Home Trump The Harris and Biden Show Rolls Out

The Harris and Biden Show Rolls Out


by G5

Comedy Hour has begun. [See video at the end of the article] Get out the popcorn, it’s not going to stop until November 4.

Kamala Harris on the Biden Ticket

Indian Kamala’s face surgery, had the fake cheekbones inserted from inside the mouth. One could suggest a prior event had her fake brain inserted by a similar procedure.

On the study of their histories: both she and Biden are racists by the correct definition. Not a political throwaway.

He: because it variously suited his manipulated political agendas of the past. No less than Wallace, le May, et al.  She: because she has psychological issues concerning her birth and antecedents. Her heritage is that of an Indian slave girl, kept for various domestic duties. She is not Black, never was, and never will be. Which is how the fake ‘Of Colour’ phrase was invented by the Brigade of FemDemLoons

He supported Segregation and bussing. She had nothing to say beyond erupting on him during their failed primaries. She only became Black as a contemporary political convenience. As Warren pretended she was a Cherokee. They cling to race and religion while lecturing that those attachments are meaningless.

If Biden was genuine, all his public access files of his Forty-Eight years as a clueless public servant would be out of their bunkering at the University of Delaware. Actually: I am reasonably advised that they have been moved, sanitized, and secretly warehoused by Biden’s handlers. These public records were stolen from Congressional Archives under the ruse of a public access library for Biden’s magnificent public service history.

They contain; not only the verification of Biden’s lust for molesting young women, and the truth concerning his wife’s death, but his corrupt, fraudulent activities, and deep racist beliefs. Recall HRC’s racist comments to Black journalists.

Harris not only called him out for racism but publicly stated she sided with the women he had molested. At the end of the day, the Subpoenas currently served on the University of Delaware will fail, because the files are not there.

Biden’s handlers would have fared better had they chosen Gabbard. But they wanted a fool to allow Biden to appear to be in command of his own mental capacities. Both Biden and Harris tanked in the primaries. Trump drew the largest vote in US political history. 130,000 to the prior highest of Soetoro at some 49,000.

Biden fell off the table. She pulled two percent and dropped out early. Popular votes are marred by frauds. Primaries are correct indicators, and the decisions are made by the Electoral College.

The recalcitrant fake polls indicating the Biden-Harris Ticket ahead is derived from suppression polling. Twenty-Four percent only of GOP voters are included in the mix. They did the same in 2016. 2018 was a monstrously manipulated timorous fraud. It destroyed what remained of the absurd Democratic Party. The realities of virtue signaling and design politics played out for all to see.

The failed attempt to link to the victimhood of the enslaved Blacks by sub-continent Indians and Hispanics. The Blacks and Native Indians don’t wear it. So who is that projected audience? The White intellectualized, moralized, ideologized morons.

The front Pelosi Face Pull (note the changed eyebrow positions) was traditional and tied behind the ears. Her history is found in Brown’s Town, St. Ann, Jamaica. She is a descendant from Hamilton Brown, the notorious Irish Slave Owner.

Biden could have just lost and gone away. Now he is competing with Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, Michael Dukakis, and HRC.

Wait for it … Sanders had AOC as his VP. I don’t know which would be more entertaining.

As my readers over the decades can attest: I have correctly predicted many events that occurred, and correctly analyzed many others; Harris will not cross the threshold of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

If you examine the list of front end Dems, there really is, nobody home.

The Fifth Column Collaborators

The Fifth Column Collaborators have become White Middle-Class College Imbeciles.

On presentation with their BLM handlers in the four main locations of; Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and Baltimore; they are chased off by the arrival of Black residents and Black small business owners, residents pointing guns at them. (They appear in front of homes in residential areas with their Fourth Estate photo op. partners in crime and demand White people leave their homes immediately and surrender to BLM, for Blacks to occupy what was stolen from them and in reparation.) Then they’re presented with the unfortunate immediate arrival of truckloads of federal policing forces from a local Federal building, or their worst nightmare of armed civilian militia groups.

The risk is a break from the militia groups. It would take less than five minutes for the scene to turn to a hundred-plus dead Collaborators. The scene they do not understand can occur.

Rather than that becoming an electoral problem for Trump, more than enough predicate has been played for the reverse. The 137 post-MLK murder riots, Kent State, The Chicago Dem Convention, The Watts Riots, and the many police killings of Blacks, including The Rodney King Affair, have all returned electoral backlash; not the reverse.

Quite apart from the long-proven incompetence and corruption of both Biden and Harris; which extends to their clueless handlers and the reassembly of the prior HRC machine for Harris; it would be incumbent upon Deep State to reassemble to function The US, and swerve The Western World.

This includes the salvation of The EU, with the added membership of The US. The true history of The EU is astonishing at the least.

The two views of America is stark. There are no cute flavours of events. There are no choices.


Biden won’t survive. Harris to become President and appoint HRC as Vice President. The latter a key speaker at the forthcoming DNC Convention. The entire front end of The Dem Party is delivering contradictory rhetoric, internally as well as externally.

HRC can destroy the very fabric of the United States. As did GHWB from 1981 when he became VP. It has only been recent months that Trump has won the International Drug Wars. The Coast Guard and the Marine Corps were deployed, and not a word in media. Kneeling at sports events held a higher priority.

