hotel bombings in Mumbai, reviewed here at Gumshoe.




  1. So, Elias, you mean it wasn’t only Dick Cheney who had his feet up on the desk that day.

    This is a stunning theory. I had never thought of Russian collusion re 9-11, tho I have often wondered why Putin doesn’t play the 9-11 card….

    To date we know of two parliamentarians, one on Belgium, one in Japan, who more or less yelled “Inside Job” from the floor of their parliaments. And an ex-leader of Italy had something to say, if I recall.

    • “why Putin doesn’t play the 9-11 card….” (!!!)
      The MSM controllers detest RT pay-TV channel but having a struggle trying to shut it down.
      Too late! Much of the truth is already coming out.

    • Putin doesn’t play the 9/11 card for the same reason that the Soviet Union didn’t play the fake Moon Landing card in 1968.

      ie: because the Zio-owned media western MSM would call out sour grapes on the Soviets for being sore losers (not winning the race to the moon) in the case of the latter.

      And, in the case of the former, likewise ridicule the Russians if they were to claim (for example) that the Twin Towers were brought down in a controlled demolition when CLEARLY (the Zio-media will pound the table), we all saw with our own two eyes that planes hit the buildings and this obviously brought them down.

      • Typo – of course it’s meant to be Moon Landing (Apollo 11 hoax) in …. 1969.

        What they did in 1968 / early 1969 in the way of earlier unmanned Apollo probes may well have occurred.

          • Elon Musk and the Tesla Motor company is the biggest automotive fraud in human history.
            When it collapses, it will make Enron look like a pin-prick.

            So, it’s not much of a stretch to suggest that all his other business ventures are also suspect.

            ‘bg’, the fact that you’re backing another loser ( Musk now and Trump before), is par for the course judging from your track record of off-the-mark prognostications.

          • Tedious Veggie,
            Nowhere does it say I’m backing Musk, your problem is you can’t understand the meaning of words, you are lost in branding instead.

        • Ive often wondered why other countries dont call out the obvious bullshit…
          pardon my aussie, re 9/11 and the equally impossible moon hoax…

          and youre explanations are as close to the reason why as any other i can come up with…

          there is a lot of difference between sending and returning humans to the moon and sending a rocket up into near earth orbit and back… no strings needed for that ..

          and if thats the best we can do after a half a century of supposedly sending anyone to the lunar surface… then… well… what a failure we are.

          • Dinkum, let’s look at two leaders of countries that called out 9/11 and analyse what happened to them :

            One: Hugo Chavez of Venezuela (got a fast acting cancer).
            Two : Ghaddafi of Libya (sodomised with a sword).

            Hmmm, didn’t end well for them.

            Danny Jowenko (Europe’s leading controlled demolition expert) came out and called the Bldg 7 collapse a controlled demolition.
            He was not long for the world after that.

            We all know that the MSM in the entire western world (incl. our taxpayer funded ABS, SBS) are accountable to the same criminal cabal.

            Some might be asking why Academia isn’t calling out the official explanation on 9/11 when basic high school physics will tell you that the collapse of the three buildings in New York that day could not have been the result of a fire induced gravity collapse, as the official explanation claimed.

            Bottom Line : Academia is ALSO controlled by the same malfeasant entity and tenured professors that speak out are soon rooted out.

            Anyway, time for a sing-a-long :

          • Well building 7 could have fallen down under the weight of all of Cheney’s documented dodgy deals. There was a song on the radio after 9-11 “if you believe they put a man on the moon” so the distrust comes from 9-11 I would say, there is also a story they wanted to use Kubrick’s 2001: set for a backup in case the attempt was a flop- this presupposes there was an attempt

          • hi bg – man on the moon… R.E.M. – Man On The Moon – was recorded well before 9/11 in 1992 –


            I remember the first thing i ever typed into a computer that had internet access, was “moon hoax” – I followed that up with a request for “boobies” that after about a half an hour on dial up, delivered an ASCII rendition of the top half of a naked woman.

            despite the disappointment of results of my second enquiry, I was pleased with the results from my first search, and have followed up with mush more searching ever since.

            anyway, Ive since become convinced of the lies and fakery & no speculation or story teller accounts required re man on the moon also, according to this astrophysicist. <– for example.

            there has however been one, and only one, exhaustive, open, transparent, fully scientific study of how WTC7 actually came down… so no speculation required there either.


