[Editor’s note: This came in from G5 five minutes ago.]
by G5
Trump has correctly gained over 295 Electoral Votes and declared his second term.
He has the Constitutional Authority to close Congress.
AR, VA, and other states were declared Dem before any votes were counted.
PA has suffered a massive ridiculous fraud of mail-ins (no postmarks) in favour of The Dems. Courtesy of a partisan state supreme court. Recall the Obama-Biden mine closures, destroying some five million families, which Trump reversed. Does it sound rational that PA would vote overwhelmingly for The Dems, threatening to repeat the economic lunacy?
Does it sound rational that energy states would vote overwhelmingly for those sworn to destroy them?
FL, GA, NC, TX, and some seven other states had their clear GOP votes undeclared, and listed as only GOP leaning, to block The College Vote.
Trump had arranged at the recent Bedminster Conference (recall The Fourth Estate narrative that Trump had gone into hiding), that The Electoral College would declare states on the votes, not on partisan obstructions.
NV that closed churches but allowed casinos to run, could hardly fall Dem. The residents are voters, the punters are not.
CA, NY, NJ, MA, IL, DC, and the like, are committed Dem junk shops and were written off long ago.
The House Vote had reporting suddenly stopped as The GOP was rapidly surpassing The Dem vote, and declared Dem. The GOP was holding a majority of over fifty seats and rising.
MSM networks have reported fraudulent numbers, suppressed true numbers, and delivered distorted coverages.
To suggest that the cities and states that have suffered devastation at the unclean hands of The Dems (Owners and Handlers), would suddenly turn and vote overwhelmingly for them, is to suggest that the attempts at intimidation succeeded to the point of a private vote.
Persons presenting to vote were denied, as a fraudulent mail-in was listed against their name. Mail-ins beyond the number of registered voters has appeared. Apart from the continuing postal volume dumps. Multi and alien voting were predictably perpetrated.
The Citizenship Question was blocked on The 2020 Census Form — voter identification was not required — and the rolls blocked from cleansing. But at least much of that particular fraud was perpetrated in the choking cities of Dem Moral Nirvana.
The Senate has been returned to The GOP with Fifty-Three to Forty-Seven. As MSM and Dems have failed to declare beyond Forty-Seven seats each.
It’s off to SCOTUS we go to reject The Dem Frauds.
It’s a better ending to a second civil war; again caused by The Donkey Party, when they fought to maintain slavery; as I have previously written. But don’t discount that eventuality.
With the Police Forces defunded, demonized, and stood down, and for the first time some six hundred police unions endorsing The GOP, it is hard to think that there would be any perpetrators located, should The Donkeys, their Handlers and Owners, begin to become endangered species. After all: it’s guns that kill, never people.
And of course, it was the personalities and outstandingly pristine histories of Biden and Harris, and their exemplary policies that we are to believe won the day. [No mention of the laptop from hell.]
Welcome to Third World America. If the rules or even the history doesn’t suit, burn it down. Who cares what remains.
Spare the nausea: this fraud like all the others perpetrated by the pretend second party, Liars of Distinction, will eventually pass, as the denied flatulent excess in the elevator, as the doors open to fresh air.
The fellow who stands between the Enemy and The People is not the Enemy.
Business Owners Boarding Up In Case Party Of Love And Tolerance Loses (Babylon Bee but only slightly satirical)
It was hard cutting this passage down from a longer segment written almost 100 years ago (authorship questioned).
Concerning ‘elected elected parliamentary representatives’:
“The narrower the mental outlook and the more meagre the amount of knowledge in a political jobber, the more accurate is his estimate of his own political stock.
Such a mediocrity does not even have to worry about responsibility for what he does. That calibre will become smaller and smaller the more the individual politician has to depend upon parliamentary majorities. A man of real political ability will refuse to be the beadle for a bevy of footling cacklers; and they in their turn, being the representatives of the majority – which means the dunder-headed multitude – hate nothing so much as a superior brain.
This new invention of democracy is very closely connected with a peculiar phenomenon which has recently spread to a pernicious extent, namely the cowardice of a large section of our so-called political leaders.
Whenever important decisions have to be made they always find themselves fortunate in being able to hide behind the backs of what they call the majority.
this kind of political activity is abhorrent to men of character and courage, while at the same time it attracts inferior types; for a person who is not willing to accept responsibility for his own actions, but is always seeking to be covered by something, must be classed among the knaves and the rascals.
They will submit to abuse and defamation rather than pluck up courage to take a definite stand. And thus nobody is left who is willing to risk his position and his career, if needs be, in support of a determined line of policy.
The majority represents not only ignorance but also cowardice. And just as a hundred blockheads do not equal one man of wisdom, so a hundred poltroons are incapable of any political line of action that requires moral strength and fortitude.
The inevitable result is that the intellectual level of the ruling class sinks steadily. One can easily forecast how much the nation and State are bound to suffer from such a condition of affairs.
There is no other principle which turns out to be quite so ill-conceived as the parliamentary principle, if we examine it objectively.
It is quite evident that only to a tiny degree are public wishes or public necessities satisfied by the manner in which an election takes place“
G5 is insinuating that there’s been some (or perhaps a lot ?) of electoral fraud if Trump doesn’t get over the line.
Well, I suspect there has been.
However, if there is an entity capable of rigging an election (Hint: It is one mighty wealthy cabal that can print money at will), are we to believe that said cabal worked its mischief in 2020 to oust Trump YET did not have the means to prevent Trump from winning in 2016 ?
Readers, I ask you, is that REEEEALLY plausible ?
OR, is it more likely that said cabal, decided to appease that faction of its group of shadowy members that leans to the left and give the Democrats a turn as Head Prefect of the Big School ?
TV… I think I can answer that: The Cabal believed its total control over the media, science institutes, and universities and think tanks, was enough to prevent any other entity but the 2-party duopoly from winning. They were shocked when Trump accurately identified free trade as the cause of the 45% poverty-ridden workers anger, and so he led with his anti-free trade vernacular. The anguished middle class joined them to hand him 2016.
Hence the massive complicity of media, science lobby, and academia in rubbishing Trump today. Same ‘ol same ‘ol. It may yet prove successful.
But just in case, the elite have promoted division over race and immigration. But even there the elite stuffed up. They equated Mexican and central Americans with Florida’s Cubans, which was an astonishing misread. Cubans are the right wing exiles of Castro’s overthrow of Batista and they side with the American ultra-right. Other Latinos (ie led by La Raza) are immigrants, former wetbacks, or illegals, all mindful of the US theft of their land (ie the Alamo etc).
The point I am making is that the arrogant elite are making classic mistakes, which undo their assaults on Trump.
I really hope G5 is reading this right because if Biden wins we are in for WWIII.
A thoughtful and very plausible analysis of yours above Tony – as always.
Wisconsin recount, could this be the flashpoint, I really hope so.
The video is an excellent find.
Computers were sold as a tool of freedom, creating a new addiction. Mission complete, every man woman child slaves in the cyber surveillance gulag. Now the censorship and fiddling begins. Truth is blocked and pedophiles roam free range on 4 year olds.
Jesus said, division will be within families.
As years pass, His words of wisdom getting taller everyday.
Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath that a computer program was possible to ‘flip’ the vote. Hired by Ohio Rep congressman Tom Feeney in 2000, to write a program. In 2020 he’s the Dem nominee in Florida’s 6th congressional district.
Could this re-visited whistle-blowing be designed to cast aspersions on the Republicans?
According to https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-security-flaws-in-voting-machines-could-discredit-election-results/ 8 Nov ’16: “Any competent computer programmer could write the same code”. Trump had allegedly swayed about ¼ registered voters to believe voter fraud is a thing, despite “overwhelming evidence” that it’s “virtually non-existent”. This article continues, suggesting that hacking electronic voting machines may be “easier than some might think”. Security experts say that DRE machines are easiest to exploit, with “at least three widely used DRE systems are proven to be sitting ducks for anyone with basic hacking skills”.
I suggest that hacking definitely seems possible, regardless of who is doing it and where. Maybe BOTH ‘sides’, even with a little help from a CCP ‘friend’?
A ridiculous state of affairs!
I remember de-Regioning DVD Drives and the like back in the day. So easy. ‘Hacking’ voting machines is more likely to be a ‘feature’ rather than a ‘bug’
G5 writes : ‘ Does it sound rational that PA would vote overwhelmingly for The Dems, threatening to repeat the economic lunacy?’
Actually, it sounds very rational.
Bear in mind that Trump only narrowly carried Pennsylvania in 2016.
The fact is, the Dems have won PA in EVERY Presidential election of the last 30 years, with the exception of the narrow loss in 2016.
Not surprising seeing as cities like Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are heartland working class and people KNOW they are worse off under Trump, even BEFORE the Covid Hoax rained down on us, than they were four years ago.
These people know that Trump’s ‘best economy ever’ was just an illusion – just statistical chicanery with the unemployment numbers and the GDP deflator manipulated to goose up the growth figures.
