J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
One thing can be said in favour of the two-party system, that is that it caters very well to the intellectual feebleness of the electorate taken as a whole. Operating somewhere within the limits of that dichotomy appears to be a requirement for most agendas to succeed.
We have now a failing ALP government whose members are becoming more panicked and desperate every day, thanks mostly to their “The Voice” concoction, the drowning economy, and the previous bi-partisan virus hysteria.
The opposition leader, Peter Dutton, is most conspicuous for having softened his image with an oversized pair of black-rimmed spectacles, but this is not the most interesting thing about him in this situation. The most interesting thing is that he was formerly a cop. Dutton left the Queensland Police in 1999, having achieved the rank of detective senior constable after about ten years of service. He worked in the local vice squad and with the National Crime Authority. Quoting the NCA Chairman of that era, “We are dealing with the most evil, calculating and manipulative people who have significant financial resources and good reason to stop us in our work or harm us as individuals”.
Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison was given a Legion of Merit military medal by President Trump for “leadership in addressing global challenges”, in other words for reasons which were perhaps not completely clear. The late Japanese PM Abe and current Indian PM Modi also received one. These latter two are not renowned for co-operating with “Operation Warp Speed” and Abe seems to have paid the price for his stance, in a rigged and very phoney televised assassination drama. India is naturally resistant to Big Pharma, partly because of the expense, partly because of strong traditions and partly because the destructive “modern diet” has not intruded so much into the traditional Indian diet, as yet.
Let’s have a look at some of the evidence suggesting that Australia could perchance be so lucky, as America’s most devoted ally, to be used as a detonator to help bring down Deep State elements around the world.
Morrison tried to bring local TV celebrity Pastor Brian Houston with him to a dinner event with Trump but the very odd addition to the guest list was rejected. This incident has turned out to be a kiss of death for the sex-scandal tarnished Houston, previously noted as a conspicuous consumer and author of the book “You Need More Money”.
From a review, “…Brian Houston (deals) with wrong thinking passed through religious tradition… Brian challenges you to look beyond yourself, live according to the principles of God and see His blessing on your life as you become a money magnet.”
“… during one 2019 trip to the U.S., Houston spent $55,000 in church funds to charter a private jet to fly him and two colleagues from California to New York City. That same trip, he spent $7,000 in church funds on a multi-night stay at the Soho Grand Hotel in Manhattan. And he charged over $12,000 to Hillsong for a shopping trip at upscale fashion store Tom Ford.”
It’s all coming out now. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Spokespersons from the ALP have been getting a very rough trot by commercial TV, particularly Channel 9, and must be dreading appearances, and taking extra blood-pressure pills before going live to air.
How can they push positions so manifestly idiotic as to tell everybody to take five “boosters” and in support of “the earth is boiling” when the midsummer temperature is 20 degrees in England while in Australia it’s snowing. Their bungling incompetence can be simply explained by the covert United Nations’ directives they are receiving.
They also take inspiration from the Deep State in the USA which is trying to gaslight the whole country, without much success. Certainly, some of the mass-hypnotised useless eaters have the same vote as anyone but it hardly matters when the voting system is so corrupt, being re-jigged in every conceivable way. The motive is undeniable, there is an infestation of corruption throughout.
Here in Australia, the Australian Electoral Commission wasted a million dollars trying to cancel the UAP’s Craig Kelly on petty and vexatious charges which came to nothing. For an average person, a million dollars equates to a lifetime of tax paying. This is simply thrown straight to the toilet in the mischievous errand of a corrupt administration, attempting to protect its vested status quo interests. The UAP will promote this story and it won’t be forgotten at the next election.
The Australian newspaper’s Sherri Markson was let off the leash and got ten pages of the Weekend Magazine including the front page and also the top story front page of the main newspaper. It seems Mr. Murdoch is happy to throw the collaborators under the bus, slowly. Murdoch likes to run with the winners so he is drifting away from the forced injections programs. As a eugenics exercise, it has already had some success, and in terms of statecraft, it’s foolish to aim for 100% of anything.
“The Voice”, mystery box of constitutional change, has been partly hoisted by the petard of Roger Cook, the new Premier of W.A. with his assault on farmers. Problems with “The Voice” are currently being addressed with a million-dollar advertising campaign. The undecided have decided to watch Netflix instead.
