By Dee McLachlan
Still wearing the same tie.
A photo of a 58-year-old JFK Jr. is floating on the internet. Phil forwarded me the photo on the right with big question marks????
A quick search and I matched up JFK Jr’s IMDB picture (above). Almost anything is possible these days.
It landed up on Tom Winter’s Twitter feed (a NBC News Investigations reporter based in New York). The message was from DeanChristianBradley, and was a link on Q Anon post 2548.
A Washington Post (5 August, 2018) wrote an article entitled, “JFK Jr. didn’t die! He runs QAnon! And he’s No. 1 Trump fan, omg!!!”.
“Such was the official story, which Q blew out of the water with a 15-word truth bomb in April: “POTUS &JFK JR. Relationship. Plane Crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. Enjoy the show. Q”
Daily Mail wrote, “Conspiracy theorists are suggesting John F. Kennedy Jr – who passed away in 1999 in a plane crash – has been attending Donald Trump’s rallies”, and “According to QAnon, JFK Jr could be alive and well...”
I don’t know whether he’s dead or alive, but the picture is fake. Someone is really keen to poison the well.
G5 wrote some time ago “JFK Jr. was shot down off New York,” and more recently, that Q has been taken over.
We can only be vigilant.
I can assure everyone that JFK junior is alive.
I could not believe my eyes.
Having lunch in Club and there he was, not more tha three metres away having lunch with Harold Holt.
You would not believe what they were giggling about.
Strange world!
Harry be lookin’ good for a bloke born in 1908.
So he was ‘shot down’.
How quaint.
It was actually a bomb in the baggage compartment. Probably had a barometric fuse on it so that when he climbed above a certain altitude the fuse was set. Then when he started back down – boom!
The tail of the aircraft was completely blown off. All three of the people in the aircraft were still strapped in their seats.
“a bomb in the baggage compartment”
Does that line up with what this guy has to say?
Yeah, if they had simply crashed into the ocean the wreckage would have been more localized. The large debris field (luggage washing up on beaches, etc.) is related to the exploding while still in the air. Also several witnesses to the explosion.
“I think the very definition of the Deep Sate is when the intelligence committees withhold information from congress” — Sen Rand Paul. TOO RIGHT, MITE!
The world is a trippy place.
As to G5, he also stated in his article on Nov.2nd (Reminiscing about a Deep State Dem Paradise) that “JFK Jnr did not die.”
Further, that “Q is a consortium of Intel. Ops”.
I’m hoping white hats.
Once again I use logic when I come to my research on topics.
My research shows that JFK Jnr, his wife & sister-in-law all died that night in his plane in 1999. I believe the plane was downed by remote control (the 3 bodies were located next day in the plane & a 4th seat was missing)….The plane could also have had a fourth person onboard, JFK Jnr’s flight instructor as he had never flown his new plane alone before that flight.
Remote control being how they took control of the four 911 passenger jets in 2001 & landed them at a runway etc etc etc….
If he intended to disappear with his wife there would be no reason to disappear with his sister-in-law.
This topic has been discussed in all QAnon groups & thank heavens is limited to only one post in the group in which I am a moderator.
Followers believe JFK Jnr is actually a guy named Vincent Fusco who wears a similar hat to JFK (Snr), drives a van covered in Trump stickers & attends some of Trump’s rallies. They ignore the fact that Fusco is 4 inches shorter than JFK Jnr.
In summary I believe this myth was started by a shill on a Chan board or in one of the Q groups & has been perpetuated.
Well Q just put an end to it about JFK Jr…
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0836cc No.4280455
Dec 12 2018 18:47:54 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 0e29f7 No.4280260
Dec 12 2018 18:44:01 (EST)
Is JFK Jr alive?
He would be JFK Jr…when his father died he can legally drop the Jr. …so Q asked if JFK Jr is alive? No, Jr’s. not alive, but JFK (John John) is alive!!