            I fully understand and agree with your points re Ghaddafi & Danny Jowenko, TV, but as Danny Jowenko had science, and his years of expertise on his side… I wonder… are they gonna kill the thousands of architects and engineers that have put their name to the dishonesty of the official account and Dr. J. Leroy Hulsey too? – how can this not be a story? There ARE so many, credible experts speaking out… about the lies and deception and impossibility of the official account?

            why become a journalist in the first place – if youre scared of truth?

            back to my meditation…..

            I’m a building
            47 stories
            In New York
            In the U.S. of A.

          • Yeah I’m probably thinking more of the second wave of distrust that came after 9-11, they got back on that “man on the moon” song at that time and we were talking about it at work as a proxy I guess for 9-11 (everyone had to talk in nuance in that place)

    • Mary,

      “Any Good Guys?”


      all baddies….. sometimes some are more bad than others, othertimes, the others are more badderer than some…

      bit like my life… im always in the shit… just the level rises and falls… 🙂

  2. Well I think they got around the domestic terrorism thing by colluding with former CIA employee and false flag man ObL (probably equipped with a teleprompter). I would say there were almost certainly no humans on either plane and there have been videos of the second plane which bear this out. Why would you trust a bunch of loonies to place jumbo jets exactly above the level of your explosives. The story about the loonies taking flight school lessons was repeated many times suggesting it was part of the disinformation campaign, usually real news gets hushed up and altered very quickly.
    An example of hushed up news, US and Chinese navy had war games in the South China Sea (separately) last week and I never saw anything about it in the MSM, instead lots of Covid-19™.
    Instead, the lies are so fantastical I would expect ObL and Epstein are holidaying on the same island and if anything goes wrong their dirt files come out. They are probably doing auditions of the trafficked young people and anyone fails the auditions gets packed up and distributed to the organ transplant places. This is all good business, everything has a business motive.
    There doesn’t seem to be very many loonie terrorists at all, most of the big media events seem to have been thoroughly calculated. This includes the amazing phenomena of legals being put in place (as shown above and elsewhere) long before the actual media event takes place.
    With people waking up, it’s a bit like pigs going to the abattoir, they only wake up in the last minutes.

  3. It is amazing how so many little pixels in history keep aligning.

    Today, 17 July, just happens to be the anniversary of the Judeo-Masonic ritual murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family (the Romanovs).

    Here Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the political implications of the murder of the Romanovs.

    and here when you have some spare time …

    The Russian Revolution and Its Consequences – Dr. Matthew Rafael Johnson (Myth20c – Ep148)


    Dr Johnson ties in many points of comment and conversation over the last several Gumshoe articles, including and especially the geopolitical position of Russia and China today.

    He contributes regularly to Russia Insider


    And here are some archived talks on The Voice of Reason Radio Network


    The following article is also very relevant. There is quite a discussion about Solzhenitsyn – I have seen it said that only upon reading Solzhenitsyn will the reader fully comprehend the events of the 20th century (and ongoing).

    Reading Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Gulag’ Made Me Realize – We’re Creating a Similar Situation in the US – by Roosh Valizadeh


    • Funny about that july 17 date… around october 2017, I was expecting the communists to takeover the US as part of the 100th anniversary of the bolshevik revolution. Of course it didn’t happen (yet) but I realised it probably was delayed by Hillary losing.

  4. July 17th, isn’t that Bastille Day, celebration of the French Revolution?

    When I was educating myself on the subject of the Port Arthur Massacre I was amazed at the affrontive and evil behaviour of those in power and those involved in the legal profession. However I have learnt since then that this same type of behaviour is apparently being carried out daily by most of those in positions of authority throughout the whole world. These are the people that are put into or grab positions that are supposed to benefit of the population.

  5. Mr Davidsson, China and Russia would have their own reasons to pursue the common agenda of ‘fighting terrorism’.

    Each country has minorities (Chechnen’s and Uyghurs) to name just two that threaten secession and pursue (or have previously pursued) terrorism to achieve said aims.

    There are no ‘ Good Guys’ in the world and all the major players are guilty of mischief making.