The latest dysfunctionality schemozzle includes the massive budget allowance for the Department of Home Affairs (DOHA). They got simultaneous Channel 9 & Sydney Morning Herald coverage (The failing Fairfax newspaper group was bought by Channel 9 a few years ago).
The flagship 60 minutes (Australia) “Home Truths” episode was a savage indictment on the DOHA which is being accused of various types of human trafficking and working at the behest of the “Albanian Mafia”. It seems that mafia interests from Ukraine found it more convenient to operate a short way away in Albania. Not least it’s closer to Switzerland and banks which don’t ask too many questions.
This broadside attack from 60 minutes is well worth a close look despite the multiple messages from sponsors preceding the actual episode.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers is running scared and will alter the RBA’s mandate, away from the “inflation taming” hoax and towards fuller employment. He is a professional career politician and does not want any setbacks such as a massive recession, which we are heading rapidly into, courtesy of their RBA with its phoney independence. Perhaps the only independent part is the Governor’s mouth.
The government’s statistics for full employment are highly dubious but in any case running the wrong way. Anyone aged 40 or younger would probably not remember that former PM John Howard changed the statistics by an increment of about 2%, saying he was aligning them with the Global method. This meant people working just one hour a week would be included among the employed. So we can see, more than 20 years ago, politicians of the “right” were already under the thrall of Globalists, indeed, Globalism itself was announced around that time.
There is no doubt that similar statistical fudges are used at present, to engineer the false data underpinning the Climate Change advertising. Every type of lie is now being used to drive that agenda, on a daily news cycle. Even a puddle on the road is evidence of Climate Change and Global Warming continues even where the evidence is of cooling, such as where you live.
The controlled media is perhaps the most deliberately ignorant of all the corrupt Globalist agencies and unquestioningly compares the current employment statistic with the 20th-century statistics as if they were on parity. They certainly are not; 6% unemployed now translates to 8% unemployed pre-2000, a massive and virtually recession-defining shift. Treasurer Chalmers tells us he will fix the RBA before Christmas. We are frequently told the RBA is independent, this is like saying a horse is independent of the rider sitting on its back and whipping it.
The latest public housing push equates to a soft communist agenda, as in, give a man a fish and he will need another one tomorrow, versus teach a man to fish and you lose control of him. Many are satisfied with their status as a useless eater and see no other option. The major demographics of society crush against each other forming an almost immovable mass. The useless eaters, the zero-aspiration working poor, the middle class with their vested interests, the uber class with their insatiable money lust, are deadlocked against each other. The lowest classes see communism as favourable to their interests, perhaps a comfortable room in a hi-rise or an extra $50 per week, not realising or caring that they will have to be mRNA treated and eventually genetically modified as part of the price.
Brett Sutton and his sister-in-law Jane Halton, two conspicuous backroom operators behind the disastrous Covid response, have slithered into the shadows and we don’t hear much of them anymore. They won’t be forgotten though, like Don Bradman, their legend will live on.
Now we see the Citizens Party is taking on ASIC, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. This entity has long been a target of criticism and their defence has always been the claim that they are under-resourced. The truth no doubt lies somewhere in the middle. The political champion here is reportedly Senator Andrew Bragg, recently featured here:
Was Senator Bragg an infiltrator to Klaus Schwab’s YGL? Most likely he has simply decided it’s in his best interests to get the hell out.
Some others are already out, notably Malcolm Turnbull, who was involved in our defacto Uranium Board along with Julie Bishop and the London connection, Alexander Downer, who is no longer High Commissioner, having been replaced by his university chum George Brandis in 2018, (and now since January, Stephen Smith, a wallpaper toned ALP politician from Western Australia).
The Uranium Board ran under its own steam but the concept of alternative energy embraces all sorts of new tech, much of which is well-hyped and incapable of delivering, most tragically Carbon Capture and Storage. It’s the art of selling a useless pile of junk for an exorbitant price and now appears to be overshadowing Turnbull’s “Snowy 2.0” project, which ties in with wind power as the most viable form of energy storage. Is all of this really as underperforming as they say or will it all turn out well enough after all the cost blowouts? Malcolm Turnbull is no longer floating around giving us updates. It does appear however like yet another money laundering exercise, where tax is extracted from citizens and delivered to capitalists under the guise of environmentalism. Kickbacks in the form of career advancement go to organisers and the whole circus fades into history while the winners count the money. It seems it is all happening around this area. Some of the under-performing charmers reaching high levels in government, such as Julie Bishop, need to be closely watched.
