Comment by DM
Do you remember John Carpenter’s 1980 movie, The Fog: “Local legend tells of a ship lured on to the rocks of Antonio Bay being enveloped by a supernatural cloud as it sank; the myth says that when this mysterious fog returns, the victims will rise up from the depths seeking vengeance.”
What’s going on with the fog? A 25 year old report explains how nano particles could be used as a ‘smart weapon’.
The Hans-some stranger has been hearing reports of people getting sick from the fog — meself woke up Sunday with a stuffy nose and dry throat .
I’m getting psycho whack job fatigue .
From the nothing to see here department :
Man shoots himself in the head before detonating his truck :
Is this trying to subdue the red wave?
America is suffering a spate of terror attacks , or at least many in the media say so . Being that one of them blew up a vehicle near Trump Tower makes one think they are all Deep State related .
So Matthew Livelsberger confirmed that attention-seeking is synonymous with suicide.
What’s that got to do with alleged chemical warfare ?
Has this been in the planning for decades?
“Beginning on September 26, 1950, the crew of a U.S. Navy minesweeper ship spent six days spraying Serratia marcescens into the air about two miles off the northern California coast. The project was called “Operation Sea Spray,” and its aim was to determine the susceptibility of a big city like San Francisco to a bioweapon attack by terrorists. ”
“Biological weapons
The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare (the Geneva Protocol 1925) was adopted in reaction to the horrific consequences of the extensive use of toxic gas during the First World War. The Protocol entered into force in 1928. It bans the use of ‘asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices’, as well as the use of ‘bacteriological methods of warfare’ by a state party to the Protocol against any country which is also a party to the Protocol. Australia acceded to the Geneva Protocol in 1930.”
From Oz Government site
“Biological weapons”
A term devised to detract from the fact that the non-biological sort are a good deal more destructive
the non-biological sort – as exemplified by an attempt to instill panic re something that’s beyond populous contrl
Difference between the usual use of the words “biological” and “chemical” outlined here:
“Defining Chemical and Biological Warfare
Chemical warfare refers to the use of chemical substances to harm or kill individuals, often deployed in military conflicts. These agents can induce severe physiological effects or inflict fatalities through inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption. Common examples include nerve agents like sarin and blister agents like mustard gas.
Biological warfare, in contrast, employs microorganisms or toxins derived from living organisms to cause disease and death. These agents can be bacteria, viruses, or fungi, such as anthrax or the plague, affecting the health of populations without direct contact. The impact can be both immediate and delayed, complicating containment efforts.”
Everyone has to concentrate at least till after Jan 20th.
Go to
http://www.beforeitsnews.com to the interview with SGanon and Dr Maleki (not medical – physics etc to instruct army hopefuls)
She explains all that in the first 25 mins.
Then it gets more interesting:
So there is no plan🤪
Sorry naysayers, WRONG!
Do not take my word for it, just listen to Maliki, especially re the role of a Mr Turner🍽️ with the planned menu.
For all those who have ignored my pleas to consider Derek Johnson, there is a mention between 40 and 45 mins.
Where have you been MARY MAXWELL LL.B?
Now you have a chance to go for an election that comes after the 45 mins.
Well you are invited to stand for and with the new Republic, as Real Mary has mentioned in her WTPN SITUATION REPORTS AND YOU WOULD KNOW OF IF YOU [and others] HAD BOTHERED TO LISTEN FOR ABOUT THE LAST SIX MONTHS.
Yea right! Are you able to look at reality and contribute?
Anyway, there is so much depressing stuff around in the last week or so, I can only suggest: GET WITH ‘A PLAN’ AT LEAST.
It is trite to note that Australia and some of our alleged government departments ARE ALSO CORPORATIONS. Awake yet?
I think the deep state are trying to save their treasonous lies🙀🙀⚖️🙀⚖️🙀⚖️🙀⚖️🙀⚖️🙀⚖️🙀
Ps Elspeth. This time you do not have to worry about the identity of ‘SGanon’, he listens to MELEKI, can you?
Sorry, computer typo💁
Not lies, they all do that without any worries.
1.31 PM
Says it: some typical responses~v!🤪
Well the world is a ball, a mere little ball in the universe
So hold on it could be more fun and some will score a goal.
Try her at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
Try from 18 mins and note from 21 mins “One out ……..OR MAKE THE DEAL M.Fr
Well I know SFA, so it does not appear to be my problem🤷♂️💁
Anyone want to make a deal?
Sorry, most of the usual commentators are just normies so bad luck chaps and ladies.
Wonder what the offers are! A dispensation for the gullible and idiots by any chance?
Oh well, I will come back later and continue with Mary and offer some mediation for the recorded normie here or two. For the First up, I will waive my normal fee.
6.16 PM – est.
I could not be bothered commenting further.
A LL.B has answered the problem in the next article.
10.01 PM.
Milky rain weapon
Scientific Achievements in the Time of Troubles (part 5)
[ claims to be last edited 1994 ]
a. Nostradamus on the dangers of weaponry mixed with natural disaster
b. Weather modulation devices go awry, cause ice and hail
c. Nuclear reactor meltdown near city with underground chambers
d. Space shuttle accident releases microorganisms into atmosphere
e. Devastating accidental weaponry explosions from earth tumult
f. Ruptured earth energy fields cause meteorite storm
g. Research into warping time leads to disaster
h. New, horrific, secret, radical weapons monstrosities in WWWIII
i. Atomic device creates greenhouse effect, devastates agriculture
j. Death by the “milky rain” weapon
k. “Explosion of light” causes horrible birth defects
l. The top-secret earthquake-triggering weapon (“ETW”)
m. Diplomacy dies with international ETW terrorism
n. ETW unleashed on San Andreas and New Madrid faults
o. Antichrist obtains ETW through espionage, bribery, treachery
p. Death by radio waves
q. Human eugenics research advanced by the King of Terror
r. Eugenics scientists meet grisly deaths from public backlashhttps://irenaroglic.si/wp-content/uploads/slo/zanimivo/nostrad.htm
Here’s the Nostradamus claim that purportedly foretold the 9/11 attacks:
“In the year of the new century and nine months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror. The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city.”
Problem being that’s at odds with the belief that the buildings in question were detonated from within
Quite apart from which a genuine prophet “speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort” (1 Corinthians 14:3)
Doom & gloom soothsayers might touch on an ELEMENT of truth but they don’t have the capacity to proclaim THE truth
What you’re missing is that they go out in full consciousness intending to fulfil these prophesies as best they can and if you don’t believe me what about your buddy Jesus riding the donkey through the gate on Palm Sunday.
Thinking on the subject of foul smelling fog being a chem trail type dispersed toxin, I asked myself why would these criminals foul up the air that they themselves have to breathe? My answer was that maybe these chemicals only affect those that had the Covid-19 “vaccine”. In other words the chemicals need to have a “seed” on which to become toxic. That “seed” is provided by the elements in the “vaccine”. Remember not all that had the “vaccine” are dying prematurely. With a much larger number dying after inhaling the fog, real panic may set in. This could cause the military to become involved and the use of the so far unused FEMA camps.
Old school
Acknowledging Karen Wetmore and Colin Ross and Mary Maxwell
Remember James Giordano of the “new battleground is the mind” or similar
Now he is trying to alter your brain programming with “the cloud” ( not “the fog” )
The first time you hear him it’s absolutely chilling this psychopath talking.
But second time around and we are getting used to all this stuff.
Anyway he is on the last couple of minutes of this fog news bulletin