Home World Politics The Failed Kazakhstan Revolution Sends a Broader Message

The Failed Kazakhstan Revolution Sends a Broader Message


By James O’Neill*

The recent talks held in Geneva between Russian deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov and United States deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman ended in the expected way, with no agreement about the central Russian concern of the ever-increasing presence of NATO countries on its borders. The Americans refused point-blank to rule out potential membership of NATO by Ukraine, which Russia sees as breaking its red lines.

It is doubtful if the Americans ever came to the meeting with a serious intent to discuss Russian concerns. What has now become very obvious is that the Americans had other objectives in mind, and that was the overthrow of the Kazakhstan government. This attempt to overthrow that government was orchestrated by the Americans, the Israelis and the Turks. They used thousands of mercenaries brought into Kazakhstan from Afghanistan, Turkey and other countries in the Middle East.

Kazakhstan’s president asked the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) for assistance combating what was an obvious attempt at the violent overthrow of his government. The CSTO, which has been in existence since 1992 following the collapse of the Soviet Union, immediately came to the assistance of the Kazakhstan government.

Defending the intervention, Russia’s President Putin said that CSTO troops would be on the ground “as long as necessary”. Speaking of the intervention, Putin made the compelling point that “CTSO countries have shown that they will not allow chaos and colour revolutions to be implemented inside their borders.”

The state secretary of Kazakhstan Erian Karin had correctly identified the events in his country as a “hybrid terrorist attack”, whose principal aim was the overthrow of the government.

Kazakhstan was not the only place to suffer an attempted forceful overthrow of its government. Only last December a similar coup attempt occurred in Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan’s intelligence authorities had linked that attack, which received virtually zero coverage in the western media, to NATO members Britain and Turkey.

The attempted coups in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan may be seen as part of a common picture, the overthrow of governments across central Asia. The thread they have in common is the involvement of the CIA, Britain’s MI6 and Turkish intelligence. The activity of these countries (plus Israel) was identified by Kazakhstan’s president Tokayev as part of a coterie of players based in the city of Almaty.

This centre of activity consisted of 22 Americans, 16 Turkish citizens and 6 Israelis, coordinating sabotage gangs who had been trained by the Turks and then sent to Almaty. The operation failed when Kazakhstan forces, aided by other members of the CTSO took control of the city (and its airport) and captured the foreign forces that had been brought into the country. The speed of the CTSO intervention stunned the plotters, whose coup attempt was left in utter shambles.

The dismay was reflected in the reaction of the United States secretary of state Antony Blinken who lamented at the “invasion” of Kazakhstan, and suggested, without a hint of irony, but they would be there for a long time. He would do well to reflect on his own countries appalling record for invasions of other countries and staying long after the removal has been demanded by the governments concerned. The illegal occupation (and theft of its oil) of Syria, and Iraq where the government demanded more than a year ago that the Americans leave, but were ignored (and similarly so by the Australian government) are but two examples of uninvited and unwanted United States presence.

The Russians have been observing for some time the build-up of jihadi forces in the central Asian countries. In this, they have been following the strategy laid out in a 2019 Rand Corporation report “Extending Russia”. The report laid out the United States strategy for their geopolitical moves, which included providing lethal aid to Ukraine, promoting regime change in Belarus and increasing support for Syrian rebels.

Those who have been following United States efforts since then will recognise the relationships between Rand’s suggestions, and what has actually been happening in the region. The central aim has been to reduce Russian influence in the region. This policy has not been a success.

One of the key players behind the activity of the Jihadis was long-term Russian hater and current MI6 chief Richard Moore.  Under his direction, MI6 has been heavily involved in trying to limit Russian influence in the “stans.” Moore was formerly United Kingdom ambassador to Turkey, and he has retained his links there from that era.

All their plans are now falling to grief. Tokayev has arrested many of the leaders of the old guard of Kyrgyzstan, including those loyal to former long-term dictator Nazarbayev.  Tokayev is fluent in both Russian and Chinese with whom he is closely aligned. He understands that the BRI/EAEU/SCO trio represents an entirely new way of doing business throughout Asia, and increasingly in the rest of the world.

Destabilising Kyrgyzstan, a central plan of the coup plotters, would have dealt a serious blow to the BRI/EAEU/SCO plans for the region and the world. Kyrgyzstan, rich in oil, gas and mineral resources plays a vital role in the development and influence of the three organisations.