One of the dispersions is to hold the Executive Branch, to destroy all the pending exposures and prosecutions, the causes of which they were attempting to hide from 2015. Knowing Trump would expose them.

The very reason why Barr and Durham (his report has already been released as Compartmentalised Top Secret. Everyone knows), will carefully drop the report in October 2020.

Harris was born in Jamaica. Soetoro in Indonesia and Scherff in Germany. But in these days of sewerage for smarts, backed by the compelling and rigorous evidence of; forgeries, concoctions, and deceptions; who cares.

The US election has a direct effect on the entire West, First World. Indeed the entire World. Which comes down to; electoral frauds, apathy, and the gross stupidity of the average American punter.

The generationally marginalized of the world, those in basic need, suffer the most under the ideological theoretical delusions of the First World Administrations, on which they might be dependent. Hollow policies are postured to win power. Non-accountability, non-transparency, and innate corruption are rewarded, as empathy and mouthings are long forgotten. The pyres of combustible civilization: the human condition.

In a sense, it is fortunate that both major political parties are owned by the same interests. Major errors can occur. Blythe and Soetoro should never have been permitted near the throttle. As demonstrated by the predictable socio-economic damage they caused. In both instances: eyes were shut and the disengaged and removed were permitted postured wins. The obtuse corrupt Blythe, his equally corrupt, disturbed, poncing paramour as de facto president, and the obtuse sitcom of the Soetoro Occupation, played as they would. Albeit, through those absurd years: the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The reality of the world.

Harris with 16 years, and Biden with 48 years, as public servants, have accomplished zero. But miraculously they now have populist, hinge word, drivel policies they will deliver.


As in 2016: The Fourth Estate is playing its part of incessant propaganda, catching the occasional breath to deliver a suppression poll, as some form of evidence.

If the numerous court cases currently afoot do not return that electoral frauds will occur, and Trump is not able to act to ensure the integrity of the ballot, then Trump is closely advised to cancel or postpone the election.

He ventilated this to the gawking West Wing spin meister delusionals on two airings to date. Missed, as they wallowed in their invented news cycles of; The Confederate Flag (actually a Dem invention, but why spoil a good fiction with fact), the imperative of disease proliferating face masks, and The NYT invented ridiculous Russian Bounties narrative.

If the line is pressed any further by the hysterical left, and its handlers, then the fear is that the four hundred-odd million small arms, currently held in private hands in the US will hit the streets and deliver the chafing message, in a memorable and meaningful manner.

The meetings of the Owners of The US, recently held at Bedminster, made their decisions. The Trump in hiding syndrome of the provocateurs peering (English not textese) from the east windows of their West Wing enclave, would only have overexcited their adrenals, causing involuntary bodily functions in the already disturbed.

Trump needs to clear some of the damage caused by the Dem handlers, and deliver a future vision for the silent majority to journey to the polls. Unlike what occurred in 2018.

As in October 2016, when the Weiner laptop was seized and Comey was forced into a waffle to protect his pay-mistress, expect revelations in October 2020. The punters have such short attention spans.

Not only does Harris have a horrendous record of; wrongful prosecution, manipulated exculpatory evidence, false imprisonment, and obstruction to releasing the proven innocent; but on the other side, she has blocked and refused to prosecute horrendous sex offenders.






    • Thanks for that link – I had watched it elsewhere and downloaded.

      But there are many great comments here – including the very first one by ‘Crask’ who has made many:

      Crask: a day ago

      *“I can’t help but to wonder if many of these people think they’re part of a secret clandestine organization fighting for good. All of those shows and movies that praised these super-secret organizations as being the noble good guys of impeccable principle who often do illegal things to stop some dangerous corrupt things from happening generated interest in joining them by young people. But then at some point, people have to realize that they are not the good guys because this is real life, not TV or movies written by leftist uncreatives. At some point, they have to say that they are going too far.

      But then one of the strategies of intelligence is that each only participating cog only knows their portion of what’s going on. I don’t know, but I feel for the kids who got drawn up into that because now any that actually did join such a thing are stuck fighting to kill and cause great suffering to those they love . . . unless they’re willing to die. The Democrats have been nothing but a blight on our nation, and all who help them are responsible for the people they’ve killed and will kill.”*

      Elsewhere Crask writes

      “Our Democrat politicians are irredeemably evil, and our Republican politicians are irredeemably cowardly. I think a lot of them are also stupid, like liberals.”

  1. Notwithstanding the reported opinion in the article, the smh ( nine network fake journos and fake ABC) and other village usefull idiot reporters at the smh will still attempt to dump trump with bs.
    Hey ABC and Nine Network journos; where will you find your next job?

  2. Sorry, ABC journos, you lot are secure, the tax payer pays Ita and Company over a billion per year plus interest on that debt.
    Just relax, you lot are safe, those who have to earn their livelihood at msm and now have to go on job seeker can go suck lemons.
    Tell us ABC, how hydroxychoquine with sinz may help you mums and dads in their nursing homes to be with you for more loving years. Just ask your pollies, who have banned the treatment. Could be a good subject for ABC Media ( inane) Watch.