    But, in a relative sense, taking into account all the provocations / sanctions imposed / False Flags perpetrated / incitements to war from NATO and in particular, the leaders of that entity (the AngloAmerican-Zionist empire), it is as CLEAR AS DAY that the Russians and Chinese are the least bad – by a country mile.

    Surely Mr Davidsson, seeing as you’re an intelligent fellow, you’d have to concede that.

  6. I see that Elias Davidson also wrote a 112-page book on the London tube bombings of 2005. However it is only produced as a Kindle.

    I think Prof Graeme McQueen in Canada did a book on the tube bombings. Please have a re-look at Rory O’Connor’s item (which involves McQueen’s work on the tube bombings as well as the Ottawa shootings). Note: Rory added a comment at the bottom of that thread, which I did not see till today:


  7. Mary, it would be interesting to see if Davidsson’s 112 page book came to the same conclusions as Nick Kollerstrom’s benchmark authoritative 356 page book titled :’ Terror on the Tube – Behind the Veil of 7/7 ‘ .

    For those unfamiliar with what really went on in 7/7, try this :

    If you’ve seen the video above Mr Davidsson, I’m curious to know if the conclusions in your 112 page booklet accord with the findings from this well researched documentary ?

  8. Also, seeing as this article is 9/11 related, who better to turn our attention to than someone front-and-centre amongst world leaders that toed the line and took the money.

    This individual is orders of magnitude richer today than the day he left office despite not having engaged in any productive activity in the interim.

    His activities whilst in political office involved perpetuating the official narrative on 9/11 (not to mention war crimes related to the 2003 Iraq invasion and the 7/7 event) – none other than Tony Blair.

    This song is dedicated to him :

    If any of you are wondering about the ‘Miranda’ reference, that’s what his mates in Oxford university called him – perhaps the same mates that Blair ‘gratified’ from time to time whilst down on his knees.

    Miranda is one of the moons of Uranus.

    Blair, like that celestial body, had an inclination to ‘orbit Ur-anus’ .

    • That’s a perfect video.

      Except the last screen says “Condemnation without Investigation is Ignorance.”

      It is hardly ignorance that prevents UK’s justice system or the ICC from investigating Tony Blair.

      He should be indicted and tried before the cock crows twice. And I hereby offer to seek a reduced sentence for him on the grounds of Diminished Responsibility.

    • What a great anthem for a great people (the Icelanders are known for their courage in doing the right thing rather than sell out to the highest bidder and do the unconscionable thing).

      Case in point :


      As the Jewish author of the article says : ” The whole world needs to follow Iceland’s lead. Its capital City of Reykjavik no longer will buy products made in Israel “.

      If only Australia had someone with the guts to say something like that.

      Malcolm Fraser had the guts to come out and divulge Israeli crimes..
      Former NSW Premier Bob Carr, for all his shortcomings, had the courage to call out the Israeli lobby in Australia so my congratulations to him.

    • Iceland some will remember refused to pay extra tax to bail out the banks last time, they are resistant to the brainwashing to the extent they apparently used to ban TV all through summer. The fine sentiments in the anthem contrast with the founding of the place 1000 years ago, I recall from reading the sagas they always seemed to be laying in wait for some rival farmer who had injured them, the plan being to break his head open with a rock.
      Too bad the great Scandinavian expansions ended up with the Bushs, Clintons etc running the show since the mid 80s, hollowing out the US empire like a disgusting parasite.
      Putin, running the Swedish branch, seems comparatively benign and sane.

  9. That’s true Mary as far UK Justice / ICC investigating Blair.

    But, in the case of the Mainstream Media brain-washed masses instantly dismissing those of us that question the official narrative of 9/11 , the JFK incident etc, as ‘conspiracy kooks’ rather than responding with something sensible like :

    Why do you think that ? or ….. What evidence do you have to back up that assertion of yours ? etc.

    Those unenlightened members of the public are ignorant for their instantaneous (CIA subliminally induced) knee-jerk reaction in condemning us without first investigating our claims.

  10. There is SO much information available about various psy-ops that I find it incredible that so many of the dumbed-down masses can’t see what is right in front of them. It isn’t as bad as it was some 30 odd years ago, but I still am gob-smacked at times of the dumb-shits I run into.