More broadly, the attempted coup, and the rapid reaction of Russia and its partners, has sent a clear message to the rest of central Asia. Outside interference will not be tolerated. It is hoped that the Americans, British and Turks have got this message.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. An accurate assessment IMO James

    Mystery Babylons end is nigh.

    Revelation 18:17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off,……………….

    • If this is all theatre then all I can say is

      • “I work so that you could be happy” – Putin to a young couple in public Q&A

      “Every one of us, on New Year’s Eve, can be a little bit magical …
      For this, all you need to do is treat your parents with love and gratefulness, give your children and families the utmost love and care, respect your work colleagues and your friendships.
      Stand up for justice and the truth, be merciful to those who require your help – and that’s the secret to being magic.
      May all your dreams come true – pure thoughts and kind intentions.
      May every household be blessed with joy and love.”

      … President V. V. Putin

      • Putin 2017 New Year’s Eve message


  2. Eliz Pocahontas mentions that she came in third Dem in the 2020 NH primry. Let’s see, who came in third Republican in the NH primary?

    Um…um.. could it be? could it be the Minoatur of Australia’s Gumshoe magazine?

  3. Off topic, but keeping up with important events, I didn’t expect a lot of solar activity going into Cycle 25, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the sunspot count. Hopefully, it will continue and give us a bit more time to prepare. My biggest worry is that it may be the ‘last hurrah’ of the Sun before it really goes cold. Let’s hope it lasts.


  4. NATO Terrorists Kill and Injure Many in Northern Syria in Four Explosions

    NATO Turkey-sponsored terrorists went on a spree of blowing up themselves and others in the northern regions of Syria under the occupation of the Turkish army and its Al Qaeda assorted terrorist groups, at least 4 explosions took place in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Hasakah.

    A NATO Turkey-sponsored suicide terrorist blew himself up in the Al-Bab city’s main bus station killing a civilian and injuring a child, local sources confirmed. The Erdogan loyalist detonated his suicide vest in the station without declaring the reason, people at the site of the explosion confirmed.

    No party claimed responsibility for this heinous attack, such bombings are only carried out by suicide terrorists who follow the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabi versions of Islam followed by the Turkish madman Erdogan and Qatar for the former, and by the Al Saud and their clan for the latter.


    • • If the USA is Fighting ISIS in Syria, Why It’s Training and Arming its Affiliate Group?!


      This is old news and while I was not awake in 2011, I was jolted awake to this fact in late 2015 soon after the Russian intervention at the formal request of the Syrian Government. According to the ‘western legacy media’ it was Russia that was bombing schools and hospital but once the narrative began to crack, it crumbled to pieces, including the complicity of ‘our’ own puppet regime in Australia – the ones now pushing the COVID scam onto Australians. [Please don’t let this be just all theatre.]

      Anyway, while it is old news, it still needs to be repeated as often as it takes to get everyone to wake up.

      Because as Dr Joseph Goebbels wrote:

      Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that the people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run. A good propaganda will always come along that serves a good cause. But propaganda is still necessary if a good cause is to succeed. A good idea does not win simply because it is good. It must be presented properly if it is to win.”

      • “It is not only a matter of doing the right thing; the people must understand that the right thing is the right thing. Propaganda includes everything that helps the people to realize this.”

      “The truth is always stronger than the lie.”

      • “This is a struggle between light and dark, between truth and falsehood, between true humanity and inhuman barbarism.”

      • “The truth cannot be stopped by lies or force. It will get through.”

      “a truth is no less valid because it is expressed daily.”


    This was a most interesting talk and discussion.

    • The Poetic Principle in the World of the I Ching: Mankind’s Long Journey to Reason and Beauty – Dr Quan Le on Rising Tide Foundation

    Cynthia Chung’s introduction:

    “Welcome everyone to the third lecture in the series “Towards an Age of Creative Reason – How the Poetic Principle is Imperative to Statecraft” and today we’re going to have Dr Quan Le do a presentation on the “Poetic Principle in the World of the I Ching, Mankind’s Long Journey to Reason and Beauty”. I think this is a very important topic for today because, as I’m sure everyone is aware, there’s a lot of confusion as to what China is today – whether it is a threat or whether it is a friend and I think that one of the ways that we can bypass the conflicting news reports on this is to look at the culture, the classical philosophy literature of China that has been an influence on the country for millennia, and I do think, as Rising Tide makes it very clear, that the art that is produced by a culture is reflective of the soul – the value system of the people within that culture. So if we can come to understand in the West a little bit of this idea of Confucianism which we’re going to focus on, the Confucius standpoint of I Ching, how this is influencing Chinese thought today including in everything that they do – the decisions that the country itself makes – I think that this could offer a very valuable bridge for dialogue to actually occur and not to just resort to blind distrust of a country’s intentions which we can never really know if we don’t get to know the soul of that country. So I think without further ado I’ll let Dr Quan Le enlighten us … “