    • ABC employees shivering in fear for their jobs, need leadership, the actual leadership on HCQ+zinc must come from Scotty, Gladys and Greg Hunt (I know this sounds stupid but anything’s possible).
      ALP is bolted on to lockdowns and no HCQ+zinc, this could be another point-of-difference leadership tilt career opportunity for Bill Shorten but everyone except Bill knows, we all hate him, so a win for Bill is another loss for the ALP anyway. Would ABC take their lead from ALP in opposition, maybe, I don’t claim to know.
      All the politicians have to do is quickly open up the trials and get some factual statistics into the Therapeutic Goods Admin instead of using their current bullshit methodology.
      They are scared Trump will lose, they have been listening to too much MSM.
      As for liberating the ABC, Dr Norman Swan needs to be removed and Dr Maryanne Demasi needs to be reinstated.
      It’s really time BigPharma was identified as an enemy of the people, most of us have worked out a good diet is a better way for us than consuming all of BigPharma’s latest inventions.
      If Hippocrates was around today he would say “First, do no harm, second, fix the diet”.

    • ABC employees shivering in fear for their jobs, need leadership, the actual leadership on HCQ+zinc must come from Scotty, Gladys and Greg Hunt (I know this sounds stupid but anything’s possible).
      ALP is bolted on to lockdowns and no HCQ+zinc, this could be another point-of-difference leadership tilt career opportunity for Bill Shorten but everyone except Bill knows, we all hate him, so a win for Bill is another loss for the ALP anyway. Would ABC take their lead from ALP in opposition, maybe, I don’t claim to know.
      All the politicians have to do is quickly open up the trials and get some factual statistics into the Therapeutic Goods Admin instead of using their current bull$#!& methodology.
      They are scared Trump will lose, they have been listening to too much MSM.
      As for liberating the ABC, Dr Norman Swan needs to be removed and Dr Maryanne Demasi needs to be reinstated.
      It’s really time BigPharma was identified as an enemy of the people, most of us have worked out a good diet is a better way for us than consuming all of BigPharma’s latest inventions.
      If Hippocrates was around today he would say “First, do no harm, second, fix the diet”.

    • Introducing Mikki Willis

      Surviving the Virus … Mikki Willis

      Mikki is the producer of the documentary Plandemic featuring Dr Judy Mikovits

      The full documentary “Plandemic – Indoctornation” is being released tomorrow on London Real as mentioned above

      Here is Part 1


      An appropriate anthem as we witness the Molochite/Baphomet worshipping Sabbateans [look up “1666: Redemption Through Sin”] implement martial law in New Zealand and Victoria under the smokescreen of the contrived fake ‘Virus ™.

      John Farnham – You’re the Voice

  3. “In 1930, after a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, as a result of the stock market crash of 1929, all western nations declared bankruptcy and the USA reorganised as a corporation.
    Since that year, there have been no nation states in power in the western world, they are all corporations.
    In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt was sworn in as President and the bankruptcy became “official”, with a plan with what is historically known as “The Banking Holiday”. This is when the banks closed for a few “holidays” as millions of customers were pulling their money out of their accounts.
    He then began to “stack” the Supreme Court with close associates who would support the bankruptcy plan.
    In the meantime, he proceeded with gathering in all the gold and silver coins to get them out of circulation.
    The “Corporate America” was created to replace the Constitutionally created United States of America by the founding fathers after the American Revolution in 1776.
    In reality, it is an illegal system imposed on the taxpayers to force them to pay off the bankruptcy debt in 1930. Known today as the Uniform Commercial Code it is a debt that can never be paid off.
    In Europe, the bankers, led by the Rothchilds and the Rockeffellers via the Federal Reserve in the US, had a gun at the heads of the other bankrupt nations.
    They had no alternative but to agree to pass the necessary laws over a period of years for the implementation of the bankruptcy in favour of the Jewish International bankers.
    In 1933, Adolf Hitler on coming to power in Germany refused to comply and instead removed all Jews from positions of power and influence. This eventually led to World War Two.
    The rest is, as they say, history. Only it was history written by the victors….the descendants of which are the New World Order.”

    • ’56’ , I rarely disagree with anything you have to say and fully concur with everything you wrote above (bar one minor matter).

      You wrote : “he [FDR] proceeded with gathering in all the gold and silver coins to get them out of circulation.”

      Whilst it’s true that FDR ordered that Americans had to hand in most** of their gold coins and gold bullion (**gold coins that had numismatic value that sold at a premium to those valued at bullion equivalent were exempt), silver coins remained in circulation.

      As Mary Maxwell will testify, dimes and above, which were 90 % silver were minted up until 1964.

      Thereafter, they were cupro-nickel (although 1965-70 half dollars were still silver – with a much reduced silver content of 40 %).

      So Gumshoe readers, go through your coin collections, if you some some pre-65 coinage, you’re on to a winner.

      Seeing as silver is over AUD $ 1100 /kg (and destined to go a lot higher as fiat currencies lose their purchasing power over the next 5-10 years). those silver coins (round 1966 50c coins / sixpences / shillings etc) may well one day feed your family for a week if and when our coming hyper-inflationary Depression kicks into high gear.

  4. This place has been handed to the CCP.. That is why all the moneyed players(philantrophists) are closing their businesses here and taking the money elsewhere. Similar to 1930 but exponential compared to then. They have taken our money and run. They know that like Hong Kong the party is over. The new boss is the goose stepping communist dictatorship via medical martial law with the code of vaccination ID surveillance gulag by the crown serco kabal mossad with the dragon beast ccp. Without knowing history we are bound to repeat it.

