(Editor’s note: A series of emails from G5)
by G5
Enemies of Deception
The State suicides, by intimidation, and victimises, and criminalises to protect its deceptions and corruptions. Aussie Cossack is a fine example of how enemies of deception and corruption are created by The State in its suicide efforts to protect its deceptions and corruptions.
Add this to Shane Dowling, Max Egan and even Jordan Shanks, in Australia, and there is a momentum, over which the REAL CRIMINALS cannot step. From the innocent Film The Police, Cossack was passed through the mill by The State, and they delivered what?
And I have seen it many times.
The State believes itself a hammer killing the ants. In fact, it is a two-edged sword, and it needs to hold one end as it acts in its institutionalised deceptions and corruptions.
In NSW we have seen the removals of; Berejiklian, Barilaro, Hazzard, Elliott, Fuller, and Chant, with others rightfully shafted, in the background.
The filth of the inculcation of a government-addicted, psychopathic authority terrorized, collaborator psychotic class, making a social nuisance of themselves, had to end.
The C19 Genocidal Fraud was a swathe maiming and murdering its own, as it flowed through the deranged compliant. They received their rewards, and we suffered them as they fell.
We shall not miss them, neither at the dawn, nor the setting of the sun. Adieu, fair loons. We only pity those duped and blackmailed. Albeit; the answer NO was always available. And history well holds the answer that evil always falls. The only element is time.
But the fight never ends.
Crooked Mail Scheme
Abuse of Power During a Fake Pandemic: ‘Saratoga County Supreme Court Justice Dianne Freestone issued a 28-page ruling, that continuing the use of excessive absentee balloting relying on the pandemic excuse is unconstitutional.
The order included a mandate that local boards of elections discontinue counting illegal absentee ballots.
Democrats are using “an Orwellian perpetual state of health emergency, cloaked in the veneer of voter enfranchisement.” In short, liberals want an open window of opportunity to cheat. Out of control, mail-in voting is one way to manipulate elections.
Democrats have to try to clutch to every crooked scheme they can. They cannot win elections otherwise.’
Cuban Missle Crisis and Ukraine
I have written extensively over the years on The Cuban Missile Crisis. The reality rather than the tragic face-saving fiction invented by The US.
The US being mentally impervious to learning: has been attempting a repetition in Eastern Europe since before its invasion of Ukraine in 2014.
The current desperations by the Jesuit-controlled Dem party are compounding prior to its Americanist political annihilation on 8 November 2022.
The failure of the Jesuit Americanist Hegelian Dialectic and Orwellian Dystopia.
Watch “Lavrov’s Interview For the Film “The World on the Verge. Lessons from the “Caribbean Crisis” on YouTube.
They were never born evil…
…But determined themselves in that manner.
From the correct studies of: Monophysitism, Miaphysitism, Montanism, Constantinoples II (553) and III (680), The Council of Chalcedon, The Anathematized Eutyches, The Insane Augustine of Hippo, The Insane Ignatius of Loyola, The Satanic Jesuits and Templars, The Schism of 1054, the true histories of the popes, The Cult of Mary, Indulgences, Infallibility, Dispensations, Inquisitions, Excommunications and Rehabilitations, the rewriting of Scripture to proof text conform to false doctrines, the correct viewings of Malachi and Nostradamus, and the correct readings of The Scriptures: we know that The Vatican Church is the Church of Satan or Lucifer, and that this church formed Islam.
The canonised pedophilia of John Bosco with his prime victim Dominic Savio institutionalised and never hid: to the present day.
The slave and drug trading, the genocides, pillages, plunders, and economic devastations; to the present day; are historically monumental and of the highest evil.
They are forever expunged from humanity.
Weistein et al
Dem protected Weinstein and his casting couch religion.
I am reminded of: Washington Post’s Watergate’, and Boston Globe’s Spotlight; now with the equality run New York Times ‘She Said’. I am pleased that this Dem-smothered reality is being aired. By their own feminise wokies no less.
And of course, the varied exposed leading to; ‘Margin Call’ and ‘The Big Short’. And varied derivatives and ghosting concerning; ‘Ship of Fools’, and ‘The Looting of The Savings and Loans’.
What intellectual rigour. What a raconteur, gourmand, connoisseur, and exceptional rhetorician was involved with the supra four.