  6. Russia and USA have never fought one another
    Russia knows how vulnerable USA UK are to tsunami attack and pointedly developed a sub drone with a nuke warhead showing it….
    All the major cities are next to water…..deep water with clathrates

  7. Small world – I was delighted to see Reiner Fullmich interview Cynthia Chung of Rising Tide Foundation / Canadian Patriot

    The End of Limited Resources: Why Zero Sum Theory is False

    (I posted the latest from Reiner a couple of threads back – bringing forward …)

    • Reiner Füllmich & 50 lawyers: ”The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet”


    featured here


  8. • Turkey Helped Instigate Uprising In Kazakhstan To Advance “Great Turan” Project


    and let us not forget …

    • SYRIA: Sultan Erdogan’s Secret Weapon, Elite Squads of Chinese Uyghur Mercenaries


    Erdogan is Dönmeh

    • • NATO Expansion: Blinken and Stoltenberg lie intentionally and the media let them – Jan Oberg


      I left the following as a comment but it didn’t pass the ?automatic moderation filters

      Great article [although I am not sure that I want to read the final link to The Guardian.]

      The babies in incubators theme peddled through the ‘testimony’ of Narita Al Sabah (aka Nayirah) was not new of course. This theme was used in the form of ‘babies on bayonets’ to manufacture the consent to at least perpetuate WWI. It was featured in the [Viscount James] Bryce Report: “Report of the Committee on Alleged German Outrages (1914-15)” in particular. Arthur Ponsonby provides a thorough exposure of this and many more WWI lies in his 1928 book “Falsehoods in War-Time”.

      And of course the lies continued throughout the entire 20th century.

      • Debunking a Century of War Lies – Corbett Report


      • Uncovering the truth about WWII


      • American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (American Pravda series)


      From Ponsonby:

      “Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed and a picture presented which by its crude colouring ill persuade the ignorant people that their Government is blameless, their cause is righteous, and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy has been proved beyond question.“

      “Departments have to be created to see to the psychological side. People must never be allowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats, if not concealed, at any rate minimized, and the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind by means of “propaganda.”

      “… the injection of the poison of hatred into men’s minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.”

  9. Crown virus is a cover for the digital enslavement of all by the few, in this totalitarian dystopia formerly known as Oz. The plandemic, using forced vaccinations, is to digitally track every move we make. The beasts in charge are bringing the system down on purpose, to destroy all people in every nation. Hiding their crimes against humanity, enforcing one world government central bank, with digital currency AI slavery. They’re the desires and fantasies of idiots running these humane farms, now become entrenched law globally. Hollowed out from the inside by rats and parasites – the bloodsuckers, all governments now are illegal, immoral, evil hypocrites absolutely corrupted.
    5G is going to cook people from the inside, as they’re working 18 hour shifts competing with Bangla Desh for minimum wages (ironic that Bangla Desh ‘technicians’ are installing the 5G cables, six months after a few locals using ‘ditch witch’ laid the pipes, with lollipop girls directing traffic). Move along nothing to see or hear, business same as it ever was for collectors only.

    • Austria Demotes Some 3.8 Million Double-jabbed to ‘Unvaccinated’

      The Austrian government announced on January 7th that the validity of the “Green Passport” has been reduced to six months.

      This also means that everyone who had their “full vaccination” for the last six months will be relegated to an inferior civil status and be classed as “unvaccinated”.

      Even the obedient have become second class people, excluded from social life thanks to the country’s “lockdown for the unvaccinated”.

      Austrians living in this fact-free dystopian nightmare, are currently faced with two options: Force the government out or take the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and perhaps eternal shot…………………”


    They are saying 200 Kazakhs are dead shot in the head or heart by two snipers placed on top of buildings, there were also ( I think they said ) 18 security personnel dead.
    I heard a story that the riots were not so much about petrol prices as they were about lockdowns and forced injections etc. ( no surprised there ), and judging my the MSM coverage, who insist it was all about petrol prices, I would say it is most likely all about the virus response. Don’t forget these rioters were burning out major buildings.
    Where else have we seen a formerly popular government suddenly turn against its own people with a NewWorldOrder™ agenda.

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