  5. I will go out on a limb and make a prediction. The Democratic Party will finally accept the self evident truth that Biden has rapidly advancing dementia and they will cancel his candidacy before the election. The VP will fall with him. Sudden scramble to find a new candidate and Lo and behold, who is ready and waiting but HRC.

  6. G5’s article has evidence-free statements like this : “It has only been recent months that Trump has won the International Drug Wars” and ” Knowing Trump would expose them”.

    Everything G5 said about Biden and Kamala are likely true – no disputes there.
    Neverthless, it would be nice to see at least a little more objectivity from G5 in pointing out Trump’s numerous shortcomings – like his foreign policy.

    The Ron Paul Liberty Report doesn’t shy away from it :

    The caption below the video reads :

    “President Trump has been consistent on Iran and, unfortunately, consistently wrong. His Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been foaming at the mouth for war with Iran for years, along with the various neocons like Eliot Abrams who serve as cogs in the war machine.

    As the US moves closer to war with Iran, the utter failure of Trump’s “maximum pressure” policy is laid bare. Unless this Administration wakes up to this failure and changes course, the future is dire for the US and the Middle East.”

    G5, it would be nice if you wrote things like this from time to time (rather than being a 24/7 cheerleader for Trump).

    Perhaps then, others would take you more seriously.

  7. The following article should be read by all Trump supporters – you in particular Phil (scroll down a little and begin reading after the header ‘The Case for Joe Biden’) :


    This is written by Jim Rickards, a dyed-in-the-wool Republican who voted for Trump last time around and was one of the few that forecast a Trump victory in 2016.

    But, he’s all but given up on Trump.

    Some salient bits from the article :

    “The case for Biden begins with the dismal state of the economy. Only three US presidents in the past 100 years have lost a re-election bid: Herbert Hoover in 1932, Jimmy Carter in 1980, and George HW Bush in 1992. What they had in common was a recession close to the election. All presidents who sought re-election and did not have a recession won.

    Biden also has huge leads in the polls. Using the RealClearPolitics poll (which averages numerous other polls), Biden leads Trump in the national poll by 49.3% to 40.7%, a significant 8.6% spread in favour of Biden.

    Biden leads Trump by 6% in Wisconsin, 6.4% in Florida, 7% in Pennsylvania, and 2% in North Carolina. The Pennsylvania lead is the most telling. It’s almost impossible for Trump to win re-election without winning Pennsylvania.

    In summary, the world has changed but Trump has not. He’s out of touch with the American people. He’s not responding to their needs — he’s not offering comfort, confidence, or leadership. Trump is headed for defeat unless he can execute a 180-degree turn in a matter of days, not weeks. The outlook is not promising for Trump. It is for Biden.”

    What Rickards doesn’t mention is that, and I believe Mary can confirm this, is even if by a miracle Trump managed to claw back and win in ALL the swing states ( Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan etc), if Trump can’t hold Florida (which is almost certainly going Democrat this time), he’ll still probably lose.

    And, something which is never on the cards seeing as it has always gone Republican for the last 40 years or so, is Texas.

    There is a REAL chance that Texas could flip to the Dems.

    As popular as Bill Clinton and Obama were in some of their resounding elections wins, NEITHER came even close to winning in Texas.

    Now polling suggests that Texas could go to the Dems.
    If the Dems win Texas, then it makes no difference what happens in all the other swing states combined. ie: Trump is GOOOOONE.

    Now, just for the record, in case anyone wondered, I DO want to Biden to win (or whoever will be his replacement once he comes down with Covid or whatever aliment they’re going to ascribe to him as an excuse to retire him to a nursing home / dementia ward).

    That because, whatever Dem takes the reins (as Terry Shulze has presciently pointed out in a previous post), will TOTALLY destroy what remains of the U.S economy.

    Yes, financially savvy readers among you will know that Trump was well on the way to destroying the U.S economy during his tenure and if he were re-elected he would have destroyed what remained in his second term.

    But a Dem administration will FAST TRACK the demise of the U.S and, applying the hare-brained MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) run even larger deficits, radically increase the rate of digitally created U.S dollars, thus eliminating the reserve currency status of the U.S dollar and eroding the value of the USD at an exponential rate.

    This will expedite the coming inflationary hyperinflation causing unchecked societal unrest ( riots / food and petrol shortages / possibly price controls that exacerbate the former) and massively reduce the potential for the U.S to engage in foreign policy misadventures and genocidal wars.

    Assuming the neocons / Zionist oligarchs that own America don’t start a nuclear conflagration as the U.S is in its death throes, this will lead to a more peaceful and stable planet Earth.

    For the sake of humanity, let’s hope for the rapid demise of the U.S.