Under Trump the wealth of the 1% (more like the 0.01 %), grew exponentially.
People related to Wall Street, the government insiders and those with government jobs in D.C were the beneficiaries – not main street.
In contrast, most everyone else went backwards.
This is the true legacy of Trump’s squandered four years.
I don’t think that’s fair. Trump was heavily leaned-on by AIPAC and the entire Israeli lobby, which was an eventuality he was initially oblivious to. His anti-freetrade strategy was derailed almost from the outset. The Zionists also own the media which has hounded him from Day 1.
His major error was in not realising that Christian Evangelists are America’s main Zionists. Any pro-democracy politician who locks himself into Christians has failed to appreciate that Christians are implacably opposed to genuine Deemocracy.
Those bloody Christian Zionist Evangelists. Don’t get me started Tony :
The Jewish Question. Wow! Famous Quotes! Fasten Your Seatbelt! You Are In For A Rough Ride! Excellent Video Banned On Youtube!
The truth is coming out despite the heavy suppression and censorships and lies!
Arlyn, I just skimmed through some of the quotes from your link above.
There’s a mountain of stuff to get through that’ll take me a few weeks to assimilate.
But rightly, as you said, there’s some mind blowing stuff contained within so well worth the time.
I noted that Benjamin Franklin well and truly paid out on Jewry in no uncertain terms – and not via private conversations meant for private consumption either.
These were speeches he made before Congress and the like, directed towards the Founding Fathers and the leading statesmen of the day.
Even Australian P.M Billy Hughes was less than complimentary – to put it mildly.
I’ve bookmarked it for reference.
Time is precious and Australians are not in it to win it. they are slow in thinking and slow to act if they act at all. ie. Today in Adelaide was a demonstration against the ‘directives’ of this illegal corporate-government entity and the turnout was only 50. So as I keep saying Australia has already surrendered…
I’m glad that you are aware and appreciate the material as it is vital to the understanding of our present precarious circumstances. Many are not interested or they don’t see the value or are not in tune with what is really going on and that’s sad. That is the infamous national apathy that Australians are so renown for unfortunately
As we are all different in our views, values, perspectives etc., people are in different curves of learning or of interest.
The apathy of most Australians is shameful – the Julian Assange affair being just one recent issue in particular that sticks in my craw.
Anyway Arlyn, stay resolute my friend and keep up the good fight.
As Professor Julis Summer used to say…”Why is it so?”
The truth about the prosperity of America under Trump :
From the article above : ‘An alarming 40 percent increase occurred in major American cities during 2019’.
That’s right – a 40 % increase in tent cities in the year BEFORE the Covid conspiracy.
Before I’m accused of peddling video footage produced by card carrying leftists, I’m sure you’ll agree that this particular presenter has been more than fair to Trump over the years :
Yes readers, that video footage was from a year BEFORE the Covid crisis loomed.
That was from April 2019 – from the ‘Good Times’ (if we’re to believe Trump’s rants about the ‘Best Economy Ever’).
Could it be that Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Dem, had no intention of helping the situation? As Tucker says, Newsom flew to El Salvador to talk about fighting poverty… “the same people who want no limits on people moving here (ie those against building the wall) can’t even house the people who live here”.
I wonder, if one looked at other major cities, would we see a similar situation?
Famanda, I get it that the city featured in the video was L.A and that it and other sanctuary cities run by Democrat mayors in states with Dem governors are encouraging illegal immigrants that are exacerbating the situation.
But, the fact is that a disproportionate number of people living in these tent cities are American born (not recently arrived illegals) – many of whom are African Americans who’ve fallen on hard times as the ‘bringing jobs home’ empty rhetoric of Trump never eventuated and was never likely to with his economically illiterate trade policies.
In fact, America’s balance of trade became demonstrably worse over the last four years as evidenced by the record trade deficits under Trump and fewer ‘living wage’ jobs were created.
By any metric you choose, the number of America’s poor have never grown at such a rate under any previous administration in the last 80 years nor lived under such diminished circumstances.
Earlier (prior thread), oldavid wrote:
• “No “revolution” in recent history hasn’t been orchestrated by “big money” and ego-maniacal dupes installing anarchy as a prelude to despotism and tyranny. Funny that the result of moral and intellectual anarchy is always political tyranny.”
How true – with thanks oldavid
Democracy and revolutions have a lot in common …
“DEMOCRACY: it is controlled by capitalist ownership and control of the media, grants from tax-free foundations and favoured press coverage for favoured political candidates. Wide franchise to vote is given to the people to make them easier to control by making them think that “the people” are responsible for the inevitable distortions and negative consequences of the policies the super-rich mattoids impose in order to serve their selfish interests. Democracy separates authority from responsibility, this making it virtually impossible for the voters to reform the system. Those in authority (the mattoids) have no responsibility. Those responsible (the politicians) have no authority except that which is lent to them by their controllers.“
W. A. Carto. May 20, 2003 in “Populism vs Plutocracy: The Universal Struggle” and cited in ”Publisher’s Note” in “The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism and Orthodoxy” by Matthew Raphael Johnson (first published 2003 – Third Edition 2010)
(which I have almost finished reading – it gets much better – and I highly commend the body of work by the very scholarly and erudite Matthew Raphael Johnson)
The Games will soon begin:
The New York City Board of Elections (BOE) received postal ballots on behalf of dead voters, including a Staten Island woman who died eight years ago, according to a New York Post report.
Records show that the Board of Elections received a correspondence vote from one Frances M. Reckhow of Staten Island, a registered Democrat.
The BOE had mailed a ballot requested by Reckhow on September 24. The woman allegedly returned the vote on October 6, and the BOE received it and declared it valid on October 8, according to tracking records.
But there is a small detail: Frances Reckhow, who was born on July 6, 1915 and would be 105 years old today, died in 2012, according to an obituary filed in The Staten Advance.
Hilarious isn’t it? Foreign countries watch the great United States express democracy on its’ own turf, while they create wars in order to export that ‘democracy’ around the world.
This voter fraud is so bad that I expect some blow-back. With all the BLM and Antifa BS thrown in, things may go HOT. Then it will be the last man standing, and I don’t think it will be a progressive snowflake. Conservatives are by their nature conservative, but scream in their face, burn down their business and steal their future and the ‘I’ve had enough of this shit’ attitude will arise and violence will result.
Pass the pop corn.
It’s the Russians what has dunnit.
Lets see if Trump invokes the Insurrection Act..? We have not seen the high profile arrests of Obama, HRC, Mueller, Brennan etc…..
Arlyn, none of the above will ever be questioned under caution, let alone arrested seeing as they’ve been faithful servants of the Zio-cabal.
One thing you can be sure of, the script Trump’s following says these traitors are to be treated with the utmost care – and as always, Trump dutifully obliges.
Yes he is surrounded by these sinister Zionist devils is obvious and evidence of his character and his motives. People ask what is Trump going to do and I just say who has he chosen and you will know what he is going to do and already done
Terry – I’ve overdosed on the popcorn! Choking on it as I gasp at the horror scenes unfolding.
The conservatives (Christians the likes of TTAV et al) are seeking revolution, but of the peaceful, logic- and fact-based kind. Prayers for them!!
Christians for Peace? That’s not popcorn you are overdosing on.
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”
MATHEW 10: 34 – 36
Could the ‘sword’ be a figurative one? Jesus didn’t want Peter to use a sword to defend Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, and He is referred to as the “Prince of Peace” several times in the Bible. Matthew 16:24 – a true disciple must follow Jesus & be willing to face family hatred, even death, for doing so. That is, give up their life for Jesus, in order to be worthy of Him (Matthew 10:37-39). Love of family should not be greater than love for the Lord.
Those who hate and reject Him will hate his followers too (John 15:18) – the division between light and dark (believers and rejectors) can also be within a family. The ‘sword’ is the word of God, which will cause divide and sever.
Consider this interpretation: https://www.quora.com/What-did-Jesus-mean-when-he-said-Do-not-suppose-that-I-have-come-to-bring-peace-to-the-earth-I-did-not-come-to-bring-peace-but-a-sword Matthew 16:21 “the one who endures to the end will be saved”.
Luke 12: 51-53 is very similar in message to Matthew 10:34-36, speaking of division but without mention of a sword…
Anyone see TTAV/Bollingers’ Health Freedom rally in Nashville on Friday 28th October? The “good” was virtually tangible.. Celebrating God, America, freedom, health and life.
The Sword that Heals
The Second Beast of Revelation 13 Introduction
He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he that kills with the sword must be killed with the sword (NKJV).
Bible Prophecy Symbols
Sword = Word of God Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12
Trump and Biden are both mere actors reading from the same script(teleprompter in Creepy Joe’s case).A conveniently tight election which won’t be decided for weeks or even months which will keep a lid on the predicted domestic violence and give the oligarchy more ammunition and breathing space to introduce their long planned GREAT RESET.
Fabulous comment, Sandra.