    Perhaps we need this collapse to help wake people up from their apathy, when they hit bottom, maybe they’ll start asking some questions. – I really wish there was a RED PILL.

    I like this clip from the movie The Matrix. It is where Morpheus is walking though the crowd and explaining how they aren’t ready to ‘wake up’ and how they will fight to retain their entrapment.

  11. “Satan’s work does seem to have a primitive simplicity: he divides a soul from God and works to destroy it through his duplicity. And when the soul is in its most vulnerable state, the scale and ferocity of his work seems to intensify.” – Kevin Wells

    “Exorcists and those gifted individuals with insights into the spiritual realm have seen more intense demonic activity now. There has been a definite uptick. Satan’s taken advantage of this crisis to meet his own ends. It seems demons have been given a free hand now.” – Anonymous Priest.

    • Damn 56, “There has been a definite uptick” – I wouldn’t disagree with that a bit. The insanity (or perhaps demonic possession) is going off the charts.

  12. Terry,
    What can one suppose?
    Just a theory based on experience.
    I humbly suggest and I am not a old testament bible basher, i go on the new testament, be it with some historic faults, but the path is presented.
    I recall a passage reporting that demons were transferred to swine.
    We await the day when pigs fly.
    We are mere occupirers of ‘tin cans’ in the universe, here for about about a hundred years to have insight and learn of/from hundreds of millions of years of existence.
    Some are slow learners and that is why we are here.
    Never underestimate daily lessons and experiences in the learning path and one test is to recognise rsouls and f them up.
    It is a battle and we are mere players on either side, upon which side, is our choice.

    • “Some are slow learners and that is why we are here.” – yep, I’m one of those slow learners. It took me years to learn not to engage with stupid fools, people with personality disorders, ‘reality impaired’ individuals and parasites. Now I do my best to avoid them. Once I figure out they have an issue, good bye.

      I wish I had also learned about ‘Dunning-Kruger’ and the ‘Pareto principle’ much sooner. – Hell, the more I’ve learned, the less I want to interact with this species.

  13. Marvellous to see Gs back.
    Nemisis, any theory as to why the censorship considering the debate on exposing the Israeli
    cowardice and false flag murder of crewmen on the USS Liberty in 1967 discussed over the last month?


    Hi Ned and Simon (and Mary) – your comments prompted me to share this.

    I have read a couple of Dostoyevsky books (The Idiot and Notes from the Underground) and am embarking on The Brothers Karamazov.

    Anyway, I found this playlist by Matthew Raphael Johnson just amazing in explaining what Dostoyevsky was actually on about – from a philosophical and religious point of view – through his characters.

    But that is for a rainy day – four X 1 hour lectures – some deeply profound insights – too much to try and break down here.

    But I want to draw your attention to this 43 minute talk

    The Superiority of Monarchy – Matthew Raphael Johnson

    It is the first in another playlist by Matthew Raphael Johnson

    At around 20 minutes he brilliantly explains the role of Putin as the effective ‘monarch’ in partnership with the church and the military and Mary would be interested in his discussion about what is ‘law’ from around 30 minutes.

    Enjoy in your own time – I will certainly be listening on …

    • We could all do with a better understanding of Russia instead of the hysteria being fed into the politics by certain vested interests. Most people probably don’t know the Swedish vikings used to get down to the Black Sea by the rivers from Petersburg well over 1000 years ago, these settlers were mostly called “Rus” from the old Swedish capital Uppsala. The fortress of the Swedish king was taken over about 300 years ago by Peter the Great and renamed Petersburg. I’m not sure what the key moment was when the US turned on Russia but presumably it was during the post-war carve-up. More antagonism via the spread of communism and space missile development only made it more extreme. It’s not usually mentioned but the Cuban Missile Crisis of the JFK period seems to have been instigated by the US placing missiles in Turkey. The Russians seem to have caused no more trouble in the world then the other major states in Europe, arguably less, as far as I know, which isn’t much.

    • I used to read those Dostoyevsky books when I was young and grumbly sorts of stories such as “Notes from the Underground” which arguably fed into Sartre, Kafka, Godot, Steptoe & Son, etc, would have been cutting edge I suppose at the time. So much gets absorbed into the contemporary culture that the impact is lost. If you want to look at something very slightly older which Dostoyevsky would have had a laugh about you could read the first part of “Oblomov”. The Russians and Chinese seem to be very good at complaining about their rulers so maybe the lesson is that there is an optimum amount of complaining beyond which there is a negative benefit.