  8. It’s like MSM meets National Enquirer sometimes, I think standards need to be raised, to sniff out neo-nazi fantasies and scrutinise them instead of unquestioningly providing free advertorial space

  9. It’s like MSM meets National Enquirer sometimes, I think standards need to be raised, to sniff out neo-nazi fantasies and scrutinise them instead of unquestioningly providing free advertorial space

  10. Arguably, the Roman Empire is still going after its official decline about 1500 years ago. They had all the famous dramas with Nero and so forth and kept going for centuries after.
    Now we have the US empire which I guess has to be dated from 1776, though only went really global much later.
    For months now we have been expecting Biden to nominate a “woman of colour” and the question immediately following is who will be the next VP following Biden’s cognitive decline, some are tipping Hillary, well they have all the dirt on Hillary so she will do anything. Who knows what the plan is to get Kamala out of the way! These plans are very long running. The WTC was built about 1970 probably with a view to its demolition 3 decades later. A short time in these calculations.
    Now for who is really running the show.
    We know the Bush regime (starting from the Reagan shooting and continuing at least up to the Trump win) began with a slave owner George Herbert Walker who did banking and shipping for the Nazis until the US government made him stop during WW2. We know about operation paperclip, the Nazis in Brazil growing cocaine, the coke epidemic, we have read elsewhere about the direct route through JEB’s state Florida to the Rockerfella owned Arkansaw distribution centre, with video testimonials from the likes of Cathy O’Brien.
    Rumsfeld, whose family was a recent arrival from Germany, was elevated under the puppet Gerald Ford administration’s “halloween massacre” along with HWBush. Prior to 2000AD he was boss of tamilflu and then in 2003 during the Iraq project startup, Singapore and Hongkong got a big dose of Sars, which eventually “just went away”. Fascinating if you don’t already know.
    Frankfurt, the centre of the Euro project (called 4th Reich by some) is full of pill factories, this is the general area Rumsfeld’s family migrated from. As for HWBush, he is remembered as CIA director during which time he obviously appointed everyone he wanted to and got rid of those he didn’t want. I would say Nazi 2.0 has learned the lessons of Nazi 1.0 and that is not to make unnecessary enemies, choose your enemies with a little care. This is something also practised by Trump. Nazi 2.0 has no issue with Jews and is happy to hybridise them on and let them have little Israel, which, even if it expands to the Nile and becomes greater Zion, still doesn’t amount to much. Personally, I hardly care about this Rotschild project, the Palestinians are just victims of a “terra nullius” type logic.
    Now look at the GDP figures to work out who is the tail and who is the dog and who is wagging whom.
    Rotschilds GDP base for UK and France less than $3T each, with Australia, Israel etc totals up to about $7T.
    US GDP $20T, Japan $5T, including other satellites this bloc would be about $30T.
    4th Reich Germany including Turkey and Euro satellites about $6T.
    US GDP $20T, Japan $5T, China $13T.
    Vatican net worth is a secret but Mormons are worth maybe $100 billion.
    We know that countries are bankrupted every few decades and a lot of wealth “redistributed” so even these very vague statistics have another huge variable thrown into them.
    But I think it can be seen that Nazi 2.0 is a sizeable competitor to the Zionists and not to be underestimated.
    Now for some more statistical data which is so vague as to be almost as meaningless as any other statistics.
    It could be said that about 50% of the population is smarter than average and 50% is dumber.
    Of the smart ones, about 50% could be more evil than average and 50% less evil.
    So if the smart evil 25% gain control of the dumb 50% they have a democratic majority.
    Therefore, defeating evil requires that the dumb 50% stop being manipulated.
    Well if the barely plausible comeback of Hillary eventuates, probably the dumb will get dumber.

  11. In case anyone missed it, do your own projections from Nazi drugs and pills experimentations, to BigPharma including Rumsfeld tamiflu (pre-2000) and SARS, to the current scamdemic.

  12. Interesting thesis dsw. However, it is wrong to compare the Rothschild net worth to a whole country like the US or China.

    Assuming there is a ‘Nazi 2.0’ of any importance, it’s net worth is negligible in comparison to the net worth of the ‘Zio 2.0’ network.

    Let’s put it in perspective.

    Zio 2.0 is the combined net worth of ALL the Zio families. Not just the Rothschilds. but the descendants of the Warburg, Schiff Oppenheimer dynasties etc.

    Add to that the modern Zio family fortunes of the Pritzkers (one of them is the governor of Illinois from memory), the Crown family (largest shareholder of the General Dynamics defence contractor), the Bronfman families and countless more – not to mention Australia’s contribution via the Pratt, Lowy, Triguboff families, and we have something which is orders of magnitude more powerful then any Nazi 2.0 entity you could ever dream of.

  13. Also ‘dsw’ , I didn’t mention the control that the Israel lobby exercises over the U.S Congress. You need only ask former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who said that everyone entering Congress is coerced to sign a loyalty pledge to Israel.

    I ask you, does the Nazi 2.0 entity (assuming it even exists) wield even one-hundredth as much power as the Israel lobby ?

    The fact is, Jewish donors (officially) contribute half all money to the major parties :


    Unofficially (ie: including under the table transactions etc), these parties are getting a lot more. Some researchers say that as much as two-thirds of donations comes from Jewish donors and the bulk of that money comes from rabid pro-Israel Zionists like Haim Saban who openly boasted :

    “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel.”

    I forgot to mention that, among the Zio 2.0 entity, we have Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson (largest donor to the Republican Party) and George Soros (huge donor to the Democrats over the years).

    Last, but certainly most, I forgot to mention the most valuable asset on planet Earth that’s owned by Zio 2.0.
    ie: the Zionist dominated Usury Banking Cartel (aka the U.S Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of England).

