Editor’s note: One of Gumshoe’s readers forwarded to us the Dr Cowan (posted below).
Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, is author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, the principal author of The Fourfold Path to Healing and co-author (with Sally Fallon) of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care. He’s also served as vice president of the Physicians’ Association for Anthroposophic Medicine, is a father of three, and currently practices medicine in San Francisco.
In the short ten minute video below Dr Cowan explains his view of the virus vs the electrification of the earth. However, I will provide an extract from his article, here, as background to the video. (The full article can be sourced here.)
In his 28 February 2020 article, “An Important Question About the Coronavirus, Plus Immune-Support Tips”, Dr Cowan writes:
“…I also want to emphasize that anyone who doesn’t take the time and effort to look into this article by Martin Pall, PhD, and the book “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg will most likely not have the full picture. This article is only a brief look at what these two pioneers are telling us.
“…every instance of “influenza” epidemic in our modern era was associated with a radical change in the electrification of the earth immediately before the outbreak. One of the most studied of these pandemics was the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which killed millions of people around the globe. The Spanish influenza pandemic actually started not in Spain but in the U.S. in early 1918… [In the video Dr Cowan notes the introduction of radiowaves.]
“…The use of worldwide radar signals grew exponentially, and along with this expansion, the pandemic spread rapidly around the world, even appearing in places that had no contact with infected travelers. In other words, it appeared on naval ships and ports at identical times, essentially proving that an infectious or contagious etiology was impossible.
“Also, paradoxically, the doctors at the time reported that their patients were not dying from respiratory complications… Their patients were dying of internal hemorrhaging, bleeding into the brain and complications of the failure of the coagulation of the blood. This was a known side effect of the exposure of human blood to intense electrical exposures since at least 1779, when primitive electrical devices were first used on human subjects.
“The 1956 flu pandemic directly followed the introduction of high-intensity radar installations off the coast of Alaska, Cape Cod and New York Harbor.
“In 1968 the “Hong Kong flu” pandemic swept the globe. This followed about eight months after the first satellites in the earth’s Van Allen radiation belt became operational. Again, doctors noticed their patients dying of acute hemorrhages rather than the respiratory complications one would expect from complications of the flu.”
“This brings us to the coronavirus outbreak. As Dr. Pall has made perfectly clear, Wuhan City in China, where the outbreak started, was the initial site of the most intense rollout of 5G wireless technology on the planet…”
To read what Dr Cowan is doing to protect himself and his wife, link to the article.
“the pandemic spread rapidly around the world, even appearing in places that had no contact with infected travelers. In other words, it appeared on naval ships and ports at identical times, essentially proving that an infectious or contagious etiology was impossible.”
OK, that’s in regard to 1918. Let’s get down to criminality here if the same type of non-contagion can be spotted today, re the beer virus.
Dee, I only watched the first 2 mins of the video so far. Looks fabulous. Thanks to whoever sent it to GumshoeNews.
Interesting article but radar was developed till the 1930s, certainly radio would have been in use though
In the vid he says radio, which was around that time.
Ironic letter to alumni today:
Dear Mary,
The University of Adelaide is monitoring the situation, and continues to take action in line with the latest Federal Government announcements, based on sound health and medical advice. As a result we would like to inform you April’s lecture – FLU FREE will be postponed until further notice…
You produce great artwork, dear Dee, but the caption under today’s picture could imply that Gumshoe created the virus. Surely not!
OK, here is what Cowan and wife do for health:
We take liposomal vitamin C, 2,000-5,000 mg a day, when well, and 1,000-2,000 mg every hour while awake at the first sign of any sickness….
We take our mushroom formula, Immunity Matrix, 1 teaspoon in hot water twice a day.
We take strophanthus, one capsule once or twice a day, to maintain the health of our cellular water. … Besides consuming clean water and exposing oneself to the sun and the earth [walk barefoot on the beach], probably the most potent medicine I know to maintain cellular and blood health is the strophanthus-seed preparations.
Finally, after dark, we use red lights as our main source of light and warmth. The research on these lights suggests that they restore the health of our intracellular gels, making us more resistant to the effects of non-native EMFs or viral infections.
Im very interested in learning more of your healthy ways.. are u on fb? or any way I can communicate with u to ask questions so I can get going on all this… my body feels like its breaking down in the last 5 years… I have zero energy and can barely do much.. im only 57 and would love to get some advice from u
As time passes in the Western World our bodies each have more metal uptake each day and therefore have more toxins produced, due to chemtrails, (aluminium, boron & strontium) water delivered through copper pipes with added fluoride.
If we do not naturally eliminate these metals or take supplements to assist, the toxins build up creating not only colds and flu but also cancers. Therefore the epidemic cancer problem encompassing the West.
After watching video regarding schools being wired for G5 while schools are closed due to the virus, I expect those same schools to have many very sick students when the schools reopens. Lookout for flu like symptoms.