In summary:
Now the politicians have broken the economy with their “independent” agency the Reserve Bank Board trying to cover up their lies about the causes of inflation. Thousands of people are being driven to the wall as jobs evaporate and social structures disintegrate thanks to years of relentless government overspending, on items such as booster injections.
It’s no wonder the previous government made little effort to win the election, in fact, seemed satisfied to have lost it. In this climate there will be a bloodlust from the public who have been unpleasantly dislodged from their pre-Covid floating-dream lives.
Whomever can take a few scalps will be well regarded in the future, and as we know the future in politics is simply the next election.
Whether this turns out to be a squib or leads to a great purge in Australia’s higher echelons remains to be seen. Now the Mainstream Media has decided to start delivering some of the truth, previously omitted, it’s over to the public to create the necessary unrest. The alternative is to be sucked dry by communism.
We seem to have gotten into another abusive relationship, trouble with this current vanguard of foisted gaslighters is lots of gas but no light for you.
Julie Bishop, a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in haute couture
A truly horrible person who reflects all that is wrong about Humanity.
The fall of the Central Banking system is currently in full swing, as too the downfall of ALL Globalist/Deep State installed governments.
That’s it: Earth really is the Mad Blue Ball:
Elbow Gump can push his Voice as hard as he likes using all the energy of his ABC-TV minions pumping it out between advertisements for ClimateChange™ but success is unlikely. Meanwhile even Channel 7 is ridiculing global warming by running a news item saying the oceans have warmed and it is making the sharks confused and angry, the news item stopped abruptly there, it seems it reached the limit of stoopidity. The public is wising up to all the lies and probably will not trust Elbow again unless the bread and circuses get turned up to a really high level. Is Elbow capable of further maxing out the national credit card ? Don’t know but maybe. So the reason his Voice is going down in flames is because people don’t want to pay any more bills. There are already too many bills.
The local council expands its “services” to include every damn thing instead of letting people do what they want. ONE ANONYMOUS COMPLAINT is enough to shut anything down unless it has been registered and licensed to the local council, who then invents a business liaison and business advisory service, what the …? The council cannot even run itself properly.
They shift their engineering and planning to outside contractors without a break in the bills to the public, next these “building surveyors” go rogue.
Councils can’t recycle the rubbish, it just goes up in flames when the facility is full. They can’t do roadworks efficiently, they work to a budget which is always too high, and they jack up their rates by independently assessed GRV ( assumed rental return ) multiplied by an increasing % of GRV, double dipping the increases !!!
Their enterprise success rate is lucky to be 50/50 with dimwitted programs substituting for just letting people go ahead and do what they want to do, “:free market” style. Government thinks free market and free trade is an opportunity for over regulation. In fact Government thinks anything can and should be regulated and charged, leading to more and more bills.
When the bills reach 100% of your disposable income, you have reached the goal of communo-fascism.
So, nobody wants Elbow’s Voice in their ear or face, it is just more Big Government sucking out money and who in their right mind wants that. Unfortunately the real reason behind Elbow’s Voice is far more complex, presumably to do with signing over Australia Inc to Globalists. My view of Australia is like strata title, we have a Terra Nullius with 6 Crown (e)states layered on top by law of the Doctrine of Discovery as delivered by papal bull (Crusaders) about 800 years ago. On top of that layer we have a federal layer which was done by the people under the auspice of the Crown but is now being usurped as Australia Inc to Globalist (UN) interests. The Terra Nullius is to be legally usurped ( probably by swindling present-day aborigines out of their status ) while the Federation already has gone, courtesy of Whitlam and Barnard and the Emu and Kangaroo. It’s a legal spaghetti and a feast for lawyers, only the outcome is clear to me, “You will own nothing”.
Just look at any real (royal) estate land title, the owner is called “the tenant”.
Joe – The Australian Government Corporation is insolvent and has been since, 2020, along with all other Corporate Governments.