    • One little spoiler – Johnson argues very insightfully that there are only two forms of government – Oligarchy and Monarchy. ’Democracy’ is merely a façade for Oligarchy as would be patently evident to most Gumshoe readers. It keeps ‘voters’ from realising they are ruled by an Oligarchy. He then goes on to point out that an Oligarchy makes ‘laws’ in favour of its own interests while a (true) Monarchy makes laws in the interests of the common good. Some Oligarchic regimes of course masquerade as Monarchies 😊.

  15. When communism supposedly fell in Eastern Europe and Russia, many party members came here and were rewarded with many influential positions so as to establish this global pluto-technocratic gulag. The same has happened with the CCP invasion this century. All government departments have been purged and the replacements are all communist snoops. The tranceformation of Oz into a third world nation now complete. The fat cats have sold out taken the money and run after fleecing the nation with taxation and usury. Individual businesses destroyed, all that is left is mega barns serviced by new arrivals that live ten to a room on sleeping bags spread out on the floor.
    Politicks come and go with each election(selection) but the beurocracy is entrenched passed on from father to son mother to daughter, here and elsewhere.
    If we wish to establish sovereignty, freemason kabal komunists need to be replaced, otherwise there is no hope.

    • “If we wish to establish sovereignty, freemason kabal komunists need to be replaced, otherwise there is no hope.”

      Of course apart from John F Kennedy who did not make it much beyond his famous speech to that effect, the last one to try just that was Hitler.

      This speech by Dr Goebbels highlights their concern for the suffering of Russians and the threat of Bolshevism to the rest of Europe.

      Communism With the Mask Off


      But first they had to clean up Germany …


      And all they did was oust a few freemasons and oligarchs … the rest, as they say, is the victors’ version of ‘history’. [Sefton Delmer – “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war”]

      Interestingly after the ‘rape’ of Russia by the Jewish Oligarchs in the 1990s, President Putin has restored a sense of monarchical national socialism to Russia.

      • Further to your video and postscript just above, power simply centralises no matter what, in that sense Hitler was just another revolutionary type coming to destroy the existing structure.
        ‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’
        Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947
        (Apology delivered on remembrance day in the year the British Empire collapsed financially.)

        • Interesting that you should use the phrase “just another revolutionary type coming to destroy the existing structure”. That is the precise definition of “nihilism”, and “a revolutionary” is exactly what President Putin calls Ulyanov (who called himself ‘Lenin’). What’s your take on ‘Lenin’?

          Some reading material while you contemplate … since you seem to be fixated on Churchill.

          Did Hitler Try to Make Peace with Churchill Several Times?


          • Not fixated! Don’t even like him! If Churchill didn’t figurehead the empire someone else would have.
            WW1 was about getting a train line through to the oilfields through Serbia bypassing Suez. Sure there are other agendas.
            WW2 the Germans seemed to have their eye on other oilfields closer to home. Hitler did the Volkswagens and autobahns in anticipation of this. If he could get free petrol he would be dictator for life.
            The point back then is the same as right now, the dominant empire won’t allow the new empire to get big enough to be a serious threat, unless the dominant empire has been hollowed out first.
            Most of the celebrities of history could have been someone else, who might have done things a little different, it’s mostly chance and financial backing that gets one to the top of the heap over another.
            The psyche of the masses is the force that pushes one or another up.
            Hence we have all the propaganda and mind control etc of history.

          • Fish, your ‘ How the World was Fooled ‘ BitChute clip is a treat. ( ‘Silent Night’ sung in German is without peer).

            If only people would wake up to how we continue being fooled by the same entity.

          • Thank you Julius for the fascinating links. I was reprimanded for suggesting my students of German look at authentic German documents to get a truer understanding of History. Apparently this was going ‘off-script’ – deviating from the textbook narrative “ist nicht erlaubt”. This was the beginning of my loss of belief in our ‘wonderful’ (not) education system.
            Had I shown the national vanguard article, I may well have been hanged, drawn and quartered!

          • Fish, your article above about Hitler’s peace overtures to Churchill was a good read indeed.