This will give the authorities the extra figures of contagion that they are looking for.
Very cunning move!
Ned has communicated with us, hoping that someone could advise a distressed client.
The prime minister’s dictate that we must socially disassociate 1.5 m apart is affecting his business and could cause harm and distress to his family. It will most likely destroy his income and livelihood, and he does not want to risk breaking any law, or become a social outcast. He is not experienced in anything other than his vocational training as a professional pickpocket, and is seeking financial guidance as to whether he can receive some form of compensation from the government for being a small business.
(PS from Ned: My client has rejected independent advice that he be retrained as a banker (indeed the government would not be able to afford the compensation)
Ta Dee.
As a small business entrpeneur, can anyone suggest how he may claim government compensation?
Ok let us think ourside the box.
Woolies, Coles erc have conveniently set aside an hour for senious citizens to collect necessities.. 7 am to 8pm for humanity’sake,
I observed this parade at Woolies yesterday.
What a Morrison circus, seniour citizens with trolley’s brim full ( they are also thinking grand children with busy parents?) All lining up for 20 ms at each checkout.
The big ‘C’ is most deadly, when caught, by the elderly.
Morrison et.al. now say, keep 1.5 ms apart.
Bit late to advise.
If the B’s (sorry M) wanted to spread their eugenic agenda, ……. brilliant!.
How to catch a wild boar? Jus put out feed, build one side of a fence alongside on the first day, then add another fenced side and create a square…. with a gate. Continue feeding and then close the gate.
So simple, if one had a agenda. Then the nursing home.. if lucky!
Some of my missives are not getting through to gs news.
So screen shots are wise.
‘Serious’ should be ‘elderly’.
Now do we know of Dr Day’s address in 1969 …. the ‘demise’ pill at 75 years of age?
Looking forward to our eldely leaders being ‘demised’ and leading by example…. and pigs will fly!.
Gov Cuomo of NewYork, from NYPOST.com:
The governor on Monday, appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” called on the federal government to send the Army Corps of Engineers to retrofit state buildings in an effort to increase the number of hospital beds.
I think we should call upon the queen (not joking).
GOK’s Mary but I cannot share your sentiments.
Are you trying to make everyone throw up ?
I grew up in NZ and “God Defend” was considered a sick joke by every self-respecting 12 year-old
I reckon this is worth listening to. No bearing on the current pandemic, just some ways of looking at what a virus is.
The above video by Dr Wolfgang Wodarg puts another perspective on the virus
Makes sense to me, Dee. Anyone out there can’t spare 10 minutes, just start at the 8-minute mark.
The denouement is: The emporer ain’t wearin’ any more than his birthday suit.
Here is a girl that recovered.
Wuhan Today: City bids farewell to life savers
and see the lovely comments of support and appreciation from around the world such as by
Millie LoveLife: “Seeing such great acts of service and kindness brings tears to my eyes. May God reward all those medics for the great selfless work”
Meanwhile …
Coronavirus and the Gates Foundation
“… the Gates Foundation and related entities such as CEPI constitute the largest funders of the public-private entity known as WHO, and that its current director, Tedros Adhanom, the first WHO director in history not a medical doctor, worked for years on HIV with the Gates Foundation when Tedros was a government minister in Ethiopia, and we see that there is practically no area of the current coronavirus pandemic where the footprints of the omnipresent Gates are not to be found. If that is to the good of mankind or grounds to be worried, time will tell.**
“Wuhan Today: City bids farewell to life savers”
Classic piece of commie propaganda: At face value Wuhan appears to be over the crisis but the compere doesn’t actually say any such thing and as everyone’s still wearing a mask I’d say those concerned have simply finished their shift.
And why the need for a police escort?
I did also mention that ** the footprints of the omnipresent Gates **
Then maybe this article is more to your liking
The Invisible Enemy Has a Name
… in which the CFR are really the good guys after all
Meanwhile, ‘Rocking ME’ impresses me
#Plandemic (I wish I had thought of that)
Both links make perfect sense
But I’m still adamant that the core issue is well beyond any humanly-devised “plan”
Pilgrim Society Pirbright Institute. Serco.
Corona is the ultimate in doublespeak.
How long have we been speaking Spanish around here?
Call it for what it is – the crownvirus.
We are deceived by cunning stunts on a daily basis.
“Pure Magick. They’re at the top of their game at the moment. This is a huge high point for them.”
“The People vs. the banks,, will be faced now.” – Anthony Migchels.
“… nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.” – Carlin.