If we all chose to say, ‘no more of the bullshit, we no longer comply,’ the whole system would collapse like the House of Cards that it is.
And you won’t find that on RealRawNews.
BOMBSHELL: Pfizer employees were given a special batch… different from what was forced into the general population
Q by M Roberts
News from 2 years ago, Bill Gates releases GMO mosquitoes in Florida
The mosquitoes deliver Gates’ GMO concoctions when they bite you
Verified myocarditis rate went from 1 in 1 million to 200,000 in 1 million post jab. Of the 200,000 per million half will not make it beyond 3-5 years. So Bill is making good on his Ted talk goal of reducing population by 10-15% via “doing a good job on vaccination and birth control”……
Evil rules, controlled truths spill…prepare for WAR.
No war – Trump is the Trumpet and the Peacemaker.
We now have an extra expense in the making. New suburbs not allowed gas installation.
What happens when electricity cannot cope with extra capacity? Simple answer the carbon dioxide producing gas that would have been used for cooking and heating will now be stolen by electricity producers and the price of electricity will go through the roof.
Not our fault. Of course not, only another catastrophe caused by government taking orders from the Globalists.
More astonishing bullshit from our best and brightest and I have heard some talk about new buildings having to decommission gas everything and switch to electric, such unbelieveable bullshit they have a name for it I’ll try to find it
From the WEF, “ESG”
YouTube Bans Australian Parliament Speech For First Time In History
1 month ago
“We need to look into how the Australian government stopped working for the Australian people and started to work for the pharmaceutical industry”.
ASIC Ordered the Manipulation of Australian Democracy
38,272 views Jul 18, 2023
For the past 9 months, Senator Bragg has been pursuing ASIC over the question whether it attempted to manipulate the Australian Senate on the morning of 27 October 2022 regarding the establishment of the current ASIC inquiry.
ASIC has confirmed that it did speak to Australian Senators and/or their staff prior to the vote in the Senate, but that communication was purely for information gathering purposes.
However, in the past week, John Adams has been able to obtain a smoking gun internal ASIC email via the Freedom of Information process from the morning in question.
The email shows that ASIC Chairman Jospeh Longo giving the order to his government relations team that he would like Senator Bragg’s motion to be altered. The response was that manipulating the Australian Senate was indeed possible.
This email proves the existence of a conspiracy ordered by the ASIC Chairman to manipulate the Australian Senate in complete contradiction of the constitutional doctrine of the separation of powers.
The revelation of this smoking gun email chain guarantees that this matter will now be referred to the Senate Privileges Committee for an independent investigation.
John Adams and Martin North are heroes – they put themselves out there to expose what they believed needed to be exposed at obvious risk to themselves.
Full registration granted for Pfizer COVID vaccine Australia.
Doublespeak and beyond, all natural resources exported as we disconnect gas nationally, building windmills that generate sweet fa. Developing million dollar apartments just below the great divide blue mountains, accomodating new Aussies cashed up and connected, keeping dream alive in the not so great replacement. Don’t worry, be happy slaves in the 5G barn where all are hooked to dc metaverse credit score, watchin’ footy and block with voices we never had.
Time to read His story, and pray for redemption fellow sinners, here where some are way more crook than most.
Anyway, always thank God for every living moment and if you can expose the beasts loaded with our blood sweat and tears.
Cheers with a good grilled dory.
Pfizer Australia executives admit importing a separate batch of mRNA covid jabs for company employees,not tested by the TGA.
Pfizer: “No one was forced to take a vaccine”
They know what’s coming and desperately try to get out of it. Now they will blame the politicians to save their lives. They know it will unravel.
August 5, 2023
“… I am convinced that no one was forced to take a vaccine. Mandatory vaccines are vaccine requirements set by governments and health authorities. We believe everyone has been given the opportunity to get a vaccine or not. I don’t believe anyone was forced to get a vaccine.” – Pfizer
“They know what’s coming and are desperately trying to get out of it. Now they will blame the politicians to save their lives. They know it will unravel. In Britain we all remember those who insisted that people should be vaccinated to work in care homes and fly planes and we know those who promoted the vaccine such as UK Prime Minister #Sunak who made huge profits by selling $500 million from investing his personal fortune in Moderna while declaring them to be “safe and effective.”