    It addition to the net worth of Zio-2.0 (which absolutely dwarfs that entity in second place), they can digitally create trillions with a few keyboard strokes.

    They have already created trillions in recent months in the wake of the Covid hoax. Add to that the trillions created over the years on Quantitative Easing, Bailouts etc, and we have an amount well into 14 figures (and that’s just the Federal Reserve).

    Add in the ECB and the Bank of England and it’s an absolute tsunami of credit creation.

    The BULK of this money has NOT gone to the working class masses but to Zio-cronies, thus further enriching them.

    To suggest that the Nazi 2.0 entity’s resources is anything more than a pin-prick in comparison to the Zio-cabal, would be very generous to the former, to put it mildly.

  14. What is Zio 2.0, what was Zio 1.0, I am not clear with your terminology.
    How did Zionists separate JPMorgan, Rockerfellas etc from the Fed.
    If the Zionists have so much control, what is Russia doing in Syria.
    I think you are seeing too many Jews in your woodpile.

    • You were the one that introduced the 2.0 suffix after the word Nazi so I mockingly countered with Zio 2.0.

      The fact is, after WWII there was NO Nazi organisation of substance anywhere in the world so the Nazi issue is long ago DEAD AND BURIED.

      However, various Zio-aligned individuals keep bringing it up because it fits in with the phony anti-Semitism narrative of keeping decent Jews alarmed so that they abandon their residences in western Europe / Nth America etc and migrate to Israel.

      As for the Zio-cabal, there is no need for a number to appear after the Zio header (be it 2.0 or 3.0 or whatever).

      That’s because it NEVER disappeared at any time, and in fact has gone from strength to strength over time.

      Henceforth it will be, as it has always been, referred to as the Zio-cabal only.

  15. Jews and Chinese did not so much take everything as they were given it by Christians.
    Silly Christians thought everyone was Christian and would play by the rules.
    Jews learned about money before everyone else, when the Romans started charging entry fees to their temple. When Jesus turned up and started wrecking the exchange buro the Jews were all watching. The Romans just minted money from nothing and swapped it for Judea coinage and then purchased anything they wanted. So the Jews learned about fixed vs floating exchange rates back then, and Jesus went to heaven, to consolidate the experience.
    I don’t buy anything from Zio-Facebook or Zio-Amazon but as JPMorgan is the biggest shareholder in Coles and Woolies I admit to having bought a few groceries from that cartel.

  16. ‘dsw’ , in relation to your question about ‘separation of J P Morgan and the Rockefellers from the Fed’ , you’re implying that J P Morgan (the man as opposed to J P Morgan the investment bank which exists today), was once an integral component of the Federal Reserve.

    J P Morgan the man, although instrumental in lobbying for the formation of the Federal Reserve, actually died in March of 2013.

    The Federal Reserve came into being nine months later.

    At the end of the day, J P Morgan wasn’t even as big a player as some had assumed. For example :

    “Biographer Ron Chernow estimated his fortune at only $118 million (of which approximately $50 million was attributed to his vast art collection), a net worth which allegedly prompted John D. Rockefeller to say: “and to think, he wasn’t even a rich man.”

    So, according to J.D Rockefeller, Morgan was no more than a peripheral player.

    Bottom Line: No need to separate J P Morgan from the Fed seeing as he was never ‘attached’ to it.

    As for the Rockefellers, I did refer to the Federal Reserve as the Zionist DOMINATED Usury banking cartel.
    In other words, Zionist dominate with some gentile ownership and input on the margins.

    And, assuming the Rockefellers are still Gentiles, they may still be among that minority that has some ownership of the Fed.

    You asked also WHY Russia is in Syria if the Zionists have so much control.

    Well clearly, they do not control Putin’s Christian (Russian Orthodox) Russia. That is why Russia and Putin are demonised from pillar to post in the Zio-owned western media.

    The Zionists do not control China, Iran, Nth Korea, Cuba or Venezuela either.

    And …. guess what, said countries above are all pariah states according to the the Zio-owned MSM.

    The Zionists control the entire WESTERN financial system and that is where their power base is. Enough of a stranglehold to lord over the bulk of the world’s GDP but still not enough for them.

    Lastly, as for your ‘ Jews in the Woodpile’ comment, quite clearly you have done next to no research on the entity that was behind the assassinations of JFK , RFK, MLK jr , Malcolm X and the 9/11 False Flag (just for starters).

    I suggest you get informed and do the requisite thousands of hours of research before making ill informed comments like that.

  17. You should take your own advice and re-read my comment above, on second reading you may notice I am attributing the current scamdemic to Rumsfeld and HWBush’s Nazi 2.0 network

    • I’m well aware that you were implying that the scamdemic (and/or) other malfeasance can be attributed to HW Bush’s Nazi network.

      But, to the extent there is any Nazi network (under the stewardship of the Bush’s or Rumsfeld), it is a non-entity when compared to the Zio-cabal.

      The fact is, various obfuscations have been created by the Zio-cabal to make it appear as though these are the true shadowy figures that control the Earth. eg: the Vatican, the Jesuits, the HW Bush Nazis.

      Just ignore them. They are a diversionary ruse to distract the gullible masses from the real miscreants.