I was directed to this by a reader’s comment elsewhere – so sharing here – (just allow the translate option to happen)
Why did the US turn Ukraine into a biological bomb?
which cites source article:
“From 2014 to 2017, a total of 15 US military biological laboratories were built in Ukraine. They exclusively employ Americans, and they are funded entirely from the budget of the US Department of Defense. Local authorities pledged not to interfere in their work. These military laboratories, which are mainly engaged in the study and production of viruses and bacteria, are located in the following cities: Odessa, Vinnitsa, Uzhgorod, Lviv (three), Kharkov, Kiev (three), Kherson, Ternopol. Several such laboratories are located near the Crimea and the Luhansk People's Republic.”
Sharing for general interest … fascinating
“Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development” – Rockefeller Foundation – May 2010 (pdf link)
Page 18 – Scenario Narratives –
“A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.”
In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
The pandemic blanketed the planet—though disproportionate numbers died in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Central America, where the virus spread like wildfire in the absence of official containment protocols. But even in developed countries, containment was a challenge. The United States’ initial policy of “strongly discouraging” citizens from flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the virus not just within the U.S. but across borders. However, a few countries did fare better—China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.
… ?Plandemic
More on the C- (I mean V-)-word
I am still trying to figure out how this was planned in ‘think tanks’, possible decades ago
One of the discussion points by porn jocks on some morning radio programme that I woke up to yesterday (can’t remember which one – some ex-footballers I recall) talking about how SELFISH! people were !! who were not prepared to sacrifice 20-25% of their wages or take unpaid leave while others are losing their homes (“poor them – you should feel so guilty!! – and you should double-tythe and hold a “bar-b-cure” fund raising event with your mates to cure cancer and stuff because Hoges implores you to” – every bleeding 15 minutes … blah
Interjecting for a moment – those very same porn jocks were giggling like little school children the other day reading out the report that to minimise you risk of contracting The Virus, you should (and I quote) “avoid unprotected sex with feral animals” [giggle – that should boost our ratings!].
Anyway, well I thought to myself (as Hoges would say) why don’t the big banks offer to sacrifice 20-25% of THEIR revenue by declaring a 14-day – or six month – or indefinite moratorium (I mean quarantine) on mortgage repayments. And what about the 20-25% sacrifice of the major health insurance, telecommunications and pharmaceutical companies.
Is it only the lowest layer of society who need to feel guilty and make these sacrifices? Self isolate but don’t panic buy they say – panic but don’t get hysterical – I’m disappointed in you – STOP IT !!
The very fact that we are not hearing these gestures suggests to me that ‘The Virus‘ is a planned psyop.
From that link:
“Social security and the Institutions
A percentage of basic pay?? Like what the F**** is this? When will this be paid? Months later? And why a percentage? Who lives off their basic pay? Will the Institutions take into account the possibility of people to pay mortgages, rents, their fiscal obligations? Or will they act as if nothing has happened? Will people lose their homes because of Coronavirus? I can just imagine the letter: Dear Mr. Smith you are hereby notified that you have one month to vacate your property because you have not paid the mortgage. Yes, because he got this virus, lost his wife to it, possibly a child and doesn’t have a job!
The system as it is, is totally unprepared, economically and socially, for the reality posed by this international crisis.”
Speaking of the V-word, are we being red skied?
(featuring Morena Baccarin as Anna)
With this crisis they are crashing/destroying the world economy. Next step, mark of the beast or starvation!
The one percent are the serpent race, 100%.
Dr Wolfgang Wodarg’s made it to Facebook, condemned for spreading conspiracy/falsehoods!
[fact check: the dangerous false information of Wolfgang Wodarg – THE SPIEGEL – Science]
& MSM loudly criticised Alan Jones for downplaying COVID-19, comparing it to “the health version of global warming”. Seems wilful ignorance still abounds! Now we have SERIOUS Lockdowns already, & more on the horizon – closing beaches! Schools?! Even suburbs?? Oh, and if you don’t self-isolate properly, ‘new laws’ could mean you cop a hefty fine or even a jail term! TPTB have done a huge ‘job’ on our natural immune systems (especially with 5G) – now they want us to be sitting, starving ducks!
Is it coincidence that Italy was rolling out 5G with great enthusiasm in 2017, planning to reach >100 cities by 2021? Perhaps there’s a closer link between 5G & COVID-19 than we think..
[…] The Electrification of the Earth and the Coronavirus (COVID-19) […]
The alleged flus thru history all line up with solar maximums and solar minimums.
Modern “flus” would be more accurately be called electrucal sensitivuty caused disorder as all the non solar sun spot associated outbreaks of “flu” are lined uo with histotic rollouts of electrical technology beginning with the telegraph, and then telephone, the rollout of electrical power, radio, radar, satellites in the radiation belts, cell phones and most recently 5g millimeter waves.
This being true, the major telecommunications companies are on the hook for a huuuuge lawsuit for their direct causation of generations of mass deaths far exceeding all the wars from the 1840s thru to 2020!
This of course is why they control all data from science studies of emf harm and all rules declaring what is safe.
thanks for the comment