Ditto, Sandra.
Even better is if we have two presidents at the same time, like we have two popes? leaving it to other countries to decide who the victor is. I daresay that would be bad for Trump.
With the elites quest to strengthen their control of the world by means of the COVID-19 charade it would be silly to think that the did not have control of most of the worlds presidents and governments when they issue money as an interest bearing non repayable debt. Introducing complete slavery requires a lot of cunning and one step at a time. Ordo Ab Chao
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”
– Josef Stalin
Just looked in my Latin dictionary for the meaning of Ordo Ab Chaos and it turns out that chaos also means: “empty space, the lower world”.
In Michigan, all of a sudden, more than 128,000 ballots were luckily located and would you believe it, they were ALL Democrat votes.
Of course, to consider this suspicious and making comments about it on Twitter calls for censorship.
Biden and Troofie Win!! (so says the NY Daly Noodge)
I’ve won nothing Mary.
All the world’s citizens are losers from a Biden victory – as indeed we would be if Trump won.
The important takeaway from all this is that we ALL come to the realisation that we have no real democracy in the west and that the present system (ie: the two party duopoly tyranny) needs to be overturned.
The following is from Bobby Kennedy who liked to quote the Greek playwright Aeschylus, said this while campaigning in the 1968 Democratic primaries :
“A good man yields when he knows his course is wrong and he repairs the evil. The only sin is pride”.
We all need to swallow our pride and admit when we’re off track.
I went through that epiphany when it became clear to me that the ‘Trump train’ was heading over a cliff some years ago.
Selection and election: How China chooses its leaders
China has developed a unique system of choosing its leaders, eschewing Western models for a process based on merit and broad support. Scholar Zhang Weiwei argues that while the system of “selection and election” is not perfect, it is a match for alternative models and has delivered for the Chinese people.
Xi Jinping: Scholar in a cave
Massive voter fraud is suspected in Michigan and Wisconsin, as well as in other states like Virginia and Arizona.
Take a look at the graph in this article about Wisconsin. Trump was pulling away from Biden until the polls closed. THEN suddenly Biden’s numbers jumped up to above Trump’s – like straight up! Crikey, they didn’t even try to hide it, they just did it.
I don’t know the original source for the quote that 56 posted above, but it is accurate IMO.
An article on Google suppressing information on Biden. I like the use of graphs – it makes the information GRAPHIC! – LOL
A Stolen Election?
Paul Craig Roberts
It couldn’t be any worse than the Bush Gore court case. Time will tell…
Henry Makow one of many good Jews.
56 yes but I am always wary: Rev. 2:9 3:9
This report from G5 has more content than 24 hours worth of MSM, luckily Trump has had plenty of experience in courtrooms, and this will hopefully lead to a massive wave of convictions including paedophiles, traffickers, assassins etc. If Trump is not the catalyst for draining the swamp then probably nobody else will come along. The US was far more divided than this during the Vietnam war but the opportunity for change was LOST due to the youth and naiivete of the baby boomers, the Nelson Rockerfella and HW Bush gang instead entrenched themselves. Hopefully this time around, the resistance will be more mature, structured and successful.
Trump Filled the Swamp with the Jewish Mafia
January 21, 2017 renegade 8 Comments
All they had to do was have their unpopular mainstream press come out against him and most lemmings disregarded all of Trump’s swamp creatures. “Oh well, at least Hillary is not our president!”
Video was deleted already. However, as much as a couple of you have combined Trump Derangement Syndrome with Zio Derangement Syndrome, clearly the great scamdemic is of BigPharma-MSM origin and it is being used to sabotage Trump. As I’ve said before, the evidence from my eyes is that Israel/Zion is a Rotschild project and apart from amassing the world’s biggest fortune that is their main game. Rockerfellas on the other hand appear to want to control the world via the US via the MSM, BigPharma, BigOil, their own banks and the Democrats. I think the Rotschilds are the lesser of two evils in this, and I think the Palestinian Arabs’ cause is somewhat overplayed, compared to other minorities around the world. I think it is easy to scapegoat the Jews, they are a bit like gypsies in the world, nomadic peoples of the world have all been overtaken by landholding peoples. Hence the imperative for the re-creation of Judea.
Disclaimer: I don’t have a dog in the Zionist/neo-Nazi fight. Just an observer.
Jews in the Trump Administration
Not really sure the point of this, for example, is it wrong to have a Jew ambassador to Israel? The ambassadors are expected to be competent in the country they are appointed to, speak language, have connections, etc. I think Jews are traditionally a handy scapegoat and the more they are picked on, the tougher they get. Maybe you and Veggie got swindled by Jews and you have that axe to grind. I have had a quite good deal out of Jews I have dealt with, I have no complaints whatever in that respect. If they want to maintain their culture, within Australia, I don’t object. Tell me again why I should denounce them?
VT Nuclear Education: The Beirut Coverup and Jewish Lightning>
After-Report on the Nuclear Attack on Beirut
vital update
The video above settles this once and for all but also it establishes the Beirut missile strike as both nuclear and 10 times larger than what was seen elsewhere.
Beirut isn’t built on sand, its built on rock. Today, there is a 593 foot wide crater through the solid rock of Beirut’s port. Nothing can do that, almost nothing.
Blockbuster: New irrefutable proof Lebanon was attacked by Israel
new update/English translation
Remember Google is part of the CIA’s Surveillance system giving them $900 million dollars a couple of years ago
Who Nuked Beirut?
As for the Israelis, their mathematical genius shows them that Jewish life has a value approximating to infinity, while non-Jewish life has a value approximating to zero. So mass murdering the goyim, especially Arabs and Muslims (whose lives they suspect of actually having a negative value) adds up to “fully kosher.”
Does Infrared Video Reveal Missile Hitting Beirut or Was It Something Else?
Beirut Blast: A Special Message from VT Senior Editor Gordon Duff
“Beirut Massacre by a Missile!” Lebanon President and Italian Military Expert said “Thermal rings the proof”
Was Beirut Blast Retaliation for Hezbollah’s Attack on Golan?
Under our influence the execution of the laws of the GOYIM has been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law has been exploded by the liberal interpretations introduced into this sphere. In the most important and fundamental affairs and questions, JUDGES DECIDE AS WE DICTATE TO THEM, see matters in the light wherewith we enfold them for the administration of the GOYIM, of course, through persons who are our tools though we do not appear to have anything in common with them – by newspaper opinion or by other means …. Even senators and the higher administration accept our counsels. The purely brute mind of the GOYIM is incapable of use for analysis and observation, and still more for the foreseeing whither a certain manner of setting a question may tend.
Time To Tell The Truth About
Israel …Without Fear
Of The Mind Police
The Thought Censors Don’t Like It? Tough
The Truth about Israel – Zionism & Oil
The Israeli people are being played by the West; the second holocaust is fast approaching, brought about by WWIII and nuclear war in the middle-east. The New World Order is conspiring to destroy both Judaism and Islam by playing the two off against each other, with Zionism and Terrorism the methods of their madness. 911 was an inside job. Israel is a Zionist state not a Jewish state. Video taken from the documentary ‘Occupation 101’.
Zionism is Communism
w3 I posted this earlier but it didn’t register
Are you going to ignore the past and present history of the evil Zionist Israeli regime?
The war crimes of Israel
Rogue State: Israeli Violations of U.N. Security Council Resolutions
The attack of the USS Liberty
9/11 3D Analysis – 2016 Update
I have said for many years these were computer generated animated images CGI and that the Prostitute MSN were part of the conspiracy with the Israeli special forces, the CIA, party the the US military, the insidious military industrial complex Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld etc etc. It is impossible physics for a massive 767 plane to fly so low, so could it be a missile that is ‘cloaked’ in computer imaging as a plane? They were fake photos as the flight records show and prove that Flights 11 and 77 never took off from the FAA records from a statement by a former MI5 officer. No CCT footages of the hijackers. Again nothing like the Pentagon with no photos revealed with all of their camera surveillance surrounding the Pentagon! Engines did not fall off nor did the wings it melded into the building which is impossible! They found no aircraft material, no baggage and no human remains. There were planted explosions by the Israeli special forces with their special black ops. Then the missile would be launched by a submarine with distance of a 1000 miles. Was it a US submarine or an Israeli submarine? They now know several small nukes in backpacks were used on 9/1.
The Zionist Israelis &9/11
9/11 was by the evil Zionist’s and by the cooperation and consent at the highest levels of the US government
The arrested dancing Israelis Mossad agents who had pre-knowledge who were there to “document the event” on Israeli TV and let go
“9-11/Israel did it”
9-11/Israel did it/Dancing Israelis
The Crimes of the Greater Israel
W3… the point is, few Israelis are ethnic Jews and no ethnic Jews are Zionists. The fraudulent Jews are Ashkenazim… ie people of mixed Khazar and Russian/German/Polish etc descent and with zero Israelite DNA. Adopting Jewish religion does not entitle one to invade the land of the Semites, which is why Ghandi opposed the establishment of Israel.