In the end, they will not be able to walk down the street.- ‘Q’
The beast is the Crown, which controls governments and is above all laws. It bankrupts farmers, traders and trades sending them with families out from their homes, leaving most broken and terminally depressed. Far from being happy owning zero and in debt homeless.
Their aim is destruction, the eugenicists holocaust directive by Prrbright Wellcome Trust, now with jabs injecting taking souls.
Euthanasia bill kicks in November, legally children 14 years old and up can be murdered with a smile. All thanks not to Doherty Institute, the red dragon beast defacto boss here in plantation damnation.
Indeed you are correct, but who, or what, was in control of the Beast?
A clue: Why was the military alliance involved in clearing out the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) all around the world, since 2018, and what was being rooted out and then killed off?
Billy Russell On Behalf of the Working Classes – YouTube
Encyclopedia Britannica
Illuminati, designation in use from the 15th century, assumed by or applied to various groups of persons who claimed to be unusually enlightened. The word is the plural of the Latin illuminatus. According to adherents, the source of the “light” was viewed as being directly communicated from a higher source or due to a clarified and exalted condition of the human intelligence. To the former class belong the Alumbrados (Spanish: “enlightened”) of Spain. Spanish historian Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo first finds the name about 1492 (in the form aluminados, 1498) but traces them back to a gnostic origin and thinks their views were promoted in Spain through influences from Italy. One of their earliest leaders—indeed, some scholars style her as a “pre-Alumbrado”—was María de Santo Domingo, who came to be known as La Beata de Piedrahita. She was a labourer’s daughter, born in Aldeanueva, south of Salamanca, around 1485. She joined the Dominican order as a teenager and soon achieved renown as a prophet and mystic who could converse directly with Jesus Christ and the Virgin. Ferdinand of Aragon invited her to his court, and he became convinced of the sincerity of her visions. The Dominicans appealed to Pope Julius II for guidance, and a series of trials were convened under the auspices of the Inquisition. Her patrons, which by then included not only Ferdinand but also Francisco Cardenal Jiménez de Cisneros and the duke of Alba, ensured that no decision was taken against her, and she was cleared in 1510.
Klaus Schwab and the Bloodlines of the Illuminati
If you cannot notice the many similarities between Justin Castro and his real father, then you ain’t lookin’ too hard.
Tanya Plibersek from Elbow’s ministry of truth is still defending his “Voice” saying we will find out who we married on the way out the door. Even the state of Victoria has given up on it. It just doesn’t make sense that anyone should trust any of these governments these days after the forced injections debacle. People were murdered deliberately, by the likes of Grek Hunt. He knew what he was doing and he knew he would be found out and that’s why he ran away so quick. He ordered enough injections to dose everyone in the country about five or ten times. They were paying about $20 per shot. They will all be past use-by by around now. Grek Hunt delivered all this money to Gates & Co. What was the quid pro quo ? For those who don’t know, Grek Hunt’s family business involved an ingredient in the toxic brew, namely graphene. This would be a private company I think it’s safe to assume.
“… the love of money is the root of all evil …”
( attributed to Saul / Paul )
The whistleblower Karen Kingston just posted on her substack that she is concerned about her son and mother as neither have contacted her in over a week….
Well Jesse Ventura went off the grid to Mexico probably about a decade ago and IceAge Farmer just disappeared, probably busy setting up stuff. Others such as the inventor of the PCR test got snuffed, even relatively minor offenders like Anthony Bourdain got snuffed. If you went to the airport they can meet you at the other end because they’re pretty sure you aren’t carrying any weapons and when you’ll be there. From your link the stuffed dog photo is probably most interesting, perhaps the dog got stuffed already and the rest is hackers. Next KK may be persuaded to work for the controlled opposition.
Amazing George Webb interview discusses the future of drugs designed entirely by artificial intelligence and how that overlaps with the mRNA platform design already overtaking the pharma industry. Also covers what George calls the fake “China Lab” story and why he feels this is not what it seems. Most alarmingly covers the concept of a “kill switch” or “life switch, and whether he feels the first round of COVID-19 injections were simply priming us or the next step — to use George’s analogy, the first round could have been like setting up a drilling platform. The next ones might be installing the drill.
Basic idea is that you have to pay to stay alive and not be switched off……predictive programming from movies!!!!!