      And whist the wealth of the Vatican, for example, might seem enormous relative the the lifetime earnings of a mere mortal, they are a rounding error in comparison to the Zio-cabal’s resources.

  18. JPMorgan bank revenue about $100 billion, I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it, and the top US banks control the Fed. So, you can’t work out who owns the Fed, because it is all so well hidden by accountants.
    Now you probably aren’t old enough to remember but after WW2 the English were all very, very skinny, at the same time in the 50’s the US started building “yank tanks” to get around in. It’s clear who was getting all the money and the US was swimming in it. The idea that Jews control everything is a deliberate diversion. If they owned everything Zion would be done years ago.

  19. dsw, you didn’t read what I wrote very carefully.

    I wrote in the very first paragraph : “J P Morgan (the man as opposed to J P Morgan the investment bank which exists today” , thus acknowledging the man (John Pierpont Morgan who died in 1913) and the NYSE listed investment bank that trades today.

    Yes, J P Morgan (the bank) is large, as far as banks go.

    And yes, like Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan may have some ownership of the Federal Reserve (although it’s somewhat opaque as to who owns what percentage of the Fed).

    But I ask you, WHO are the major shareholders of J P Morgan ?

    Just because the bank carries the name of a Gentile, it is by NO means majority owned and operated by gentiles.

    Do some homework my friend.

    You will see that J P Morgan, Goldman Sachs , Blackstone and Vanguard group ( the last two have TRILLIONS under management as opposed to the piddling $ 100 billion in revenue that floored you about J P Morgan), these are ALL ZIO-owned (for the most part).

    Yes, some teachers pension fund in California may hold 2 % and yes, Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway may own 1.4 % etc, but Zio-owned entities have the controlling shareholding.

    They are the leading shareholders of the Defence contractors ( Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman etc), they are the majority holder of big Pharma (Merck, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith Kline … etc).

    They CONTROL it all.

    There are NO HW Bush / Nazi entities that control more than a 5% share in the corner 7/11 store.

    These Nazis you speak of are a non-entity.

    dsw, you’ve been reading too much fiction peddled by Zio-owned publishing houses (yes, the own that lock, stock and barrel too), that keeps obfuscating with the Nazi nonsense.

    As for your statement : “The idea that Jews control everything is a deliberate diversion” , I am not claiming that the Jews control everything.

    Most Jews, like you and me are just going about their business, paying off mortgages, trying to make ends meet.

    There are however a subset of miscreants, some of whom are Gentiles no doubt but a great many more secular individuals that may or may not be of Jewish descent but claim to be Jewish (Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, Bronfmans, Pritzkers etc), and they are hard core committed Zionists, and these entities VERY CLEARLY have a controlling interest in ALL the major industries of the western world – but especially in the FINANCIALISED industries.

    This is an indisputable fact.

    I won’t spoon feed you. If you are not already aware of this, you have a LOT of catching up to do.(Start with the Balfour Declaration and how Jewish financiers orchestrated the entry of the US into WWI and funded the Bolshevik revolution in Russia for starters)

  20. Please don’t attempt to spoon feed me with old and well worn stuff, even if it may be new to you. Don’t conflate JPMorgan assets under management with income. Don’t make simple and deliberate mistakes in your arguments. If you read my generous educational comment more closely you would see I have said if the Zionists owned as much as you say they would have already achieved Greater Zion long ago, instead of nibbling away for decades.
    I have tried to instruct you about the link with Rumsfeld and the current scamdemic, and if you refuse to follow and simply rave about your “final solutions” such as destruction of USA etc I can’t help to educate you because you don’t want to be helped. You need to start by attending to your methodology, which is shabby.
    In simple terms, I am suggesting not everyone in your woodpile is a Jew and not everyone in your woodpile is fixated on Zion. That’s about all.

  21. ‘dsw’ , the ‘education you are offering me is one I can get from the corrupt western MSM.

    ie: an education in disinformation.

    You have an overinflated opinion of your knowledge. The fact that you believe that the Nazis 2.0 (assuming they even exist). an entity that has NO financial resources and no clout whatsoever, is capable of influencing anything or anybody of even 3rd rate geopolitical stature, tells me all I need to know about you.

    Yes, you are another pro-Zio apologist or one very uninformed individual.

    Take your pick – there is no other option.

  22. Meanwhile ‘dsw’, I have some news for your beloved J P Morgan – which closed last night around USD $ 98, giving it a market cap around $ 300 Billion.
    One of its previous largest shareholders, Warren Buffett has dumped hundreds of millions of $ of this stock (as he’s also done for his holding in the bank Wells Fargo).

    Because he knows what I’ve long known. ie: that U.S financials are toxic.

    Meanwhile, Buffett bought half a billion dollars worth of Barrick Gold (a gold miner) in June and rumour has it that he’s probably splurged on other gold miners in the the last 6 weeks.

    Now, I’m going to teach you a life lesson which will help you to not get too hung up on short term profit reporting from financials.

    In 2006-07, the world’s largest bank Citigroup (NYSE: C), had a market cap around USD $ 500 billion (MUCH higher then J P Morgan is today) and its share price was trading around $ 180.(historical price charts will show that it was as high as $ 540 but the graph is factoring in a reverse split where three old shares were consolidate to make 1 new share so the price never was that high).