Former Commissioner Fuller
Ardern and Free Speech
[Note: I add notes on Paul Pelosi another time, except this short extract add from G5]
Paul P
It’s terrible the way the conservatives are treating LibTard inside trader Paul Pelosi.
Even the great conspiracy theorist HRC came forward with great Chiasmus to advise that David De Pape was a Trump-loving Maga deluded.
The reality being that DePape is a leftoid, BLM, Antifa, LGBT, Nudist confection, working the gay bars…[ ]. Fixated Alcoholic Connoisseur Paul Pelosi picked up De Pape in one of the bars Pelosi frequents. Much as conservatives might go to church. He takes the fetching David home for a little mutual admiration. As one does. No break and enter. Through the side door security: human and video…
St’rooth! Mabel! The ‘Masons are getting frantic! Has someone been kicking their Sacred Cows?
Y’ know how it is, Dave, any disturbance of the cloak of darkness is an affront to occult “wisdom”.
The insignificant number of Jesuits that is supposed to be able to usurp and control the whole Judaeo-Masonic, insanely libertarian, post-Protestant, “Enlightenment” that has a visceral hatred of Apostolic Christianity should be the subject of intense scrutiny by secular and ecclesiastical authority. As far as I can see the limited resources of the Jesuits is taxed to the limit trying to install Judaeo-Masonic syncretistic Liberalism in the institutional Church.
I suppose that’s to be expected if the notion of truth is identified with a socio-political convenience.
Your whistleblowers link William Binney (NSA) and Edward Snowden
Contemporary follow up, US govt abusing 1st amendment with direct influence (instruction) of BigTech platforms by government (senate inquiry):
Gee that was quick and it was all in the senate too
BigTech doesn’t like to platform their own corruption.
Just wait until they get the AI to police the telcos …
Can’t find it on C-span, OANN or national file but there is more going on in a similar vein
Mike Lindell
Elon Musk
I wonder when our parliaments will see on our ABC a broadcast for 40 minutes or so Michael Rivero’s video report from;
Whatreallyhappened.com. New,
after, all they now need one to wipe clean their financial mess, as they usually accomplish when they are broke and need a new financial slate.
This time, let Australia do what the Swiss have done; sit it out.
The Swiss are very actively involved, hiding there in plain sight in the middle of Europe, they are investing in the European MIC as well as the US MIC and most likely the Russian MIC onehow or another. This gives the game away with Russia, who rightly have their empire to protect, they must have Crimea, it’s non-negotiable, but they are in the arms race for the arms manufacturers as are all the other players. None of this ever gets a mention on our lying M$M but instead they are always trying to drum up the scare campaigns, one day North Korea the next day Russia the next day China, the fact is none of these weapons can be used because of the retaliation but they are signing contracts as fast as they can before the US elections next week when a whole bunch of puppets will be thrown out we hope and none of the arms race in the US will get any more funding, for a week or two at least. If the US drops out then so will everyone else, and the war will be over, and Monika Zelenskyy will be whisked away to Geneva, possibly transhumanised into a poodle for Princess Ursula.
“enemies of deception and corruption are created by The State in its suicide efforts to protect its deceptions and corruptions.”
Everyone needs to focus on said principle 24/7
“Exclusive: The Dossier uncovers WEF-Gates Event 201 launch announcement from Davos 2019
“The exercise will be called Event 201 in honor of the… potential pandemic.””
theres an audio on this page, where you can listen to the meeting.
( i managed to download it )
youve all probably heard of event201 but listening to them announce what they are going to do!!?? outrageous!
anyway, like the recommendation below, start listening from 45:45 – thats all ive done, and why im posting this.
Back to Inglesby
“We know that exercises can unsettle people, can open eyes, and generate new action.”
The Dossier has provided the audio obtained from the full panel. The Inglesby announcement begins at 45:45 in the audio clip below.
i know, i know, it would help if i posted the link
Fair, you did not include the most importnt word in th quote, which was: “uh”
“We are excited to announce that our Center is working with WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to hold a major pandemic exercise in October of 2019 which will draw together global business and the WHO and national government to consider these issues and shine a light on them and see if we can identify paths forward.”
“The exercise will be called Event 201 in honor of the, uh, potential pandemic. It will involve global business leaders, officials from national governments and international organizations.”