W3, I suggest you read the book by Schlomo Zand, of Jerusalem University.
So you reckon the Zionists “Adopted Jewish religion”?????
I think Nixon is another notable scapegoat from history, remember he said “You won’t have Richard Nixon to kick around anymore”. The whole scam was handed to Nixon including the swamp journalist Woodward’s reports, silly Nixon, old style politician, thought it was a team effort, he was wrong, the plan was to install puppet-pedo Ford and Nelson Rockerfella as VP…
HWBush and Rumsfeld were already inside.
After Eisenhower’s speech warning of the MIC, things needed an overhaul.
That’s how I see it. Nixon still wears the tar and feathers.
“Palestine” formerly included present day Israel and Jordan. The Palestinian Arabs within expansionist Israel are being squeezed back towards Jordan, excluding the rich ones in the Gaza strip.
There is a somewhat parallel situation in Calcutta, where the muslims wanted their own state exclusive of India, called East Pakistan which became Bangladesh. The Indians (non-muslim) apparently got out of Bangladesh, but the muslims in Calcatta preferred to stay. So the muslims in that case got their cake and ate it too.
In all these ancient disputes, it’s all about push and shove.
No need to get too seriously involved, the US admins deal with both sides, Saudis, Israel, Qatar, Turkey etc, they take whatever they can get, overt and covert.
It will all go on forever, or until the apocalypse, whichever comes first.
“The curse of Cain, (Satan’s son and father of the Canaanite Jews) the curse of being an outcast and a wanderer over the face of the earth has finally been removed.” Rabbi Silver upon the founding of the state of “Israel.” Jews know they are Canaanites/Edomites, and not Israelites nor Judahites.
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
“The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.”
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
Judah – [Shemite] married a Canaanite [Hamite]
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
“In the days of John Hyrcanus… the [non-Israelite] Edomites became a section of the Jewish people.” Article entitled “EDOM,” Encyclopaedia Judaica Vol. 6, p. 378 (1971)
Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.
The Jews/Edomites and Arabs are related – “Esau thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife” (Gen. xxviii. 9).
Ishmael who took an Egyptian for a wife is the patriarch of the Arab nations.
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanite/Edomites-Amaleks if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
Judah also began a pure blood line, Judah/Tamar [ Gen. 38:14-19 ] which line ended with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Jesus had no children of the flesh but Judaists are worshipers of the flesh
No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite/Edomite – Amalek] was allowed as an antecedent in the line of those chosen to precede the birth of Jesus Christ.
1a : a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation 1 b : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition
Rabbi ‘w3’, your comments in your 10.27am post this morning confirm what we’ve all suspected about you from the beginning.
ie: that you VERY MUCH have a dog in this race and that you’re ‘all-in’ backing the Zionist dogs of war.
Kindly refer to my cooking video below and please don’t hesitate to go and boil yourself should you get the urge
For those who are Christians we are not of this world. We are pilgrims in a strange land. We have a better world coming. 🙂 Why get all riled up about the US and placing your trust in one man or one particular political party who? The political parties are for them first and foremost. It doesn’t make any sense at all in the bigger scheme of things to come
For the record, the two videos provided by Arlyn at 11:49am are not visible here n the US. Can Aussies see them?
Arlyn, There are among us those who would like our offspring to enjoy a world of truth and light in their brief experience on Earth. Placing our trust in God is easy for believers, but there are many who take several earth-life years to come to Him, even those who climb from the pit of evil. Imagine a world where there was only darkness, and all belief was lost. The battle against evil is NOT one we should give up on. We fight with and for God, we don’t expect him to do it all, surely?
Video: The Plot Against the President
No they have removed the evidence once again. This stops people putting two and two together and the younger generation will have no idea
Well said. 😉 There are those who are in he struggle and have been in the struggle for years or decades. For me its been over 35 years in the fight for fairness, justice and the rule of law. Now we have been moved into a perilous and precarious situation as humanity has never been in this position before. Its going to get a lot darker than anyone can imagine before the Second Coming of Christ. There is a separation that is taking place. There are those who are working and those who are shirking…
Feel the need to consume more veggies ?
How to cook swamp cabbage:
I didn’t know what ‘swamp cabbage’ was so I looked it up. I appears that my banana palms that I have to cut back each year could substitute for the palm hearts that were used in the video. I’ll give it a try later this year.
A certain well-intentioned but now bankrupt TV chef advised to use tomato stalks for soup stock so I tried it and got hives for a few days
That was brave, the tomatoes along with potatoes and a few others are from the nightshade family. The birds that hit my tomatoes do NOT touch the leaves of the tomato or the leaves of the potatoes.
Some plants, like potatoes are easy to grow outdoors. The tubers are below ground and the only thing above ground is toxic to the critters.
I’ve heard banana palm hearts can be eaten. I tried them raw and passed on the next helping. However, I may try pickling them and see how they go.
This is from WaPo. If correct, Trump will be a one-term prez:
Trump has secured 214 electoral votes to Biden’s 253. In other words, if Biden holds the two states where he leads, he passes the 270 electoral-vote threshold: 253 plus 11 plus 6 equals 270.
If Trump holds on to his four states, he comes up just short, earning 268 votes. Winner: Biden.
SENATE This is from Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—Senate Republicans, facing a Democratic offensive, won enough of their Tuesday re-elections to diminish any chance that Democrats could pick up enough seats to take control of the Senate.
I need a musical break – a sit down and a good cry
Canon in D by Pachelbel
J.S. Yes it grabs hold of your emotions.
OK, musical break over. This is Paul Craig Roberts on the funny things that happen at night:
It is possible that shifts of vote counters in the two states finished their shifts and went home, and that when the new shifts arrived they found that Biden had jumped even or ahead in Michigan and Wisconsin. This would be plausible except that all the vertical shift in votes were for Biden. Not a single vote in the suddenly changed situation was for Trump. How likely is this?
For someone like me who, with Dave Kranzler, has watched the manipulation of the gold futures market when a sudden drop of naked shorts into the futures market drives down the gold price in order to protect the US dollar, the sudden shift of Wisconsin and Michigan into the Blue state count from a sudden ballot drop stinks. Any move straight up or down smells to high heaven.
Why would a sudden delivery of mail-in or absentee votes only contain votes for Biden?
The presstitutes will not investigate this question. Instead, Trump, who will raise it, will be denounced as a fascist who refuses to abide by the will of the people.
Democracy cannot work without a free press, and a free press is what the United States most certainly does not have. — end of excerpt from PCR.
It’s up to the legal process now, when the drugs wear off Joe will probably be in need of some new body parts
All explained at the latest x22 report…. did you miss T mentioning the 4 am ballot drop to come in.
They did in various states at 3.45 am and 5 am.
The fat lady is guilding in the powder room and will make a appearance, then the fun starts……per X 22.
Either one knows about the x22 or one does not……. i do not care, you cannot fix uninformed stupid.
If anyone bothers to watch the 4th Nov x22 report, just make sure you watch from about the 30 minute mark and note a basic copper’s trick. Say with drugs; intercept, replace with inert substance, follow the deivery and catch the crooks red handed. Simples.
Clearly T has a competent collection of gatherers who have been watching for some time…… then THE STING!
Evidence dear tv…EVIDENCE!
I can believe it, everything is going to script so far, the lying MSM was convinced of a win for their shambolic candidate
Thanks Ned. I await that evidence that is forthcoming.
While waiting look up the radioactive mark ( harmless) with the watermark ingrained in the ‘official) ballots. Have fun.
‘This is absolute fraud’: Eric Trump
I watched as the Antifa/BLM riots (you know, mostly peaceful protests) gutted various sections of Democrat cities. ‘Coincidentally’, there was also a serious interest in obtaining a firearm for self-defense. Around 50% of background checks with the FBI indicated that the person was a FIRST time firearm owner.
The Democrats/Leftists have opened a lot of eyes to where this ‘movement’ is going and a lot of people now ‘have a clue’ about providing for their self-defense. (hopefully they will go to the range and learn how to handle a gun).
Here’s another story about ammunition being sold out as soon as it becomes available – https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/04/gun-store-sells-80000-rounds-ammo-30-minutes-opening/
Biden and crew are going to have a hard time selling ‘gun control’ to the average American citizen.
On the other hand, Ozzie citizens are mostly dumbed-down by the Port Arthur Massacre.