            I was well aware that Hitler had offered very generous peace terms to Britain but was not aware that they were as incredibly magnanimous as your article details.

            Of course, we now know why Churchill rejected this offer seeing as (according to the article) he :

            ” Presumably ….. knew that a powerful international group could help and was working to bring America into the war on their side again, as was successfully done in 1916 to prevent that attempt at an armistice and an early end to that war ” , according to the article.

            Proof positive that, once again, in WWI and WWII, this nefarious ‘powerful international group’ was responsible for, at a bare minimum, prolongation of both wars if not actually starting them.

    • ’56’ , in relation to this sentence you wrote above : ” but the bureaucracy is entrenched, passed on from father to son mother to daughter ” , do we need any more proof that Dr Ron Paul’s agenda of MASSIVE reduction of government on all levels was the solution ?

      ie: massive defunding of the military, abolition of entire government departments and radical culling of the remainder.

      No more nepotism, no more jobs for the girls and boys.

      As Thomas Jefferson said : ‘ The government that governs best is the government that governs least ‘.

  16. Truth,
    Two hundred and seventy thousand million dollars for ‘defence’.
    How much of that are they planning to use in enforcing defence here, against us citizens who are financing them?

  17. Yes ’56’, that’ll be more than enough to exert the necessary pressure on our necks with their jackboots.

    Actually, if only it were that little. (The amount you quoted above = $ 270 billion).

    In fact, the U.S ‘official’ military spending is approx TRIPLE that.
    Add in Homeland Security and spending on other three letter agencies and the figure is above one trillion.
    (ie: 1 million X $ 1 million ).

  18. Untruth Veggie,
    Here’s your comment on moon landings:

    Typo – of course it’s meant to be Moon Landing (Apollo 11 hoax) in …. 1969.
    What they did in 1968 / early 1969 in the way of earlier unmanned Apollo probes may well have occurred.

    And here’s a nice music video about moon landings, worth a watch by anybody (but I don’t know what rappers would make of it):

    • And you say
      “… If only people would wake up to how we continue being fooled by the same entity.”

      Well it’s not yet clear who is fooling whom.
      Maybe if Mein Trumpf takes the congress we will get a clearer picture. If he is truly beholden to and part of the “deep state” we might find out, but he certainly doesn’t talk the talk. Let’s say the deep state plan IS that Trump is another Obama, just a different flavour of stooge, what was the purpose of all the “fake news”, going on twitter, bashing BigPharma, shutting down potential wars, was this all purely to create a sense of confusion, to get everyone to panic and be easier to herd in another direction, perhaps the direction of military rule via an army coup if Biden should win, followed by a suspension of “democracy” (a la Thailand), leading to outright fascism. Well it could be, maybe Paul Craig Roberts is in on it too.

      But I would not rely on a dodgy Untruth Veggie for their “Trusted Source” information when that same Veggie chooses the meanings of words to suit themselves and puts other words in my mouth that have little or no relation to what I’ve said.

  19. No need to put words in your mouth ‘bg’.

    Your verbatim remarks are more than sufficient to eviscerate you with.

    • re: Radiation on going to the moon, I saw the ISS go overhead about a year ago, it was HUGE, apparently it is 400km away. Nobody else seemed to come out and see it, I was down on the beach, they told us about it on the weather report so I went out for a look.
      So they are living up there with solar panels, urine filters etc for months on end I suppose, so it can be done I would probably think. Otherwise the ISS is a very elaborate hoax.

    • Just brilliant Martin – well done! Lyrics well constructed with a great message and very easy to listen to.

      And I loved your feature on the Tucker Carlson link – I never did really fall for him, being on Fox

      Ned should watch these 🙂


    • Martin, great to see you here on Gumshoe.
      You’re an absolute champion my friend and I’ve been listening to your stuff for some time.

      I first became familiar with you via our mutual friend Richie Allen some years ago.

      I do hope to be hearing from you again here and would love to see any future videos of yours exposing the criminality of the cabal and its minions.

  20. More from Martin Noakes ….

    Martin’s video mentions Agenda 21, HAARP and much more.

    Martin, you should look at the archives of Gumshoe News and you’ll see there are a lot of kindred spirits here that are on board with you.

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