    In that year before the GFC it posted a RECORD profit result.

    By early 2009 its share price had fallen to SINGLE DIGITS, as the bank was insolvent.

    The only reason it did not go to zero and declare bankruptcy was due to a last minute bailout from the US government.

    Anyway, the smart money today is shorting JPM because an apocalypse beckons in the coming years as the House-of-Cards (aka as the U.S economy and stock market), topples into a dung heap.

    Now, I’m not predicting a similar 98 % decline for JPM as experienced by Citigroup a dozen years ago.

    Of course, it SHOULD go to zero but JPM is a core holding in a lot of pension and retirement funds and its collapse would trigger panic amongst the ignorant masses.

    So, the Federal Reserve will digitally create more USD to prop up its price and the rest of the US stock market (it has ALREADY been doing that since March).

    Nevertheless, JPM is in for one almighty shellacking.

    Bottom LIne : I’m hoping that to spite me, you do the OPPOSITE of what I’m advising here (I’ve worked out from your infantile and financially unsavvy comments that you’re a stubborn S.O.B), and buy some JPM to show me I’m wrong.

    Then, I can sit back and watch you ‘ do your dough’.

    Now, I’m not nasty person. And, as foolish as you are, I don’t want you blowing your money. ( That money could be used more productively if donated to Dee who will assist mums who’ve wrongfully had custody of their kids taken away).

    BUT, you desperately need to lose some money as it will be a lesson in HUMILITY – a lesson you most assuredly need.

  23. ‘dsw’ , in case you’re not familiar with Dee, she is the editor of Gumshoe.

    Scroll to the sidebar on the right and click on the ‘Donate’ button – Dee would be most appreciative.

  24. You’re hoping I’ll do the opposite of what you say – most likely I will, and leave you guessing.
    For Buffett, nobody even told him, he had all the airline shares ! ! ! Forget Buffet, like various other things, your understanding is superficial and misinformed.
    For JPMorgan, if it has become worthless, that’s because it was stripped ! I’m not going to look up their share price, let alone buy any, unlike you I don’t care much about financial micro-details.
    So in terms of your agenda, destruction of the US, Jews and so forth, I can tell you’re very young from your naiivete, so you will have to live with the consequences longer than me. I’ll catch up with Dee in my own good time, at the moment, is not a good time obviously because of Rummy’s Sars 2.0, there, you can go and look up Rummy now and find out who he was.

  25. ‘dsw’, don’t read too much into my provocations.

    I like to niggle with everyone to get a response. I quite enjoyed our earlier interchange and it is clear to me that you’ve done quite a bit of research and that you’re on top of most of the issues.

    I’ve learnt a great deal from those posting comments in Gumshoe over many months and thank all of you for enlightening me – you included ‘dsw’.

    That said, I believe there is more than enough evidence out there to suggest that the over-emphasis of the importance of the ‘Nazis’ is a deliberate ploy by the Zio-cabal to deflect attention from their mischief.

    Meanwhile, my tirade about J P Morgan was also posted for the benefit of other Gumshoe readers.

    If the financials go belly up in the U.S, this will certainly affect the financial stocks in ALL western countries.

    Perhaps not to the same extent here in Oz as the fundamentals may be marginally better.

    But I can tell you something which you can take to the bank :

    If there’s a serious downturn in the property market in the next few years (and I believe there will be), our big four banks are in for a WORLD OF HURT. (ie: share price implosion).

    So, if you have holdings of them, you had better consider lightening your exposure to them (at a minimum) or bailing out completely if you’re risk averse.

    You heard it here first.

    NOTE: For any losses I’ve assisted in averting, please quantify them in dollar terms.

    I expect at least 5 % of said haemorrhaging of your share portfolio that I’ve helped you avoid should be donated to Dee at Gumshoe.

    That’s only fair.

    • You have saved me $0, why would I have bank shares, their margins have been getting squeezed at an unprecedented rate this year.

      • Good on you ‘dsw’ for having the foresight to bail out of the bank shares.

        BUT, I suspect you still unknowingly have exposure to them.

        If you have superannuation and it is managed by a third party, you will notice in the pie chart statement in the bi-annual or yearly reports that your fund, unless it’s an all cash interest earning fund, has exposure to Australian Shares.
        Most ‘Balanced’ and ‘Growth’ funds can have typically anywhere from 40 – 60 % of the funds invested in Australian Shares.

        And, bank shares make up a considerable chunk of that exposure to the Australian share market.

        Simply put, when the banks implode, your supperannuation nest egg will get decimated.

        I suggest to other readers that they consider switching to a fund with minimal exposure to the equity markets.

  26. Just in, an article titled : “Willie Brown Admits It: Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top” :


    From the article, it seems like Kamala’s “political patron, former lawyer to pimps, Mayor of San Francisco, and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, admitted he helped her get her political start.

    ‘Yes [says Willie Brown], we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

    And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco’.

    Now you know where we get these people from.

    Somehow Harris, who was in her late 20s when she dated the then [ugly-as-f#ck] 60-year-old married Brown around 1994, did so because he was just so very irresistible.”

    Now readers, many of you will be saying it’s not p.c to be ‘slut shaming’ anyone in this day and age.

    Well, in my opinion, if the shoe fits ….. .

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