In Search of Shangri-La: Elderly American Lady Disillusioned with America Seeks Advice on Somewhere Else to Live
“Ozzie citizens are mostly dumbed-down by the Port Arthur Massacre.” Let the blame, obligation, responsibility, lack of interest, apathy, not being Eternally vigilant towards protecting and defending Australia and its constitution on those who are guilty instead of some entity being blamed of being dumbed down.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.Thomas Jefferson
I hope we shall… crush in it’s birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country Thomas Jefferson
Every people may establish what form of government they please, and change it as they please, the will of the nation being the only thing essential.Thomas Jefferson
The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object.Thomas Jefferson
The mother principle [is] that ‘governments are republican only in proportion as they embody the will of their people, and execute it.’.Thomas Jefferson
By a declaration of rights, I mean one which shall stipulate freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of commerce against monopolies, trial by juries in all cases, no suspensions of the habeas corpus, no standing armies. These are fetters against doing evil which no honest government should decline.Thomas Jefferson
No government can continue good but under the control of the people; and…. their minds are to be informed by education what is right and what wrong; to be encouraged in habits of virtue and to be deterred from those of vice…. These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure and order of government. Thomas Jefferson
The republican is the only form of government which is not eternally at open or secret war with the rights of mankind.Thomas Jefferson
The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere.Thomas Jefferson
The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens.Thomas Jefferson
If ever this vast country is brought under a single government, it will be one of the most extensive corruption.Thomas Jefferson
Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.Thomas Jefferson
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.Thomas Jefferson
A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.Thomas Jefferson
The bank mania is one of the most threatening of these imitations. It is raising up a moneyed aristocracy in our country which has already set the government at defiance, and although forced at length to yield a little on this first essay of their strength, their principles are unyielded and unyielding. These have taken deep root in the hearts of that class from which our legislators are drawn, and the sop to Cerberus from fable has become history. Their principles lay hold of the good, their pelf of the bad, and thus those whom the Constitution had placed as guards to its portals, are sophisticated or suborned from their duties.Thomas Jefferson
From NY state bar association:
The current perfect storm of things, a pandemic and mass protests, has overwhelmed many, including the police and prosecutor’s offices. On June 2, 2020 the New York Legal Aid Society sought a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of prisoners who had been held in excess of 24 hours, estimated at over 200 people. New York Supreme Court Justice James Burke ruled that the coronavirus and the mass protests were a valid reason to hold prisoners in excess of 24 hours stating, “This writ is denied. All writs are denied…”
“A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government,” (Arlyn’s quote).
I am surprised Jefferson would put it like that. I have never seen a government that I could be against, as I AM the government [I mean the People are] and can’t very well be against myself.
Not joking, that’s how was raised to see it. When I first moved to Oz (1980), and heard people on the radio saying “The government owns Telecom” I was very puzzled.
Mary, we were a bunch of unsophisticated country hicks back in 1980.
Not like the worldly mask wearing, Port Arthur-Massacre-False-Flag-Aware critical thinkers that we are in 2020 ……. oh wait ……. on second thoughts ……
It’s not my quote is is Thomas Jefferson quote. “We the people” has always been from part of the US psyche but certainly not so much here for a number of reasons. I too came from the US and I understand what you are saying
Here are some more
The people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power, is derived.
Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power. James Madison
The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted. James Madison
The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse
I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. James Madison
A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained in arms, is the best most natural defense of a free country.
The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries.
The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.
Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.
No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.
As a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights.
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/james-madison-quotes
• “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” James Madison
• “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.“ Thomas Jefferson
Thanks so much for all your posts Arlyn – much to file and absorb.
• “The Truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.” St Augustine of Hippo
Julius This is a good one! It’s so true if they allow the truth to be set free. Thanks ee are all contributing and I try to just post facts of evidence instead of opinion
“The Truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.” St Augustine of Hippo
Twitter Bans Retweeting Official Statement From Erie County Election Board on Viral Post From Man Claiming to be Poll Worker Throwing Away Trump Ballots
Up there in the text someone saying did I know Beirut was a Zionist bomb, yes I know, and for proof I offered a quote from Trump, “My generals told me it was a bomb and they should know”. Zionist crimes, yes I’m sure, crimes everywhere, English vs Aboriginies, Indonesians vs Papuans, Sri Lankans vs each other, African Congo, biggest death count since ww2. Did I know Zionists were Poles, Russians etc., yes, you can tell by the face. Like here in Australia, you can tell if someone claiming to be Aboriginie is 3/4s or more English.
None of this by itself explains the obsession with Zionists, except through the Zionists in chief, that is Rotschilds. My thesis is that the most audacious elements of the scamdemic are Rockerfellas+Bush etc in origin. For considering this view I am regularly lambasted by the dysfuntional Veggie who accuses me of things like being on the payroll of Zion. I never gave this much thought as it seemed so stupid but today seeing the antics during vote counting it gave me pause to consider, it’s just possible the Veggie protesteth too much, maybe the Veggie is actually on the payroll, possibly getting as much as one cent per word, judging by the large volumes of very repetitious brain farts. Soros is often accused of funding such rubbish.
My position on Rotschilds is that they will probably lend to anyone who qualifies, like many banks, and if they were approached by both sides in Napoleonic wars or whatever, they would try to walk both sides of the street, survival would demand this.
I’m more interested in injustice against Aboriginies and I can’t quite see a reason for the singular obsession with Zionists. My thinking is that the current situation is at least half Rockerfellas in origin.
Instead of obsessing about Zionists I think that here in Australia, we should attend to our own sovereign business first, that is aboriginies. There is a lot that needs doing, just to change attitudes for starters. Aboriginies also have some horror crimes against children in their communities. They are existentially tormented people. They want to kill themselves with any kind of drugs. To me Zionists are much lower on the scale, than what we are doing right here, by NEGLIGENCE.
Let’s turn our attention to the greatest crime of the 21st century. ie: 9/11.
Likewise, the greatest crime of the latter half of the 20th century. ie: the murder of JFK.
What do they both have in common ?
Yes – Zio fingerprints all over them.
Also, who owns the most valuable asset in human history (the Federal Reserve) that produces the obscene quantities of funding to perpetrate all the False Flags and own all the key politicians and bureaucrats in the western world ?
No prizes for guessing the obvious – Yes, the Zionist Dominated Usury Cartel of Bankers.
Yet Rabbi ‘w3’ unashamedly writes : ‘None of this by itself explains the obsession with Zionists’.
On the contrary, these three things above BY THEMSELVES explain everything about the dysfunction in the world today.
Do you wonder why you’re a laughing stock on this forum dear Rabid Rabbi ?
Only a bald-faced liar and committed Zio-apologist could be so brazen as to suggest the things you do ‘w3’.
Then again, if the shoe fits …..
You’re the dysfunction like a scratched record going round and round
You seem to be totally outnumbered and dismally unarmed in this battle of truth Harvey (can I call you Harvey?)
Here is Rabbi Yaron Reuven with reinforcements posing a couple of questions about Hitler
A related article
Pornography and Political Control – E Michael Jones – Unz Review
Rabbi Reuven had the guts to speak a lot of unspken truths.
I’ll certainly be watching out for him in future.
Meanwhile, E. Michael Jones is someone I’m very familiar with since he’s been co-hosting False Flag Weekly News with Dr Kevin Barrett on occasion.
Another good man.
Back on topic, they said if Trump procrastinates things up to the deadline then the president is chosen by the states getting one vote each in congress. More small states are republican so they would choose Trump. With vote fraud, supreme court etc all working in Trump’s favour, this could go longer than people think.
An interesting prospect.
Wow. I have no recollection that I did a three-part series on electoral college for Gumshoe back in 2016!!! also did one this year, but below I offer you an item from the 2016 series.
I don’t think I should wish all that text on Australians so l ask only that you look at the comments, and at the last section that talks about electing the VP.
I don’t know how they get away with it. The act of naming a “running mate” is unconstitutional. When I was in the polling booth this week I made sure to look at whether we could tick a box for Pence separate from ticking the box for Trump.
No, there was one box “Trump/Pence.” Of course there was a Biden/Harris box and one for the Libertarians, about whom not a word gets said.
Zionists promote communism. “Komu sve, komu nista”.
Close translation, ‘everything for some, nothing for most’. Was the street talk under communist dictatorships. Don’t be naive, to think that they will not confiscate private property. It’s the hidden plan all along. In their equation, debts will over ride the value of falling assets – homes. Check mate, all in the hands of the few. The mass, broke and homeless. This lab flu is a diversion similar to selections. Whilst we’re captivated by their ‘holly’ fantasies they pull the pin as on 911, and more recently Beirut. They will take the blood sweat and tears of most from loans created from nothing.
Zionists are the money lenders and this is communism where they take what does not belong to them. As if fleecing with compound interest, for over 100 years, was not enough.
Bank debt is taken on by free choice !!!
Communism as it turns out is ALP – first Gough sending his man to Peru to shut down manufacturing, John Dawkins “HECS”, Gillard de-funding Ford in Geelong, Denial Andrews, following Rockerfellas’ lockstep script precisely. ALP history is much worse than anyone expected. Keating superannuation, nanny state regulation, shutting down of small business by local government and strangling it with compliance requirements. But go ahead, blame Zionists. John Howard did the housing boom to win elections, leveraged everything, following Bill Clinton !!! Another acolyte of Rockerfellas, following the script. Abbott, the grinning fiend, kept his pact with Gillard to shut down the other half of the car manufacturing. Shorten’s policies were so insane he lost twice. Where were the Zionists !!! I’ll tell you , they were in Israel and in private businesses you could engage with (or not) by free choice.