Fair, also note the use of the wordd government as singular: “and the WHO and national governmment…”
uh! 👍
Most GS readers know all the above.,,,,,,,AND MUCH MORE FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS.
So why do our medical fascists, political prostitutes, msm and shock joke spivs and fakes not know?
UH, UH, UH💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼💁🏼?
Try 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
Nothing to see here, move on, to, uh, climate change
Here is a very short piece by Mike Yeadon, accusing his Pfizer colleagues.
A great cartoon on the recent request for ‘amnesty’ for the Covidian tyrants.
Dark Money: Who’s manipulating U.S. votes? – Facts Tell
The Gunpowder Plot “false flag” organised by King James who also wrote the Bible.
Skip the first 12 minutes
Site of the Vatican St Peter’s Basilica ( goddess or underworld Vatika does not get a mention )
Jews and Catholics in partnership –
The Talmud created at the Babylon Yahsiva (Academy) by BalKhan (Baal Priest) Baba Rabban is properly called the “Babylonian Talmud” and was the only version of Talmud created until the 16th Century when the Venetians through the Jesuits created a hybrid document integrating the Mithraic-Iudaic laws of the Septuaginta to create the “Jerusalem Talmud”.
Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
What does the word Vatican mean in Hebrew?
The word ‘Vatican’ literally means “Divining Serpent,” and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. The Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. …
Vatican Hill in English gematria = 666
vatican hill in Hebrew Gematria equals 911
vatican hill in English Gematria equals 666
vatican hill in Simple Gematria equals 111
Confederation Helvetika
Joe, it is obvious that you love making wild statements –
How the Bible Came to Us, part 4
Just like to throw out a bit of bait from time to time for you and others, but in support of the main article: ” .. the rewriting of Scripture to proof text conform to false doctrines, the correct viewings of Malachi and Nostradamus, and the correct readings of The Scriptures: we know that The Vatican Church is the Church of Satan or Lucifer, and that this church formed Islam.”
Malachi presumably refers to Malachi Martin
1000 page congress report: Future investigations into corrupt FBI & DoJ (Dept of Justice)
The hip priest Obama’s followers reject reality (1 min video)
They are hypnotised as with Hitler and others but their number is shrinking
todd • 2 hours ago • edited
So what if Soetoro is campaigning for a shrew here in Arizona that has a documented history of racism against Blacks…. It was Soetoro’s White half on the stage.
disqus_cWBw65dIjT todd • an hour ago
thank you, someone understands reality.
Latest Interview With Maria Zeee and Karen Kingston. Kevin
An all encompassing prognosis of quantum dots much smaller than a virus which have been going everywhere since some years ago, according to this the only survivors will be people like commenter berry because this is so extensive.
I can add, they started spraying people again in Malaysia when you fly in, as they used to years ago, I think they stopped doing it about 20 years ago it was so stoopid, now doing it again. And Thailand will x-ray you.
Didn’t they say in Revelations or somewhere that everyone will be trying to hide in holes in the ground but that won’t help, Elon Musk skynet or starlink will be buzzing everyone. It all just gets worse and worse, how will the normies cope with all this information, they only have one option, complete denial.
Because all money is issued as an interest bearing debt, debts cannot be paid, only discharged
“……………..The game cannot continue. As a little known financial analyst — who was also apparently a quite good theoretical physicist — Albert Einstein commented: ‘Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.’
The point is that interest on debt always grows faster than the economy, and eventually it becomes unsustainable. Debt grows exponentially, while economic growth tends to be linear. As the economist and historian Michael Hudson has documented, the response by societies, dating back 4000 years, is to retire debt.
Hudson writes: ‘Every economist who has looked at the mathematics of compound interest has pointed out that in the end, debts cannot be paid. Every rate of interest can be viewed in terms of the time that it takes for a debt to double. At 5 per cent, a debt doubles in 14.5 years; at seven per cent, in ten years; at ten per cent, in seven years. As early as 2000 BC in Babylonia, scribal accountants were trained to calculate how loans principal doubled in five years at the then-current equivalent of 20 per cent annually.’ ………………
Division 7—Discharge of bill
64 Payment in due course
(1) A bill is discharged by payment in due course by or on behalf of the drawee or acceptor.
