Home Conspiracy The Great Awakening Comes With The Storm

The Great Awakening Comes With The Storm


Intro by DM

For discussion while I remain away:

SG Anon: Discussion about Q, Nesara / Gesara – EBS Is Coming and The Great Awakening Comes With The Storm.



  1. If you really wish to know just how corrupted our country has been made, and how ineffectual, voting, referendums, petitions to parliamentarians or any of the other corrupted institutions has become a complete waste of time, then listen to what John Wilson, once head of Trades Hall exposes about what he has come to know.

    Graphic language warning, John Wilson does not dance around personal sensitivities you may live by, he gives you the Truth, warts and all.

    If you cannot handle the Truth, then don’t watch it!


  2. Well Dee,
    This stir is going to put the cats among the poor pigeons with feathers flying.
    Time for everyone to loosen up.
    For an introduction to your new world, Try David Wilcox’s recent at before its news.com.
    Drop the first ten minutes and get into the messages to be interpreted from the decades of crop ‘circles’ which includes dealing with the Trump ‘miracle’ survival.
    I told you all that I am crazy.!🙀👻🤷‍♂️

    • That guy can sure talk! He had one show there some time ago that ran for nearly three hours.

      I love his take on the Aussie accent.

      I dare anyone to try and catch him out on anything – mission impossible!

      • 💁🤪I Very rarely took any notice of him, but his crop circle ‘Experiences and analysis’ reported in his report now make sense of the phenomena since I ‘wondered’ through the crops back in the 1970’s.
        Things are coming to fruition with all considered.
        I concluded about a decade ago how they were made……. Latest stuff affirms my opinion.
        No doubt some norms will claim that they were a product of groups with rakes etc. they are the same people who think 2 planes brought down three high rise buildings on 911.
        I have been surrounded by idiots since I was 17 years of age, they have no clue of reality. I had to wait till I was about thirty to be game enough to tell them so. I am still on the job ….. discreetly💁💁🤪
        But I am still surrounded……. Especially here at gumshoe.

        • The idiots still will not watch Mary at situation update to consider.
          If she listened from 28 minutes she might know that her country INCORPORATED GOVERNMENT is stuffed. Plus a bit more till she cannot face reality.

        • I posses a small library. I have at least two books on the crop circles, one a very detailed investigation by several ‘scientists’ who actually set up a video to record a crop circle being made and recorded the event.

          And it wasn’t by two plonkers with a foot paddle each, setting about trampling over a wheat field, or other crop, over a few hours.

          A TV crew once asked one of the 30 pieces of silver recipients, how long it would take them to do a full circle.

          His reply, “About two hours.”

          What occurred from that video set up by those scientists, was a highly detailed diagram when viewed from an overlooking hill or from an aircraft, and not just a simple circle. Several folk, including those scientists, easily interpreted what was rendered as a ‘message’ and the crop diagram, as they should be termed because they stopped being simple circles some decades ago, were completed by what can only be described as a ‘light’ that was very busy, flitting here and flitting there, over a period of 10 minutes. And as it ‘flew’ over the crop, the plants would fall over into a pattern that the two boofheads, who of course got all the media attention, could only dream about in rendering over many days.

          What is compelling whenever a crop diagram occurs, and as to whether it has been rendered by a pair of idiots or not, is that, when the crop is pushed over from the use of a wooden foot paddle, the pressure breaks the stem of the crop, so as to kill the plant itself, and that is easily verified, whereas, in the real crop diagrams, the plants are simply pushed over, and re-right themselves some time later, so that the farmer does not lose that part of his crop.

          The stupidity of attempting to discount what is obviously an extraordinary event verging on the paranormal, is simply breathtaking in its idiocy. Nothing to see here folks, keep moving along with the rest of the herd.

    • ‘Paranoid conspiracy theorists’.
      Defined in the last ten minutes from about 1.45.
      Better listen from the beginning and determine what you are🙀😀💁
      Seems that the military consensus is …… as disclosed in the last ten minutes

      • As Q has frequently mentioned in posts – Optics are important.

        From a Q post some years back – The shot heard around the world-Q

        How along ago was ‘Butler’ being planned?

        Would the Deep State have carried out an attempt on Trump without covering every aspect of an operation so as to limit the failure of such an attempt, especially considering just how desperate they have now become to be rid of Trump?

        Is the ‘Butler’ incident reminiscent of a professional hit gone wrong, or it is an obvious false flag event carried out by White Hats to expose what the Deep State was planning, and along with it, all the players responsible for such an attempt?

        Cheatle, for one, comes to mind here. What others will she give away just to keep her neck from the noose waiting for her at Gitmo?

        My information is, that the Deep State were planning a real assassination attempt at one of the upcoming Trump rallies that would have killed, not only Trump, but hundreds, possibly thousands of others, which is why the ‘Butler Event’ was staged.

        Dammegard is a very astute observer of events, and of details within those events, that generally escape most observers.

    • That video is inconsistent with the videos showing Crooks crawling up the roof. Is it Crooks? Is it somebody else? Is it photoshopped? Is it Crooks going over to the second story window to get last minute instructions? – If anybody finds some extra information of how the video came into existence, please post it.

      • Terry/s
        911 has been analysed for over 20 years with nil resolution. All we know is that the official government nutters conspiracy theory is crap.
        The attempted ‘assassination’ of Trump will be analysed for the next 20 years with no resolution. All we will know is that the ultimate result will be another conspiracy theory which will be crap.
        Whilst entering this comment.
        Just heard on a news report ( 9am 2GB) that some Arab in custody for doing 9/11 with another/s has agreed to plead guilty to avoid the death penalty.
        Well there you go fancy that🤪🤷‍♂️
        All stitched up⚖️🍿.

        • BTW, I read before 2010 a report that the pleading Arab had admitted: ‘ I planned and did 911 from A to Z’ (paraphrased)
          He has been in custody since 2003.
          If he really said it he would have been shot the next day?
          America is a sad joke.

          • In the world of jokes, actually Malcolm comments on our 4 billion submarine order as, in effect, a joke, (my interpretation)
            Long time since he has actually made sense.

        • The hallmark of a false flag operation, is the tying up of all those, ‘loose ends’.

          Even if it means the killing of, or locking away the innocent.

          As Dave is always repeating over at X22 Report, it is the cover up that gets them in the end.

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