All I am asking is that some people get a sense of proportion, perspective, and come up with evidence. Whingeing about interest doesn’t cut it. Your parents should have left you the house. How else were you expected to get one when things went bad (due to ALP policies).
‘w3’ asks ‘Where were the Zionists’ ?
I’ll tell you where. They’re right here in plain sight spending our tax dollars on shrines for the ‘Chosen Ones’ :
Taken from the article above : “While there are many Jewish-run Holocaust museums in Australia, funded by millions of tax dollars from federal and state governments, there is not one single Indigenous museum to show the war of annihilation waged against them by the British colonialists.
Nor is there a museum to show the Nakba [the 1948 Zionist takeover that saw hundreds of thousands murdered, displaced and dispossessed] inflicted on the Palestinians by the British and Zionist coalition which Australia played a major part in.
Why doesn’t Frydenberg and the Federal Government give the Indigenous people of Australia and the Palestinian community an equal amount to establish museums so Australian children can learn about these crimes against humanity and about the importance of tolerance and humanity?
The answer to that is for everyone to think about.”
So Jews with Holocaust museums are now the problem, they are all Zionists, and it’s their fault the British took over Australia and didn’t look after the Aboriginies properly. It’s always got to be Zionists, and all Jews must be Zionists. According to your dysfunctional and totally broken down belief system, Jews have spent all the money for Zionism and that’s why British colonial rednecks don’t like Aboriginies. So refreshing to hear from you again.
Veggie, should it ever come to be found that you are wrong about Jewish control of the world (I know you are wrong),will you be willing to eat humble pie?
Israel Uber Alles
Is it time to write America’s obituary? Is it time to say, ‘Goodbye, America’?
The Jews Run the World
Mary, you say you KNOW I am wrong about Jewish control of the world.
That’s a BIG claim.
WHERE is your proof that there is a secondary party that is within TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE of the financial wherewithal of the Zionists* ?
(NOTE: I say that Zionists run the world as opposed to Jewish control.
Yes, most of the upper echelons of this cabal are nominally Jewish – although judging by their satanic ritual practices they’re certainly not representative of Judaism and and the bulk of Jewry).
Mary, refer to my 12.51am post this morning and focus on the THREE items I brought to everyone’s attention.
ie: Zionist fingerprints ALL over 9/11 / JFK .
And… Zio ownership of the Federal Reserve.
Can you refute ANY of these three claims ?
If not, you do not have a leg to stand on my dear.
As to me eating humble pie, I will gladly do so on this forum if ANY of my hypotheses are discredited.
But my beliefs on 9/11, JFK and Zio control of the entirety of the western financial system ( I don’t claim Zio control of the WHOLE world – clearly Russia, Iran, Nth Korea, Cuba and China are not controlled by them – hence the constant demonisation of these nations by the Zio-owned western media), are not conclusions I came up with on a whim.
They’re the product of decades of meticulous research drawing on the insights of those with unimpeachable integrity – the likes of G Edwatd Griffin, Ron Paul, Ron Unz, Christopher Bollyn, Michael Collins Piper and countless others.
So, end of my rant. Over to you Mary.
You cannot say there isn’t Zionist control of the world UNLESS you have emphatic proof of which entity (or composite of entities) is/are the real cabal.
(It is not enough to say I know it’s not the Zionists but I know not who).
I now await your dissertation (perhaps in the form of an article), that provides emphatic proof of who the cabal really is.
(NOTE: Make sure you dot the i’s and cross the t’s because you can expect me to quickly eviscerate anything not thoroughly researched and / or sourced from disreputable venues).
Rotschilds own lots of stuff, nobody is denying that, but if they pull out of Wall St banking, others will step in. It can be they have turned on Trump because of a perceived threat that he might start to nationalise things (as Gaddafi did), as with the rumour a few months ago that he was loading up the Fed with debt in order to crash it. (The rumour was followed up with a counter rumour saying this was just an effort to “front-load” junk bonds and get the best price for them).
W3 the Fed owns the US, so it is more likely that the Fed’ has the power to crush Trump – anytime.
VT, sounds plausible to me –
The Rothschilds are Jesuits
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that: “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”
If this latter statement is true the Rothschilds control in addition to their own fortune the immense liquid resource of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the Rothschilds’ in wealth and power.
Read on
Holocaust Hoax Demolished in Five Minutes by Gas Chamber Expert
Nazi/Labor Zionism Collaboration – Salem-News.Com
“Perhaps only two million Jews will survive the
upcoming Holocaust, (yes, he used that word)
but they will be strong and good for the Land
of I$rael. The rest will be blown into the dust
pile of history.” – Hymie Weitzman, President,
World Zionist Organization,
(later) President of I$rael
Hymie Weitzman was clearly suggesting that his
fellow Khazar tribesmen ought to have their sick
and old culled, before they can conquer Palestine.
Karl Marx Was Rothschilds’ Third Cousin
Rabbi ‘w3’, in relation to your 1.28am comment, your observational skills are clearly lacking.
Either that or you have early onset dementia and your recollection of my previous comments on Gumshoe is fast fading.
I’ve posted on previous occasions in Gumshoe that although most Zionists are Jews (at least nominally), a great many Jews are not Zionists.
I’ve also noted that a good many Zionists are of the Christian Evangelical sort – perhaps the most despicable of the lot.
As to your ‘Jews with holocaust Museums are now the problem’ statement above, the Gumshoe readers once again see your immediate Knee-Jerk-Reaction in defence of your tribe has revealed your hand once again.
Maybe it’s got something to do with that fact that you admitted you’re a Rabbi some months ago.
(Most people would not ‘advertise’ they were a Rabbi unless it were so. I mean, it’s not like being a rock star or an F1 driver where groupies would flock to you – although in your mind that was your assumption).
Anyway, for the record, I have no problem with Holocaust Museums or Museums for any other fairy tale AS LONG AS THE JEWS FUND THEM.
WHY are the gentiles, a group that collectively do not have a fraction of the financial wherewithal of your tribe, funding museums to honour those very few Jews (relative to those other nationalities that recorded far greater death tolls and suffered horrifically in WWII), that mostly died from typhus and malnourishment (due to saturation bombing from the Allies of German cities that disrupted the food supply chain to ALL Germans and caused needless suffering of civilians) ?
Why don’t you fund that Holohoax Museum yourself ?
Sell that 8 figure beach house of yours that you obtained (possibly ?) from Usury extracted from the goyim and move into a more modest abode whilst pledging the surplus to your hoax museum ?
Hmmm, just as we thought.
You’re a greedy little man, whose smug in the knowledge that his dear friend and synagogue companion Josh Frydenberg is spending the goyims money on pointless fluff.
And, seeing as the Federal government is running chronic budget deficits, that’s money we don’t have, borrowed from Zionist banking cartels we don’t like, spent on nonsense we don’t need, for the sake of impressing a subset of our community that is exploiting us and, as per Talmudic doctrine, says Jesus is burning in excrement for all eternity.
What do you think fellow Gumshoe readers, am I being somewhat harsh or am I calling a spade a spade ?
Scraps Veggie if you think I am Rabbi Bobby Goldsboro then I am a rabbi and a rock star and you even believe that you are a “truth vigilante” but no-one else would believe it you write so much rubbish I skim through half and can’t be bothered to finish.
It exceeds word limit and it’s repetitive rubbish and you won’t retract your serial lies. It really lowers the tone of everyone else’s contributions because it is so bigoted and juvenile.
I assume you know, who the chairman of the reserve bank of Oz was during those times of change. Hint, westfield boss who sold everything conveniently before the shtf some years ago. Prior knowledge before events always helps, if connected.
Lowy sold out and they said they were going to try to compete with Amazon, enough reason for selling out. (note: Jew on Jew competition)
Lowy was a member of RBA 1995-2005, never chairman, probably just advisory, his title apparently “member” (from RBA website).
These positions are never going to go to a guy from Jim’s mowing. They want someone smart, lucky, connected.
Yet more ‘Knee-Jerk’ responses from w3 in defence of his tribe.
Do we need any more proof that w3 is a sayanim who’s sworn allegiance in defence of Zionist criminality?
That’s not proof you dill, that’s balance, just fact check.
You said above: “As to me eating humble pie, I will gladly do so on this forum if ANY of my hypotheses are discredited.”
So eat.
Nothing to eat – seeing as you haven’t discredited a SINGLE THING I’ve written since Day 1.
I mean, it’s not like I haven’t deluged the comments section of Gumshoe with facts and figures and therefore given you plenty of ammunition over many months to pick and choose from.
Meanwhile ‘w3’, your fact-free assertions come with no hard evidence and are easy pickings for me as I refute them time and again.
Take w3’s asinine 12.13pm post today where he said : ‘ if they [the Rothschild’s] pull out of Wall St banking, others will step in’.