As I have said before, I am familiar with the currency created as debt rort and I even wrote a short exposition of origin and effects of the practice in the 1970’s.
The rort became fairly well known in the early 1900’s and effective measures to counteract the harm were undertaken in ‘Straya and Canada. Almost immediately “secret agents” of the plutocracy, with pockets bulging with bribes and blackmail, launched out of London and eventually managed to get the process buried in piles of borlsyt so that the Corporation could resume its plundering. That’s just what the Synagogue of Usury does if it can find, or induce, the kind of moral degeneracy that’s willing to trade integrity for greed.
What’s most disheartening for me is the blardy sycophants who enthusiastically try to blame the one time arch enemy of the Synagogue for all the activities of the Synagogue. To me it’s reminiscent of the Judeans who griped and plotted against Caesar but then repudiated the Antidote saying: “Crucify Him! We have no king but Caesar!”
Catholic like government is big ( and fixated on growth ), what presents on the outside is no relation to what is going on inside
Yes, Joe, they have the Devil for their father.
How do you know, Crossy? Did the Pharisees tell you so?
Another take on the origin of Vatikan
Vaticanus then is a combination of Vatic + anus, just as Romanus is a combination of Rome + anus.
Therefore, vaticanus collis or vaticanus mons mean “the prophetic hill or mountain”, which can be rephrased as the hill or mountain of prophecy. The word Vatican is just a shortened form of the word Vaticanus, just like Claudian is a shortened form of Claudianus, as shown above.
This association of the Vatican with prophecy is even confirmed by this recent Catholic book:
Where does the word “Vatican” come from and what does it mean? The word derives from the Latin vates, which means “tellers of the future.”
This name was the name given to a hillside on the west bank of the Tiber River in Rome because daily lineups of fortunetellers used to hawk their “wares” there to passersby on the street.
In the fourteenth century, when the papacy was returned to Rome from Avignon (France), the present-day Vatican became the residence of the popes, and the word came to refer to the enclave in the middle of Rome that had become the seat of the Roman Catholic Church.
Australian ABC TV + SBS have turned into totally unquestioning dogs, they are now calling for wars hourly in Ukraina and Taiwan, the presenters are utterly disgusting, they will tell any lie unflinchingly as the push the Globalist-MIC agenda of Orwellian permanent war. I have had them going all afternoon in the other room and it just goes on and on.
A great expose of the Netherlands in 2001, this is from BEFORE the state attacks on the Dutch farmers, this shows the place is run by crazed Nazi paedophiles
( Janet O. about 12 min )
You bods seem to get more frantically irrational as time goes on. Funny thing, it seems that the only thing that can unite Satanists, Kabbalists, Talmudists, Materialists, Naturalists, New Ageists, Protestant Evangelicals, Agnostics, Atheists, snake worshippers, and everything else, is a visceral hatred of Apostolic Christianity.
I didn’t come down in the last shower; I know about the many scandals of nepotism, simony, concubinage, megalomaniac political ambition and all that which has plagued the wretched humans who constitute the institutional Church. The main thing that you all hate is that through it all the essentials of Christianity persist.
Yous all propose a woolly, woosy, “Jesus” that is adaptable to circumstance and convenience. You should all love Poope Francis because he (a Jesuit) endorses all the things that you claim as “authentic Christianity”; a kind of “Jesus” that you invent according to your own convenience.
I have also endured the cleverness of the disciples of Saul Alinsky way back. “Rules for Radicals” was dedicated to the original rebel/radical.
Ultimately, you need to choose. Is the nature and purpose of Creation consummated in the Incarnation of the Second Person of a Triune God or is there an endless “progress” from Nothing to Everything?
I don’t expect that any of yous will care in the slightest about the abstract or absolute implications of Christian Doctrine. I can easily accept that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah were less guilty of perversity than our “enlightenment”.
“The main thing that you all hate is that through it all the essentials of Christianity persist.” I would say in spite of the Vatican’s best efforts Christianity persists, just as hamburgers would persist without McDonalds. Like McDonalds, the Catholic church was all about world domination, with all the crusades, wars, tortures and every perverted activity that was nothing to do with Christianity. Try to separate the faith of the innocent / ignorant subscribers from the organisation such as Pell and you will start to have a clearer picture of reality.
Prieure de Sion