A simple analysis of the data tells you that if the Zionist Dominated Usury Banking Cartel were to pull out of control of the western financial system, it would take THE ENTIRETY OF WORLD GDP (and then some), to fill the vacuum.
So, my Spreader-of-Subterfuge friend, that ain’t going to happen anytime soon seeing as it would take the combined net worth of every cabal on Earth just to raise enough for a deposit on said financial assets of the Rothschilds and associated Zio-Usurers..
Whizkid Jewish Professor Forecasts Victory for Biden in U.S. Election
Jewish professor Allan Lichtman has forecast the outcome of every U.S. election for the last 40 years, using 12 “keys” as objective criteria. He has never been proved wrong. Not once. In 2016, for example, when all the polls were predicting an easy victory for Hillary Clinton, the Professor forecast a victory for Trump. And he was proved right.
This time, again using his famous 12-keys method, the Professor forecasts a victory for Joe Biden.
Will he be proved wrong for the first time? …………. Read on
How to destroy America:
As far as possible promote division and violence.
Play with election results so they are close and obviously unjust to some, but not so obvious to others.
Mess with the legal process that follows so that it is long and drawn out and as aggravating as it can be.
If the situation degenerates into violence or war you have won already.
Keep both sides nearly equal in power.
Yes exactly it makes sense now why votes these days are always split 49.5% to 50.5% and it’s not because the political scientists are such geniuses, it’s because they work out how many extra ballots they need and manufacture them overnight, then dilute them in when nobody is looking.
22 Steps Global Tyranny
We are here now and its going to get much worse!
These steps are alarmingly in our face! There are some amazingly astute but sadly overlooked insights drawn by Tony Pitt’s review. Tony formed the Save Australia Alliance. Two links of interest:
http://members.iimetro.com.au/~hubbca/save-australia-alliance.htm A letter written by Tony Pitt 3 Dec 2005, “weeks to live before I go”. “How do we save Australia?” – a genuine plea to rally like-minded Australians. Yes this was a ‘while’ ago, but well worth a read for anyone who recognises the battle we have on our hands. (the links at the start may be of interest also!)
“Our policies are simple
We hold true to the promise to simplify and reduce tax, stop the sell-off of Australia, stop importing immigrants who hate the Australian way of life, stop the bank and insurance rip-off, get our own bank, get our superannuation out of the hands of pirates and shysters, make criminals pay back or pay the penalty.
We will stop the out-sourcing of our children’s jobs. We will put tariffs on goods coming from countries which impose tariffs on our exports. We will fix the trade deficit and get our nation out of debt to the world financiers. We will restore a strong national defence system.”
http://members.optusnet.com.au/~mike_lanigan/ has some (IMO) valuable readings also, eg Australia sold out and This Paper is intended …to be distributed Australia wide prior to the 2006/7 federal election.
Where is Save Australia Alliance now?
The Battle of Athens, Tennessee (1946) 🇺🇸
They stood up to them and that is what we must do or the consequences will be a thousand fold worse…
Why The Heresy Of Zionism Is So Dangerous To Christians
The Judaization of American Politics and Universities
the Jewish Controlled Opposition to Jewish Communism
and the Jewish Use of Black Traitors
The Communist Takedown of America
As UTT previously reported here and here the Marxist-Communist Movement in the United States is using the Chinese COVID-19 pandemic to propel its efforts forward, destroy liberty, and take down the American system.
In response to a number of questions received by UTT about this, it seems appropriate to put the entire situation into perspective and provide some practical updates.
As of today, we know with a high degree of certainty:
The coronavirus came from one of two Chinese bioweapons labs in Wuhan, China, China has lied about the details of the outbreak from the beginning, and China is taking actions which lead some to assess this was an intentional attack.
European-American Evangelistic Crusades
Inc. February 2000 Newsletter
The Scourge of Zionism: Learning from History
The Zionist Communist Takeover Of
America – 45 Declared Goals
The long arm of the 1975 UN declaration “Zionism equals Racism”
https://theamericancitadel.com/2020/10/16/five-facts-about-the-communist-conspiracy-you-should-know/ (Abstract click on link for full article)
Whereas Germany allegedly killed 6 million Jews, a number which has been continually revised downward by the millions by Auschwitz historians, the Soviet Union killed between 40 and 70 million! Why is the Soviet-perpetrated holocaust not talked about? It dwarfed anything even alleged against Hitler. And what about the death toll in communist China? Through Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, and myriad persecutions that continue to this day with millions of human beings languishing in the Chinese GULAG, the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for slaughtering somewhere between 60 and 100 million people! The true number will never be known because the Chinese Communist Party stopped counting somewhere around 45 million.
Thank you very much for your information. In the meantime there are new news about Trump’s orders for total declassification of the deep state:
As Trump orders the complete declassification of all “Russia Hoax” documents, here’s a list of TRAITORS who should be arrested and tried for TREASON
9/11 Was an Israeli Job
How America was neoconned into World War IV
Why Catholics and Jews dominate at the Supreme Court
Basically they have been legislating as they wish up and above over the US Constitution
The Jewish Origins of Communism
Goal of Zionism & Communism is the Same- Jewish Supremacism
Communism Was Created by Jews and Serves Only Their Interests
Jews Created Communist China
Communism Was Created by Jews and Serves Only Their Interests
The Jews the Communists and the Democratic Party
Communism’s Barbaric Cruelty By the Numbers
Military Quotations from around the world.
Maj H G Moor, South Africa, 1900 on being asked to surrender.
I cannot surrender. I am in command of Australians who would cut my throat if I did. Colonel C Hore, Elands River, South Africa
Surrender? Don’t be bloody silly, we’re Australian. Anonymous
Because no-one was able to put the craft of these people down, up to now, the lies and wars continue. However, there are docs shedding light on Mossad’s foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks:
Find more to this on:
The Lies About World War II
WW2 – historically impossible
without Judo-communism and
the Jew Rothschild banksters
The Soviet Union entered WW2 on the side of the Axis,
and only thanks to Mr Hitler, was forced onto the side
of the Allies. Stalin lied that only 7 million were killed in
the war. (That’s how many he murdered in Holodomor
alone.) Khrushchev claimed that 20 million were killed.
And Gorbachev admitted that 27 million died in the war.
In fact, had Stalin not started WW2, along with Hitler,
then there wouldn’t have been a war – to the infinite
disappointment of the Jew Rothschild banksters, who
generously financed the 1917 Judo-communist coup
d’etat in Russia, as well the Nazi Party in Germany
(1928-1933) – with a clear intent of bringing about
a highly profitable world war – that would also force
at least some Jews out of Europe and into Palestine.
However, for all his thunderous declarations, Mr Hitler
was much less than willing to cross that final Rubicon
of invading Poland – and wouldn’t have done so, had
he not been given the green light by Comrade Stalin.
And further, the Nazi Party wouldn’t have won the
1933 election – and Mr Hitler wouldn’t have become
the Chancellor – had Stalin not forbidden the German
communists to coalesce with the social-democrats.
And in the first place, had it not been for the Soviet
Judo-communism, there wouldn’t have been the
German National-Socialism, either – or Italian Fascism,
for that matter – having emerged, as they did, as
the European Christian immune reaction against
the Judo-communist cannibal regime that kept on
devouring some two million of its captive population
every year.
Thus, despite the all too familiar Jew Hollywood
caricature of the ‘evil Nazis’ invariably presented
by the Jews and the KGB as the only possible
guilty party, it is, in fact, the Soviet Judo-
communism that was the most obvious cause
of the Second World War, as well as its major
perpetrator by the virtue of the 1939 Hitler-Stalin
Pact enabling the German-Soviet invasion of Poland.
This resembles Bush logic “It was them A-rabs !!! ”
And their friends the Rockerfellas “The virus !!! ”
CIA logic “Sirhan Sirhan !!! and Russki Oswald !!! “
Dr. Steve Pieczenik reveals that this election “was the largest sting operation in history.” It was planned for a long time in an effort to break the power of those who had stolen the electoral process, so that true elections could be reinstated.
Dr. Pieczenik knew about this for a long time but was not released to tell us about it until today, so that the Deep State would fall into the trap.
He also reveals that the ballots were watermarked, not only so they could distinguish real votes from fake, but also so that any ballots that were lost or thrown away could be tracked and found. Here is a 7-minute interview with Dr. Pieczenik:
“When everything Americans believe is false, our misinformation campaign will be complete.” ― William Casey CIA Agent Head under Regan
This would be too good to be true – but then maybe you CAN make this stuff up.
I would me wary of Pieczenik – I suspect the watermark is in the shape of the letter Q.
I’m with you Fish.
Steve Pieczenik is knee-deep in the Deep State.
At times I value your comments, but I grow tiresome and do not read you and your opposing mates epistles.
If you want me to read the above, try with draing the sock and put up some evidence, otherwise you are just a stream of piss agains a strong South Easter.
Give us a break, we all know who have run the banks since 1913 and they are evil greedy control freak crooks pissing on their slaves.
Yes Ned, we (those that don’t have an axe to grind), all know about the Zio-cabal’s control of the Federal Reserve since 1913 and the concomitant power that this unlimited source of wealth entails (in terms of owning politicians / dictating U,S foreign policy / ability to facilitate False Flags , kill Kennedy’s and be able to get away with it.
BUT, Rabbi Gold-borrower ‘w3’ has a low rate of absorption and thus it need to be constantly drilled into him.
Meanwhile, and surprisingly, our Mary claims the Zio mischief makers don’t control the entirety of the western financial system.
She says she knows this FOR SURE.
Mary, I’m not going to let this slide.
I’m going to keep reminding you of your claim until you reveal the identity of this non-Zionist world controller (along with the accompanying ‘proof), that you have which all here at Gumshoe, and indeed the WHOLE WORLD, are eager to hear about.
You would be Austin Powers, relentlessly pursuing Dr. Evil, so simple isn’t it, in your mind, there is no room in there, for anything else.
Now youtube has censored it already but you can see it all under “the sting” on banned.video
Now can we return to the election and forget the arguing barrow pushers wasting our space above.
Perhaps some might even realise that their ignorant vilification of Q and Trump simply suggests that they could not recognise a plan, even if it was a drawing of a box for their own coffin.
Absolute confirmation that one cannot fix stupid or give sight to the blind.
Ned, my apologies but I’m including one last off-topic item as it fits in with the banter above. (We can come back to the election later).
Not that it makes any difference since it’s been pre-scripted who will be the eventual victor and nothing you or I say is going to prevent a Biden Presidency.
Nor is the pre-scripted theatre of Trump challenging the results which has just been put on to provide some red meat for his supporters who are champing at the bit for some ‘justice’).
Since the topic of the moment was Zio-malfeasance, here we have a story about the role of the Jewish Zionist Sackler family and its contribution to the opioid crisis in the U.S.
The article is titled : ‘OxyContin Maker Pleads Guilty and Shuts Down’ :
From the article :
“Purdue Pharma — the maker of OxyContin — announced the company was considering filing for bankruptcy protection.
Around that same time, New York expanded its lawsuit against the company to include allegations that company funds had been fraudulently transferred into trusts and offshore accounts owned by members of the Sackler family in an effort to shield assets from litigation.
In all, court documents reveal the Sacklers transferred more than $10 billion of the company’s funds into family trusts.
The New York complaint also charged Purdue with secretly setting up a new company, Rhodes Pharma, in 2007 while the company was being investigated by federal prosecutors, as a way to protect the Sacklers from the mounting OxyContin crisis and continue their profit scheme. Rhodes Pharma makes generic opioids, allowing the Sacklers to benefit from the opioid epidemic both in terms of brand name sales and generic sales.
Rhodes Pharma and Richard Sackler also hold the patent to a new, faster-dissolving form of buprenorphine, a mild opioid drug used in the treatment of opioid addiction, allowing the Sacklers to further profit from the addiction crisis they helped instigate, the economic burden of which is costing the U.S. an estimated $504 billion a year.
Indeed, according to a lawsuit filed in Massachusetts, Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers sought to increase opioid prescriptions while simultaneously developing overdose treatment to boost its profits.
The Sackler family, meanwhile, have reached a separate settlement in which they will pay $225 million in civil liability for causing false claims about OxyContin to be made to Medicare and other government health care programs.
While the agreement does not release the Sacklers from potential criminal liability, it seems the family will walk away scot-free. And, considering they already transferred some $10 billion into their family trusts, the $225 million fine is a very small fraction, so they won’t end up wanting financially either.
Proving they have no remorse, Sackler family members, in a recent statement, shifted blame for the company’s illegal activities on its managers, saying they “relied on management assertions the company acted lawfully.” This, even though several Sackler family members sat on the company board and were intimately familiar with the company’s marketing strategy.
[Company patriarch] Mortimer Sackler, since deceased, was found to have avoided paying income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance taxes in the U.K. by falsely claiming non-domiciled status. The family was also accused of using a Bermuda-based company to avoid paying corporate taxes for Napp Pharmaceuticals”.
To Summarise : The Zionist Sacklers, who are front and centre in contributing to the half trillion dollar PER YEAR Opioid Epidemic in the U.S, fleeced the Big Pharma company Purdue of $10 billion just before it went belly up, and got off with a slap on the wrist after destroying hundreds of thousands of lives over the years.
I bet you’re chuckling all the way to the bank ‘w3’ thinking to yourself :
‘We got them goyim good’.
Put a sock in it.
See comment up a bit.
Apology rejected, go wheel your barrow into the harbour and hold it tight, or go away.
Ditto to you Arwyn, you are missing your Uni lectures with professor Mossad.
Go get a decent job and try joining humanity.
Ned, you’re not still sulking because you’ve come to the realisation NOW, with 100 % certainty, that Trump’s goose has been cooked ?
Get over it.
Look on the bright side. We have one less Zio-controlled sock puppet (Trump) to deal with.
Now we can focus on scattering the rest like ten pins.
As for my exposures of Zio-malfeasance and the opioid crisis in the U.S from which they’re profiting (as per my previous post), it’s unfortunate that you’re not concerned by that.
I posted it for the benefit of other readers who might be interested.
Ned, if the subject matter of my posts don’t interest you, by all means bypass them.
Indeed, but I just do not bypass, I just flick through to recognise irrelevancies for the G5 topic and others.
Go set up a joint s site with your fellow barrow pushers elsewhere.
Your serial self centered biased presumptions about my feeling are arrogant and a mere reflection of your ignorance and arrogance
I will not be responding to
You further norbwith the other barrow pushers sabotaging Dee’s goodwill.
More on the Sackler House of Horrors here …
• The White Plague, Part I: An Empire of Death: The Rise of the House of Sackler
• The White Plague, Part II: Genocide by Prescription: Deep, Dense, and White
• The White Plague, Part III: Concluding Thoughts
Fish, I just clicked on your first link above (Part I) and scrolled down to the photo of Arthur Sackler and his widow.
Am I imagining it or is Sackler holding a golden spittoon or some such with a goats head adorned (like the goats pentagram symbolic of satanic ritual imagery) ?
Part I was quite a sobering read. I had no idea that these Sacklers were such a wretched bunch.
You know, we talk about Big Pharma all the time, especially in the context of the toxic Covid vaccine that’s due to be rolled out, without actually touching on the NAMES and family dynasties that are actually profiting from these crimes – like the opioid crisis they have purposely engineered.
Anyway, it’s gloves off for me.
I’m going to name and shame these Zionist affiliated family dynasties and patriarchs that are cashing in on the misery of others in the months to come.
Veggie.com “the best is yet to come”
( just checked – this url is available )
Fish, I just read Part II of The White Plague and found this extract from it to be especially gut wrenching :
” Purdue Pharma [owned by the Sackler family] aimed its sights on military veterans, having accumulated evidence that chronic pain was one of the most common complaints at VA hospitals, with the Department of Veterans Affairs confirming that over sixty percent of returning veterans of the Jewish “War on Terror” in the Middle East were afflicted.
The company distributed pamphlets and other publications specifically for veterans, and contracted with a decorated Iraq veteran, Derek McGinnis, for a book urging veterans to ask their physicians for opioids and lobby reluctant prescribers.
McGinnis assured his readers, already victimised by their service to Zion in the Jewish mercenary force known as the American military, that opioids were not addictive unless one was “predisposed” to addiction, whatever that means. Within Purdue, there were discussions over the possibility that high rates of substance abuse among combat veterans might make them more vulnerable, but the Sacklers pressed onwards anyway. Such thinking smacked of defeatism.
Ultimately, veterans did prove to have a higher addiction rate than other classes of OxyContin users. Veterans were also twice as likely as the national average to have their lives stolen by fatal overdose.”
I’m aware that 22 ex-servicemen a day commit suicide in the U.S.
That’s 8000 a year.
To put that in context, as many combat vets suicide every year as died in ALL the U.S wars post 9/11 COMBINED.
The Sackler family should take a bow for their considerable contribution to those statistics.
Amir Tsarfati: Post Election Special Update
The Biden Sham Is Unraveling (Abstract click on link for full article)
The Biden sham is unraveling. Biden’s 74 million votes aren’t real and neither is this “prime time” acceptance “rally”. Soon, everyone will know the truth. Everything about Biden’s campaign is a fraud.
The Biden sham is unraveling. Biden’s 74 million votes aren’t real and neither is this “prime time” acceptance “rally”. Soon, everyone will know the truth. Everything about Biden’s campaign is a fraud.
A pre-recorded video was played to an empty parking lot of full of cars that has been sitting there since his last “rally”. (C’mon, man!)
If Joe Biden was at home, why couldn’t he manage to show up for his own Presidential victory speech at the Chase Center in downtown Wilmington, 15 minutes away? Is he trying to avoid being arrested on live TV?